or I guess I could share the last paragraph in the comments: Then the election happened. Even after the first Trump inauguration there seemed enough discrepancies and external factors (eg. gerrymandering) contributing to his being assigned victory despite losing the popular vote that I didn't feel moved to state that I was Afraid of Americans, just that they got saddled with a bad situation. And that wasn't posed-to-transform-society-into-a-dystopia Trump, it was funny accidentally-won, not-actually-all-that-interested-in-governing Trump, so the fail seemed more regrettable than a premeditated calculation to bring about the worst possible timeline. However, a big mandate on his third time up to bat with the worst offerings yet means it's really time for me to get around to it. What can I do as a Canadian playing squeezebox in his basement? As we wrote on the accordion buttons Bruce sells from his Etsy shop, to paraphrase Woody Guthrie: this machine irritates fascists.