I'm DELETING 1 Year of Progress on My FPS Game | Devlog

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@jonei 2 ай бұрын
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@Viltzu-hk5wh Жыл бұрын
To be fair that is crazy progress for a 1 man game in just 1 year!
@RustyBear Жыл бұрын
U should do both. Like when u use a gun then u are stuck on FPP, but when u use a horse or do other stuff than it would be interesting to see how it looks in third person
@sadjy Жыл бұрын
It's amazing how far you've gone with this project in this lapse of time. Keep up the inspiring work.
@jonei Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much my dude!!
@dogeatturtle 2 ай бұрын
I feel like there's too many special effects close to the camera. I think you should try to change the magic effects by making them smaller at first when launched and then getting bigger over time, until they reach their "normal" size.
@brokennewbs Жыл бұрын
For wall running- initial thought is you started this project with the idea to modernize a fantasy game and your provided gameplay does that. I can't think of a magic oriented game that has wall running and I think it looks dope. I know this adds an additional layer but what about a skill tree to limit wall running abilities to help balance veteran players vs new player? Combat- I think the system looks great. I can see myself learning the system pretty quickly with a little tutorial but even without it, as someone whose last magic game was skyrim, I think i can catch on quickly. I also think your instinct about trying to keep the combat "fresh" is on point. That has always been a turn off for me in previous games. POV- your switches between 1st and 3rd person seem awesome! again, more complexity but would it be a menu option for player to stay in 1st person during "dynamic" movement like wall running and horseback riding, dashing etc? I know you kinda avoided some of those options early on but I think that was partially because you entry level experience to all the programs and coding. Sorry for the long response, I am just very excited by the gameplay and progress you've made! Keep up the great work!
@jonei Жыл бұрын
I like your idea of a skill tree for the movement. I was actually thinking about implementing a armor weight system. Light armor making you able to wall run but you take more damage, medium armor gives you the ability to wall latch but not wall run (think like megaman wall jumping). And heavy armor gives you a higher defense but you can no longer wall latch/wall run. That way there is an easy way to balance it and it makes a easy way for new players to get into it without having to do crazy movement but still leaves the window open for a higher skill ceiling.
@jonei Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much I appreciate your feedback and I'll definitely keep the POV options in mind!! I'm considering adding some mounted combat so that has a direct correlation and will be up for debate once I get down that road. Though that's not going to be for awhile lol.
@brokennewbs Жыл бұрын
@jonei OOO. I really like how that can balance P v P. Do you think weapons would have a weight too? I'm thinking a light armor guy plus a weapon like fortnite's shockwave hammer might be OP.
@jonei Жыл бұрын
@@brokennewbs I suppose you could technically already say that lol. The spell blade is intended to function like a greatsword sword in elden ring, particularly the darkmoon greatsword if you're familiar with it. But I will keep the weapon weights in mind for experimenting when we get further down that road :D
@envy7760 Жыл бұрын
I like the ideas presented, but tbh right now the combat seems really 1 dimensional. You are just always kiting away from the mob, using your movement while the mob kind of haphazardly works it's way towards you. If you're looking for a pvp focused game, I'd fist decide if you want this to be 1v1 type of game, or a game with teams. If the former, then you don't really need to shy away from movement as much and can really focus on balancing. However if you are looking for a team based pvp game, you want to include other ways of doing combat, for example a strictly melee mage who uses spells that increase his health/add a shield/etc, or a healing type of mage, or one who specializes in CC. It's the rock paper scissors format that makes team pvp games like that fun. As far as first vs third person, I think third person is usually the best option for these types of games, but you can do first person, I'd just make sure the visuals aren't too intense (especially if doings team/allied pvp) or you're going to spend most of the time blinded by spell effects. IMO you want to shoot for a low skill floor and a high skill ceiling. For example, the homing mechanic you offered seems like a great start. If you plan on adding skill trees or anything of that sort, you can do things like shrink the AOE of a spell but make it do more dmg, or extend the range but reduce the dmg of a spell to cater to both the sweats and casuals. You want to make the people who spend 100s/1000s of hours in your game feel rewarded for doing, so them being able to pull off insane combos and shots is the key to that. However the newer player (if the experienced one makes mistakes/gets cocky) should have every ability to kill him as well. Lastly and perhaps most importantly, as you ask for feedback you'll get some... tons even. Even streamers/influencers might play your game and suggest things. Id just advise, don't lose YOUR core vision for what you want this project to be. And if down the line you feel a change is needed, ask your WHOLE community. Like runescape does, don't let the overly loud minority dictate your course of action. All in all, wising you the best of luck in this journey and I hope to one day be able to play what I watched today! Best of luck!
@jonei Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for the in depth feedback! It's always appreciated! =D I think the combat came off as 1 dimensional due to the early stages of the spells and type of NPC being fought are the more simple ones. There is going to be talent trees with quite a bit of utility so there is that. What is demonstrated here only contains a few simple unpolished spells. Let me list a few things I plan to add or that are in consideration for the combat at the moment. Adding: 1. Block - (Think something similar to smash bros, with a perfect parry mechanic to reflect spells) 2. Stagger - think elden ring except with a way to actually visualize it 3. Elemental Reactions - Not quite ready to go into detail about this one, but simply put think mass effect/genshin impact spell interactions 4. And of course CC/utility from spells. Considering: 1. I frames and/or Delayed enemy animations. 2. Spell Charging 3. Enhanced combos (more on that in a bit) With that said the spells, reactions, and combo points are going to play a huge role in the combat to make it not feel boring. At least that's my goal, should it feel too 1 dimensional during the actual play test/live I will be more than willing to make changes of course! I very much like your idea on the skills being adjustable to fit the player and there is an Empower system my friend and I were discussing that would implement that awhile back. Essentially there are 3 tiers of spells. Tier 1 cost 1 combo point, tier 2 cost 3, tier 3 cost 5. Using a heavy attack will create a 3 second window where you can cast a tier 1 spell but consume up to 5 combo points to change it's effect. So you could have a single target fire spell, but when you consume 3 it does an AOE, and when you consume 5 it does an even bigger aoe and knocks the enemy up. Just as an example. It's a unique mechanic i believe but in the end might be a bit too complex when everything is added together. So it will undergo testing/experimentation but it's not a guaranteed system yet. It could be simplified by taking away the empower window and only charging the spell, but we will have to wait and see. Of course there is still skill trees so yea, that's another option to achieve the same effect without cluttering up the combat too much. But again all is subject to change!
@blahlbahblah4101 7 ай бұрын
Create a progressional skill/rank system. Basic movement lower ranks and as players advance to more skilled ranks they also get access to additional movement abilities. This keeps it simple for the noobs and expansive for the pros.
@AubDenashi Жыл бұрын
Could make like different zones where certain things like wall running are possible or higher/lower gravity, certain magics are stronger or weaker. Could allow for an interesting environment for people to figure things out, not sure tho lol
@oBick_mc Жыл бұрын
Pls keep the game first person
@jimmytheum9369 3 ай бұрын
I htink you should leave wall running but make it easier to do a wall run and teach it in the tutorial
@TuffLuckBro Жыл бұрын
You should add in a scythe 😗 for people with that “Rushdown”style of pvp play. The combat looks sick though. Personally I don’t mind the wall running seeing as it’s going to be a skill curve to actually be good with it
@jonei Жыл бұрын
We acually had a sickle planned originally instead of the sword that was supposed to be more along these lines, which isn't off the list yet, just focusing on these weapons initially before deciding on other ones!! I like the wall running too, though I may just tune it down a bit
@Lootboy3000 11 ай бұрын
thx for the content realy nice to see i have the same quest then you thank you so much
@rsplayz7777 Жыл бұрын
Hey Im an FPS developer too. Things is I dont see much Magic FPS games like you do, skyrim style so to speak, so im extremely happy that ıve seen you, looks amazing! Start the magic FPS era !
@JaWs_BH Жыл бұрын
It needs to have diff archetypes slower harder hitting for newer players But fast for high skill to execute plays
@jonei Жыл бұрын
Hmm could you give me some examples?
@ezy5202 Жыл бұрын
Good job this is a game I’ll play I’m making my own game in ue5 which is a battle royale so keep the good work up and also will this be a game that will be available on ps5 Xbox or just pc?
@jonei Жыл бұрын
Right on that's dope man! I'll be excited to see your BR! :D. This game is only going to be on PC unfortunately :( though I may make a port for consoles in the future.
@thebigbingbongboss8777 Жыл бұрын
Cool as hell but I say let it stay as fps it’s more unique
@obsidionwing Жыл бұрын
look and the elemental combo and primer system from Anthem (I know the game was shit but this one mechanic would be really cool in this game) It basically lets you apply an element to an enemy with a certain spell marked as a primer to give them a debuff, and then use corresponding elemental detonator spells to cause the primed enemies to explode or cause some sort of special effect
@jonei Жыл бұрын
Funny you mention that, I had already planned to have elemental reactions xD. Though it's going to be a bit more in depth than anthem/mass effect systems.
@RustyBear Жыл бұрын
I think stuff like guided spells would be cool. Also keep all the movement. And will there be legends? Like in apex? That would be super cool.
@jonei Жыл бұрын
Hmm, what do you mean by guided spells exactly? Almost like drawing them? Sorry I'm a little confused >.< I decided to stray away from the hero route as the idea is to customize and create you own character/playstyle to exactly how you like to play!
@RustyBear Жыл бұрын
@@jonei I mean that when u launch a spells (ball shaped) that u could use right or left click to guide it like a TOW launcher
@haveachocobar Жыл бұрын
In my opinion, the comment on how advanced wall-running is, is exactly how Apex is right now. movement has become so core to the game that while not necessary (because of aim assist) it makes the skill ceiling so much higher and new players who have no idea about how to do said movement get constantly pooped on. There are obvious cons like you said, but having a higher skill ceiling is mostly a positive thing, in the sense of retaining players who try to reach those heights. For a new game, I would keep it as simple as possible, and if there are progressive levels/areas, add more complicated puzzles that require techniques that build on earlier fundamentals (not movement-exclusive!) that way it eases players into the things you want the game to be about but also doesn't just let them discover these things over 4 years like Apex did. I really like the combat, the wall-running seems to be well implemented and the spells comboing to reduce downtime is an amazing idea, huge kudos to you! In my personal opinion the staffs (staves?) sometimes appear too big, and block out too much of the on-hand side of the screen, which will massively affect information gathering for players in a multiplayer PvP setting, which is less drastic if you decide not to make a BR game, but probably still prevalent. I'm not too up to date on all the game's ins and outs but I would absolutely love to offer input on a beta test or something when development reaches that point! I know you're probably pretty busy and updates are pretty sparse but I'm looking forward to your progress on this game and any projects you have planned! Good luck jonei! (also i personally enjoy FPS but am totally down to trying 3rd person for this game!)
@jonei Жыл бұрын
I appreciate all the helpful feedback! I've decided to keep the wall running but I think I'm going to experiment with an armor weight system to offer more options for players who don't want to rely on movement as much. As for the staves that is something that has definitely been a concern, though I hate dinky staves at the same time lol. I'm thinking maybe an holster mechanic would be the best of both worlds! What do you think? but I'll definitely make a post when I do start alpha testing so keep an eye out for it! :D
@dmglirs 9 ай бұрын
I feel like the hand movements need to have more emphasis so people will notice the hand movement and relate it to using that spell
@jonei 9 ай бұрын
You are 100% right on this! I will be updating the animations soon! =D
@bafflebag1 Жыл бұрын
Having a 'gun' that does more damage at the expense of having to aim for yourself is not going to be balanced out by having a staff that auto aims, especially if the guns are gonna have more range. People are going to get very good with the guns and the people with the staves that shoot slow-moving projectiles won't stand a chance. In this regard, you will essentially be catering to the sweats far more than the newbies because you are not going to be able to balance the two. The staves will always have an inherent disadvantage.
@jonei Жыл бұрын
I appreciate your feedback but I think I should clarify as I do disagree. Simply because the respurce system is something to consider as well. Guns would undoubtedly have to generate significantly less resources than the staff. So the trade off is that you can cast more with the staff, even though the weapon itself does less damage. With the gun it would take way more tham just hitting 1 bullet to cast a spell, though the amount generated would depend on talents + rate of fire. The gun playstyle is supposed to feel like a gunslinger more than a caster, while the staff more like a caster. Gun will again reward skillful aim by giving you increased resources with headshots. But still it'd be significantly less resource gen. Just as an example right now staves generate 2 combo points, the spells can cost anywhere from 1-5 just depending on which ones you choose. While a semi auto hand cannon with a 156 RPM only generates 0.2 combo points, 0.5 for a headshot. Meaning you'd have to hit at least 2 headshots, or 1 headshot 3 body, or 5 body shots to use the smallest/weakest spell. So the balancing would be pretty dynamic overall and there is a lot of ways to tweak things. RPM, Animation times, Resource gen, Damage output, and range all will be tools used for balancing. Not to mention there is going to be unique weapons as well. So if a player wants to have to aim their staff shots and get even more resources there likely will be a weapon (or possibly a mod/skill trree, haven't decided yet) you can ose that has the ability to do so. With all the necessary trade offs of course.
@bafflebag1 Жыл бұрын
@@jonei should certainly be interesting to see
@curioussoul5151 Жыл бұрын
keep it up bro! You are amazing
@akaji3013 Жыл бұрын
Wall run could be a special ability so most players won’t have it 4:15
@jonei Жыл бұрын
I've decided to go with a armor weight system for now. Will have more details on it in the future :D
@failyr 7 ай бұрын
First off, this is awesome. Secondly, the only “issue” I see rn is the 3rd person switch on some movement, seems like it might add too much clutter.
@failyr 7 ай бұрын
Also I personally really prefer FPS.
@jonei 7 ай бұрын
We ended up removing that feature. If you'd like to see the most recent updates to the game though and would like to give more feedback/participate in testing we just put the steampage up! :D store.steampowered.com/app/2703610/The_Resonant_Reckoning/
@failyr 7 ай бұрын
@@jonei fuck yeah man! Hope to follow in your footsteps, you inspired me to start because I literally had the same thought process you did, apex has great movement and gunplay, but the companies are ruining it. So this week I watch all of ur vids, made my donut, and *am now hyperfixated on making an original revolver design from scratch because I saw ur pistol in blender and it looked cool.*
@Cadper-ty6ul Жыл бұрын
Keep the wall run, it looks sooooo fun
@lawrence4301 Жыл бұрын
(leading with saying that my favourite wizard games are magicka and dark messiah) biggest thing for me that looks offputting is that the spells seem like they act like just guns essentially. would suggest looking into stim/response; a lot of the spells look nice for sure, but theres not like a lot of interactivity between the spells and the world, so it feels like id just be playing a fps where instead of a rocket launcher or pistol ive got "heavy rock conjure" and "rain of ice" or something equivilant. the best thing IMO would be to lean into a stim/response style system to let me be more creative with the spells and how they interact with the world. Example; making some objects flammable, or letting me make objects flammable (like coating an object in oil), or letting me interact with the world in weird ways (like water causing metal objects to rust over rapidly, or i cast ice on an ice monster, it eats it and becomes friendly) would be cool. It would also incentivise me to not just stick to one or two spells; which is what I'll honestly do if I play something like this and there isnt that kind of interactivity. Tenative when saying things like this, just going from my own experience in unity but the thing im describing sounds more intimidating than it actually is to setup. Heres a video for an example (kzbin.info/www/bejne/i4W1dJKCfc6SfaM) talking about this subject. similar to the above like everything here this is just a preference/speakiung to what i like, but i dislike the arcadey feel in terms of how the enemies dont really seem affected by the spells youre hitting them with. Like if I hit an enemy with a frost spell (or ideally if I combine water and frost) I want them to have some particle effect and mayube be shivering as they slowly move towards me; here they just tank it and keep charging, and maybe flinch a little. Thats not particularly empowering with the wizard fantasy thing. the movement in this looks actually decent, but your enemies and environments are really working against it. Like you have this setup for wallrunning and it looks fine in how youve implemented it in terms of gamefeel, but then its just a sea of flat landscapes. If you want wallrunning (and maybe vaulting to go with it) make me fight on very vertical areas; crumbling castles, dungeons that go straight down, that kind of thing. Or at least show scenarios where the character's having to wallrun over traps or enemies that lay down field effects that make it desirable. For the dash; I feel the same way, the enemies don't do enough (from whats shown) to justify how snappy it is. i actually prefer first person for something like this/this stuff in general and feel like youve balanced the visual effects enough to not be overwhelming to look at. Of the things that interest me personally, thats one of them; theres a lot of 3rd person games like this but not a lot of first person ones.
@jonei Жыл бұрын
I appreciate the feedback!! I've looked into dark messiah before and have been considering adding environmental interactions in that way. But I haven't gotten to that point yet and am indeed intimidated by it, especially when it comes to multi-player lol. But I will check out that video you linked! =D There is going to be a elemental spell reaction system where you combine different spell effects to get specific reactions. (i.e. using a fire spell on yourself to remove frost buildup) And there actually is a frost buildup already implemented including spell effects, I just didn't show it in this video lol. Another example is if the is a an electric aoe on the ground, you could use ice spells to put it out (since ice lacks mobile ions & electrons it cannot conduct electricity, so it snuffs it out) Environment is going to be designed around the movement, but I hadn't designed it in that way yet because I wanted feedback on the movement system first before I spend anymore time designing a map for a mechanic I may not use. But yes, from the very start my intention is to design the maps to compliment the movement system. Otherwise there'd be no point lol. I mostly wanted to get feedback on the pacing of the fighting itself. I agree with you on the enemies/dash for sure. So I have some plans to improve this, hopefully I can demonstrate it for you in the next showcase! Again thank you for the feedback! I hope to hear more from you in the future! =D
@jonei Жыл бұрын
5 Minutes into the video you linked and Already getting some ideas! Thanks for linking it to me! :D
@lawrence4301 Жыл бұрын
​@@jonei no problems, thank you for the good video/content one thing that guy says that is super true from my (very limited) experience; stims can be literally anything. It doesnt just have to be "fire" and "water", it can be "organic" and "wood" and then you can setup interactions for what happens when an individual object has both "wood" and "fire" on it Or "piercing" and "slashing", and you can apply those stims to arrows and swords, and then specify what happens when they're on an object that also has an "organic" stim (like a human); it'd take x damage. It's really great; making interactions like this easy to make will encourage you to want to think of more spells with more stims and more weapons/items/enemies that can interact with them, which will make it more enjoyable for you to want to do, vs having to hard code every single interaction between your world's spells and the monsters and weapons. Not to oversate my point on the pipeline/making your user experience with making interactable stuff easy, but for me the ideal state for me rn/what I'd like is if i want to make a fire bomb, all I need to do is just add "fire stim" and then adjust some particle/sfx details and the range/magnitude/duration (used for stuff like damage/ect) and I'm done. None of that would be code, it'd just be adjusting in editor menus. It's a really smooth pipeline to making fun shit for players to interact with. Last last last thing; don't listen to me too much, I'm a weirdo and I have hyper specific preferences/tastes in shit, like there's never going to be an arcadey/fast past thing that I'm going to enjoy (or if there is, I'll enjoy a lot of other things in there in spite of the arcadey stuff, like I love ultrakill). Other people might think that this approach is like overkill for what you might be looking to do, or they might not like the interactions between stuff in general and might prefer that you lean into the fast paced, arcadey combat more. They aren't wrong they just have a different taste. This sounds obvious but like; if you're not making this as a passion project and you actually want to make money, you need to pick a side to fall into. If you want to design for a specific crowd IMO you should do some user interviews with people (look into ux research, google terms like "generative ux interview techniques" or shit like that to get you started). This doesn't have to be you paying people or anything, grab some gamers that have played these games before (5-6 is a good amount) and run through a set of questions asking them about their experiences with these kinds of games. What did they like, what did they want more of, that kind of thing.
@anonapache Жыл бұрын
Don't try to achieve a masterpiece the first try. Try to breath new life into the niche TF2 made many of us love movement fps games. If people love it, you can always either change things in a liveservice style or make the Apex Legends version of your game. Please no third person, i don't touch any game with this perspective. I just cant get any sense of immersion from this perspective. If you need help for the server parts of the multiplayer aspects further down the line, please reach out on me. Atm i only have experience with general server application autoscaling, but i'd love to dig into this in combination with multiplayer fps online games.
@anonapache Жыл бұрын
Feedback to your questions: 1. pacing seems nice 2. ui looks good, i like relevant information is at the bottom middle of the screen so 21:9 guys like me are not fucked. the bottom row i am not sure about, it seems a bit undefined placed/categorized. i even don't know how to exactly describe it. 3. combat looks interesting. 4. get this shmoovement in there. 5. visual clutter: maybe make the effects 10-20% more transparent and/or add a constant digi (scope from apex) view outline to the enemy character. This could establish a balance between "oh wow this game looks dope af" and "dude i cant see shit and because of this roller is broken af".
@jonei Жыл бұрын
I appreciate your feedback!! I think the general consensus is to stick with first person so I've decided to stick to that lol. But I'll definitely keep you in mind as time goes on!! =D
@anonapache Жыл бұрын
@@jonei Nice :)
@ryanreviews8566 Жыл бұрын
please DONT worry about movement being too much. all it needs is a cooldown and etc. like all movement has in apex and it will be fair and keep new players engaged and not overwhelmed. if you need brainstorming from us the audience, let us know. we can always do that in discord 😁
@jonei Жыл бұрын
Yea I've mostly been trying to decide on how to limit it. I think free reign is too much, but will take some experimenting and playtesting from you guys :D. But I'm starting to lean towards a Armor weight system, similar to new world except for wall running lol
@cosmokramer9139 Жыл бұрын
@@jonei I haven't played New World, would that be slower speeds overall? Or have an effect on jump height and mobility options?
@jonei Жыл бұрын
@@cosmokramer9139 In new world it turns the roll into a dash but that's it. I don't plan to have the armor weights affect the dash or the movement speed. Just the wall running itself
@Bowlasti Жыл бұрын
plz change the art style because maybe its persinal prevence but i think the game can look better in low polly or something but not realistic
@jonei Жыл бұрын
Art style isn't final, I do hope to make things a bit more stylized, not necessarily low poly though. Problem is custom/stylized takes more time, is not as cost effective, and I'm broke lol. It's much easier to procedurally generate or use other assets and use lightning/environmental story telling at this stage for me. But if things go well with this game then I hope to come up with a more unique style for future iterations! I simply just can't afford to at this point in time. Keep in mind this is not the current final product. Not even in alpha yet so the visuals will be changing pretty significantly over time.
@Its_Trixie_ Жыл бұрын
Absolutely no to low poly. Hell no.
@ZimMabu_GameDev. Жыл бұрын
nice! i will play that game olum
@mr.quental4979 Жыл бұрын
I think for the combat you could always add a stun to them(enemy AI) IF the player does a ton of damage in a very short time.
@jonei Жыл бұрын
A stagger mechanic is actually in the plans! :D
@jimmytheum9369 3 ай бұрын
keep going this is amazing
@ryanreviews8566 Жыл бұрын
OHHH man this looks badass! can't wait for play testing and first investors 😁
@darkbelg 11 ай бұрын
No, keep what you have and make a single player game. The next game should be the iteration. Otherwise you will never finish a game. Simple three act story. First find the missing farmer. Would you lead to this house. Second go to a village in the gully. A whole bunch of these houses with enemies. Third act the climax in a cave clear the nest. This would also build up your player skill level. Going from standing on the ground shooting at one enemy to running on the walls to avoid all the enemies. The other question I have is how easy is it to wall run on that example house?
@tyski9000 2 ай бұрын
Currently implementing GAS into my project as well, honestly without the course im doing there was no way I was going to figure this out 😆
@sfsksasbs3 Жыл бұрын
i think the combat looks great right now. keep the wall running and the first person pov
@ChaoticFvte 8 ай бұрын
If you make a dodge roll to avoid the attack all together, then the homing spell would be fine. As its slower you could have equal damage and have it dodgable and it's perfectly balanced.
@MAMWYY 8 ай бұрын
Shi looks awesome
@Dyxzy1 11 ай бұрын
i think the ui should look more clean like overmatch's ui P.S could u make a sword gun like pirate stuff the game looks awesome otherwise
@YannPicardFX Жыл бұрын
3:16 bro playtest we can't tell you
@jonei Жыл бұрын
I meant visually :P
@lordaxolotl5874 Жыл бұрын
Literally cant wait for this game to release however it ends up looking
@Its_Trixie_ Жыл бұрын
I’m enjoying seeing all the feedback and different perspectives! The game, even in its rough form, has been fun for me to play. Since I’m the epitome of a casual player, I try to ensure the newbie casuals like myself aren’t forgotten when Jonei is developing the game. The map is amazing (ok ok I may be biased there) and the spells themselves (minus the broken fire one and my tendency to somehow bug the game out so I can’t do anything) are solid. And the “flashlight” is PERFECTION! *chefs kiss* Keep the great input coming, folks! 💜
@jonei Жыл бұрын
Lol the flashlight is the best part xD
@GoldGameDev23 Жыл бұрын
maybe limit the wall run mechanic to specific areas like boss rooms? if you decide to keep it
@GalacticYuna Жыл бұрын
yoo i think this is awesome! personally i think that the movement is perfect and shouldn't be *that* difficult to wrap ones head around. The fighting mechanics are cool but i think there should be maybe a little more weight and character to weapons or abilities. In the way how in apex you can zoom in with weapons or how some weapons slow your movement speed or have an audio that makes it cooler i suppose of course this is a voiceover video so it's a tiny bit harder to tell how immersive it actually could be
@jonei Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much I'm glad you like it! But I agree for sure. These spells, animations, and SFX are nowhere near the final product. They are just an example to get an idea of the general pacing of things xD. However I will be sure to keep the concept of weight in my mind while it comes to the final designs!
@BeemannYT Жыл бұрын
Maybe make a unlock system like you get perks lik wall running
@Cquixote814 Жыл бұрын
Instead of a dash what do u think about a slide roll
@Cquixote814 Жыл бұрын
U can either slide or roll or do both to get longer distance
@jonei Жыл бұрын
Both slides and dashes are going to be available. May implement rolling as a replacement for dashes with an armor weight system I may be 8mplementing
@goofee. 7 ай бұрын
i would say a new UI would look better give it a more modern feel
@red4471 11 ай бұрын
anybody else notice the nerverwinter spell logos lol ?
@TennessseTimmy Жыл бұрын
Combat feedback: I like m4 and ak
@ZimMabu_GameDev. 3 ай бұрын
hey how its going on with ya game?
@jonei 3 ай бұрын
Hey there! Things are coming along nicely. Decided to make some pretty big changes so will have a video update coming soon!
@ZimMabu_GameDev. 3 ай бұрын
@@jonei I'm really excited and I'm also a very big fan of the movement in apex
@-Malfunction- 11 ай бұрын
I hope you actually didn't delete it just saved it in a file locked to never be used again
@-Malfunction- 11 ай бұрын
So at least it's there a reminder
@tojeloje6996 Жыл бұрын
hope you keep up the good work
@takalushikutemo-xw6sr 2 ай бұрын
Needs better viewbobing animations
@Cadper-ty6ul Жыл бұрын
When will this release?
@jonei Жыл бұрын
I can't make any promises, but my hope is for holiday season 2024. And this first game is only going to be the Dungeon mode + arena 1v1 mode. The open world part of things will likely release in part 2 or a later patch. I wish I had more man power to get it to you guys sooner :(
@Cadper-ty6ul Жыл бұрын
@@jonei Okay, take you're time and hope it gets done around that time
@ghillyboy350 11 ай бұрын
Pls keep the wall running
@Lootboy3000 11 ай бұрын
make it first person
@alf_alf_a5629 Жыл бұрын
@jonei Жыл бұрын
Lol minor set back xD. Tis for the greater good
@ImNotFlutters Жыл бұрын
@RustyBear Жыл бұрын
@jonei Жыл бұрын
@Its_Trixie_ Жыл бұрын
@ImNotFlutters Жыл бұрын
@@Its_Trixie_ ????
@Its_Trixie_ Жыл бұрын
@@ImNotFlutters ?????
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