i miss when A.I. stood for adobe illustrator :(

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@ollygons Жыл бұрын
too late elliot. i have generated 500 clones of you with my trained elliot model and they are creating hundreds of funny posters as we speak
@ollygons Жыл бұрын
no but seriously ai sucks i shake my fist angrily at it
@babinbowie2846 Жыл бұрын
hey elliot this video meant a lot to me as a passionate early graphic designer. nothing beats the feeling of coming up with something that is true to yourself. this whole a.i. thing has had me on edge and it feels very passion-less if that makes sense. idk im just rambling i just felt some kind of way when i watched this video and wanted to say thank you for being elliot elliot
@pro100kryto Жыл бұрын
Try to use it. You will see that AI is not like you imagined it. You still need to know how to use it to create something cool. For example I was struggling with design for personal website and tried using AI to find some inspiration. After a lot of tries I just left it and made design the "oldschool" way and liked it better then anything that AI came up with
@pro100kryto Жыл бұрын
AI can easily create something beautiful but very often it won't be what you wanted it to be, unless you are very specific with the words you use
@welliot Жыл бұрын
@pro100kryto you absolutely do not need to use AI to make something cool! Very weird take!!
@welliot Жыл бұрын
@babinbowie2846 glad the vid resonated!! 🥰
@pro100kryto Жыл бұрын
@@welliot I meant to create something cool with AI you need to know how to use AI, not that you can create cool things ONLY with AI
@RufusDeuchler Жыл бұрын
I love how you mention the "joy" the creative process provides! That's what it's all about.
@adrian1689 Жыл бұрын
There’s research about the need humans have for “labor”. Not work or a job, but the labor required to see something completed through one’s own effort. The absence of this kind of thing is often associated with declining mental health. That I think is what scares me most about ai, it strips away a lot of the inherent labor that is associated with creativity, which is a big part of why people enjoy creative pursuits.
@belluhresto8689 Жыл бұрын
i'm a painter, not a graphic designer, but everything you said really inspired me. why are we trying to give up the fun and love that goes into making art as if it is tedious and unnecessary, and only the end product matters? every artist and designer was drawn to creating for a reason, and robbing us of being able to create by taking away our means of making money to support ourselves is thoughtless and cruel. we should be developing ai for things that are hard on the workers or don't have enough workers in the field for them, not those that people want and live to do.
@bouncer5338 Жыл бұрын
Hi! I really like your icon and banner - where can I look at and buy your art? Thanks :)
@desology444 Жыл бұрын
the title is SO ACCURATE😭 and i love the little jingle intros. it’s an awesome touch. also happy belated birthday!!!💗
@welliot Жыл бұрын
almost forgot the jingle for this one but I will never stop making them now
@emnersonn Жыл бұрын
I've always been kind of iffy about this subject, thinking, "well if it helps me design something, then I guess why not?" But it can never do what I have envisioned. I think that the best use for A.I. is for things like subject selection, using it as a content aware fill replacement, and for small expansions to resize images. Just things that we couldn't do before but also weren't a particularly fun part of designing. Using A.I. as a replacement for your own creativity, though, is a really good way to take away the heart of a design. It doesn't bring much to the table because we already have people that can create original things.
@sophiealmond Жыл бұрын
oh my god…. those clips of them talking about getting rid of sketching is nightmare material…. the process of creating is what makes art so fun, and all they care about is pushing out some bland product … elliot you are a saviour in this art youtube world fr
@adrian1689 Жыл бұрын
As an industrial Design student, this video really resonated with me. Everyone I see promoting the usage of ai is in a senior or upper level design role, so they’re kind of insulated from the effects it will have on the lower level designers, the people trying to break into the industry. A lot of the “boring” things about design that people are pushing ai to take over, are usually done by lower level designers and interns. If ai adopts these roles en made, it’ll make the industry that much harder to get into for a lot of people
@vsvu Жыл бұрын
Hey, I’m an Industrial Design student as well with an intent in minoring in Graphic design. The whole concept of A.I. seems askew right now, almost from all sides. I just can’t say that I’ve been afraid of A.I., just cautious if anything. Ever since it’s introduction, I’ve honestly seen it as a tool - not to replace, but to assist in the design process (pre-vis and stuff like that). I’m also not scared, because I know art and design will not be replaced by A.I. Now, maybe, just maybe in a few areas, companies will want to cut corners and save a few bucks by slowly tip-toeing toward using A.I. instead of commissioned artists or designers, but I’m willing to bet that would be a really rare case. I don’t think human-design or human-art is ever going to go away - it’s just something that can’t be killed. Everyone can appreciate a human eye or touch, so there will still be markets for that. A.I., as I understand it, seems more of a resource for those who may not be confident in their artistic ability. “I wanna make this cool thumbnail/book cover/PC background, but I don’t know how I would even do that. And I’m not about to spend $50+ on something as small as that.” That’s an exact scenario I think I’ve seen myself in. Someone who doesn’t have the talent or resources to create something they want, so A.I. just opens that opportunity- and allows people to discover their creativity. In my case, it was finding Adobe Illustrator (Ai, I know, ironic right?). I have always had an eye for design, but never the skill to put pen to paper and make something beautiful out of it. I found Ai, a place where I could freely design and make my ideas come to life without the explicit need to know how to draw - and just because of that, I switched my whole career path. (That being said, I am learning to sketch as a ID student, and I’m very happy to still learn how to draw.) Just like how Blender could give people with the desire to make models the ability to, without needing to understand the nuances or art of clay modeling - something that is still very prevalent, even with all of these 3D modeling programs we have. I guess my main point is, A.I. isn’t here to replace, but to assist. That’s at least how I view it. There’s still the ability to be creative with A.I., and there are plenty of examples out there already - this is what matters to me. More people are being able to discover a realm of creativity that may have not ever been accessible or tangible to them before. I’ll probably post this comment in the main comment section, because I’d like to see other folks’ take on it; please don’t take this as me trying to force my opinion on to you, I just saw you were a fellow ID student, and wanted to share my view - because it’s a big part of where I am now. Thanks for reading all of this if you did, and I’d love to hear your feedback (if you want to reply).
@afrosymphony8207 Жыл бұрын
please stop thinking small, ai means with a bit of training "lower level designers" can quickly make the sort of stuff "upper level designers" can, which is a VERY good thing cause it means more high quality competition which raises the bar.
@brdfx1926 Жыл бұрын
@@afrosymphony8207 AI will not raise the bar wtf it will just make the Design section from Fiver or (wherever else you can find a 5$ Logo at) obsolete
@afrosymphony8207 Жыл бұрын
@@brdfx1926 yes because software making it easy for anyone to get into music production did not raise the bar to how we express ourselves musically. you seem to be stuck on this false idea that only idiots who know nothing about making good art will use ai and the "true artists" will suffer for it cause true artists wont use ai.
@brdfx1926 Жыл бұрын
@@afrosymphony8207 how will a replication algorithm create new things/trends to raise the bar? It's all just the same stuff over and over again
@masonholbrook 8 ай бұрын
the ad I got for this video was promoting the use of AI in Adobe Illustrator
@maebee134 Жыл бұрын
This is really interesting to me because I’m an illustrator as well as designer and the digital art community has been boycotting AI art because it’s pulling from artists without permission. These bots usually just pull from google and artists are not being asked for their work to be included, and then the bots are taking it and replicating it hundreds of times. So no, using AI is not any better than copying an image from google because 1. They’re a basically composite of images from google and 2. Artists and designers are not being credited, paid, or even asked for permission for their work to be used. Artists have been seeing their signatures pop up on AI pieces, which is like so wild. I think AI has a long way to go before it can be embraced in the art and design world.
@infektdubstep Жыл бұрын
love this! as a music producer I feel the same way, I would keep making music whether AI can make good stuff or not because I’m passionate about it, and it’s fun to express yourself through the process
@m_a_k_e_n_n_a Жыл бұрын
it's this weird like sigma grindset vibe where everything has to be crazy OPTIMIZED and EFFICIENT as if it isn't literally just fun pictures and words on a page. AI can be used to detect cancer in people and map out their best prognoses and yet this is what we're using it for??? the one last like semi-fun career path and we want it to run like a cold well-oiled machine devoid of humanity and joy??? anyways appreciate u elliot
@chrisssward Жыл бұрын
regardless if AI technology is implemented or not - I think what ive learned in my years of experience, is that a lot of clients lack creativity. This is why theyve come to us in the first place. So even with the technology to generate works, they will often times still lack the creative intuition of what to even prompt it with to get their desired results. I think a big thing that gets overlooked in our field is just how little direction the avg client often gives initially for a project. Part of the job is being able to ask those questions to engage with them and evoke a bit of emotion out of 'em to help bring their vision to light.
@hullstar242 8 ай бұрын
Yep precisely this. An Ai can only at its best give that client exactly what they asked for. But only a designer can give them exactly what they need based on the project as a whole. Clients usually don’t know what they want, they just know for example that a logo doesn’t work, or that they’d like to lean towards a different audience. We use the information they give us and our experience in the real world to create something that solves their problem using our uniquely human minds.
@helloclaudiiia Жыл бұрын
I’m so happy that I found you. As a designer that became indifferent towards design because of the grueling hours and expectations. I’ve been able to find my spark again. Seeing your joy gets me excited to play around again and make things. Watching this video felt like hearing my own thoughts in a more coherent manner 😂 Thanks for sharing Elliot!
@lusenator Жыл бұрын
I've been a graphic designer / motion designer for about 13 years now. I have to say I stopped watching Will's videos a while ago since it felt like his content was aimed more at people who were new to the field. His work is like perfectly averagely good, not bad but not great either. Like general basic tips rather than nuanced perspective. That said it's really refreshing hearing your perspective, definitely like your humility and honesty and you've got great taste too! Beautiful outlook, great channel, great videos, keep it up man.
@JomasterTheSecond Жыл бұрын
That Satori clip is like, some straight up sociopath shit.
@vincecomposer Жыл бұрын
'I'm committed to never being an expert on this thing' - thank you for saying this, it's why we love what you do! As someone just starting out on KZbin, I think I just found my new mantra.
@honeybeach.studio Жыл бұрын
AI should stand for "Awesome Intro" (this is because of the song)
@mardt Жыл бұрын
your vids rly inspire me, thank you im a game art student and everyone at school, even teachers, constantly talk about ai and how we are able to produce way more and become way more efficient with it and like you said there are so many videos about improving your productivity with ai, getting results faster and i feel like its all people think about ive been so focused on efficiency and high quality results that i forgot why i started doing any of this. to have fun needed to hear this ty
@oversettext Жыл бұрын
Thank you, elliotisacoolguy, for this wonderful video on why you miss A.I. when it stood for adobe illustrator. I thoroughly enjoyed it especially about the point of feeling joy in the process. Feeling joy is an important part in creating art, i love feeling it, me, a human, not an AI chatbot. I did not ask an AI to write this comment, it is 100% human-made, if you were wondering. This video gave me joy.
@LAUZERTV 8 ай бұрын
Pretty raw, I felt some your pain being communicated there at the end Elliot. Great video man.
@MovingMinds. Жыл бұрын
Very much agree with the point you’re making; people are just so focused on AI right now while it’s still not THAT good. It’s like why should I force myself now to start using prompts to come up with an idea when I can just go to pinterest and look at stuff I like? They’re imposing this way of working with AI when it’s really not required and a lot of times could even be avoided.
@annihilist1983 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for bringing that one clip to light: at least I now know who NOT to follow! You’re the bomb! Keep having a blast and spreading the graphic design love!!
@eMallard Жыл бұрын
have you seen the netflix show that used ai generators for all the backgrounds. Their excuse was that there is a lack of background artists! what they really meant is that there isn't enough amazing artistist that are willing to be exploited. really makes me sad :( I'm an art student, but this new future that has turned up out of the blue is scary.
@eMallard Жыл бұрын
also to continue the rant a little bit, the "you will never be this creative" title is annoying and disapointing. The AI is entirly trained on others amazing work (almost always copyrighted and taken without permission) saying the AI is in any way creative is straight lies.
@TylerCheeseman Жыл бұрын
I thoroughly enjoyed listening to your perspective on this. By far the most level headed take on ai in this space. Thanks for sharing
@camerron_abella Жыл бұрын
same elliot same. this artifical intelligence topic is so exhausting nowadays
@sallyeloo Жыл бұрын
Everything here oh my god!! Why are we relying on machines to manufacture art, something that brings humans so much joy!! The ideation of it is half if not most of the fun for creation and creativity.
@belonicaa Жыл бұрын
I am just seeing this video but it gives me hope that there are still some normal, down to earth, clear-headed graphic designers out there not overexaggarating everything, as some "experts" on youtube do. Like chill. You're right about having fun during the process and enjoying while we still can aaaand thanks about those words, this channel, the humor and the joy you're bringing me(us) while learning more about graphic design. youuu tootaallyy rock and i totally suck at writing comments :D
@guilhermeschneider2637 Жыл бұрын
YOU ARE SO SMART AND ORIGINAL, thank you so much enough with the trendy shit and letting the trends retrofit the content that is produced. stay true!
@AURAxSTAR Жыл бұрын
i hope that this new wave of A.I. stuff just comes and goes and isn't the new standard, but regardless i'm certain that there will always be a market for hand-crafted art/design work because there's just something special about people putting themselves in their work that at least *some* people will always appreciate :)
@AURAxSTAR Жыл бұрын
also happy belated birthday!!
@th6qu66n Жыл бұрын
elliot is actually a cool guy, confirmed. thank you for this.
@babinbowie2846 Жыл бұрын
happy birthday elliot! thanks for the videos :)
@emi1ypayne Жыл бұрын
Thank you Elliot! You are such a light in the community and this video feels like a breath of fresh air. A.I. just feels so dystopian to me especially as a student designer.
Жыл бұрын
Dont ever change Eliot you are awesome!
@Blamber_Ber Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this! I've been watching big graphic design creators for a while, and don't get me wring I have learnt a lot from Will etc, but finding your channel has made me realise that their content makes me scared of design and yours makes me inspired. Lately I've felt so intimidated by the idea that everything has to be really perfect, minimal and corporate. Seeing you design posters based on your liked tiktoks and just messing around until you like what you've made, has really opened my eyes to that I used to ENJOY design and the creative process. Like you said, using AI things for selection etc is a lifesaver because that just saves me time. But using AI to find "inspiration" (aka copying stolen art from the Internet churned together into something generic and lifeless) is not something that should be promoted. This video showed genuine fear and confusion about the weird attitudes around AI in the design community, and your passion and enthusiasm is such a beacon of light
@redbeardpro777 Жыл бұрын
"Be Yourself in your work, and you don’t have to worry about anything else. People like you, and they like your work, if it’s you." Ive been in graphic design 15 years... that saying is so brilliant and true! This video was amazing. Well done Elliot. Keep up what ur doing! (ur a sick designer with sick work)
@fink5546 Жыл бұрын
As a young architecture student where the AI takeover conversation is relevant as well, this video meant so much and perfectly summed up my thought on the matter. This is such a great take
@danganiradio Жыл бұрын
did not expect this to turn into a rant but it was well worth it
@uasminasser1335 Жыл бұрын
I used to work in an AI-related team in one of the top three's, and when we talked about the future of AI, it was always about creating tools that will help people achieve their tasks rather than totally replace those who work in the industry. And things like DALL-E or Midjourney are something that I totally don't understand - it doesn't have any particular use case (such as enriching datasets for better results of other networks), rather than just a "show-off flex" from silicone valley boys. To be honest - it is just a pure money-making machine because it has a large user base of people subscribed to it.
@nest8669 Жыл бұрын
Finalmente alguém com um posicionamento realista. Happy birthday, man!! Big inspiration
@Ashiiru Жыл бұрын
@danganiradio Жыл бұрын
I feel the same bro, BE YOURSELF! That's what's important.
@willpatersondesign Жыл бұрын
Love the video! It's been interesting to hear your thoughts in response to my video. Just to clarify a couple things I probably wasn't clear about: I don't think Ai is "the be-all and end-all". I wanted to make the video showing examples (however crude) of how Ai can help with ideation. I make these videos because graphic design is my passion **insert meme here**. It's truly amazing to be able to guide, inspire and encourage creatives on their journey. And out of 800+ videos, I've made two on Ai specifically because it's a super interesting topic right now. Also to make clear - I don't suggest "not sketching" in your process. That's 90% of what I do as a logotype designer and it obviously hasn't come across clearly enough. I was asking a valid question just like everyone else. It's good to have these discussions and hear different points of view, that's what makes us truly human. :)
@sunnychutney Жыл бұрын
Oh gosh I totally agree. Some of the conversation makes me super nervous about it - I don't understand why we need to "optimize" our work? It feels a bit too machine like for something that I think is uniquely human about art & design. Its hard to put into words but I don't think fearmongering artists (esp young ones) into using AI is a good idea. I really admire Will & Satori Graphics but this is so mind boggling. I personally feel like there are better ways to use AIs and in better sectors than pumping out quick artwork - there's so much more in inclusivity & making technology accessible that these things could help us but goddamn, the prompts thing is really taking me out.
@samhuf6694 Жыл бұрын
Hey Elliot this was a great rant! So many great points and wonderful perspective!
@240nge Жыл бұрын
really digging the intro theme you're doing since the blender vid, I LOVE IT, it makes me want to scream (positively) the day you stop doing this I WILL SCREAM (negatively)
@infodev5222 Жыл бұрын
This video just speaks my mind when it comes to ai, I would also like to add that the generated stuff is made from copyrighted material so it really is no different from just straight up using a copyrighted image from Google anyway
@ladysumner2907 Жыл бұрын
Thank you! Finally someone said it! I have been skeptical of all this AI stuff from the beginning and it's being shoved down my throat everywhere...I've seen mostly youtube videos of people saying the same things you talked about with us needing to just accept that it's the future or we will be left behind, but nothing can replace an individuals creativity and personality that comes through their designs/art. And I want to enjoy the creative process. Yes it can be helpful for some things, but overall I am just going to continue doing what I love and not let AI do everyting for me.
@lenadesigns7486 Жыл бұрын
the amount of people really pushing for A.I. doesnt sit well with me and i think you hit the nail on the head with why. personally im not as afraid of it though because i just dont think it'll ever be able to replicate what you need people to do... to make designs feel more human and considered?? i kinda view A.I. like site builders in a way, like squarespace. although it's very accessible for non-designers to use, i think there's still nuances that require a designer to build sites that people would want to use and interact with, especially with creating systems that are human-centered that A.I. might not be able to replicate... and even extending that logic across all mediums whether that's a branding project, or something as vast and complex as human factors. the amount of preaching there is with A.I. being a necessary tool and that it'll replace designers feels unlikely to me, it's not all about the end product, which is really all what A.I. will offer in my opinion. in most cases theres a process that goes behind creating and rationalizing designs, which there'll always be a demand for... i think(?)
@tinfoilhatsarethenewblack8788 Жыл бұрын
I live in a city which is split in half by a large river basically and ships a big part of public transportation, and now there is this huge project to make all public transport on the water autonomous, i feel like beeing a captain on one of those ships is like a super badass job which doesn't needs to be automated, and i feel like the same applies for designers, just because we could, doesn't mean that we should
@cave_moss Жыл бұрын
best video about ai in design so far
@welliot Жыл бұрын
@crazydaisy9921 Жыл бұрын
thank u Elliot you made me laugh on this otherwise spooky scary subject that I have been avoiding. You are 1 cool guy
@l-y-d-s Жыл бұрын
be you, AI can't replicate that. How precious 🥺
@mirnder Жыл бұрын
honestly could've watched 20 more minutes of this haha. the part about humanity and passion is something that's been on my mind but haven't been able to articulate very well.
@bobinsky Жыл бұрын
thank you Elliot, your viewpoint really makes me feel good about being human which I feel like is a rare thing to feel nowadays :')
@Jessebeauchamp Жыл бұрын
I totally agree about all the slippery slope thinking. It reminds me of the hype around crypto currency and NFTs. Some people seem to have a hard time with mixed bags and uncertainty. Personally I'm paying attention to the tools and using them as they become relevant. Content aware fill is amazing. Sometimes I generate individual elements on MidJourney to be cut out and used in a design like fruit or flowers or landscape backgrounds. But what I've noticed is that the artwork made from Dall-E or Midjourney feels like an average (which it kind of is). It feels like you're asking a room full of people for their opinion and it may be right but usually it's just kind of... expected. Art is about the human condition and no A.I. will ever be better at being human than a human.
@djan71 Жыл бұрын
that's a nice view
@VictoryOverAll Жыл бұрын
Holy capital-eff-f*ck, this is refreshing. You've put into words exactly how I feel about this whole mess. My heart sinks every time I see a prominent person in the world of design jumping on this dystopian bandwagon. In a way, it's made me consider the idea that many of these people might have never really known what they're talking about, at least not to the level we've been led to believe by their well produced videos and high subscriber count. Maybe they've just regurgitated whatever trends/ideas/workflows they've been absorbing online, and because of their "Big Design KZbinr" status, their content has been interpreted as gospel. In a way, this whole thing has conveniently pointed out the people who are full of sh!t. Not you though Elliot. You are a cool guy.
@pidge7 Жыл бұрын
It's good to see someone saying this! Honestly, as much as Satori has good educational content (in a certain context) I would not encourage people that value creativity to follow someone like that. They really just give a vibe off that's more like well-refined capitalist machine churning out what the "algorithm" (on YT and in the real client world) want, rather than someone who creates for self expression and the sake of creativity. So yeah, I can see why they'd be pro-AI. But I also wouldn't consider them to represent the actual creative side of graphic design or as designers that cater to people who appreciate creativity. For more artistic designers like you and your community, I think perhaps with AI the quantity of the client pool will go down but the quality of those clients remaining will go up -- the kind of clients you wouldn't want to work with anyway (that don't really appreciate creativity and artistry) will go for AI and pro-AI type designers. If anything, it'll just weed out the red-flag clients for us lol.
@santiqwerty Жыл бұрын
I'd love a video of a designer and an ai drowning the same prompts (half of the promts generated by a LLM and half by a human) and having an epic design battle for the future of humanity.
@amintn Жыл бұрын
Im sitting here drowning in every ai video or topic. This video was kind of a relief, keep it up bro
@dantierandbalogh Жыл бұрын
Spot on! Honestly, seeing all these graphic design content ‘big dogs’ selling out in favor of AI was starting to make me question why was I ever listening to their advice in the first place.. Good to see someone on this platform who isn’t willing to sell their audience that short, and doesn’t prioritize clicks over honesty. Cheers! D+B
@moorecreativ Жыл бұрын
thanks for doing this video Elliot. i think you're spot on with every point. lets not also miss the ethical and legal issues with AI. these generators do not create something new. it bashes images together to match a prompt, but uses images and artwork it does not have permission to use. they target the biggest portfolio sites like art station, deviant art, behance, etc and decided everyone's work would be opt-ed into it. plus, i also agree on the point that even if the generators were using images with permission, its still a lame ass way to create
@ethanmrob Жыл бұрын
In a weird way, I feel like this uptick in AI might increase the value of human-generated art and designs. When everyone has access to mediocre (or even fairly good) art, copy, etc. via AI, the value of people who have kept to their industry and are still absolute masters in the field might become more highly valued. The humans who stick it out might find themselves more in demand because the rest will have “given in” to AI. Does that make sense? I have no idea if it makes sense. Anyway. 😂
@InventorZahran Жыл бұрын
It makes total sense. In a world where mediocre text and visuals can be effortlessly generated by anyone and everyone, human-made art will stand out for its...humanity. When people make art, our unique life experiences inform and affect what we create (both consciously and subconsciously). A robot will never be able to replicate that because it has no life to live, no experiences to be shaped by, and no feelings to express!
@kassemir Жыл бұрын
Another thing is that people like working with other people. Like, if there's a person behind you can suggest changes and steer a design in a certain direction. With prompting you're just throwing shit at the wall, hoping it'll understand your ideas, and if it doesn't, you can't have a real conversation, because it's a robot.
@adridoesthings Жыл бұрын
this is the first time seeing a video from you (currently watching the blender video) & wanted to say that you have a new fan :] love your style, charisma, n over creative energy you bring to this platform - keep it up !
@joshgunn2941 Жыл бұрын
Love your passion and care for this Elliot !! Been enjoying every video you’ve been putting out since I found you a couple months ago :)) keep doing you, pup
@ditzlurk6480 Жыл бұрын
Hey Elliot, thank you for making this video. I feel a bit more sane now that someone as passionate and skilled as you is questioning why these other designers are pushing for AI I am about to graduate within this year in my design program and it has felt so unnerving seeing all this AI stuff being so supported. Appreciate you dude, keep up the fantastic work.
@amyjanemade Жыл бұрын
Excellent video, man. You made some really thought-provoking points in a very accessible manner. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I'm still feeling pretty neutral about AI; not eager to 'get ahead' with it but also not worried about it ruining my career, but I lol'd in agreement with your question of "but we don't have to speed that up, do we??"
@srcze Жыл бұрын
Dam, now I have two Jameses Hoffmanns in my life - one for coffee, one for design. Who would've thought it actually brings more joy. I think every field of human activities needs its own James Hoffmann.
@tannerginn Жыл бұрын
Thanks for putting this energy out there and voicing what were all thinking. Keep doing you elliot this content is phenomenal
@RoBoTrOnIc1001001 Жыл бұрын
Keep in mind that any business you work for doesn’t give a fuck about whether or not you like the creative process. You could do a design 20 different ways and they may still hate it. Imo AI just lets me get done 80% of the bs work then I can just show more examples to the higher ups so we can move on from projects faster. This makes me actually want to spend more time on making my own personal projects because now i dont get burnt out from using photoshop all day
@gemgo8842 Жыл бұрын
you're so real for this
@pinkucow9872 Жыл бұрын
i think what they were trying to say is simple graphic design will be replaced. i think the issue is how he says it like its a good thing that designers just learning will no longer have a place to sell there art. thats what scares me
@sarahquinn7883 Жыл бұрын
ELLIOT!!!!!!! omg you nailed it. love it
@williamcraig8268 Жыл бұрын
design KZbin is absolutely wild and needs to evolve to match Twitter and Insta. Even TikTok is starting to feel more like KZbin's community and content
@ohnoitspheo Жыл бұрын
I am REALLY happy KZbin recommended this to me because it’s exactly what I needed to hear right now! Really sums up how I feel about it and puts into words the unusual stress I get from the recent pro- AI videos. Makes me feel a little more sane to know it’s not just me feeling like these AI bros are spewing weird AI propaganda
@jaososchefget3632 Жыл бұрын
dude elliot this video has been in my recommended for like a week and i was just so intimidated by how hot you are that i was avoiding clicking on it but now that i watched it i gotta admit you are just a pretty cool guy
@frootatoes5648 Жыл бұрын
Happy birthday Elliot!
@evililmunchkin4135 Жыл бұрын
This was such a refreshing take, I've had professors with the same opinion of ai telling us to use it or lose it and it's so annoying
@vaishaligaja7448 Жыл бұрын
Thank youuu! This resonates with me on so mannny levels . Also, talking about the ‘hype’ to some extent, personally I feel that how when it comes to ‘design’ or ‘art’ it was always seen as something not everyone would be able to come up with, they would need the external help With AI being in the picture now, anyone (not just designers) feel they got the power to create something without the help of an artist/ designer. Or rather feel they can come up with something cool of their own with few prompts, ( this can lack some amount of visualisation for sure 😅) We as designers are passionate beings when it comes to our work. We can make use of AI as long as it doesn’t question our passion or take away the joy we have designing things old school. 😊
@space_1073 6 ай бұрын
This man is the for Graphic Design what Joel Haver is for Filmmaking
@lovis8424 Жыл бұрын
i really like your attitude. and you luv
@nilsqvis4337 Жыл бұрын
I think we're in for a big change that's gonna be hard to predict where it'll go. AI is potentially gonna replace so much more than just art and design as we know it. To me it looks like it will likely replace almost all thought based work as it is today.
@pistachiopals Жыл бұрын
I've been working as an in-house designer for a few years and there are like small things I wish AI could take over. Like oh you need 8 different versions of a sales posters with different prices and legal copy on them. Sure please take that work off my plate. In fact, I beg you to let the robots do that for me. But the fact that AI is replacing the creative parts of our jobs is a real bummer. I would much rather spend all day illustrating something than updating sales copy or putting together strategy decks.
@zinvafarzeen3329 Жыл бұрын
This man speaked my heart out ahhhh i wanna hug this angel 😢💗💗
@whitesebi Жыл бұрын
"who says shit like that?!" omg hahaha thaaaank youuuuu
@lifipp Жыл бұрын
Oh man, Elliot is such a pure content creator. You can really feel the passion he has for graphic design. Even though this video was unscripted his thoughts really resonated with me and I just could not agree more on the points he made. As a beginner graphic designer myself I had some negative thoughts and fears about everything that is going on around AI especially because of how much it was pushed onto people on social media and KZbin. Thank you for this video Elliot, I am sure it is something that many people needed to hear 💛
@jaaanska Жыл бұрын
Design and art in general is also about your name and story behind you and your work. So don't worry about AI taking over.
@etgima318 Жыл бұрын
an incredibly based video, thank you so much for this vent session. as entertaining as it is, i completely agree and sense your passion for this issue in the same way i do.. keep up the good fight!!!
@difanaufal Жыл бұрын
Absolutely love this type of video elliot!!
@soupslicer136 Жыл бұрын
"my stuff is a rip off of a million different things that i've just absorbed into my head and i regurgitated onto the page" Elliot just described the brazilian modernist Anthropophagic Manifesto from the 1920s and this is beautiful! Elliot is a cannibal guy
@prokyono Жыл бұрын
happy birthday elliot !! it’s mine on monday hehe aquarius represent 💪
@nataliadelcarmen7747 Жыл бұрын
tqm elliot < 3
@videogame17 Жыл бұрын
Happy Birthday ! ! !
@locolipoo7695 Жыл бұрын
nice format elliot.
@yana1998ify Жыл бұрын
Have no idea how i found you and your channel but i can't stop watching your videos and smile 😅
@SquishyJoshy Жыл бұрын
its all about having fun, keep doing you mate
@hunterharris7069 Жыл бұрын
Happy Birthday!
@sunnytine Жыл бұрын
i'm really living for those jingles but on the topic of the video, yes. it's scary because i feel like people (as those you mentioned in this video) give their everything to A.I. as they didn't say earlier that it will, at some point, replace them. do they even like what they do?? and the part where the guy say that sketching will become more like prompting in the future, where is the fun in that?? it will feels like trying to find a song you don't know the name on youtube..
@lilo2910 Жыл бұрын
Elliot you're the best 👍
@Chris-ug7jm Жыл бұрын
Thank you for such a refreshing video!!!!!
@acovingt Жыл бұрын
can i please talk to you about my design process (please)
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