Really good, very interesting and relevant - I think that autism has been frequently misunderstood, at great cost to our communities and to the individuals involved. This brilliant lecture finally gives an opening in another direction. In my opinion we would do well to examine our parenting and schooling methods, and our society's demand for conformism and negative attitide towards diversity.
@PLPCPLAPD10 жыл бұрын
Is there perhaps a possibility that because autistics lack social skills and understanding of human social cues, they therefore feel closer to animals as they can emphasize easier with those whom they understand on a more profound level?
@PLPCPLAPD10 жыл бұрын
Glad I was able to assert something that could be confirmed :)
@liannakari51779 жыл бұрын
I think there should be six senses. The sixth sense should be feelings(emotions). I believe empathy in autism is more of a sensory integration problem than something missing.
@AUnicorn6667 жыл бұрын
LiAnna Kari you knoe there are a lot more senses then just the main 5