"I thought Christians were stupid" (w/ Jake from August Burns Red)

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Punk Rock MBA Podcast clips

Punk Rock MBA Podcast clips

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@nickchellsen Жыл бұрын
Growing up, I could only listen to “Christian” music. Because of that, the Tooth & Nail/Solid State bands were what got me into the scene. I think it’s great that you not only talk with the guys from these bands, but also ask them about their faith and religion. 👍🏻
@tehblueduck Жыл бұрын
Lord, show me the way as I give myself to You Never let me go, hold me with Your everlasting love Be my strength, be my voice, my glory Set me free Redemption
@blasher4 Жыл бұрын
Great interview. A lot of millennials including myself have been struggling with faith for years and are trying to find a path back to God.
@benagosto3641 Жыл бұрын
He never left you.
@blasher4 Жыл бұрын
@@benagosto3641 Amen. Everything in our lives will come back together when we realize it and embrace God.
@motivationalmusicandwords Жыл бұрын
Jesus is the way, Read the bible.
@Rob_Cary Ай бұрын
If you're in a dark alley and somebody is about to stab you and you choose to pray instead of find the closest object you can find, RIP in advance. Love ABR tho
@blasher4 Ай бұрын
@@Rob_Cary I’m sure God is fine with someone defending themselves.
@TechReviewTom Жыл бұрын
I talk to God like he's my best friend, I don't change any dialect or act a certain way I just say what's on my mind to god in my head
@jordanmontgomery5645 10 ай бұрын
Hey I just want to encourage you in that. I think that's great. You're building intimacy and friendship with God. Hope things are going well.
@nicholaswhs0896 7 ай бұрын
@ThunderousNinja 6 ай бұрын
He loves you as you are. He already knows. I'm real with him daily good or bad he can take it. He's an understanding God
@nicholaswhs0896 6 ай бұрын
@@ThunderousNinja Well said! Facts!
@spankyjeffro5320 4 ай бұрын
That's your internal monologue, FFS.
@bazamere Жыл бұрын
Thanks for having these interviews and talking about things that so many people are afraid to talk about. I watched the full episode and didnt agree with everything. But when things are said coming from a place of acceptance of other views it OK to not agree. Im not religious, I believe in Science, not God. But really they dont have to be mutually exclusive. What I call "science" is maybe what someone else calls "god". They both encompase things that us mortals cannot explain, science follows the belief that everything can be explained if we can just figure it out, while I think religion is more, there are some things we arent meant to know. Honestly I dont know which is correct, but does it matter? I dont like how some people have weaponized god though (and I also dont like how some people have weaponized science either). So I tend to lable myself as spiritual instead of religious... but honestly I think talking about science and spirit is like saying 6 of one, half dozen of the other... Again thank you for having these interesting conversations though. Its a rare thing on the internet these days
@BigWhitePerson Жыл бұрын
Well said ✌️🤟🤘🖖
@evergray5063 Жыл бұрын
When I read “I believe in science, not God”, I was ready to reply, but your next sentence “ they don’t have to be mutually exclusive” was EXACTLY what I was going to reply with. I’m not ‘religious’ either, but this binary view of spirituality is wrong imo. To me, ‘God’ is whatever caused the Big Bang. Our entire universe is governed by laws; light travels @ 670 million miles per hour, sound travels (through air) at 767 mph, but 3319 mph through water. ‘God’, to me, it is whatever force is behind governing these universal principles, it’s the Breath of Life itself. And I don’t need ceremony & dogma to believe in something greater and more intelligent than myself 🤷‍♂️
@bazamere Жыл бұрын
@@evergray5063 i mean I dont necessarily think what governs our reality is "intelligent" at least not by our standard of intelligence. But I feel there are rules and they are followed. The mysteries are rules that we dont understand yet (and maybe never will). But when our understanding of science has come so far to be able to say that matter is made of energy.... what is the difference between something like that and the idea of spirit? Im also certain that there is more to energy and matter than we have discovered through science... In the end spirituality should be whatever makes sense to you though. I wont pretend to know more or less than anyone else 😁
@evergray5063 Жыл бұрын
@@bazamere yeah I don’t mean intelligent by our understanding or metrics either. I think “God” is beyond human understanding, we literally lack the cognitive capacity to fathom IT. A dog knows certain words, can read facial expressions, understand tone of voice, but if you ask a dog to code an application in C++, it lacks the capacity to understand the question (maybe even the concept of a question) much less the capacity to understand a computer, code, coding languages, etc. I think humans have the same deficiency in trying to understand what “God“ even is it’s a word we use to describe something beyond our comprehension, and religions have personified their deities to make them more palatable, familiar, and understandable, but, in my opinion, they are all, trying to - for lack of more elegant words - latch onto or attempt to resonate with some cosmic positive energy. Kind of cheesy, I know, but it’s the best way I can attempt to describe the indescribable.
@lorenzosyquia4769 5 ай бұрын
How can you be punk and be rebellious and look down on one of the most rebellious philosophies in the world?
@The_Saddest_Landscape Ай бұрын
Ah yes, one of the most rebellious philosophies, Christianity, where you aren’t allowed to not believe in god despite the lack of evidence and the horrific atrocities committed in the Bible, or else you’re going to hell. Not to mention, the exact god who condemns “rebelling” against him. Very rebellious🤣
@noshitrizzo Ай бұрын
@@The_Saddest_LandscapeYou’re only proving his point by pointing down from your high horse of “intellectualism”
@The_Saddest_Landscape Ай бұрын
@@noshitrizzo I’m not pointing down, I’m pointing out. What he said isn’t true. God isn’t rebellious.
@EnigmaEnginseer Ай бұрын
@@The_Saddest_LandscapeWas pretty rebellious in the eyes of Rome.
@The_Saddest_Landscape Ай бұрын
@@EnigmaEnginseer sure, but a religion that tells you if you disobey you’re going to go to hell is not rebellious in the slightest🤣
@mattblatchley2061 Жыл бұрын
great segment! I recommend the entire interview to anyone who hasn't seen it!!! It goes by really fast!!!
@MySkilletfan Жыл бұрын
I may not be religious but Wolves At The Gate songs have helped me through a lot
@anoceanbetweenus89 7 ай бұрын
Solid interview. Jake and ABR are the reason I was able to come off my pedestal as an “elitist” agnostic myself. The album “rescue and restore” really helped me further understand and assess Christianity, religion, and more importantly myself and my relationship them. I’m still very much agnostic but have found respect for those that do the real work of the god they worship. Christianity and religion are not inherently bad, in fact when not abused it is something that can foster monumental positive change in peoples lives and even cultural changes. However, just as anything else, there are always bad apples that ruin it for everyone else and take it and construe it to take advantage of others. There are faith based organizations, churches, etc that are doing the real work and supporting communities in desperate need. Shout out to those that take action and place people first before religion. I’ll end this with a ABR lyric that resonates with me to this day from the song “Treatment.” “Stop dwelling on what happens when we die. Start helping others while we’re still alive.”
@ProgrammedForDamage 4 ай бұрын
What Jake said around 2:53 - Man that is so right on! The whole interview really resonated with me. Great discussion between Finn and Jake.
@taxzby Жыл бұрын
We also need to take into account our cultural bias towards tradition. For westernised faith...its all the same, needs to be changed and reflect the changing community...but for other cultures faith its like wow that unchanging structure that is so awesome that it has survived and your able to practice it. Our modern mindset can be often too focused on individuality and entertainment.
@MikeHoncho610 3 ай бұрын
Jake’s a fantastic dude. Never met a friendlier guy in the scene
Im an athiest, i used to despise christians. Now i respect the belief system and am happy seeing people happy as long they arent hurting anyone
@darthvaldez999 Жыл бұрын
I'm not Christian nor religious but I can say that Jesus saved me growing up staying away from trouble gangs and drugs
@JulianLee-l5n 9 ай бұрын
I really like you guys, and what you have to say. I grew up as a "Christian metal head". I am concerned, however, that you would equate Christianity with "American Brand Christianity", which aligns with such false prophets as Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copelannd, Tourniquet, in their classic, "A dogs Breakfast", address these issues.
@bradbrown4686 2 ай бұрын
I think the thing that gets lost on so many people is they judge God by the church. The church is full of broken people who need Jesus. As I listen to so many of the Christian bands from when I grow up reject their faith now because of the way they were received or treated by other people claiming to be Christians I can only think one thing. You cannot judge the character of a Holy and Perfect God by the actions of an unholy and sinful person. If you want to know who God is, the Bible is the only way. Don't look to humans they will only let you down. There are some excellent teachers out there, but I can attest to the fact that the local church is extremely broken, and many of them have forsaken the Bible to try to draw people in with cultural relevancy. If any church or believer can't support what they are saying or doing with multiple verses from the Bible than it's likely what they are doing isn't what God has called them to do. I'd love the chance to talk religion with Finn or any of these Bands who have fallen away, just to hear what their thoughts are. The churches are full of hypocrites, myself included, but when the Bible is preached faithfully it has the power to change lives and reveal who God really is.
@The_Saddest_Landscape Ай бұрын
I would like to respond to this. I am an atheist, and one of the main reasons I left religion was other Christians, but not for the way they treated me, but for the way they treated others and their arguments for the Bible. When I began to question, I read the verses that were atrocious and evil, and when I heard the arguments for why these verses were there, it only served to push me farther into my disbelief of this deity. For example, the way god treated homosexuals within the Bible is nothing short of disgusting, and when I sought out answers for why god has treated them in such a way, I got “it’s unnatural, it goes against gods image of love” or, the worst one of all “god doesn’t need a reason.” The first argument is easily disproven with one google search, animals do it all the time, male albatrosses will come together and bind for a lifetime. The second argument is never made sense to me, why an all loving god would prohibit love, even if it’s harmless. Then comes the rebuttal of god wanting people to bare fruit (children) but then why would he create some to be infertile, intentionally going against his own wishes? The third argument, the most vile one, only served me to completely detach myself from religion, hearing how common it was was disturbing, hearing people say god didn’t need a reason to command the death of gays in Leviticus only gave me my answer as to if this deity was truly “all perfect” and for me to continue to think he was would be dishonest to myself. I wanted to write this reply because you stated “you cannot judge the character of a holy and perfect god by the actions of an unholy and sinful person” except, it does hold some truth, but as Christian’s always told me and most likely told you, READ YOUR GOSH DARN BIBLE. What god has done to those that have done no harm but love is not good, it’s evil in its purest form.
@davidgutierrez7016 Ай бұрын
​@@The_Saddest_Landscape Well I want to note that you seem to have a magnifying glass focused on just the homosexuals in the Bible. Homosexuals were not the only ones who faced God's wrath in the Bible. Did you forget that God killed billions of ppl in the flood? Why? BECAUSE WE ARE ALL GUILTY SINNERS. You and me included. God displaying his wrath in the Bible is to show YOU what your sin deserves. We are born dead in our sin, spiritually dead, so by default, we are ALL going to hell. "For the wages of sin is DEATH." Read Romans 3, it describes the human condition, "there are NONE who does good, no not ONE...for ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." This means that every single person that ever existed does NOT deserve to go to heaven, we all deserve God's wrath, not just homosexuals. This is why we need a Savior. To repent of our sins and rebellion against God, and to put our faith in Jesus Christ and the work and law that he has fulfilled on our behalf, and to except His sacrifice and the debt He paid for our sins. God inflicting His wrath on sinners in the Bible does not make Him cruel or evil, it makes Him fair, righteous, and JUST, for that is what we all deserve for our sins. God has every right to kill every single one of us and send us all to hell and He would be perfectly righteous and just to do so. However, God is also loving and full of grace and mercy, which is why we are still here and the earth is still spinning, because God is withholding His wrath and judgement on us, giving us time to repent. God still offers us salvation, though we do not deserve it. Please read Ephesians chapter 2, it tells us that we are only saved by GRACE, a free gift from God that we did nothing to deserve. Grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone. Homosexuals need the Gospel just as much as any other person on this planet. Im a born again Christian, and I need the Gospel. There is no sin that God cannot forgive, Jesus blood paid it ALL, and when we receive salvation, ALL of our sins are forgiven, and we receive no condemnation when we stand before God, and our salvation is eternal, we cannot lose it, for God sustains us and keeps us. I pray you consider these things and decide where you stand with Christ.
@8-BitHeart79 Ай бұрын
Finn, as a Christian myself, I can confirm even Christians are judgmental a-holes. Unfortunately that is part of being human after sin entered the world. The difference between much of the secular world and that of the Christian world is, because Jesus died for us and faced God’s wrath in place of every one of us(the whole world) we actively attempt to avoid that part of us rather than allow it to permeate every thought and action. Now, that doesn’t always happen… sometimes we screw up. Which is why I thank Jesus for his sacrifice, humble myself and ask for forgiveness. You see, the ONLY factor that separates me from an unbeliever is recognition of the sacrifice made on our(the whole world’s) behalf. The only thing that separates you from me is knowing the love Jesus has for, not only me, but you as well. I love you, brother. I pray blessings rain down upon you in such a way that denial is no longer possible. Amen.
@erykvonritzmann4741 Жыл бұрын
Well, this isn't bad religion... bait.
@northernxdarkness Жыл бұрын
Look Being As An Ocean does it perfectly. They have lyrics about god, especially their first album. But it doesn't matter. What they're writing about isn't really sth "christian". All of their lyrics is more universal. They're not preaching christianity. I belive just their vocalis Joel is still christian, but they all used to be. The also have new members. Still... Joel is talking about love and acceptence and stuff, but it's not in "christian" way. I love this band so much, i had some of the most beautiful moments in my life with this band and i'm not christian at all. Btw I need to say, I'm not a fan of christianity or religion in general. But people can belive in a god or gods without being in a religion. Organized religion is in our history is mostly the cause for so many bad things, like discrimination, wars and hate.
@batman-sr2px Жыл бұрын
What are religious songs from August burns red?
@WovenBrute Жыл бұрын
@@batman-sr2px their first LP is called messengers…think about that for a second, and though Jake said he was against the church then, I would urge you to look the lyrics up…for that album, and then anything post that album. As they state “Christian’s hate Christian’s” sometimes. I urge you to look at their lyrics especially on rescue and restore. I realize it’s later in their career, but their title track is “provision”. Hear what they have to say! It’s a man struggling to find faith, like I think we all are.
@WovenBrute Жыл бұрын
@@batman-sr2px “I’m the thief, the whore, the murderer” is directly from the Bible, and I don’t believe in that faith. Jake is a man struggling to find a higher power, as we all are, and he states his stance very clearly, and succinctly.
@WovenBrute Жыл бұрын
@@batman-sr2px “I’d rather learn then end up in a cold dark grave”…he’s just like us all, searching for something
@krinkles147 11 ай бұрын
@@batman-sr2pxpretty much every song from leveler and rescue & restore have christian lyrics and every album has a few songs with christian lyrics
@TheHiddenValar Жыл бұрын
Jesus > Religion
@MikePipes-ti9pf 5 ай бұрын
😅 they all says that jesus is not a religion but à relationship with god.i mean they build Church in that idéa whatever
@yeehaw3792 4 ай бұрын
Religion is the absolute basis for Western society.
@toddnuyen2725 6 ай бұрын
Jake saying "fuck" in a discussion about God made me incredibly happy, because I swear like a sailor but also love my God. Made me feel more of a personal connection with one of my favorite vocalists. Small shit but I like it lol
@healthyblend2048 5 ай бұрын
Agreed. We are imperfect humans, that’s why we need Jesus.
@danielbrowniel 4 ай бұрын
I don't go to church and I have never stopped believing in God. a year and a half ago I had this experience where a hand came out of nowhere over my left shoulder and touched my chest for like 3 seconds.. And this stuff, I don't blame you if you dont believe me.. but I am no liar and I'm telling you I could not have imagined the joy that I felt.. the feeling of being lit up like a lightbulb element. inside and out. It was completely overwhelming and extremely satisfying. So that's where I am.. I like,.. cant wait to get out of this world and exist like that all the time. It's going to be the absolute bomb. So hold it together.. this world is going to get crazier and crazier.. God is dividing the goats from the sheep. He doesn't jersey wearing fans, He wants PLAYERS. Get it.
@ProgrammedForDamage 4 ай бұрын
@@danielbrowniel Doesn't sound stupid at all. I can recall times when I've been at my lowest ebb and so stressed and then all of a sudden a wave of peace has swept over me. And it wasn't just calming, but it was empowering too. It reminded me of the verse in Philippians "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
@itssslashhere5245 2 ай бұрын
sure but, I could claim to love God and let's say live a homosexual lifestyle. Like say God supports it or just choose my way over God's. So controlling your mouth is like controlling your heart. Jesus tells us to watch our mouths on what we say, it is hard to do if you use it regurly but it can be done since I used to swear like in ever sentence.
@jona3180 Жыл бұрын
clear a path, stand aside, wer carrying the torches!!!!!
@ivikounavi3261 11 ай бұрын
Alguien que me traduzca el contexto del video? 🙏🏻
@Rob_Cary 11 ай бұрын
I've never had a spiritual experience in my life. I never really ever felt jealous about that. If anything, I felt pity. If something out there created all of this, it is the people that should be rising up and getting ready to do the judging and be a violent force against it instead of caring what the biggest deadbeat father in any storybook ever has to say. If there's a god, please judge me lol I'll judge you right the fuck back
@hast0408 Жыл бұрын
Extol is my favorite band & I’m not religious at all.
@zacharysmart6794 Жыл бұрын
Christian’s aren’t supposed to be “liked” they crucified Jesus who is and was the most Holy innocent man to ever walk the earth they are supposed to represent Christ and tell of His good works and to sinners the Gospel will be offensive because it tells them of leaving their life and that they’re are walking alongside their father the devil and repenting and trusting and following Jesus is the ONLY way out “JESUS IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE” also Christian’s should refrain from becoming like the world for then therefore they identity that they are part of it so all this profanity is concerning I don’t know his walk but I do know that it does go against the Bible to speak as such
@TheHiddenValar Жыл бұрын
Christians didn't kill Jesus. Thew jews did.
@WarofThoughts Жыл бұрын
Vaakevandring is cool
@ElijahJimenez-t5f 6 ай бұрын
God is good
@gilventura3021 Жыл бұрын
Only thing I could say is that Christ is the only way, truth and life and nobody will make it to God the father without Him. By the way, real Christians don’t curse.
@belltolls1984 Жыл бұрын
@brennenjohnson6616 5 ай бұрын
@j4kobburnsr3d 6 ай бұрын
@davcardens 9 ай бұрын
Jesus saves you all
@spankyjeffro5320 4 ай бұрын
What a shame. I thought you were better than this. Gonna have to block you now.
@Brutuscomedy 3 ай бұрын
I wouldn't call John Cooper, Kirk Cameron, and Candace Owens the sharpest tools in the shed. 😆
@billmarshall268 2 ай бұрын
What do they have to do with what he's talking about?
@therealkakitron Жыл бұрын
Screw that. While I respect the people who are believers, I don't respect their beliefs. They've might have brought hope and stability for some, but the destruction, harm and abuse that also comes with it makes it not worthy of any respect.
@RegurgiNate84 Жыл бұрын
That's not faith, that's people using religion or scripture as an excuse to be shitty people.
@selfgain9458 Жыл бұрын
Only peace love and harmony baby! 🥴🥴🍆🍆🤤😋
@N_FORCE_5 Жыл бұрын
I’ve seen way more destruction, harm and abuse from non Christians than Christians.
@personreanimation Жыл бұрын
Atheism is responsible for over 100 million deaths in Mao's atheist China and Stalins atheist Russia in under 100 years, but go on....
@LongAndWrong Жыл бұрын
Say it about Islam too! Go ahead
@belltolls1984 Жыл бұрын
Well, I mean they are so...
@RidinMyGrandmasCadillac Жыл бұрын
ok and?
@personreanimation Жыл бұрын
Gee my masters in economics definitely disagrees. I could say the same about the dogmatic ideology that believes putting children on chemical castration drugs and dubbing it "gender affirming care" are dumber than the dumbest of Christians.
@Dram1984 Жыл бұрын
I feel bad for you.
@d1sk-cord531 11 ай бұрын
Are you saying you're smarter than say J.J. Thomson? what scientific discovery have you discovered, do tell us please smart guy
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