"I Want To Be The Pregnant DAD!" Reacting To Transmasc TikToks

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The Offensive Tranny

The Offensive Tranny

2 ай бұрын

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Mental Health, Psychology, Trans surgeries, Gender transition, Medical procedures, TikTok, Reaction video, Hormone replacement therapy, Therapy, Trans doctor, Trans kids. Transgender, FTM, MTF, Dylan Mulvaney, Trans activism, Trans activist, Trans rights, Gender affirming care, Woke, Wokeness, Non binary, Testosterone, Estrogen, Pronouns, Jazz Jennings, LGBTQIA+, LGBT, LGBTQ

Пікірлер: 542
@orcashadow8989 2 ай бұрын
Barf. There's no way in hell this is healthy for the baby, but who cares about the baby, right? All about self validation.
@simpforsupersoldiers 2 ай бұрын
You can’t do chemo if you have a life threatening cancer while you’re pregnant… so why can you pump hormones that can damage your body so you can look or sound or “feel” how you want? I don’t understand people these days.
@jeannenora6113 2 ай бұрын
I wonder if there will be any studies... (if so, we will never know about it)
@erisdiscordia5429 2 ай бұрын
Right? Who the hell cares about the billions upon billions of babies being born to faceless strangers whose life I have zero context over. I've got my own kids to worry about. Speaking of self validation, how's it feel assuming everyone should live the way you think is right and best? Is it very validating?
@rlb983 2 ай бұрын
@@erisdiscordia5429 Pretty sure excessive levels of synthetic testosterone in a pregnant female will have a meaningful impact upon that particular baby. Not sure what "billions upon billions" of faceless-stranger babies have to do with that, but pop off
@erisdiscordia5429 2 ай бұрын
@@rlb983 Faceless strangers have to do with this in the manner of "I don't give a single fuck what those faceless strangers do with thier kids". Their life has zero impact on mine, and I don't limit my freedoms based on what other dipshits do. I won't even pretend to actually give a fuck about several billion people whose name I don't know. You keep on pretending you're jesus or some shit, I'm sure that universal love is super fucking genuine and not just some political bullshit you were taught to say by your various echo chambers. lmao, you modern day hillbilly hippies are fucking hilarious. Now tell me the one about how you hate the government, man.
@nickh.4917 2 ай бұрын
Oh my word. I’m a Minnesota farm boy, a gay one, but a Minnesota farm boy nonetheless. Farm kids know the difference between male and female. (And thank God, because if not my sexual encounters could have been awkward.) I know that males don’t get pregnant and females do. If you need some help with that, I’d be happy to take you to the farm and show you around.
@simpforsupersoldiers 2 ай бұрын
PREECH. I have sheep. Rams can’t get pregnant, although they try to mate each other all the time due to RAGING testosterone. Ewes can’t produce sperm. Some Rams don’t have horns- doesn’t make them Ewes. Some Ewes have get horns- doesn’t make them Rams. Some Rams act relatively docile like Ewes- they’re just docile Rams. Some Ewes act like asshole Rams- they’re just asshole Ewes. I think it’s time to go back to apes and start over. (Joking lol)
@briana5772 2 ай бұрын
Haha! You're awesome!
@szweety1684 2 ай бұрын
You are awesome! If you get one of these crazy trans activist youtubers on your farm, I want video! lol
@CharliStar 2 ай бұрын
Most humans did too until about 5 years ago….
@erisdiscordia5429 2 ай бұрын
Do you hear all that clapping? Man, the internet sure does love a liar.
@alissonvonderlane862 2 ай бұрын
So transmasc is basically a female that's comfortable being a female but likes to present more 'masculine' so... tomboy?
@kellysouter4381 2 ай бұрын
Girl in jeans.
@Bonsqueesquee 2 ай бұрын
I prefer being called a Tom Boy than a Transmasc
@OhDontMindMee 2 ай бұрын
No. Tomboys wouldn’t chop off their breasts and possibly risk being infertile. Plus tomboys arent mental like the women in this video saying they’re men and pregnant.
@Zeltrah 2 ай бұрын
No they enjoy the attention they get for being the odd ball out and proving their level of intellect. Look up narcissism 😂
@mjones8170 2 ай бұрын
Yes. And they can now get testosterone.
@mmmeow 2 ай бұрын
No surprise. “Trans masc” gets knocked up, moves to the suburbs, shacks up, drives a minivan and those youthful “trans” memories fade into her very heterosexual future.
@Wallflowerz3356 2 ай бұрын
Yuhhhppp. And she leaves a skid mark on LGBT history as she drives away. It’s so foul.
@xiaonline 2 ай бұрын
@NotAStanAccount 2 ай бұрын
As another poster said: they use the term "trans-masc" to wear that identity LIKE a mask to conceal their true intentions' which are almost certainly in bad faith.
@P3891 2 ай бұрын
“Me as a trans masc” spoken by the most feminine looking person
@janelain8611 2 ай бұрын
The medias obsession with “pregnant men” is so uncomfortable to me. Putting a spotlight on something almost none of us do for the sake of spectacle
@docmacabre 2 ай бұрын
In some corners of the internet it's a fetish/kink called mpreg (male pregnancy). I wonder if that plays a role in some of these cases. I mean, we do have AGPs, so I wouldn't be too surprised
@doesthisIookinfected 2 ай бұрын
Someone's living out their "mpreg" fantasies 🤢
@hwangmiyeon1001 2 ай бұрын
I blame the brainrot yaoi readers
@indy_go_blue6048 2 ай бұрын
I continue to see that no man has ever collected that reward (a million dollars or more) for being the first biological born-XY male to conceive and give birth. Tiktok- T-8+months and counting.
@JJ-cg9rj Ай бұрын
​@@indy_go_blue6048 there are women / intersex people with XY chromosomes, if you count that (like women with androgen insensitivity syndrome?) Would be interesting to know if there have been any men born XY with primarily masculine / male sex characteristics but with a female reproductive system / gametes. It would be an interesting medical phenomenon
@seagullofchaos6192 2 ай бұрын
It's ok to be a tomboy or femboi.
@spikemurphy5054 2 ай бұрын
Saying it is way easier than society implementing it. There’s still hate for gender non conformity, and the worst part is that most lgbtq organisations just focus on trans children. There’s very few articles written about how to be a confident gender non-conforming person.
@m_winewood 2 ай бұрын
⁠@@spikemurphy5054acceptance has only been made worse by the current state of the trans movement
@LeeTan141 2 ай бұрын
I feel like not even ten years ago people were talking about how men can wear skirts and makeup and be men, and women can be masc and be women… good old times
@starninjacam7774 2 ай бұрын
marcus you hit the nail with the second hand embarrassment from “trans men” getting pregnant, well said
@kaki_maki403 2 ай бұрын
The frustration Marcus is displaying here is exactly how I feel when trans women talk about their periods and uterus transplants. They are both appropriating something that they shouldn’t be. While I’m not trans and I will never understand what it’s like to have gender dysphoria, I feel for you Marcus and all other trans people (the real ones anyway). I’m truly sorry this is happening…it’s really disheartening to see you hurt. You really are strong, and I always look forward to your videos because of your honest messaging! You’re single-handedly doing more activism for your community than any of these degenerates. Keep up the good work! ❤
@doeeyes2 2 ай бұрын
The transplants really gets me heated!! Why would such a precious resource go to them , instead of say actual women with cancers or infertility??
@rostschweifvomchaosclan 2 ай бұрын
i feel bad for the last girl, cause she will wake up at some point and then realize 'shit what have i done to myself' just give her 2 to 5 years
@CharliStar 2 ай бұрын
Specially when her child is born with a new kind of birth defect or rare congenital disorder caused by the mother taking testosterone prior to conceiving…..
@Everlucky_Clover 2 ай бұрын
@@CharliStar yeah what they dont process at all is that there are REAL health risks/disorders from being high on your opposite gender hormone and low on your real gender hormone......... and you actually have to keep tabs on if you are at risk of developing one of them for the rest of your life. being trans isnt easy..... but being an ignorant trender is.
@erisdiscordia5429 2 ай бұрын
@@CharliStar Don't worry, just gives you more reasons to look down on them. Thank god you're so much better than those people. They're scum, and you're an angel.
@CharliStar 2 ай бұрын
@@erisdiscordia5429 you have a very twisted perception of what I said in my comment. Right now, unethical human experimentation is going on - with everyone’s blind consent… we do not know the outcome of any of this, because no studies have been taken into _any_ of these experiments, it’s just happening on members of the public & most people think it’s perfectly fine / normal. I do not. I will never bring my own child into this world, because of the medication that I have to take, in order to keep my body functional - due to a birth defect I have, that effects my entire neurological system - in turn effecting my entire body in many different negative ways… The medications are not something I can just stop taking either; If I do that, the pregnancy and I would both end. These medications that I need to take, although they help me, are known to cause a range of serious birth defects, deformities or disabilities…. So, despite how much I have wanted to be a mother and for as long as I know - knowing the amount of harm, that those medications could cause my child, I personally decided that I could never risk making a child in the first place… I also know what I have to deal with daily, and watching my own child go through similar, because I selfishly decided to ignore the medical professionals who told me my child would be born this way, and made them anyway, would then have to go through watching my child in pain/discomfort or mental anguish because of my choice…. I am not selfish enough, to intentionally bring a child into this world, that is 98% likely to be born with serious deformity or disability… specially. when I know how horrible people in the world have now become…..
@djjaysky9071 2 ай бұрын
she is low IQ and may never make the connection, i have been a lot of semi retarded cases since 2020
@harloquin666 2 ай бұрын
"Testosterone is not birth control" Yeah I could've told you that and I have limited medical training...
@winkmink7709 2 ай бұрын
Its sad cause they just want a child for the fame and clout. Look ma, i gave birth to a child as a TRANSMAN. Babies for these people are nothing more than an accessory. It is so awful
@OsakaJoe01 2 ай бұрын
"As a trans man," but all women get pregnant. So this isn't too special. 🥹
@lynntownsend100 2 ай бұрын
Bet the baby will be "Trans/Non Binary" too...🙄
@susanweiss1439 2 ай бұрын
​@@OsakaJoe01I get it, except I feel awful for the baby/ child that they give birth to, who did not ask to be part of the theatrics..
@marlonalexis3080 2 ай бұрын
​@@susanweiss1439 I agree. When women get pregnant, their hormones go crazy to prepare their bodies to pregnancy, and then, giving birth. If women naturally struggle with their hormones in pregnancy, I can't even imagine how it would be like for a woman with high levels of testosterone
@Snake-yx1dq 2 ай бұрын
That topless one looks like Roger the alien from American Dad
@HikaruRain 2 ай бұрын
If you are biologically a woman, have your ovaries and uterus, and are having unprotected sex you can still get pregnant. Women do make their own level of testosterone but it is so minimal just as men make their own minimal level or estrogen. We make both hormones and need both hormones. They have to be at the right levels and balance for our gender.
@Kiefsti 2 ай бұрын
2:10 I'm not dysphoric, but I am VERY strongly asexual. I wanted to get my tubes tied because of the almost-impossible scenario that assault could happen and pregnancy could result. Doctors wouldn't allow it, and thankfully I'm aging out of that concern in the coming years, but the thought of pregnancy made me genuinely nauseated and fearful.
@darianthannhauser905 2 ай бұрын
In Germany it's common medical advice to do a hysterectomy when starting testosterone because of the risk of ovarian and uterus cancer. A friend of mine (also ftm) got the op after two years of testosterone and he had a precancerous condition. That's what doctors should talk about before giving out hormones.
@Feliciab67 2 ай бұрын
I want a brave doctor/researchers to do a long term study on these babies born to these people.
@mikescollard6499 2 ай бұрын
Hopefully they'll be normal because they are so embarrassed of their parents.
@avnai 2 ай бұрын
Same! It seems so dangerous, the artificial testosterone that the "mothers" took up until the beginning of their pregnancy is most likely still present in their body, their blood, and thus directly affecting the baby's hormones. and since it is known (and a logical consequence) that the "mother's" prenatal hormones affect the baby's sexual development, everything about this is just so worrying. It's like they have no compassion for their own kids
@Aging_Casually_Late_Gamer 2 ай бұрын
They won't. They'll lose their license more than likely if it gets out.
@heatherloughlin544 2 ай бұрын
@@mikescollard6499 Imagine the adverse impact of unnatural hormone levels on a developing fetus. 😱
@heatherloughlin544 2 ай бұрын
They would probably get "deleted" beforehand.
@TheRrxing 2 ай бұрын
Those poor kids!!! Talk about being born with strikes against you!! I’m sorry, but I find this DISGUSTING!!
@tammi67able 2 ай бұрын
@@Mikhaillovesideologiesapparently they don’t
@witchykittyy 2 ай бұрын
@@Mikhaillovesideologies No I mean you’re right, clearly nobody cares
@melaniegrace7707 2 ай бұрын
@@Mikhaillovesideologiesa lot of people care about children maybe you don’t
@joen4642 2 ай бұрын
​@@Mikhaillovesideologies I don't understand why someone wouldn't care.
@CathyRollins-vp8vz 2 ай бұрын
You get more handsome every day. Even though you make me watch these crazy people.
@naomivought9317 2 ай бұрын
He is very handsome. Glad he’s on the sane side of history, his intelligence is charming
@Fairlight53 2 ай бұрын
I agree. He is an intelligent, compassionate handsome young man. I appreciate his voice of reason.
@simpforsupersoldiers 2 ай бұрын
I feel like I’m going insane. This is all MENTAL.
@Bonsqueesquee 2 ай бұрын
😢 keep your own mind strong and sane. We can get through this together! It's torture. I know.
@ShannonR1969 2 ай бұрын
I read an article recently in which researchers found that the rate of autism is MUCH higher among "trans" people than it is in the general public.
@Siamesetiger178 2 ай бұрын
yes, because autistic people tend to not see the societal norms of 'boys wear these clothes girls wear these clothes' so its easier for autistic people to realise that they're trans
@SwankemasterSupreme 2 ай бұрын
I’ll gladly fight myself.
@edwardnorton9208 2 ай бұрын
Can relate. When I was in 6th grade, I was still really “masculine” and hated my female parts. My mom said when I turned into a teenager, it would all go away. When it didn’t, I assumed I was a boy. Which I told her. She brushed it off. It’s been years, and I am so happy that my mother was sane.
@AbigailBrickler 2 ай бұрын
I’ve read that, too.
@CrusifoxMedia 2 ай бұрын
Exactly. I would have been absolutely screwed if I was an autistic girl today rather than in the early 2000s.
@TanyaRando 2 ай бұрын
I really don’t know how you deal with this Marcus, the insanity is real!
@naomivought9317 2 ай бұрын
If I was a sane trans person I would just build a bunker 😂 cuz I’m sure they’re sick as hell of this
@Nick95395 2 ай бұрын
These are not transmen. The thought of me getting pregnant was so horrifying I said I wanted my uterus out as a preteen. And as an adult I did it. Because I actually am I trans man with gender dysphoria.
@Draco19970125 2 ай бұрын
Lets call you what you actually are : woman. A person with female sex chromosomes/organs, a person without a prostate. You are not any kind of man.
@SwankemasterSupreme 2 ай бұрын
I keep forgetting the uterus is female and has nothing to do with the urethra fml.
@Draco19970125 2 ай бұрын
@@SwankemasterSupreme So you have problems with accepting your sex, therefore you cut out your reproductive organs. Translation : you are still a woman. Or dir you cut out your female sex chromosomes too?
@emilyk1109 2 ай бұрын
I'm a cis woman, but my idiotic 13 year old self decided against getting the vaccines against HPV-induced cancer of the reproductive system because I figured out that I would get my uterus removed in case of a tumor. I've always been extremely horrified at the thought of becoming pregnant and I hope that I'll be able to finally rid myself of this cursed organ in the near future. I can't fathom how much worse this must be for genuine trans men.
@Nick95395 2 ай бұрын
@@emilyk1109wishing you all the best
@lynntownsend100 2 ай бұрын
Ah, I remember when if you liked "MPreg" (fanfiction) stories you were considered weird...good times😂😂😂
@lanigirl01 2 ай бұрын
I love those stories. Glass Bay Apartments is my fav series in that genre.
@eri_sama 18 күн бұрын
​@@lanigirl01yeah. saw a bunch of people here blame this trans pregnancy issue on fictional mpreg stories. media literacy has never been so low 😂. except for trans trenders, we all seperate fiction from reality. like that mpreg stories argument gives "video games cause violence" vibes.
@carolcook2359 2 ай бұрын
I feel like we're living in bizzaro world.
@MagpieAnnie73 2 ай бұрын
It's has bee becoming a cult for most
@guppy0536 2 ай бұрын
Cause we are want off world please
@KattMurr 2 ай бұрын
I've been saying that too. I am a born woman and never had kids because the idea of it freaked me out. I am 51, so I am not going to change my mind. I have tokophobia, which is the fear of pregnancy. And pregnant women. Whenever someone I know gets pregnant I feel no joy for them. I always want to ask why the hell would they want go through that...lol...so transmen getting pregnant makes absolutely no sense whatsoever...I am straight too...
@doeeyes2 2 ай бұрын
Girl, same. Exceot im happy for others, its just not for me.
@loumac 2 ай бұрын
I had two children and I love them more than life itself but it was 18 months of discomfort, nausea and indigestion, and then hours of unbearable agony to give birth, then struggling to breast feed (had to give up). Being scared of pregnancy is very reasonable.
@KattMurr 2 ай бұрын
@@loumac especially when you watch someone else give birth. I was my sister's lamaz coach for her second kid, my nephew. I was 17. It was horrifying....I said all teenage girls should watch a live birth and maybe they would be smarter about sex...lol...that's one of many, many reasons I had no desire to reproduce...my brain didn't develop exactly as it should have so that has a lot to do with it as well...
@anastasiae.5338 2 ай бұрын
I didn't realize a fear of pregnancy was a thing. I certainly had it. I don't fear people who want to go through with it, but don't relate at all. Luckily menopause put an end to the fear. Only a miracle would cause a pregnancy now.
@IzzySalami 2 ай бұрын
So, when you say you feel “no joy” is it because you’re afraid of them being pregnant OR you just don’t like kids?
@lydiasinclair1126 2 ай бұрын
Watching and waiting for the "community" to fall apart. It's getting close and I am so sick of it. I had no issues prior to 3 years ago. The past 3 years of pronouns and clown shows I am at my witts end. Unless you have common sense.
@boosqueezy2418 2 ай бұрын
they all lack wits, that’s the problem.
@naomivought9317 2 ай бұрын
@PatricenotPatrick 2 ай бұрын
I thought it was just a tiny few but it’s honestly worrisome to see how many people keep asserting these heterosexuals are anything else just because they keep adding letters and numbers. Do we need to go over how babies are made again now? 🤦🏿‍♀️
@scouticuss2121 2 ай бұрын
​@PatricenotPatrick Not really. Two gametes, two sexes. Two "genders". All the rest is just personality..
@PatricenotPatrick 2 ай бұрын
@@scouticuss2121 Huh? I know. I’m talking about how the girl in this video is straight like a lot of these “ma pronouns” people. We’re seen skyrocketing rates of young ladies transitioning all the mean while masculinity is also constantly being portrayed as a negative. These are real issues we can’t continue to ignore and pretend this is a problem for the “alphabet” thats just a narrative the media uses to keep people divided amongsts ourselves to stay distracted from the issues. We all know “pregnant dad” is not a thing lol.
@doeeyes2 2 ай бұрын
I cant imagine wanting my voice to sound like Kermit the Frog smokes two packs a day 😂
@priscillajimenez27 2 ай бұрын
Or like the folk who get a hole in their throat/chest from smoking
@4andystorm8 2 ай бұрын
My Nana had a very famous saying throughout my family and that saying was yes they are that stupid whenever you see one of these people that's all you need to think yes they are that stupid😭
@teerific3991 2 ай бұрын
Marcus thank you so much for mentioning the unborn Child!!! In to many of these circumstances and many others , the child is never brought up or talked about. I appreciate you bringing there health into topic. Children should not be treated or talked about as if they are organs or a fashion statement. God Bless you.❤🙏
@priscillajimenez27 2 ай бұрын
Amen ❤
@JamesStJake 2 ай бұрын
I find it unsettling, I’m not open-minded enough. I love how the transmac person wears more makeup than me, a woman...
@karismith5079 2 ай бұрын
I feel very sad for the children born to these people!!
@annamossity8879 2 ай бұрын
That’s my concern too. 🙁
@erisdiscordia5429 2 ай бұрын
@@annamossity8879 Don't worry, they only exist so you can feel better about yourselves. /yawn
@sharingyourexperiences5305 2 ай бұрын
That part
@priscillajimenez27 2 ай бұрын
Same. There's a couple who switched their "gender identities" so the woman is playing dad and man playing mom. Dad has boobs now from estrogen and HE TRIED TO BREAST FEED THEIR DAUGHTER! 🤮🤢 Also all three of them were in bed cuddling shirtless. Weird
@erisdiscordia5429 2 ай бұрын
@@priscillajimenez27 Think that's bad, you should see a bunch of full grown adults sitting a room together singing about how 100% totally real fucking angels are.
@imogenaurel 2 ай бұрын
As a pregnant woman i can only confirm, being pregnant is the most female thing ever. I feel so feminine and empowered and wonderful as a woman, i never expected that tbh. Everyone always talks about how hard and tiring it is. At times it is, yes, but i am lucky to have an uncomplicated and side-effect-low one. It truly is an extreme feminine thing to experience bc you really have to go with the flow, allow things to naturally progress and hand some control over to nature or god or whatever you may believe in. Nothing i think a masculine man takes as easy.
@sandraschwarz8464 2 ай бұрын
Congratulations on your pregnancy. I also was lucky with my two pregnancies. I never felt more offened in my life as when the nursed asked me an hour after giving birth as what gender I'm identifying because she needed it for some paperwork.
@syeddaahmed7460 Ай бұрын
Speak for yourself. As a female person, pregnancy is neither "male" nor "female." It's just another deadly biological process humans shouldn't have to go through. Pregnancy has horrified me since I was in preschool and still does.
@hkira1110 2 ай бұрын
A question I have been wondering on people in this communitys take on it Why are we not treating gender dysmophia like body dysmophia by learning how to be comfertable in your own body instead of needing to transition to feel better?
@Siamesetiger178 2 ай бұрын
because its a different feeling- its not "im not pretty enough" its "i dont feel like me in my own body".
@hkira1110 2 ай бұрын
@@Siamesetiger178 but thats not what body dysmorphia is its "i am unlovable and unworthy of anything becuase i am so ugly" its someone who feels so uncomfertable with themselves they are willing to put themselves through things just to look diffrent becuase they have so much uncomfertabilty of self lothing to their body
@Siamesetiger178 2 ай бұрын
@@hkira1110 yeah I'll admit, body dysmorphia is definitely more complex than just "I'm not pretty enough", but I was more so trying to highlight the difference between body dysmorphia and gender dysphoria. body dysmorphia and gender dysmorphia definitely have things in common, but they are different feelings.
@JJ-cg9rj Ай бұрын
Primarily because many transsexual people are uncomfortable in both their bodies and the way they are perceived socially. The root of the discomfort is their distress over the reality of their current bodies and situation. People with body dysmorphia see their body through a distorted and warped view. The root of THEIR distress is that they are NOT seeing their body as it is in reality. That is why people with body dysmorphia who are anorexic will still be convinced that they are fat / overweight, despite being a healthy or underweight BMI. Of course, every person is different and thus such things should be dealt with on a case by case basis
@Antsandy96 2 ай бұрын
So that Transmasc is just a Tom Boy??? Shocker
@pistachexiaohua6705 2 ай бұрын
People will shit on you for using a plastic bottle for your baby's milk BUT this is accepted? Wtf
@MDOC321 2 ай бұрын
The first time I learned what a transman was, was also the same documentary that showed him pregnant. Now, he was only pregnant because he was married to a woman that coudn't conceive, so they agreed for him to get preganant since he still had an uterus and ovaries. I don't remember the details, but I think he said that while was not a good experience, he wanted to have a family with this woman so much, that he was willing to sacrifice his body and emotions for some time for it. It showed much they loved each other and was so sweet. I think this was over 10 years ago.
@k.j2 2 ай бұрын
wait thats actually so cute that he was willing to go through all the pain and dysphoria for his wife 🥺🥺 this is the only exception for trans men getting pregnant (cuz it actually makes sense)
@emmapeel8163 2 ай бұрын
she took T .. she had facial hair. not cool for a baby.
@Draco19970125 2 ай бұрын
​@@k.j2Yeah no. WOMEN get pregnant. Men don't.
@Draco19970125 2 ай бұрын
"Trans man" =adult human female. WOMAN. Only WOMEN can get pregnant.
@priscillajimenez27 2 ай бұрын
Yeah she was a Hawaiian lesbian who was I think a model. Why is it always the pretty ones? She got her boobs removed and her GF broke up with her. She got with a much older woman and got "married". Had two kids from a sperm donor. They divorced and she's taking care of the kids. Last I heard she ended up with one of her kid's elementary teachers... yeah...
@elizabethbotros1404 2 ай бұрын
Always the voice of reason. Hope all is well.
@corruptmindpalace 2 ай бұрын
omg. this reminds me of a group of people i use to be friends with around 2015. i was friends with a few people who decided to be all trans or nonbinry and it was like a cult cause one person who was a popular trans person was super cool so everyone wanted to be them. anyways, its funny cause person 1 got a boyfriend and started to be feminine again to the point they don’t even look like who they were. they use to say they were a man too and even had a girlfriend at one point. person 2 stopped being friends with everyone and took on another hobby and is also feminine and living as a woman again. person 3 moved to a different place and i guess the change in environment made them a female again. honestly there was a bunch of them (there were a ton) who pretty much stopped being friends with each other and because of the changes they went through in life they all became feminine again and embraced their womanhood. it’s funny how something big like love or change in environment really fixes so many problems. most of these people just seemed bored or had some issues in their life they wanted to run away from.
@WhatYourtold 2 ай бұрын
I think there are some transmen who get accidentally pregnant, especially considering for so long we were told testosterone renders you infertile after so many years. And abortion isn't always an option in certain places. I've been on T 10 years and never slept with a cis man, but I still have nightmares about it happening. Both the idea of a pregnancy or an abortion are horrific to me as a transman.
@BubblesChika 2 ай бұрын
I think it's selfish for women self-identifying as men to become pregnant. I can't imagine the bullying the kids will suffer having two "dads"
@JJ-cg9rj Ай бұрын
Weird logic tbh. And you mean trans men? It's not any else's problem that some would be cruel enough to be fun of a child for that. Do you regard cis gay couples the same way? I do think it's selfish (when done purposely) due to the potential health consequences for the child, but...yikes
@Aging_Casually_Late_Gamer 2 ай бұрын
All these people are saying the same thing. "I want to be special!"
@mr.hitruga 2 ай бұрын
My biggest fear is getting pregnant, although I don’t plan to have sex with a guy until I transition and until my body changes. And it's crazy when I see trans guys having babies. I want to die during my period because it’s fucking emotional pressure. Now I am 19 years old and I firmly believe that without testosterone I cannot exist. But because of the war in Ukraine, I'll have to postpone the transition and that makes me feel fucking bad. I don’t understand why label yourself if it’s much cooler to live an ordinary life.
@Draco19970125 2 ай бұрын
You do what? "Transition"? Into what? From being a female...to being a female. Because even if you cut out your reproductive organs, you will still be a woman. At best, with plastic surgeries/hormone shots you can be a masculine woman. Guys do not have babies. WOMEN, like you, can have babies. A female body does not produce so much testosterone for a reason : it does not NEED it. You can exist without having abnormal hormone levels. You can learn to accept what you are.
@matthewrobinson3048 2 ай бұрын
I hope that you'll be able to feel comfortable, whether or not you go through with it. It's a huge thing to remove organs you'll never get back. I pray that you make the wisest decision that works best for you.
@nicolasandresmartinez-cond126 2 ай бұрын
I'm so grateful for your content, Markus. Thanks for your efforts. Two weeks ago I had to interview a young teen that wanted to transition and I had to review her case, as she wanted to change her name. As I've paid attention to your content I asked some questions to find out of she was really dysphoric or just confused. Turns out it looked a lot more like she was a lesbian and "transness" was a way of coming out and getting a girlfriend, because she lives in a very small town and people have issues with being gay there it seems. She said she wanted to medically transition, do I told her to wait until she was 19-20 to do so, because it looked like she was doing great like this and I was glad she could finally come out and be happy with her sexual orientation, so it looked like she didn't need anything else to be happy, she's just perfect as she is and she didn't need to change a thing to be herself. I hope I helped her rethink the medical transition. Still, it wouldn't have been possible to manage that interview without your explanations on trans issues❤❤❤
@user-hy9it2lm9k 2 ай бұрын
With all the social, cultural turmoil over this stuff going on now, I just hope one day when the dust settles, the chips fall in places everyone is content with. I think advancing medical technology will one day give dysphoric people the results they wish for, and our culture will come to a consensus that individual liberty guarantees the right to present how you feel comfortable with, but also the right of strangers not to be forced to affirm you.
@minttulatte 2 ай бұрын
These are so uncomfortable to watch. 😳
@poogissploogis 2 ай бұрын
Yeah I hate to say it but this shit is radicalizing me. I don't care if it's oppressive, but not everyone should have the right to have children. I know that rule could be taken too far but we absolutely cannot allow this.
@The_Nightsong 2 ай бұрын
I'm basically infertile and have to give up biological children due to any possible pregnancy would be high risk because of various health reasons, and watching this breaks my heart. When it really sunk in for me that i wouldn't be able to have children, it was like i mourned the death of an actual child. I get that some women don't want kids and that's fine. But the pain of wanting one and having that choice taken away from you is just... i can't find the words
@The_Nightsong 2 ай бұрын
@@neko7606 ❤️❤️
@rebeccalove9169 2 ай бұрын
@mildredhubble811 2 ай бұрын
That second hand dysphoria you get when trans men talk about their pregnancies is a lot like how i feel as a lesbian when trans men talk about having sex with males/having boyfriends. Feels wrong.
@j.g.3745 2 ай бұрын
"Something in me told me...this man is perfect, I want to have kids with this man." - I wonder what was literally in her when she realized it. You can't make this up. 😅🙈
@mothkuprion19 2 ай бұрын
As a trans man, i would never want to get pregnant. It's the most gender dysphoric thing I think I could ever experience. I want to be perceived as a man as much as possible, and giving birth is not something that men can do. Therefore, why would I want to get pregnant? I wouldn't. It's the scariest thing ever.
@charlenebaganzmoore 2 ай бұрын
Hey funny thing. You can get body dismorphia when pregnant. First, nothing to do with the baby and not psychosis related to pregnancy. My chest fat grow as I went through two pregnancies, I hate no longer being totally flat chested anymore. Spoke to my GP to check if it was normal, and yep, body changes in pregnancy are normal but women may not enjoy it. Not trans, just human.
@jennnaj7619 2 ай бұрын
That’s quite normal. That you don’t want kids untill you meet the rigth person. A person you know, instinktevly Will take care of you, and make your kids safe. That sounds lika basis instingt at its core!
@rlb983 2 ай бұрын
'And if you wanna see weekly updates..." "I don't"
@IsaAIE 2 ай бұрын
when i was 15 i used to think i was trans, ofc i did deal with trauma in my life and also coming from a hispanic family i saw how free my brother was from me. I wanted to not be hurt again and be free like my brother, so i believed i was trans since i wanted to be a boy so bad, i cut my hair dressed more masculine and told my friends to call me a male name. i was accepted quickly, but then i met a guy which turned into my boyfriend and turned into my husband. but when i met him i started to dress more feminine, wear makeup for him, i wanted to be beautiful for him to like me more. I then wanted children with him, i would ask him if he’d still love me if i transitioned into a man and he said he would love me but he couldn’t be with me since that’s not something he’s attracted to, i was bummed out by this but i wanted him more than i wanted to be a boy. after we got married i ended up pregnant with our first child… and when i fell pregnant i never felt so feminine and at peace with my body! i realized how messed up this world is for pushing a narrative on me that of if i feel a certain way it means such and such. i also believed i was bi til i realized i was just straight. i started to realize all the trauma in my life is what made me feel bi and trans. after becoming pregnant i started to be extra feminine and more conservative and more traditional. because i saw what the world did to me, and i understood what im meant to do in my household. lots of things changed within me, but honestly if it weren’t for my husband i don’t know what id be identifying as right now.
@buitefr1 2 ай бұрын
Thanks Marcus! I see a person, saying to be transman, but I see a woman, that was already before the end. One of the problems I have with all this is: why can't a woman not having some male traits and just be a woman (and males having female traits) Women don't have to be interested in make-up, clothing, fashion etc (all the 'girly' stuff) to BE a woman. It really maddens and worries me. Boys can do 'girly' stuff, having interests, hobbies that we associate with female and that's fine. It sure doesn't mean you have to be trans or gay. Do we have to label everything? What worries me most is the lack of time, space we give to young people to find out themselves with also a fair amount of psycho therapy, before going to extreme measures, like HRT and or surgeries. Just saying all this because in our family there are issues around this.
@joeyk5 2 ай бұрын
Thank you Marcus for facing your own discomfort to bring this up with us…I have to say it makes me squirm a bit and I worry for the children
@CrankyBarista 2 ай бұрын
I feel like autism is being appropriated too. When everyone has it, no one does.
@junkyard_dog18 2 ай бұрын
i appreciate you making this video a lot, despite it being so uncomfortable and gross
@janinegaylard9233 2 ай бұрын
WTF? I have been begging my doctors for HRT for years for menopause and they keep gaslighting me. How are trans people accessing meds???? Tell me the secret.
@Wulfiebaby 2 ай бұрын
Testosterone definitely ain't birth control. I have a lot of it pumping in my body and I'm fertile as hell.
@miizmurrderr 2 ай бұрын
I'm glad you don't have to be anxious about getting pregnant anymore 🖤 I can't even imagine how that would make a real transman feel 😮
@Draco19970125 2 ай бұрын
You mean how that would make a real WOMAN feel. WOMEN are pregnant, not men.
@JJ-cg9rj Ай бұрын
​@@Draco19970125 keep looking for your pacifier and baby bottle 🥺 you'll find it eventually, I believe in you
@TeaBagOfChaos 2 ай бұрын
This is so annoying that such people exist, while real trans men get insanely dysphoric just by thinking about the idea of pregnancy and being reminded of the reproductive system. The topic of pregnancy is one of the most triggering things for me, to the point of tears and emotional chaos.
@StormCrusher94 2 ай бұрын
It seems that the erasure of biological sex and other functions in that community is too high. Words are descriptors. Humans invented them with certain meanings behind them, usually something tangible or what we could perceive and not just a feeling. So saying a man can get pregnant is false. I can't and don't want to get pregnant, nor do i want a period. Just seeing how you Marcus got second hand dysphoria from that pregnant TRANS man should prove that these people aren't dysphoric of their sex, but just don't/didn't like how their body was changing and started to look like.
@zachamundsen8798 2 ай бұрын
i have two kids. i gave birth to both of them. i also did it three years before I finally came to the realization (WITH MY THERAPIST) that I was trans. i always had the idea, even as a kid, but I always thought being trans was... just trans women. i didn't know woman could transition. so I had kids.... let me tell you. i know pregnancy is hard.... but the DYSPHORIA that I was experiencing was mentally explosive. i hated EVERYTHING about my body. i felt disgusted and it was wrong and I wanted it to be over as SOON as it started, but I love these kids. i was still excited to meet them, just the entire act of cooking them inside ME was the worst mental anguish I ever felt. sadly, I didn't put all this together till after I had my second kid. i wish someone else did the work, I wish it was anyone else but me. when I see a pregnant trans man, I get PHYSICALLY ill. I'm reminded of all the loathing, the crying, the wanting to die that I felt come flooding back. trans men shouldn't want to get pregnant, they shouldn't be planning and prepping and getting ready to carry! that's what women do! my kids are growing up with the understanding that yes, I AM their biological mother, but I look like a daddy. they call me dad, but I AM mom. i know this. its scientifically fact. but I would give anything to not have experienced carrying them at all.
@vervideosgiros1156 2 ай бұрын
0:36 22 years old? I'm more than twice his age and I look younger!
@ashleyganton6558 2 ай бұрын
I can see how much this all bothers you.. Make sure you're taking care of yourself Marcus!
@dudeorduuude5211 2 ай бұрын
Please, more of these types of videos. What is missing is real talk about the medical side of this. I appreciate you.
@tkps 2 ай бұрын
As an old bat one of my pet peeves is lack of responsibility over contraception or blaming it's failure for pregnancy. I avidly read all there was to know when I began using it absolutely determined not to get pregnant. Condoms were the only form not 100% effective when used 100% correctly i.e. not ignoring a displaced IUD, not mucking up the pill etc. I lined up for Depo Provera at soon as it released in my country. As I'd travelled a distance and could show I'd researched it I was allowed to have my 'lecture' on its effectiveness, was put in a room to think then return for the dose. Usually 2 appts were insisted on. I don't want to hear 'I thought testosterone.....'. Did any medical professional tell them it was a contraceptive?
@julieholdcroftbetty8520 2 ай бұрын
Does she think that any woman likes their periods?
@anamosity_soso 2 ай бұрын
This is so crazy. I don’t get why this is a normal thing….,
@bradleywong4281 2 ай бұрын
Why don’t these ppl go into genetics if they want men to get pregnant?
@kellyhoward6941 2 ай бұрын
Marcus is one of the few people i've seen on the internet that I feel like I'd really want to go out & hang with, just talk about things over a coffee or beer or whatever.
@yuDa398 2 ай бұрын
The ‘hallas’ killed me😂😂😂 I love you Marcus
@redmoondesignbeth9119 2 ай бұрын
My "Baby" just turned 40. Getting pregnant meant to be aware of what I put in my body that would affect the Baby. It is SUPREMELY SELFISH to expose a baby to unnatural chemicals because of one's selfish desires to be "cool".
@prissyandbomber 2 ай бұрын
You are so open and transparent thank u for keeping it real.
@OuranHSHClover10 2 ай бұрын
i honestly think there needs to be a system in place. I remember back in the day when you wanted to get a sex change you needed to get a psychological assessment first. Like now anyone can wake up, say "I am the other gender", go to the doctor and IMMIDIATELY get recommended some sort of hormones or surgery. Its disgusting to do especially with CHILDREN.
@robslide3466 2 ай бұрын
Well done on getting through this pile of crap without needing a bucket, I have a stong stomach when it comes to biology but even I felt sick with this.
@bubblesawesome3284 2 ай бұрын
People forget that’s it’s ok to be a Tom boy. That doesn’t make you trans
@theMermaidRhonda 2 ай бұрын
I honestly don't understand even wanting to be pregnant. I'm child free by choice and just the thought of being pregnant freaks me out. Every time I see a woman who is pregnant, all I can think is "NO THANK YOU!" Gross.
@naomivought9317 2 ай бұрын
Some women truly do love being pregnant.
@1tommyday 2 ай бұрын
I feel exactly like that Cannot look at naked pregnant bellies....ewwwwww
@ARL21 2 ай бұрын
Pregnancy is definitely not for every woman, i completely understand you not wanting to have children definitely your choice. However, i wouldn’t say it’s gross to want to get pregnant lol
@doeeyes2 2 ай бұрын
Same! It totally freaks me out. I have nightmares that im pragnant all the time.
@kate7413 2 ай бұрын
Exactly if it's hard and uncomfortable for biological women now you can imagine how hard it is for someone with true gender dysphoria, that's the reason why all this trans men getting pregnant is fishy for me
@AmericanAmy 2 ай бұрын
Thank you, Marcus. I know this was uncomfortable for you but yet you still done it you are appreciated.
@tassiodrigues 2 ай бұрын
There's NO WAY I would let my son or daughter take hormones because of momentary feelings 😓😓 especially if they want to cosplay as science experiment
@nothinwatever 2 ай бұрын
I literally forget that you’re trans until you remind me of it. Now that’s actually passing. 😂
@docmacabre 2 ай бұрын
The prospect of getting a period or pregnant used to give me nightmares, and the older I got the more this fear and disgust deepened. I'm not sure if this was dysphoria or something else, or what might have caused it, but I already felt that way when I was a child. When I was 16, I was diagnosed with a DSD condition (colloquially known as intersex) because I still hadn't gotten a period. Never in my whole life did I feel more relieved than when it was revealed to me that I would never have to go through periods or pregnancy. I cannot help but wonder if some of these people are more like me, instead of trans (well, minus the DSD, of course), and they simply grew out of it.
@charlesmclennan2173 2 ай бұрын
Marcus keep putting up these videos that you find and share and dhow the complete madness some have and some are just acting or something,i appreciate the so very truthful facts you put forth ,
@SeLiNa________________900 Ай бұрын
I will be honest, a friend of mine forced the idea of me being Trans onto me (My ex-friend was bisexual and I must say was really into finding a trans partner too-) and I "was" Trans for almost two years. I knew something wasn't right tho as me being called "Him" didn't feel too good, but he kept on pressuring me, like, really doing everything to make me feel like a boy. But when I met my now Fiancé, I realized I was just missing a Partner that loves me for who I am. I am now a happy Straight Woman with a lovely man on my side. Some people really just need to find the right partner to get onto the right path again.
@markgeiger8739 2 ай бұрын
I'm so thankful that I DO NOT USE NOR HAVE Tic-Tok on my phone.
@frenchyroastify 2 ай бұрын
All of this will not age well.
@cr4ckh3ad13 2 ай бұрын
There was this person I had started watching in like 2020 on TikTok because she was funny. Now she's saying she goes by any pronouns(?) and people in the comments call her a Seahorse dad.
@ren_theHEN 2 ай бұрын
If you want a deeper voice as a woman, all you have to do is smoke tobacco for like ~15 years and you’ll have it 😂
@jessiefranks1576 2 ай бұрын
I absolutely love you & @blairewhite your the voices of having a brain!!!' My son's 6 & autistic they are really easily led, I believe in never judge always love but these new add-ons to the LGBTQ community really grind my gears, I'm a bisexual mum & I'd never push anything on my kids except to be true themselves & find the positives in life
@sickens-me 2 ай бұрын
Aren't these the same people that used to go around saying they would eat a baby before giving birth to one? Ya know, bc they are so edgy...
@Raevon22 2 ай бұрын
They all want to be/feel special.
@ZBarl 2 ай бұрын
The "Halas!" Got me laughing so hard.
@alexspies-pronouncedspeez 2 ай бұрын
having a baby saved me honestly. made me realize i wasnt trans. my baby was planned but still. thank god. cant imagine how id feel if i went through with top surgery before having my daughter.
@Prettyinsilver333 2 ай бұрын
When a woman on testosterone gets pregnant is this even healthy for the baby?
@JJ-cg9rj Ай бұрын
If they're on testosterone right before or during the pregnancy, no. It has the potential to cause birth defects and complications, though there isn't much medical research or documentation done on it (from what I have seen so far)
@Nabinut 2 ай бұрын
There should be a study done, exploring whether the children born to trans men and trans women, experienced any physical or mental differences, based on the hormonal changes that happened to their parents prior to conception.
@dianarivera6521 2 ай бұрын
Right because wouldn’t this throw you into complete chaos in you own body to be a trans man and then getting pregnant? It completely go against the exact thing your trying to get away from.
@lellyt2372 2 ай бұрын
That transmasc woman who just wanted a lower voice is a victim and the doctor who gave her testosterone should be in jail. She was vulnerable and she were not protected and this is going to mess her up and also any children (if she manages to have any). It is so wrong and the future for all these non-dysphoric trans people is going to be so so hard.
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