I Was Scammed by a Narcissistic “Friend”

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I know we haven’t talked in a while, quick update from a friend perspective. Not a fun or uplifting one, but necessary to move forward.
Anyone who has dealt with pathological liars/narcissists will 100% relate to this.

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@jackcarraway4707 Жыл бұрын
A toxic friend is infinitely worse than being lonely.
@mep6302 Жыл бұрын
So true. Many of my old "friends" made me feel much worse than being lonely. They laughed at me and then they called themselves my "friends". Since I didn't have other friends I stayed with them for a while until I got sick of their attitude and stopped hanging out with them. I don't have friends anymore but I don't regret it.
@Andy224 Ай бұрын
Totally. Better off alone than with bad company.
@Mike-gu6ku Жыл бұрын
My own mother stole all my money and hid my bank statements for 4 years while I worked 3 jobs and got straight A’s in high school. When I caught her she threw the papers at me and essentially told me it was my fault. The world is full of narcissists and sociopaths. It’s hard to get a grip sometimes.
@Mcfreddo Жыл бұрын
Wow man, that's horrific.
@annberlin5811 Жыл бұрын
My mom took my money too when i was a kid. We were wealthy too.
@pistolp8037 3 ай бұрын
Same, came from a wealthy family, my mom ate up every dollar, everyone but her is dead, and we almost have nothing other than the condo I forced her to put into my name.
@amelia-rose2992 Жыл бұрын
I really like how you try to record your stories in one take. I can't stand when people over edit their videos. It seems much more personal when you leave in the gaps while you are trying to find the words. 💜
@Freekingparrot Жыл бұрын
so true!! overediting in "unhuman"!
@InhaleSkyExhaleStars Жыл бұрын
@shanestahl2771 Жыл бұрын
I agree 100%! I appreciate this type of content more as it's from the heart, pure and unadulterated. Love his ability to be vulnerable with all his videos, he's helping so many people
@spectre3492 Жыл бұрын
Especially when they cut out every pause between sentences, super jarring
@Freedom-Fighter1 2 жыл бұрын
Be careful, you sound like a very empathic person. I’ve found through my travels in life that narcissists can detect empathetic people and try to attach to them or use them for financial or personal gain using their lies and manipulations. Don’t let that change who you are but use this experience to have your antennas up and watch out for people like that. Good luck 👍
@FrancescaBettiMusic Жыл бұрын
I agree. Had to do with a narcissist if they don’t need you anymore they throw you away immediately
@Freedom-Fighter1 Жыл бұрын
@@FrancescaBettiMusic it is sad but true!
@stephenowususerbeh Жыл бұрын
I think that's true. I've also been through that. You later realize these people are just using you for their own financial gains
@stephen8612 2 жыл бұрын
That purple handle by the light switch threw me off for a second!
@richie8945 2 ай бұрын
Same here 😂😂😂
@ФАКДЕМОКРАТ 2 ай бұрын
To some that could be their best friend cause it right next to their bed 😂
@deetteday991 Жыл бұрын
The point is "this is how humans behave." That's powerful.
@JoshHitti Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing that, very true!
@kiwiluv9188 2 жыл бұрын
Wow. I did not see this coming. It’s tough when you’re already struggling with friendships and then you put yourself out there and get burned. I hope you don’t give up though.
@JoshHitti 2 жыл бұрын
I think that's what made it a bigger bummer, especially because he seemed like a cool dude at the start. Thank you for being so kind
@Sterling13 2 жыл бұрын
That's happened to me countless times, that's why I give up
@timh9278 Жыл бұрын
@@Sterling13 It happened to me many times too. Not scam every time, but some other betrayal, such as envy.
@jgrysiak6566 2 жыл бұрын
2 Cardinal Rules 1. Never buy a car off of a friend 2. Never rent an apartment or a house from a friend . Because once a friendship becomes a business arrangement, the friendship is over if something goes wrong. True story
@myatreethe9222 Жыл бұрын
@coupleofbeers31 Жыл бұрын
You can add don't live with a friend to that too. I just learned the hard way after 1.5 years of living with a manipulative psychopath who didn't rear his ugly head initially then as the months went by turned into a monster.
@jgrysiak6566 Жыл бұрын
​@coupleofbeers31 , sorry to hear, some of my best roommates were friends. Never move in with a stranger unless u have to. They were the worst roommates!
@foljs5858 Жыл бұрын
Never do business with friends either
@08baby25 11 ай бұрын
True facts. Going through this now.
@underdawg47 2 жыл бұрын
I've found out through experience that the quickest way to lose a friend is to loan them money. You can help friends volunteering to help them, giving them things as gifts, but when money is involved and they owe you money, it tends to kill friendships.
@mwwhatever 2 жыл бұрын
Really crappy when it's already difficult for someone to make friends and then you open up and have an experience like this. I'm so sorry
@andrewamidala 3 ай бұрын
I had a "friend" who pleaded poverty for about 5 years with everyone while studying. We were all working so would help him out with lunches, coffees, trips etc. After about the five year period he said "Oh i'm buying a house" I was gobsmacked and said "how are you managing that!?". "Oh i've managed to save £40k for a deposit". I couldn't believe it and swiftly lost touch with him. Now I either take it in turns to treat friends or just pay for myself. I was a lot younger and naive then!!!!
@JolieUTU Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, I have had WAY TOO MANY such experiences where I thought someone was a “friend”, but come to find out that they were just using “ friendship” as a tool to manipulate a situation to their benefit. Sad to say. That’s why I am my own best friend, because it’s safer & more reliable for me to have my own best interests at heart. 😊
@iceguy9723 2 жыл бұрын
A big problem with us reserved introverts is we make easy targets for abusive people and grifters (especially cluster 'B' types.)
@ThruTheMatrix Жыл бұрын
Moral of the story : people are garbage - it's better to be alone.
@cherylkelly8009 3 ай бұрын
Oh dear. And lending money too -- never do it ! I know from experience and you end up losing the friendship anyway. On another note, I encountered a pathological liar recently; such puzzling people. Luckily, I found out early and distanced myself.
@Rawxterz 2 жыл бұрын
Josh I am so so sorry this happened to you. This sounds absolutely awful. You shouldn't be embarrassed about having an open heart; it's why we all like you. Some people just gotta be dicks...
@JoshHitti 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the kind words, Joe!
@philj8205 Жыл бұрын
35 and also struggling with this. I have hard time reconciling my current life with my past one. I used to have so many friends and now I've had none for so long that it has transformed my personality in a way that I really don't like. This is not a good way to live imo. Hope things turn around for us.
@enriquet548 2 жыл бұрын
My parents and a friend of mine both said the exact same thing. “I wanted to help…” I think that was the key to getting taken advantage of. You may have to be firm when it comes to money and business.
@JoshHitti 2 жыл бұрын
This was the one and only time I've been that flexible, lesson learned! Thank you, Enrique
@Just-Jaci 2 жыл бұрын
Josh, I understand your frustration - it’s valid. No need to be embarrassed. You and Emily are good people and you’re going to find your tribe. I’ve lost so many friends, I’ve been betrayed so many times… I won’t give up. I’m moving in about a week (I’ll be 3 hours away from my only true friend, an ex boyfriend) but I am going to force myself to get out and meet people. Each time we learn a lesson like this, we get better at paying attention/listening to red flags and gut instincts.
@ilestbeni9356 2 жыл бұрын
I can hear the pain in your voice; and I am truly sorry. You seem like a good person; it is so unfortunate that somebody will take advantage of you in that manner. Well my dear, when people want to walk away from you … LET THEM WALK. A better friend is on the way.
@abrahamkay Жыл бұрын
In the end, it's always a friend that does the deed. Be careful Josh, I wish I had a friend like you, but I realized that good people always end up around bad and narcissistic people. I lowered my expectations in people, it's been great. Right now I just enjoy my cigars and pipes alone at night and I think through life while listening to some good old rocknroll and blues music. I just turned 25, no friends, but that's life I guess. Keep going y'all and try to be good to each other! Aquarius was here!
@christoffer913 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Josh! Sending much love. We've missed ya.
@JoshHitti 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, man! Missed y'all as well
@TheCazz10 2 жыл бұрын
Mate I know how stressful renting a place out can be. Please don’t mix business with friends or family through, it doesn’t work. Put it behind you, learn from it and move forward. Best wishes x
@christoffer913 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear all that you and your family have gone through! People can be disgusting sometimes. Fingers crossed you'll encounter someone awesome soon!!
@JoshHitti 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, man!
@drgato5231 2 жыл бұрын
It's a process i think! Each time you will get a better match!
@drgato5231 2 жыл бұрын
It's a process i think! Each time you will get a better match!
@spencer1854 2 жыл бұрын
That's rough man. You put yourself out there as a friend and were deceived and taken advantage of, that hurts. Take some time to regroup, but don't dwell on him too much--that guy was an anomaly. I've had my kindness and sincerity taken advantage of before. You gotta realize that he has his issues he needs to figure out, and you very likely made him a better person by being kind and being a friend to him, even if all you can think of right now is how it all ended, and how he betrayed your trust. Keep being yourself and put yourself out there if possible. I'd definitely grab a beer with ya if I were in your neck of the woods. God bless
@JoshHitti 2 жыл бұрын
That's a very optimistic way to see it and I appreciate that! I hope he improves after this. Thank you, Spence!
@mmerriw 2 жыл бұрын
I actually thought about you yesterday. Just I wonder how you were doing. So I was happy to see you uploaded. I was not happy when I saw the title because I knew the story was going to be rough and that it would turn you off to the whole friend making thing. I could tell your just a guy of your word. If you say you’ll do something you’d do it. (Sometimes to a fault) I’m that way myself. Which is one of the reasons I tend to be pretty cautious with who I truly let in. I’m really sorry that this was your experience with this guy. We expect other people to be like us with how we treat people and sadly that’s not the case. I don’t really have any much advice at the moment. I’m angry for you. I will say that if you don’t fully feel like trying to jump back in the friend making mode, don’t. Taking that experience into another potential friendship too soon might not be good. I know if I did I’d just be kind of paranoid the whole time. So if you want a break…take it. I agree, the old fashion way might be the best route. It’s been that way for me looking back. Just asking to go to lunch or whatever is always a good start. If you ever visit Knoxville, you definitely have a friend here. ✊🏾
@JoshHitti 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Michael, always good to see you. I think you're spot when you say you expect people to treat you how you treat them - if everyone thought that way we'd have a much more pleasant life. Cheers, bro
@Dobermanmomma Жыл бұрын
This is why I don't bother with having friends. People will only hurt you in the end.
@soul2soul399 2 жыл бұрын
I am currently trying to work through similar energy. My ex husband stole $200K from our home equity 11 years ago and now my sister stole the valuable family heirlooms from my moms home when she died last year. Aside from my special needs son, my sister was the only family I had left. Everyone else has passed away. Having been betrayed by two of the closest people to me, it makes it really hard for me to trust my own judgement now when choosing relationships, friendship or otherwise. I’ve always thought the best of people and believed them, unless I’m proven otherwise. But why do I have to be totally slapped in the face before I realize I can’t trust them. Now I don’t trust others because I don’t feel I can trust my own instincts. I’m trying to work on that, but it’s been very challenging.
@Mike-gu6ku Жыл бұрын
For what it’s worth… my own mother hid my bank statements and stole all my money while I worked 3 jobs in high school. When I caught her she threw the papers at me and screamed at me as if it was my fault she stole from me… her child. People can be absolutely terrible and it’s heartbreaking. Then you look at the world these last couple years… it’s hard to get a grip sometimes.
@soul2soul399 Жыл бұрын
@@Mike-gu6ku man, I’m so sorry this happened to you. Being betrayed by your own mother should NEVER happen. Mothers are supposed to be the one person you can trust. The person who is always looking out for you. If she was struggling to pay the bills I’m sure she could have just had a discussion with you asking you to help contribute to expenses. Stealing from you… I just don’t understand that. I’m so sorry.
@Mike-gu6ku Жыл бұрын
@@soul2soul399 yeah that’s what I told her. I would have given her all my money no questions asked. But she stole it instead. I later found out she has a history of stealing from family members and she got fired from the bank for stealing as well. She should have been in prison but they chose not to press charges. That’s an important lesson I learned later in life… it’s not virtuous to let someone get away with a transgression against yourself because in doing so, you become complicit in every act of harm that comes after you. You had an opportunity and an obligation to deliver a consequence and instead turned the bad actor loose on someone else. You will suffer until you stand up for yourself, and for good reason.
@beverly2255 Ай бұрын
I’m really grateful that I discovered your channel! I’m 23, and I’ve been friendless since I was 18 so about when I started college. I’ve come to the realization that not even my family doesn’t care about my existence so it’s been super lonely. I felt super alone through all of this, but I really relate to your content so it makes me feel a little less of that. All in all, I just want to say thank you
@monroenc200 2 жыл бұрын
We've missed you!! Glad you're back
@ritatharp5238 2 жыл бұрын
Welcome back Josh! You're doing good, you're doing great! Commencement speaker once said:. "If you remember nothing else I have said today, remember to laugh in the face of adversity"! Some of the best advice I ever got. 😆 P.S. True friends do NOT take advantage of friends!
@JoshHitti 2 жыл бұрын
So true! The way people move through adversity is telling, so I'll do my best not to let up due to one person. Cheers!
@stephanvantonder9684 2 жыл бұрын
Whenever a "friend" tries to involve you in their financial business it's time to end the friendship, I've been screwed over to many times to count, it never ends well, I will never ask a friend for anything money related, and I expect the same from my friends, there's nothing that hurts more than realizing you only someone's friend because of what you can provide for them. I use my anger as fuel in the gym I'm sure you can relate, stay strong bud 💪
@Wandering.Homebody Жыл бұрын
That seems like a bit of a sad over generalisation. I ve both borrowed from, and lent money to friends, sometimes thousands of Euros, if somebody was in a temporary pickle, and the money was always returned promptly. It's completely obvious to me who is trustworthy and who isn't, and I have yet to be wrong. What's with the extreme negativity in this comment section? This is bizarre to me, most people anywhere are usually fairly well meaning, and trustworthy enough, in my experience, and when they are not, one can tell right away.
@Luke_Lucas 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting this video. I also had a similar "toxic" friend that I thought was a real friend. Once I got rid of this person, I also started distrusting anyone. It's been very difficult for me to make another real friend since then. But, I still keep on trying, so good luck to you too.
@jimwyatt3183 Жыл бұрын
Josh, you are not alone. My situation is similar to yours. I have always justified my situation by telling myself, that because of my past, I don’t have the “tools” / experience to make friends.
@thefragranceandtheflame5891 2 жыл бұрын
Josh, Thank you for sharing your experience with this person. You are still loved and valuable despite this person's actions. Yes, it does hurt and it does make a person not want to risk being hurt again. Keep pressing on. There's people out there that will love you for you. I appreciate what you've shared with everyone about your anxiety and making friends. I wish you the best!
@JoshHitti 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for the kind words, I'll most definitely keep moving forward for my own sake. Cheers!
@jmlewis435 2 жыл бұрын
I’m sorry this so called “friend” scammed you. I will never understand human beings. I have a niece with a personality disorder(narcissistic and manipulative, gaslighting, etc). It is so frustrating and stressful to deal with. I have no close friends other than my husband, kids and sister. I have a few casual friends/acquaintances. Because I have been so hurt by past relationships, I tend to shut people out and also I am an introvert. Social situations with small talk cause me anxiety.
@yeshalloween 2 жыл бұрын
I can relate to all of this.
@JoshHitti 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry to hear, those traits are extremely challenging to navigate around because I'm sure when you let your guard down, you get burned by them as well. I hope you're able to try and move through your opportunities with anxiety as well.
@hansonel 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear you went through this, as someone who experienced a personality disordered former boss it is an extremely disorienting experience (gaslighting, scapegoating, etc...) that I'm still recovering from. It's unfortunate toxic/ narcassistic people prey on empathic and decent individuals. Learned the hard way not to ignore my instincts about others and to establish boundries. Do not beat yourself up over this though and don't give up. You deserve to have good friends.
@carolynbetz6736 2 жыл бұрын
I hope you find a buddy who is willing to invest as much as you are into building a solid friendship. Don't give up.
@DDDD17890 Жыл бұрын
Yes, people are like this all the time Which is why I do not want to have friends anymore. Because they always bring in problems. Even when they are not as bad as this. It seems impossible to find 'real' people anymore. This is what meant with my comment on your first video on this topic. People are like this all the time, in small or large ways. And those who are real, genuine, loyal people are so rare, that THEY feel like something is wrong with THEM. but it is the other way around bro, there is something reallh wrong with people nowadays. Which is why you can't connect with anybody. Because your kind is a rare gem nowadays.
@driving_all_over 2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad to see you back on here as I was getting worried because you hadn't posted in a bit. Sorry to hear about this. At least the truth has come out though and you know the sort of person he is. Don't let this deter you either, there are plenty of good people in this world and you will find them.
@rachaelg9128 2 ай бұрын
Josh, you’ve come across in this video as a very calm, cool-headed, fair and kind individual. You are one of the good ones :)
@timmywoolridge6035 2 ай бұрын
Hey Josh, I was watching this video and you were speaking about not renting to family members etc. You know, yes and no regarding renting to family members and or people you incorporate value to. You are a smart man and you have a very nice appeal I'm sure to many. You have a very natual and caring soul. You care about people even those who don't incorporate the same in return. Your frustrations does not come from their actions because every situation have an actions. It is the lack of respect you expect from anyone regardless of who they are. This is the nature of your person. You don't need them and you know that you don't need them. I could almost bet that you are a very observant person. You can almost instantly read a person based on their demeanors and their pattern of being over the course of your knowing them. Your expectations of your being is simply validated from your true preception of them. You measure what constitute an associate, friend and or good friend. You know the difference because the nature of your ability to observe things and people comes natually for you. The reason why you don't have real friends is in my opinon, there is something about you that scare people. Let me explain, your success, confidence and physical make up can be intimidating to someone who is lacking in those areas. You don't see these things because you are these things. You know who you are despite your preconceived notions of yourself feeling some kind of way. "You are in my opion hurt from knowing the truth all along. You are not like any of these people. You know that and I'm not trying to say you are better because that is not the case at all. These people never was and will never be a compliment to your person. They are who they are. Honestly, you are more stronger than you give yourself credit for. You are hurt because you are hurting for people who can't hurt for themselves. In other words, they don't care about you in the way you wish they did. You have substance to your life that many which they had. People envy and or dislike people like yourself who have it. I wouldn't put value on something or someone that can't see me for the person I am. I will give you a challenge and it's going to open doors you didn't know were shut. It's the best therapy for anyone who know themself dispite questioning the reality of the known truth within them. Take a moment to reflect back on a lot of these things you have ill feelings about. Go to a room rather it be your bathroom, bedroom or any place you have a large mirror. Take all those negative things that have hurt you. Sit down or stand up, it doesn't matter just as long as you could see yourself. Sometimes, we get caught up in everyday living and we don't get a chance to really see ourselves. There are people that hate looking at themselves in a mirror because seeing themself can be scary. However, the best therapy for reminding yourself of who you really are comes from seeing who you already know. Sometimes, we lose parts of ourselves from all the noise. Look directly in the mirror and reflect back on these things that hurt you. Keep in mind that you do know who you are. Look directly in your eyes while you are standing in front of the mirror. This can be very emotional because you are allowing yourself to see and feel why you are hurt. Acceptance will follow if you allow yourself to do so. Release those negative energies because it's not worth the quality of your being. New job, new living quarters, someone else is now managing the house from a far. Sounds like God is helping you put your house in order. Sometimes God let things happen in our lives to let us see what we already know. Maybe it is God's way of saying to you, why? True friends don't ask who you are , they know who you are from seeing you in your natural state of being. Don't live your life vicarious through the eyes of many in a vesta view of a few. Life is short celebrate who you are, let go of those things you can't control. It is what it is but it's not you and I feel that you know this to be true. Be the best version of yourself and trust who you are.
@_MYSTIC_ 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah. We tend to draw the narcissists. It says far more about them than it does about us. Remember that! And remember your worth, always always remember your worth.
@redalex8794 3 ай бұрын
How did I miss this? Among other incidents- I gave an old friend 4k to take a professional exam/ application fees. We intended to start a small business together ( her plan) once she qualified. Yup- later learned she sold the books necessary for the test = no business possible. Her response was deflective & hurtful. I can relate! I am very sorry Emily & you have dealt with toxic situations. So draining:(. Iceland was cool, eh?
@SticksAandstonesBozo 20 күн бұрын
I’ve learned that I’m the weird one in life. Most people just accept that they use people and people use them. And they need that human connection to be ok. As I’ve gotten to be past middle age I have realized that all the people I call friends in my life if I remove me being something they can use then the friend ship dies immediately. And for many years now I just assumed I had back luck all these decades finding people. Now I’ve learned it’s just that 99.9% of people are so selfish they can’t even fathom not using people. If they can’t use you for something no matter how great of a person you are or a how good of a friend you are to them it will end.
@Aginob568 3 ай бұрын
Liars cheat and cheaters lie, known liars are untrustworthy.
@ib6918 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry you had to go through this, don't blame yourself! There are some really manipulative people out there, they are going to be that way no matter what and its not a reflection on you. Thank you for sharing your story and I hope you meet some wonderful people soon! Take care :)
@_______offgrid Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing and making your videos, it’s really nice that you put these out for others to relate to! The biggest thing I’ve learned is that you allow others to show you how they should be treated. As in be generous to those that are that to you. Those that talk of others behind their back, don’t share about your personal stuff with them. People who speak or treat others unkindly are ones that should be no more than an acquaintance. I used to use the term “friend” loosely, but realize that many “friends” are simply acquaintances - my kindness used to be taken advantage of as well.
@glenlubowicz6685 2 жыл бұрын
Their loss.. you are an amazing soul ❤️
@timswanson1573 2 жыл бұрын
I doubt there's anyone who hasn't been scammed by so-called friends or relatives. Easier said than done, but one must learn from the error while not be embittered to move on. Best of luck Josh.
@wadafik 2 жыл бұрын
Gosh, I'm fuming just listening to this story. I think most people have "friends" like that to varying degrees including myself. Kudos to you for being able to keep a cool head throughout the whole situation. Hope this incident won't deter you from finding better, quality friends!
@JoshHitti 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed, I think keeping myself composed helped it from devolving into something worst. Thank you!
@robm7449 2 жыл бұрын
This is unbelievable Josh . Don't let that fool ruin any future friendship for you we all live and learn every day . Wrap it up and move on bro 👍
@ADSCoachSimonB2112 Жыл бұрын
I rent 2 apartments out and this is why everyone will tell you to go through a real estate agent. I have my own support company and I have had a few problems with people becoming co dependent and see you as too kind and easy to take advantage of. It’s the universe sending you lessons. I now have boundaries and also keep my friendships and home life separated
@stephencoutu2674 11 күн бұрын
Throughout your life, you will encounter people who claim to be your friend but are, "Users", and there is nothing to do except distance yourself from them, especially if you know they are liars.
@07tylerlee 2 жыл бұрын
So sorry this happened to you. You need to trust your gut when it comes to dealing with people. More importantly, you need to follow some kind of code next time you go out and try to make friends. I experienced something similar. I was scammed out of an entire month's paycheck online, which makes me much more stupid. So don't stress out too much. When you meet people who are worth your time, this might just be a great story to tell. Live to learn, right?!
@mysweetestpotato 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Josh, good to see you again! I am really sorry to hear that this happened to you. I think this is why so many of us with little or no friends are so hesitant to open up to people. :( I say good riddance to this "friendship"... it sounds like the trash took itself out. I have no doubt that true, honest and genuine friends will come to you and show you the respect you deserve. Hugs to you and Emily!
@willott9470 Жыл бұрын
100% relate. I'm 32 and live alone in Colorado, I rented a 2 bedroom apartment because I work from home. I met a guy my age who was unloading my truck (hired through Uhaul) where we made eye contact and felt lightning between us so we connected after they unloaded the truck. We were bonding so hard that the other guy noticed and got jealous lol. It was a huge answer to prayer for me because all I want is one guy friend I can count on as a brother and love, and he popped into my life organically. Howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrr, lol, he had an underlying motivation which was for me to rent out my second bedroom to him. This hurt so badly and has happened so many times to me with trying to have just one guy friend that ultimately ends up being a really damaging bad situation (I have a lot of other similar stories). I really wanted to believe that what he and I had was real and the amount we had in common was insane, but he had no peace, constantly one-upp'd me on everything I said, preached at me, and I called him out and couldn't do it anymore thankfully before I ever let him move in with me. I am 32 and have moved so many times it's ridiculous so I do blame myself for being completely alone, but life happens and the moves I've made have always been for good reasons. I guess I'm venting in a youtube comment lol but I saw your other video pop up and watched this one and it's helped me a lot to realize I just never know when another brother might be seeking for and going through the same thing, even if he looks perfect on the outside. I'm going to keep trying and hopefully "manifest" a real guy friend that will be genuine and real, but it feels at this point like it's impossible. I call it my impossible prayer - finding one guy who I can love like a brother mutually and bond for life. Thanks for sharing your story. It really did make me realize I can't give up and can't judge a guy by how perfect he might look on the outside. I'm sure people look at me (I'm not perfect but) and think that I have tons of friends, when in reality weeks and sometimes months go by without me hanging out with anyone. It's sad, but predictable with all of my moves across the country. I'm still in my 2 bedroom apartment in Colorado alone and going to put posts out to rent this other room, not because I need the money, but just because I am so alone it's physical pain at this point. Thanks again for sharing this - it validated what I just went through. Love you brother and keep your chin up.
@Alexander-rq9he Жыл бұрын
You seem like an awesome guy! … it’s too bad he treated you that way. I can totally relate to what you said being alone and for that same reason posted to rent the spare bedroom in my home even though it feels like a crapshoot. Hope you can manifest your best friend…Sending positive thoughts your way..from down in NM.
@jgrysiak6566 Жыл бұрын
Just stop moving around & you'll have friends. Some men just started talking to me in this apartment building after they've been here 2 yrs. People are shy including men. Sometimes u have to initiate conversation with them. Go to any therapist & they're gonna tell u to develop interests. My gay friend met his boyfriend through dirt car racing ; by seeing each other @ different racetracks! They eventually hooked up! Then my friend moved in with him! Lol
@willott9470 Жыл бұрын
@@Alexander-rq9he Hah I totally know what you mean about renting the room out. I decided it's going to have to happen organically. I'm forcing myself finally to go to these places I've known about for over a year now so that I can meet people and let it happen naturally. It seems in my life as soon as I'm aiming at something and truly 100% mean it and am hoping for it, it shows up. Especially in-person. I have a guys group that meets tonight that I have been invited to for a year but never gone, but going tonight. Maybe eventually he might be there? Only God knows. Thanks for the reply and hopefully both of us will organically have a brother we can live with and have fun with!
@Alexander-rq9he Жыл бұрын
@@willott9470 Hey, nice hearing from you. It’s great that you’re going to that group tonight. I really hope it goes well and you find that cool guy. Gets me thinking that perhaps I should look for a similar group in my area.🤔 Thank you for the kind wish. I appreciate that. If you are ever down in Albuquerque, you have a potential brother here. Just let me know. Good luck tonight!
@willott9470 Жыл бұрын
@@Alexander-rq9he I found mine by literally just searching "men's group" and my city and looked around and found a mens mental health group through this men's clothing store's foundation... pretty interesting. Thanks for sending me some love my bruh bruh!
@simonthomas1672 2 жыл бұрын
I really hope you are able to try again, Josh, and I'm so sorry you've been through this. It would be hard for anyone, but particularly when you've worked so hard to get to this point. I promise there are so many other potential friends out there who won't be like this, and one day it'll look like a minor blip on the way to some really special friendships. God bless you!
@JoshHitti 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Simon!
@davidmessenger9384 2 жыл бұрын
You are a good person. Be positive. There are nice people out there.
@russandkatie2004 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry you had to go through that. Hopefully, that experience doesn't make you want to make you pull back from friendships. There are many people who are not like that and genuinely want to be your friend.
@JoshHitti 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much
@simonf8902 3 ай бұрын
Narcissistic personality disorder is common and dangerous to others.
@seanimo8579 2 жыл бұрын
Lonely people are bound to attract people who will take advantage of their need for companionship. Watch the warning signs, set firm boundaries, and don’t be afraid to cut things off early if you aren’t feeling the vibes, just like you would a bad date. Better to end things sooner than to stick around and hope for the better only to have their problems bite you in the butt later.
@blissfull_ignorance8454 2 жыл бұрын
As crappy as this unfortunate event may have felt for you, remember that he will be the one always being alone and lonely. You will have friends, trust me. Like real, genuine friends. He will never have friends, and the saddest thing is that he will never recognize it himself.
@Roycen369 2 жыл бұрын
Welcome back! Sorry you had to go through that.
@MrTylerGaga 2 жыл бұрын
The guy is definitely a leech man. Taking advantage of a really nice guy like you! Don't take it too personal. He seemed to be using lots of people, not just you. 😌 That's why I never mix money with friends/family. Never works out. Keep your head up! I barely have any friends and I'm content. 😌 Sure, lonely at times. But not worth the headache! P.S.. just have to say it! Your arms are looking great man! 💪
@pisces3121 2 жыл бұрын
You're an amazing, caring, upstanding man. Keep on, keeping on. I've been through this too. Good hearted people sometimes have trouble seeing people for who they are rather than rose colored glasses. Bless you
@starkovichforster 2 жыл бұрын
I often say that we have trust people to be who they are. This frees us to choose how we will move forward in how we engage with them. I think we all are tempted to avoid people when someone disappoints us. The reality is we are often more angry with ourselves for not paying attention to the signs. We also have to be sure not to punish others for what one person did to us.
@iamafollowerofChrist Жыл бұрын
Almost 32 yrs old and I have no friends. No massages on whatsapp, only my parents. I had 2 "friends" but I lost them when I started to level up in life. Now I'm alone but I'm perfectly fine! The nex year I will move to another country and start from zero. I hope that I will be more fortunate in terms of friendship in a new country.
@dshousegenetix47 Жыл бұрын
I've given everyone the boot over the years sometimes to grow at your best you need to do it alone. Boat anchors and ppl who haven't decided to grow up after years will pull you back. Don't feel negative in your choice, sometimes it's for the best to be better yourself.
@malimali6686 2 жыл бұрын
I don't have friends too, and I'm absolutely fine and calm with it ❤ I LOVE ONLY MY FAMILY AND MY PETS ❤❤
@olgakolarik9081 2 жыл бұрын
Hi man, just listened to your story. Understandably frustrating. Happens to people all the time from friends, relatives etc. And as much as we want to isolate ourselves from these pitfalls, one thing is guaranteed: people will let us down and disapooint us along the way. But not all people. So the best thing is to live with a phylosophical, forgiving, open attitude and not spend too much time stressing about people like that or events like that or let their behavior detract from the good stuff in life. Life is too short to waste a moment more than necessary on ppl and events like this. Hopefully we learn from it, and next time there are warning signs beware. But don't blame yourself, we don't think like these people so we assume everyone is well meaning and honest. Even with people who are decent and well meaning, friendships can be volatile and require committment and they go through ups and downs. If we are really lucky, we'll meet one or more lifelong friends who become our soulmates. I am so lucky to have two such friends. I was also so fortunate to have had a lot of fun loving, interesting friends who enriched my life and whose company I enjoyed and enjoy immensely and have had lots of fun times, holidays, weekends away, going out, great fun friends who love to go out and have fun. Not all relationships/friendships have to be deep and spiritual. We need a bunch of diverse people around us. I am attracted to people with a great sense of humor who are fun loving, that elevates my mood and reminds me to look at the funny side of life because as much as I love laughter and fun, like you, I tended to be deeply affected and disillusioned by some events and people and spend way too much time ruminating over it, or the purpose of life, or the not so great side of human nature, or all the injustices in the world. I have been through all that and I have learned that life is way too short to ruminate over stuff or feel guilty or try too hard to avoid disappointments in the future. If you interact with people at work, socially, casually, romantically, ups and downs are inevitable no matter what age, no matter your intelligence, we just need to find a way to deal with those without allowing them to bring us down or discourage us. Don't sit there and say to yourself: this will never happen to me againm It will. But say to yourself: when it does, I won't be surprised, and focus on your trustworthy friends and partner and family. Disappointments are inevitable but in the big scheme of things it's just small stuff and it's all small stuff. I am not saying don't be careful by any means but don't let it close your heart and your mind, embrace the world and people in it and spread love and kindness unconditionally and you will attract like minded people and weed out the ones you don't need in your life but that requires kisding a few frogs along the way - there's no way around it. The only way to never get disappointed again is to never let people in your life again and that's okay too. Who says that you can't live a full happy life without having friends other than online friends? Having friends is a committment and it's time consuming and investment of yourself and sometimes you move away, some friendships are temporary - that's okay too. I honestly met a lot of great people who I'd love to have in my life but it requires a lot of time and effort and energy but I try to keep in touch and I have a few rules: If you get invited, never decline unless you have to. And when you show up, don't expect people to make you feel welcome and entertain you- you make them feel good and entertained, if it's a party, a celebration, have fun and elevate it, catch up, keep it positive. It's easy and we can all do it if we get over ourselves and leave our ego at home. Don't treat people like strangers, they are friends you haven't met yet. We are all more alike than we realise. And fear of rejection - that's just our mind playing tricks on us, our fragile ego. Don't listen to it. Even if you try talking to someone and it doesn't go well, it's not a reflection on you, they're probably not in a good place, and eblven if someone doesn't like you - big deal! Does everyone have to like you? Of couse not! In order to be the most genuine selves and enjoy life we need to understand how our ego sabotages us and to be aware of it and keep our ego in check. It is our ego that drains all the fun out of life (under the guise of protecting us. Protecting us from what???? Living large and being who we are and draining the joy out of our life???). Yes, if we play the game of life we'll get roughed up at times and bruised along the way but it's going to be a great ride. But if we never want to be rejected or bruised or wronged then we'll be on the sidelines. Some people love it that way, and there's nothing wrong with it. But if you don't like it, give yourself permission to dive in and be the social creature you are meant to be. It is easier than you think and only you are in control of it, it only depends on you and noone else. You don't have to do anything except relax and be yourself and be open to possibilities and engage when opportunities present themselves. If you walk around with invisible walls around you, it's a deterrant for people, our expression and body language can be offputting. And vice versa. It's the law of attraction. We attract what we put out there into the universe. This is not airy fairy, it just is a fact. This is a subject close to my heart so I tend to go on and on. I hope you get my point. You can reply if you wish to discuss. Cheers.
@lokaitnt 2 жыл бұрын
'The strongest are the loneliest' people talk but many are too comfortable to care about someone else
@gandalfolorin-kl3pj 10 ай бұрын
Joseh, It's not a waste to befriend someone even when that person doesn't deserve your kindness. The point is, it shows you're a good person. Someone is watching you and keeping track of your kindness. I know it feels bad that you didn't have success in that friendship. But it wasn't a waste. Be patient. You'll find good friends. There is always someone who will be a true friend to you. Take care & God bless.
@socceast18 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Josh! I know how hard it can be to come to terms with a situation when you are taking the high road and meanwhile repeatedly getting screwed over. I experienced a lot of harassment and lost my housing recently due to similar circumstances. All I will say is please exercise caution when meeting new people. Being in solitude is better than being surrounded by bad friends. But when you don't have the luxury of making friends easily sometimes you take what you can get, and that may not always be what you deserve. Definitely join a club if possible or meet people through a shared activity/in person, but trust your instincts if you notice red flags early on. Hoping you find peace from the unfortunate circumstances you've been through.
@JoshHitti 2 жыл бұрын
Hannah, I like the idea of joining a club or shared activity because I'll be around like-minded people. And I agree, I like my own company so I need to not force friendships when I see they may not work out. Cheers
@socceast18 2 жыл бұрын
Good luck! Also remember to ask yourself if you like the person too! I am usually worried about whether they will liked me or not that I frequently forget to think about that. Your standards are important too :)
@robb8234 2 жыл бұрын
missed ya.. we definitely can see n feel your frustrations Josh.. sorry that situation occurred.. hope the next friend is excellent in comparison.. hugz to Emily..
@CalumDarroch Жыл бұрын
This story itself is really frustrating. People like that are the worst. The thing that I found most relatable here was your moments of optimism, and then you kind of talk yourself out of it - “what’s the point?” Very much relate to that. One thing, especially as I’ve hit my 30s that I’ve had to accept. People have different priorities - work, their families (kids in some instances). They sometimes have some longstanding friends, but they aren’t looking to make new ones because they don’t need them. So if you’re actively looking, especially when you’re in your 30s or older, the decks are stacked totally against you. I agree with a lot of people - a bad friend is worse than no friends. But a lot of what you’re saying is so honest. You’re saying what a lot of us are thinking.
@theworldneedsyou111 Жыл бұрын
Josh, your first video popped up tonight from about a year ago and a big thank you from all of us to you! I really think a big part of what you’re going through isn’t just about you, I think you have the heart and the wherewithal and ability to start reaching out to children and teenagers going through this. You went through this when you were younger and there are so many out there that are needing to hear from you, you are a good speaker and it comes from your heart I think you need to reach out to them and offer to speak to different schools or organizations. The doors are going to open up and you are going to find answers that you will not find any other way and incredible healing for yourself. You’re going to teach others to heal as well💙💚
@dougl945 Ай бұрын
My grandfather left me a gold coin collection when I was 15. It consisted of over 200 coins. There was an inventory book and my parents allowed me to have the book to enjoy but said the coins would be safely put away in a vault for me when I was 18… then it changed to 21…. Then after college you’ll get it, then they said, get married and settled. Turns out they sold it almost as soon as I inherited it and used the money for their own needs. I feel really betrayed. I brought it up to my mom and she said “yes, your grandfather left it for, but that Was MY dad!” My best friend in high school called me crying said he couldn’t finish his construction project because it was $15,000 behind budget due to a plumbing issue. I loaned him the $15k. Shake of the hand. He’s ghosted me now for 18 years. And the house is worth $850,000
@echoesofwar 2 жыл бұрын
It truly hurts doesn't it? 😔When someone takes advantage of your kindness. I felt the hurt and exasperation in your pauses (sending you hugs from Malaysia). From your videos before, you had spoken about your own struggles making friends and then to have this happen to you. Such a bummer. In any case, I do hope you have managed to process this experience and move forward from the hurt and betrayal of this person. There are going to be better people in the future!
@halfdome5705 Жыл бұрын
The greatest learning I've had is from deep reflection after my mistakes. It is hard for me to see you agonizing here. Yet, you shine as you are judicious in sparing details, yet abundant in having & expressing gratitude. You are supportive of your wife & of Hispanic landscapers. You aim to avoid vindictiveness in your comments and succeed in meeting responsibilities with major life events. This is a tale of two personality types with different moral compasses. Hold on Josh, for in the end you will be the victor!
@ranc1977 3 ай бұрын
When we suppress anger (because we were conditioned since childhood) we won't have natural skin to soften the blow from narcissists and pathological liars in daily life. they will sense that we are super easy target to abuse and exploit. Us releasing the anger is necessary for our own protection. I am not talking about rage. I am not talking about being impulsive borderline, anti social. It is simply allowing our brain and body to be angry - and that is all. Our anger as emotion once it is not suppressed will help us make better and healthier decisions in life - mostly through being honest and not trying to find friendships in predators.
@erinredmond3642 2 жыл бұрын
This happened to me several years ago…a friend of a friend…stopped paying rent as soon as I moved out of state. I hired a property manager and I took him to court…he filed bankruptcy and I never did receive what was owed to me. I was appalled and questioned my faith in humanity for quite some time…..there are good people out there…give yourself the grace to process what happened and eventually the people who are meant to be your friends will come into your life and it won’t feel like “work” when that happens
@timlondon6385 2 жыл бұрын
Hang on in there. You said a few times ‘this is embarrassing’, but there’s no reason for it to be. It only reflects badly on the other person for taking advantage of your openness and generosity.
@danzwku 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry this happened to you. I've dealt with/been dealing with something similar. It sucks even worse when they were your best friend and or had been for years. Especially when you always thought you'd be best friends and be there for each other always even when you were 90 and wrinkly. All that time and energy. All that sincerity and vulnerability. Betrayed. My advice would be to not abstain from making new friends because that will subjectively rationalize and even justify your apprehension for doing so. But moving forward I would not expend/invest too much effort, time, and vulnerability that you could regret if they turned out not to be decent.
@JoshHitti 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Daniel! You rock. I will definitely try to move forward instead of retracting and making myself feel worse.
@joellaplant5837 Жыл бұрын
Glad you didn't give in and that you posted the vid. Sorry things happends as they did. We learn from our lesson. Keep Moving Forward❤
@zurichsee706 Жыл бұрын
Compassion is the last thing you need. You need a kick in the ass. You have to FIGHT against your fears! Friends aren't people who are like you. Friends should push you to go to "places" where you've never been. Discover things, good conversations, sometimes not easy not quiet......
@matterinthehatter 2 жыл бұрын
I am honestly not sure what to say, but I hope that you are able to both protect your heart and still be open to connection as you move forward. Easier said than done of course, but you deserve the experience of a true friend. Stay well!
@stevekirschman354 2 жыл бұрын
Because of Covid or what it seems so many people are in survival It’s not you or me or others that are good hearted , it’s sad people like that are lost Don’t let him or others to drag you down You and your wife are such a blessing to me
@rsviews2167 Жыл бұрын
You and all of us commenting here have a good heart and a personnal sense of decency, and we all get screwed over, and we all feel sorrows, and we all long for sincerity in friendships, but we forget how humans in general are predatory and self-preservating in their interactions, by nature. You need to keep believing in your values and principles, 'cause sooner or later, every jerk that's ever played you is gonna end in front of life's great mirror, and realize that they're alone, and lonely, just like us. We are in the right. They are in the wrong. THEY are many. Too much tv, to many wants. The golden key is always to be sharing, like we are now. Much love to you.
@ands1894 Жыл бұрын
I turned 41 a few months ago, and after moving around for work, school, and a life-altering relationship, I’ve lost all “friends” and social support, especially after moving back to my hometown. I find myself living with my ageing parents for that emotional and social support. What I’m increasingly discovering is that most relationships as a grown up are transactional. The only way to forge friendships at a later stage in life is to join some class long term and being open to new associations/friendships.
@Susan-xg7qn 2 жыл бұрын
Josh, it is so nice to hear you again, glad to know you & Emily are safe, what a beautiful wife you have. Take Care ! Thank you for the video, it was good to get that out for you ! Susan
@nancyhsu5565 2 жыл бұрын
I have a rule - "one mistake and you're gone." Betrayal is psychologically damaging. I hate that you got hurt. You are allowed to get angry; it's a better release than blaming or doubting yourself. Don't apologize for being a decent human being. Kick anyone to the curb when they disrespect you. You have family who love you more than their next breath. You are fabulous!
@RyanMoat 2 жыл бұрын
Wow. I'm so sorry, Josh. I can completely sympathize and understand. I went through probably one of the worst experiences in my life regarding an ex-friend who was absolutely a narcissistic. It took me a long time to get away, but not only that, to heal. I moved to a new city without knowing anyone, and probably had never felt so alone as I did at the time. Through that experience, it did help me grow, and I have (as well as you, I'm sure) have become a much stronger person because of that. I hope you find healing, and better people. They are out there, even if it seems rare or are hard to find. Anyone can tell you are such a good person, especially through your videos and experiences, and hope only for the best for you!
@magdalena6491 2 жыл бұрын
That's very very good that you posted this video coz a lot of people dont realise that not everybody who's nice to you want to be your true friend.. unfortunately pathological liars, narcissistics etc exist and they will use that you're lonely, empathetic, looking for friends etc so you must be careful but at the same time dont let that experience define your view of others coz there are good people on this planet as well and you are the perfect example of that Josh!! :) I think before looking for friends it's good to work on your self esteem and self respect so you won't allow others to disrespect you and to understand that not everybody deserves to be your friend..
@stevekirschman354 2 жыл бұрын
I’m glad you posted it , it’s not us that are lame I just ask god , bring me some dudes like you that are not lame It’s all cool like you 🤓 Yup yup yup , it happens Your new friends are waiting around the corner 👍🏽
@stevehofmaster7489 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Josh I am so. VERY sorry you had that happen you,man this really upset me no end there sure are some crummy people out there you just rise above this and move on ,I know things will get better .I am always so pleased to catch your videos hang in there and take care for now!
@backbone93 2 жыл бұрын
My advice to you, after having hundreds of "friends" over the years, and then after some bad things happened in my life i found out that those were not my friends, those were more "situational companions"that are here when everything is good and youre happy and you have a status and all this stuff Dont trust anyone, until they have proven it over and over again that you can trust them And the "sad" thing about this is, its never your cool "friends" that are loyal and here for you, its always the one you called if your "main friends" dont have time
@jacobgraf7284 2 жыл бұрын
Man, that sucks so badly! But please don't be embarrassed about it. I mean absolutely no disrespect to what you've gone through, but in an ironic way, it's almost funny how he is basically a caricature of selfishness and greed. This guy is superficial, hollow and dead inside. His day of reckoning will come, which may or may not bring much comfort. Also, I hope this compliment doesn't sound too weird, but you seem like a very complex person (not at all superficial like many other people). You seem to have a lot of dimensions and layers of thoughts and emotions, which is really cool. For most of my life, the men around me like my father and brothers seemed either emotionally detached or just outright against any form of sensitivity. I felt very alone and different from them. So it is comforting for me to see other men being honest about their feelings. Cheers
@andian1969 2 жыл бұрын
There’s nothing to be shamed of . Your a very trustworthy kind guy who’s been taken advantage of . You will find friends just take it slowly. Love the vids . Sending love and hugs from across the pond x
@eson1 5 ай бұрын
I’m so sorry this happened - but I’m glad you’ve learned this perspective/lessons … you are such a good person! Mucho love to you ! Be open to true friendship -
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