王建芳醫生,首先多謝你的節目,讓我們一般市民,深入淺出,獲知健康和醫療知識。👏🤝 但希望兩位醫生在節目中傳送、演繹資料時,請注意你們的言行,不要戲哈大笑,癌症始終是沉重課題。It is not a right time and appropriate attitude to be amusing. This is not a laughing matter anyway!! 請保持嚴肅言行,不要太輕佻,這節目不是在講笑話,不是在搞棟篤笑,請顧及病人和家人感受。贊成可以輕鬆地表達,但不要太誇張浮誇,變成有不認真感覺和輕佻。😲😫😖☹😔😢 癌病患者,每天在 作戰對抗 癌症,除了面對死亡,打針食藥、手術,不能好好飲食、不能安寢和不斷檢查而帶來的痛苦,精神與身體都在承受著無比難以言喻的痛苦。😩😫😖😰😱😢😭😭 王醫生,或許你本人健康 和 沒有經歷過需要照顧 患重病的家人,他們的辛苦和焦慮,你沒感受得到,多麽的幸福,有上天照顧,免於病患疾苦,須感恩。 請多用同理心(empathy) 和 憐憫心 (sympathy & mercy) 思考,尤其是 你們作為一位醫生。🙏🙏🤝🤝😘 搞氣氛也要配合當輯課題! 旁人可否有一絲體諒與憐憫?Can't you pay a little kindness? 世界將會 更加更加 美好! ! 笑吓啫,有什麼問題?知否對當事人和他/她的親人是傷害??😢😭 請不要再冷言冷語作人身攻擊,請多付出一些愛心與關懷。🙏🙏🤝🤝 惻忍之心何在??☹
Respectable people giving out serious information in a playful atmosphere. The serious listeners are looking up to your words of wisdom and comfort. Sadly, it sounded more like a chit chat in a coffee break. Pain and death is common place in your daily life, but the clients are scared, apprehensive, and downcast. Finally, fine tune your presentation with more compassion and cosy words. Listeners are dying to absorb last bit of hope from your session. They are waiting to go through a series of sufferings during the treatments. No laughing matter. A pledge from dying soul.
@rlam88675 ай бұрын
Well said. Totally no laughing matter. It is no need to be amusing in this way! It is not a comedy show. Could they pay a little kindness and mercy to the patients and their families? Use empathy to understand the feelings and the bitterness of the patients.