Identifying the weak link in your system

  Рет қаралды 20,821

Paul McGowan, PS Audio

Paul McGowan, PS Audio

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Our systems are only as good as the weakest link in the chain, so how do you identify which component that is? Further, how do you figure out what to replace it with on a tight budget? Have a question you want to ask Paul?
I have finished my memoir! You can go read it now: It's called 99% True and it is chock full of adventures, debauchery, struggles, heartwarming stories, triumphs and failures, great belly laughs, and a peek inside the high-end audio industry you've never known before.
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@finscreenname 4 жыл бұрын
The weakest link in my system is my wallet.
@justanotheryoutubeuser5029 4 жыл бұрын
@scottyo64 4 жыл бұрын
As with most "audiophiles"
@finscreenname 4 жыл бұрын
@Larry Niles A high end company that still think the IRS V's are the best speakers built. I have 4 RS IIIa's and 2 RSa's. Bought the first set of RS IIIa's from a friend 30 years ago who still wants them back to this day. He got the "high end" bug that just emptied his wallet. Sure you can build a room and put the best equipment money can buy in it but for the most of us that is not an option. As for used gear, I agree. You should see the rack system I have in my garage I built off of eBay for under $200. The issue with used is you never know what you are going to get. Sure it may have a name and number on it that says it will be great but you never know how it was treated and may now sound as bad as a Walmart $6 radio when you get it. Used also brings up another issue. All that stuff was sold out of a store at full price at one time and now someone took a huge loss because equipment never holds any value. The receiver I have in the garage originally sold for $890. I paid $32 shipped to my house. So yes we get it.
@andershammer9307 4 жыл бұрын
@@finscreenname The IRS V's are great speakers but I prefer mine. I heard them twice. Once with CJ equipment and once with ML equipment. Sound is great except for one thing. The image wanders up and down the speaker.
@lynnpoole7830 4 жыл бұрын
@Larry Niles Are you pauls alter-ego?
@ramsaybolton9099 4 жыл бұрын
I’ve got great speakers, great mono block amps, a great tube preamp, but my system sounded horrible in my new home. The room is in the attic area over a two car garage with 4 ft vertical concrete walls and a sloping roof. After extensive acoustic treatment, I concluded that the most important and the weakest link in my system was the room. Now I think that my system is among the best I’ve ever heard.
@billwillard9410 4 жыл бұрын
Absolutely have to have the speakers that please you, which will take some effort in actually hearing them for yourself. You’re not going to be able to find them by reviews, but you might be able to narrow your choices down by what kind of speaker type you prefer: box, open baffle, omni, horn, soft dome/metal tweeter, dipole. Find the ones you love, no matter how expensive the other equipment is that they’re hooked up to, because you’ll know that that speaker CAN give you the sound you’re looking for. The wrong speaker for you will never satisfy you, no matter how much you change everything else.
@gerritgovaerts8443 4 жыл бұрын
Zeeland is not a district in Holland but a southern province of the Netherlands bordering Belgium. Holland itself does actually not exist : Noord (north )Holland and Zuid (south) Holland are 2 provinces of the Netherlands
@carmenandthedevil2804 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, I know its called Nederland but a lot of people that don't live there call it Holland.
@marianneoelund2940 4 жыл бұрын
English speaking peoples prefer "Holland" even though it does not include all of the Netherlands. The reason is probably that in English, the word "nether" commonly refers to either a hellish place, or lower portions of one's body - neither of which conjure an attractive image for your country.
@ianyates7742 4 жыл бұрын
The weakest link in my system is me and the lack of funds to go mad with 😂😂
@alt1579 4 жыл бұрын
New video series: What Paul Learned Today
@AudioElectronicsChicago 4 жыл бұрын
It could be amp, cables, speakers, sound sources, pretty much anything, experimenting will get you to the weak part if there is one
@renejansen5939 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Paul! You always say: "Come and visit us", very nice offer. But I live in the Netherlands, yep, Holland. It's a one hour ride from here to Zeeland but a 10 hour flight to the States :) I Rather see more PS Audio equipment in the Netherlands. Today I visited an audio exhibition (great equipment) but it was mostly Accuphase, Accuphase, Accuphase, NAIM and Audiovector. Great combination, Accuphase and Audiovector, only a little bit too "harsh" to my ears. Why is it that PS Audio is not so common in the Netherlands? I Have never heard a PS Audio amplifier because of that, but I'm so curious about the PS Audio sound! When I see how driven you are about PS, how the "factory" (not the right word) looks like, the stacks of hand build high quality equipment, that promises a lot! High end isn't build by mathematics only. It's build by engineers who know how electronic components (different types of capacitors, resistors, semiconductor types, tubes, wire material and even the way you loom it) sounds like and effect each other! They make, with a lot of gut feelings and knowledge behind common electronics, an audible dish like a Michelin chef! And I suspect that PS Audio have very good chefs in the PS kitchen! ;) But in the Netherlands, nobody seems to know PS Audio. That's a f*ck%n shame!
@andershammer9307 4 жыл бұрын
I would come and visit but I'm in PA near Pittsburgh. I used to work in a lot of stereo stores but I don't remember any of them selling PS Audio but I did get to repair some of it.
@renejansen5939 4 жыл бұрын
@@andershammer9307 I Thought it was a wide spread High End brand in the USA but it's not! That just makes me more curious about PS Audio products! Most of the time... The smaller a company, the better the stuff they produce!
@andershammer9307 4 жыл бұрын
@@renejansen5939 That is generally true but some smaller companies can't afford to use the highest quality parts.
@russredfern167 4 жыл бұрын
Great trout fishing. I did have 1 question, why do the houses in New Zealand have metal roofs,?
@milkman100001 4 жыл бұрын
hi paul.the answer did not fit the question. he was asking how to identify the weakest link..i was looking forward for the answer myself.but it never appeared
@carmenandthedevil2804 4 жыл бұрын
Zeeland Provence is in Southern Holland. Paul, New York used to be called New Amsterdam. I'm from Australia. Tasman Sea> Abel Tasman> Tasmania.Australia was called New Holland for instance.
@phantomplastics6582 4 жыл бұрын
It's very rare that an amp or speakers create bad sound and the same for turntables. Digital sources seem to sound horrible (to me anyway) until you have a really good one. In my experience you need to spend most on the source if it's digital and almost any amp and speakers will sound good with that. Also, read reviews and buy used via Audiogon to get a deal. That way you can get back almost what you paid for the gear when you upgrade. Don't forget to spend on cables if you have a good system or they will limit you. Also, if you have a good system get a power regenerator from PS Audio. They work.
@vidvidbiker 4 жыл бұрын
Weakest link is not the speakers but what your speakers are sitting on. If on spikes or straight on the floor get some isolation pads and at least they will then perform their best.
@charlesbandrofcheck4486 4 жыл бұрын
I feel it's my ears. Last hearing test, been awhile, I couldn't hear above 8000 KHz. Using the stock DACs.
@wildcat1065 4 жыл бұрын
The answer starts at 3minutes 40 secs if interested in the answer. You are welcome.
@kenwebster5053 4 жыл бұрын
The approach I have been taking with the church PA that I look after is to investigate whether each component and cable meets a reasonably good PA spec. If it doesn't and we can afford to, I replace it. The other thing is to clean and condition all the connections and service components so they are in spec. I cannot stress enough just how important cleaning and conditioning is, especially with passive speaker cables. Now then, if I upgrade something and can;t hear a difference, then that wasn't the weakest link but it was below par so worth doing in the long run because, eventually the weakest link will be found and addressed and then all the other work will realise it's potential. Paul is right about speakers and passive cables being the most likely suspects. That at lease is where you should start. The other point to make is that if the room has acoustic issues, no amount of gear upgrades will ever fix that. How about generating some pure sin tones in Audacity and playing them on your system. Then you will hear the room issues.
@zeusapollo8688 4 жыл бұрын
Sin tones in a church? Must be flat fifths
@kenwebster5053 4 жыл бұрын
@@zeusapollo8688 test tones for checking the system investigating room response etc. Single frequency for each of the GEQs 31 bands, reveals plenty of room modes/standing waves.
@1999zrx1100 4 жыл бұрын
The rule of thumb I use to hear was put the most money on the component that converts one energy to another ie. Speakers, Cartridge, and I guess DAC’s as well. Sort of makes sense to me.
@lazarprodanovic8373 4 жыл бұрын
Weakes link are ourselves. Other than that it's crucial to make the mod link not so expensive one & rule is to buy decent quality equipment. I agree that seeker's are most important part. I am pretty old fashion guy when it comes to design of those with flowing general rules of engineering and what's possible to do on your self. Whose on the quest of finding primary full range driver's for that task & whose following Fostex FE206En for that purpose but actually did came across much cheaper and wider available alternative to it the Aucharm P810S, it's classic 8" Ohm's paper cone design based on DIATONE610 design. While it's not refinely tuned as FE206En it comes close to it and costs one fifth of the FE price. Just wanted to share this findings.
@nicktaylor7680 4 жыл бұрын
A lot of reviewers, including Paul , are not very pragmatic with advice when recommending systems as they generally dont have budget considerations. There are about 7 speaker mainstream mass market speaker manufacturers that make reasonably revealing speakers at an affordable price. If you live in New Zealand that will be only 3 or 4 as the others may not have good distribution here. Then you have considerations of whether they are sale at the time or they suit your situation eg. front vs rear ported. So in reality there is probably only 1 or 2 choices available. This means that compromises are inevitable but with careful mixing and matching of components and cables I believe you can achieve a balanced system sound.
@revo1336 4 жыл бұрын
A system is not a chain link . The only way to strengthen a chain link is to is to upgrade the weakest link . Upgrading any component in a system improves the system .
@bankruptfilly 2 жыл бұрын
You can skip to 3:35 if you want to just hear him answer the question. Thank me later
@JasonEdward62 2 жыл бұрын
Aotearoa NZ. Paul, you should know NZ if only for Perreaux and Plinius. :-)
@m.9243 4 жыл бұрын
What a question!!.. long is a piece of string?.. If Peter would provide a detailed description of his setup then, one could identify the "weakest link" in _that_ setup. Come to think of it, perhaps Peter is asking "what is the most important component (link) in a system chain to take special care off, in general. Peter, PLEASE, define your question a bit more here. I am sure you're reading this responses. Tell us more.
@EUC_Senior 4 жыл бұрын
To the community my idea was a dummy head recording system. Paul responded back to me and showed me a wiki page where it had already been developed. Then I did a google search and it's all over the internet. I thought that I figured it out first! Darn!
@leeandrewclarke 4 жыл бұрын
While speakers are the biggest single 'limiting factor' when it comes to signal fidelity, I've only achieved marginal musical improvements replacing core compunants. Mostly, I got superior hifi attributes, making the sound more objectively accurate or correct, which is fine but uninspiring. It was only when I spent big on mains and vibration supports that the surrounding environment finally let the music sing. 50% should go on that. Really.
@ThinkingBetter 4 жыл бұрын
It takes a great speaker and any, even mediocre, power amplifier for the weakest link to be somewhere else.
@andershammer9307 4 жыл бұрын
I still say the source is important. What good is having $20,000.00 when your source is a $300 CD player ? Those speakers will sound like they are worth maybe $2000. If you spend a lot on speakers you have to be able to spend a lot on electronics. Especially your source. I have a pair of Cizek One speakers that were designed by a blind guy back in the 80's that I would put up against almost any new supposedly good speakers. I am looking to sell them as I have 2 pair.
@nathanevans6277 4 жыл бұрын
I agree with you that the source is the most important part of the system. If the source is low resolution nothing the rest of the system does can remedy it, the most resolving speakers in the world cannot replace lost information. I have also found that the quality of power amplification is much more important than that of speakers. If the amp has really tight control of the speakers then the speakers tend to do what they are told. Years ago I worked in a hifi dealership and did blind demonstrations between budget speakers driven by high end amps and high end speakers driven by budget amps. Both systems were of a similar total cost. Virtually everyone preferred the system with the high end amps. One of the most overlooked components is the line stage. This can make an enormous difference and is definitely the weakest link in my current system.
@andershammer9307 4 жыл бұрын
@@nathanevans6277 I once bought an Audio Research preamp and a Electrocompaniet amp off a guy and the only speakers he had for me to listen to them on was SoundDesign crap but you could hear the quality of the amp and preamp coming through those cheap speakers. (I still own the same preamp and amp).
@laurentzduba1298 4 жыл бұрын
Weird fact - some reviewer from Hi Fi Choice used a 300 dollar (or was it a 300 quid?) Sony Mini Disc player as a source as part of his review process of the 40,000 USD B&W Nautilus speakers back in 1996 and he was "absolutely elated" by the result.
@andershammer9307 4 жыл бұрын
@@laurentzduba1298 I once worked at a store called Audio Gallery and we sold the Nautilus 801 and 802. I thought they were ok but I didn't like them very much. I would not trust that review. I used to review the reviewer before I would trust what he or she says.
@markusf7620 4 жыл бұрын
There is a state in the Netherland that is called Zeeland. Und that is the original New Zealand. Hope that helps😉
@darkblueturbo 3 жыл бұрын
When I first walked in to a hifi dealer, some 20 years ago, to start building my first system the first question I was asked was... what do you listen to.
@D1N02 3 жыл бұрын
You said: My wife
@bobbulgi880 2 жыл бұрын
Amp or speaker, speaker or amp
@Falsekongen 4 жыл бұрын
Sealand is a Danish island :D (The largest, not counting Greenland) Incidentally on direct opposite on the globe from New Zealand ;)
@marianneoelund2940 4 жыл бұрын
New Zealand is the closest *land* to the direct opposite point of Sjælland, however it is some 1700Km from the exact opposite point in the ocean. That is a fairly long swim. Going the other way, the countries which are directly opposite from New Zealand would be Portugal and Spain. ¡Hola!
@jean-lucd3846 4 жыл бұрын
Some good HiFi shops in Zeeland (NL) ;-)
@larryh.4629 3 жыл бұрын
It's sometimes the journey and hunger that leads to YOUR perfect system if everything came easy would it mean much to me? But the hunt the effort i put into thats where the Value lies . I've been burglarized I've been divorced twice. Been homeless hungry and cold still worked my way back to trying to get another sound system I've got a good start going after many years of child raising and sacrifice I felt it was my turn. Still have some of my vinyl and cassettes. And I refuse to give up my cds . Mfkz keep changing the format everytime I've got a collection going time for the 8 track again? Hang onto what matters to you and get your toys as you go work and shop there are some bargains to be had streaming is easy for the kids 😀 ask them what a vinyl record is and how to use it.. be prepared for the insult of How stupid my own kids when I told them we only had 3 tv channels growing up asked "so why didn't you get cable" lmao. Point is they just want to unload it rather than pack it home after the estate sale. Put their headset on and listen to pandora. I am Aged . Wish you well in your search for the lost chord. 👌
@Gabriel-of-YouTube 4 жыл бұрын
Music is the weakest link in my system...
@davidking3812 4 жыл бұрын
2:25...excellent Q
@SpeakerBuilder 4 жыл бұрын
Keep saying this, Paul, the weakest link is almost always the speakers. The ultimate solution is a DIY fully active system using an electronic crossover and three stereo amps. And such a system doesn't have to break the bank. My entry level high end electronics (@ $500 each) sound absolutely amazing when set up in an active system with carefully selected top line drivers. But this level of complexity is not for everybody.
@poserwanabe 4 жыл бұрын
@bat2137 4 жыл бұрын
Sounds like my system.they are the 3 entry level amps with active crossovers on the input path driving the cheaper speakers of the range and a good matching pre had them 25 yrs just added 2 rel t5i for that last 10 hz not diy but sounds amazing
@birgerolofsson2347 4 жыл бұрын
The weakest link in my system is my Ductless Split that seems to have some hard arguments with my P15.
@sbrinckoo855 4 жыл бұрын
Ok I am renovating a home in GA got splits in every room including audio have 2 P5s is it air noise or electrical ?
@birgerolofsson2347 4 жыл бұрын
@@sbrinckoo855 Electrical. When my AC starts blowing air my P15 starts to give away a noisy "Bruuuuuum" and keeps doing that until it stops.
@sbrinckoo855 4 жыл бұрын
Birger Olofsson ok that sucks do you have dedicated lines ? Man the dealer sold me how quite they were nothing about line noise .
@birgerolofsson2347 4 жыл бұрын
@@sbrinckoo855 Yes, I infact have a dedicated line to my stereo so I'm very curious on why my AC disturbs my P15 so much so if anyone got a clue about that I would bee happy to hear what it depends upon and how I would get rid of it since my P15 "Bruuuuum" even if I have nothing connected to it but just it turned on when my AC starts to blow warm air.
@sbrinckoo855 4 жыл бұрын
@@birgerolofsson2347 thats a big problem ! If you happen to come across a solution please let me know ?My place wont be ready for a while so cant confirm your findings thanks scott
@RumblestripDotNet 4 жыл бұрын
The weakest link in most systems is the person.
@googoo-gjoob 4 жыл бұрын
with the room being #2
@francoisdunord7169 4 жыл бұрын
Abel tasman named tasmania, close to australia, grtz from the netherlands
@nostro1001 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Frank, Almost correct....Tasmania is a part of Australia, it's not just close!!!
@francoisdunord7169 4 жыл бұрын
Fat Rat ok, thanks
@francoisdunord7169 4 жыл бұрын
Pete is never wrong - great to hear from someone in tasmania 👍🏻
@francoisdunord7169 4 жыл бұрын
nostro1001 - thank you
@cp070476 4 жыл бұрын
@justinparkman3585 4 жыл бұрын
could even be the quality of your speaker stands if you use any .
@BubbafromSapperton 4 жыл бұрын
Can I get a hell-yeah, for a lot of guys it's the wives...🤣
@marianneoelund2940 4 жыл бұрын
Ahem . . . some wives know how to fix those weak links.
@EUC_Senior 4 жыл бұрын
Ok Paul, I sent you hopefully your answer to your email Mark
@geirendre 4 жыл бұрын
But the question was "How do I identify the weakest link in a system?" Not "What is probably the weakest link" or "What are normally the weakest link" So the NZ guy is asking for a methodology to use so he could figure out himself what his weakest link is, not a "shot in the dark" guess at what it might be.
@bernier55 4 жыл бұрын
Zealand (Danish: , [ˈɕɛˌlænˀ], Swedish: ), at 7,031 km, is the largest and most populous island in Denmark proper (thus excluding Greenland and Disko Island, which are larger). Zealand has a population of 2,319,705 (as of 1 January 2020).
@EUC_Senior 4 жыл бұрын
Paul, you've been searching for listening to music where it sounds "Real" Paul, I'm a thinker like you and I think I have your answer
@vdklippe 4 жыл бұрын
My ears.
@brettspicer6463 4 жыл бұрын
Cool another question from Aotearoa (New Zealand) ha
@EUC_Senior 4 жыл бұрын
Paul, if you can give me an email address, I will tell you what I think the answer is
@Paulmcgowanpsaudio 4 жыл бұрын I am easy to get ahold of if you want.
@EUC_Senior 4 жыл бұрын
Ok. Thank you for responding. I will send you an email of my solution to the problem of making audio sound real. In theory it should work! Mark
@johnsweda2999 4 жыл бұрын
What was that the sprout!!!! what a cheapskate! hope you came something better. Golden rule is amplifiers and speakers first and don't necessarily right your speakers off if they are good could be down to the amplifier not having the guts impedance matching problems
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Paul McGowan, PS Audio
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