If Nonprofits Were Honest | Honest Ads

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What if nonprofits were honest about what they're up to? Roger Horton Investigates.
Roger Horton: Jack Hunter
Clown: Jesse Eisemann
Morton: Eli Yuden
Director: Michael Strauss
Director of Photography: Rob Menzer
Producer: Michael Strauss
Writer: Reva Grimball
Editor: Gabrielle Williott
Colorist: Rob Menzer
Sound: James Azzaretti
Camera Assistant: Rachel Mossberg
Production Assistant: Jesse Eisemann
00:00 Alms for the poor
00:30 Christianity used to be in charge of charity
00:43 Christianity's worse brother Capitalism
1:18 Instead of donating to people directly,
1:20 Spend their time on marketing
1:30 That's Why kids need cars
1:51 Back in the 1900s
2:25 Tax reform act
2:48 1.5 million of those fuckers
2:51 The Roger Corporation of New Donk City
3:30 I wear a lot of hats
4:00 Meet your new boss morton
4:13 Can we give frosted tips to underprivileged dogs
4:41 I need something to distract from all that bad press
5:12 Good news, I sold your cars and your kids
5:33 Hamster wheel
5:56 We're rollin out
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@arokh72 10 ай бұрын
I worked for a non profit, here in Australia, about 13 years ago. It has been around since 1813. A program I was involved in, with kids who had been abused, mostly neglect, physical abuse, drug families, etc, was shut down due to a "lack of funding". At the same time the CEO of the organisation just did up his office with fancy new furniture, and he got a brand new S Class Mercedes as his 'company car'. That car alone could have funded the program for another year.
@Reelix 10 ай бұрын
People who run non profits generally only do so for the massive amount of profit that they take home at the end.
@MrZoomah 10 ай бұрын
I volunteer in a non-rpofit... that has been around since the 1800s... that has programs for abused kids. (I'm a foster carer) But they are still running. I have seen again and again that the government doesn't want to fix the problem. We have had highly successful programs preventing kids coming into foster care and they always the first to get cut when we need to 'save money.' Despite the fact that those very programs save a lot more than they cost. Foster care is the clearest demonstration that we don't want to fix problems. When I worked in child protection I attended a meeting with a group of politicians as a union delegate. For some unspeakable reason there was a man from SERCO, the international criminal company... I mean... Umm... You know. They run the UKs nuclear weapons, Australian refugee torture services, cook food for Aussie soldiers... Those guys. Anyway, he ended up getting more talking time than anyone else. I tried to figure out why and all I could come up with is that 2 in 3 kids in juvenile detention come from foster care. A huge proportion of adult prisoners were in foster care.... SERCO runs many of Australia's prisons. The company the donates millions to politicians wants a seat at the table to make sure no-one does anything that would decrease their prisoner supply.
@user-zw6is6ng4r 10 ай бұрын
As an Australian survivor of child abuse, may they rot in the deepest most depraved pits of hell.
@3nertia 10 ай бұрын
@@MrZoomah Why fix the problem when you can profit from it! Welcome to capitalism ...
@RighteousnessWillPrevail 10 ай бұрын
​@@user-zw6is6ng4rSaying that only makes you look bad because your indulging in hate. Wanting them to truly suffer. Suffer in such a terrible place like hell. You seem to have some darkness in your heart. You should wish for people to change. Not wish them to suffer.
@retluoc 10 ай бұрын
My favorite line was, "Shouldn't some of those problems be solved by now?" 😄
@closethockeyfan5284 10 ай бұрын
Eh, depends on the problem. It's similar if not identical logic to "If firefighters are so effective, why do fires still happen?"
@LongVubk 10 ай бұрын
​@@closethockeyfan5284not really, firefighters do their job when fire already started
@MikeBNumba6 10 ай бұрын
​@@closethockeyfan5284firefighters do stop fires. They can't prevent fires from happening cause it's not like they are doing research to stop it. Charities on the other hand gets funding for research but absolutely zero progress is getting done. So yea there's a difference
@simchad613 10 ай бұрын
Has the government ever solved any problems?
@Unknown-jt1jo 10 ай бұрын
It's actually a pretty stupid line. Some battles (like crime, disease, etc.) can't be "won," but they can be mitigated.
@adamestrada7610 10 ай бұрын
Ive worked for two nonprofits and have colleagues that worked for others. We can all confirm that you are lucky if 15 cents for every dollar actually goes to the cause and not the Porsche-driving cigar smoking execs at the top.
@zarthemad8386 9 ай бұрын
Democrats need money for thier kids whiskey and cuban cigars!!! Think of THE CHILDREN!!!!!
@testthewest123 9 ай бұрын
Which, funnily enough is better than their actual cause, which does nothing. Because the problems are there, because other people can't get their shit together. Giving them money won't change that.
@Jarod-te2bi 8 ай бұрын
@@zarthemad8386and republicans are clean?
@PruneHub 7 ай бұрын
@@Jarod-te2bi Of course they're not all clean. But when republicans are caught the rest turn on him. Democrats schill for each other. Compare George Santos to Nancy Pelosi.
@charlesb7019 7 ай бұрын
And the republicans need money for their rich friends to keep themselves in power and pay for all the lawsuits they are losing. THINK OF HOW THE RICH ARE SUFFERING!!!!!
@ghaznavid 10 ай бұрын
When I was younger I did some work for some charities - I very quickly learned that the people running it take huge salaries and pay their staff nothing (sometimes literally), and rarely do much good. Of the many charities I've looked into, I've only found 4 that are actually worth supporting.
@Peachcheek_mendez 10 ай бұрын
Which were the four charities?
@DavidLLambertmobile 10 ай бұрын
Correct the federal CFC plan does in depth research, checks 🔍. Some non profits are better run, more open than others. The CFC lists are often open source, available too: 📃
@CJRames 10 ай бұрын
I went to school for social work. I didn't complete my education because I realized that it's all run by volunteers and unpaid interns. The program directors only make about 30k if they are lucky a year.
@ghaznavid 10 ай бұрын
@torimareestokes I'm in South Africa, so probably not ones you're familiar with. One is called Funda Nenja - which trains kids on how to look after their dogs properly, plus do tricks etc, including vaccinating and spaying/neutering the dogs, they have a great Facebook page, really cool project. Two are branches of Community's Chest and the fourth one gives reusable sanitary pads to teenaged girls in rural schools, which is called Protect Dignity. All of them have low admin costs and high donation deployment rates.
@DanOneOne 10 ай бұрын
It's a scam world that eats naive boys. I knew about the charities as scam, but I was much more optimistic about just basic appreciation of anything good. Started my company only to be ripped apart by abusive clients who will steal without thinking twice or having any regrets. What I learned is: Money first. No money, no honey. Cry all you want about charity, good cause, nice girls, they just do not exist in real life. It's all a merciless scam that chews everybody who believes in it, spits them out and gets new ones to chew on. I even complained to authorities about 1 charity that I suspect they finance ter-ism. I got called from them if I have any proof. I said, I don't, but they all look suspicious to me and should be checked. The b-tards wanted me to subscribe $35/m to charity. No interest if I can afford it, if I am struggling, nothing, just here is a stupid cause, sign up. Unbelievable. It's a very bad world that will rip you off and leave you dying alone without any merci.
@sethbessinger2025 10 ай бұрын
“The rich should pay their fair share!” Politicians: “Agree…to disagree”
@GeorgeVCohea 10 ай бұрын
Politicians: Squander the required share and now need more. Rich people: Object to being an ATM to fund wars and other nonsense politicians concoct against their interests and income sources. They realise that there is no such thing as a _fair share,_ and what is being demanded as a _fair share_ will still not and never will be enough. *There are two sides to the story.*
@DehnusNorder 10 ай бұрын
“The rich should pay their fair share!” Politicians while stuffing their pockets with money and insider knowledge to invest said money: “Agree…to disagree” FTFY
@michaelward6333 10 ай бұрын
Thats gonna militarize, isn't aren't they? Genius's ask more questions than find an answer.. must be that's why they all started out wearing black.
@RamrodAI 10 ай бұрын
Yes because that'll solve all the worlds problems xD. Yea...it ends up in disaster and genocide every FUCKING time. Get over it. Some people just have more money than you.
@michaelward6333 10 ай бұрын
@@RamrodAI numerologist.? They had their little books [of talismanic magic] opened to the throne of the lamb [/to receive his seal stamp] (and be saved from the Dragons numerology) Even Buddha came to tell us of the apocalypse, so duck you posturing politician, your not man enough for the internet military!
@AaronMichaelLong 10 ай бұрын
"Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket." --Eric Hoffer
@weareallbornmad410 10 ай бұрын
Not true. The great cause of ending segregation in USA began as a movement and ended as a success. Same for the great global cause of women's voting rights. Also same (not in USA, yes, I know. The rest of the world exists) for the great cause of: - ending child labour, - universal reading and writing, - free healthcare, - free education, - worker safety...
@booksquid856 9 ай бұрын
@@weareallbornmad410 I'm gonna have to factcheck your factchecking. Let's see... We have more types of segregation now. We just call it safe spaces. Women can vote now, but everyone's votes are compromised due to the chaos and corruption of elections. No education is free. It's called tax dollars. And it has resulted in a population that is LESS and less literate as time goes on. Also there is no such thing as free healthcare. Again, taxes pay for it, but not until that money runs through the hands of every politician and corporate power that it can until there are so little funds and so few options available for decent care that a person may as well laugh about their insurance card. Worker safety?! Don't we just offshore Apple products to sweat shops overseas where people attempt suicide? Ending child labor. Boy, what a alternate universe people live in. We change the word "slave" to "migrant" or "labor trafficked" or even "homeless," and voila!--the insane volume of childhood slavery is invisible.
@ofAwxen 9 ай бұрын
like Black Lives Matter
@Hugebull 9 ай бұрын
@@weareallbornmad410 All rubbish Socialist nonsense that carries a fancy banner, but is rotten to the core. - Children are now institutionalized into the public school system for over a decade of their lives. They learn nothing of value, absorb a great deal of absolute horseshit. All so the Corporate masters could destroy the family unit, making it so all women also need full-time employment, massively expanding the workforce, lowering wages, and increasing the consumer base. - Reading and writing was on the rise ever since the invention of the Printing Press. And then, to secure the ability for all to read and write, grammar schools were established. It does not take a decade to teach a child either of these things. - There is no such thing as free. Someone is paying for it. The healthcare system in Norway is entirely built around doctors and nurses working minimum 90- hour weeks for little to no overtime pay. And, with the Government budget dictating the entire health and hospital system, means that the hospitals get a sum of money to spend a year, and they are not allowed to go beyond their given budget. Meaning you will only get the level of care that the Government thinks you should get. - Again, no such thing as free. If we shut down the entire public school system of the entire Western world tomorrow, we would probably see an increase in reading and learning. The Public School systems do not exist for the sake of learning, but for mental and cultural conformity. And the majority of money that goes to higher education, is spent on ideological drivel and nonsense. Not the skills that it was established to teach. - Visible Worker Safety was solved by exporting all those jobs to the Third World, where such laws do not exist. We feel good about ourselves, because when the browns, the blacks, and yellow people suffer and die, we do not see it, we refuse to look, so we do not care. And to the first part of your post. Blacks in America had it better under Segregation. And Female Suffrage ensured that the Corporate Media would forever run and dominate every election from that point onwards. We were warned for 2500 years that broad Democracy is a horrid, if not the most horrid form for governmental organization. Which the Socialist movements took to heart, as a great tool to destroy everything that was good about the world. No other system has ever destroyed Culture, Morals, and Virtue, so utterly and so completely, as Universal Suffrage has done.
@darcieclements4880 9 ай бұрын
​​@@weareallbornmad410oh man, if only. Unfortunately before they you know completely wrapped up there were definitely rackets involved on most of these. A few of them actually still have rackets running currently for people who haven't exactly caught up with the fact that we've moved past. And quite a few of them actually haven't been finished yet at least not in the USA.
@LauraoAirylea 9 ай бұрын
I realized this truth in highschool. I was part of a club dedicated to fundraising money to benefit women and girls in developing nations. The organization hosted a nation-wide convention for all of its members. The gatherings were lavish and highly bureaucratic. All the money we raised that should have benefited the most vulnerable, went to entertaining already rich and powerful women. I decided to get into badminton after that.
@Haru-nee 9 ай бұрын
It's definitely a better use of your time.
@extropiantranshuman 9 ай бұрын
exactly - at least there's a skill for at least having fun at these lavish conventions. Badminton is a wealthy person's sport.@@Haru-nee
@justmika6964 9 ай бұрын
How waa badminton?
@wyattstevens8548 9 ай бұрын
@LauraoAirylea 9 ай бұрын
@@justmika6964 Playing badminton messed up my Tennis game. It's a bizarre side effect I don't know how to correct.
@ammaokami4479 10 ай бұрын
I remember when I was going through training for a Tim Horton's job and they ask if you want to donate part of every paycheck towards their charity, Tims Camp. I just said "No, I'd like to actually get my paycheck before deciding what to do with it, thanks."
@Alexanda-Mc 8 ай бұрын
If non-profits were more transparent, we could see where our donations really go.
@Jonesmatsunaga 8 ай бұрын
I totally agree, It often feels like they're not entirely upfront about their expenses.
@RayFreddie219 8 ай бұрын
It's unfortunate, but not all non-profits are as honest as we'd like them to be.
@Muriel-1112 8 ай бұрын
I've been working with an advisor myself, CHRIS RYAN STEWART and it's been eye-opening.
@Andres_853 8 ай бұрын
Non-profits and even people should be held to a high standard of transparency and accountability, much like financial advisors.
@Andres_853 8 ай бұрын
@@Muriel-1112i just check the name
@Customerbuilder 10 ай бұрын
I felt bad for breaking the cashier at the grocery store. Nice old lady asked if I wanted to donate food. I said, "no, that's a scam." After an awkward pause, she asked why I would say such a thing. I told her that the store is charging me retail prices for wholesale goods. They likely get to keep the profits AND report the value of the donation as the retail price I paid. Plus, "their" donation reduces their income, while they donate it to their own non-profit.
@zarthemad8386 9 ай бұрын
@Sahdirah 9 ай бұрын
@CadetSammons 7 ай бұрын
Don't feel bad. The truth isn't your fault, and sharing it is a moral thing to do.
@JohnSmith-op7ls 6 ай бұрын
This is not true. If you’re donating cash to the business then the business legally gets no benefit, it can only act as a collector of the funds. In fact, you can claim that donation on your taxes.
@venoltar 6 ай бұрын
@@JohnSmith-op7ls You are partially correct. If it were a pure cash transaction, you would be correct. In this case, they are trading their own assets as the "donation", rather than cash, while reaping the cash of the donor. Plenty of wiggle room to sneak in a nice juicy profit there.
@HarlanDaleAbsher 10 ай бұрын
Love going to Safeway, the Mecca of food distribution on the West Coast of America, and when I go to check out, they decide to ask me if I, an average citizen with low income, would like to solve the homeless problem by donating five bucks. How about you donate money every time people buy something, Safeway? You literally control the food and the prices, figure it out yourself.
@alexacarrillo4339 10 ай бұрын
In a funny but not in a Ha Ha way they aren’t asking you to solve anything except their tax write off and good PR.
@carolerobbins9522 10 ай бұрын
Fuck Safeway, their prices are out of control. They can donate to charity themselves.
@juliana.x0x0 10 ай бұрын
Donate money to the charities, instead of the homeless people outside! There are literally signs at some checkouts that say "don't give money to the homeless!" I mean, how cold and ruthless can they get?
@mallninja9805 10 ай бұрын
@@juliana.x0x0 I think it's well established that , with a very few exceptions of a couple of blood relatives & close friends, people literally don't care if each other live through the day.
@juliana.x0x0 9 ай бұрын
@@mallninja9805I would say speak for yourself, and I would hope you would never be in a situation like that where people pass you by and don't care if you live or die. Humans can't live without each other and a little kindness can go a long way. That has not been my experience, as I have been kept alive by the kindness of strangers many times over, and I absolutely care if people live or die, regardless of their situation. I care about people and their quality of life, and it hurts my heart to see people suffering. Although there are a lot of people, especially in the upper echelons of society who have a lot of money, that don't care about quality of life for people other than themselves and their families, there are MANY, MANY people who advocate for and try to help others who are less fortunate than themselves. Organizations, volunteers, social workers, and just regular people. I don't think you really have the authority to say what most people think or feel.
@matthew8153 10 ай бұрын
Never forget the golden rule: He who has the gold makes the rules.
@jblyon2 10 ай бұрын
I do some work for a small non-profit that directly benefits local people and doesn't line anyone's pockets. Every dollar I save them donating my services directly helps someone in need. The crap most of these organizations pull underpaying their real employees while lining the pockets of executives/friends of the board and spending pennies on the dollar on their 'mission' absolutely boils my blood.
@danholm4952 10 ай бұрын
it happens ALOT
@driumissimo 10 ай бұрын
everyone thinks the nonprofit they work at is the only good one
@arothmanmusic 10 ай бұрын
The nonprofit theater I work with has three underpaid part-time employees and the rest are volunteers.
@telemachus7732 10 ай бұрын
Guess What???? People don’t need middlemen to help other people! It’s people like you who STOP people from helping other people by saying YOU are the only ones who do it the RIGHT ( and legal) way!
@jbc6980 10 ай бұрын
@@arothmanmusicto be fair, most theaters are not profitable.
@davea6314 10 ай бұрын
"...a bunch of millionaire a-holes figured out how to exploit that compassionate little itch in the back of your mind..." -Roger
@misterperegrine 10 ай бұрын
Andrew Ryan's speech on altruism in Bioshock popped in my head IMMEDIATELY after hearing that line.
@3nertia 10 ай бұрын
@davea6314 10 ай бұрын
​@@3nertiaAt 58 seconds into this video Roger clearly says "...millionaire..." not "billionaires" as you seem to be claiming. Are you a millionaire?
@3nertia 10 ай бұрын
@@davea6314 I was pointing out the irony of considering millionaires "rich" when there are over 2000 billionaires on this planet ROFLMEYERWIENER
@HaldaneSmith 10 ай бұрын
​@@3nertiaSounds like you're a millionaire.
@mathgasm8484 10 ай бұрын
Rodger would be proud that I use an LLC as a tax shelter for my bee farm which is pretty much a piggy bank to buy land and fund my retirement pension.
@weirdsweetcoolplants 9 ай бұрын
How do you do this? I am curious.
@swampcrawlerls1267 6 ай бұрын
Following, I literally have a beekeeping business.
@mathgasm8484 6 ай бұрын
@@weirdsweetcoolplants LLC is just a legal tax structure and bees make honey and can make various products from wax. so sales go into LLC and then we pull an amazon and buy a ton of equipment to expand and compound the returns. eventually it will blow up with cash flow hopefully then take dividends to buy land or fund your retirement via sep IRA.
@deconfrost3334 10 ай бұрын
I worked for a non-profit organization for 7 years, and I have to say, accurate!
@esdigital5259 7 ай бұрын
3 more years and you can get your school loans forgiven
@MrMegaGamerMan 10 ай бұрын
A friend of mine that used to work at a nonprofit told me they just need to not make a profit...plenty of "nonprofits" with CEOs that makes millions each year
@Reelix 10 ай бұрын
Eg: Wikipedia (Or specifically - The Wikimedia foundation - CEO's that make millions with a flood of unpaid editors)
@orangeziggy348 9 ай бұрын
Excellent comment
@jmac356 25 күн бұрын
@@Reelix No one is meant to get paid for Wikipedia. Anyone can edit any page. BAD EXAMPLE!
@Reelix 25 күн бұрын
@@jmac356 Take a look at their funding sheets some time - The higher ups are pulling in 7 figures off the work that those unpaid bunch are doing.
@y_fam_goeglyd 10 ай бұрын
The US tax system is not broken, it works perfectly well for the insanely rich. 🤦🏻‍♀️
@RS-ls7mm 10 ай бұрын
The tax breaks were put in place by you (by voting in the politicians or directly) because you wanted jobs. Otherwise the jobs would have gone elsewhere, leaving you with only poverty.
@hitnovak 10 ай бұрын
It's not that different in other countries, it just takes a few extra steps. And the reason is that no matter where you go, those who understand the taxes are generally the wealthy ones, while everyone else seems to think that "anyone wealthier than me should pay a ton of taxes".
@carlp.6196 10 ай бұрын
Most systems work well for the insanely rich. Power and influence are for sale everywhere.
@mallninja9805 10 ай бұрын
@@RS-ls7mm Yeah, that's what they want you to believe. It's all the voters fault for not picking better candidates. Never mind that they spend billions of dollars ensuring that no better candidates can stand a chance. But hey, blame the guy who only gets to choose between "Republican" and "Democrat" every election
@vihreelinja4743 9 ай бұрын
SAme in every country. and all the countries that try to do better. usa invades them.
@alexisguzman296 10 ай бұрын
With the mega conglomerate Roger is running. He needs a couple non profits to off set the IRS so he pays the least amount of taxes! Well played sir!
@StrangeScaryNewEngland 10 ай бұрын
His brother Tim got the bad end of the deal
@donise8406 10 ай бұрын
If nonprofits fixed problems some should be fixed, well said. I remember in the 1960's giving my dimes to save the children, 60 years later it's still around with the CEO making almost 1 million a year. Well it's working for someone lol
@TheReubixcube1 10 ай бұрын
Only 1 million, what a sap!
@carkawalakhatulistiwa 9 ай бұрын
Soviets can give 36m² home free . And they are poorer than many western countries. with today's technology the cost of building a house should be cheaper than 100 years ago. if the development doesn't want to build small houses because they don't use them. then state enterprises have to come in and build small houses for poor people while making little profit
@dustyridgley 9 ай бұрын
​@@carkawalakhatulistiwaThere's too many government regulations now. The home has to have highly energy efficient windows big enough to escape a fire, electrical outlets on every wall. A 200 amp electrical service, running water, sewer connection, ADA accessibility, energy efficient insulation, it also has to be over 50 square ft to be considered a bedroom, have a ceiling height over 7 ft, have electric lighting, a 50 amp stove range circuit, and a 30 amp hot water heater. It has to be secured to a concrete foundation too. Depending on the location, it will need to be rated to withstand natural disasters like earthquakes, flooding, and high winds. Usually, connecting to utilities is extremely expensive, just a water connection might cost $20k, sewer $15k, and electric over $10k. Labor laws require the government to pay prevailing wages to construction workers. So for every home built the construction wage costs increases significantly. Non-profits are working on requiring built-in central air conditioning as a requirement because only windows and fans are cruel. Just to build a tiny home, you're looking at at least $100k. That's not even counting the land value.
@Merengil 8 ай бұрын
I guess the CEO's children are saved...
@jerbear7952 8 ай бұрын
The problem was march of dimes accidentally helped cure the problem. Then they had to find something else to fund their lifestyles
@SHomaidan 9 ай бұрын
I had a job where every year the United Way came in and did their guilt trip, high pressure thing. I didn't give as a matter of principle. If they have to put on this much pressure on people, they can't be legit. One of the presenters was the top guy at the local YMCA. I looked up his salary and it was over $240,000. That is four times more than I was making at the time. Two thoughts immediately came to mind: 1 - Why should I give money to someone who makes much more than me 2 - If this guy is sincere and so into giving, why doesn't he take a deep pay cut
@naturalnashuan 7 ай бұрын
I hated it when my overpaid boss pushed us to contribute to United Way. I felt it might affect my future at my job whether I gave money to a collective of unpopular charities that group under a generic name.
@JoseLopez-tk4tq 7 ай бұрын
Same here. Know employees who had to "donate" to the United Way by way of payroll deduction. Couldn't get a straight answer where the money was going to. Have yet to meet a single person who has received assistance from them.
@angeladawn805 10 ай бұрын
I once worked for a high profile Teenager Cancer charity, the donations paid for an office (used 20 hours a week) - paid for the regional manager to stay at Motels and take friends out for lunch, ( paid me a decent rate that I could live off 20hours of work). And when it came to declaring financial status for grants, money was hidden in the other region's account. Finally, the CEO from a massive dairy company was enticed to work for our charity..... he would have had a comparable salary 🤫🤐🙄
@orangeziggy348 9 ай бұрын
Omg. There needs to be rules and someone to hold nonprofits accountable.
@telemachus7732 10 ай бұрын
The best scam I’ve heard is a utility company ‘ asking’ money from its customers to give to people who can’t afford their energy bills!
@zarthemad8386 8 ай бұрын
and its forced upon the users in many states.
@lorech.8326 10 ай бұрын
@e66iu 10 ай бұрын
i don't think it can be overstated how much we all love Roger Horton.
@EsotericBibleSecrets 9 ай бұрын
If the entire universe was honest...
@junkiejackflash 9 ай бұрын
I love that he named his son Morton Horton
@hereticpariah6_66 10 ай бұрын
Here's how i donate. When i see a group (church or otherwise) actually DOING something like giving sandwiches, water & pet food out to homeless people THAT'S who i give money to. Sometimes directly to someone who i feel might need it. And i don't care if they get a couple beers or a doobie with it: whatever helps them feel any more comfort in their situation is fine with me, not one to judge.
@SarafinaSummers 10 ай бұрын
I had a gentleman who was my lift driver pay for my lunch before I could pull out my debit card to pay for his. I will never forget that man's kindness. Thank you for what you do in your community to reach the downtrodden among you.
@wavemasterxyra1630 10 ай бұрын
Pet food for the Homeless? Sure, at least it is food.
@IgorRockt 10 ай бұрын
@@wavemasterxyra1630 When looking at how people treat their pets compared to other people (when it comes to health), I would say that pet food is probably of better quality than some of the stuff they would give to other (poor) people. Pet food has to be of good quality, otherwise some pets will get ill, and the pet owners will sue the pet food companies to hell and back for hurting their beloved puppies!
@Wolf-fighter 10 ай бұрын
giving money to the church is the biggest joke of all dude . a group with a touching little boys habbit who are damm rich and literally forced money out of people as taxes for thousand of years. one of the most corrupt things in the world, a thing solely created for power money and to controll people. you might as well give it to the government simply directly . if you would actually help give your money directly to poor people that helps more than any bulshit charity. give to people with debt or who would need money >.> but charity is the biggest hypocrit bulshit there is anyways and rich people only use it to evade taxes
@juliana.x0x0 10 ай бұрын
Yes! As a former homeless person, YOU are the type of person that literally helped me live through tough patches...until I was able to get myself to a point where now I am able to take care of myself and creating good, productive human. Thank you for being who you are.
@andrewm7352 10 ай бұрын
Government: if you think our problems are bad, wait until you see our solutions. 😅
@JoshuaBenitezNewOrleans 10 ай бұрын
I run a nonprofit, and I really try super hard to run it in an equitable way, and the honest reality is the industry itself is extremely problematic, and my organization literally pays the price for doing things the right way. It’s worth it for me, but it always puts us behind the other organizations, who do whatever it takes to get money.
@risingraisings7012 10 ай бұрын
what non profit organization do you run
@The_Consciousness 10 ай бұрын
Your everywhere
@The_Consciousness 10 ай бұрын
A dude reply to you and said he was up till 2-1am watching your comment and thought he had a hair on his phone
@ryuken0088 10 ай бұрын
In short you enable the bad to do bad and one day you're going to either give up and quit or be just like them
@Treasuremonk 10 ай бұрын
Like he said ! “It non profits worked, there’d be no non profits “
@groovygannon 10 ай бұрын
Worked at an auto shop that owner also had a nonprofit fixing cars for needy people. He got cars donated. Paid his own business to fix them and drove two of them as his personal cars. He insisted it was a non profit not a charity. Huge difference
@JerrySmith-wp5nb 10 ай бұрын
I worked at a nonprofit in school. It was kinda like goodwill in that they took donations of physical stuff. Except they gave it away for free to homeless and anyone who was in need. They also offered counselling, food and a place to take a shower. It was a huge benefit to the community and was helping hundreds of people a week. Sadly the pastor of the church who owned the place wanted to spend 1.5 million dollars on a new church building in a rich neighborhood so he could get a wealthier crowd. He pulled the plug on the nonprofit due to lack of funding. And he claims to be a christian...
@princessmarlena1359 6 ай бұрын
He secretly wears his cross upside down, like many of them I’ve known.
@annettewalker812 6 ай бұрын
I had a similar experience with a so-called church. It was very discouraging.
@drtpredatorcontrol6093 10 ай бұрын
I once worked for a major manufacturing company that didn't believe in paying personnel a living wage. They would coerce us into contributing 10% of our gross pay to UNICEF each year. All of the employees would do it for fear of retaliation. As a supervisor I was encouraged to "encourage" full participation from all of the people within my department. It was so awkward the first time that I approached my manager at the defense of an employee that wished to refrain from contributing. The non-profits have always had a high "ick" factor to me and this really helps explain why.,
@markh.6687 6 ай бұрын
Saw the same type of pressure for United Way donation campaigns. The company itself could have cared less about helping people; it was all public relations/bragging rights about how much employees donated.
@corrupt1user 10 ай бұрын
I propose a new law; if anyone at your charity makes more than the US President ($400k/yr), then you lose your tax-exempt status.
@delilacain7882 10 ай бұрын
I worked for a healthcare "nonprofit" for 5 years and it absolutely destroyed my soul
@slowery43 8 ай бұрын
you sound weak and likely make poor decisions
@charlesb7019 7 ай бұрын
I worked for 7 years at a nonprofit we will call “Badwon’t” and it also destroyed my soul. The “senior leadership” were all making 6 figures while at the same time having a continuously running in-house food drive where the underpaid staff would donate food to each other….. On top of that they call themselves “a great place to work”. Don’t get me wrong, there are good people working there who really care and want to make a difference. However, in a short time they are discouraged. I stuck for 7 years trying to make they change. It didn’t work. That’s 7 years I will never get back.
@ritaparker478 3 ай бұрын
Me too! Done with their abuse.
@MrCophtr 10 ай бұрын
I worked at a local charity second hand store in sweden some years ago. The storemanager and his friends had ceo-level salary. I worked for free. Never again.
@mmerriman4995 10 ай бұрын
Non-profit grant writer spending life jumping though bureaucratic hoops to get funding for small, successful community programs. Thanks for the education, Roger & crew. No wonder it is so hard to get funds....
@no_more_spamplease5121 10 ай бұрын
The career of scientists/researchers is pretty much like that. No wonder we cannot get advances in knowledge, technology and health care as quickly as our society could afford. So much for the level of our "civilization". 😏
@UrbaneOracle 9 ай бұрын
A special place in paradise should be reserved for non-profit grant writers. One of the hardest, least appreciated jobs I've ever seen.
@slimdifference08 10 ай бұрын
It's about time that you tackle nonprofits.
@rianmacdonald9454 10 ай бұрын
It is on a very big to sort out list.
@LongNguyen-ce8nn 10 ай бұрын
I hate when I go shopping and get asked to donate to a company without any research.
@ritaparker478 3 ай бұрын
I got tough on this. I felt I should donate yet did not want to but did anyway. Then in the beginning when I started to wise up I would just say "no thank you", now it's "NO". Once it was for Children's Hospital, the cashier thought I was a monster for not donating until I pointed out that we pay taxes for medical services so hospital admin and medical professionals can go talk to the government instead of striking for higher wages or begging from us who already are paying.
@JimAllen-Persona 10 ай бұрын
“Agreed to disagree”.. brilliant 😂😂😂
@kevinmcqueenie7420 10 ай бұрын
It is depressing how very, irredeemably, frustratingly true this is. God damn your truth bombs Roger you magnificent bastard.
@stevemic6942 10 ай бұрын
It's great to find out Roger has a son; someone to take over the business so he can finally do a "If Retirement Was Honest" video
@dieptrieu6564 9 ай бұрын
He have another son in the streaming ad video, tho
@PandiTheBear 10 ай бұрын
The non profit I work at is actually pretty solid; recycling collection center. No one really makes that much, nor do we market weird stuff. We just collect stuff to stop it from going to land fills.
@nessamillikan6247 8 ай бұрын
Where is your NP located?
@ElbowDeepInAHorse 10 ай бұрын
This. Goodwill is this.
@ntal5859 10 ай бұрын
Careful Roger that "frosted tips for dogs could turn a profit" then you be in trouble!
@bobfinkenbiner2539 10 ай бұрын
never happen. increase the ceo salary
@Jose.Eduardo.C 10 ай бұрын
This is slowly becoming an educational channel...That is kinda good i think, even in a way to broaden your topics, and get deeper in your commentary, as long as you strive to be as responsible as possible with this kinda of text im all in and hoping that this channel reach more and more people
@Metalbringer92 9 ай бұрын
It always was. They just toned down the sarcasm since idiots couldn't get it.
@Jose.Eduardo.C 9 ай бұрын
@@Metalbringer92 no they weren't, watch em, they're simulacra of advertising, fantasy campaigns for fantasy products, the channel is kinda detaching itself from that to be openly about education, the facts and research used to build a joke, now they're to build plain knowledge
@carpeimodiem 10 ай бұрын
Came for New Donk City... Stayed for the *beautiful* pronunciation of "Guy Fieri" 👏👏👏
@BenZedrene 10 ай бұрын
I know someone who used to work for a nonprofit. And I was often there when she came home. Her mood was ALWAYS a state of "EVERYTHING SUCKS AND PEOPLE ARE STUPID!" And that's why I'm averse to working for a nonprofit.
@weareallbornmad410 10 ай бұрын
I understand that. But working for a corporation only takes that out of your sight, not out of your life. It's a false comfort. And you're still lining the pockets of the same billionaire.
@terminallygray 10 ай бұрын
Smart Guy. Wish I would have known what I know now before, I took my last job (non-profit).
@jimbowling8528 10 ай бұрын
Yeah. Over the last 20 years I've worked with a lot of non-profits and quite a few seem to be 'for-profit/non-profits'. But a lot of others do a lot of good with very little. The least efficient (and most charitable) are staffed by local volunteers, are located within the communities they serve and, while not very good at making money, provide invaluable services to 'the least of these our brothers and sisters' . Kind of like charity was like in 'the good old days'.
@weareallbornmad410 10 ай бұрын
I don't think it's a good idea to base your charity near-exclusively on volunteers. Putting aside the obvious ethical problems of my-staff-doesn't-get-paid -- those projects are fickle. People have lives to live; volunteers are here today and gone tomorrow. Not to mention they need to eat, and need to have a job. How many hours a day can you volunteer? How many days a week? Just like doctors in hospitals - we do-gooders in NGOs need to be paid for our work too.
@mikemcconeghy4658 10 ай бұрын
If you are in charge of the $4B per year budget foundation to save the butterflies, your top job is to secure the next $4B. Anyone on your staff is helping you with that. If any butterflies happen to be saved, that's incidental.
@myfrestuff3453 10 ай бұрын
"Alms for an ex-leper?" - Michael Palin as Ex-leper in Monty Python's Life of Brian 😂😉😎
@nathank2289 10 ай бұрын
They also get a nice tax cut for all the money you give at the supermarket
@ritaparker478 3 ай бұрын
Not to forget they can publicize how much they donated even though customers provided all the money.
@BrooklyKnight 10 ай бұрын
Really never thought I'd have my job be a star in an Honest Ad vid lol
@tairikuokami 10 ай бұрын
What is charity? A legal tax evasion. I recall that news once asked 2 charity people with a million dollars salary, if they think they deserve it? They were offended, they begged hard to earn it.
@Unknown-jt1jo 10 ай бұрын
Let's not be too cynical. I've worked with many animal shelters and pet rescues, and many of them publish their full financial details online. You can find out exactly how much of each donated dollar goes to the actual mission. In the non-profits I've volunteered for, it was over 85%. Their CEOs/directors weren't particularly well-paid. And they helped save thousands of animals.
@naturalnashuan 7 ай бұрын
Animal shelters seem to be quite different from other charities, they believe in the value of what they do and tend to be quite transparent. I do donate to them.
@bettykelly7565 6 ай бұрын
The ceo of the spca makes almost a million a year,how many animals would that save.
@PatrickAshe41 2 ай бұрын
Thank you. I have similar experiences over 15 years, but on child abuse prevention and treatment (primarily, among related missions). Like, sure, there's corruption and malfeasance in some big names and other random organizations, but many direct service orgs with ED and other staff making well under six figures, and if they went under tomorrow, people simply don't get services and bad problems are measurably worse (e.g., hospitalizations, even fatalities). I feel like some cynics buy into the Nirvana Fallacy, as seemingly argued in this video; i.e., if it doesn't *solve* the problem, then it doesn't matter. Even if it measurably reduces the problem (e.g., seat belt laws lowering but obviously not eliminating accident fatalities, as measured by interrupted time series analysis and controlling for related variables). And, of course, the Anecdotal Fallacy, e.g. "I know this one organization made millions and barely did anything!" I'm the first to call out waste, fraud, and abuse (I blew the whistle on a minor example early in my career), but people should really do the work of studying an issue (maybe start with Charity Navigator and Guidestar), do the policy analysis, check a program against alternatives and if it didn't exist at all, etc.
@jmac356 25 күн бұрын
@@bettykelly7565 A whole lot. A-doi!
@fletches4084 9 ай бұрын
Roger is a national treasure. The world needs more like him. And if you haven't seen Juice Media's Honest government ads go take a look. Humor is the world's only defence against stupidity. By highlighting the corrupt and the ridiculous we can crack the walls of ignorance in which too many people enshroud themselves. Apparently there are 50 million Americans who would vote IQ45 back into office. The only way to wake them up from their self-imposed stupor is to make them laugh at what they seemingly revere.
@plouifasol 10 ай бұрын
Keep it up! Thank you for making people laugh while exposing and roasting with honesty.
@KyleClarington 10 ай бұрын
I'm so glad to know that this type of humor is still appreciated and showcased so well! I really live for this stuff! lol
@michael567jober 10 ай бұрын
i always wondered when they say all proceeds go to charity, how the hell can they pay their employees let alone run the company itself
@rianmacdonald9454 10 ай бұрын
the key is ''proceeds'' in legal terms, the profit - so once they take their wages, pay for their ''expensive'' etc, pay for the travel, offices, accommodation etc, what is left goes to the charity. The entire thing is one huge scam - as much as this video shreds light on the issue - it doesn't even show 1% of the real crap that goes on. STOP GIVING TO CHARITIES PERIOD.
@pete3252 10 ай бұрын
In many cases, their general aim is to take in all the donations, deduct wages, marketing costs, and whatever they consider operating costs, and whatever is left over are "proceeds." A better way of saying the same thing is all "profits go to..." Profits are defined as stated above. Anything more than what the business needs to run. The key thing is to (and most of us lack the time) check publicly available information on the business to know what they are claiming are costs including CEO salary.
@lmw716 10 ай бұрын
There are some local nonprofits that actually do make a difference because they’re not trying to solve problems, just helping people who got dealt a bad hand. (One of the ones I’m a part of help families with kids/adults born with a CHD to be able to navigate the challenges of being born with a heart defect, plus bringing our community together to support one another. IMO, it’s much better than the national heart nonprofit that exploits children through jump roping to collect funds that never go back to support children who suffer from heart disease they were born with.)
@smtenor1 10 ай бұрын
Horton hears a Who - a nonprofit designed to help Roger retire from being forced to make these vids!!! But no, love this, especially as an opera singer who has to deal with non-profits all the time.
@KroganCharr 10 ай бұрын
My personal favorite is how much funds are spent on raising more funds. The primary purpose of many non-profits is self-perpetuation. It's the metaphorical self-licking ice cream cone.
@diosoth 10 ай бұрын
I gave $100 to the ASPCA this year. They've since spent all of it on sending me emails & letters by mail begging for more money. I can help animals more efficiently by bringing in small outdoor stray kittens & raising them.
@Reelix 10 ай бұрын
$99.90 of that was used in "Administration fees". The other $0.10? Well, they make so much money that that was lost in a rounding error.
@Ravzie 3 ай бұрын
And look how much the CEO makes - to do what exactly?
@TheMeatballMan420 10 ай бұрын
I feel like Roger has several families locked up in his attic, whom he feeds on to sustain his fleeting youth. I can't prove it, but he seems like the kind of guy to have a couple of attic familes.
@richardarriaga6271 10 ай бұрын
Lies, they are clearly in his crypts
@CurtisWhitehead-wn5bs 9 ай бұрын
He said "Religion's older, dumber brother capitalism." 🤣 Damn! That is so on point!
@MidnightMagpie73 10 ай бұрын
I love the historical break aways. It gives Roger even more of a glow :D
@kennahowe7582 10 ай бұрын
I worked for a non-profit as an accountant for a foundation that owned a portfolio of museums. I was a temp, and to be hired full time I had to accept $15/ hour. I have a bachelor's degree with several years experience. I declined. There was also an American employee (an Educational Planner) who had a master's degree in education and was making only $18/hour. Another peculiarity was that this was also the only place that I have worked, that hosted mostly Slovic women on work visa. I guess they found a mostly untapped labor pool. It was definitely an experience.
@kingcharlesfnlc 10 ай бұрын
Oprah needs to see this
@DemonicAdj 10 ай бұрын
She can write off what gets given away. Often, the items (or cars) in question were donated to her.
@kingcharlesfnlc 10 ай бұрын
@@DemonicAdj Talking about the Maui situation where she made a scam non-profit
@user-qe9ut5fw2z 10 ай бұрын
United Way is one of the worst around. When I was working through college at a Dept store at little more than minimum wage the store had a meeting and showed us a speaker and film about all the charities UW gave $$ to. Your employer opened its books to UW who then calculated what was your "fair share" to donate and have deducted straight from your paycheck. This was based on your earnings. Your manager then had individual meetings with their dept employees and had to sign the paperwork in front of them. When I declined to contribute, the manager said "Great, I'll remember that in your next review." Donations were extorted from the low paid staff. Of course, the credit for all this charity goes to the Store, not the poor employee being bullied out of her wages. This was wrong on sooooo many levels. I do not give to formal charities; I do give to street people and panhandlers instead. At least I know the money gets to them.
@Dbb27 8 ай бұрын
I’m shocked at how many comments there are here saying employees are coerced to donating by their employer. Pretty sad. I sold a house to a director of United Way brought in from another state. They certainly weren’t suffering for funds.
@kaninma7237 10 ай бұрын
A new Honest Ad? Thank you. Let's celebrate. Cheers!
@MistbornPrincess 10 ай бұрын
I volunteer at a small non-profit food pantry. They have maybe four paid employees, and plenty of volunteers. I think we do good for our community. There are lots of people who struggle for one reason or another. Seniors who didn’t save their money (or couldn’t) are the majority. I think the only bad aspect is that grocery stores giving us their rotting salads and day old bread. Most stuff ends up still being good but I’d say 20% we have to throw away. It’s like the grocery stores give us the privilege of throwing away their stuff while they get a tax write-off. Also, grocery bags are so expensive! Thousands of dollars, unless they’re donated. If we used recycled ones, it might be easier but some stores won’t donate those-fearful of someone sneaking in bags to the stores, filling them, and claiming they paid for it. Esp I imagine with self-check outs. Amazon food always seems the best bc it’s fresher and with more variety. Grocery stores sometimes end up sending huge loads of bread and sweets. If you donate to a local pantry, please donate PB& J and pork and beans. Ours gets 20x more in corn and green beans from food drives.
@MistbornPrincess 9 ай бұрын
Also, the pantry has a board of directors from the community, not a corporation.
@appalachiabrauchfrau 9 ай бұрын
see if you can give that food to a local garden for composting, it might make you feel better about tossing it.
@MistbornPrincess 9 ай бұрын
@@appalachiabrauchfrausometimes people come and ask for stuff for their pigs or chickens!
@Dbb27 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for all your work. Food banks are my charity of choice.
@naturalnashuan 7 ай бұрын
I take plastic grocery bags from the "recycling" bins at the entrances to supermarkets. They never complain, it might mean fewer bags for them to throw away. If in doubt, ask the store manager if it is okay to take used bags. They always say yes when I ask. You'll have to throw away some gross ones, they were trash anyway.
@DavidRichardson153 10 ай бұрын
Roger, good sir, you are nuts! N-V-T-S! Nuts!
@Dreamluu 10 ай бұрын
This is true, 100% nonprofit workers have to be aware of the nonprofit industrial complex and how it is designed to exploit social issues to save rich people and corporations money. There are many local small nonprofits, doing actual work and not getting recognized for it please do your research and invest in those blue serve with integrity.
@keithpodhradsky1314 10 ай бұрын
We who worked for NPs, we know where the money goes. It goes to the top, while sh*t rolls downhill and responsibility goes to the bottom, where we have done work others would never want to attempt. That said, looking back at a career, I was happy to do this for my clients but not my supervisors. NP workers have nothing to be ashamed of. The work was worthy.
@TheCritic-MMA 10 ай бұрын
I love that this episode was followed (for me) by a Save the Children DONATE NOW ad! Also don't forget what Ariana Huffington observed first hand that outsourcing these needs and support doesn't work for the non-flashy ones like child poverty. Rogers all over the world have foundations ready to put their name on a theater or hospital wing (unless in skid row) but not so much help the most needy.
@weareallbornmad410 10 ай бұрын
I don't think you can put your name on a hospital wing outside of USA. Doesn't happen on theaters either where I live. USA is its own little universe. Don't judge the rest of us by your mark.
@Oxnate 10 ай бұрын
"Large societal issues require government intervention." LOL I love the way he said that with a straight face. That should be your next video.
@gregb6469 10 ай бұрын
Government is not the solution to our problems, government IS the problem!
@sergeantzack1106 10 ай бұрын
Lol I love the fact of how stupid you are that's why we have the government
@EBFilmsMan 10 ай бұрын
@@gregb6469Sigh...and all business people are honest, and just want to help, right? /s
@OP_-pk9hm 10 ай бұрын
You didn’t closely to the part he said after that… The government is owned by these billionaires. And that will never change
@vaylard9474 10 ай бұрын
@@gregb6469 you're delusional if you think that with the government gone the world will become any better that tiny amount of leverage you have over the capitalist class and politicians in the form of your vote is the only thing keeping society from collapsing into neo-feudalism with the same old men at the top and you and me at the bottom fighting for water
@blackmagician7645 10 ай бұрын
I like how Roger gets his son involved in family projects.☺️He's beingva supportive malevolent father.
@OKOKOKOKOKOKOK-zn2fy 9 ай бұрын
Roger has incorporated and has hired his family and their dog as employees. ( The dog is on the security staff. ) All meals are now a write off. Housing, electricity, gas, water, cable, cell phones... all write offs. When they go out to dinner, it's a write off too if they discuss the family business. The cars... write offs. Get the idea? Businesses pay their taxes net of expenses. If expenses = income, you pay nothing. If you are a really big corporation, you can even ask the government for a bail-out when the economy is bad. It's all one big grift. The solution is a flat tax on all corporations doing business in the US. The "Pay here to play here tax" could end the grifting of the tax system overnight.
@ChristiRich 10 ай бұрын
I’ll think about this every time a personality on Public TV or Public Radio asks for a donation to support their six figure salary.
@Ricky19821 10 ай бұрын
I never give to the United Way, or high end charities. The CEOs make too much
@TankTheSpank 10 ай бұрын
You missed this mark on this one… Non profits = SHOVE as MUCH money in YOUR pocket, so that there is no profit in the organization…. CEOS salaries straight up show that.
@niteshades_promise 10 ай бұрын
"If u work for a nonprofit, its obviously a profit!" -me since the 90s😂
@extropiantranshuman 9 ай бұрын
I love how these are fun, connecting, and tells you from the beginning - of the story of what happened. This channel - it touches my heart. It's special and dear - unique on youtube (ok not unique, all of them are like this - but nothing's like this channel! This is what I always dream about). This channel's a dream come true!
@davidbirch98 10 ай бұрын
Hah. Love it. Love all your videos. I actually run a non profit. For wilderness clean up and restoration. We restore land and water bodies to perfection. So im boots on the ground and not like those business scammers. Theyre out there.
@yellowshirtfellow 10 ай бұрын
New Donk City, alright. Which one of you played Super Mario Oddessey? Anyways, keep up the great work as always!
@thekarmicbrat 10 ай бұрын
The best part about this guy is that he looks exactly like the type of people he denounces: the ultimate stereotype of corporate America, he looks like he runs a multi-million dollar business.
@shannonwilliams7249 10 ай бұрын
Great topic. Thrilled you tackled it so well.
@dumpsterahoy9236 10 ай бұрын
Thanks Honest Ads I love these videos
@marylhere 10 ай бұрын
Please note the tax exempt benefits of donating to non profits and then having those same non profits donate to political super PACs electing officials that further reduce their taxes.
@nickpolizzi9612 10 ай бұрын
Capitalizing on the Roman craze is such a Roger thing to do..
@HO-bndk 9 ай бұрын
There's a "Roman craze"? Cool! (or do you just mean video games and clueless youtubers).
@CockTaco 9 ай бұрын
I waited my whole life to see this video. I survived 2 heart attacks and a triple-bypass. Now I can die in peace.
@mattheology 10 ай бұрын
@Yorubavegan 10 ай бұрын
I just got into this channel and it’s been 🔥🔥🔥. I remember learning about this in my philanthropy class I was so 💔💔💔💔💔
@animn7386 10 ай бұрын
Another great one; keep em coming
@reanimationeas342 10 ай бұрын
If Private Schools Were Honest
@focuslee 10 ай бұрын
I was with Roger from the beginning. The man never disappoints.
@admlorenz 9 ай бұрын
A certain high profile nonprofit recently had 80m go unaccounted for all while the leadership bought themselves several mansions.
@pozzowon 8 ай бұрын
5:22 "large societal issues require government intervention" That's a bold statement, should see how it's worked out in countries without nonprofits...
@TheSimArchitect 10 ай бұрын
This is one, if not the biggest, scams in our society. Charity should always be done with your own resources and without ANY tax break.
@TheAeris07 10 ай бұрын
Most people wouldn't even donate without the tax break.
@TheSimArchitect 10 ай бұрын
@@TheAeris07 Good. They would pay more taxes and the government would do its job better. There's too much fraud, including art valuations and salaries paid to do gooders. They also get to choose their priorities with their money and how those charities are run instead of the majority of people via democratic systems.
@Metalbringer92 9 ай бұрын
​@TheSimArchitect lol "do its job better", you mean lobby more.
@we8608 9 ай бұрын
The government needs to tax religious entities as well.
@TheSimArchitect 9 ай бұрын
@@we8608 Amen
@henrybrennan 10 ай бұрын
Well done - Insightful and funny :)
@joshuaharper372 9 ай бұрын
I have been working for non profits my whole career, and no one in the organizations I am part of has been getting rich.
@zarthemad8386 8 ай бұрын
pffff... chump doesnt know he's being fleeced
@sarangsharma5346 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for continuously uploading 🙏🙏
@chesteracton1924 10 ай бұрын
"Religion's bigger, dumber brother; Capitalism..."😂
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If Landlords Were Honest | Honest Ads
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Heartwarming: Stranger Saves Puppy from Hot Car #shorts
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I Made a Graph of Wikipedia... This Is What I Found
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Private Schools Vs. Public Schools | Honest Ads
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The Dark Side of Every Birth Generation in 11 mins
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If Google Was A Guy (Full Series)
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Why Big Box Stores Are Doomed, And What Might Replace Them
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If Cruises Were Honest | Honest Ads
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A Message From Your Favorite CEOs.
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If Healthcare Was Honest | Honest Ads
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If Podcasts Were Honest | Honest Ads
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Типичный банан 🍌 #shorts #глазунов #юмор
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