If You've USED Aim Assist, You NEED To WATCH This...

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@JMeyels Жыл бұрын
Sorry for the break, i went on like a mini vacay. Also dont get offeneded with my mnk diss lol. Its not that serious and all the homies play mnk still. Love all yall
@dzciple4931 Жыл бұрын
It fine
@Conquistador495 Жыл бұрын
Its fine i hope you had fun
@youregrowingboof6187 Жыл бұрын
bro really coped with saying "mnk players arent socialable" lost a sub lmao
@Boreddad81 Жыл бұрын
Your allowed 😂😂 you have a kid
@SwitchInvictus Жыл бұрын
It’s fine just don’t do it again. We worry!
@ceetuu_ Жыл бұрын
i’m just mad that people don’t realize that this video is staged, he did this like 100x to get this exact clip. and also, he was moving the sticks (as from one of the other clips) that wasn’t all aim assist. aim assist is powerful (coming from a console player) but it’s not THAT powerful. people just need to realize that not everything on the internet is real
@Legend_Dale Жыл бұрын
Thats how every pc acts tho haha
@LIMMM7 Жыл бұрын
Exactly he was moving the sticks, that's what I said when I saw it
@qwertyg3666 Жыл бұрын
This is real though. It was repeated on stream several times. Not always quite to the same extreme but it's very much not a 1 in a hundred track.
@malcalmsabata-lamere1492 Жыл бұрын
This is real I tryed it not fake dont listen to him try it out
@growingoaks Жыл бұрын
Ppl on the internet forgot that video can be edited and rigged lol
@doji2493 Жыл бұрын
How are they making their aim assist to work like that? Cuz my aim assist? Doesnt work like that. 😂😂
@Kino-yy8ou Жыл бұрын
It works like that for everyone, you're just over compensating on your right stick. Learn to use your strafe to have it engage and lock on. Takes 15 minutes.
@doji2493 Жыл бұрын
@@Kino-yy8ou can you break down how that works? For all my life I used MnK its only been a some time since I played on controller. I know I can just research what you just told me🤣
@Kino-yy8ou Жыл бұрын
@@doji2493 basically if you strafe, it engages rotational aim assist. The faster you move left and right, it tracks the enemy more.
@doji2493 Жыл бұрын
@@Kino-yy8ou thank you for actually replying seriously. You're been a great help, I'll practice later.
@Kino-yy8ou Жыл бұрын
@@doji2493 No worries man! PLease let me know how broken it is once you get it down. Octane, Band and Horizon all gets boosts in strafe speed from their abilities. Octane Stim, Bang Passive and horizon gets a boost when in her gravity lift.
@xJazzx18 Жыл бұрын
I am a general masters player every season. Aim assist isn’t so strong that it makes it that easy to track. if we’re being on honest about the video the strafe itself is a generally small back and fourth strafe in a very small pattern. Anyone who’s halfway decent at the game could track that after a little practice given how little you actually have to move. Take that same concept, put cover in place while fighting and change of distance. There’s zero percent chance she is able to track it It’s a very controlled environment in the video.
@RadicalizedRadical Жыл бұрын
Controller cope. I can ALWAYS tell when a controller kid kills me. I wonder how I can understand every time
@voidtankage4289 Жыл бұрын
That list also splits up every rank by gold 4 then gold 3 then gold 2 if you stack all of gold 4-1 rookie, silver, gold and plat will have more players than masters Masters is just one purely masters no master 3 no masters 1 because there isn’t those sub ranks. Unlike valorant has their “masters” has sub ranks. If all valorant “masters” subrank was added together it would look like apex graph. Idk how people still can’t figure out how to read graphs.
@anjunakrokus Жыл бұрын
I agree that the image of the reanked distribution is highly unreliable. We don't know whether the data is a proper representation of the enitre Apex communite for the following reasons: 1. People that reach high ranks are often people invested in the game, which means a significant portion of that group plays often. Thus a statistically large group of these high skilled players reach a high rank quickly, while the rest of the player base either hasn't played or hasn't advanced significantly. We are only 2 weeks into the season (probably only 1.5 weeks when the data was collected). 2. We don't know where the data comes from, and whether the collection inherents significant biases. For example, if they looked at the current ranks of all active players within a specific window of time (say 24 hours), then high skilled players are more likely to show up in this data because they play more often. 3. We can only compare Valorant and Apex if their ranked system has the same goal. Most importantly Valorant is a team vs team game meaning that its ranked system isn't actually comparable to Apex's. Furhtermore its ramked distribution is only desirable IF the skill distribution is also shaped like that. But it could very well be that Apex's skill distribution is shaped differently and thus it SHOULD have a different distribution. I do agree that if the image is an accurate prediction for the final ranked distribution (which it almost certainly isn't), that it's wrong. --------------------- As for the aim assist dilemma, Apex's aim assist is extremely weird: 1. It does nothing at close range, so if they're in your face you're dead 2. It does nothing at large distances, so sniping is significantly more difficult. 3. It does something at medium ranges. If you aren't in that sweet spot, your aim assist does absolutely nothing. Which is why most players don't really feel their aim assist doing all that much (or even feel like they're struggeling against the slow down). It's also obvious that they are setting up a situation where they can perfectly abuse aim assist. From that fact that aim assist is apparently kinda wonky in the firing range, the fact that they're still also manually tracking the octane (and we don't know shit about their game sense and possible coordination with the octane), the perfect distance, etc. At the end of the day, if somebody thinks that aim assist is too strong. Then pickup a controller, go to settings -> controller -> Advanced Look Controls -> Target Compensation and turn it off. Show everybody that you don't need it.
@eatmyturdd6697 Жыл бұрын
There is no way thats regular aim assist
@ToshiiTheBlack Жыл бұрын
Look at his controller it’s modded! If the aim assist was that great then why am I not Pred?
@goatified2x Жыл бұрын
@@ToshiiTheBlack exactly 😂😂😂
@blxckleppxrd Жыл бұрын
go ahead, nerf aim assist, see if that changes how much you get folded, but while we are at it, remove scripts, tap strafing, backwards bouncepadding, 180 momentum shifts, moving while looting, wall bounces, limit fps to 60, dont allow system graphics setting to effect gameplay (ie. visual clutter/smokes) and limit keyboard inputs to the amount of keys controllers have. sounds fair to me🤷🏽‍♂️ take a little help from controllers and make apex the same game no matter what platform/input device, because right now, its not even close....
@AshleyBunnys Жыл бұрын
this the one right here
@jasonadersonwedion9874 Жыл бұрын
@willsham4813 Жыл бұрын
you know i agree but we all know they wont acknowledge this in the end
@lecorvo Жыл бұрын
As a MnK player all I can say is that people that cry about aim assist are straight up trash. they want to be in the open tapstrafing dodging every single bullet. I have over 2500 hours on Apex and I am comfortable with MnK and this is what I have fun on. Every time I get oneclipped is because I played poorly not because the other guy was playing on a different input. Also, just learn how to play your input. If you are playing on MnK and you have no movement and good aim you will be doomed so you can either grind for hours or just switch to controller and have some fun rn. People are too sweaty today, when I started playing the playing field was more equal so it was not frustrating to learn MnK but rn it isn't worth the torture. I'm glad I got into Apex on time. Now, if you play Controller and you go out of your way to use configs for movement on your 2000k pc you should try getting a life instead, you are just a looser that needs external help to win because you lack the mechanical skill to play and that's pathetic, you can have the win in the game because I know you won't achieve much in life, and yes I take it personal with those people because they are the only ones ruining the game for everyone.
@NicoDoesLP Жыл бұрын
Even after reading your comment, I still just think AA in general should be done away with. Even when I played fps on console I would never want that. If they aren't gonna do away with it, which probably they aren't, then they should make crossplay not having roller and mnk in the same lobby. That's also not gonna happen. This is a war that really doesn't have any winners. Everyone's just gonna keep complaining and nothing will be done
@JustSomeDude848 Жыл бұрын
I don't think the problem is that ranked is too easy, although it could use some cost increases. The problem is ranked was too hard before and near impossible to solo queue in comparison.
@burned812 Жыл бұрын
this many people shouldnt be in masters. pred cap already at 50k since i looked a week ago. cost increases for sure and maybe it would be better but may be too late for this season since theres no second split .
@Klutch_it Жыл бұрын
Just my opinion, played both inputs and I always go back to MnK due to it taking skill, effort, and it being a challenge. That's how games like this should be, a challenge. The reason why everyone is moving to controller is because it does not take any time at all to get good (this is for the people that play games on controller and have experience). But for me, I want the challenge. I have played apex on MnK for almost 4 years now, working on my aim, movement, and one clips. I can pick up a controller and do extremely better solely due to an input. Dropping 20 bombs on controller when I can't on MnK regularly. Idk, I am just not a fan of enhancements/assistance as it makes me feel like I am taking the easy way out. Love playing all games on controller personally, except for this one. Don't be mean as this is just my opinion. I just prefer MnK no matter how hard the struggle, something always to work on with it. Additionally, I think a MnK only ALGS would be so much more fun to watch than the current state of ALGS.
@MrFuzziiWuzzii Жыл бұрын
This is irrelevant but you spacing M n K like that is upsetting
@Klutch_it Жыл бұрын
@@MrFuzziiWuzzii Ya same here, fixed it lmao
@MrFuzziiWuzzii Жыл бұрын
@@Klutch_it 👑
@Swahps Жыл бұрын
Definitely agree. When I had my pc, I was just starting to get really decent on mnk. Such a rewarding fun input to learn . On ps5 now and plan on building another gaming pc here soon.
@Izeezus Жыл бұрын
Great video man, as a controller Pathy main a lot of people forget about why we enjoy video games in the first place. Of course the competitive spirit is there, but sometimes you just want to mindlessly vibe out. Grappling across the map in mixtape been some of the best apex experiences I've ever had, not because it's the most visceral gameplay ever, but rather things just play at your own flow and you can control that
@Jayyw09 Жыл бұрын
@RadicalizedRadical Жыл бұрын
What about us that we want to play casually but we don’t like the controller? Should we get getting r@ped by casual controller players? I really wish they destroy aim assist. Entitled noobs
@Jayyw09 Жыл бұрын
@@RadicalizedRadical give controller players the same movement as pc and lower the aim assist then entitled noob
@maulbrook5263 Жыл бұрын
@@Jayyw09 Exactly each imput has its advantages and disadvantages just pick your poison and move on.
@Jayyw09 Жыл бұрын
@@maulbrook5263 thank you damn, I don’t think we needed to say it but I guess we do. Ppl act like all controller players have the best aim in the game. You use what you have to your advantage and play the game. On top of that I’ve never heard a controller player complain about the movement pc has, we just wanted the same thing.
@old-skoolz Жыл бұрын
Aim assist is what bring some sort of balance between M&K players vs controller players. If M&K players are complaining about it, Respawn instead of messing with us controller players ( yes is us controller players the ones who will be affected if they nerf the aim assist)... why not give the players the option in the menu option to play controller players vs controller players and M&K vs M&K players? I mean Ubisoft will give that option to players in XDefiant (and yes they already confirmed that option will be available at launch)
@CapPewPewAmerica Жыл бұрын
Yeah, perfect time to switch to controller with aim assist not working on 3/4 of the areas of the maps. Is there any news on when this might be fixed?
@burned812 Жыл бұрын
i dont think EA or respawn has even said anything about it. soo guess well have to wait like always with thius game
@rSiika Жыл бұрын
As someone who thinks aim assist needs a nerf, you CANT use Rainbow6 as an example. Its a tactical shooter with 0 movement in gun fights and is mostly pre-aiming where majority of players aim for the head for the one tap. Because of that 1 tap you dont need to track players
@jonathanferguson4708 Жыл бұрын
If that aim assist is strictly based on settings, then he he needs to share his settings so this can be repeated. My aim assist DOES NOT do that. I have never seen another console player's aim assist do that.
@Squidwardsclarinet69 Жыл бұрын
i have 7k hours 4x master hit top 150 pred and cant do this these people see 10 players that are cracked and think all controller players are Jesus Christ.
@yvngtempest8031 Жыл бұрын
I'm so genuinely exhausted of this conversation. That's all anyone talks about in this community and there's so much hatred and misinformation surrounding the topic it's insane.
@Dwatts24111 Жыл бұрын
It is all the cpu babies crying.....😅
@NicoDoesLP Жыл бұрын
​@@Dwatts24111 do you know what a CPU is? I think you mean PC players, but I can't tell because you can't even say the correct phrases for what you mean.
@Thatransporter Жыл бұрын
Think about this, MnK you have to sit up and be upright to play. With a controller you can sit back and relax to play. think about it. which provides more comfort? its not not that it is easier, it because we would naturally prefer sitting COMFORTABLELY to play then uncomfortably.
@rogerlawson346 Жыл бұрын
That's BS, aim assist doesn't even work and I've never really seen it that way ever, mis information
@mechaflood2247 Жыл бұрын
The controller champions keep saying that they're tired of seeing the same thing over and over but they don't get that it keeps coming up because it is an issue, if you can confuse AA for literal aim bot then AA is too strong and that cannot be disputed. If this conversation is to end you either need to make MnK and Controller players never interact or change how you give controller players more precise control over their aim. I get that an MnK player has a wider range of movement with the classic "whole arm" argument but with a controller you can't tell if you're popping off or you're in optimal AA range. The wider gaming sphere really needs to take a look at the Splatoon series because Gyro aiming combined with a joystick gives you far better precision and control over your aim. It would be a learning curve yes but so is moving from any input type and at least with this one when players are forced to interact with other input types they know that the person actually got a kill through their own skill and not having their hand held. For the record I also dislike unpredictable engine exploits (movement tech) so both sides can come attack me. TL;DR: AA straight up isn't fair, forced crossplay needs to go, Gyro aiming should be the extra aiming method for controllers.
@winnerzeastkings Жыл бұрын
I've played on controller and keyboard and mouse both for years and i think that controller is a bit more op but you can do things with keyboard and mouse that easily trump a controller. also most the viral clips from aim assist are from people who play the game all day and just sweat on controller, you have to remember that most controller players aren't that good and have jobs and just play at the end of the day just want to chill out.
@sherlocksvp5537 Жыл бұрын
The clip is with her input. she's moving the right stick. Meaning she's doing ALL the work. It's not aim assist. So many people don't know aim assist works
@skoot4926 Жыл бұрын
They have to understand they think it's cheating close range well... controller player think it's cheating mid, long range... On another note the disrespect from mnk players towards roller players is sad. Without roller players the game wouldn't amount to a whole lot.
@marekmaly2337 Жыл бұрын
A common misconception. Valorant and CS:Go both have more players than Apex and none of them is on roller.
@skoot4926 Жыл бұрын
@marekmaly2337 both are pc only or only pc focused. They also are consistent with content, and doesn't have the same issues and money grabs like apex.
@DIM3S777 Жыл бұрын
@@marekmaly2337 man you must really not have a lot of iq you do realize both games you named are exclusive to pc of course there is no roller but apex console players make up 60% of the player base
@mr_tete Жыл бұрын
A simple way to fix rank is to introduce a Leaderboard based Rank System. Where every rank is the same as Predator Rank. If Predator is Top 750. Masters should be Top 1500, Diamond Top 3000, so on and so forth. This way you can literally force a healthy population distribution among all ranks. As well as mitigate the problem of a Flat Entry Cost and preserve the competitive integrity of the game.
@dnotube1361 Жыл бұрын
This is a bad take
@mr_tete Жыл бұрын
@@dnotube1361 how so
@dnotube1361 Жыл бұрын
@@mr_tete it could work but bruh there is too many players on this game to make the top three ranks like that
@mr_tete Жыл бұрын
@@dnotube1361 well the number i proposed is just an example number. With ea having player data, they could probably have a more balanced number. Or instead of Raw Number it could also be in percentages
@der_dude1425 Жыл бұрын
These trackers often only track stats of players who have already been searched at least once.
@MrGunn931 Жыл бұрын
I still have a VERY hard time believing that video showcasing that aim assist is 100% unaided. Theres no way whoever is aiming isn't tracking that person on their own. I'm afraid, being an xbox player, that if aim assist gets nerfed many of us are just going to be a total disadvantage. The pros don't seem to take into account the fact that if it gets nerfed, we console players do not have the option to switch to MNK. We'll just be screwed.
@trapperofdaeast2716 Жыл бұрын
…I think ppl forget there are only a select few who can track like that and the majority of the time it’s cron, zen or a premium strike pack but dude that was on the controller was def using a zen because 4-3 is not that op or regular casuals would be in every lobby toe tagging all the pros like be for real pc is trying to slander console because we excel in cqb😂
@JezebelIsHongry Жыл бұрын
And one last thing about roller. I also like the feel of pulling a trigger to fire a weapon over clicking. It may seem stupid but honestly that’s a big part. I like immersion. It’s why my flight sticks cost 600
@RadicalizedRadical Жыл бұрын
Sure. You can still play controller with no aim assist trash
@redhood6657 Жыл бұрын
They just need to stop cross play unless you enable it and leave the game alone for console players
@ThePatrickakes Жыл бұрын
MNK players just need to stop whining. The quotes about knowing what range to be in and such are exposing a flaw in their thought processes. Their response to people saying that their AA is not like that are met with replies like, "Learn to play/learn the range" which exposes the truth of the matter. Yes, AA is VERY strong in a VERY specific range, but outside of that very specific range... it is not and MnK is better. Its not like controller players are getting that advantage at all ranges, and controller players dont even get AA with certain scopes. How about MnK players learn to stay out of that specific range?
@Lethia277 Жыл бұрын
I couldn’t agree with you more. I played on mnk myself but after switching it seems less stressful. Before I’d just sit there and stare at the screen and think to myself, “do I really wanna play today?” Now I play a few games, have fun and hop off to spend time with family.
@Not____Applicable Жыл бұрын
Please stop with this narrative already, it’s already been proven that this girl repeated the example multiple times before she produced the clip we all saw. But, here’s the engagement you’re looking for. Let’s just enrage people to get more activity on my channel! Such an objective gaming reporter! Surely all of us are not just pushing our own narratives down people’s throats to convince them of our opinion. Couldn’t be the case, no wayyyy.
@fomoco173 Жыл бұрын
So here's a question for everyone.... If they gave M&K the same aim assist they give controller, would people still switch to roller? Or would all the roller players switch to M&K?
@nathanielsoucie-porter936 Жыл бұрын
Aim assist exists to compensate controller players comparative to M&K... because M&K has a higher ceiling for skill. M&K does take longer to learn and isnt as casual as controller like you mentioned, but 99% of the playerbase arent pro players. The average person playing the game doesnt play the game for 12 hours a day like they do, and thus dont have the same time allotted to improve. Dont even get me started on the enormous gap in movement capability. A majority of pros still play on M&K which i find curious, if aim assist and controllers are so OP and easy to use, why do the majority of pro players still use M&K?
@youregrowingboof6187 Жыл бұрын
not even a nerf its called BALANCE. inhuman aim happens all the time on roller. the fact controller players think to themselves "my aim assist doesnt work like this how do i get mine to do that" is fucked up .
@zacharylewis417 Жыл бұрын
Showing off AA in the range doesn't fully translate accurately in-game. Like your under perfect conditions so of course it looks good. If configs went away for PC controllers then I think we wouldn't argue as much. Because console controller vs mnk is fairly balanced.
@storms3839 Жыл бұрын
@bpgdihunter Жыл бұрын
The same argument is made for MnK perfect condition to recoil control and everything
@o_poseidqn Жыл бұрын
you should make a video on your thoughts on ranked and how you would fix it, 100% would watch
@AHappyZeebra Жыл бұрын
i've never had aim assist do that for me, ever. had to be pulling the thumbstick or had a mod/hack on assisting him.
@David-mg5jx Жыл бұрын
It's cause you don't know what you're doing.
@AHappyZeebra Жыл бұрын
@@David-mg5jx try your fake intellect on a noob.
@David-mg5jx Жыл бұрын
@@AHappyZeebra which analog stick do you use to aim?
@AHappyZeebra Жыл бұрын
@@David-mg5jx you realize in what you just said you have no idea what you are talking about. Go pester some other commenter with your cluelessness.
@kellyshuttlewood7954 Жыл бұрын
It is certainly not like that for me as a casual player I personally struggle to lock on to targets if they nerf i feel it would be the abel to hit anything 😅
@YouCATtobeKITTENme Жыл бұрын
I play controller because that's what I grew up playing. I am a 38 year old female... I am old enough to be most of you guys mother.. I grew up playing video games all the way from Mario on the NES to Tony hawk pro skater on PS1 to COD on xbox 360 on to Fortnite on PC and everything inbetween. I play Apex currently. I've tried playing K&M but controller feels so much more normal to me. I see the benefit in both inputs, but I can definitely see how controller would be less stressful... As far as aim assist this is a topic that will be argued about till the end of time. I'm sure eventually it will be tweaked with in some extent, it happens with every game at some point and even after that it will still be a hot topic. Just play the input that makes you happy.
@rmmcgann Жыл бұрын
If you have to tell people to switch inputs as your argument you’ve already lost the argument.
@mattk1224 Жыл бұрын
Facts right there ☝🏻 Why do I have to switch to enjoy the game?
@3LIT3EDITS Жыл бұрын
People allways jus want an excuse to lean on. I can't tell you how many times aim assist on apex controller has hurt me rather than helped me go ahead take it off 💀
@JezebelIsHongry Жыл бұрын
Why do people fall for the op? Go into the range and just try it out. It doesn’t even track the bots like that let alone a Neo straffer
@I_need_PS_Plus Жыл бұрын
Again that death box with the all GOLD load out??? I know if I had that my homies force me to drop that cuz no way he got that loot legitimately 🧐
@insquared1868 Жыл бұрын
I am very biased against controllers and aim assist in general, mainly in games like Warzone, Apex and a few smaller ones. And in apex it has been a very heated debate since crossplay came out. But it's only because I'm not the average casual who "just enjoys the gaem for ez expirience", I enjoy the competitive aspect in sports and skill dependend games. The pure feeling of achieving things on your own without 3rd party assistance is great. Whether it be being good mechanically in a video game or having good drawing skills or even doing a new personal record in a physical exercise, it allways feels rewarding. This is the reason why i despise cheaters in competetive enviroments and also the reason why I deeply respect console r6 players. I'm glad to see people finally bringing up this gigachad community in conversations like these. They are the example of pure console skill and trust me, these players are no joke even for PC players.
@MrFuzziiWuzzii Жыл бұрын
you can't compare r6 aiming/gameplay to Apex tho, its such a bad argument from whoever that was in the video. R6 gunplay (for the most part) is holding corners and killing people in like 1-3 shots while holding an angle and having to track a little bit. Apex requires like up to 20 shots to take someone down in a wide open area with a lot of lateral tracking. They're similar in that they're both FPS but the actually gameplay is so different. No AA would never work in a game like Apex. If roller is OP currently, roller wouldn't stand any chance against mnk without AA. Tracking with a thumbstick that has drift vs like a 2ft x 2ft area with your whole arm and all your joints in your hand, theres no competition. This is why we have AA in the first place.
@monstyn Жыл бұрын
My aim assist has never hit that hard hahaha there’s definitely something fishy going on
@o_poseidqn Жыл бұрын
you should make a vid on the problems with apex and how you would fix it. personally, some issues i have are with audio, specifically directional audio. i can hear things just not were they are coming from
@o_poseidqn Жыл бұрын
also, i think giving mb players 0.1 aim assist is a good idea.
@Legend_Dale Жыл бұрын
For some reason this season few i swear i would hear above when they were truly below idk what it is
@Gheedoo Жыл бұрын
They just need to hurry up and ban the cronus-zen and third party devices and hurry up about it.
@imamooseonutube3694 Жыл бұрын
@nygelmartin6000 Жыл бұрын
2400+ hours on mnk, 100ish hours on controller, uninstalling apex....seems like the most logical choice as i'm competitve and my input is pointless at the age of 34 maybe if i were a teen and didn't work but its pointless now days for me, say what you will but being 1 magged by a lvl 20 at my time played just feels aweful, anyways take it easy and have a good one.
@cjtelford1018 Жыл бұрын
3-3 classic and neostrafing isn’t possible on console so console aim assist is stickier throughout the movement cause it just follows through the speed boost
@danragamentu Жыл бұрын
For me being old like 38, i grow up only on m&k. Tried controller for a casual game, it wasn't for me. In conclusion: any esports game should have only one input m&k or controller. Each esport scene should decide on what input would be played. Keep it pro, not mixt. Imagine CSGO debate on controller vs m&k . Their is none, because they kept only one input in the esport scene. Apex should learn from the OG of esports.
@DxrkLotus Жыл бұрын
That's not true man my friend does neo strafes and my aim assist don't stick like that
@chadpenrod2233 Жыл бұрын
Somebody needs to do a tutorial on how to make aim assist work like that. I have it turned on but have never seen it pull towards another player other than jumping out of the drop ship and somebody flies in front of me
@chadpenrod2233 Жыл бұрын
MNK is always against controller having extra aim assist but is fine with having more and better movement the only way to make it fair is to put a cap on everything. movement, aim assist, fps, everything then it will be based on skill and skill alone
@travytrav6650 Жыл бұрын
LOL, when the few people who can hit their shots complain about aim assist, stop acting like everyone on controller hit shots like this, they clearly dont just look at your randoms. Its personal opinion based off experience when it comes to aim assist so all I can say is Ive played both MnK and Controller, and in my opinion close range controller is better, mid to long range MnK is better, buts thats for me
@JezebelIsHongry Жыл бұрын
So I also play both. I play Star citizen with mnk on ground and flight sticks in ships. I play world of tanks with mnk. I play The Doc’s game on mnk. Apex on roller. Maybe it’s because of the depth of the game but it just feels better to me on roller. But again….EVERYONE MISSES THE POINT. I just did another upgrade, sold my Bitcone (memecoin of the Reddit cone avatar I’m wearing) and bought a 4090 and gave my 3070ti to my son. Frames matter. If you play on a mid rig you don’t feel how strong AA is on 145hz and above. And with the 4090 it’s ridiculous. So…now you see why next gen will never happen? Imagine that AA on 120hz.
@qwertyg3666 Жыл бұрын
Respawn should nerf AA in ranked and comp. The competitive game modes. But leave it as is for pubs. Differentiate the two experiences more. As an mnk player I don't care if I get aimbotted in pubs. I simply go next. But when I get one magged by a player that is obviously very unskilled at the game in a ranked lobby and is killing me exclusively due to input device it feels awful. Being outskilled teaches me to get better. Being outgunned by a line of code teaches me nothing.
@fades9105 Жыл бұрын
Here’s my opinion about aim assist. If console plays in pc lobbies. Lower the aim assist to 0.2-0.3, if they’re on controller on pc. Make it so it’s 0.2-0.3 and console either leave it as 0.6 or lower it to 0.4-0.5
@pruittjosh1 Жыл бұрын
Once a vast majority of controller players are aimbotting like that through "confirmed skill using settings in the game and not cheats like strike packs or editing" then talk to me about a "nerf". Could it be tweaked for high end competitive play and give some movement mechanics to rollers to compensate? Sure.
@der_dude1425 Жыл бұрын
Are people totally blind? He clearly moves the right stick a lot.
@Earsnxt Жыл бұрын
That clip ain’t real and if the person is gonna show a hand cam put the roller down and not track. If this is such a big issue then either don’t allow roller in pc lobbies or take away all the movement on mnk. I’m not playing this game to sweat my balls and stress out I actually like to have fun with my friends. It seems only the loudest voices get heard and not the majority who are just regular people who game in their spare time and don’t have 5 grand worth of pc setup.
@djirate052380 Жыл бұрын
I am so sorry but that is not how it works lmbo. Im on ps5 went into firing range with friends and this does not act in that manner. This is weird what he is showing. Going back to having perfect distance and stuff is NOT real world stuff lol. Every fight is different and at different distances.
@corybryan2105 Жыл бұрын
It’s like a manual vs automatic car. For legit racing, it should be manual and a practiced athlete. For just driving around, automatic is a lot better.
@ToxicJarod Жыл бұрын
People need to understand that firing range aim assist is more powerful than in game. That’s why it looks that strong. It’s not how strong it is in actual game.
@djfinesse1 Жыл бұрын
366,000 is more than an adequate sample size to represent an accurate picture of the whole.
@nathanielgray892 Жыл бұрын
I'm on Switch, my aiming is different, but they removed the per optic setting for movement controls
@FergieTheTaurus Жыл бұрын
The Apex PC community is one of the very few I've seen that makes such a big fuss about aim assist. I primarily play in PC lobbies, on my NINTENDO SWITCH. I play with joy cons and run on 30 fps. If you can't eliminate me that is a skill issue on your part, bro.
@uhohohnoez282 Жыл бұрын
I think the aim assist video is exaggerated, or there is something else going on. I've played a lot with console aim assist and the aim assist does get pretty wild, but it has never been as strong as what the clip shows. If a pro is claiming anyone who knows the right tricks can trigger aim assist as powerful as that, then they should have explain in detail how it's being done to prove they are right. There is room to nerf controller aim assist, but I'm skeptical about the clip.
@RichDawg91 Жыл бұрын
Bruh, dude in the clip was clearly moving both sticks to track the player. Had he not moved the right stick, the aim assist would've lost the player after the first redirection.
@khalilal-mujeeb9693 Жыл бұрын
Even though it’s not the entire player base that’s a notable sample size showing a notable difference. There should be an adjustment made for ranked.
@ziggyfumes Жыл бұрын
They just need to remove aim assist in comp on PC. If you want to play pubs with handicaps whatever have fun. Add 120fps to consoles and nobody can complain
@ssgcheddar5785 Жыл бұрын
Im sorry that is not normal aim assist but Ive only made Diamond 2 on PS5 Season 11 and 12 I think!
@IIMANIXII Жыл бұрын
How people keep talking about controller being too good is beyond stupid - 😅 - it’s just not even close to MnK - the player pool is made up mainly casual players not the pros that keep complaining about it… the clip shown is fraud because my shiz don’t do that
@_ImDifferent Жыл бұрын
Honestly I am sick of it. I wish all the pc controller players could opt out of playing with pc players. When there lobbies take 30 mins to get a game they will have appreciation for controller player. I’m Honestly about to stop watching all mnk player in general console only.
@ryan75820 Жыл бұрын
the aim assist argument is so so boring at this point. aim assist is broken in the hands of the top 0.1% gamers, but why would devs nerf something that is only broken for those top players. casual player base is much bigger and it’s balanced for them because they don’t know how to utilise it properly. long distance fights they struggle and super close fights they struggle. devs are going to cater to the large majority of the player base because that’s where the money is. until they make an e sport one input only the argument will continue to happen which won’t happen. so just switch to controller and live a happier, less whiny life.
@vaodinYT Жыл бұрын
Tried switching and it just pissed me off. Now I have a better understanding of how busted it is but I have no desire to use it. Might be time for me to quit idk. Can't imagine them nerfing it but I don't find aim assist to be fun at all and it's awful to play against
@armored8121 Жыл бұрын
U know at this point idc anymore go ahead and nerf I’m just tired of these guys beating this dead horse their just gonna keep complaining even after it gets nerfed. For go sake u could take away aim assist and the find some To complain about
@mechaflood2247 Жыл бұрын
Or you could you know not have Controller players play with MnK players
@Iggysdust Жыл бұрын
Watching these videos with a sign off of "only positivity" after just gossip dumping, saying controversial things (warranted or not) and talking about how "this is too easy" is like walking out of the casino and the door person saying gamble responsibly!
@zachcreath3914 Жыл бұрын
I completely agree. Everything you said is facts. Games like r6 are more fun on mnk and lean towards that play style where apex leans towards controller.
@bryce2377 Жыл бұрын
If console had anything lower than .6 aim assist it’s be tragic. The input lag on the new gen console versions is horrific. If they were to give us control over our graphics then .4 would be chill but like🤷🏻‍♂️
@coryseavers2932 Жыл бұрын
See that’s the thing with the right knowledge and right settings and right distance it requires so much for it to be strong almost no controller players have other knowledge
@mortala231 Жыл бұрын
But what about the people that never held a controller ever in the hands, I feel that for a healthy environment, those that use controller should only play against just controller
@BurnemThorne Жыл бұрын
Aim assist isn't even that good. It's more an inconvenience more times, especially when you're trying to land and you mess up a landing because an enemy squad is nearby, or when there's a knocked enemy Infront of you. If I knew how to turn it off I would
@hamtoilet Жыл бұрын
Did we just some how forget that aim assist is stronger in the firing range?
@Coolstarburst Жыл бұрын
I love Mnk but I came from Ps5 after a long break and the deciding factor for my input honestly is that i’d rather just not lose to a fight because the AA’s tracking real-time. Hence why despite my love for mnk on pc Apex is the ONLY FPS I’ll play on controller.
@DarloAceOP Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't mind having my aim assist working as intended. Been bugged since season launch. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't and its throws my shots way offm
@umumumu5052 Жыл бұрын
what's actually good using a controller is consistency. Aim assist makes u worry about one less thing and to focus on something else to improve i.e. game sense/positioning. I believe that's the reason some pros switched, so they reduce some variables to control in this game full of RNGs
@ValentineNTT Жыл бұрын
of course thats why they switched, they wanted to take out the human variable(themselves) from aiming
@xithir7173 Жыл бұрын
i didnt notice this before this season every other season it didnt work like this
@Gavlar040378 Жыл бұрын
Aim assist is an issue at the top end of the game (ie the minority). It needs tweaked for competitive for sure and perhaps Masters +. I’d happily take a nerf to 0.4 or below when/if 120hz is ever released but then that creates another problem in that they probably can’t nerf aa on last gen - and there’s obviously way more people play console v console than console v pc. What I do know is that your average Apex player is NOT tracking like in that video.
@qFlowzz Жыл бұрын
@joshhennessy3055 Жыл бұрын
bro 0.4 is to op lmao let alone 0.6, i use to play console and coming back to playing it, it literally feels like aimbot, they both need to be nerfed to like 0.2, i hardly play the game average less then 500 games a season, however every season i manage to hit masters and hold atleast a 3-4kd solo q just because of how dumb controller is, my console kd is literally like 5 my pc kd is 3, console is just so much easier with the 0.6 cause it honestly feels like aimbot, if as a casual i can never practice just pick up a controller and 1v3 as well as make the top rank in the game every season with minimal games played its pretty silly
@joshhennessy3055 Жыл бұрын
any person with any common sense on controller especially on console should be able to track like that video or at least close to it, if you cant then idk what to tell you, i assume people who cant also bring their head to their food instead of the food to their mouth
@blaizechris3923 Жыл бұрын
@@joshhennessy3055 lol any person with common sense ? You track like this ? I've played the game since launch and i can guarantee you i have never seen anyone track this well. I assume the the number of console players who track like this is VERY minimal or i'm just playing in bot lobbies.
@joshhennessy3055 Жыл бұрын
@@blaizechris3923 most people dont have common sense lol, you see the average person iq? the average person at work? the average person driving lol, the average person is pretty dumb so yes anyone with common sense or any motor skills can do this
@ImSoConfucius Жыл бұрын
I recently dropped my first two 3k dmg games on mnk I ain’t gonna switch. Got enough hand pain, holding a controllers gonna make it hurt more
@fooxylol Жыл бұрын
This is just me personally, and I'm probably not using my aimassist correctly but whenever im using a right stick to aim instead of mnk or gyro, I always aim worse. Aim assist or not. Its always so weird to me when people beam on roller after a day or two and after fiddling with my settings, my aim in fortnite stw and ultrakill has been leagues better with gyro then almost all of my beams with my 0.6 legal aimbot. And when I played apex with geforce now with EXTREME lag, firing range wingman flicks and flatline beams felt stupidly easy. And is thus the reason why I shall shill gyro controls until its in all fps games. (It also could solve the aim assist debate overnight but eh whatever).
@aa-kz7hc Жыл бұрын
I would love to have gryo and mnk on consoles but the industry is just moving too slow. we cant even get halleffect controllers on xbox series x or ps5. hardware innovation for controllers on console has basically been stagnant. the tech is there but the companies just don't want to implement it.
@mechaflood2247 Жыл бұрын
Finally someone who knows the joys of Gyro aiming
@mr.clownski23 Жыл бұрын
I’m just starting on ranked and I’m in gold and plat lobbies but I’m starting bronze ??? I’m horrible soooo how does that work
@MasterJoeda_ Жыл бұрын
The controller player is the one she tells you not to worry about
@ValentineNTT Жыл бұрын
always them
@RuunForrestRuun Жыл бұрын
Cronus zen can be wireless the Cronus needs to be plugged into your PC/console but you can get a Bluetooth adapter so your controller is wireless connected to the zen so controller cams just doesn't do it anymore lol you need a controller cam a PC cam aiming at all the USB ports.
@b3irdo227 Жыл бұрын
I like cross platform play but if aim assist is to op for PC players, then they should just allow consoles to play against each other and not allow you to play in PC lobbies no matter what
@braxtonvestal777 Жыл бұрын
So sick of hearing about this. Alot of mnk players are hot garbage with rollers. I can understand pros being upset in competition they probably should all have to play on the same input. But for the life and quality of the game (especially) on console the casual population would heavily drop off.
@gryffonrider2591 Жыл бұрын
Ultimately the player base itself will inevitably dictate what the optimal way to play is. Since pros are using controller it threatens the longevity of casual play. Because of the hype around aim assist being strong. It’s like food critics Meeting up to decide what’s the best way to eat food. Yet people like you and me won’t care how we eat the food, yes we have set standards but so long as it’s served why do we care so hard about what they say? At the end of the day both food and video games are to be enjoyed. Not put under a microscope and told “if you don’t do this we don’t consider you apart of this group” when we weren’t apart of it in the first place. Just there to enjoy what was given to us.
@joshuahansen7388 Жыл бұрын
Aim assist isn't going anywhere as it shouldn't, the comp scene doesn't represent the masses which is where a majority of the money comes from
@bryang6675 Жыл бұрын
I've play controller since the beginning on console and now on pc. Aim assist is not that strong. They have to be using something
@David-mg5jx Жыл бұрын
It's that strong. You just don't know what you're doing.
@blaizechris3923 Жыл бұрын
@@David-mg5jx Nah its not, you just don't know what you're talking about.
@David-mg5jx Жыл бұрын
@@blaizechris3923 let me guess, you use your right analog stick to aim...
@blaizechris3923 Жыл бұрын
@@David-mg5jx Oh my gosh!!! how did you know ?🤔
@JezebelIsHongry Жыл бұрын
Do Better. It took 20min to find the tweet and realize it is an op. 1/ it’s .6 console 2/ he is tracking with his thumb. And finally, watch the old no sim assist CrazyRatchet challenge video. There’s only one way to disable AA. And there’s a way people think it’s disabled but they are still using it. This was bait. And regardless of if he has it actually disabled how can anyone not watch the clip and see him tracking with his thumb. He’s not showing AA. He’s showing the tracking of a player that (maybe) plays on console (with far far less movement tech gods then PC) and doesn’t use AA. Have them redo the video and show how they are disabling AA then try the same thing with no stick input.
@paulchomedey2073 Жыл бұрын
My feelings regarding this console aa argument in general (not directed at JMeyels) Ok. I’ve been playing apex on console since launch, reached masters, played the game way too much for my own good, and I’m tired of seeing this “console aim assist is broken” stuff. YES ITS OP! But also, we’re playing on high input lag, 60 fps max and budget monitors if not tv’s. It’s necessary to have stronger aim assit to come close to the skill ceiling of pc. And yes, I’ve played on 120 fps (Titanfall, fortnite, etc.) and I can confirm that it is SO MUCH BETTER than 60. So, until console gets the 120 fps update (and aa nerf) please stop complaining about 0.6, because pc 0.4 and better frames/input lag is just better. There is a reason why the vast majority of apex players are console, but all of the pros are pc (there’s other reasons, but pc being better is one of them) Start pressuring respawn to roll out the 120 fps update instead, since everyone wants it, even pc players who just want console to be on 0.4 (Also, alc aim assit is trash, default settings = stronger aa, but they’re not fixing that ever)
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