If you want to go to heaven don't listen to Rabbi Tovia Singer

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Andy Fairchild

Andy Fairchild

Күн бұрын

Rabbi Tovia Singer is very knowledgeable about the Bible; however, he does not believe you can know that you have eternal life. He teaches that the Tanakh is an instruction manual for living on earth. Jesus teaches you can know how to receive eternal life, and you can know you are going to heaven. My video provides proof from KZbin videos to substantiate my claims.

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@CarolAnnD1 4 ай бұрын
If you DON’T want to practice idolatry, WATCH Rabbi Singer.
@andyfairchild 4 ай бұрын
If you don't want to practice idolatry, WORSHIP God.
@CarolAnnD1 4 ай бұрын
@@andyfairchild HaShem says, Ain od milvado. There is no one besides Me. The God in the Jewish Bible is not an evil one as in the Christian Bible. The God in the Jewish Bible introduces death as the consequence for that sin. The Christian bible leads Christians to falsely believe that Hashem wants to put people in hell for eternity for not having a blood sacrifice for this sin. How can anyone believe in such a horrible monster god?
@choward5430 4 ай бұрын
Daniel 9:25-26 gives explicitly a timeline of the Messiah's entry into Jerusalem on a donkey (Zechariah 9:9). He MUST come before the destruction of the Temple. It is 483 years x (360 days in a year) or 173,880 days from the decree to rebuild the city after the Babylonian captivity. So the Messiah came, entered Jerusalem on a donkey, was rejected by the builders (Psalms 118:22), and was crucified Psalms 22.
@samuelimmanuel718 4 ай бұрын
Abraham is Jews' idol. They left God of their Father's long ago. Neither they believe Mosaic writings!! Now they practise new age magics and Buddhism as they did on October 7th Nova festival.
@rosscullen3992 4 ай бұрын
These Christians need to realized that they have been duped big time by the New Testament False Teachings and Teachers. Specially fake apostle Paul and all his books (acts, Corinthians, Galatians, revelation, etc)
@RichardSorel-r1c 4 ай бұрын
Rabbi Tovia Singer actually raises some legitimate scriptural objections, that need to be looked into by every devout Christian.
@choward5430 4 ай бұрын
Hello! Whatever the topic presented by Singer, I basically annihilate 😀
@RichardSorel-r1c 4 ай бұрын
@@choward5430 Do you now? Try JEWS FOR JUDAISM for more difficult challenge.
@jamescobrien 4 ай бұрын
​​@@choward5430You won't be able to annihilate mine, unless you just talk out your butt without researching in your own mind. Hades is used in the Greek text and translated into hell in English, etc. bibles. If you research what exactly hades is, you'll find out hades is a false Greek god. Greek text says Jesus taught people would go to hades a fake mythological god. YaH, the real and only God, forbids using the name of any false god to teach as true or prophesy in. The stupid Greeks who made up the Greek text (bible), were too ignorant to know better. Taphos is the Greek equivalent of sheol, which means graveyards, tombs, and place of dead bones, bodies, and ash. This alone disproves Christianity. The Hebrew Bible says Messiah (Anointed) David is going to be resurrected and rule as the Shepherd King in the Age to Come. Ezekiel 34:23, Ezekiel 37:23-28, Hosea 3:5, Psalm 10:16, and Jeremiah 10 to get you started knowing the name of the real Mrssiah to come, whom God promised his throne to be in the Eon. These verses also disprove Jesus claim to be the Messiah, which is done by the pouring of the sacred holy oil over the heads out of a shofar (horn) by a tsadik (righteous man of God). Jesus never got Anointed according to te Torah and the Greek text never mentions this key element. Again shows the Greek inventors as ignorant of the Torah. Missing link. All kings and high priest of Israel are commanded to receieve this rutual. Samuel Anointed both Saul and David in such manner, Nathan Anointed Solomon king of Israel. No one Anointed this Jesus as King of Israel according to the command, meaning he didn't fully fill the law and the prophets as Messah. We'll just start with these two icecubes, which you will not be successful in refuting. Escape the brainwash. YaH only. P.s. if you want to debate me, feel free, we can disect the entire iceburg. I will convert you into being a Noachide.
@rosscullen3992 4 ай бұрын
@@choward5430 Ah, These are the comments of angry Christians when someone like Tovia speaks the truth. Their comfort zone starts becoming uncomfortable. Christian foundation built up on false teachings slowly collapses. And their blind faith pride still persists. They are not intelligent enough and will not accept no matter how much truth is presented to them.
@rosscullen3992 4 ай бұрын
@@choward5430 These are the comments of angry Christians when their comfort zone starts becoming uncomfortable when someone like Tovia speaks the truth and the foundation of Christian Church is built on false teachings.
@Ruthless9187 4 ай бұрын
I love to see this guy debate Tovia singer lol he wouldn’t last 5 mins .
@SamOvieda 4 ай бұрын
I'd love to see singer debate Joseph Prince. Singer wouldn't last 2 minutes.
@WJRoss-fc5dr 4 ай бұрын
The rabbi has been proven many times to lie about the new testament. It's very obvious that if you think rabbi singer is morally honest and always correct in his teaching ,you haven't researched other rabbis or read the new testament.mathew 5 17 destroys his ezekial 36 26 27 comments...Do not think I have come to abolish the law or the prophets, I have not come to abolish them but fulfill them.
@mrm-kj8ww 4 ай бұрын
The only one that Singer needs to debate is Jesus. John chapter 8 would be a good start. In fact, all 4 Gospels would be good.
@petersanmiguel1468 4 ай бұрын
How about Tovia debating Dr. Micheal Brown again?
@kalords5967 4 ай бұрын
​@@SamOviedaThat guy is an embarrassment to the Asian people 😂😂😂
@starlion4756 4 ай бұрын
You simply demonstrated that in the Jewish faith, the concept of eternal life existed in the faithful without any false messiahs. Singer can give you the info but he can’t comprehend it for you. Please stop worshiping and encouraging others to worship a Hellenistic-era Greco-Roman Demi-God appropriation of what already is a great faith as-is.
@Roads241 4 ай бұрын
Andy, if you feel a need to praise, praise God, if you feel a need to blame, blame yourself! There is a scripture you should consider, Genesis 12:3. If your going to curse, curse in your own house, the house of Christianity. Don't go to another house. Bless the people of the Book, the Jews, they are God's chosen.
@PhilTough-hn8qj 4 ай бұрын
I'm an aetheist and I love watching this guy cause he destroys all christian notions of heaven and hell,the resurection,Paul being a pharisee, the old testament prophesies of Jesus...... I reckon your gonna be on one of his videos pretty soon. Looking forward to it.
@johnkumah3095 4 ай бұрын
Toviah Singer lies and misinterprets. He doesn't destroy anything. Only people who do not understand Hebrew scriptures does he deceive. Christianity is a continuation of the Torah. What's in the Torah is fully fulfilled in Christianity and more in the form of an everlasting covenant, which God promised. Anyone who truly understands Hebrew scriptures right from the book of Genesis will understand Christianity is the final conclusion. God is the Redeemer of Israel and the world and that is achieved through Jesus who bears the name of God and is the pre-incarnate Angel of the Lord/Angel of His Presence. Toviah Singer and his fellow Jews await an ordinary human who can't even save himself let alone save anyone as their Messiah. God is the Saviour of humanity not Man who inherits Adam's sin and is not justified before God.
@PhilTough-hn8qj 4 ай бұрын
Yeah well from what I can see Gods a big failure. There are eight billion people on Earth and at least six billion of us are gonna be tortured for eternity for not believing.
@johnkumah3095 4 ай бұрын
@@PhilTough-hn8qj the only failure here is those who refuse to grab his free arm of salvation. People have free Will. God will not force you to believe in him and his Commandments. You need to decide that your by humbly seeking wisdom and understanding. Jesus said "Knock and shall be open" "Seek and yee shall find" The fact that you're here means you're "seeking" but are you seeking with a humble heart and praying and provoking God to reveal the Truth to you and giving you wisdom, knowledge and understanding of his word? If this is the case then you're in the right track. But this attitude of God "being a failure" is just wrong. The greatest gift God has given as is free Will, this is also our greatest weakness. God's failure if anything is that he had too much faith in Man that he'll do his Will, despite giving him free Will. Everything here boils down to God's love and faith in humanity but human free will is the greatest obstacle to it all.
@johnkumah3095 4 ай бұрын
@@PhilTough-hn8qj Well God is not going to force anyone to believe, if they can't humble themselves and seek him out. People are free to decide what they want with their lives because of free Will. You can't force God on everyone. The Jews proved this as they breached the covenant because some preferred to worship other gods. Is only those who seek God with all their Soul their heart, their mind and strength will know God and come into his abode. Jesus said "seek and ye shall find Knock and it shall be open " Those who humble themselves before God through wisdom knowledge and understanding are those who will come to the full grace of God. Not the arrogant and Prideful. God did not fail. Our greatest gift from God is free Will, this also is our greatest weakness. Is not everyone who I'll want to walk on the path of God. If anything God's failure is that he loved, respected and had too much faith in humanity to do the right thing or follow his Commandments and obey his voice. If you want to know the Truth you would know the Truth. You being here means you're seeking the Truth. that's a good start. Now you need to humble yourself with an open heart, study his scriptures yourself and pray he gives you knowledge, wisdom and understanding to know him. He'll open your eyes.
@bricam492able 4 ай бұрын
​@johnkumah3095 What you Christians don't understand is that Christians say it's all a " continuation." But unfortunately, you can't use Jewish scriptures and do a Paul and make up a new religion. Please get it though your thick skulls. Law of identity. Sorry bro..
@willieluncheonette5843 4 ай бұрын
" Hell and heaven are within you, both gates are within you. When you are behaving unconsciously there is the gate of hell; when you become alert and conscious, there is the gate of heaven. I am reminded of a great Zen master. The emperor of Japan had come to see him and he had been wanting to come to see him but the path to his monastery was dangerous, going through wild forests, dangerous mountainous parts. But finally, the emperor decided he had to go. His death was coming near and he couldn’t take the risk… Before death came he must have some understanding that death cannot destroy. He reached the Zen master who was sitting under a tree. He touched his feet and said, “I have come to ask one question. Is there really a hell or heaven? Because my death is coming close and my only concern is: where am I going; to hell or to heaven?” The master laughed and said, “I have never thought that our emperor is such an idiot.” To say to the emperor, “an idiot”…! For a split second, the emperor forgot and pulled out his sword, and he was going to cut off the head of the Zen master. The Zen master laughed and said, “This is the gate of hell.” The emperor stopped, put his sword back in the sheath, and the master said, “You have entered into heaven. Now you can go. Just remember: anger, violence, destructiveness. These are the gates of hell. And the hell is in your mind. “But understanding, compassion, silence, are the doors of heaven. They are beyond your mind. And I have given you the experience of both. Forgive me that I called you an idiot. I had to. It was just a response to your question, because I am not a thinker and I don’t answer the way thinkers answer questions. I am a mystic. I simply create the device so that you can have some taste of the answer. Now get lost.” And the emperor touched his feet with tears of gratitude, because no other answer would have been of much help. It would have remained just a hypothesis. But the man was a tremendously insightful master. He created the situation immediately, just by calling him an idiot. And he showed him both: the doors of hell and the doors of heaven. Your mind is hell. Going beyond your mind is heaven. Go beyond the mind. That is the essence of the whole teaching of all the awakened ones.. "
@Metallographer_1 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, Singer is full of it. He makes up his own version of the Bible and doesn't give actual quotes. According to NDEs, everybody goes to heaven, unless you're like super-evil or something. Not one of them told the person that they had to believe in God or Jesus to go to heaven, it's a bunch of baloney, apparently.
@bricam492able 4 ай бұрын
I guess you don't actually listen to Tovia lol. He clearly destroys Christianity. Quotes earlier texts and gives proper context of the messiah abd suffering servant. It's Israel. The context is clear. Context is something Christians know little about..
@choward5430 4 ай бұрын
Where is Mosaic law, the Levitical sacrificial system, and the temple? Why was it destroyed in AD70?
@Metallographer_1 4 ай бұрын
@@bricam492able Does he believe that the whole mashiach thing is baloney? Because it obviously is. I haven't heard him tell the truth yet, about the Torah being written in the 6th century BC based on Babylonian mythology. If he's a "Rabbi", he's obviously still believing fairy tales.
@Metallographer_1 4 ай бұрын
@@choward5430 Because the Romans took all their black magic paraphernalia, including the only place they were allowed by Judaic law to make sacrifices, the temple alter. Now we know the whole thing was a scam by the Levites to get free stuff.
@rg54321 3 ай бұрын
Isaiah 53: To begin with, it should be noted that many christian scholars and apologists have come to the conclusion based on a more comprehensive study of Isaiah 53, as presented briefly below, that Isaiah 53 does not speak about the messiah, and certainly not about jesus. Even at the very beginning of christianity, Origen, a 3rd-century christian scholar, ascetic, and theologian from Alexandria stated that Isaiah 53 is about Israel, not jesus. About that chapter, we would first like to ask christians who preach Isaiah 53 as referring to jesus, this: Why would a jewish people who are very aware that the jewish messiah will appear at a future time, and restore Israel to a state of total redemption and knowledge of God, reject that messiah when he arrives? That makes no sense at all, especially when it is presumed that the messiah arrived at a time when the jews were under great stress in the holy land, due to the oppression of the cruel and vicious romans. The only reason jews would do that is if they understood that the person claiming to be the messiah did not fulfill the biblical criteria of the jewish messiah. And that is exactly why the jews then and now reject jesus as the messiah. In addition, we must make mention of the glaring fact that there is not one word about any requirement to believe in the subject of chapter 53 to receive atonement for one's sins. That in itself poses an impossible challenge to christians who believe the subject is jesus ... Regarding Isaiah 53, I have found that christians struggle to answer this: Why does an isolated part of a chapter that they say indicates jesus, appear in the middle of a book that does not speak about jesus at all? The entire book of Isaiah presents a fluent theme, and reading Isaiah 53 as an isolated part of that theme does not allow the reader to understand the true context of that book. Throughout Isaiah, the servant of God is revealed in clear statements that anyone going through the book would notice straight away. Isaiah 41.8,9, 42.6, 43.10, 44.1, 44.21, 45.4, 48.20, and 49.3 all speak of Israel as the servant of God. If we look at the beginning of the chapter, we can see that an important question immediately begs itself: Who is speaking in Isaiah 53? And, once again, if we learn the context of chapter 53 more comprehensively, we can see that in Isaiah 53.1-8, the gentile kings are speaking, based on Isaiah 52.15: "... The kings shall shut their mouths at him, for that which had not been told them shall they see, and that which they had not heard shall they consider." In 53, the gentile kings are expressing their astonishment at the fact that the jews suffered so much at their hands, and God is saying that He will save Israel and restore them to their former glory. In chapter 53, the gentile nations will grapple with the age-old jewish question: Why do the jews suffer so much? To solidify our understanding further, note that in Isaiah 43.10 it says "You are My witnesses, declares the Lord, and My servant whom I have chosen," whereby "witnesses" is plural, and "servant" is singular, clearly denoting Israel. Zechariah 8.23, speaking of the messianic age, says that 10 representatives of the nations will take hold of a jew and say take us with you, for we now know that God is with your people. They will realize then, as in Isaiah 53, that Israel suffered (some who thought that was due to the jews killing jesus) and God restored them. Isaiah 53.8 says "For the transgressions of my people, they were stricken." The christian bibles mistranslated the hebrew in that verse. If the hebrew was "negah lo" that would mean "he was stricken", but it says "nega lamo" which means "they were stricken". Note that in Isaiah 48.21 the same word appears (lamo), and the NIV translates it as "for them", not "him". The nations will finally realize that it was for their sins that Israel suffered so much. They chose to inflict suffering on Israel, and they sinned by doing so. Zephania 3.19,20 tells us who those who suffered were: "At that time I will deal with all who oppressed you. I will rescue the lame; I will gather the exiles. I will give them praise and honor in every land where they have suffered shame. At that time I will gather you; at that time I will bring you home. I will give you honor and praise among all the peoples of the earth when I restore your fortunes before your very eyes, says the Lord." How can Isaiah 53 refer to jesus? - Was jesus "despised and shunned by men?" According to Luke 4.15, he taught in the synagogue and everyone praised him. Huge crowds supposedly followed him, and he was described as making a 'triumphal entry' into Jerusalem (Matthew 21.8-11, John 12.12-13, and John 17-19). - Was jesus "familiar with disease" and "stricken by God"? The Hebrew word "nega" (disease) in the jewish bible refers strictly to leprosy, as in Leviticus 13.3,9,20 and 2 Kings 15.5. But even if leprosy was not the meaning, what disease did jesus suffer from? - Was jesus silent before his accusers? In all four gospels jesus spoke out against his accusers. After being accused of being a drunkard, possessed, breaking the law, and committing blasphemy, he spoke out each time and was definitely not silent against his accusers. For example, in Mathew 23.33, he says "You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?" In another example, in Matthew 23.16-17, he says "Woe to you, blind guides, who say, 'Whoever swears by the temple, that is nothing; but whoever swears by the gold of the temple is obligated.' You fools and blind men! Which is more important, the gold or the temple that sanctified the gold?" He allegedly said those words even though he himself rebuked others against saying such things in Mathew 5.22: "But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, 'Raca', is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell." It should be noted here, that although Jesus was certainly not silent in the face of his accusers, the jewish people were in fact silent in the face of their torturers and murderers. It is a cold fact that so many jews in world war two were led directly to the gas chambers in auschwitz upon their arrival, and they went silently, without protesting or resisting. - Was the grave of jesus "set among the wicked, and with the rich, in his death"? Some gospels say that there were no other bodies in the tomb in which his body was placed, and he had a lone grave. - "... though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth" (53.9). These words do not refer to jesus since he was known to have committed violent acts, including overturning the tables in the temple, cursing a fig tree, and others. In Zephania 3.12-13, you can see that the remnant of israel who will survive the persecutions of the nations, will strengthen their faith in God, and will do no wrong and tell no lies. - "... the Lord chose to crush him by disease, that if he made himself an offering for guilt, he may see offspring and have long life ..." Did jesus offer himself as a sacrifice? Mathew 26.39: "He went a little farther and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me, nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.' He asked that he would not have to die like that. Did jesus have offspring and a long life? The word for offspring in hebrew is "zera" which always refers in the Tanach to human physical offspring, not spiritual disciples. And he died at 33, not such a long life at all. - "Therefore I will alot him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoils with the strong." How does that apply to jesus? The suffering servant is the nation of Israel. Uziah, who was the king during the time of Isaiah died of leprosy, and Isaiah was referring to him specifically and to israel in general, as if to say "Here is your leprous king, who is suffering under Godʼs hand for the backslidden servant nation of Israel" as per verse 6. Uziah was taken away from the royal palace because of his affliction as a leper and spent his remaining years in isolation, as per verse 8. The end of Isaiah 52 is the key to understanding why 53 cannot refer to jesus. 52.13-15: "See, My servant will act wisely, he will be raised and lifted up and highly exalted ... and kings will shut their mouths because of him. For what they were not told, they will see, and what they have not heard, they will understand." If Jesus appeared, the nations of the world would not be shocked, since many in the world are falsely expecting his return, and wouldn't be surprised if he appeared. But if the true jewish messiah appeared and it wasn't jesus, there would be astonishment among the nations. Isaiah 52 does not say that the jews would be shocked, to mean that jesus would surprise them, but that the nations of the world will be surprised. Reading through Isaiah, one can see that the chapters before and after 53 clearly state that Israel is the servant of God who suffers for the transgressions of the nations. The undeniable theme is that the nations of the world persecuted and subjugated Israel, but God assures Israel that He will restore and redeem them in the end. Since those nations did not know the true God, they turned a blind eye to God's proclamations regarding Israel's future, when the entire world will no longer practice war and will then understand that Israel suffered because of their actions against them.
@andyfairchild 3 ай бұрын
All that to say, you can't read English. The Messiah is a man.
@rg54321 3 ай бұрын
@@andyfairchild Yes, he will be a man, and not God. But unfortunately for most christian denominations, that man was not jesus. He hasn't arrived yet, and we await him with anticipation each and every day. The christian claim that jesus was the one spoken of in the jewish bible can easily be proven to be false, no doubt about it at all ... Can you read the english in this message, or should I post it in koine greek for you?
@andyfairchild 3 ай бұрын
@@rg54321 The Messiah prophesied in the Tanakh was a man, born of a virgin, born as an Israelite, born in Bethlehem, born as a descendant of David, died on a cross, followed the law perfectly, and rose from the dead. Rabbi Singer says the Messiah is a nation. It's nice to see you disagree with him. That means all the mindless robots following him are gonna desert you.
@rg54321 3 ай бұрын
@@andyfairchild LOL! Isaiah 53 is not a messianic prophecy at all. Please read what I wrote about that above. The messiah prophesied in the Tanakh will be a man, born of two human parents (are you still insisting after 2000 years that "almah" means virgin?), according to the nt jesus was not necessarily born in Bethlehem (the synoptics have differing accounts), he was not a descendant of David for sure (the genealogies in mathew and luke are a mess, to put it mildly), he was not a perfect follower of the law (added stuff that he made up, like hating someone in one's heart is murder, one can do whatever he wants on the sabbath, one can eat whatever he wants, and so on), and rose from the dead only in the sci-fi christian books ... And to top it all off, christianity is a copy-paste of pagan practices and beliefs that predated it ...
@andyfairchild 2 ай бұрын
Jesus is the Messiah
@happydome8304 4 ай бұрын
Amen Tovia Singer might be able to explain away some grammar translations, but he cannot explain away the overarching biblical narratives that point to Jesus Christ being what humanity needs from the very first story. Then of course, the prophecies of Isaiah are unmistakeable, even if some of the grammar is mistaken. Then the fact that God orders Abraham in the very beginning of His covenant with Tovia's people, the Jews to sacrifice his son but then sends the angel of the Lord to stop him at the last second; God cannot go back on his word, so what did God mean by "A ram would be provided"? Every story in the biblic subtly points to Jesus Christ as the redeemer of the Jews and mankind, without Jesus the bible is just a collection of stories meaning nothing... Tovia is either a decieved teacher, or a wolf in sheeps clothing.
@Jm1986cps 4 ай бұрын
Nothing to do with Jesus. Different facts.
@choward5430 4 ай бұрын
@@Jm1986cps Explain who "MY SERVANT" in 53:1-12 is?
@kennethwoody5897 4 ай бұрын
@@choward5430 The people of Israel. And it's quite clear if you read the passage in Hebrew.
@needstobesaid862 4 ай бұрын
The Isaiah prophecies ........ you mean the one like the virgin who gives birth who actually isn't a virgin but rather a "young woman" if the verse is correctly translated? That kind of Isaiah prophecy?
@choward5430 4 ай бұрын
@@needstobesaid862 I would say "nice try" but you didn't make it! The Hebrew Word Almah debate is over the exact meaning translated as (a) virgin. In describing a young woman, there are three Hebrew words, which Isaiah could have used: 1. Na’a’rah Na’a’rah means “damsel” and can refer to either a virgin (as in I Kings 1:2), or a non-virgin (as in Ruth 2:6). 2. Betulah This is commonly considered to mean a virgin, exclusively. It is argued that if Isaiah had really meant to say a virgin, then he would have used this word. It is true that this word is often used to mean virgin, but not always. For example: a. In Joel 1:8 it is used about a widow. b. In Genesis 24:16, because the word does not exclusively mean “virgin” the writer adds the phrase “had never known a man” to clarify what he means. c. Again in Judges 21:12 the phrase “had not known a man” has to be added to give the precise meaning. 3. Almah Almah means “a virgin,” “a young virgin,” a “virgin of marriageable age.” This word is used seven times in the Hebrew Scriptures and not once is it used to describe a married woman; this point is not debated. a. Genesis 24:43. In contrast to 24:16, verse 43 requires no additional qualifying remarks since the one word alone is sufficient to mean “virgin.” Furthermore, it is used of Rebekah who was obviously a virgin at the time of her marriage to Isaac. b. Exodus 2:8 is used about Moses’ sister Miriam, who was a virgin. c. Psalm 68:25 is used about the royal procession of virgins. Since the King in this context is God Himself, absolute virginity is required; it is unthinkable that God would allow unchaste, unmarried women in His procession. d. Song of Songs 1:3. The context here is purity in marriage. e. Song of Songs 6:8. The word is used here in contrast to wives and concubines who would obviously be non-virgins. f. Proverbs 30:18-19. The word is used in verse 19 in contrast to an adulteress in verse 20. g. Isaiah 7:14. Since all of the above six verses mean “a virgin,” what reason is there for making Isaiah 7:14 the only exception? Scholars agree that almah means an unmarried woman. If the woman in Isaiah 7:14 was a non-virgin, then God would be promising a sign involving fornication and illegitimacy. It is unthinkable that God would sanction sin, and in any case, what would be so unusual about an illegitimate baby that could possibly constitute a sign? As far as ancient Jewish writers were concerned, there was no argument about Isaiah 7:14 predicting a virgin birth. The Septuagint is a Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures made about 200 B.C., 200 years before the issue of Jesus’ Messiahship ever arose. The Jews who made this translation, living much closer to the times of Isaiah, translated Isaiah 7:14 using the Greek word Parthenos which very clearly and exclusively means a virgin. There can therefore be no doubt that the unique event that God is promising as a sign is the miraculous conception of a son by a girl who is still a virgin.
@user-bo8nb2mi 4 ай бұрын
One blogger said, Jews must explain to the Christians also that the suffering servant mentioned in Isaiah 52:13-53:12 is not the Messiah, but the people of Israel, as is written in Isaiah 41:8-9 and 44:21-22 and 49:1-3, and that the son of man mentioned in Daniel 7:13-14 is not the Messiah, but the people of Israel, as is written in Daniel 7:16-18 and 7-27, and that the messiah prince mentioned in Daniel 9:24-27 was King Antigonus II Mattathias, who was a messiah, because he was anointed (messiah means anointed), because he was High Priest, and was a prince because he was King of Judea, and he was beheaded by the Romans in the year 37 BCE, and that Jesus the Nazarene was not a prophet, because he said that some persons who were standing there would not taste of death till they see him coming in his kingdom (Matthew 16:28), and this did not happen, and also he said that that generation would not pass till they see him coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory (Matthew 24:29-34), and this did not happen. Then, the Christians will be able to convert to Judaism.
@user-bo8nb2mi 4 ай бұрын
His name is Tovia not Tobias
@Jm1986cps 4 ай бұрын
On the contrary. Paul (the church's decision maker) was wrong on scriptures.
@choward5430 4 ай бұрын
Be specific. While you're researching, why did HaShem nullify Mosaic law and the Levitical sacrificial system and destroy Jerusalem and the temple in AD70? Why is it to this day, Israel has no temple?
@danielnugent7709 4 ай бұрын
You cannot get to heaven by good works. He will have to come to the cross of Jesus the Christ. No other way.
@needstobesaid862 4 ай бұрын
You might wanna read Ezekiel 18 just for giggles. See if you still think someone else's actions can atone for YOUR sin.
@needstobesaid862 4 ай бұрын
Also curious ........ those folks throughout history who had never even heard of Jesus ........ how do they get right with God and/or get to heaven?
@dro8031 4 ай бұрын
I do enjoy rabbi singer but as we Mexicans say, there's too much salsa on his taco. He's all over the place. Jesus has it right when he says we have to look BEYOND the law. Because as I understand the Jews have what 263 laws? Plus the Talmud. Plus the laws updated in the 12th? Then the 16th century? How many laws do they want to follow? 😂. Laws are there to moderate you. Not save you. So Jesus had it right. 👍
@andyfairchild 4 ай бұрын
⁠ before you go, throwing away your faith realize that the Bible teaches those who haven't heard the name of Jesus will be judged according to how they have lived their lives. Romans 2 15They demonstrate that God’s law is written in their hearts, for their own conscience and thoughts either accuse them or tell them they are doing right. 16And this is the message I proclaim-that the day is coming when God, through Christ Jesus, will judge everyone secret life (Nlt)
@johnlee7699 4 ай бұрын
"Rabbi" Singer definitely would have been one of those guys tithing his spice rack in the NT days 😅 Your simple logic of "knowing that you are going" defeats Singer's mental gymnastics 💯 Grace, Shalom and every Blessing to you Brother Andy 🙏
@jonathanglabman 4 ай бұрын
Ezekiel 18
@andrewmikelsons8738 4 ай бұрын
Thank you
@choward5430 4 ай бұрын
Really? Read Isaiah 53:1-12. Singer says, "MY SERVANT" is Israel. Nonsense! Let me know what you think after reading it. Use your brain, not his!
@jonathanglabman 4 ай бұрын
@@choward5430 start reading Isaiah 41-55. It will change your opinion
@andyfairchild 4 ай бұрын
@@choward5430 It doesn't appear that you have read Isaiah 53:1-12. Here are the characteristics of the servant talked about in Isaiah 53:1-12. JPS 1917, Isaiah 53. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, ACCORDING TO THE MASORETIC TEXT, A NEW TRANSLATION 3 A man of pains, 8 For he was cut off out of the land of the living, 9 And with the rich his tomb; Although he had done no violence, Neither was any deceit in his mouth.’ 12 Yet he bore the sin of many, And made intercession for the transgressors. The suffering servant was a man, he died, he was buried in a rich man's tomb, he did no violence, never lied or deceived anyone, and bore our sins. Israel isn't a man, it didn't die, it wasn't buried, etc. Isaiah did not prophesy a nation, he prophesied a man.
@SY-zv2cz 4 ай бұрын
I guess new testament says Jesus kept the law. Did he? So if he had to keep the law, then who are you to say you dont need to keep the law? Redemption is through the forgiveness of Heshem and for that, you need to keep the law and seek His forgiveness. Once you are sure that you have kept the law at the best of your ability and that you are sure that you have sought his forgiveness to the best of your ability, then you can be sure that Heshem will give you eternal life. There is no mention of Jesus dying for your sins and the concept of the 3 gods that you believe in anywhere in Torah, so why should we believe that?
@andyfairchild 4 ай бұрын
I agree with you that the Tanakh does not mention 3 gods. And yes, Jesus did keep the law. In fact, he is the only one who ever has. He was the perfect sacrifice. Do you think there is a mention of someone dying for our sins in Isaiah 53?
@choward5430 4 ай бұрын
@@andyfairchild Deut. 6:4 ""Shema Yisroel Adonai Elochenu Adonai Echad" (Hear O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.) THE LORD - FATHER OUR GOD - SON ONE LORD - Holy Spirit Isaiah 63:7-10 V.7 - Father V.9 Angel of His Presence - Pre-incarnate Yeshua HaMashiach V.10 Holy Spirit Psalms 45:6-7 (There are two Elohim's here) "6 Your throne, O God, is forever and ever. The scepter of your kingdom is a scepter of uprightness; 7 you have loved righteousness and hated wickedness. Therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness beyond your companions; Proverbs 30:4-5 (The Son does what the Father does. WHAT IS HIS NAME?) "4 Who has ascended to heaven and come down? Who has gathered the wind in his fists? Who has wrapped up the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is his son's name? Surely you know! 5 Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him."
@user-bo8nb2mi 4 ай бұрын
Same blogger said, Jews must explain to the Christians that the New Testament is not part of the true Bible, because it contains words which contradict the words that God had spoken before, which are written in the Old Testament (Tanakh), and that the true Bible is the Bible of the Judaism, that is composed only by the books of the Old Testament (Tanakh, or Hebrew Bible). For example: It is written in Genesis 17:9-14 and Exodus 12:48-49 and Leviticus 12:3 that God commanded that all men be circumcised, and in the New Testament, the false god of the Christians commanded not to do the circumcision (Galatians 5:2). Another example: It is written in Leviticus 11:1-30, that God commanded us not to eat the unclean animals, among which are the pig, the rabbit, the hare, the camel, the ostrich, the scaleless fishes, the shrimp, the lobster, the crab, the squid, the octopus, the mussels and the oysters, and in the New Testament, the false god of the Christians said that everything is clean, and that it is allowed to eat anything (Romans 14:14 and 14:20 and 1 Timothy 4:1-4). Another example: It is written in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible, or Old Testament), in Exodus 20:8-11, that God commanded us not to work in the seventh day of the week, that is the Shabbat, and in the New Testament, the false god of the Christians said that it is not necessary to keep the Shabbat (Colossians 2:16).
@NachshonYosef 4 ай бұрын
That's not how his name is pronounced. If you can't even get that right...
@andyfairchild 4 ай бұрын
I apologize. Which name are you referring to?
@NachshonYosef 4 ай бұрын
@@andyfairchild The subject of your video.
@divineweezdomcontent3071 4 ай бұрын
Rabbi Tovia Singer clearly teaches that you have ETERNAL LIFE by AVOIDING the IDOLATRY OF CHRISTIANITY!!!
@andyfairchild 4 ай бұрын
I would very much like to read about that. Where can I find where he said that?
@samuelimmanuel718 4 ай бұрын
Tovia Singer still blindly claims that Jesus has not fulfilled even one OT prophecies concerning the Messiah, when questioned who could fit the bill of the suffering servant in Isaiah 53 full chapter. He said Israel i.e. Jacob. Does that sound decent or logical? Never. Anyway, as in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, he belongs to the synagogue of Satan living on lies and rejection of truth. Jews never obeyed the laws given through Moses or served the Lord God who carried them through the desert. Finally they installed in the temple Asherah poles, sun and moon symbols, and idols of all other pagan deities. God rejected them. There is no validity in claiming God spoke and led our Fathers, if their children rejected all that truth and testament. 1. Why Tanak could not bring peace and rest to Israelites? 2. Why was Israel not blessed by Yahweh Elohim for rejecting the false Messiah Jesus??? and for remaining loyal to the God of Israel? 3. Despite remaining loyal to their faith, why their temple was destroyed by Titus in AD70? Why they could not rebuild it even after 1953 years of its destruction and desecration? 4. If Jesus Christ was the false Messiah, why has the prophesied Messiah not come even after 3000 years of David's prophecy? 5. Why God's promise to Abraham that his seeds will be as numerous as the stars in the sky not fulfilled even after 4000 years in Jews? They are merely 1.5% of world population now. 6. If obedience of law can justify one, why Moses and Aaron could not enter the promised land? 7. Why the prophecies like Zech 2:10, 9:9; 12:10 should be there in OT at all if God can't live amongst the people? 8. Was David the Holy One of God who could not see decay? 9. Is David sitting at the right hand of God now? Psalm 110:4. 10. Was David a priest in the order of Mechizedek to intercede for ever? Where is King David now? 11. Isaiah 53 really speaks about Jacob or Jesus Christ? If Jacob, who were healed by his stripes (53:6). 12. Was Jacob a sinless or guiltless person to bear all our sins? This man is a false prophet who twists the truth of God for a living.
@andyfairchild 3 ай бұрын
No he does not. He says you are on the right path if you follow him, but he doesn't say you are going to heaven. Listen more closely and watch you don't get caught concluding skmethjng he hasn't said.
@samuelimmanuel718 3 ай бұрын
I will appreciate if you can show me from Old Testament scripture reference for eternal life and how to attain it. Read in Genesis what Jacob lamented about his death. Abraham and others.
@andyfairchild 3 ай бұрын
@@samuelimmanuel718 what is it said to believe in Jesus as your Savior? Would you appreciate that?
@micat89 4 ай бұрын
If you have the balls to debate Rabbi Tovia , he will turn your sorry @?! into ash within seconds !!!!!
@exitthematrix1487 4 ай бұрын
Tovia says Isaiah 53 is referring to the nation of Israel where it CLEARLY IS REFERRING TO A DISFIGURED BEATEN MAN
@micat89 4 ай бұрын
@@exitthematrix1487 have you read the preceding passages that came before your misquote and the passages that came after it ? Typical of xtian %#$!? like you !!!! Always quote anything that agree with your preconceived ideas while ignoring the things that don’t agree with you !!!!! FYI , the xtian translation of the Tanakh AKA O.T has been heavily edited by the Greek Septuagint which was just only a translation from the original Hebrew !!!!! Want to convince me that the Hebraic ideas are wrong ????? Better luck next time !!!!!!
@micat89 4 ай бұрын
@@exitthematrix1487 And by the way , Read Deut 28 all the way until the end and you will get the idea what Isaiah 53 was talking about !!!!! Goondu !!!!!
@emiliovinces3310 4 ай бұрын
I just watched this as comedy while I eat 😂 there’s no way I can debunk this as I eat 😭 delete this lil bro is embarrassing for yourself
@yvonnegordon1952 4 ай бұрын
Jews don't have the Holy Spirit (only David ever had the Holy Spirit which is what the CHOSEN are given to understand the Bible from a spiritual POV): It says no one can say Jesus is Lord but by the HOLY SPIRIT: Why? Because Jesus is born when the ANOINTING (Christ) is born through the heart by the Holy Spirit: Jesus then never was a person born through sex but the SEED OF GOD (HASHEM) born through the heart (Mark 4 the parable of all parables, explains this along with John 16, showing that the woman (heart) gives birth to Christ, not the sexual part of female: Here is why a male can give birth to Christ through the good part of their heart as much as a female sexually, because the SOUL is neither male or female. This is also why "virgin" is a metaphor of the heart (desire) that is able to bring the anointing into the world, the 30 fold (Mark 4) which is the LETTER LAMED =teacher that brings us above the line ): Virgin has nothing to do with a sexual virgin and this is true for those poor Muslims that give their lives to get 70 virgins, but that's another story: The GOOD GROUND of the heart is the virgin ground of being that is able to bring forth the SEED of the woman (Israel) through Judah (praise of Yah) because Praise is PERFECTED in the mouth of babes (David was the YOUNGEST of Jesse's children) and a CHILD shall lead the soul back to God/Hashem. Having said all this for 31 years, only those who also EXPERIENCE the HOLY SPIRIT grasp it: Jews don't grasp Jesus or Torah as a tree of life because they don't have the HOLY SPIRIT, the ANOINTING (Christ) that reveals the truth that sets us FREE. Even the most intelligent Jews and Christians too, don't understand or "KNOW" Jesus until the baptism into the Holy Spirit which is baptism into Jesus name. The most intelligent people from all religions or atheism, get Jesus wrong because they can't wrap their mind around the meaning of "MAN" in the Bible, not grasping that males are animate but MAN is the IMAGE and LIKENESS of God and deals with the soul, not the sexual physical part of us. : Without the HOLY Spirit it is impossible to understand the Bible period: Moses for instance is a CODE NAME (drawn from the water) which is the subconscious, the sea that splits open in us when the SOUL escapes from the ego or identity with our first born status, our physical self and mind. Moses then is the CONSCIENCE that comes out of Israel when they are so overwhelmed by being slaves to the ego (EGYPT) that they can't take it anymore and MOSES appears to take them out of the EGO (EGYPT): The conscience however doesn't get it completely right in that it doesn't FULLY GRASP how to teach the SOUL HOW TO SPEAK to the rock (that gives the LIVING WATER or anointing) but instead it does what Jews have been doing since they lost Moses (their conscience) which is get angry at those (including one another) who can't bring the LIVING WATER out of the rock: HASHEM (GOD) told their conscience, SPEAK to the rock to get the living water: SPEAKING is prophesying which Moses said HE WISHED ALL ISRAEL WOULD DO: WHY? Because then they would GET THE ANOINTING from the rock (Christ ) that was with Israel in the wilderness: So HASHEM said to the conscience of Israel and is still saying it today, YOU DID NOT SANTIFY MY NAME IN THE FACE OF THIS PEOPLE. So Moses, you die and are buried on Mt NEBO (means PROPHET) so when you are resurrected by the ONE WHO DOES SPEAK THE WORD to raise the dead which is you (the conscience) and Elijah (the DESIRE FOR MESSIAH or the anointing, also law and prophets) YOU WILL DO what you should have done when I told you to do it: SPEAK to the rock, YOU will then prophesy to the DEAD BONES OF THE WHOLE HOUSE OF ISRAEL and the VALLEY shall be exalted while the mountain (EGO) shall be laid low, as the crooked (serpent, will) is made straight::
@andyfairchild 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for you observations and input.
@RightOnBro72 4 ай бұрын
Job 19 doesn't even mention the word "heaven." In fact, this guy doesn't even mention that he's talking to Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite. This is relevant, because he's not speaking to the reader. Also, Job's redeemer/vindicator is clearly God (though the usual YHVH is not used, there is no mention of anyone named Jesus/Yeshua in the Old Testament, unless you're talking about someone like the guy who fought the battle of Jericho, and who said, "as for me and my house, we will serve YHVH.") I will concede that Daniel 12 mentions "eternal life" and "everlasting contempt," but not only are these not associated with the later reference to heaven, but Daniel is speaking to an angel, and doesn't understand all of what he is prophesying. Jesus did not fulfill most of Daniel's messianic prophecies, certainly not the one about a Prince named Michael who was to lead an army to victory. As for Elijah, when it says the whirlwind took him to heaven, it was clearly just another word for the sky. Elisha even looked for his body and found his clothes. This video puts way too much emphasis on spreading the Christian doctrine of praising Jesus, rather than focusing on what the Tanakh really says. The idea of "eternal life" was prohibited by God to Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden. People who wish to worship the God of Israel should be very careful when listening to the deceptive tales of those who reject the clear words of the Hebrew bible.
@andyfairchild 4 ай бұрын
Where else would Job, after he has been resurrected from the dead, see God? If not in heaven? Job 19.
@RightOnBro72 4 ай бұрын
Most likely the same location where he talked to God a few chapters later. People keep trying to read into these verses text that is not there. Job's redeemer is God, not some weak human-being named "Jesus" who hadn't even been born yet.
@andyfairchild 4 ай бұрын
The real God is the creator of the heavens in the Earth.
@Thedunguen9999 2 ай бұрын
Your cult leader is Jesus 😂
@forestmcneir3325 2 ай бұрын
Job "knew" he had eternal life. And yet, he died over 500 years before Jesus' time. Ergo, to get to heaven, Jesus is not an essential element. No way Job believed in Jesus. No way Daniel believed in Jesus.
@andyfairchild 2 ай бұрын
What if God the Redeener came down from heaven and lived in the of Jesus? Jesus is the eternal Son of God.
@forestmcneir3325 2 ай бұрын
@@andyfairchild If Jesus ever did come down, I'd have a lot of questions, starting with, if You are G-d, you must've known how many Jews would be murdered in your name. A few words from you could've prevented that. So, you being G-d, being all knowing, why didn't you? Any Jew who would apostacize to Christianity would have to be certifyable.
@Albertanator 3 ай бұрын
Singer is sadly very deceived and sadly far to many Jews listen to his lies.
@andyfairchild 3 ай бұрын
It's one thing to not understand what is written in the Bible. But it's quite another to create your own Rabbi Singer Translation and say that is what's true. Rabbi Singer and his followers ignore all the translations of the Bible and the Tanakh and invent their own. And we don't even know if the translations he makes changes from day-to-day because there's no hardcopy of it.
@djdubbzy 4 ай бұрын
Rabbi singer speaks truth brings proofs and logic
@choward5430 4 ай бұрын
You sure? Read Isaiah 53:1-12 and explain who "My Servant" is?
@djdubbzy 4 ай бұрын
@@choward5430 my servant is mentioned multiple times in the preceeding chapters all referring to the nation of israel
@BneiNoachheartsforHashem 4 ай бұрын
Rabbi Tovia is Great and speaks the truth 100%
@LeonKerkdijk 3 ай бұрын
Those words don't belong in the same sentence.
@kierinsusukaii4745 2 ай бұрын
​@@LeonKerkdijk Neither does God claims to be Jesus... or ...is it Jesus claiming to be God?? idk where to go with this
@EndTimeNazerne Ай бұрын
@andyfairchild Ай бұрын
It is unfortunate that evil people to evil things in the name of religion. Jesus was not evil.
@jonathanglabman 4 ай бұрын
Heaven and Hell are unverifiable, therefore the Tenach doesn't spend much time on it. The world runs on Justice so we know if a person dies, the resolution will be in the next world. Also we know that there is a resurrection of the dead. This can only mean that there is a heaven.
@andrewmikelsons8738 4 ай бұрын
Are you going to heaven? If so how? If so, how do you know?
@jonathanglabman 4 ай бұрын
@@andrewmikelsons8738 Ezekiel 18
@SY-zv2cz 4 ай бұрын
@@andrewmikelsons8738 Are you going to heaven ? If so, how do you know?
@mattfred.12 4 ай бұрын
This is such a poor argument because if the Tanach mentions heaven or hell (whether it's a lot or a little doesn't matter) is not verifiable, the same Hashem who speaks of heaven and hell is just as unverifiable. Poor argument
@jonathanglabman 4 ай бұрын
@@mattfred.12 Read Ezekiel 18 carefully and it will change your life
@needstobesaid862 4 ай бұрын
Any way you can prove to me that your ticket to heaven is more reliable or guaranteed than that of the Muslim, the Buddhist, the Mormon, the JW, the Hindu, the (insert whatever religion here)?
@andyfairchild 4 ай бұрын
If you know that you are a sinner, and want to have your sins forgiven, then yes, I can prove to you that Jesus is the Messiah.
@needstobesaid862 4 ай бұрын
@andyfairchild my friend you absolutely can't prove that he is the messiah. That's the whole problem. He may have thought he was, but he didn't do anything that messiah is suppose to do. The world did not become (when Jesus walked the earth) what it will become in the Messianic age. All you can do is hold on to the "promise" of paradise after death. Cross your fingers and hope you're right. All I know is there are too many lies, intentional deceptions and plain old dumb errors in the NT for me to stake my eternity on it.
@andyfairchild 4 ай бұрын
Well, I wouldn't say that, my friend. I have spoken to many people who accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and saviour and believed in him as savior. But if I'm talking about you specifically, you can't be saved unless you know you're a sinner. I'm assuming you don't think you're a sinner who is in need of forgiveness.
@needstobesaid862 4 ай бұрын
@andyfairchild hi again mate. You see now you have unfortunately switched from "prove" to "believe". The prosecution rests. 🩵
@andyfairchild 4 ай бұрын
@@needstobesaid862 Prove? Hmmmmm....You make a valid point. I have a friend (true story) who fell off his bike and banged his head on the pavement (no helmet). He awoke from his coma with Cotard's syndrome. He believed he was dead. We would go to a restaurant, and I would tell him he was alive because we were eating and talking. He still believed he was dead. Did I prove to him that he was alive? Something is true whether you believe it to be true or not. Very philosophical. I can't prove something to you if you don't want to believe it. Fortunately, Jesus healed my friend, and he now believes he is very much alive. I'm telling you: Jesus forgave my sins and gave me eternal life. I know it, and you can have it to. If you only believe. Jesus said: "“Don’t be afraid; just believe" (Mark 5:36, NIV).
@hickory4153 4 ай бұрын
Ezekiel 18
@choward5430 4 ай бұрын
Ezekiel 18:1-32 is also taught in Deut. 24:16; 2 Kings 14:6. Judgment is according to individual faith and conduct. He had foretold national punishment, but the reason was individual sin! In Ezekiel 18:5-18, two scenarios are proposed to clarify the matter of personal guilt. 1) a just father of an unjust son (vv.5-13). 2. An unjust son father of a just son (vv.14-18)
@SouthDFW 4 ай бұрын
Our God is big enough to even turn Rabbi Singer to the Truth, HIM!
@Pasture_Prime 4 ай бұрын
Dunning Kruger Certified
@wernermalan-p6q 4 ай бұрын
Who wants to go to heaven doing nothing for eternity how boring
@andyfairchild 4 ай бұрын
Who wants to go to hell for eternity how tortuous
@choward5430 4 ай бұрын
YHWH will not force you to go there. So you will end up in Hell. But I warn you, the darkness there is alive. There are 20,000-50,000 degrees of heat, no water, food, oxygen, or freedom. You not only retain your senses but they're also enhanced beyond your imagination. Also beyond your imagination is the demonic torture awaiting you. YOU CANNOT DIE!
@divineweezdomcontent3071 3 ай бұрын
A common misconception! The World to Come, Olam HaBa, aka Heaven is not some celestial hammock where we strum celestial lyres for eternity. It's a place of profound spiritual connection with the Eternal One. Imagine, if you will, the most fulfilling act of learning Torah, the deepest connection you've ever felt in prayer. Now, magnify that infinitely. In Heaven, our minds are finally free of earthly limitations, truly capable of grasping the vastness of God's knowledge. This constant, exhilarating state of learning and connection - that's the essence of Heaven - the World to Come. Think of it like this: here on Earth, our thirst for knowledge is a constant yearning. Heaven is the spring that quenches that thirst forever, with an ever-flowing well of wisdom and understanding. There's no boredom, only endless fulfillment. And let's not forget the company! We'll be reunited with righteous souls throughout history, continuing to learn and grow together. So, my friend, Olam HaBa is not an eternity of nothingness, but an eternity of unending growth, connection, and joy. It's a reward worth striving for.
@user-bo8nb2mi 4 ай бұрын
New Testament Gospels The scholar Uri Yosef wrote the Gospel of John alone contains approximately 130 verses of defamatory anti-Jewish polemic.
@Ruthless9187 4 ай бұрын
Got to heaven ???? You don’t the new Jerusalem is here on earth . So this tittle is wrong. Is about bringing heaven down to earth . Christianity was invented built the leaders on the Roman Catholic Church .
@andrewmikelsons8738 4 ай бұрын
Heaven came down as the Eternal Son of God in a body of a baby. The baby was named Jesus. He died on the cross so you and I could go to heaven. If only we believe.
@Ruthless9187 4 ай бұрын
@@andrewmikelsons8738 where in the Torah says what you claim ?
@Ruthless9187 4 ай бұрын
@@andrewmikelsons8738 in a body of a baby lol 😂
@petersanmiguel1468 4 ай бұрын
1 John 2:22 1 John 5:9-12
@Ian_622 4 ай бұрын
What Old Testament prophecy does Mark 14:51-52 fulfill ? Some says it’s from Amos. I just think it’s really weird that Jesus was arrested with a naked boy in a public park at 4 AM that’s all.
@choward5430 4 ай бұрын
Isaiah 53:7-9, 12
@Ian_622 4 ай бұрын
@@choward5430 I just read it in Hebrew and the prophet. Isaiah doesn’t say anything about Jesus being arrested with the naked kid. Went to yeshiva and we were never taught that messianic prophecy that the Messiah is to be arrested with a naked boy in a public park at 4 AM.
@choward5430 4 ай бұрын
@@Ian_622 Mark 14:49 context is before vv. 50-51. "47 But one of those who stood by drew his sword and struck the servant[a] of the high priest and cut off his ear. 48 And Jesus said to them, “Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs to capture me? 49 Day after day I was with you in the temple teaching, and you did not seize me. But let the Scriptures be fulfilled.” Isaiah 53:5-8 had to be fulfilled.
@Ian_622 4 ай бұрын
@@choward5430 I don’t know I’m not gonna follow Yahweh if his son was arrested with a naked kid in a public park at 4 AM. Have you heard of the secret gospel of Mark? Do you think Morton Smith forged it?
@Ian_622 4 ай бұрын
@@choward5430 why should I follow Yahweh if his son was arrested with a naked kid in a public park at 4 AM? Do you think I’m a Jew or something LMFAO?
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