Think You've Committed the Unpardonable Sin? Find a Promise - Tim Conway

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I'll Be Honest

I'll Be Honest

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Are you despairing because you believe you've committed the unpardonable sin? You don't so much need the words and counsel of people; you need a promise from God's Word that your faith can cling to.
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→ Excerpt taken from the full sermon, "People of Promise": • People of Promise - Ti...
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@madeinnz01 6 жыл бұрын
Acerstand I think Pastor Tim has it perfectly correct as it’s the way I feel.
@estebanl3529 4 жыл бұрын
I want God 😭😭😭😭..... I have spoke words and said offensive things against The Holy Spirit and God , Christianity out of ignorance when I was 15 and I’m 17 now. I never meant what I said. I’m scared 😭😭. HELP. I’m gonna still seek Jesus no matter what !
@lollydolly9001 4 жыл бұрын
Esteban L committing blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is not this. you can find many sermons on it from solid teachers such as this man or john macarthur or john piper. give them a listen! but most importantly, seek God. HE is the way the truth and the life. hope this helps 💛
@ValerieJean757 4 жыл бұрын
@Levy122 4 жыл бұрын
For I take no delight in the death of anyone, declares the sovereign Lord. Repent and live. Ezekiel 18:32 The scripture says, “Whoever Believes in (Jesus) Him will not be disappointed.” Romans 10:11
@amoylinseanpaulbandojo8760 4 жыл бұрын
If you're worried then you're fine because if you commited this then the Holy Spirit will leave you thats what they say
@amoylinseanpaulbandojo8760 4 жыл бұрын
And if you have the desire to repent to serve God then you're good.. Im also afraid I commited this but this gives me relief after consulting other people and watching preaches
@Levy122 4 жыл бұрын
I Renounce the devil and his blasphemous comments in Jesus Name. I have the mind of Christ and His Blood to cleanse me of all my sins and to make me Holy like Him. Thank You Lord for shedding Your Blood for me. I Trust You Jesus.
@jasminmckenzie1671 4 жыл бұрын
That's nice.
@caiomalta1743 2 жыл бұрын
@jamarienbowmen9126 2 жыл бұрын
This righttrtr hereee in Jesus mighty nameee
@princeeugen777 Жыл бұрын
Being your whole life loyal to your church doctrine even seeing that is mixed with lies against the Bible you are living your whole life against the Bible which is God’s word which is God in John 1:1… and your whole life against the Bible is one of most unforgiving sin against the HolySPIRIT(which means words in John 6:62). This is why using the Bible you should test every principle of your church doctrine knowing that was Satan twisted the Bible to create more than 50 thousands Christian religions as false way of salvation making clearly that you are going to eternally fire whatever will be your loyalty to your church doctrine. This is why you should read your Bible again testing every principle of your church doctrine knowing that a truth mixed with any lie cannot be anymore called as God’s word(the Bible). Only the whole Bible truth can set you free from all what Satan twisted as more than 50 thousands church doctrines as strong delusion for those who are without love of the Bible truth(2Thes 2:9-12). John 10:33 make clearly that being man to make yourself GOD is called blasphemy. The Pope have already many titles calling him as GOD(2Thes 2:3,4 in you pretending that you are his temple 1Cor 6:19 1Cor 3:16). But saying that is from Satan the Bible verse which is against your church doctrine that is also called blasphemy against the HolySPIRIT which means WORDS in John 6:63. In John 6:68 Jesus HAVE the words of life but in Mark 3:22 they said that Jesus HAVE demons…. and this is another kind of blasphemy… and this is why you should start to having the Bible as your daily spiritual food to be sure that you are not living in any kind of sin against the HolySPIRIT or even in any kind of blasphemy.
@adonaianimations 8 ай бұрын
Well a hard heart who is turned off towards God wouldn't want to be redeemed and healed anyway.... The fact that a person fears commiting it means the Holy Spirit has not completely abandoned him. Not saying that people can't be zealous from fear, but the very fact that someone fears the Lord leaving them points to the Spirit's influence. A carnal, lost person doesn't desire God unless God initiates.
@EmV-si1eu 3 жыл бұрын
If he's still that concerned or crippled with worry over it and the devil is still taking the time of day to relentlessly lavish condemnation and hopelessness on this individual as you claim he's doing, then it's pretty obvious he has not committed the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit!
@justanormaldilo.249 Жыл бұрын
I had been having problems with my faith, to the point where I began to think maybe it wasn’t real after all. One day, out of nowhere. I deliberately looked up “Is God a monster?” and “Is the Bible a fairy tale?” And when I got results for both, I agreed with them out loud. I started crying, thinking about all of my loved ones and how my life was apparently wasted. And out loud, I said “If there is a God, then He is a monster.” “I then started to repeat “It’s all fake.” over and over again. For the next few days, I didn’t think about what I said. I figured, I’d just go back to it later. I had someone else’s testimony on the mind. Her testimony was that she started to hate God but then went back to her faith. Anyway, a few days after I said that, which I completely forgot about btw, something told me to look up “Is calling God a monster blasphemy?” I did, and I got results. I started crying and begging God to forgive me, but I know He won’t. Bear in mind, before I did this, I was aware of the unforgivable sin. I knew it involved saying something against Hod, but what I was not aware of was it meant attributing God to evil. But that’s what I did, and now I know I won’t be forgiven. So please, take my story as a warning. Stay on the path, or a much crueler fate, which is Hell, awaits you.
@joshuadaniel8389 Жыл бұрын
John 6:37 However, anyone who comes to me I will by no means cast out.” If you still want to be reconciled with God then there’s still a chance! God is the one that draws us to Jesus, scripture supports that, so if you still wanna be drawn to God then you can be sure that he’s waiting for you with open arms
@anaelie.gutierrez9739 Жыл бұрын
No. Do not say that. I have had the same thoughts. I have committed worse sins and was sure that I was beyond the mercy of God. That was until I realized this is PRIDE. Your pride is leading you to this conclusion, and that was the same position that I was in (and my flesh still wants to pull me toward at times. ) You are saying the only reason why you can’t come to God is because God won’t take you. Even if you wanted to, it’s out of your hands now, because God has an unpardonable sin and now it’s not your fault really.. it’s God’s fault. NO. God commands you to repent and to believe in Him or you will perish. And guess what? God is the one who gives man the ability to do impossible things like repent and believe!! Put your trust in Him. REPENT. Depart from sin and Trust in JESUS. RUN to Him. Get out of that pride and self righteousness. Turn to Christ and never depart from Him and trust in His strength to help you do the impossible. God’s grace is sufficient to save even the worse of sinners, that’s why the gospel is GOOD NEWS!!!
@liamharding412 5 ай бұрын
Hey, man. I hope you are still ok. When Jesus spoke about this, he said every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men. But the one who speaks against the spirit has never forgiveness. You did not look at the work of Jesus and go, no he was demonic, or he was doing it by the power of a demon or by whatever else. This is also different from doubting if he was real or if his works were real. So just know that Satan is a liar, and he used this against me too. God is merciful and the bible says mercy always triumphs over judgment. He still loves you and wants you. Don't deny him you love. May God bless you in the name of Jesus!
@xPyroClanHDx 5 жыл бұрын
What happened to me is I was watching a Holy Spirit video, and where the Fire of The Holy Spirit would make them born again, and I said, “Is that the Holy Spirit, or an evil presence?” Idk if that was my thought or not. And then, I had another terrible thought. I said that The Holy Spirit was magical. I KNOW THATS FALSE! It’s terrible. I want to cry. Another thing, is the word supernatural demonic? Bc I said The Holy Spirit was supernatural. I don’t know if I’m going to hell. I’m 11! It’s terrible. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. Those thoughts were not mine! It’s so bad. I want to be raptured, I hope to be born again, and to go to Heaven. These thoughts are terrible. I was so peaceful, like 20 minutes ago, I was in the most peace ever. And then, boom. My faith is now lukewarm. I ask for God to help me, but now I have to regain that faith. God bless, and please pray for me.
@ApoIogeticsMan 5 жыл бұрын
You're 11? When i was 11, religious matters were the furthest from my mind, most of the time.
@kristineller3411 5 жыл бұрын
Please do not be a prisoner of the anxiety that you are experiencing. God knows what you are going through and he loves you, remember that above all else. My prayers are with you.
@nikketasnowden 4 жыл бұрын
How are things now?
@nitochi3 3 жыл бұрын
I was 14 when I thought I had blasphemous thought I had while my pastor preached on that subject and I felt scared and beyond forgiveness and started to torment myself and I opened a door for demons to torment and plague me with millions of blasphemous thoughts against the holy Spirit, I wanted to avoid his name because I was scared of having those thoughts popping up again. They lasted for years and came and went on and off, sometimes they still do if I walk in the flesh, the trauma is there but also understanding grace and the real meaning of this blasphemy made me feel secured I'm still saved.
@Ranger1985. 5 жыл бұрын
I struggled with this for a while. It's almost like an OCD tendency. People with strong religious convictions struggle with this. Like the guy said in another comment, Mark 3 lays it out perfectly. Most Christians can't understand what this is anyway because they think that God is a trinity when he is not. If you don't even know who God is, you can't even commit this sin anyway. There's also some Hebraic thought behind what all this means. Jewish Encyclopedia is a good resource. Stop worrying and start living. If you believe in Yeshua Messiah and his father Yehovah, the only true God, you haven't committed this sin.
@ApoIogeticsMan 5 жыл бұрын
The Trinity has nothing to do with this verse, but God is definitely multifaceted and omnipresent, this is undeniable in Scripture.
@Ranger1985. 5 жыл бұрын
@@ApoIogeticsMan thanks for educating me.
@kevinlozouski5732 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Tim! 💛
@silvia5580 Жыл бұрын
I had back slide and in those moments when I wasn’t with the Lord I made a diet list and I put down if I didn’t complete this diet that means I B the H (I don’t wanna type it) And I didn’t complete this diet list or atleast I don’t think I did! Now years later I came to the Lord and I got reminded on what I did and have been thinking am I saved is there still hope? I repented and CRIED for forgiveness. How do I know I’m saved? I’m scared to serve God and then once I get to heaven he’ll say “depart from me” 🥲 I wanted to bring souls to him and to do mighty works for him and was excited until I got reminded of this thing I did 🥲 was this the unforgivable sin?
@AcertainName1284 Жыл бұрын
"The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22-23) Jesus said in John 6:37 that whoever comes to him, he will never cast out. And the Bible has many invitations like this. So if you repent and trust in Christ, I am confident that he will forgive you.
@IanBartleson 6 жыл бұрын
Romans 10:13
@adwailadam8965 Жыл бұрын
What does Tim mean when he says, "you have a name, that you are alive, but you are dead."
@illbehonest Жыл бұрын
He is quoting Revelation 3:1 - "'I know your works. You have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead." - Jesus point to this church is that you can have a good reputation because of past conduct but in the present not be living in the same manner as you did in the past. So Christ calls this church to repent and turn from this.
@princeeugen777 Жыл бұрын
Being your whole life loyal to your church doctrine even seeing that is mixed with lies against the Bible you are living your whole life against the Bible which is God’s word which is God in John 1:1… and your whole life against the Bible is one of most unforgiving sin against the HolySPIRIT(which means words in John 6:62). This is why using the Bible you should test every principle of your church doctrine knowing that was Satan twisted the Bible to create more than 50 thousands Christian religions as false way of salvation making clearly that you are going to eternally fire whatever will be your loyalty to your church doctrine. This is why you should read your Bible again testing every principle of your church doctrine knowing that a truth mixed with any lie cannot be anymore called as God’s word(the Bible). Only the whole Bible truth can set you free from all what Satan twisted as more than 50 thousands church doctrines as strong delusion for those who are without love of the Bible truth(2Thes 2:9-12). John 10:33 make clearly that being man to make yourself GOD is called blasphemy. The Pope have already many titles calling him as GOD(2Thes 2:3,4 in you pretending that you are his temple 1Cor 6:19 1Cor 3:16). But saying that is from Satan the Bible verse which is against your church doctrine that is also called blasphemy against the HolySPIRIT which means WORDS in John 6:63. In John 6:68 Jesus HAVE the words of life but in Mark 3:22 they said that Jesus HAVE demons…. and this is another kind of blasphemy… and this is why you should start to having the Bible as your daily spiritual food to be sure that you are not living in any kind of sin against the HolySPIRIT or even in any kind of blasphemy.
@davidquinones5731 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like the guy he talked about in the beginning
@elinaariel9305 2 жыл бұрын
god told me to fast and i ate and when he said i was committing sin i still was eating and things was coming like " christian losing salvation" then unforgivable sin also came , did i commit the unforgivable sin?
@illbehonest 2 жыл бұрын
If the Lord pressed upon you to fast and instead you ate... that is a believer grieving the Holy Spirit (Eph. 4:30) by not following His guidance. Is that the unforgiveable sin? No. But if you continue on ignoring the Lord then that is a path that leads to such.
@AlyssaDDani 2 жыл бұрын
Why do you think that was God telling you to fast when you were eating? Lots of people think they are hearing from God when they are not. If a person has ocd, depression, anxiety, ptsd and such they may be even more inclined to have troubling mental thoughts and issues. The best thing you can do is read about 4 or 5 chapters of Psalm per day and a chapter of proverbs and a couple chapters in the new testament starting in Matthew. Why because reading the bible everyday slowly and thoughtfully is a good way to renew your mind and good for the soul. Also pray every day too and grow in relationship. Confess your sins, repent, ask God to cleanse and purify your heart. Thank him for all good things such as food, clothes, shelter, sunshine, thank him for forgiveness and salvation and life. God doesn't force somebody to fast Or lose salvation. Fasting can help you grow if you wanting to get closer to God. If you do start with just one meal or go without sweets for a day or something. Or go without tv for a day. God is forgiving and merciful and compassionate. John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you Psalm 7 The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. 8 The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. 9 The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. 10 More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. 11 Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward. 12 Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults.
@AlyssaDDani 2 жыл бұрын
Acts 2 37 Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? 38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
@sakkel.7357 Жыл бұрын
@joshhaastrup1226 3 жыл бұрын
When is the point that man cross that is beyond repentance
@illbehonest 3 жыл бұрын
Often the one who has crossed that point could care less that they have crossed that point, and they are not asking about it. Yet the 1,000's who are afraid they have, have every reason to go to Christ and believe Him, rather than fall into fear and unbelief. So what is the evidences one has gone to far? They keep going on in willful sin and could care less about the point they are at.
@joshhaastrup1226 3 жыл бұрын
@@illbehonest your a man of God and I don’t want to say your wrong, but I think the reason why the Bible says blasphemy against the Holy Spirit if unforgivable is because people who did this sin don’t find forgiveness in their heart and don’t come to a point of repentance and whiteout repentance there is no forgiveness. The Bible says that God is just and faithful to forgive us from all unrighteousness. The Pharisees and Sadducee after being warned still kept a hardened heart. If blasphemous thoughts keep coming to my mind so often, almost the point where it seems intentional is that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
@spacegeneral8630 3 жыл бұрын
@@joshhaastrup1226 God knows you're struggling. Believe me, I'm going through this too. As long as you keep repenting and fearing, you're fine. Trust in jesus and god. Not to say you SHOULD be scared, I'm saying that if you're scared, that's proof you are qualified to repent.
@joshhaastrup1226 3 жыл бұрын
@@spacegeneral8630 are blasphemous thoughts blasphemy, and if not, how do you know, hot to get rid of it
@spacegeneral8630 3 жыл бұрын
@@joshhaastrup1226 so here's the thing i learned about the unforgivable sin. It's not really what is said, but what is felt when it happens. The thoughts aren't really it because to me, thoughts are temptation rather than sin. Plus a psalm does put me at ease as well since i have BIG problems with unwanted blasphemous thoughts: "The lord knows the thoughts of men, and that they are vanity". The thoughts of men mean nothing if they are not meant. And the evil thoughts are flaming arrows of the enemy. The fact you care PROVES you have not gotten past that point. Even if you feel numb and still react against them. The spirit is still working within you.
@MeisterEck 2 жыл бұрын
if you think you have committed the unforgivable sin, read acts 5:1 Ananias and Sapphira. It is so simple. And forget about all the other passages in the gospel. The pharisees did not blaspheme the holy spirit but they spoke against Jesus!
@Max-yu2yd 2 жыл бұрын
Why did Jesus respond that it's unforgivable when after they fully rejected him and said it's demonic
@jayuhh5679 2 жыл бұрын
*Holy Spirit
@bekahcalderwood1331 Жыл бұрын
The Pharisees were saying he was casting out devils using devils. When it was by the power of the Holy Spirit that Jesus did these things. Then he rebuked them with that harsh rebuke of blaspheming the Holy Spirit.
@tinyforreal Жыл бұрын
@@bekahcalderwood1331 Jesus warned them
@gcHK47 5 жыл бұрын
I spoke a blasphemy against Jesus by accident, and I fear condemnation. Please pray for me; I don’t want to go to Hell.
@Accune 5 жыл бұрын
A verse that helped me a lot was 1 John 1:9. Never give up seeking Jesus.
@jester7736 5 жыл бұрын
Jesus says that if you blasphemy the son of man you can be forgiven
@HermitGamerTengu 5 жыл бұрын
@the trouble videos what if for a time I lost my faith and I turned away from Jesus, thence wanted to come back because I realized my mistake and want to love him again? Is there any hope for me or should I not care anymore? I'm confused and concerned... I feel like a lost cause and that I never should have been born sometimes
@BrentFlame 5 жыл бұрын
@@HermitGamerTengu Jesus will absolutely take you back. Just repent and come back to Jesus. I need to do that too. There are some sins I am trying to turn from but it is NOT too late for you. I promise.
@2008eternalvision 6 жыл бұрын
@thegracecast40 24 күн бұрын
This teaching is unhelpful and may be Heresy. I’ll prove it. While finding a promise is helpful, saying someone may have crossed the line while they’re calling for help is utterly false. Reprobates don’t want to be saved or worry about it because they don’t like to retain the knowledge of God (Roman’s 1:26-28) Esau didn’t care that he sold his birthright until he would’ve received the blessing. People who are reprobates won’t care until they stand before God and see they would’ve received Heaven. If they care in this life, they are not reprobates. It wasn’t esau who couldn’t repent. He found no room for his father’s repentance though he sought it with tears. If they want salvation the Spirit is still drawing them. Beware of guys like this! Apostle Paul warned that the teachers who said the rapture had passed were heretics. Why? They robbed people of hope they could be saved. Same spirit behind what this wolf is doing.
@raminshahlie4192 4 жыл бұрын
The grace of God is sufficient, the blood of Jesus will clean us. Amen.
@fredycastaneda5955 4 жыл бұрын
Ramin shahlie Fuck the unholy spirit🤣🤣
@tullythebully5539 5 жыл бұрын
Watched this video last night while weeping profusely through the entire thing. I had previously been through a season of sexual sin convinced of the same thing spoken of in this video, that I was an Esau without even slight hope. I have been desperate to find God's forgiveness and restoration for a period of a couple months now and was at my lowest when I first watched this. Because of all the emotion I was experiencing, this video seemed to me like only about thirty seconds long by the end. I closed my laptop and for the first time I can ever remember I cried out to God. Not only a silent prayer, but I cried to Him, knowing I have nothing in me but my sin and shame. For the first time in about a year and a half, I feel I can praise God in truth and can honestly say, that reading of His word feels like life to me again, not death and condemnation. I am never going back to sexual sin, and anyone reading this, if you're tempted, never do it. The cost is so much more than you can bear and the desperate grasping at God and not being able to find Him is the most frightening emotion I have ever experienced. One thing I do know. Even though God's word is true where it hurts and is hard to accept, it is also true in the parts that meet you when you're at your absolute lowest. Here's another verse to add to your list, Tim. Psalm 86:5 For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.
@comowibibliawhatthebiblesa6562 2 жыл бұрын
Isaiah 45:5-6 I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else.
@AlyssaDDani 2 жыл бұрын
Luke 7:47 Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Hebrews 7:26 For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens
@ederdstark1128 2 жыл бұрын
This comment has opened up hope for me. I thank God for you.
@ulisesbernales5969 Жыл бұрын
I am the worst of sinners I have spoken harsh words to God. I feel terrible for what I said to him,i Iove him so much I hate what I have I done. He is not Worthy of any disrespect he is only worthy of Love and Worship and Praise!
@johnrey421 4 жыл бұрын
I Praise God the Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for leading us to these Man of faith to lead us to Him... Thank you Brother you have helped me alot.. same with our Brother Paul Washer..
@luvtriyel 4 жыл бұрын
Can someone help me get on the right track im 14 yrs old and i keep giving into temptations and i fear that i have commited the unforgivable sin i just want to be in peace and leave of God i dont wanna go to hell can you please help me someone
@raminshahlie4192 4 жыл бұрын
Stay close to Jesus, pray none stop, don't walk in flesh but in spirit.
@Levy122 4 жыл бұрын
Trust Jesus to the very end.
@Peter-kp4jl 3 жыл бұрын
The good news is this-if a person still desires forgiveness and confesses their sins, those sins will be forgiven and blotted out. As long as you are under conviction, which is the Holy Spirit’s job (John 16:8) and you want to be forgiven you are not guilty of the unpardonable sin. Consider the following Bible verses.
@inthelifeofsisters4654 3 жыл бұрын
I’m so worried about offending God and I am so scared I’ve done this..
@AztecAryan Жыл бұрын
@Abstract Imperfections are you still in this season friend?
@TrentonJackson-pl3le 8 ай бұрын
I feel numb. I’ve been asking God to create in me a clean heart, and for me not to be apathetic towards him. I have struggled with blaspheming thoughts before. I don’t want my faith to be just a mere head knowledge without action. If it is possible For me to be restored, please pray for me. That I will also have a true, godly Sorrow.
@Tmoney_85 7 ай бұрын
Don’t sin. Sinning will make you numb towards God
@Calem-ky9hu 2 жыл бұрын
I believe I am like an Esau I have that same problem i have been in an act of rebellion agaisnt the truth of the holy spirit please pray for me that I may be delivered from the lies of the enemy
@caiomalta1743 2 жыл бұрын
Will pray for you tonight.
@msanchez8885 2 жыл бұрын
Read the power of right believing by Joseph Prince. He s got a video on youtube under that name.
@msanchez8885 2 жыл бұрын
Also there s an audio book on youtube called abundant grace by Jhon Bunyan.
@galleskovar5323 2 жыл бұрын
Holy Spirit loves you and will help you for he is the one that helped me and said unto me to tel you this! Love you brother!
@triciaperry2234 2 жыл бұрын
@@galleskovar5323 Gal. How to get Christ back. I want to be back but don't feel right and BEEN so deceived and foolish to have run into sins again. God said to let world go. I was hanging on. And did worst after Rebaptize. I don't want that and feel over. I was in church.
@ederdstark1128 2 жыл бұрын
Finding in scripture a place for my faith to rest. Now I realise how David found that place in God for His faith to rest. And it welled up in Him to sing songs in the darkest of places in his life. If there is hope left for me in Jesus I will strive. Not only seek. May the rain poured on me be then poured out to others by the grace of God. Anyone who reads this- call. Cry out to Jesus. You who feel you have no more hope. The only rest we can find is in Christ Jesus. In your darkest cave of dispair- find Him the Light of Life and throw yourself at His feet in prayer. Ask what He bids you to do and fight because your flesh is weak to do it vut your spirit it willing! God through His Holy Spirit causes us to will AND to do His perfect and pleasing will. Not to merit His love or favor but because He is all that more glorious that we cant help but to put our hand to the plow and serve Him with Love. Reach out to other brothers. Find a person willing to co-labor with you for the Gospel sake. If it's hard to find somebody- ask Jesus for someone to come along and for a sense of direction and clarity. It might be a while but you have to seek and strive. We won't get anywhere by sitting on our bottom's. If you're reading this and are willing though your flesh is weak like mine is too- know we are striving together. You are not alone. Find that place your faith can sink into Jesus Christ and rest it there. Call upon Jesus. There is nothing and no one else that can come for you or me. (Like the song says) He is perfect and in the riches of His love and resources for those who are weak and trying to cling to Him- He is willing to share even though our resources and strength are spent yet the day is only half done. He is to be feared and yes revered and also to be adored and come to take solice there at His feet. Ask the Father in the name of Jesus to guard your heart so that the deceitfulness of sin dosnt take you away from the living God. Come to Him. Pray like never before and ask for discernment so you dont slip into sin tolerance. Hate sin and flee to Jesus. Do what you know Christ is calling you to do. Finish the race full of grace. Be merciful- show mercy to others and walk humly with Jesus. We have no boast in our flesh but Jesus Christ our righteousness.
@aaron6931 Жыл бұрын
I've committed this and I honestly was completely oblivious to it happening. I was in sin and in my season of it I honestly completely forgot about the Lord and repentance. I feel so dead inside and empty. Three mental health visits, feeling so numb and detached from everyone. I lay awake at night and constantly thinking about God. I've wept for months begging for forgiveness but feel like it's just tears. It's the worst feeling in the world honestly.
@eleanorlewis261 Жыл бұрын
How are you doing I feel the same
@eleanorlewis261 Жыл бұрын
@joeturner9219 how did God restore you ?
@princeeugen777 Жыл бұрын
Being your whole life loyal to your church doctrine even seeing that is mixed with lies against the Bible you are living your whole life against the Bible which is God’s word which is God in John 1:1… and your whole life against the Bible is one of most unforgiving sin against the HolySPIRIT(which means words in John 6:62). This is why using the Bible you should test every principle of your church doctrine knowing that was Satan twisted the Bible to create more than 50 thousands Christian religions as false way of salvation making clearly that you are going to eternally fire whatever will be your loyalty to your church doctrine. This is why you should read your Bible again testing every principle of your church doctrine knowing that a truth mixed with any lie cannot be anymore called as God’s word(the Bible). Only the whole Bible truth can set you free from all what Satan twisted as more than 50 thousands church doctrines as strong delusion for those who are without love of the Bible truth(2Thes 2:9-12). John 10:33 make clearly that being man to make yourself GOD is called blasphemy. The Pope have already many titles calling him as GOD(2Thes 2:3,4 in you pretending that you are his temple 1Cor 6:19 1Cor 3:16). But saying that is from Satan the Bible verse which is against your church doctrine that is also called blasphemy against the HolySPIRIT which means WORDS in John 6:63. In John 6:68 Jesus HAVE the words of life but in Mark 3:22 they said that Jesus HAVE demons…. and this is another kind of blasphemy… and this is why you should start to having the Bible as your daily spiritual food to be sure that you are not living in any kind of sin against the HolySPIRIT or even in any kind of blasphemy.
@AviloJimo-kx3zo Жыл бұрын
How are you doing
@LR354- 11 ай бұрын
​@joeturner9219How were you restored?
@highlandwinterwolf8589 2 жыл бұрын
I've slowly been gaining victory against an addiction to lust thats had me dragged down for many years. And yet i failed again today....I hope and plead that this is not the end...I still dearly want a relationship with god beyond anything i may have or be interested in while in this world. I can say this is a very very resilient foe......and its taken a slow battle to even get this far. Lord Jesus please do not leave me......I truly don't want anything to do with this problem anymore....pleas forgive me Lord....I repent and declare war on this hellish sin and kick it out of my life in your holy and precious name.
@Music-zm5bi 2 жыл бұрын
If we confess our sins he is faithful to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness. People who commit the unpardonable sin and apostasize don't want to come back. Another scripture to sink your faith into is ones that deal with reprobation. When there is no way back for you you don't care. You've suppressed the truth in unrighteousness to such a degree that you become hardened. One of the other problems is not rightly dividing the word of truth. When Esau cried tears for repentance it was after he realized that the blessing was taken. He did not care once he gave up his birthright and didn't think anything of it. It seems to me that would take place on judgment day. People realizing they were wrong and even people in the church saying Lord Lord. I think the man he talks about is being chastised by God to wake up. He who has ears to hear. If you recognize your a sinner in desperate need of a Savior come and ask for forgiveness and He will absolutely NOT cast you away.
@rachelg.cuesta1436 2 жыл бұрын
Ive done this.. And i feel like this. Can my heart become soft again?
@pizzaisgood90 2 жыл бұрын
@@rachelg.cuesta1436 if you truly want to come back and even if you dont feel much at first accept the gift of salvation and try to draw near to God so He can draw near to you may God bless you sorry for late response
@tiuryolandamarpaung6078 4 жыл бұрын
HELP ME im 14 years old one day i said a bad word against god and then i found that blaspheme against the holy spirit wont be forgiven and i was like oh no! and when i think about it will not be forgiven i have thoughts shoots out through my brain saying bad words to God and the holy spirit. I cry out to God, and whenever i am calm im reminded by this and something says, " Oh you will not be forgiven!" And then i answered Christ has died for me my sins are forgiven. But then it keeps making me remember about Matthews, Marks, lukes and Hebrews about you are not forgiven. Im really tired this thoughts always strikes when i want to have rest, and now i cant do my hobby like whenever i pick up my guitar wanting to study a song, something forces me to sing a christian songs because of this fear, and i've talked about this to my parents. They said to me Christ will forgive you. But my mind keeps telling me i won't be. And this caused troubles in my family too my mom and dad had argument because of my mind. My father literally said to my mom oh you've raised him wrong. Im so sad 😢😢😭😭 HELP
@tiuryolandamarpaung6078 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheGreatSkull123 thank you for this im getting a lot better nowdays. God Bless You
@asto7795 4 жыл бұрын
Tiur Yolanda Marpaung God understands we can’t control our thoughts, he knows eveything, he is our creator, I get those thoughts too, it’s like something else is telling me something then I have to disagree with it. I hate them so much but God understands those aren’t really what our hearts are thinking, they just pop up out of nowhere because we can’t control it or it could even be a spiritual attack.
@tiuryolandamarpaung6078 4 жыл бұрын
@@asto7795 Thank You , i am a lot better now, i agree with u that theese thoughts just randomly pops out of nowhere and we feel guilty of it and it has been really draining our energy our passion is like i dont want to do anything for the whole day. Keep strong... Dude
@asto7795 4 жыл бұрын
Tiur Yolanda Marpaung God has helped me feel better, he knows our hearts and that we truly don’t think this. My best advice is to just not watch KZbin videos about God at all, unless it’s something like a documentary about Jesus because it opens you up to bad spirits that attack you and say “that’s you” when one of these youtubers mentions the unforgivable sin. Read the word for youreslef and if you don’t understand it ask God for understanding
@tiuryolandamarpaung6078 4 жыл бұрын
I can imagine if Jesus was still here we would all run to him asking for help be strong guys...
@1844JC 2 жыл бұрын
What sucks is that I actually always find verses that confirm my fears. A growing list
@Ma007rk 2 жыл бұрын
Perhaps I can help you. virtually every one of us, in our lives have experienced what you are talking about. faith and repentance are inseparably linked. you can't have one without the other. I think the problem is that you're trying to measure God by your own mind and your own thoughts. in fact, I'll go so far as to say that the fear that you are feeling is proof that you have not been rejected by God. once you're his child, you are his child forever! think about that! I know that it's hard for you right now. but things will get better. I can promise you. I usually don't share things like this with other people because they are very personal. but I remember right after my wife had passed away that I had all kinds of thoughts going through my head. I thought perhaps it was something that I had done to cause my wife's death. I was torn with remorse and the agony of what had happened to her in the horrific accident that we had. I remember thinking "God, my sins are great." immediately the answer came back "yes, your sins are great, but I am greater than your sins." God is greater than your fears, and your sins. perseverance of the saints.
@1844JC 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ma007rk thank you!!
@1844JC Жыл бұрын
@Restless Pilgrim i still have my faults but God has done so much for me since this comment.
@1844JC Жыл бұрын
@Restless Pilgrim I have had those thoughts as well. I will pray for you. I was on a spiritual high for a little while and then I kind of wained off of it but I am still seeking God. And the peace I need to abide in Christ to keep it. It’s an every day battle. I can easily get distracted and then my mind gets really off track from God. But Gods word is so powerful. I got to a point I was so desperate and I was suicidal for a while and I told God I’ll serve you even if I go to heaven or go to hell. Whichever one. I don’t want to worship Satan or the beast/antichrist. I told God that. At one point I had completely almost lost faith, I was drifting into atheism and apathy. But I didn’t want that deep down. I didn’t wanna believe in a God that would send me to hell forever.
@sakkel.7357 Жыл бұрын
@samuelrosenbalm 3 ай бұрын
One word: WHOSOEVER “And it shall come to pass, that WHOSOEVER shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered.”-Joel 2:32 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believes in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 Whosever - that means YOU.
@midnightvibes6659 3 жыл бұрын
i think i did this. i keep getting thoughts that i don’t mean. i can’t live anymore
@larryluch8178 3 жыл бұрын
The unpardonable sin is final unrepentance. An example of this is Judas. He could have been forgiven but he despaired instead. The condemned in Hell are so full of hatred for God and His creation that if the soul was offered Heaven the damned soul would refuse. Hard to believe but true! Your heart obviously has not turned from God. If we are worried about offending God then we are on the true path. Temptation strengthens us if we resist and repent. I am Catholic so l confess regularly. It can be a humiliating conversation with the priest but it means you try harder the next time. If Satan is attacking you then he must see you as an enemy. Be of good heart and say Jesus l trust in You. As a Catholic l also ask Mother Mary to pray for me to Her Son. Blessings
@sawphilip868 3 жыл бұрын
1.And this is what Christ said before he died on the cross 2.Those scriptures was not reffered to all mankind. 3.Basphemy againt Holy spirit is reject Jesus. Reject the salvation plan. 4.Read the Bible. 1 john 1 9 And pray.
@Accune 3 жыл бұрын
This verse helps me a lot along with many others: "Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon." Isaiah 55:7
@Arrasel 3 жыл бұрын
If you have thoughts you don't mean and you hate those thoughts, they are from the devil. He throws a poisoned arrow in our minds. You still belong to Jesus. Pray and resist the devil.
@anyone77777 3 жыл бұрын
I also have fall into that. But what I thoughr is to never give up
@EmV-si1eu Жыл бұрын
One way you can almost be certain that this man has not crossed the line into complete reprobation is the fact that he is still terribly concerned about his condition and is looking for answers from God. Who else but the Holy Spirit could be working that in someone?
@insanoibro6331 Жыл бұрын
I get what your saying but the demons are also concerned even though there is no forgiveness for them.
@EmV-si1eu Жыл бұрын
@@insanoibro6331 Yes but demons are not looking for ways to be reconciled or even wondering if they can be reconciled to God. That's the difference! Plus, they have irrevocable supernatural knowledge of God like no human being has where there is no possibility of ignorance. Come on, before they fell they use to behold God in heaven! No person alive today has had that kind of light revealed to them. If there is still any desire to come to Christ or concern about being forgiven, I think it's pretty obvious you have not yet been given over to a reprobate mind
@MeisterEck 2 жыл бұрын
people: who has ears let him hear! like tim said: pick a verse from the bible and cling to it like your life depends on it (bc it does)! the clearest verse is: 'no one can say,“Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit.' (1 corinthians 12:3). so if you confess that to other people and believe in it with your heart, you are saved. period.
@panholo7897 3 жыл бұрын
Another good scripture is "For no one is cast off by the Lord forever." Lamentations 3:31
@standingcatt509 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you brother that verse releived me so much
@Accune Жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@bryanjavier7805 2 жыл бұрын
God chooses already he's elected , God chosen you before the foundation of the world, so your saying that salvation can be lost? God promises he who began a good works in you will be a able to complete until he's return , God promise also that u are sealed by the holy spirit , maybe that thing is he really not a christian to begin with
@MoonPhaze5 2 жыл бұрын
God chose ALL of mankind to be redeemed from the beginning. It doesn't mean that all of mankind will reciprocate and repent. 2PETER 3:9 "not will that any should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance."
@venadoazul7663 4 жыл бұрын
ive always been told that this particular sin can only be committed by someone who has known Christ, recognized how he has worked in your life, seen evidence of the Holy Spirit acting in your life BUT YOU make a CONCLUSIVE decision to walk away from the God-head. to do this sin you have to be a particularly prideful and arrogant person and have a character like the pharisees. You have to pretty much proclaim yourself an enemy of God. this sin is a life long commitment. i have seen people like this in my life before. they hate God. i truly do not believe that slandering the Holy Spirit once or twice can really be considered this particular sin.
@taz8421 4 жыл бұрын
Luvalcoatl I’m scared I might have done the unforgivebale sin because I was saying acts 2 38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. and towards the end I had a intrusive thoughts and I said the end of the verse loud but I wasn’t trying to say His name offensively it was just a compulsion of my intrusive blasphemous thoughts
@jabre7761 4 жыл бұрын
@@taz8421 if you're scared you've done it, surely the Spirit it still convicting you.
@asto7795 4 жыл бұрын
theFxrElise God knows we can’t control what enters our mind, I understand that we have to rebuke those thoughts, and God understands that’s not what we truly think, he can see our hearts.
@amoylinseanpaulbandojo8760 4 жыл бұрын
Hello Im also afraid I commited this before but they say that if you commited this the Holy Spirit will keavr you.. So you wouldn't even feel convicted won't have the desire to repent..
@venadoazul7663 4 жыл бұрын
@@amoylinseanpaulbandojo8760 when i was a young man i thought i commited this sin too as i felt something leave me the second i did it but today i can say i dont feel like the holy spirit left me exactly. as i do still feel convictions about sin though not as vivid of convictions as like before but i still feel something...i feel like god has me on permanent parole or perhaps he has let me know i am walking a finer line than most.
@The_Jewelz 11 ай бұрын
Please help me to pray, I’ve been crying out to God lately, and I know he’s been quiet with me. I don’t want him to be done with me for good.
@KD-vt8ug 8 ай бұрын
How are you?
@amoylinseanpaulbandojo8760 4 жыл бұрын
Hello im also afraid I commited this.. But they said if you commited this the Holy Spirit will leave you so you probably wouldn't even care convicted won't have the desire to repent etc. So don't worry
@carol-annroelofse4902 4 жыл бұрын
You Shall Not Take the Lord's Name in Vain' by Don Wilton May 30, 2013 It is amazing how intricate the human body is. God did this; He created us in His image. In so doing, He made us to look like Him, to love like Him and to live with Him. No wonder the Psalmist said, “I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). When Adam and Eve sinned against God, this beautiful fusion between God and His prime creation was shattered. People could no longer look like God, love like God or live with God. This is why the love of God in Christ Jesus is so wonderful. Jesus Christ came to this earth and gave His life so that all who believe in His name would once again be able to look like God, to love like God and to live with God forever. And so it is with the tongue. What a small instrument it is compared to the rest of our bodies, but as James 3 tells us, how great a fire can be set ablaze by the words it produces! When God spoke the commandment, “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain” (Exodus 20:7, NKJV), He was issuing a very serious warning to all people who in any way misuse His name. Of all the synonyms associated with the taking of God’s name in vain, the one most closely identified is blaspheme. Some others include curse, abuse, profane, desecrate and revile. The bottom line is still the bottom line: God is making it very clear that blasphemy is the use of His name in any way other than to glorify Him alone! This means we can blaspheme by speaking God’s name irreverently and by using God’s name unlovingly. One can hardly watch a movie these days without hearing God’s name or the name of the Lord Jesus used in this manner. I watched a supposed family movie recently and was once again treated to the repeated use of Jesus’ name as a curse word. Many in our world don’t even think about it anymore. God’s name is used to “inform” Him just how hot the weather is, and by athletes to describe how well they have just run or hit the ball. Beauty pageant contestants cover their mouths in shock as results are announced and proceed to use God’s name to emphasize their joy and triumph. Live microphones catch well-known politicians exchanging ringing criticisms and endorsements accompanied by blasphemies of every kind. When God issued this commandment to Moses from the top of Mount Sinai, He was not making a suggestion that people merely “soften” or “ramp down” their use of His name in any way other than to glorify Him. He was letting them know just how serious this sin is. Blasphemy is no joke. When God’s name is evoked, this is not the time for a simple “Oops!” Remember, the Bible says He will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name. Perhaps the rampant disregard for the name of our heavenly Father is symptomatic of the serious spiritual condition we find ourselves in today. This is why we have so much hope in and through the Lord Jesus Christ. Taking the Lord’s name in vain is not the unpardonable sin any more than any of the other Ten Commandments are. This sin can be forgiven because the Lord Jesus Christ came and gave His life. This is exactly what the cross is about. Moses was the law-carrier. If you want Moses to run your life, you will be limited by the law instead of by God’s grace. Jesus Christ came not to do away with the law but to fulfill it. This is why it is imperative for you to repent of all sin and trust in Jesus Christ by faith. The name of God has everything to do with all that God is. When His name is pulled down into the mass of human society, everything pertaining to His unique and sovereign ability is devalued. Think about this for a minute. The Bible tells us in John’s Gospel that Jesus came in the Father’s name (John 5:43), that Jesus performs miracles in the Father’s name (John 10:25), that we can ask anything in His name (John 14:13), and that we are kept safe in His name (John 17:11). In Acts 4:12, we are reminded that there is no other name under Heaven whereby anyone can be saved, and in Philippians 2:10, the Apostle Paul reminds us that it is at the name of Jesus that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. I have always believed this is the reason why everyone, from Hollywood to Wall Street, never uses as blasphemy the name of another person, president or prime minister, bishop, evangelist or religious leader from any religion near or far-only the Lord Jesus Christ. In a strange, reversed sort of way, every time I hear the name of Jesus used as a curse word, I think God is affirming the truth of His Word. He is using the very ones who defame and demean Him to demonstrate that He is the One who is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6, NKJV). This is what blasphemy does: First, it discredits God’s name. Remember, it was the Lord Jesus who taught us to say, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name” (Matthew 6:9, NKJV). Second, it denounces God’s character. In the Old Testament, God’s name was written only with consonants so that no one could pronounce it. If God’s name is unpronounceable, and His person is untouchable because of His holiness, how more so is His character unutterable? Third, the misuse of His name crucifies Jesus all over again. Blasphemers are simply allying themselves at the base of the cross alongside all who screamed at Him and demeaned Him. Fourth, it aligns blasphemers with Satan himself. The devil is the one who opposes God in every way and demands to spread the ultimate lie that Jesus is just another ordinary man who can be reviled and spat upon. Fifth, and most serious, blasphemy places a serious question mark on a person’s salvation. All of the commandments have to do with the heart. If our words are a reflection of what is in the heart, then surely a person who knows and loves our Savior cannot utter His name in such a manner. And, what if you do blaspheme? Here it is again-my hope, your hope, every person’s hope-Jesus Christ loves you. Here are three things you can do. First, look in. Examine your own heart before the Lord Jesus. Next, look out. When you do look out you will see that God is exactly who He says He is-in word, name and deed. And finally, look up. Look into His face and live. He loves you. He died for you. He wants to forgive you. There is hope. ©2013 Don Wilton Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture is taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version, 1984.
@carol-annroelofse4902 4 жыл бұрын
Read you bible, seek God's face. Don't look for answers on youtube. Read the new testament over and over. You can only find satisfaction in Jesus Christ. God's word is all you need to help find you answer.
@amoylinseanpaulbandojo8760 4 жыл бұрын
@@carol-annroelofse4902 thats what I do ma'am.. But thanks
@sawphilip868 3 жыл бұрын
1.And this is what Christ said before he died on the cross 2.Those scriptures was not reffered to all mankind. 3.Basphemy againt Holy spirit is reject Jesus. Reject the salvation plan. 4.Read the Bible. 1 john 1 9 And pray.
@petercooke96 6 жыл бұрын
Got so much love for this guy
@Tanyashka111 4 жыл бұрын
I fear I might commit this sin in my mind. Please pray for me. This been going on for months
@whitneypearce2422 4 жыл бұрын
@whitneypearce2422 4 жыл бұрын
ohhhh thank you so much!! I was so paranoid I wouldn’t go join my lord in paradise. I really love your words.
@Tanyashka111 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheGreatSkull123I'm scared I have apathy was such a hard non stop theme..I'm still suffering. I hope this is a what they call a "backdoor spike" and not anything to do with my spiritual standing. I just want God to change me and make me normal so I can resist evil.
@Tanyashka111 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheGreatSkull123 thanks for your reply. I think my biggest fear is that I can become unforgivable. I just want to see that God is with me so he can cast away my depression and fears
@asto7795 4 жыл бұрын
1thegreatskull I think what he was saying is that he learns what it means to commit this sin, and then it pops up in his mind as it does in mine and out of nowhere, I can’t control it, then I have to consciously disagree with the thought because I know it’s not true. I’m sure God understands I can’t control what comes into my mind.
@scarlettnewman1115 4 жыл бұрын
Please pray for me and my family. I just want my family to be saved.
@andreadelacruz9855 4 жыл бұрын
Will do.
@mamoruchiba86 3 жыл бұрын
Dear Lord, I'm praying for Scarlett and her family. Let them feel your kindness, touch their heart so they can believe in You, know You, and receive Your gift of salvation. May Scarlett's family become one in Christ, a family that glorify Your name. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
@alfzepo9976 3 жыл бұрын
Do you know the Gospel?
@grassly7997 2 жыл бұрын
Enjoy ;) John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 6:37 "All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away." John 6:44 "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day." Ephesians 2:8-9 "for by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, that no one would boast." John 6:28-29 They said therefore to him, “What must we do, that we may work the works of God?” Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” Romans 5:10 "For if, when we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!" Hebrews 7:25 "Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them." Isaiah 55:7 "Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon." Ezekiel 18:21 "But if the wicked turn from all his sins that he has committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die. None of his transgressions that he has committed shall be remembered against him: in his righteousness that he has done he shall live. Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked? says the Lord; and not rather that he should return from his way, and live?" Ezekiel 33:11 "Tell them, As I live, says the Lord, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn, turn from your evil ways; for why will you die, house of Israel?" Isaiah 45:22 "Look to me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other." Acts 3:19 "Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, so that there may come times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord," Matthew 9:11-13 "When the Pharisees saw it, they said to his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” When Jesus heard it, he said to them, “Those who are healthy have no need for a physician, but those who are sick do. But you go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice,’ for I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” " Luke 7:37-50 "Behold, a woman in the city who was a sinner, when she knew that he was reclining in the Pharisee’s house, she brought an alabaster jar of ointment. Standing behind at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears . . . Jesus answered him . . . “A certain lender had two debtors. The one owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. When they couldn’t pay, he forgave them both. Which of them therefore will love him most?” Simon answered, “He, I suppose, to whom he forgave the most.” He said to him, “You have judged correctly.” Turning to the woman, he said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I entered into your house, and you gave me no water for my feet, but she has wet my feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hair. . . . Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.” . . . He said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.” " Luke 18:10-14 “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people-robbers, evildoers, adulterers-or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’ “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’ “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” Take for instance St. Paul, a saint, It was not false modesty that moved Paul to label himself the ‘chief of sinners’. Though his mind had been saturated with Scriptures that told him the opposite, he sought to murder powerful Christians. Even worse, he tried not just to end their precious lives, but to torture Christians in the hope that they would blaspheme and reject their only possible means of salvation. And consider Peter, the other contender for the title of greatest First Century Christian. When he first came to Jesus he was so overwhelmed by his sinfulness that he fell at Jesus’ knees, begging the holy Lord to leave him (Luke 5:8). Jesus welcomed Peter not only as a beloved follower, but as an apostle. Still later, Peter disowned his Lord, not once or twice but three times, using oaths and everything he could think of to totally disassociate himself from his only Hope of salvation. Matthew 26:70 But he [Peter] denied it before them all. . . . Matthew 26:72 He denied it again, with an oath: ‘I don’t know the man!’ Matthew 10:33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. (KJV) Yet Peter was fully forgiven and showered with spiritual blessings. And that same offer of divine forgiveness - that same extravagant love - is eagerly extended to you. God bless you all! May we all find peace and joy in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
@bria29 4 жыл бұрын
Goodness... God bless this man! I look forward to meeting you in heaven...
@isll4n832 2 жыл бұрын
a thought when you don't agree with it is only temptation, read James 1:14 15 temptation comes in the form of a thought but you have to conceive to give birth to sin, this conceiving the idea is of a pregnant woman in the original Greek, for a woman to get pregnant you have to receive her, relate to her, if you says no, temptation does not go from light to sin. You who do not agree with these ideas are being tempted. this is so important
@justadude9788 3 жыл бұрын
I struggle with blasphemous thoughts about it i dont know wether there my thoughts or the devils im honestly scarred to death and in total dread
@Christine-og4ni 3 жыл бұрын
@egbewattarrahnaomi332 2 жыл бұрын
Renew your mind. If you go on sinning wilfully after having the knowledge of truth there remains no sacrifice for sin.
@LitoLochoss Жыл бұрын
@@egbewattarrahnaomi332 it’s is not about him wilfully sin is a fully on rejection
@Angelowalker. Жыл бұрын
@egbewattarrahnaomi332 that's not what he's going g through tho if he sees your comment it might hurt him really bad he not willfully thinking about those thoughts its plaguing him involuntary
@colemangothard7972 5 жыл бұрын
I think a lot of what Tim is saying here is: when you despair to the point when you can no longer see Christs sacrifice as sufficient for you that's where this sin sets in, He said it at the end of the video john 6 37 WHOSOEVER Comes to me I will in NO WISE cast out, Jesus said WHOSOEVER AND NO WISE CAST OUT!!!! Jesus did not say unless you have not done this or that, he said WHOSOEVER. When you get to the point where you say Jesus can't forgive me that is self righteousness, your effectively saying Christ death and resurrection is not good enough for me I'm too great of a sinner and that is SOOO DANGEROUS AND a false claim, the love of Christ can clean up the blackest of hearts and cleanse the most foul of sinners, ALL YOU WHO ARE WORRIED YOU HAVE DONE THIS FLEE TO CHRIST AND AS TIM SAID IF YOU DONTHAT YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED, where the danger lies is when you say to yourself I have gone too far and just lay down and let despair get a foothold, get on your knees lift your drooping hands and cry out to Jesus "have mercy on me a sinner" confess your sins and he will cleanse you from all unrighteousness, perfect love casts out all fear, reads Gods promises draw near to him and he will draw near to you, Do not give up and remember as long as you have breath there is always hope, read about Manasseh how wicked he was and all the evil he did and how much light he had and yet after God judged him he repented and God forgave him, Solomon ended up an idolater and so go as for to say he was apostate yet he repented in Ecclesiastes, Alexander and hymeas shipwrecked there faith in Timothy yet Paul delivered them to Satan so that they would learn not to blaspheme not because the were damned but because Paul knew there was hope that they might come back to the truth, DONT LOSE HOPE BRETHEREN
@yensyhenriquez1711 3 жыл бұрын
I am not fully understanding what he is saying. Is he saying you may have done it but you could still try? Or is he saying if you try to come back to god will help you see he is still there?
@ApoIogeticsMan 5 жыл бұрын
The Holy Spirit draws people to faith and repentance, so if he was worried about having gone too far, he had not yet done so. All three big examples of apostates/blasphemers against the Holy Spirit in scripture, show us that apostates/ blasphemers are totally void of any concern for their eternal state, either because of utter atheism, or believing false doctrines, which tickle the ear and appeal to the flesh. Read 2nd Peter, Jude and Matthew 12 and you can see the people who committed this sin, are unconcerned and often hostile toward Jesus. The Bible tells us that God's wrath is revealed toward people who SUPPRESS the truth, by their wickedness, not people who are penitent and willing to change.
@tylerrobinson85 5 жыл бұрын
Appolo Geticks thank you for the summarization.♥️
@mercedesreynoso4318 5 жыл бұрын
I have committed this sin..I despair even to the point of death. I don't know what to do anymore. My heart is cold against God
@ApoIogeticsMan 5 жыл бұрын
@@mercedesreynoso4318 Why would you despair, if you had willfully chosen to reject the Holy Spirit? Did the Pharisees who did this in Matthew 12 despair? Did they walk about worrying about having blasphemed the Holy Spirit, or having condemned themselves to an eternity, without Jesus? Perhaps what you are feeling is a despair over your sins and your unwillingness to repent and forsake them?
@mercedesreynoso4318 5 жыл бұрын
@@ApoIogeticsMan I am at my end. I can not withstand any further pain. If you are willing to talk to me about this I can speak on Facebook or some other way. But I can't speak freely here in this open forum about things that are so personal. Thank you for reaching out.
@ApoIogeticsMan 5 жыл бұрын
@@mercedesreynoso4318 Repent of your sins and place faith in Jesus. He promises he will accept and forgive you. This promise is UNCONDITIONAL.
@Music-zm5bi 2 жыл бұрын
The unpardonable sin is unpardonable because it is the Spirit who convicts of sin and leads a man to repentance and if you can look at the work of the Spirit and understand it to be satan you cut yourself off from the mechanism that causes you to turn to Christ in the first place. I dont think people understand this. It's not as if there is some sin that is too great to be covered under the precious blood of the lamb who has perfect righteousness but its applied to you through faith which includes a life of repentance (that's what confession is: agreeing with God that you have sinned and turning away from it) and is given by the Spirit. Its essentially radical unbeleif in the face of great light (which the Bible also includes living in sin, its not mental assent) that puts you beyond salvation. Some people don't believe but haven't committed the unpardonable sin and aren't beyond salvation because they haven't even heard the gospel yet.
@jovannicarantes7080 2 жыл бұрын
@rachelg.cuesta1436 2 жыл бұрын
Ive heard the gospel many times but ive taken it for granted.... Is there still hope?..... I dont want to feel false guilt.... Am I beyond of it?
@Music-zm5bi 2 жыл бұрын
@@rachelg.cuesta1436 My encouragement would be to call out to God and get back into a bible believing church. Don't ever give up hope. Where else shall you turn? There is no other name given among men by which we must be saved. I will keep you in prayer.
@rachelg.cuesta1436 2 жыл бұрын
@@Music-zm5bi But what if ive been doing this knowing it. Will God forgive me? Whow will I live with the blame and shame
@Music-zm5bi 2 жыл бұрын
@@rachelg.cuesta1436 God does not reject repentance. Come to Jesus and you will find forgiveness. People who commit the unpardonable sin have completely rejected Christ. They are not coming to Him asking for forgiveness in repentance and faith. They are in a state of unrepentance and unbeleif. This is why you need to get back into church. You can become presumptuous and not be granted repentance later. Then you won't want to repent. Accept His forgiveness. He takes the shame, the blame and the guilt. He bore that on the cross. If you are in Christ you are Gods child. Get back on the narrow path.
@ydsmc4519 Жыл бұрын
I feel like I’ve really crossed that line, I’m still watching these videos but there isn’t a point because I’ve committed the unforgettable. I do believe in Jesus Christ and everything, but my mind all day long, in dreams, as I’m talking to people, as I’m doing work. Even when it says something, it doesn’t stop there, it keeps repeating the same stuff over and over and over. At that point, I just can’t do this, I’m drained, I want to be with god but I’ve lost my conviction, I try to repent but don’t feel anything. Ever since that point, the thoughts abruptly calmed/stopped and so did my conviction, worry about if I can even be saved anymore. I’ve tried everything and tried my hardest to live for god but I really think that there is no way back for me, and I worried to go to hell as well as if I’m actually cut off completely, I’m hopeless😢
@vornamenachname-qb2zq Жыл бұрын
You might feel hopeless but you are not hopeless. You wrote that you believe in Jesus, so John 3 16 is for you.
@KD-vt8ug 8 ай бұрын
How are you now?
@jasper-dq4ut 7 ай бұрын
Hi mate. This is for you and anyone else going through this. I've been through this yet the Lord delivered me. Yes, i've experienced the terrors of hell and of seemingly certain hellfire awaiting me for months which almost drove me to complete hopelessness. It happened in the click of a finger after committing grevious sexual sin. Yet the Lord is merciful! Please listen. WHILE YOU STILL HAVE BREATH - God The Holy Spirit says 'Today if you will hear His voice, do not harden your heart' . That is a command for EVERYONE reading this TODAY. You have to make a choice either to obey it or not. Let me tell you also, your deliverance will not come from sudden feelings of goodness or anything like that. Faith in his word will produce all your assurance and good feelings, not the other way around. I am pleading with you now - listen to what the Lord says here. "He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?" - John 11:25-26 Jesus is asking that to YOU. Do you believe this? How can you possibly question that? Believe in his promise, and he will give you the assurance and utterly revive your spiritual life.
@wilby1414 3 жыл бұрын
Jesus said, "But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation". Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit. Men can say what they want about Jesus but do not speak against the Holy Ghost that is within him. They accused Jesus of being filled with the spirit of the devil basically calling the Holy Ghost the evil one. This definitely would constitute blasphemy. Did they understand what they were saying? Likely not and that is why Jesus warned them not to do it again. So what or whom is the Holy Ghost? When Jesus was conceived in Mary she was conceived by the Holy Ghost - this means Jesus had the Holy Ghost in his blood and this is why it took the shedding of his Holy Ghost blood to be the perfect sacrifice for the sin of the world. The Holy Ghost is also the seed of LIFE from the Father. If you/we do not have the seed of life we will not enter into God's kingdom. Mystery of Salvation 1. We are all born in sin because we were born from a fallen man, Adam. Through Adam's sin we lost our relationship with the Father and we are all doomed to die. We are born under the curse of death called the sin of the world. 1 Corinthians 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. (Shall) 2. John cried, "Behold, the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world". This was accomplished through the shedding of his Holy Ghost blood. 3. Jesus made away for us to be saved from the curse of death but we must follow Him through the door to LIFE. Jesus said, "Follow me". 4. The penalty for Adam's sin is death - the only way we can pay the price is to die. Jesus died physically so we don't have to die physically if we remit the curse - the death sentence. 5. How do we remit the curse of death? We MUST die. 6. Do you know when we get baptized into Jesus Christ we die? Romans 3 Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Two things happen during baptism into Jesus Christ 1. We die. We pay the price for sin. When we are under the water Jesus is with us. Does he leave us in a death state - absolutely not. 2. After we die we are regenerated and made new - when we come out of the water we receive the gift from the Father - the Holy Ghost. This is called conversion - we are converted from DEATH to LIFE. We have followed Jesus through death, burial and resurrection. We are new creatures in Christ. Christ in us is our hope of glory. What happens to us after our baptism? 1. We are the incorruptible seed and children of the kingdom. 2. We are the church 3. We are a royal priesthood 4. We are in the body of Christ 5. We are the elect - he is returning for his elect 6. Our name is written in the book of LIFE - why? Because we have been converted from death to LIFE 7. We are joint-heirs with Christ 8. Christ is our High Priest between us and the Father - we can now ask for forgiveness of our personal sins. No one goes to the Father except by Christ 9. We have a new name and He knows us - we have a family relationship - we are born of the Father 10. We are new creatures in Christ If you do not remove the curse of death before you die or before Christ returns then you are taking the death sentence to judgement with you and this will result in the second death. In baptism we are sending the death sentence before us to judgement and it does not follow us to judgement sparing us from the second death. You DO NOT want to experience the second death. Baptism into Jesus Christ resolves or remits the death sentence. Get saved asap and yes this applies to babies. It's not about repenting or believing - it's about remitting the curse of death. Yes, if you are are older you likely have been living a life without God so repentance is required. BUT, the righteous need not repent and this includes babies but everyone needs to remit the curse and be converted unto LIFE to be saved. So many preachers belittle baptism as a ritual and an outward sign of your faith and this is incorrect. It's the only way you may enter God's kingdom. Peter was given the keys to the kingdom - what is the key? Read Acts 2:38 Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Remission of all sins including the sin of the world - this is a sin you cannot ask forgiveness for - you must die. After you have completed this entire process you can now ask Christ to ask the Father to forgive your daily sins. You have never heard this message before so thank God for new revelation and be a doer of his word and attain salvation. P.S. Did you know when Jesus resurrected the old testament saints rose with him? Many were seen walking the streets of Jerusalem. It was these saints that rose to heaven with Christ in a cloud of glory. These saints will return with Christ and we will meet them in the air. This will be a new marriage convent between the new body of Christ and the bride, the new Israel - 12,000 saints from each tribe. Two testaments and two salvation processes - so many people have confused the two salvations.
@ValerieJean757 3 жыл бұрын
The first resurrection includes those who kvercome the beast and his mark. Revelation 20:4-6 4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. 5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the First Resurrection. 6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the First Resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall Rise First: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Matthew 24:29-31 29 Immediately After the Tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in Heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they Shall See The Son of Man Coming in the Clouds of Heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he shall send his angels with a great Sound of a Trumpet, and They Shall Gather Together His lect From the Four Winds, from one end of heaven to the other 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God Revelation 1:7 and Matthew 24: 30 are clearly describing the same event. Revelation 1:7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen Matthew 24:29-31 King James Version (KJV) 29 Immediately After The Tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 30 And Then shall appear the Sign of the Son of Man in Heaven: and Then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man Coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And He Shall Send His Angels with a great sound of a Trumpet, and They Shall Gather Together His Elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other
@Jesussaves.7777 Жыл бұрын
@@ValerieJean757 if a teenager or a adult who professed to be a Christian and who knows Scripture well goes into tarot and the person tells another person that "the tarot reader says to get out of tarot and go back to GOD" because tarot is " evil" But it was a fib Then is that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?
@James-r9f4u 9 ай бұрын
Could people prayer for me
@dawnalaia9984 10 ай бұрын
If I was once saved at 19 and fell away into unbelief does that mean I cannot repent and come back to God as it says in Hebrews 6. I’d Hebrews 6 the unforgivable sin? I’ve been crying with godly sorrow for months now because I don’t feel Gods presence everyone says this is normal that God is not a feeling but I don’t believe that’s true. Please help me understand if after turning away from the faith and belief that Jesus was real can I realize my horrific mistake and have God accept my repentance?!
@GroundUpPermies 10 ай бұрын
I can't fully help you with this but I can say that once you are saved, you are never unsaved (1 John 2:19). Also, I am learning as well not to rely on feelings giving me the affirmation of my faith and many people are helping remind me that it is not feelings because they fluctuate all the time. I believe feelings may come and go but we can't base our salvation on them. I'm working on understanding Godly sorrow in my repentance because I want to feel sorrowful. However, even if feelings aren't there, I still have to repent and trust God that He will bless that. Whether it be soon or in eternity. For now, I know the answer is knowing more of God's character so I can correctly see circumstances through who He is. Otherwise it's much easier to be confused, worried and unsure. First we learn Facts then have Faith in them and then Feelings may or may be generated from that. Feelings are not our focus.
@Mike-zy8in 10 ай бұрын
Im dealing with this myself. The best advice for u and me is: always fear God and shun evil. Read God's word daily, I read at least a few chapters every day..15 mins or to's better to run towards God always and if God rejects us, He's perfect
@snufkin4568 10 ай бұрын
Look up the testimony “I backslid and became an atheist” Question. We’re you baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of sin and the gift the Holy Spirit? (Acts 2:38) If no, then you weren’t ever actually “saved” You get born again at baptism. If yea you were baptized. Then don’t fret. I think people quote Esau’s situation a lot. Where he wanted desperately to repent but couldn’t. But, to be honest, if you were reprobate concerning the faith, or unredeemable, I don’t think you’d have any interest at all in it. God is the one who draws you to him. In your flesh there is no desire to be with God, but God calls you. The cross draws you in (when I am lifted up I will draw all men to me - Jesus) And “no one can come to me [Jesus] unless the father *calls* him.” John 6:44. You wouldn’t come to Jesus unless you were called (John 6:44) If you are coming to Jesus, you’re doing so because God is calling you. (John 6:44) God wouldn’t call you if he didn’t want you. Therefore I tell you, keep seeking God. Have faith that he will forgive you. God wouldn’t waste his time or your time calling you if he wouldn’t forgive you. Edit : matter of fact, I would say, he probably already has forgiven you if he’s calling you.
@jm7578 8 ай бұрын
Hebrews 6 is not connected to the Unpardonable Sin whatsoever. they are in two time dispensations. The unforgivable sin is context dependent on when Jesus Christ was on earth performing holy miracles, and when the evil Pharisees saw him they attributed Jesus’ work to an unholy source. Hebrews 6 shows how going back to religious tradition of animals sacrifice cannot save, only the blood of Jesus saves. These two sections of the Bible are not discussing the same concept.
@GroundUpPermies 8 ай бұрын
@@jm7578 yet again I am kindly reminded how much context matters 🙃 thank you!
@leslieiris7093 4 жыл бұрын
Lg 7fn pxnda just Never stop coming to God always seek him and ask for forgiveness.
@trisilachyne6675 Жыл бұрын
Dear Lord Jesus please forgive my sins, please pray for me Pastor and anybody read this message, life without you Jesus is useless, please heal me Lord, I need you Jesus in every day of my life
@alexisvillalon9376 4 жыл бұрын
Please pray for me I think I've committed unpardonable sin. 😭😭😭
@baljeettjinder2262 4 жыл бұрын
Shamas Ali I am praying to Jesus for you. Have faith in Jesus Christ and don’t lose faith! God Bless my friend Amen ✝️❤️🙏
@stevedoliveira4425 4 жыл бұрын
I think the smae too.. I am worried bother an trouble cuz i entertain evil thoughts at God spirit an i romance .
@carol-annroelofse4902 4 жыл бұрын
You Shall Not Take the Lord's Name in Vain' by Don Wilton May 30, 2013 It is amazing how intricate the human body is. God did this; He created us in His image. In so doing, He made us to look like Him, to love like Him and to live with Him. No wonder the Psalmist said, “I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). When Adam and Eve sinned against God, this beautiful fusion between God and His prime creation was shattered. People could no longer look like God, love like God or live with God. This is why the love of God in Christ Jesus is so wonderful. Jesus Christ came to this earth and gave His life so that all who believe in His name would once again be able to look like God, to love like God and to live with God forever. And so it is with the tongue. What a small instrument it is compared to the rest of our bodies, but as James 3 tells us, how great a fire can be set ablaze by the words it produces! When God spoke the commandment, “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain” (Exodus 20:7, NKJV), He was issuing a very serious warning to all people who in any way misuse His name. Of all the synonyms associated with the taking of God’s name in vain, the one most closely identified is blaspheme. Some others include curse, abuse, profane, desecrate and revile. The bottom line is still the bottom line: God is making it very clear that blasphemy is the use of His name in any way other than to glorify Him alone! This means we can blaspheme by speaking God’s name irreverently and by using God’s name unlovingly. One can hardly watch a movie these days without hearing God’s name or the name of the Lord Jesus used in this manner. I watched a supposed family movie recently and was once again treated to the repeated use of Jesus’ name as a curse word. Many in our world don’t even think about it anymore. God’s name is used to “inform” Him just how hot the weather is, and by athletes to describe how well they have just run or hit the ball. Beauty pageant contestants cover their mouths in shock as results are announced and proceed to use God’s name to emphasize their joy and triumph. Live microphones catch well-known politicians exchanging ringing criticisms and endorsements accompanied by blasphemies of every kind. When God issued this commandment to Moses from the top of Mount Sinai, He was not making a suggestion that people merely “soften” or “ramp down” their use of His name in any way other than to glorify Him. He was letting them know just how serious this sin is. Blasphemy is no joke. When God’s name is evoked, this is not the time for a simple “Oops!” Remember, the Bible says He will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name. Perhaps the rampant disregard for the name of our heavenly Father is symptomatic of the serious spiritual condition we find ourselves in today. This is why we have so much hope in and through the Lord Jesus Christ. Taking the Lord’s name in vain is not the unpardonable sin any more than any of the other Ten Commandments are. This sin can be forgiven because the Lord Jesus Christ came and gave His life. This is exactly what the cross is about. Moses was the law-carrier. If you want Moses to run your life, you will be limited by the law instead of by God’s grace. Jesus Christ came not to do away with the law but to fulfill it. This is why it is imperative for you to repent of all sin and trust in Jesus Christ by faith. The name of God has everything to do with all that God is. When His name is pulled down into the mass of human society, everything pertaining to His unique and sovereign ability is devalued. Think about this for a minute. The Bible tells us in John’s Gospel that Jesus came in the Father’s name (John 5:43), that Jesus performs miracles in the Father’s name (John 10:25), that we can ask anything in His name (John 14:13), and that we are kept safe in His name (John 17:11). In Acts 4:12, we are reminded that there is no other name under Heaven whereby anyone can be saved, and in Philippians 2:10, the Apostle Paul reminds us that it is at the name of Jesus that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. I have always believed this is the reason why everyone, from Hollywood to Wall Street, never uses as blasphemy the name of another person, president or prime minister, bishop, evangelist or religious leader from any religion near or far-only the Lord Jesus Christ. In a strange, reversed sort of way, every time I hear the name of Jesus used as a curse word, I think God is affirming the truth of His Word. He is using the very ones who defame and demean Him to demonstrate that He is the One who is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6, NKJV). This is what blasphemy does: First, it discredits God’s name. Remember, it was the Lord Jesus who taught us to say, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name” (Matthew 6:9, NKJV). Second, it denounces God’s character. In the Old Testament, God’s name was written only with consonants so that no one could pronounce it. If God’s name is unpronounceable, and His person is untouchable because of His holiness, how more so is His character unutterable? Third, the misuse of His name crucifies Jesus all over again. Blasphemers are simply allying themselves at the base of the cross alongside all who screamed at Him and demeaned Him. Fourth, it aligns blasphemers with Satan himself. The devil is the one who opposes God in every way and demands to spread the ultimate lie that Jesus is just another ordinary man who can be reviled and spat upon. Fifth, and most serious, blasphemy places a serious question mark on a person’s salvation. All of the commandments have to do with the heart. If our words are a reflection of what is in the heart, then surely a person who knows and loves our Savior cannot utter His name in such a manner. And, what if you do blaspheme? Here it is again-my hope, your hope, every person’s hope-Jesus Christ loves you. Here are three things you can do. First, look in. Examine your own heart before the Lord Jesus. Next, look out. When you do look out you will see that God is exactly who He says He is-in word, name and deed. And finally, look up. Look into His face and live. He loves you. He died for you. He wants to forgive you. There is hope. ©2013 Don Wilton Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture is taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version, 1984.
@sawphilip868 3 жыл бұрын
When I was 17 or 18 My mom going to healing church It strange for me and I i spoke This is devil church And when i hear some healing festival I spoke this is from may be devil because in my thought satan can also trnsform to Angel Sorry for my english Any one plese answer for me What about my salvation??
@incrypted6993 3 жыл бұрын
@@sawphilip868 your good bro just ask for forgiveness
@tulipv4475 2 жыл бұрын
Hi I feel like I did the unforgivable sin as this was I had blasphemous thoughts and now I it at the point I do movements, facial expressions or make a noise I get cuss word in my head, smiling, or laughing and now I feel like hold my thought for too long and I can't seem to care help me anyone understand I'm scared
@WarmandHardy 2 жыл бұрын
I started having that happen to me 12 years ago. It evolved into such horror that I almost took my own life. Know that your thoughts are just thoughts and if you don’t act or bask in love for them, you’re not committing the unforgivable sin. If you’re working yourself up over it, you will drive yourself insane. Put Christ first in your thoughts, he will take care of the rest.
@CircleWedge 2 жыл бұрын
Be comforted, that isn't the unforgivable sin. The unforgivable sin is rejecting the Holy Spirit's witness of Jesus being the Christ and God's Son so much and so often that no one is able to change your mind even after you die. Edit: the Pharisees kept rejecting him and *claimed* Jesus's miracles WERE FROM THE DEVIL. God is not of demons! Jesus cast out demons and any group or individual divided against itself will fall.
@sakkel.7357 Жыл бұрын
@DavidLee-lq4jj 4 жыл бұрын
Please Help!! I am going thru~God shows me I have fallen from grace and the chance of repentance because I was a baptised and re-confirmed my religion in Christ, but have turned away from God and fallen into deep Sins~like Stealing, Lying, Lust, Self righteousness, prostitution & porn (basically offended all ten commandments) ~ God shows me a vision the I can never be saved and because my heart is too hard to receive repentance; and given me bible verse Matthew 25:31-46; Hebrews: 4:14-6:20; and John 12:36 ~ This drives me into a deep state of despair, depression, and anxiety to the point that to give up my life (What is the use) because the love and blessing of God has left you; only his wrath and curse will ever eternally follow you with no escape in Gehenna. I feel darkness and despair deep in my heart. I keep reading the bible, but only scares me, I prayed the God for forgiveness but could not feel if God is there anymore. I can't find the faith in me to seek both Jesus and God; please pray for me to find the faith in finding Jesus. it is like as I am turning away as if I am a non-believer.
@coolgall123 4 жыл бұрын
That vision could have came from Satan man. The enemy can even deceive people by pretending to be light There’s no greater hope for the enemy than to deceive you into unbelief. Those who come to Him (Christ) won’t be cast out. Don’t rely on a feeling, rely on God’s word. Christ is not a feeling, He’s a living spirit. Pray asking for forgiveness with a repentant heart KNOWING that, with faith, that Christ will forgive. 6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. 7 For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; 8 he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways. (‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭6-8‬ ESV) Without faith, we cannot please God. Please, lay all your worries, anxieties and fear on the Lord. These warnings hold true, BUT they never cancel out Christ’s promises. Give up your efforts in being right with Him through your works. Give up whatever doubt you have from your past or current sins and GO TO HIM with faith knowing that He hears those who are willing to trust in Him and turn from their sins. I been in the same seat as you are and I still struggle with giving up all my efforts, but I know that God’s word holds true. Understand that if you die in a state of unbelief thinking that Christ blood isn’t efficient to save you, you will perish. We HAVE TO believe and sink in our hopes on Him and his work. Go humble to Christ knowing that you cannot save yourself. Even if you feel nothing, have confidence that through faith in Christ that He will hear your prayers because He promises just that. God bless. Satan is an accuser who seeks to kill steal and destroy. Go to Christ as if you life depends on it bc it does.
@DavidLee-lq4jj 4 жыл бұрын
@@coolgall123 Thank you, Dan. I am praying to God to open my eye blinded by sins, soften my stony heart, and break my bondage of sins-in the name of Jesus that died on the cross for our sins cleansing us sinners with his blood and rose in three days. I am feeling a little bit better as seem I am back in the light but I am still praying hard to God for forgiveness and fellowship with him as I feel I am still far away from him. I thirst for Christ's truth and love. God be with you and bless you always to all of Christians.`It is a fierce battle thru life with sins and satan.
@yeshuahamashiachsavesall6408 4 жыл бұрын
@@jesusp4620 share it with me please?
@yeshuahamashiachsavesall6408 4 жыл бұрын
@@jesusp4620 Hey guess what I believe you can still be saved just pray to Jesus and submit to him surrender and turn from your ways in turn to him he will work with you both of you will fight this out together and like you said you were ignorant so you didn't know or you knew but didn't believe bc you were confused God the Father will always be there just trust in Him and have Faith in Him ok dont give up keep going alright just keep striving and humble yourself bring all your problems and worries to him and oh yeah if you think you committed the sin that's good bc you didn't you are concerned and seeking Jesus for the answer bc usually you wouldn't be concerned if you did do it ok have faith believe that He is your Lord and Savior ok and submit to Him God Bless you🙏🏽✝️I hope all is well
@yeshuahamashiachsavesall6408 4 жыл бұрын
@@jesusp4620 And yes I on the rapture is very near go back to him and cry out to him and with all you or heart ask for forgiveness in the the name of Jesus
@victoriawheat123 3 жыл бұрын
Ya know, God is funny the way he talks. Praise Him!
@Drsparjan 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so sooo much. I need someone to talk to.
@egbewattarrahnaomi332 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this message of hope . I have really been heavily depressed at the thought that I have committed the unpardonable sin. I got saved and after one year I went back to my old ways. I felt the holy Spirit leave me . Since then I have been struggling with repentance
@WarmandHardy 2 жыл бұрын
When you get saved, you invoke the wrath of hell itself. You are a true Christian and you will spend every waking second fighting your flesh and the devil. Don’t be discouraged. You took up your Cross, now follow him.
@lukegear3290 Жыл бұрын
@@WarmandHardy hi Patrick, I think I’ve committed this sin in my thoughts. It felt like the Holy Spirit left me. Did this happen to you?
@change4good955 Жыл бұрын
Doing ok now?
@lukegear3290 Жыл бұрын
@@change4good955 doing a little better, still struggling.
@lukegear3290 Жыл бұрын
@Restless Pilgrim what’s your story?
@colindavis1496 4 жыл бұрын
Yea but, I denied Christ after receiving Him and as a result, i've had demons in my body and in my midst now for 4.5 years and counting, i've cried out to the Lord for forgiveness and deliverance a thousand times, but He doesn't answer...???
@victoriawheat123 3 жыл бұрын
Yes even Peter (yes Peter the one who said he would never) denied Christ. Turn and follow the merciful Shepherd, like he said lay hold on a promise, and don't let go
@cee_cee_chaos 3 жыл бұрын
Keep praying. Keep on accepting Jesus and his finish work on the cross. Keep repenting asking asking for forgiveness and to deliver you from evil. Keep reading the Bible. Keep on going to church. Look into deliverance ministry. They help exercise demons. Keep on praying, believing, and turn away from your sins.
@colindavis1496 3 жыл бұрын
@@cee_cee_chaos Thank you, I tried deliverance ministry, it didn't work.
@cee_cee_chaos 3 жыл бұрын
@@colindavis1496 Don't give up. Sometimes, it takes time. It took me a couple years before I got delivered from addiction. I kept praying, reading the Bible, and going to church. Don't give up! I will also pray for you.
@colindavis1496 3 жыл бұрын
@@cee_cee_chaos Thank you so much...God bless
@jontyler9038 3 жыл бұрын
I sink my faith into Jesus Wept.
@livingwater7580 5 жыл бұрын
I can't tell you that there's anyway back? tell me what sin the blood of Jesus CANNOT wash away, JOHN 11, 26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? someone needs to teach Tim the bible, Tim has a an unbiblical theology, " I CAN'T TELL YOU IF THERE'S ANYWAY BACK" are you serious, I've heard bad teachers but this guy takes 1st prize. stop using hebrew 6 please till you study it.
@coreyanderson1457 5 жыл бұрын
I would be devastated by those words if he told me that!
@PresidentChristopher 5 жыл бұрын
The blood of Jesus IS ONLY as good as God's sovereign will to forgive sin. If God says NO, how can the blood of Jesus help you?
@woodrowpowell4441 5 жыл бұрын
I don't believe that a person who comitt the unpardonable sin will even be conscious of it nor seek forgiveness. The knowledge of doing such with only eternal punishment to look forward to is far too much for the human heart to carry. It would literally drive a person crazy (total mental break down) in little to no time and God is too loving to allow one to carry that burden of no hope in this life after sending His son to die to give us hope.
@PresidentChristopher 5 жыл бұрын
THAT IS ME!!! I go to sleep at 5 in the morning and sleep until 3 in the afternoon. I wake up in the bitterest of torment, plagued by unbelief and hardness of heart that gets worse over time. I wanna kill myself but am too I live with my parents, but do no work whatever around the house. I haven't taken a bath in months. What's the point? I sit at my computer all afternoon and night listening to Tim Conway's Unpardonable sin video, playing computer chess. I pine away, slowly, wondering when I will die, how I will die. I am going to LA this November, and wonder if God is waiting so He can kill me in a big earthquake. People who commit the unpardonable sin, in the past, have died horribly gruesome deaths, as if God was so outraged He had to express it in how He killed them. Is God gonns crash the hotel on me and slowly, filled with Divine hatred, crush me over the period of excruciating hours before he crushes my head for the grand finale? Or will He let me come back some, and eke out a long life of torment, of what could've been ad I NOT denounced Jesus that final time, against the plea of my conscience - or was THAT the Holy Ghost? I wish I could go back to July, 2017, when Jesus LOVED me, and I'd sure do things differently. If ONLY Jesus's, but His SOVEREIGN WILL, would choose to love me beyond grace abounding, and to HIS glory, to shew that His shed blood is ENOUGH to forgive an unpardonable sin. (PLEASE pray Jesus WILL DO SO, to HIS glory, not mine, but ask if He could love me like He once did TO HIS GLORY.) I keep asking Jesus into my life, asking Him to redeem me from sin to Himself, but I can mean it and yet this darkness in me doesn't wholly want it. I beg Jesus to forgive me: have done so thousands of times, but it seems GOD is allowing my mind to become foggy about the atonement. Maybe I should just ask God to let me live the life I have always wanted to, and get double the wrath and judgment when I die, but the thought of doing that of becoming harder is NOT what I want. BESIDES, even if I am the good-looking famous celebrity I wanted to be, without Jesus, it is crap. I have now realized this, seen the Light, and Jesus is deciding instead to throw me away. Yes, Jesus loved me some kind of special, once upon a time. The song says, "Baby, sometimes love just isn't enough." Hi love apparently didn't endure with me to the very end. I blame myself, but I wish Jesus would've done something to keep me from that fateful decision to denounce Him a second time in a rage. When I felt something inside of me leave. I would denounce Him a third time, but stopped and thought, and changed my mind and heart in time to keep from denouncing Him the third time. I thought apostasy was a total and final repudiation of Jesus Christ. It seems in my case I didn't intend to finally denounce Him. I can see it now, my eternity, burning, screaming, wailing, with God upbraiding me with shouts such as, "I HATE YOU, YOU APOSTATE WRETCH! YOU EVIL, EVIL UNHAPPY CURSED MAN! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I LOATHE AND DETEST YOU, YOU FILTHY WRETCH!" Then what will make my damnation truly damnation is when Jesus tells me, "Chris, I loved you in my bosom as if you were the only one! I had such plans for your life! I had such inexpressible gifts of love I was going to rain down on you, both in your life and in eternity to come, but you renounced me one too many times. You broke my heart. I so loved you, Chris, BUT NOW I HATE YOU WITH AN EVERLASTING HATRED! You broke my heart, NOW I WILL BREAK YOU FOR EVER AND EVER AND EVER, you sinful unhappy wretch! I HATE YOU WITH A HOLY PERFECT HATRED! I HATE YOU!" "I loved you once, but not with an everlasting love like I loved Peter! HIS heart was right, yours was wicked!" (Dear Jesus, if YOU forgive me, could not you get glory, all the glory for manifesting how efficacious your shed blood is to forgive what would otherwise be a sin unto death unpardonable, but for the manifestation YOUR SOVEREIGN WILL CAN CHOOSE TO FORGIVE IT and thus make your Grace not just Grace abounding but Grace abounding BEYOND ABOUNDING to His glory, to the SATISFACTION of His justice (on Christ on that cross), not the vindication of it on me.) Countless times I have prayed, "Lord, please don't cast me out," claiming His promise "Him that cometh to me I WILL IN NO WISE cast out." Even lately THAT is getting difficult to do because when I pray this that damn doubting in my mind says, "How do we know Jesus actually said that, and it wasn't added by a later Scribe, or mistranslated?" Like the last verses of Mark not being in the original manuscripts of the gospel of Mark... And so I pray, "Lord, the Bible says if we believe not You cannot deny Yourself. If You truly said that PLEASE don't cast me out." Funny, when once I was repenting of having lased out violently and denounced Christ (because I saw myself in a video and I was so very ugly and my face looked cringy OLD) I felt Him telling me, so lovingly, as I was repenting, "You're not getting rid of me," and yet... Does that mean if Christ doesn't eventually take me back He LIED to me? and Jesus doesn't lie or break His promises - does He? I mean there are places where God breaches His promises because of unbelief, but IF JESUS directly whispered to me I wasn't getting rid of Him, (I wasn't getting rid of Him. I - I - I wasn't getting rid of Him!) He should come back to me, eventually, like e did John Bunyon, and restore my faith, is love, and my love for Him back. TILL THEN, I am about to go ride my bike, under this dark invisible cloud of torment, the whole time fighting violently to beg for forgiveness, wrestling with all these questions. I have read what the early church fathers (like Polycarp, who sat uder the teaching of John the beloved disciple of Jesus), who said once you believe, if you do not continue in good works your faith will not get you into the kingdom. And Jon Bunyon, who wrote, "Behold, the resurrected Christ seated at the right hand of God. THIS is your righteousness! You can do nothing, either evil or good, to change that!"! ... John Bunyon prayed, "How can God comfort such a wretch as myself?" Thinking he had committed the unpardonable sin, and he heard an echo, "This is not that sin unto death." I ask Jesus if I am hopeless, AND HE NEVER WHISPERS STUFF LIKE THAT TO MEEEE! Instead, I get my torment multiplied. Jesus seemingly loved John Bunyon MORE than He did ME. Charles Spurgeon said Judas, if he had repented of his SIN, not the consequences, Jesus would've forgiven HIM. I ave been repenting of my SIN of denouncing Christ, not the consequences, and what do I get? A momentary calmness, but over time, something or someone seeming to slowly make it harder and harder. My question: I thought Jesus's shed blood was equal enough to totally satisfy God's wrath against ALL sin, even the OTHERWISE MOST UNFORGIVABLE if that sin is repented of? You mean there is a sin God would rather punish eternally than satisfy His justice by the punishment Christ received on the cross? Te sad part of this story. The wondrous love and encouragement and compassion and prayers I receive from you lovely children of God will (UNLESS JESUS takes me back) in Heaven, becomes your praises to God for sending a wretch like me to burn forever. In Heaven, unless Christ forgives me NOW, you will look upon me with God's holy hatred and contempt and will, with all of creation, sing joyfully to God for punishing me. Scary, but fascinating, isn't it. Until then, PLEASE PRAY JESUS TAKE ME BACK! He worked in my life all my life to bring me to Himself, and now He just is gonna let me cause Him to throw me away, after all He's done in my heart and life up to the point I denounced? I mentioned this in pray last year and felt the upbraiding words, "I don't NEED YOU, Chris! I can raise up ANOTHER PERSON to take your place!"
@PresidentChristopher 4 жыл бұрын
Do YOU know anyone who renounced Christ, and went thru the hell I am going tru trying to be forgiven, and it took so long, BUT THEY EVENTUALLY CAME BACK?
@BenGAlejandros 4 жыл бұрын
@@PresidentChristopher repent, have you heard the tale of the son who left to sin and party, then came back to his father in the bible?
@sawphilip868 3 жыл бұрын
1.And this is what Christ said before he died on the cross 2.Those scriptures was not reffered to all mankind. 3.Basphemy againt Holy spirit is reject Jesus. Reject the salvation plan. 4.Read the Bible. 1 john 1 9 pray.
@JJ_Jordan0 3 жыл бұрын
@@sawphilip868 if God doesn't want anyone to perish then how can you say that!?
@madeinnz01 6 жыл бұрын
I have committed this and I’m slowly dying, sicker by the day, my heart is so hard, there is no way back for me
@Hanguyen-mg1ue 6 жыл бұрын
Jack Bland have you been born again
@skankhunt1017 6 жыл бұрын
Jack Bland its happening to me to but i pray to god everyday to strenghthen my faith and to break me so that i dont ever go away from his ways.. its the devil whispering in your ears.. cuz sometimes it feels like he is nonexistant... but other times its like he is real... and when i stop worshipping him is when it feels this way... i think god wants us to stop living by immorality and stop following the world... god is there satan is just going to make it seem like he isnt. You have to fight for your soul
@rtr4342 6 жыл бұрын
Jack Bland you are not going to die. I have been there.. listen by the grace of God you will be back Stop focusing on what you have done or what you think you have done, starr with serving God, do something to help people around you, give out gifts, take attention off the thing you have done or you think you have done.. go back to the word and find promise like Tim said in the really helps. Do not worry ABOUT ANYTHING. Your faith will be even stronger that before. Just keep seeking God do not give up!!!!!
@rtr4342 6 жыл бұрын
Jack Bland every time person goes through experience like unpardonble sin, they get confused they dont know if they were ever saved... confusion is from the devil. He wants to stop you from God given identity and purpose.
@crippled82 6 жыл бұрын
Your heart, or on your chest? It's fake, it's your flesh. That's what I believe
@x2marxd583 Жыл бұрын
Can you help I’ve felt that I have committed the unforgivable sin after I sin I feel no conviction and I don’t feel God I really want God in my life.. I just don’t know
@noahsalmons22 Жыл бұрын
Hey bud
@Hello-hn9kq Жыл бұрын
Remember that the enemy uses feelings to deceive you. You have to know that god loves you instead of trying to feel it. He loves you so much. To blaspheme the Holy Spirit is to know that it’s of God but then call it unholy and evil. Unless you were talking with people and told them that the Holy Spirit is evil even though you didn’t believe that, then you should be okay. To feel conviction just listen to some testimonies of people who have been to hell. You will realize that you don’t want your sin over heaven with your father.
@sakkel.7357 Жыл бұрын
@acts2389 6 жыл бұрын
Only unforgivable sin is rejecting the gospel of salvation
@rand_-mk5lb 6 жыл бұрын
Michael T. EXACTLY
@rand_-mk5lb 6 жыл бұрын
Michael T. The way he's talking could possibly scare new Christians away..or is it just me?
@loveiseternal5544 6 жыл бұрын
rand_0893 there are some good teachings with a strong annointing Derek Prince The new creation' part 1 and 2 it is also a deliverance ministry very indepth he has a channel it is very relevant to today's teaching to be honest ( that just came to mind) I don't believe there has been a Christian speaker as good as Derek Prince if you watch his video's you may agree
@rand_-mk5lb 6 жыл бұрын
elizabeth adams Awesome. Thanks sister, I'm gonna check It out. God Bless.
@samaldridge5283 4 жыл бұрын
@@rand_-mk5lb your exactly right! thats what happened to me
@Enerohhh1 2 жыл бұрын
I have an thought saying I renounce the spirit Did i committed the unforgivable sin 😭😭😭😭😭😭?
@punchohuncho5842 2 жыл бұрын
Am in the same situation here
@Music-zm5bi 2 жыл бұрын
The unpardonable sin is unpardonable because its the Spirit who convicts you of sin and leads you to Christ so if you recognize your a sinner in need of the only pardon then you haven't committed it. Repent and keep trusting in the gospel to cleanse you. The reason Jesus won't cast you away is because no one can come anyway unless the Father draws them. So if you are being drawn to Him in repentance and faith that means Gods not done with you. He isn't giving people the stiff arm its the other way around. It's people giving Him the stiff arm. I would encourage you to read 1st John and even watch Steve Lawson bible study called absolute assurance.
@Music-zm5bi 2 жыл бұрын
Its not an intrusive thought, accidental, or impulse slip of the tongue. Not done in a fit of anger or a temptation but someone who is so blinded and hardened and so refuses to come to Jesus that they actually ascribe his miracles done by the Spirit to satan. Read Matthew 12. Marvel at their radical unbeleif! When Jesus did a miracle in front of Peter he saw is own wretchedness. Same with the Isaiah 6:5 Woe to me!" I cried. "I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty." When you get close to God you see your own wretchedness which causes you to see your sin and come to him desperately for a Savior.
@heatherbrown865 2 жыл бұрын
@@Music-zm5bi Have I done the sin I was saying something was satanic and demonic and I don’t know if I said Holy Spirit or The thing I was talking about
@heatherbrown865 2 жыл бұрын
@@Music-zm5bi Please get back to me bro I’m very scared
@matthewholder3269 2 жыл бұрын
Does anyone else have blasphemous thoughts?
@KeashaRyan 2 жыл бұрын terifying
@matthewholder3269 2 жыл бұрын
@@KeashaRyan Yes I do I hate it
@ragey12 2 жыл бұрын
Me too! This passage helps me when I struggle with them. Hebrews 4:15-16 “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
@egbewattarrahnaomi332 2 жыл бұрын
Me too
@jamarienbowmen9126 2 жыл бұрын
Mee bro it annoying
@bkball23 2 жыл бұрын
Hi I apologize for cussing at you and having sexual thoughts about you and ask for forgiveness
@MrBOSS-wj4hi 2 жыл бұрын
Make sure you mean it
@KeashaRyan 2 жыл бұрын
why r u writing for me??I feel the same way
@giovannicorraliza4393 2 жыл бұрын
for addiction prayer and fasting helps alot. pray to YAHUSHA (is the name of CHRIST how i belive they said in ancient Israel) for help and try a soft-fast for like 8hrs to see how your body reacts. do recommend to see a profesional too see how your body reacts.
@wisewordsofgodandprayersfo7423 4 жыл бұрын
I didn't know much in the past and I committed it and then in my mind I did it again and I did it again and again I am so sad and depressed at myself and my heart are heart as stoned and everything when dark but I don't want to commit any of that I wish for god to become my lawyer because he knows from my heart I didn't want to do that I give my all to repent .I have sad with my actions I am very depress But it was the devil that doing it and choose my weakest moments the Lord knows I don't want to commit it the devil did it but I have done it all I can do is I love god in my spirit no matter how hard my heart is because I love Jesus I was born and protected by Jesus I might died without Jesus Jesus is my lord I myself cried because I have done something wrong to him I cried not for myself now but I cried for god the one I hurt he is just becoming a fair god he is loving and Caring I must be with him no matter what I do because I love him no matter what path he choose because for me before anyone else Jesus and god has saved me first and come to present on my heart first I have regret my sins and I want god to be fair And now I lived for my brothers and sisters to not fall the way I do I know I am not worthy of heaven but only God knows all of it and God knows every man's heart he know about yours and mine to In the name of Jesus I pray for you and the others so you won't die Because I also says to my holy spirit If death is sleep for god so wake me up when he come and always wake me up and make me the way he wants from w Christian's I love jesus
@carol-annroelofse4902 4 жыл бұрын
You Shall Not Take the Lord's Name in Vain' by Don Wilton May 30, 2013 It is amazing how intricate the human body is. God did this; He created us in His image. In so doing, He made us to look like Him, to love like Him and to live with Him. No wonder the Psalmist said, “I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). When Adam and Eve sinned against God, this beautiful fusion between God and His prime creation was shattered. People could no longer look like God, love like God or live with God. This is why the love of God in Christ Jesus is so wonderful. Jesus Christ came to this earth and gave His life so that all who believe in His name would once again be able to look like God, to love like God and to live with God forever. And so it is with the tongue. What a small instrument it is compared to the rest of our bodies, but as James 3 tells us, how great a fire can be set ablaze by the words it produces! When God spoke the commandment, “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain” (Exodus 20:7, NKJV), He was issuing a very serious warning to all people who in any way misuse His name. Of all the synonyms associated with the taking of God’s name in vain, the one most closely identified is blaspheme. Some others include curse, abuse, profane, desecrate and revile. The bottom line is still the bottom line: God is making it very clear that blasphemy is the use of His name in any way other than to glorify Him alone! This means we can blaspheme by speaking God’s name irreverently and by using God’s name unlovingly. One can hardly watch a movie these days without hearing God’s name or the name of the Lord Jesus used in this manner. I watched a supposed family movie recently and was once again treated to the repeated use of Jesus’ name as a curse word. Many in our world don’t even think about it anymore. God’s name is used to “inform” Him just how hot the weather is, and by athletes to describe how well they have just run or hit the ball. Beauty pageant contestants cover their mouths in shock as results are announced and proceed to use God’s name to emphasize their joy and triumph. Live microphones catch well-known politicians exchanging ringing criticisms and endorsements accompanied by blasphemies of every kind. When God issued this commandment to Moses from the top of Mount Sinai, He was not making a suggestion that people merely “soften” or “ramp down” their use of His name in any way other than to glorify Him. He was letting them know just how serious this sin is. Blasphemy is no joke. When God’s name is evoked, this is not the time for a simple “Oops!” Remember, the Bible says He will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name. Perhaps the rampant disregard for the name of our heavenly Father is symptomatic of the serious spiritual condition we find ourselves in today. This is why we have so much hope in and through the Lord Jesus Christ. Taking the Lord’s name in vain is not the unpardonable sin any more than any of the other Ten Commandments are. This sin can be forgiven because the Lord Jesus Christ came and gave His life. This is exactly what the cross is about. Moses was the law-carrier. If you want Moses to run your life, you will be limited by the law instead of by God’s grace. Jesus Christ came not to do away with the law but to fulfill it. This is why it is imperative for you to repent of all sin and trust in Jesus Christ by faith. The name of God has everything to do with all that God is. When His name is pulled down into the mass of human society, everything pertaining to His unique and sovereign ability is devalued. Think about this for a minute. The Bible tells us in John’s Gospel that Jesus came in the Father’s name (John 5:43), that Jesus performs miracles in the Father’s name (John 10:25), that we can ask anything in His name (John 14:13), and that we are kept safe in His name (John 17:11). In Acts 4:12, we are reminded that there is no other name under Heaven whereby anyone can be saved, and in Philippians 2:10, the Apostle Paul reminds us that it is at the name of Jesus that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. I have always believed this is the reason why everyone, from Hollywood to Wall Street, never uses as blasphemy the name of another person, president or prime minister, bishop, evangelist or religious leader from any religion near or far-only the Lord Jesus Christ. In a strange, reversed sort of way, every time I hear the name of Jesus used as a curse word, I think God is affirming the truth of His Word. He is using the very ones who defame and demean Him to demonstrate that He is the One who is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6, NKJV). This is what blasphemy does: First, it discredits God’s name. Remember, it was the Lord Jesus who taught us to say, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name” (Matthew 6:9, NKJV). Second, it denounces God’s character. In the Old Testament, God’s name was written only with consonants so that no one could pronounce it. If God’s name is unpronounceable, and His person is untouchable because of His holiness, how more so is His character unutterable? Third, the misuse of His name crucifies Jesus all over again. Blasphemers are simply allying themselves at the base of the cross alongside all who screamed at Him and demeaned Him. Fourth, it aligns blasphemers with Satan himself. The devil is the one who opposes God in every way and demands to spread the ultimate lie that Jesus is just another ordinary man who can be reviled and spat upon. Fifth, and most serious, blasphemy places a serious question mark on a person’s salvation. All of the commandments have to do with the heart. If our words are a reflection of what is in the heart, then surely a person who knows and loves our Savior cannot utter His name in such a manner. And, what if you do blaspheme? Here it is again-my hope, your hope, every person’s hope-Jesus Christ loves you. Here are three things you can do. First, look in. Examine your own heart before the Lord Jesus. Next, look out. When you do look out you will see that God is exactly who He says He is-in word, name and deed. And finally, look up. Look into His face and live. He loves you. He died for you. He wants to forgive you. There is hope. ©2013 Don Wilton Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture is taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version, 1984.
@jes9157 4 жыл бұрын
Hi.. how are you.. You clearly didn't commit it..
@MexLuger 4 жыл бұрын
Oh Lord, thank you for this ministry!! All my believers in Christ, let us seek Him even more and find rest in His promises. I love meditating on Matthew 11:28. I came to a point in my life where i was tired and fed up of embarrassing my Lord and He has promised to give me rest. "Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest". Anyone that reads this please come to Him and repent of your sins. He will give your soul the eternal rest it needs.
@ragey12 2 жыл бұрын
I love that verse. There’s a Paul Washer sermon that I love where he talks about that verse. It’s called “Come Unto Me” and I think it’s posted by I’llBeHonest. You should check it out :)
@charlottethechristian833 3 жыл бұрын
I have committed the unforgivable sin I had 3 bad intrusive thoughts about the Holy Spirit and I end up saying one of my bad thoughts to my friend telling them my thoughts and I feel as if my heart has been hardened like I cannot feel scared and I cannot feel guilty or ashamed of it and it true I been sad about it all the way to September 6, but I still end up sinning which I hate it now and I feel like sense I’m guilty of the unforgivable sin I choose to stay in bed all day and I barely eat sometimes and I feel like I don’t even care
@hydro-vq2wy 3 жыл бұрын
Thats not the unforgivable sin. If you believe in Christ, you are 100% saved and cannot commit the unpardonavle sin. If you didn't believe or you are unsure, come to Lord Jesus Christ and He will gladly take care of you. God loves and forgives WHOEVER comes to Him. The unforgivable sin was in the CONTEXT of what those pharisses did when Jesus was on earth, they said that blasphemy instead of accepting Jesus as the Messiah. You never saw Jesus as they saw Him, you cannot commit that sin now, even if you wanted. Remember, even if you are unsaved ( I don't know you personally), if you come to Christ, you will be 100% saved and forever safe in Him. Rest in Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God, who died for your sins and after 3 days was ressurected. God bless you!
@justanormalartist801 3 жыл бұрын
@@hydro-vq2wy but why do some say you can still commit it today.?
@hydro-vq2wy 3 жыл бұрын
@@justanormalartist801 Because of irrational fears, ignorance, poor understanding of theology, bad hermeneutics, failure to examine the context, etc. Many people (including many preachers) are afraid to accept that whoever comes to Christ is forgiven for free.
@hydro-vq2wy 3 жыл бұрын
@@justanormalartist801 Thats why many misinterpret and falsely assume the unforgivable sin can happen now, when in fact it cannot. It was possible in a local context, it basically was possible when the pharisees had highest amount of light given to them in their lifetime (seeing miracles made through Christ by the Holy Spirit), they had Lord Jesus Christ Himself in front of them, and they did not want to believe in Him, but instead said that blasphemy. Its not the words themselves, but the hardening nature of that sin in that specific context. If that amount of light is not enough for them to change their mind, than how much more do they want to accept the obvious fact that Jesus is indeed who said He is? Notice I did not said they blasphemed, they were in danger of an unforgivable sin, which basically is to never accept Jesus as the Messiah in the face of undeniavble evidence made by the Holy Spirit through Christ on earth in FRONT OF THEM. They didn't get more, so if their final answer was such a blasphemy instead of believing, then thats just it. The OP (apparently) has not a problem in accepting that Jesus is the only begoten Son of God, more likely irratioanl fear that he/she needs to feel guilt in order to be saveble, which is not necessarely, since we are not save by our emotions, but by Jesus Christ through faith (trusting, resting on Him for our salvation). EDIT: But even if the OP did alot of bad things, he/she cannot commit that sin, because Jesus is not on earth right now, He is at the right of the Father. Basicaly everyone who comes to Christ is forgiven forever, you can read John chapters 3 to 6. Thats not to say the OP doesn't need Christ, he/she needs Him for salvation from other sins. English is my second language, I might have made some mistakes in grammar.
@justanormalartist801 3 жыл бұрын
@@hydro-vq2wy why do i have bad thoughts it always pops in my mind i hate it.
@ApoIogeticsMan 5 жыл бұрын
You have to wonder why it is that the Holy Spirit can not be blasphemed, but Jesus can, or at least it seems that He can.. What makes the Holy Spirit less willing to forgive blasphemy, than Jesus? When you find the answer to that, you will know if you have done this, or not.
@ApoIogeticsMan 5 жыл бұрын
@macolyis Yes, that is probably true, but I don't think that is what this sin is. The Pharisees insulted the Holy Spirit and there is no return from that. God sees our hearts and knows what is motivating us. So, if a person is doing something out of fear, or anger, or confusion, they can still be forgiven. These men in Matthew 12 were not saying things from fear, or confusion, they knew for a fact that Jesus was God, yet chose to rebel against him and try to defame Him, in the minds of the lost. To whom much is given, much shall be required..
@matthewholder3269 Жыл бұрын
Does anyone else have blasphemous thoughts?
@Linnn_247 Жыл бұрын
Me, it’s so hard to go on when it’s the same hopeless feeling every day. I only find peace when I cry and pray to the Lord.
@matthewholder3269 Жыл бұрын
@@Linnn_247 I agree
@ibrahimismail7881 Жыл бұрын
Thoughts don't count it's what you say and feel when you say
@kanhdahar2 9 ай бұрын
usually not your own thoughts but little demons whispering in your ear and driving you nuts! remember that, think little demons taking advantage of you in your broken frame of mind.
@diegofrancis5289 Жыл бұрын
Hello brother I need help idk if I committed blasphemy against the holy spirit Because I saw a man of God heal a person I sed the work of the evil one and I knew what I was saying but I said it out of anger I was mad at God that's why I sed that I I sed it again too
@diegofrancis5289 Жыл бұрын
Pls brother I need help pls where can I contact you
@Monokitsune 2 жыл бұрын
Psalm 103, often, is mine. As well as Ephesians 2. As I struggle to trust God and His mercy. On a wretched Sinner like myself.
@36742650885 5 жыл бұрын
Please pray for me I am bound by legalism
@comowibibliawhatthebiblesa6562 2 жыл бұрын
Psalms 34:14-15 Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it. The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry.
@123backflipman 5 жыл бұрын
How can one hand power to satan? Gods love knows no limits how can it possible leave you altogether
@ApoIogeticsMan 5 жыл бұрын
Free will. God gives us free will, because He wants us to come to Him willingly and with love. So, a sad but necessary part of free will is the possibility of rejecting God. People who utterly reject God, will receive what they asked for.
@TheGreatSkull123 4 жыл бұрын
If a person is worried about having gone too far with no way back; if they are distraught over thinking they have committed some kind of unforgivable sin, then by virtue of those fears they haven't done it. It is among one of the best signs that you are NOT outside of God's saving love. People who are lost and have rejected Christ don't care about their decision and they are not worried about it. I have a brother who has done exactly that. He rejects the truth even though he received much light and, at one time, appeared to be saved, and now he has become defiant and arrogant about his rejection of God, HIS Word, and HIS Messiah, and even mocks God, calling HIM a child killer. He isn't worried about it and he doesn't care. The unforgivable sin cannot be committed in the same way as when Jesus was on earth. The only unforgivable sin is to live your life rejecting Christ and then dying without him. In context, Jesus pronounced judgment on the Religious Leaders of HIS day because, although they repeatedly saw HIS miracles, signs, and wonders, and they knew from Scripture that HE fit the description of the Messiah; nevertheless, they rejected HIM and said to HIM "you perform miracles through the power of satan" thereby blaspheming the Holy Spirit. In addition, after all they had witnessed and seen, they had the gall to say to HIM "show us a sign." These were evil men, and jesus condemned them on the spot. So do not fear.
@nataliecole6447 4 жыл бұрын
1thegreatskull people keep saying this but it said if you speak blasphemy against the spirit
@flaviogarza2376 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheGreatSkull123 Thank you for the insight. I'm 15 years old and I found Jesus around 8 to 9 months ago but early that time I found about that verse of the unforgivable sin. Through out my walk I have been living in fear and self condemnation because of my unhealthy obsession and the unforgivable sin. I consider myself a babe in Christ but now have doubts that I'm even a true convert and that I just lived in the enemies snare. For the past months I've been feeling less of God's presence and started living a more sinful lifestyle which now I don't feel conviction. Many people interpret that sin in there own ways but I think yours is accurate. I don't want to keep hardening my heart and continuing without God. Can you pleases pray for me to get to him and humble myself please. Thank you and God bless you.
@nataliecole6447 4 жыл бұрын
1thegreatskull please contact 4422855911 to explain because am so worried and scared of this sin please show me in scripture so I could explain what I think this is and what I have said 🥺😞please call
@nataliecole6447 4 жыл бұрын
1thegreatskull anytime would be great am always open please call 4422855912
@nataliecole6447 4 жыл бұрын
1thegreatskull 4422855911
@ValerieJean757 3 жыл бұрын
Some pastors add more fear and they themselves are not truly sure that whosever will may come and drink. So some pastors"men of God" that these broken wounded people turn to for help, These pastors whose minds are not broken and suffering; They go well there is a line you can cross where you might be unforgivenable, I can't tell you that you haven't committed an unpardonable sin, There is unpardonable sin And I don't know if you've done it or not, But now I'm going to demand that you in your broken down shattered terrorized state with the devil accusing and terrorizing you; I'm going to demand that you take a verse and believe it despite me just telling you that you might have committed that sin And I'm going to judge and shame you for not overcoming the terror and believing And being able to force yourself end the suffering and be whole Even in you're shattered suffering with the devil attacking and accusing. I'm going to shame you and accuse you of choosing to not believe and choosing to remain in torment whenever you reach out for assurance ; And you the pastor who is supposed to have a relationship with Jesus just told the guy that you don't know if he committed that sin and is unforgivable But then you shame and judge him for unbelief. He needs help to behold the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world. What if it were you that was broken and suffering and trying to be whole? Matthew 23:4 For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely Hebrews 7:25-27 King James Version 25 Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. 26 For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens
@bekahcalderwood1331 Жыл бұрын
Maybe what He's trying to get at is like in Psalm 147:11 which says "The Lord delights in those who fear Him. To those who hope in His mercy." Like holding on to something about God's character that gives you hope because He delights in those who hope in His mercy and without faith it is impossible to please Him. For me, being in this place myself, I find it respectful that the pastor says, "I don't know." Rather than just telling you that you're fine and not understanding that you don't feel at all fine. I've been holding onto certain things in the Bible and things I see in life to help me have hope in God's unfailing love and tenderness. I'm not convinced yet, but I have some hope.
@James-r9f4u 2 ай бұрын
​@@bekahcalderwood1331 I'm in a similar position, hope you're okay!
@truthfilterforyoutube8218 5 жыл бұрын
Man has created the confusion on this subject, not the Bible. In Mark @ Jesus says " But He that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hast never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation" . Then in verse 30 , Mark " Clarifies this statement " he says, " Because they said he hath an unclean spirit". Very simply we can surmise ( using context of the entire chapter), That "ANYONE" empowered by the Holy Spirit to heal or cast out Demons ; to attribute the power to do so as an unclean spirit rather than the Holy Ghost ( basically accusing the Holy Spirit of being an unclean spirit ), has committed the unforgivable sin. Plain And Simple.
@ApoIogeticsMan 5 жыл бұрын
What if they were just taught that Jesus cast out demons by the Devil's power, and repeated that, ignorantly?
@123backflipman 5 жыл бұрын
Can this happen by accident?
@ApoIogeticsMan 5 жыл бұрын
@@123backflipman No, it is an absolutely willful sin, premeditated and wanton, without regret or remorse. People who blaspheme the Holy Spirit are rejecting Jesus without any hesitation or feeling of loss. They are saying "I want nothing to do with Jesus, ever, for eternity."
@truthfilterforyoutube8218 5 жыл бұрын
@@123backflipman no
@123backflipman 5 жыл бұрын
@@truthfilterforyoutube8218 Why does God create people that he knows will go to hell?
@rob6247 5 жыл бұрын
I’m scared about somethings I said in the past. I’m nut sure if some of them were accidents or not. I saw something on KZbin that said the unforgivable sin is refusing to repent as well. But if I start to see them as sins, I’m worried because then I always would live in Constant guilt that they may NOT be forgivable and that the other explanations on the unpardonable sin maybe right, and not the one about not repenting. And if I start to go back to thinking they were accidents, I would always live in fear that actually maybe the “refusing to repent” option is the right one, and that’s exactly what I’m doing with calling them accidents as well, avoiding to repent. I have asked the Holy Spirit to help me see if they were sins or not, but I’m still not sure. So I’m stuck in a state of of being scared to call it an accident, or an actual sin, because either one I believe, the other explanation calls it wrong. Does anyone have an answer to this?
@petercooke96 5 жыл бұрын
RobTheHumanBacon ! Dude I was in the same situation as you before I got scared into repenting.. Holy 'scared' Holy fear. The scripture that says if we go on sinning after receiving knowledge of the truth... Nothing left but fiery indignation. I repented for the first time. And I fear the Lord now which actually lead me to love him. You have the moment and in that moment pray .. I'm sorry for my past sins and grateful for all good actions. I pray for the grace of repentance to reach your heart. And you'll know the Lord and how good, calming and lovely he is. God bless
@PresidentChristopher 5 жыл бұрын
God came to call sinners, not the righteous, to repentance. "If we confess our sins He is faithful and Just to forgive us." Do you know what confess in the Greek means? TO SAY THE SAME THING ABOUT YOUR SIN THAT GOD says. Go to Jesus and tell Him you have sinned. Tell Him how ugly your sin is. He is waiting to forgive you. If you have any desire to give yourself to Jesus YOU CAN! LISTEN to 1:00:00 - 1:09:00 for encouragement on Tim Conway's sermon I have done so 100 times myself already. Before John Bunyon found Christ, he prayed and endured HORRIBLE blasphemous thoughts! John Bunyan’s Battle with Blasphemous Thoughts, Feeling Unforgivable, Reprobate and Demon Possessed "Seek and ye shall find. Ask, and it shall be given you. Knock, ad it shall be opened unto you." John MacArthur said Jesus was talking about the being able to enter the strait and narrow gate wen He said that.
@livingwater7580 6 жыл бұрын
A believer CANNOT commit the unpardonable sin, Tim is a false teacher, the unpardonable sin is UNBELIEF, Jesus paid for all sin, the only sin that condemns a sinner is unbelief, John16 "OF SIN BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE NOT ON ME "
@illbehonest 6 жыл бұрын
We agree that a true believer cannot truly commit the unpardonable sin. Where in the video does he state that the believer can? Clearly many believers fall into false condemnation and are accused of committing it when they have not.
@ApoIogeticsMan 5 жыл бұрын
So, where do you see that a believer can not become an unbeliever?
@ApoIogeticsMan 5 жыл бұрын
@Wadsy You could not love Jesus, if you had pushed the Holy Spirit away. You do understand that Jesus and the Holy Spirit, are just two facets of the same God, right? The three "persons" of the Trinity are not completely separate beings, they are actually one, single, solitary God. So, insulting the Holy Spirit is insulting Jesus, the two are one and the same God. The reason the Pharisees were unforgivable was because they sinned, knowing full well the truth. there was no doubt or uncertainty for them, they are willful sinners, and they wanted to be cut off from Jesus. The Book of Hebrews speaks of this sin of the Pharisees, when it says; "Hebrews 10:26-31 English Standard Version (ESV) 26 For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries. 28 Anyone who has set aside the law of Moses dies without mercy on the evidence of two or three witnesses. 29 How much worse punishment, do you think, will be deserved by the one who has trampled underfoot the Son of God, and has profaned the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has outraged the Spirit of grace? 30 For we know him who said, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay.” And again, “The Lord will judge his people.” 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. This is a very deliberate, hateful and wanton sin, not merely having stray thoughts about the Holy Spirit, or even making fun of the Holy Spirit. When I was 11, my brother and I were sitting around, making up funny lyrics to songs and I began making funny lyrics to the song "On The Wings Of a Snow White Dove". I began singing "on the wings of a pitch black hawk, he sent his pure sweet squawk.." and my Dad chimed in and said "You boys better be careful, that song is about the Holy Spirit, you remember what they told you about blasphemy in church". I was never so scared in my life! I spent the better part of the next five years beating myself up, and being generally depressed and scared, wondering why I had been so stupid to make fun of doves! I had no clue what I was supposed to have done, or why it was so terrible, I just knew that making fun of doves was synonymous with blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, something my church had told me could never be forgiven. I finally gave up on church and God and became an agnostic. Then, at the age of 19, I was in a Wendy's restaurant and I suddenly became very aware of eternity and I was afraid of dying without having assurance of my eternal destiny. I repented and asked Jesus to save me, placing my trust in Him My real problems began, shortly after that day, because all of the fear and doubt about having "gone too far" began to attack me. I would hear voices saying horrible things about the Holy Spirit and I would have thoughts that were too horrible to even speak aloud. The Devil was attacking me, because he knew Jesus had won me and he was infuriated. I would try to pray and I would feel something cold over my body and one night, I am pretty sure I actually heard a demon or the Devil telling me to stop praying, I mean audibly! Whatever it was awoke my roommate. It took a lot of prayer, tears and digging into the word, as well as good, Christian fellowship and gospel preaching, but little by little, the voices and fear went away and I was on fire for Jesus. I began preaching, teaching and witnessing, with a zeal not unlike Paul's or John's. Then, I began to fall back into sin again. I slowly began drifting from Jesus and the old fears came back. I gained weight, stopped going to church and stopped reading the Bible. I was just about ready to call it quits and believe I had made a mistake believing in Jesus, when that old fear of eternity came back again and I began to seek the Lord again. You see, the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is not a single act of stupidity, wherein one who is ignorant of the full effects of the act is simply caught off guard and sins. No, the Bible doesn't call this a "sin" i.e. an infraction against the law. it says it is blasphemy, which is defined as an act committed or a phrase spoken, in utter defiance against God. The person who commits this act of defiance has made up their mind, they are utterly unwilling to believe the truth and repent, trusting in Jesus. So, upon making that defiant, hate filled and wanton decision to reject Jesus, they are in effect cutting themselves off from the conviction of the Holy Spirit. They will no longer fear eternity, because they will either cease to believe in God, or be rooted deeply in a false religion, like Rabbinic Judaism, Mormonism, or some other unbiblical, false teaching. They are dis inviting and utterly rejecting the Holy Spirit to an extent that he will no longer be able or willing to reach them. If you read the Book of Revelation, you will note that the people who burn in the Lake of Fire, day and night, forever and ever are not merely people who casually disregarded Jesus, or simply waited too long to repent. No, these people are people who had every opportunity to receive the grace and mercy of God, and chose to defy God, while FULLY knowing the truth. They are there in short, because they HATE GOD!! You do NOT hate God, so you have not committed this act of defiance against His Spirit, and doomed yourself. If you want to repent, you have already done so! Only someone who has the Holy Spirit convicting them, can repent. Repentance is a part of God's grace, something that he GRANTS to us. Without the Holy Spirit drawing us to Jesus, we would never want anything to do with Him, because as Paul says "For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot" (Romans 8:7) and in another place, the Bible says "The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and wickedness of men, who SUPPRESS the truth, by their wickedness" These people do not merely casually disregard the truth, but they suppress it, they hold it back by their will, because they love their evil deeds, more than they love God! Remember, we are not saved by our feelings, or our own merits or will, we are saved by Jesus, and He says "All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out. For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me" (John 6:37-38) Even Jesus can not refuse you, if you come to Him, because you can ONLY come to Him, if the Father grants it, by THE HOLY SPIRIT!! So, just trust in Him, in His word and His truths and promises and stop allowing your fears to get the best of you. Also, if you have any sins you are holding on to, repent of them, cut yourself off from them and obey Jesus! In love, Matthew Davidson
@livingwater7580 5 жыл бұрын
@@ApoIogeticsMan your no longer your own you were bought with a price, you can kick and scream and cannot become an unbeliever , hebrew 6 does not teach you can lose SALVATION, nor does it teach you can stop believing, you are either a believer or an unbeliever, a believer can be a disobedient child and never go to hell Psalms 89:27-37 read the COVENENT between father and son, calvinism is a false man made religion whuch i was part of and the lord lead me out of this prison, you need to believe the gospel, we dont perservere we are preserved by the LORD, did you ever tell your parents i dont want to be your son anymore what happens if you say that, nothung happens you are stuck with your parents, calvinism teachings are always to scare the believer into works, its a religion of FEAR and works, theres no peace of God, theres no Joy always looking at others and yourself always doubting SALVATION, all Tim's preaching is about FEAR, eternal security is the gospel, theres no verse that says you can become UNSAVED. if you are the foot or hand of Jesus body Jesus would have to cut off his foot or hand and in order to do this he would have to undo and reverse what he did to purchase you, you have not believed the GOSPEL thats the primary reason you believe this false TEACHER, Tim teaches that its all about you and not the cross and its all about your works and not christ works, be blessed and believe the gospel you'll find REST for your soul and the JOY OF SALVATION NOT FEAR
@livingwater7580 5 жыл бұрын
@ragey12 2 жыл бұрын
I struggle with intrusive thoughts and sometimes they are blasphemous thoughts. At times I fear that I’ve committed the unpardonable sin. The verses that I recently clinged to are Matthew 1:21 “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for HE WILL SAVE HIS PEOPLE from their sins.”” and Hebrews 4:15-16 “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
@audrey555_ Жыл бұрын
Thanks for Hebrews 4, because I'm like you. I have a lot of thoughts and it feels like you don't have an escape, but remember Jesus in the cross already payed for your sins and you can't do anything for yourself, it's in Christ where you can overcome the sin, blessings 💞✨
@sakkel.7357 Жыл бұрын
@colindavis1496 5 жыл бұрын
Why does this guy constantly throw up the baphomet sign with his hands, it actually takes intentionality to make that sign with one's hands, he knows he's doing it...!!!
@illbehonest 5 жыл бұрын
For an explanation on this, please watch this APT:
@Jesussaves.7777 Жыл бұрын
@@illbehonest if a teenager or a adult who professed to be a Christian and who knows Scripture well goes into tarot and the person tells another person that "the tarot reader says to get out of tarot and go back to GOD" because tarot is " evil" But it was a fib Then is that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? Can that person Repent?
@mrandersong1 2 жыл бұрын
I'm certain I've committed this sin. I cursed his word qnd called it religion. I denied being a christian to my family. I got tattoos. I cheated on my wife. I lost my mind. Please pray for me. I didn't mean to do that stuff, however sin is very serious. Especially when u read the word and still sin. I've prayed and prayed and I feel God has given me over to a reprobate mind. He gave me many chances to repent but I got stuck in my selfish ways. Whoever reads this, please take sin serious. Don't play with pornography or your marriage or pride etc. I know in my heart that I'm going to hell. I hope that God will give me one last chance amen 🙏 sow to the spirit because the powers of sin are trendous
@MrBOSS-wj4hi 2 жыл бұрын
I really hope I will meet you in heaven I will pray for you every day and remember NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD
@mrandersong1 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrBOSS-wj4hi thank u sir. Everything is sin and its very serious.. don't play him for a fool. Pride is the worst sin.. Rely on God's grace, and believe him. 🙏 I hope you go to heaven, I'm almost certain I'm beyond hope
@MrBOSS-wj4hi 2 жыл бұрын
There is always space for hope God is slow to anger just keep praying 🤍 I remember reading and he said I did not come down here for the righteous but the sinners
@mrandersong1 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrBOSS-wj4hi how do u explain the chariots in the red sea and Jesus's ministry?
@christinem5293 2 жыл бұрын
Please dont lose hope and keep praying. God is capable of far more than we can ever comprehend. I have had the same worries that God has permanently left me..... Keep praying and put you're trust in him. Don't let the devil allow you to believe you're beyond forgiveness. If you're truly sorry and change I believe their is hope:) The things you have done are terrible, I've done the same except the tattoos lol but I truly want to walk in God's ways and be lead by the holy spirit...... Do what this man says....pray, fast, repent, deny you're flesh daily pleasures and seek him with you're whole heart ❤ God is so merciful. The fact you see now and clearly want to follow means something. Please dont believe you're eternally doomed and keep seeking him.
@johanadam3009 5 жыл бұрын
Tim if you are reading this please help me. I recently found out about the the unforgivable sin, before that i wanted to give my life to jesus and let the holy spirit guide me to god, But the the worst you can think of is about the holy spirit is what i am thinking, i need help because when bad thoughts come to me its like this feeling that i feel so bad about its like the devil is taking med away taking my faith away from that me that the holy spirit is jesus and that the holy spirit is good and will forever be good, i am crying out to god please let me reiceve the holy spirit because i belive and have faith in that the holy spirit is good and will forever be, When i get those feelings its like a hate its like satan is whispers in my ears you have gone to far you have belived and haved faith that such hideous things about the holy ghost, There is no return, But when that hated feeling i have i am crying out to god, god please take my life its all yours let the holy spirit who is good and forever be good guide me to jesus tim conaway if you are reading this, Help have i Commited the unforgivable sin. i am very young but want to give my life to god repent from my sins and let the holy spirit who is god jesus and will forever be good, Guide me to god and jesus. Tim i need a answer please.
@abeheinkel2817 5 жыл бұрын
Johan Adam hi, friend. I just read this comment and wanted to tell you that you aren’t alone in your feelings. A couple of years ago, i read about the unforgivable sin and immediately I thought that I had committed it. My mind started to think terrible thoughts about God and I couldn’t make it stop. After almost a year of constant fear (crying very often, couldn’t stop thinking about it) I found articles on the internet about other people who felt like this, and found out that these thoughts are a form of obsessive compulsive disorder. (OCD) These thoughts are not your actual thoughts; they are just passing thoughts that you shouldn’t give any attention to. It’s just the way your brain works and it’s okay :) God knows your heart and mind, and that you wouldn’t think those things about him. Don’t pay any attention to these thoughts and they will start to go away over time. You’re okay. Praying for you! I don’t know how old you are, but I think you should tell an adult to help you research obsessive compulsive disorder and scrupulosity (religion-based OCD disorder) I hope the best for you!
@markkarlatec3176 4 жыл бұрын
Pleas guys i have a question i almost said the holy ghost is of d**** as sson as i was about to say the last 3 letters i didn’t said it and quickly said that holy spirit is of god and jesus
@baljeettjinder2262 4 жыл бұрын
Johan Adam Have full faith in Jesus Christ Amen ✝️🙏❤️
@zachariahjosephturne 5 жыл бұрын
Just a question what about people with what we call OCDwhere 24/7 they are having Blasphemous thoughts mostly against the spirit and power of God allthoe at the same time pursuing a passionate relationship with Christ....praying, and reading daily ext. only to find their thoughts are getting worse and worse to the point they have a heavy oppression and also a heavy obsession to even the blurt the disgusting foul thoughts out loud with a number of times having even done just could it be that everything that comes out of our mouths is for my heart or could some things just be off the top of our head and not necessarily for our heart?
@PresidentChristopher 5 жыл бұрын
Before John Bunyon found Christ, he prayed and endured HORRIBLE blasphemous thoughts! John Bunyan’s Battle with Blasphemous Thoughts, Feeling Unforgivable, Reprobate and Demon Possessed "Seek and ye shall find. Ask, and it shall be given you. Knock, ad it shall be opened unto you." John MacArthur said Jesus was talking about the being able to enter the strait and narrow gate wen He said that.
@1234Tsukichan 4 жыл бұрын
I have ocd too and it has happened to me twice now that when I try to combat my intrusive blasmemous thoughts by saying positive things about God, Jesus and the Holy spirit. And saying insults to myself out of anger to myself thinking those things. That i accidentally slipped up and said something bad about the Holy spirit. I didn't mean to, i was mindlessly repeating sentences out loud and something bad slipped out without thinking
@zachariahjosephturne 4 жыл бұрын
@@1234Tsukichan 24/7 I would have these urges or wants to curse the Holy Spirit and or God sometimes they would just come out after fighting and fighting and after such exhaustion they would finally just blurt out of my mouth and they would cause me great distress to the point I thought I was literally jumping out of my skin and losing all motor skills and functions and most of all going insane!
@1234Tsukichan 4 жыл бұрын
@@zachariahjosephturne I completely understand what you mean. Sometimes these things want me to not think about God and his word because it's giving me so much anxiety and constant distress. It's exhausting and debilitating. I have hope that I haven't gone over the line of forgiveness because I still am fighting these thoughts and don't want them or want to talk bad about God. And I still feel emotion when thinking about God and about building a relationship with Jesus. I still want a future with Jesus in my life. And I believe that the scripture teaches that if you want to come to Jesus, you can, so if you have commited the unforgivable sin, you wouldn't want to come to Jesus. I think that accidentally saying the words can be done without it coming from the heart, I know in my case I truly slipped up while mindlessly repeating sentences to defeat the bad thoughts, i truly didnt meant what i said. OCD is very difficult and it makes it very hard to be a christain, I hope we will be delivered from it one day.
@immatesla716 4 жыл бұрын
Hey broh same happened to you feel peace heart in your heart when you repent..sorry am not good at english
@jakewolfe1309 6 жыл бұрын
My heart is so hardened. I'm 20 years old tim I stopped going to church when I was 13 or 14 and haven't gone back since. I desperately want to return but I can feel the emptiness and hardness in my heart. I no longer feel any emotion just apathy. I've never read of a testimony of such a hardened heart being softened. I would live the rest of my days as a disciple of Jesus If I could get just 1 more chance. I resisted the urge I had when I was 15 and 16 to go to church again and give my life to him but because I was so caught up with trying to be cool and fit in I resisted it. I lived like a gentile these past 6 or 7 years and I just pray God could soften my heart so I could feel conviction again. My mother started dealing with this issue 7 years ago I just started dealing with this last year. I want to kill myself because I can't imagine going on like this. Living the Christian life and being obedient seems blessed and treasured to me now. I don't know if God can even soften my heart if he wanted, I don't even know if he would want to. The last prayer I believe he may have answered was to get me out of my sinful relationship with my ex. I prayed for that and a day later she broke up with me. That was 6 months ago and since then I have just been working and sleeping as much as I can to keep my mind off of my souls condition. Looking for testimoneys for the past year but can't find a single one that fits me. Praise Jesus, he is truly mercyfull. I wish I would have read Hebrews or even the bible when I was 13.
@YoungTruthful18 6 жыл бұрын
Let me tell you something, brother. I know how you feel. This is what God said to me today, "You feel this way, not because I have disqualified you worthy of my salvation for you, but you feel this way because you have disqualified yourself." Through that Word and through this video, He awakened my soul and my spirit to His love. My advice to you, which I know is from The Father Himself, bro: You have let shame eek in and trap you in a cage of hopelessness. I repeat: You have LET it. God said to me, " King David encouraged himself in Me, and you are DIScouraging yourself right now, but just like you can DIScourage yourself, you can ENcourage yourself!" You have more power than you think, bro. God gave you the will to believe. So do that. Believe against everything you FEEL. I literally just had to choose to believe that God is with me and for me and that I still have a purpose, even though I FEEL as bad as Peter when he denied Christ. Feelings don't have anymore power than you give them. I strongly believe you have a case of weariness, maybe, like have had and are just tired of the fight at the root of it all. Don't let what you feel in the midst of being tired dis-tract you! Bishop Jakes talks about this: exhausted emotions. Watch that and ENcourage yourself in the Lord, Jake!!! You are known and still LOVED. God has a plan. Just believe. He takes care of the rest... John 6:27- "This is the work of The Lord: Believe in The One He has sent."
@Hanguyen-mg1ue 6 жыл бұрын
Jake Wolfe so did you find a testimony
@jakewolfe1309 6 жыл бұрын
Ha nguyen no are you in the same situation too?
@Hanguyen-mg1ue 6 жыл бұрын
Jake Wolfe what do you feel when your heart is hardened
@Hanguyen-mg1ue 6 жыл бұрын
Jake Wolfe oh
@louiseisk6529 6 жыл бұрын
Immoarality causes destruction, in God's eyes, and also to the offended ones-. It takes a lifetime , literally to be decieved by a husband/ wife takes the trust- worthiness away, it is a terrible, and causes nothing but misery, & self - condemnation., Also, as a man in the Ministry, even though he may be repentant, he has decieved his congregation during his "events"- I would say he needs to step away from ministry, and get his life right. God Bless those that have suffered the consequences of sexual immorality.
@GrizzlyMonster7 Жыл бұрын
I feel that god and his spirit has abandoned me.
@ydsmc4519 Жыл бұрын
I think I’m in the same boat😢
@legendaryg518 Жыл бұрын
God will never leave you nor forsake you. Do you feel afraid? If so, there is still forgiveness available. It's Free
@Clib-wg5yx 9 ай бұрын
I feel this same way too.. I think I spoke against the spirit when I was 19 and cannot be forgiven....
@jobgillette8058 5 жыл бұрын
I felt that
@giovannicorraliza4393 2 жыл бұрын
Please see Revelation 14:12 & 18:23,Quit PCR test, please be cautios cause is alarming the thing pleople have shown.
@adwailadam8965 Жыл бұрын
I believe I have committed this sin, I can't go to God because my conscience is seared.
@illbehonest Жыл бұрын
Take a moment to consider what you just typed... "I can't go to God because my conscience is seared" and yet you will go watch videos on KZbin about it? Does that sound like a seared conscience beyond hope? I implore you to do as Tim says and FIND A PROMISE in God's Word and trust in Christ. Can you tell me what will really sear your conscience? It is writing the comment you did and thinking you are in some place of hopelessness. The more you preach that to yourself, that you have no hope, the further you will be from finding hope in Christ. It is a lie of the devil to get you to believe you are in some unique situation and beyond hope! Do you underestimate the power of Christ to save even you?
@GrizzlyMonster7 Жыл бұрын
How do you feel?
@GrizzlyMonster7 Жыл бұрын
My heart is hard, God was convicting me, I cried out to be saved, I heard a sermon and it said do you love Christ and in my mind I said no, I was confused as to why God wasn’t saving me when I asked, and before I felt him leave me I prayed and told God that I couldn’t do anything and that he would have to do it. Then I woke up like this and he has been silent ever sense.
@liya-vn9hb Жыл бұрын
@@GrizzlyMonster7 I’m in the same position but worse
@JesusisLord254 Жыл бұрын
@@illbehonesthat verses should I watch for, or should I just read all of it and find one that I can sink my faith in?
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