Lyrics(EN)&歌词(中文)👇 Goin' Goin'on Only Only one My perception's loading in progress Estimation 200 degrees Not a parallel that I am seeing Just unmistakable reality Winding lengths of circuits and wires Formulas, never-ending numbers Crackling electrical waves (wow oh oh oh oh) All it takes' a push of a button, overwrite it all Reality feels so magical Knowing there's no hope left anymore (Lose the hope and fall) I can't even seem to see you at all (faint memories call) Here I am standing right now, stop and turn around Spirit coming back now to me (The trembling voices speak) Like a vaguely darkened memory (Goes on and on) The sounds The sights It's Time To Ride Buckle up cuz are you ready now? I know this is not the way to go So bright So high Embracing all that freedom to soar in the sky Sunlight I'll fight to the end of time Right underneath the glowing stars tonight (Goin' Goin'on) Time passing by right before your eyes (Only Only one) Only once-in-a-lifetime (Don't be Don't be long) A track to the unknown Connecting, overlaping with the wave Searching high and low for the border of the sea Guide the way and lead me, my melody I've forgotten it all (Remembering it all) How it felt anymore (Even when I fall) Once a upon a time we crossed paths right here, does it come to you now? An embedded make-shift reality (Wandering around) Singing like a fool why don't you join me (Counscious of myself) That's not, that's not, the one, the one! Miracle's ahead so grab the key My body and my heart is shaking now Non-Programme Liberty You and I our eternal memory This is not a fairy tale can't you see? The glow pierces through the surface from the abyss And now I know this is not the way to go Sing it out don't hold anything back! So bright So high Embracing all that freedom to soar in the sky Sunlight I'll fight to the end of time Right underneath the dark blue sky tonight (Goin' Goin'on) Time passing by right before your eyes (Only Only one) Only once-in-a-lifetime (Don't be Don't be long) A track to the unknown Connecting overlaping to the wave Just like a dream come true I'll Face through the road keep my head up and wave ■歌词(中文) Goin' Goin'on Only Only one 視野範圍在200°以上 人工知覺正在載入中 我們之間並不是平行線 毫無疑問地是現實世界 僅有幾釐米長的電路 公式以及數字的羅列 聽那電子正喧囂不已(wow oh oh oh oh) 連生命都會簡單地被編輯與改寫 如魔法一般的現實世界 無法實現的微小夢想(泡沫般) 再也見不到面的那人(朦朧的記憶) 只要回過頭去 便會 現身於此處 孤獨的靈魂歸於塵土(嗓音微微顫抖) 意志卻依然流傳於後世(交疊重合) 聲音 色彩 乘上 祈願 喚醒沉睡已久的覺悟 「這樣下去是不行的唷」 爽快 奪回 自由才是我們應該有的模樣 Sunlight 在蔚藍的世界 請看著我們挺身反抗的姿態 (Goin' Goin'on) 悠久延續著的時間與 (Only Only one) 那無與倫比的邂逅 (Don't be Don't be long) 將會結合為一體 並成為連結著未知的Wave 與你尋覓著大海的分界線 旋律將成為我們的路標 曾經被遺忘的(如今已然想起) 為誰留的淚水(激憤之情也) 過去也曾經在這裡 和誰交談著的記憶 被埋藏的不過是仿製品(感到迷惘) 唱著歌兒是否不可思議(自我意識) 不對 不對 那是引發奇蹟的鑰匙 身體和心靈都飄搖不定 跳脫程式語言重獲自由 連結你我之間的記憶體 並不是虛構的童話故事 光彩 從海底深處湧出並綻放 「這樣下去是不行的唷」 「高聲唱出屬於你的歌!」 爽快 奪回 自由才是我們應該有的模樣 Sunlight 在蔚藍的世界 請看著我們挺身反抗的姿態 (Goin' Goin'on) 悠久延續著的時間與 (Only Only one) 那無與倫比的邂逅 (Don't be Don't be long) 將會結合為一體 並成為連結著未知的Wave 像是做著夢似地 向著前方路途展開的Wave
is it possible to buy marine´s jacket somewhere? rly want this jacket
@HTT究極あんず Жыл бұрын
@SixthFonist Жыл бұрын
Okay, I haven't been following the plot very closely. When did this become a cyberpunk story?
@liaminina1201 Жыл бұрын
This is the "New Chapter" of the iMarine Project. While other releases were stand-alone, this one follows a story through its different songs. It started in 2022.