I am humbled to see your deep faith and great pride in Hindu Dharma, dear Dena Merriam. God bless you and your family abundantly. The first 2 points that you have raised are indeed pertinent. Firstly the commercialisation of Dharma. And secondly, many of the great gurus coming from India to America, saying they are not Hindus. This shameless disowning of their roots, is another form of commercialisation of Dharma. As you rightly mentioned, it is a bit of a sticky subject. While the Buddhist teachers never disown Buddhism, the teachers of Hindu Dharma are denying that they are Hindus. Your great pride in Hindu Dharma, is really uplifting and inspiring. I am mighty proud of you, holy child. May Almighty God give you greater strength & courage to move ahead on the Noble Path. With love from Mumbai.