🦋A Hyperthyroidism Diagnosis

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Indigo Nili

Indigo Nili

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@jev2857 6 ай бұрын
Oh my Nili! How frightening! Thank you so much for your candor and transparency in sharing your journey with us. Praying for swift answers and resolution! Would you be willing to share if you were doing the generally "usual" 2 drop dose of 2% Lugols or if you were on a more intensive/progressive protocol?
@janetm6325 6 ай бұрын
I find it troubling how people jump on certain doctors 'bandwsgons." I was guilty of that but no more. We must do our own unbiased research I'm so sorry you went through this 😢 Thanks for sharing ❤
@bigred9428 Ай бұрын
I know. I never thought I was susceptible to that sort of thing, but I realized I am. I think mainly because I started feeling ill 30 years ago, and my test were all fine, so I was looking for something to hang my hat on. I've come to realize the old "eat right (omnivorous) and exercise (a lot)" mantra is actually the best.
@amy11228 6 ай бұрын
I started 1 drop per day of Lugol's 2% in January this year. In Feb, I increased to 2 drops. Then in March I increased to 4 drops since my body was handling the iodine so well. My hair stopped shedding and I felt great! I was trying to get to 12 mg daily iodine intake to help reverse years of fibrocystic breast disease. I, too, read Dr. Brownstein's book and believed if I could get to the 12 mg a day that Japanese people intake per day, it would be good for me and I would be just fine. Afterall, Dr Brownstein says that 100% of fibrocystic breast disease is due to an iodine deficiency. Well a week after increasing to 4 drops per day, I began having a racing heart at night (135 bpm) that would wake me up, diarrhea, anxiety and waking up hot in the night. I went to my doctor and my TSH is normal (that's all he tested for my thyroid) and manual palpation of my thyroid was normal. BUT, this scared me enough to stop taking the Lugol's iodine. It's just not worth the risk to me after reading/hearing about so many anecdotes. I've been off of it for 2 weeks now and I'm feeling better now. I won't do that again. I'm sorry the iodine has hurt you. I, too, got interested it in after seeing the KZbin doctors and nutritionists talking about it. I believed I would just urinate out any excess of iodine my body didn't need. Once I started researching more, I found lots of people's experiences with iodine causing hyperthyroid. The half-life of iodine in the thyroid is a lot longer than the half-life of iodine in our blood. It takes a long time to "use up" the excess iodine stored in the thyroid. Wait and see is the name of the game now I guess. I'm a bit hesitant to trust other things these internet doctors are saying.
@bigred9428 Ай бұрын
You are right not to trust the internet doctors. Always do a check on what they say -- NIH, or even the British NHI are 2 great online resources. I have hyperthyroidism (in remission), so I don't eat seaweed. One day I was wondering if the Japanese have a problem with hyperthyroid, and looked it up. Turns out they do. So, just because people in another country have higher levels of something, it doesn't mean they are suffering no ill effects.
@yolandalins4195 6 ай бұрын
I also 2 1/2 months ago with sitting my pulse rate was 120. I am 72. My smart watch informed me. Went to the doctor and because my heart rate was so high they did put me on a high blood pressure/thryoidmedication after the testing showed, I was hyper thyroidism to bring my heart rate down. I’m actually now decreasing that because once they found out I’ve had been taking a very small amount of iodine. They make me stop and within a week, my hyperthyroidism went down and I have now retested a month later and it is back to normal. I will probably be be a little more careful on the supplements I take though I do try to eat keto/carnivore. All my other test were normal,so that was good to hear.
@majajohnson6287 6 ай бұрын
Being a thyroid cancer survivor I’m not understanding show an ultrasound showed benign. I agree that “not suspicious” is possible but I will share this….. My ultrasound showed a solid nodule so FNA was ordered. Results showed benign. Watch and see for several years with multiple biopsies all showing benign. I finally decided to proceed with removal because the nodule was pushing on my trachea and had totally enveloped the lobe it was on, leaving very little thyroid tissue. Final pathology found a small, fully contained malignancy that was “making a break” for it. Had I gone by multiple biopsies, I’d still have thyroid cancer. We all need to self advocate of course. I’ll have to look up the doctor referenced and dive in. I haven’t used iodized salt in decades because I just don’t like it. I don’t eat seafood but extremely seldom so the iodine has to come from somewhere. Many iodine experts will tell you putting it in coffee renders it much less effective…….my point being, who knows. I supplement and have had no issues to date-knock on wood. My tsh has never even elevated with it and it’s tested every 4-6 months. Again, N=1 and self advocate. I sincerely hope you get some solid answers and feel better soon.
@antjee 6 ай бұрын
I knew it and suggested it in my comments on one of your latest videos. Not everyone needs Iodine supplementation. If you take iodine, the rule is 2 weeks on then 2 weeks off.I overdid once myself, never again.
@paolamolinari364 6 ай бұрын
Absolutely! That happened to me and now I’m warning people. Also, a drop or two is enough, more is only necessary for a select few. For some of us we should take any.
@BriarRoseA 6 ай бұрын
​@@paolamolinari364Funny seeing you here! I read the first comment and thought of you and then saw your reply. 😉
@BriarRoseA 6 ай бұрын
I am so sorry to hear that this happened. I too messed with my thyroid a bit because of influencers pushing Iodine. Iodine supplementation was pushing me into borderline hypothyroidism. Thankfully my coach caught it when no one else did and told me to stop. So I did yet continue eating seafood and retested 3 months later, and my levels recovered.
@lynnpoag8173 6 ай бұрын
I’m supplementing with iodine to rid myself of my firocystic breast disease. My really big cyst started shrinking once I upped my dosage to 24 mg of Iodoral. I’m currently up to 36mg right now. My dr refused to give me an iodine loading test, but said that we’re all deficient and start taking 12mg w/selenium M-F taking the weekends off. I did have my thyroid checked a few months ago and it was normal. I’m so afraid of getting breast cancer due to my extremely thick dense cysts. My grandma has breast cancer. I’m also working on going carnivore which should also help, but only time will tell. All of our cells require iodine. It makes sense to supplement a little especially if you don’t eat iodine rich foods. Watching all these dr’s and testing to fix our own issues and sometimes creating more issues. It’s frustrating because our dr’s aren’t helpful most of the time and only want to push pills. We become our own experiments.
@horskin 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this information and reminding us to be vigilant in our health journey. You were so smart to keep investigating your symptoms until some answers are starting to come your way. Wishing you a complete recovery.
@recreatingkaren 6 ай бұрын
This is such a great example of really being attuned to your body. Thank goodness you're always tracking so much data to really notice when things go wonky!
@lifeisgood-victoria796 6 ай бұрын
I had a nodule on the thyroid and started taking iodomere [two different types of iodine] (NOT every day, maybe once every couple of weeks for a couple of months) and the nodule went away to the point where when I went to get the scan again the doctor said, "What happened to the nodule?" I had been told that the nodule would never go away. I agree that taking too much of anything is bad. I have gone to so many doctors I have lost count. Many ER visits with all these different symptoms and I am always told "There is NOTHING wrong with you because we cannot find anything on the tests." ER visit where I was totally dehydrated without vomiting or diarrhea. Have fallen down the stairs many times because of blackouts and doctors cannot find what is wrong with me. Have done CAT scans, EKG, MRIs, blood tests, etc., etc. and it is always the same thing, "There is nothing wrong with you." I remember one time watching a program on TV can't remember the name of it and the person had been sick for 38 years until they found out that her problem all her life was that she could not make/process B12. After the diagnosis she said it was the first time in her whole life that she felt "normal" and the solution was that she has to, for the rest of her life, take B12 injections.
@hyrunnisa997 3 ай бұрын
did you ever figure out your problem? maybe its B12 or maybe you have CIRS. many of your symptoms, dehydration, blacking out…not being able to figure out whats wrong sound a lot like CIRS. I was diagnosed 10 months ago.
@lifeisgood-victoria796 3 ай бұрын
@@hyrunnisa997 Doctors have not figured out what the problem is. B12 OK. Have never heard of CIRS, but will check it out. I have repeated myself to exhaustion that I believe (don't ask me why) that I have some type of bug/parasite. Have been checked for Lyme a few times in the past 30 years but everything is negative. Doctors do not go beyond Lyme, even when I tell them, no, it is not Lyme. There's got to be other bugs we can test? Response? Blank look. I have reached the point that I do not want to go to doctors anymore. Have been 'treated' by four (4) endocrinologists and they have always told me there is nothing wrong with me. "It is all in my head." One time my antibody was at 5000 and the doctor said there was nothing that can be done. Since I started taking care of myself, antibodies not present. Lately, I am so dizzy, I have to hold on to walls. Very frustrating. Thank you for the CIRS, I will definitely check it out.
@BeingButterfly 6 ай бұрын
If it isn't broken don't try to fix it. I hope you feel better soon. We all make mistakes, be kind to yourself. You're going to be okay. Believe it. I'd like to add an odd experience I had while taking regular vitamin B vitamins. I was taking Swanson Activated B-Complex. I hadn't been taking it long when I noticed I started feeling tingling in my hands and various parts of my body. After Googling causes for tingling I found that high doses of B vitamins cause tingling. I stopped taking the B-Complex vitamins and the tingling went away. Now, I don't try to fix what isn't broken. I didn't need high doses of a B-Complex. Less is more, at least for me from now on.
@rikwen96 6 ай бұрын
Sending healing prayers, Nili. It is hard to listen to all of these doctors and not be sure of what is really true for that one person. N=1 experiments on all of us. I do love that you are diligent in doing your research on your health and you have a trustworthy doctor who can help you along the way. You are not a medical doctor but you are not also sitting on your hands and going woe is me.
@24carrotgold8 6 ай бұрын
Supplementation of any kind is to correct a deficiency. It is not meant to be used forever or the overcorrection can have adverse effects. Always have a method of measurement to give feedback on current status.😊
@gentleoldmoviefan5680 6 ай бұрын
I hope you find some real and solid answers. Wishing you the best of health :) BTW, your videos are enjoyable and helpful. (I appreciate what you share, and find it inspirational.) 🙂
@anissahodgson1686 6 ай бұрын
you have an amazing resilient attitude. All your diligence is absolutely invaluable to others struggling. All the best for the future.
@allisonjones7549 6 ай бұрын
In Australia, we had an outbreak of iodine-induced hyperthyroidism because Bonsoy had added iodine to their soy milk with seaweed
@Neilfamilyvideos 6 ай бұрын
This happened to me from taking iodine too. It took about a year to go back to normal. I hope you feel better soon!
@judyporche9125 6 ай бұрын
I have 8 nodules and had needle biopsies. But unlike you had to wait several months for appointment to Endocrinologist. My TSH will go to almost nothing .005 and 6 months later “within normal limits” I wasn’t taking iodine then. Even the Salt I used didn’t have iodine. The Endocrinologist thought (at first) I may have Hashimoto’s but test were negative Meanwhile I have these nodules that she says will continue to grow and will eventually have to come out. Thankfully thyroid Cancer is very slow growing. But none are cancer at this time. Do have your eyes checked as you can have TED without having Graves’ disease.
@karenharrington3571 6 ай бұрын
That is exactly what happened to me last August. My labs went wonky, and they thought I had Graves too. Blamed it on Iodine supplementation. I cut it out for awhile. Now I take one drop M, W, F. Hearing your issue, might convince me to drop it completely also. Thank you for sharing this.
@koberster1431 6 ай бұрын
Very intetesting video. I would like to wish you and family a very blessed Easter! I saw another comment here about going back and forth from Hashimotos to Graves with symptoms and I have heard the same thing. My dr. only does tsh test. I had to push him for fT4, fT3 and antibody test. He came back with "youre fine, nothing to see here". Next annual, I demanded both antibody tests be ran and he called me with a "you actually do have hashis, you were right." He ran 1 antibody test which was normal but my other one was 4 times what it was supposed to be. I told him ive heard people with hashis typically have nodules and i want tested. I do have one that is growing ever so slowly and i requested it be biopsied for cancer which is how they determined mine was benign. Endo did tell me that i will probably have to have mine removed due to difficulty w/ swallowing at some point. Ive never supplemented with iodine except what was in my multivitamin and have never experienced the graves side cup of symptoms. I dont take thyroid meds cuz my thyroid is still producing adequate amounts.Praying everything gets turned around for you quick.
@srezzy1326 6 ай бұрын
I had iodine tests two weeks ago. I supplemented with nascent iodine. My levels were less than
@a.h.kfoury6909 5 ай бұрын
Such an interesting video. Thank you for sharing it was very useful. I wish you a speedy recovery and thank God that there is nothing very serious. God bless you and keep you healthy.❤❤
@Paws-A-Lot 6 ай бұрын
You’ve had quite a week! Thank you for sharing your findings. Plenty of food for thought here. Hoping things start to normalize for you very soon!
@myshellerhodes6511 6 ай бұрын
I had the same hyperthyroid symptoms when I supplemented iodine. I have had to take a very long break from the iodine and slowly over time it all went back to normal and I am currently not supplementing at all with iodine.
@singit3630 6 ай бұрын
(Heavy sigh) That's a relief!😊 (Heavy sigh) So we're pretty much back to 'medicine is a PRACTICE'. 🤦‍♀️
@TracyR4 6 ай бұрын
I mean, it maybe could be, but with that said, I would take an iodine loading test to verify that it's actually an iodine issue. I too have nodules and I do think they have something to do with that rather than the iodine, and especially with the nodules be sure to take selenium (about 200 mg a day) for about 6 months to year to help resolve the issues. Also, from my understanding, you need to take other supplements to supplement the iodine , Magnesium, Vitamin C , Selenium and Vitamin D. Of course, we are all different and our bodies all need different things, but be sure it's the iodine first before crossing that off.
@majajohnson6287 6 ай бұрын
Exactly AND if there’s a thyroid issue, possibly have issue with things like fluoride and bromide. I went to a new dentist this week and they wanted to add a fluoride treatment to my teeth cleaning. I asked why and got a huge explanation about remineralizing my teeth. I declined and when asked why I replied that I was allowed to decline but more importantly, because I am a thyroid cancer survivor and do my best to avoid fluoride. The hygienist responded with “that makes sense”……..ye they had my history and tried to get me to take it.
@susans7091 6 ай бұрын
Yes, I agree. I didn't hear about any iodine testing.
@melvanini 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, I'm not sure anymore what to think of the iodine thing. I've been using Lugol's for a few months now and after I had a nasty virus in January, I started getting hyperthyroid symptoms too. Over the course of January I lost 5 kg (about 11 pounds), was having night sweats, diarrhea, rapid pulse (up to 129 sometimes), trouble sleeping (which I thought was just because I was having trouble breathing because of the virus, but maybe not). Had some blood tests when I went in to get help for my breathing and my thyroid numbers came back hyper. Had them tested again at the end of February and I was still hyper, but less so. Crazy how quick things can happen - back in August when I had it tested my TSH was 2 something! I had a chat with one of Dr. Berry's coaches in his group and I was told to stop using the iodine, avoid seafood & anything else with iodine, drink lemon balm tea at night, get some melatonin to help with the sleep. I haven't had any more symptoms. It's so hard to know what to believe sometimes!
@DhynasahCakir 6 ай бұрын
have you retested? are your numbers normal now?
@melvanini 6 ай бұрын
@@DhynasahCakir I will be in a few weeks.
@tealrustsage24 6 ай бұрын
Hi there, great info shared. This iodine issue is so perplexing. I felt "off" after I started supplementing iodine years ago. I stopped it probably after 3 months or so. Some people do really well with it. Not me, not you. Gives more credence to our bio individuality. Hope you figure it all out.
@Karisa1316 6 ай бұрын
I haven’t done much research into the iodine issue at all, but I have heard that you have to supplement selenium with iodine. Could it have been too much iodine with a lack of selenium I wonder? I’m glad you’re talking about your experiences with all this stuff.
@sheilaavery8442 6 ай бұрын
Nili, you’re going to be great! You’re so diligent with your health & take such good care of yourself! Thank you so much for posting this video. I’ve had a thyroid nodule for a couple of years which I’ve believed was from pulling iodized table salt out of my diet b/c it contains added sugar. I’ve also been hypothyroid since 2017’ish. I take compounded T3 b/c I don’t convert T4 very well. Despite upping the dose multiple times, I’m still on the low end of the range (functional) & still have all the symptoms. I just started supplementing with Iodine drops after watching Dr. Berry’s interview with Dr. Brownstein ( I think 🤔) so now I’m like who knows??? But I’ve had my iodine checked & it was low so I added a little capsule of sea kelp daily & saw a slight improvement in my thyroid levels. Please keep us posted, I’ll keep you in my prayers.
@risasklutteredkitchen1293 6 ай бұрын
My mother had Graves Disease so I know the symptoms and I watch out for them. Mom was diagnosed in her mid-40’s. She had the extended eye balls, she had the weight loss (was awfully skinny), energy was crazy. I am thankful that you got the diagnosis at a younger age, I am thrilled it wasn’t cancer (have that thing taken off). Now you can take care of it.
@1984isnow 6 ай бұрын
You're one of my favorite youtubers, wishing you speedy solutions to your health issues and good health always!
@louisag5410 6 ай бұрын
This is such an important message you are sharing and hopefully many will hear it. I agree it is very difficult to balance the different advice of people even doctors we follow. I personally have resisted taking iodine based on the research I have done showing the negative impacts on people with autoimmune thyroid issues, like myself, and on others overdosing on it. Good news that your Graves antibodies were negative but wondering if your doctor also checked for Hashimotos antibodies. I have watched numerous videos talking about how people with hashimoto antibodies (indicative of hypothyroidism) can experience hyperthyroidism symptoms during a flareup and or in the process of adjusting their thyroid medication. Finally, by coincidence, yesterday I just started reading The Thyroid reset diet book by Alan Christianson. I had heard before how little we need and how some people have a hard time clearing the excess which can be dangerous. All the best Nilli as I know this must be a scary time for you and a big hug to Jonathan for recommending you get tested…
@jenniferernest8118 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing. Love your honesty and hope you have a speedy recovery. We all have to be weary of respected doctors giving their advice about “blanket” advice for everyone.
@sheilam7587 6 ай бұрын
Same thing happened to me when I used the iodine drops. My heart rate was as high as 135 beats a minute sitting on the couch doing nothing. When they tested my TSH it was .01, had flipped from hypo to hyper. Ino longer take the drops and can't even have a multi-vitamin pill with iodine in it or it messes up my levels.
@rosin9590 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing! Many would have kept quiet. But you are brave, and then we all can learn and make decisions on with more/better information and knowledge.
@jaytee3baxter 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for being vulnerable and sharing. It's a great reminder to us all to be a little humble when we think we have answers... especially when it comes to advising others. I'm learning new things all the time, and often that amounts to correcting things I used to believe. I hope to see you here in Utah in May!
@adrianacarrizales6237 6 ай бұрын
Ohhh Nili you will get through this, you are strong and smart, and God will give you the wisdom to do the best for your health 😇🙏❤️
@macki512 6 ай бұрын
I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism a few years ago. Celery juice as suggested in Anthony Nolan’s book ‘Medical Medium Thyroid Healing’ certainly seemed to help me. It is a fascinating read! I didn’t follow the program completely - just celery juice in the morning, lemon water at some point in the day and an occasional heavy metal detox juice but it seemed to do the trick. Doctors were amazed that my bloods showed such an improvement and I was able to come off of the medication. I haven’t had any problems since. Maybe it was placebo effect but it worked for me. Best wishes to you and I hope you are on the mend soon.
@theresagreene1196 6 ай бұрын
So sorry you are on this rollercoaster with your health! 🙏🏼
@SueWoledge 6 ай бұрын
Iodine caused hyperthyroidism in me as well. I took it for 18 months and I ended up the same in 2011. That was after reading Dr Brownsteins book as well. It’s a horrible place to be. I can see your thyroid. I hope you feel better soon. It can be quite scary. I feel for you! ❤
@amy11228 6 ай бұрын
How long did it take your thyroid to return to normal levels after you quit the iodine?
@SueWoledge 6 ай бұрын
@@amy11228 It took about three months from memory. I stopped all gluten and coffee as coffee can mimic gluten. Also all corn as I realised that was causing problems as well. Then I did a 78 day juice feast... Not the best idea I know realise, but it slowed the symptoms really quickly - I guess because it got me off all foods that might have been causing a problem. Today, I'd do strict carnivore.
@paulat5921 24 күн бұрын
Wow! Thank you for sharing your story.
@peggyhanford1208 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this. What an eye-opener! All of us who are trying to get healthy need to be so careful about the advice we follow, and the recommendation from one "expert" might be right for one person and not for all. As you say, it is important to find a doctor you trust. It is so ironic and discouraging that you (who works so hard to be at your best health and are exemplary in that) have developed this response during your journey! UGH... Hoping for quick and complete healing.😊❤
@sofiatarnovskygrein6028 6 ай бұрын
What a wonderful message and reminder to be careful with all the health information I consume. Deeply grateful❤
@dianegougelet1829 6 ай бұрын
Sorry to hear this is happening to you... praying for you & full recovery to excellent health. ❤
@bellekordo 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for being forthcoming with this diagnosis. It means alot! Very interesting...now i dont know what to believe!
@ellieb2914 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for the timely warning. Sorry you are having to go through this. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
@susans7091 6 ай бұрын
I haven't used Iodized salt for years, but am taking Iodine drops every day. This is worrisome for sure. Do they know absolutely for sure that it is due to the iodine? Did you do a 24 hour urine iodine test?
@gomimi1 6 ай бұрын
Praying for a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹
@marybuller8239 6 ай бұрын
I'm sorry this happened to you! I'm questioning if I should keep taking the iodine. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis in 2013 with very high antibodies. I started keto in 2018 and my symptoms got better. I added iodine drops in 2020 after watching a certain keto doc online. I've been using them ever since. My thyroid meds were also at high doses prior to keto & supplementation. I had nodules with biopsies on them before keto. My doc requires yearly ultrasounds to check for nodules. No nodules since starting keto in 2018. My meds have been reduced 3 times since starting iodine (not sure if the iodine influenced that). I've been at the same dose of T4 & T3 for the last 2 years and my labs & symptoms remain stable (taking the iodine drops the whole time). I'm questioning if I should keep taking the iodine since you brought this up. I'm wondering if I actually had an iodine deficiency and didn't know it. I will need to research it and talk to my endo. Thanks for everything you do!
@frances4309 6 ай бұрын
Glad you have answers. Here's to a great and effective road to recovery! HUGS!
@JM-kh1jm 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video revealing very important information. I'm so glad you have a caring smart doctor helping you, as well as your coach who had you get the blood tests. Sometimes the "science" even doctors use to write books and/or give information on videos is not valid and I'm so glad you're now able to start moving past this and hopefully fully regain your health; I appreciate your candor in sharing with us and giving names and I inferred another one not specifically mentioned. I hope the very best for you and soon. You provide wonderful info on you channel and elevate our community..
@hyrunnisa997 6 ай бұрын
you should look into CIRS (chronic inflammatory response syndrome)…all of your issues seem like CIRS to me. Low iron, hypothyroid, sibo, chronic issues that just don’t go away no matter what your try or your diet. I really think CIRS could be your issue. I have CIRS. I got diagnosed 8 months ago.
@Bossmansmama 6 ай бұрын
How do you treat this?
@DhynasahCakir 6 ай бұрын
@@Bossmansmama the shoemaker protocol. it is the only clinically proven treatment for CIRS
@hyrunnisa997 3 ай бұрын
@@Bossmansmama Sorry I don’t have notification turned on. Yes the other user is right. the shoemaker protocol. I work with Nutrition with Judy’s team and also have a CIRS doctor who treats me. But right now I have put a pause on it because I need to get into a clean environment. My house is too moldy and any treatment I try makes me worse.
@stinalewis7190 6 ай бұрын
Be well, you are teaching us that it's a journey not a smooth steady state to be achieved, Wishing you all the best.
@pamelaroberts3067 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing! I am stopping iodine supplementation.
@whatjenren 6 ай бұрын
Prayers for recovery ❤
@cindydemanche3839 6 ай бұрын
I am so very sorry you are going through this. I have never, regardless of how many people on YT have said how important iodine is, bought any or taken any! I truly hope you get to feeling better soon. You have been through enough for sure! Prayers for your healing!! 🙏🙏🙏
@ronsketocafe 6 ай бұрын
Sending my prayers and hugs. Hope to see you back on Wellness Wednesday with Lindsey.
@murdermittensnyc 6 ай бұрын
Good find! Emotional few days for sure. I am grateful you have a loving supportive family and smart docs around you.
@marydeemock101 6 ай бұрын
Wow. Interesting. You should share this video with Dr Berry. I think I also remember Neisha Berry saying her hashimoto's antibodies did not show up until later. I was diagnosed with Graves disease/hyperthyroid back in 2007. Sadly, my thyroid was ablated through radiation therapy and I no longer have a thyroid. My resting heart rate also had jumped from 58 to 60 to over 100 - So hard to sleep when your heart is beating so fast! It took a few months to get in to see an endocrinologist so I had to go on high blood pressure medication in the meantime. Prayers for healing. 🙏
@Menditha 6 ай бұрын
Oh gosh! Praying for great wisdom and healing.
@primerib2928 6 ай бұрын
I was diagnosed with Graves Disease 12 years ago. I put it into remission within one year with diet and exercise. If you want iodine, try the kelp noodles from Keto Asian Flavours. That’s a great source of iodine. I made Korean Japchae with them today. They were good.
@ronip3655 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing. Sending you healing thoughts and prayers for a speedy and complete recovery. 🙏 💓
@mkrp4 6 ай бұрын
10:06 excessive iodine can cause thyroid to shut down (overt hypothyroidism) Usually TC-99 isotope test is recommended to find a root cause: low uptake--inflammation, high general uptake - GD, high local uptake - toxic nodule
@marybuller8239 6 ай бұрын
Where can I find more information like this?
@pegz.3959 6 ай бұрын
I am so happy that you went to see your doctor like many of us here suggested. I knew it wasn't anything simple and heart rhythm/rate are never to be taken lightly. Onward and upward.
@liap1293 6 ай бұрын
Wow! You've been on quite the journey. I had to cut my Armour thyroid dose in half due to a raised heart rate. I'm going to see a thyroid specialist.
@sheilasiebenthal4736 6 ай бұрын
Prayers for healing. I have a nodule on my thyroid, going on a few years now, and I’ve never supplemented with iodine.
@gloriagross8120 6 ай бұрын
I have so admired you at your ability to manage your health the way you do. I will be saying prayers for you. Take care!
@dotti6383 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing. Very useful information
@jbob1548 6 ай бұрын
Many hugs
@hayleycharles997 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this, Nili. I’m so glad that I never tried the iodine supplementation👍🏼
@joycestone7826 6 ай бұрын
Oh, wow. I had Graves Disease which manifested in hyperthyroidism. Yes, stressful. I had to go very autoimmune protocol, took me a while to reverse. Best wishes for your best health.
@charlottedunn9258 6 ай бұрын
A couple of years ago i was very low and started supplementing. My iodine levels began to rise very high and my nurse practitioner warned me that it is not heathy to get to high because that will cause problems. I stop and my levels are still good. Now I am glad that i listened to her.
@loribrick519 6 ай бұрын
Ty for sharing!! I heard lots of testimonials about iodine and it makes them feel better..sorry u weren't one of them!! My thing is there isn't any iodine in salt unless u get the Morton salt but it has dextrose in it..do u think it was lmnt or mineral drops!!
@tmcaleer50 6 ай бұрын
Oh my goodness!! How stressful and frustrating for you to figure out what is going on with this ongoing health issue you have been experiencing. Sending love and light to you in getting this to settle down for you❤ How stressful for you! I pray you and your family have a calm and very tranquil weekend.🙏
@maryfranceshenrybell1289 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing🧡
@LauraWagner 6 ай бұрын
I wish you could share some of your excess hormones! You caught it quickly because you are so in tune. Best wishes.
@Debbie-Savings 6 ай бұрын
I’m so sorry to hear this Nili. Many prayers! I get confused on what Dr’s advice to take as well. 🙏❤️
@gailm.8190 6 ай бұрын
I am so sorry this happened to you!! I am so grateful you paid attention to the data on your fitbit…it truly is more than just an athletic wearable. Thank you for speaking out and sharing your story thus far - I l ook forward to its happy and HEALTHY ending in the near future!! ❤
@angelinevanaman2629 6 ай бұрын
I don’t think Anyone should take Any Supplements Daily! Rotate supplements Weekly…. I’ve definitely taken a different approach to taking any advice from the internet. Good luck on your journey!
@TheBarefootCarnivore 6 ай бұрын
Glad you found answers!
@missyleng 6 ай бұрын
I too have thyroid issues you just got to learn how to deal with it!
@LifeOverFifty 6 ай бұрын
Sorry. Glad you don’t have more serious issues. Hopefully you figured out something was wrong & got it fixed right away! This is very interesting to me, being from The Goiter Belt & I had No Idodine in my foods for about 30 or 40 years since I was a teen suffering from severe cystic acne and 1 of the treatments back then was to avoid all things containing iodine. I developed a few mixed cysts and numerous nodules and at 1 point had the deeper voice and other symptoms. 😮 I was then doing the AIP Diet protocol and the endocrinologist I saw did not take me seriously. 😡 I got busy with my Celiac diagnosis ( misdiagnosed as probable MS for 25+ years) and improved my Fibromyalgia over the last decade… Clean Keto, then Carnivore, now clean keto ( no gallbladder I just cannot do all that fat) & checking my cysts and nodules again as it’s been 6 years! 😮My primary care seems to do better for my husband than me. 😑 I do take that iodine, but not that much. I don’t take recommended doses of most supplements, they are suggestions. I do 1/2 to 1/3, so just a few days a week on most things except C & D ( malnourished & barely absorbing nutrients Celiac ).🤷🏻‍♀️Dr B & Dr B say that clean eating people do not need as much as SAD people. I will look into Dr Christian you mentioned. ✅ Thank you for all you do! 😘🙏🏼❣️💕👍🏼❤I really love your style, as I am a fellow nerd. 🤓 😉 Be well.
@amesstoday 6 ай бұрын
Great video
@dorriejunior4426 6 ай бұрын
MDs all have opinions and opposing opinions are not uncommon. I deal with medical experts in my job as a Legal Nurse Consultant so I know that sometimes they say opposite things. You are such a smart researcher. Every person is different and maybe for some Iodine is needed and some don't need any? Who knows? But your experience is vital for people to know. I took some iodine for a while because I was having some hypothyroidism. The hormones fluctuated below and the returning to normal. Testing for Hashimoto's was normal and my endocrinologist says this could be a sign stress on my thyroid. They seem to be normal now so I stopped iodine. Did it help? Who knows? Sorry you are going through this.
@rosssundberg5510 4 ай бұрын
Check for hashimotos antibodies too. Hashis can oscillate between hyper and hypo in the beginning. Happened to many of my friends and doctors don’t check.
@bettyeverett8089 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing this Nili, and glad you are going to be okay. I can only imagine how stressful it must have been. Wishing you the best.🙏❤
@sherieragan765 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your journey. Best wishes for optimal health in the future. Keep us updated! 🖖🏻😘👍🏻🙏🏻
@johnnafarrell3336 6 ай бұрын
Wow 😮. Who knew. Sure does make you reevaluate things. Thanks girl😊
@allisonjones7549 6 ай бұрын
Be well Nili!
@travelinpack 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing all this, Nili.
@susanlaws3977 6 ай бұрын
Just watched your video. I too jumped on the iodine bandwagon with 2 drops of Lugols with electrolytes beginning 2022. I went for my annual physical in May 2022 and my thyroid bloodwork showed I had hyperthyroid but I had no symptoms. My Dr. wanted to put me on meds. I told her of the iodine supplementation. She said that could definitely cause the bloodwork results and that I should stop immediately and retest in 3 months. Blood works was still high but slightly above normal after 3 months. Retested 3 months later and all was normal. She said my thyroid had always been normal and no need for such supplementation of iodine. I stopped watching several Dr.'s and influencers that touted the iodine.
@Darnabymom 6 ай бұрын
Wow! I think I too will stop taking it now. TY for adding your story to hers.
@MichaelBLive 6 ай бұрын
Yeah we all react so differently to things. I have made some supplement mistakes myself.
@dragonwarrior9346 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this info!!!
@sherrylong7774 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing this Nili. Hope you’re able to get this resolved as well as your iron issues.
@foodallergymomsasmrkitchen6743 6 ай бұрын
I just found your channel. Love it! Do you have any current discount codes for prime protein? Would love to order some, but it’s definitely not cheap without a discount code. 😊
@grannyrsh5553 6 ай бұрын
Trust your doctor. I’m sorry people seem to be losing trust in the medical profession because of social media. You’re smart to follow your doctors advice. If the meds don’t work she’d be there to get to the root of the problem. Always good to be well versed in your own personal health but in the end, trust your doctor.
@bigred9428 Ай бұрын
I have always wondered if the pink Himalayan salt is to blame. I, and others I know, were diagnosed a year or two after we started using it.
@jodyjackson5475 6 ай бұрын
How does an ultrasound determine if a nodule is benign. My dr wants mine biopsied to find out
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