Lean on Me - Lyric - リーン・オン・ミー 日本語訳詞 - Japanese translation - Bill Withers

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Infinite Waves

Infinite Waves

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⬇︎English Description・説明
シンガーソングライター & ギタリストのビル・ウィザースは、1938年 ウェストバージニア州の小炭鉱町で 6人兄弟の供の末っ子として生まれた。父はビルが13歳のときに亡くなり、ビルは 母を助けるため多様な雑用をした。彼は米海軍に9年間在籍した後 飛行機の部品工場で働いた。
海軍にいた頃は 18か19才で、フロリダ州ペンサコーラに駐在していた。休日に車を買い ウェストバージニアまで運転していた。若者が持つ安車のタイヤはボロい。僕の車のタイヤの1つがアラバマの田舎道でパンクした。
まるで映画のシーンでもあるかのように、1人の男が丘の上に現れ 歩いて来る。「あぁ パンクだね」と彼は僕に言った。スペアタイヤはない。彼は丘を越え歩いて引き返す。僕は自分が何処にいるか弁えていたので、気分が穏やかでない。タイヤを持って歩いて戻ってきた彼は、僕がタイヤを車に付けるのまで手伝ってくれた。
米国全体では、非常に複雑な独自の細かい多数のルールを経験する。それは どの社会に居るかに依るが、リーン・オン・ミーの状況を ごく実用的に期待できる可能性が非常に高く存在するのが僕の社会だった。僕の経験では その状況は例外ではなく、ルールではない世界に従っている。
これは田舎の歌で、誰でも解釈できる。本当にそんな人がいたらいいな… という思い… 僕の経験では、そういう人々がいた。南部の田舎でも、人種の線を越えて人を助ける人がいた。怒らせるとリンチを受けるかもしれない暴徒の中にいる人を、別の方法で誰かが助ける…といった。
物事を単純で解り易くするのは非常に難しい。正式な教育を真剣に受けた人と 座って話すと、彼らは 聞き手には まだ意味を持たない数々の言葉を使い投げかけてくるでしょ?バカだと思わせたくないので、うなずきながら座っているが、心では、それを言う簡単な言い方が沢山あるのに… 彼ら自分が何について話しているのか知ってるのだろうか? それとも誇示しているだけ? と思ってしまう。
僕にとって、世界で最大の課題は、複雑なものを大衆が理解できるようシンプルにすること。昔 誰かが言った...「世界は天才によって設計されたが、馬鹿によって運営されている」と。
僕は 詩的要素を持たせ 可能な限りシンプルに述べることに凝っている。シンプルは印象的だ。僕が書いた何曲かが長持ちしているなら、それはシンプルだから覚え易い、だから何度も繰り返して口ずさむことができるからだろう。カントリーミュージックやブルース等のように 誰でも理解できるように事を表現し、覚えていられるシンプルな形式の音楽が僕は好きだ。僕が自分を "叙情的にお高い"と言うのは、いかに少ない言葉でいかに明確に作るかを意味しているのです。
☆ アーティスト:ビル ウィザース
Singer, songwriter and guitarist Bill Withers was born on July 4, 1938 in the small coal-mining town of Slab Fork, West Virginia. He was the youngest of six children. His father died when Withers was thirteen. Bill worked a series of odd jobs to help his mother out. He was in the US Navy for nine years, then worked at a factory making parts for airplanes.
Withers said:
When I was in the Navy, I must have been about 18, 19 years old, and I was stationed in Pensacola, Florida. It was a holiday, I had this car that I was able to buy and I was driving up to West Virginia. As is the case with young people with cheap cars, the tires weren't that great, so one of my tires blew out on this rural Alabama road. This guy comes walking over the hill that looked like he was right out of the movie Deliverance.
He says to me, “Oh, you had a blowout.” I didn't have a spare tire. This guy goes walking back across the hill - I'm not too comfortable here because I know where I am. He returns walking with a tire, and he actually helps me put the tire on the car.
Just like the whole American experience, it's very complex and it has it's own little rules and stuff. My experience was trying to adjust to a world where that circumstance was not the rule rather than the exception.
It's a rural song that translates across demographic lines. Who could argue with the fact that it would be nice to have somebody who really was that way? My experience was, there were people who were that way. They would help you out.
Even in the rural South, there were people who would help you out even across racial lines. Somebody who would probably stand in a mob that might lynch you if you pissed them off, would help you out in another way.
It's very difficult to make things simple and understandable. You ever sit down and have a conversation with somebody who took their formal education too seriously, and they're speaking and throwing in a bunch of words that you don't have a ready meaning for?
You're sitting there nodding because you don't want them to think you're stupid, but what you really think is, there's a lot of easier ways to say it, and you wonder if they even know what they're talking about or if they're just showing off.
To me, the biggest challenge in the world is to take anything that's complicated and make it simple so it can be understood by the masses. Somebody said a long time ago that the world was designed by geniuses, but it's run by idiots.
I'm a stickler for saying something the simplest possible way with some elements of poetry. Simple is memorable.
Some stuff I have written has lasted a long time, I think that's because it's re-accessible.
Simpler forms of music, which are my favorites, like country music, blues & stuff that states something in a way that everybody can understand and you remember it. When I say I'm a snob lyrically, that means, how clear can you make it and in how few words."
☆ Artist : Bill Withers

Пікірлер: 23
@おりひめ-t2y Жыл бұрын
@ロロ-x2f 18 күн бұрын
@ぱかすけしましま Жыл бұрын
詩を、知らずにノリで聴きていたが 意味を知り、良さがまた深まった
@anabellexx2972 8 ай бұрын
@ratatful Жыл бұрын
@カモダック-h5s Жыл бұрын
@檜諏訪子 Жыл бұрын
@人間とは Жыл бұрын
@timtim5783 5 ай бұрын
@つるはな-j1v Жыл бұрын
@user-Jill5dz6ot2n 2 жыл бұрын
@かおり-p3r Жыл бұрын
@yoshikame1 7 ай бұрын
@taimohamed4447 4 ай бұрын
Me too
@小室綾子-k9r Жыл бұрын
すごくいい歌 うまくいえないけど、すごくいい
@篠原武宏 Жыл бұрын
おおらかな優しさ 現代人が泣くしつつある、大切な気持ちが歌われていると思います。
@IsmahenMebarkia-vj9hp 4 ай бұрын
Ihr Song ist so cool
@まめ-v3w6x Жыл бұрын
相談できる友達、家族欲しい 俺の性格が悪いから出来ないのは分かってるが
@さん菅原 11 ай бұрын
@崎浜秀彦-r3o 9 ай бұрын
@しょー-m9m 5 ай бұрын
焦るなよ。ただ、親孝行は優先順位の上の方に、な。今、オレのおふくろずっとベッドで話しかけても反応は無い。こうなるなよ  あと、少しでいいから自分自身を愛してやって欲しい 大丈夫 君は大丈夫
@taimohamed4447 4 ай бұрын
@@しょー-m9m 賛成です
@口上啓示 8 ай бұрын
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