Insane Advance Wars Games: Izanagi007 Vs Kantbei (Fog: Splintered)

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Deejus Productions

Deejus Productions

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Пікірлер: 61
@Kantbei 2 жыл бұрын
Kantbei here. Oh wow been a while since I played this game and fair warning, this was my first and only game on this map so far so some of my notes below aren't fully calculated. Kind of just piecing it all together from my half baked discord thoughts, map reading, and 5AM sleep deprived ramblings. First of all, izanagi is a very strong player. I think better in std than fog, although they've taken a few games from me in fog too and they're solidly in the fog 1200 tier (which is like top 15 or thereabouts). I'm kind of the opposite in that I'm much, much better at fog than std. CO Picks: Jess honestly wasn't that great a pick, but I believe I was still on a Jess spamming streak in T4 at that time after starting up a Jess only alt for league and it kinda affected my CO Picks. I figured why not since it's a new map and corner backward airports means air vs air won't happen, so Jess isn't that bad. Jess copters will still set up good 2hkos like most other COs. Jake of course is a pretty good choice as always and is probably the best T4 pick. However, I didn't want to mirror and I was 90% sure izanagi would go Jake. Koal looks pretty dead with the lack of roads, and I've always said that Adder falls off in fog since move powers with no damage powers don't get as much value in this mode. In most fog games I would usually prefer Jess over Adder. Day 3 Recon - I think on this map it's either Day 3 Recon or first vehicle tank (Day 5 tank). Day 4 recon loses to both since if you game theory it out - day 4 recon is a tempo slower damage wise vs day 3 recon and dies to day 5 tank. Only day 3 recon can hope to get some damage done if your opponent does a greedy opening. This is essentially what happens in this game. Early recon aggression can be really strong if you math it out correctly. Or you can just put yourself into a losing board state by day 6 so one does have to be fairly careful with this double edged sword. My choice for recon here was given that there's such a nice road network from the base, it'll arrive pretty fast and likely get some damage done before tanks can come out. The other thing is that vision is always going to be nice to plan out attacks vs the one base, and trading recons for inf on the one base side (esp if the 2 base can't reinforce with inf quickly) is pretty good. If this were a base light map, I think day 3 recon can outright just win you games vs incorrect openings so it's always ncie to get free elo. (Not the case here tho and less strong in 3 base maps). @7:57 - Having said all I have about the recon opening, this is why I built tank on my 1b. I was fully expecting izanagi to pick up on the same things I had and send a recon towards me early on. @11:14 - I believe I went arty from the middle base at the time thinking I wanted a more centralized artillery since it was only going to be useful pushing into the hq area. It basically wasn't going to do anything from the sides, and with a lack of inf on the right side to shield for it it could get intercepted potentially (though that would be a super aggressive move). @13:06 - I think this is my first big blunder this game. I didn't realize at the time how vulnerable overextending past the river would be (which I should have known based on what was happening on the other side). I end up throwing a lot of inf in the area that I really shouldn't have throughout the game. @13:41 - I considered it a free hit. Based on the number of tanks on the left side that I saw + the recon + the opening izanagi went with (which I spent a couple of minutes reconstructing), I was fairly confident there was only one tank at most on the right side (I was correct) and that my arty should be sufficient coverage for that. I was fairly confident which is why I hit with tank first and then recon to prevent potential chip damage on my recon and keep it at 10hp. @17:53 - While an MD is the correct built for izanagi here, I considered it a massive win for me to be able to force out that build. MDs are slow and the moment I saw it, I was just free to drop two more artillery and just shut it down. In damage race scenarios, being able to force out expensive unit commitments first is pretty big since that limits your flexibility to respond to front switches as well as weakens your own attack. @20:56 - Yeah I got lazy playing on phone and didn't check replay. Despite knowing MD was probably around, just didn't check and was sloppy with vision management. Hitting MD is probably better, but killing tank / copter is also pretty strong anyway since I start a process of blinding the MD and neutralizing it even harder. Several times in this game, the MD (and later arties) couldn't engage as effectively because all the supports units had already died earlier on. @21:46 - I went for the tank hit since super was coming. I wanted to weaken it as much as possible and MD timing on the right side gave me a lot of confidence that the reinforcement stream was broken so there wouldn't be anymore tanks behind it. I should have moved my inf to the city instead of trying to interrupt tower cap however, and that would save my copter. Decent ideas, could've been executed better. @23:02 - Agreed. Mechs are pretty terrible most of the time, and pretty terrible for Jake in particular. Just get an artillery or a tank or inf. Mechs are also very very bad on one base sides in general since they need unit count advantage to become truly effective (or mountains). On a one base side, you have limtied builds so you generally want inf or vehicles of some sort and can't afford frivolous units that require lots of support to get value. Also why I don't go arty on my one base. @24:03 - continuing a process of just blinding the MD and stripping away units from the HQ. I built a back up AA the prior turn so I was pretty okay if it got focused down and based on everything I knew, I highly doubted there was more than a single copter out at the time. Killing 1 base infs are pretty strong since it's hard to replace them in the mid to late game where you just need tanks to hold the area down and can rarely afford tempo loss of replacing infs. Thus, killing those infs secures my income gains on the enemy hq side if i ever decide to pull back for whatever reason. @24:59 - HQ attempt wasn't surprising, but I liked my chances initially since there are a lot of key weaknesses in izanagi's army on the left. One weak AA (likely doesn't have a second AA ready since who overbuilds AAs vs Jess?), one AA, and like 1 and a half tanks are all that's there. Inf are supported and will just die if I can shift over enough tanks). @26:01 - I was 90% confident at this point that the HQ cap could no longer work if I played correctly. If izanagi continued to commit their units in with join caps, it'd be an overextension that I would just win from. Most of this is down to me knowing what they had committed on the left side so far and just piecing together all the clues to know that with the tank reinforcements for their 2b side delayed due to MDs / arties built on the right, I had a key timing here to wipe out part of their army. They ended up trying for the HQ in what I think was still an evenish game and lost because they were impatient. Using COPs instead of SCOPs was also part of that strategy since I wanted to drag them into a slow grinding fight instead of big power turns. If I used an SCOP to wipe their army, they could just retreat and be in a slightly losing position but i'd still have to convert the game into a win. If I use COPs and leave them just enough hope they might win by HQ cap, they might fall into sunk cost fallacy and keep throwing units into a meat grinder and when the dust clears, the game would be over. Somewhat risky but clearly paid off in this game. The moment they did join cap on turn 14 instead of retreating the game was over and they'd fallen into a psychological losing trap (that ended up becoming an actual material loss and a terrible board state). The other factor here is every time I force Jake to use their COP, I'm already winning even harder strategically since Jake COP is almost always a mistake (99% of the time). It's so niche as to be basically unusable for the vast majority of players. The last HP defense on Day 16 I'm pretty sure was a guanrateed defense with no luck rolls involved if I remember correctly.
@DeejusProductions 2 жыл бұрын
Well said! Still not a fan of turn 3 recon though ;)
@briankelly1240 2 жыл бұрын
Love the indepth analysis!
@samegamer426 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts Hans! 🙌 Tbh, your feedback couldn't be too elaborate! In conjunction with seeing you play and Deejus making sense of everything, it makes for a super educational experience! 😃
@nooneinparticular3370 2 жыл бұрын
Good stuff dude.
@lester4532 2 жыл бұрын
Ayo a Filipino Advance Wars player!
@Mangs1337 2 жыл бұрын
6:11 - I get blamed for everything.
@DeejusProductions 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry, you're such an iNfLuEnCeR
@joaquinkhourysilvestre2530 2 жыл бұрын
@izanagi3521 2 жыл бұрын
NOOOOOOO, you showcase this match where i thought i played horribly :( Once kantbei got that free hit on my infantry at day 4 I felt like giving up, especially when i realized i could have just moved the infantry on lab so i wouldn't be seen by the recon and it would still be in range to capture the property. That is when i decided to just go all in and HQ rush him, which failed. At least this is the first time im in a match analysis video so that's a plus :D
@StarFlash250 2 жыл бұрын
DW if i get a bad game vs deejus he will make sure to post it too
@DeejusProductions 2 жыл бұрын
@@StarFlash250 You have 10 bad games vs me, but I choose not to post ;)
@StarFlash250 2 жыл бұрын
@@DeejusProductions shhhhh its our secret, i dont have bad games until the public sees them
@arpitrohilla285 2 жыл бұрын
Fav AW KZbinr!
@the117man 2 жыл бұрын
As close a match as they come. Was rooting for Izanagi as he was underdog, yet Kantbei demonstrated more restraint/judgement in a couple of key moments (like pulling back from opponent's HQ, instead of losing all his units there). Great job Deejus
@thebrazillianguytm2186 2 жыл бұрын
Great match, its always nice too see good players playing AW and : 6:11 and yep, this also happens to me, i getting used to say Kanb *a* i, Son *i* a, Ja *y* vier XD
@TheChewyness 2 жыл бұрын
Please don't stop doing these replay commentaries Deejus, I love them.
@leiramfang 2 жыл бұрын
Deejus you're so amazing! Could you tell us more about you?
@ShawFujikawa 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate the Wax Tailor music choice for the background :D
@AdvanceWarrior 2 жыл бұрын
I know it's gonna be good so dropping that like right now!
@siriuslyawesome 2 жыл бұрын
When you said about whether or not Izanagi's Infantry would go down or not, I decided to pull up the damage calculator. Jess' Battle Copter: 37-42% Jess' Tank: 55-61% (if Inf @ 7 HP) - Left at 1 HP (unless 39% then 61%) Jess' Tank: 59-65% (if Inf @ 6 HP) - Guaranteed Kill The two units together would guarantee the Infantry was at 1 HP no matter what, and had a chance to kill.
@DeejusProductions 2 жыл бұрын
Yup, I think I sped thru the calc without adding a tower for Jess..oopsies
@mauwus4322 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think that was a roll at the end, the copter should do 37% minimum while the tank does 55% minimum to a 7 hp infantry adding up to 92% minimum which brings it down to 1 health.
@DeejusProductions 2 жыл бұрын
Yup, I think I sped thru the calc without adding a tower for Jess..oopsies
@ChillstoneBlakeBlast 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Deejus. Love this Commentary. I was a Silent sub that subbed here because Mangs brought me hear and I have to say, I wish I got to watch your Content More. I only watched this video out of circumstance for the most part and the fact that I was able to heal from the burnout I had from Advance wars starting November. Your Higher skill Analysis is great and I am looking foward to seeking more. I too Think that Recons are Underrated: In Plains, they have 4 move, so They are essentially +1 Move infantry that Can't capture and have some slightly more armor than your regular infantry. Apart from that, Recons really shine when it comes to reinforcing Bridge Choke on Main Roads, as Their 8 Movement makes them go Lightning speed to reinforce a chokepoint, something no other Unit (Except for Fighters but they cost 22000 and it is a huge investment) can Do. Apart from that, A recon is also a good way to Enforce the Opponent to buy a tank near the recon's Region, as an Uncheck Recon can wreck havoc to infantry/Income from Cities being captured in any game. There are instances where Buying recons can be the wrong move, but for the most part, I do find their Earlygame Sub Turn 10 Uses to be Potentially decisive factors.
@Tingletonttu 2 жыл бұрын
4 move unit that's slightly more powerful than an infantry is not worth 4k. Forcing opponent to build a tank is not that good as building a lot of tanks is a good play regardless. The main selling point for recons is their vision.
@rngstratos7812 2 жыл бұрын
@4:18 The "Adder" pic made me lol pretty hard haha
@gxtmfa 2 жыл бұрын
I’m so confused by Advanced Wars by Web. Looks like it’s dual strike, but not balanced the same? I thought Jess’s infantry were rebuffed in the ds dual strike game.
@Gatitasecsii 2 жыл бұрын
your commentaries are really good
@RavenRedwood 2 жыл бұрын
I love that people play advance wars tournaments! It's one of my favorite games ever.
@gabrielt.harris8885 2 жыл бұрын
I like that you put in the M.M.R., but the colour choice could be better. Try a softer colour.
@DeejusProductions 2 жыл бұрын
You got it!
@tt-rama2246 2 жыл бұрын
Nice commentary. You really have a great hand for picking interesting games.
@arcturus64 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Deejus, love your replay commentaries!
@lastravenmph 2 жыл бұрын
I love your vids man but when you gonna do HF games ?
@adept7497 2 жыл бұрын
Oh Jesus, - oops sorry I mean Deejus - what a clutch game! Normally don't like fog, this one however, was amazing!
@ManaNek 2 жыл бұрын
The way you feel about Scavenger, liking it and never having lost on it, is how I feel about Splintered. In my humble, scrubby 900 opinion 😂 Love these replay commentaries, it always helps, especially with the little tidbits on where to place units and whatnot
@gregjacksmusic 2 жыл бұрын
Sup Deejus! BingBingFan69$ here. What did you think of the AFC Championship game?
@mrdeadscott8270 2 жыл бұрын
Great recap of the match Deejus, love seeing fog games, and great choice in background music. looking forward to the next video.
@ibrahimabumustafa7335 2 жыл бұрын
That's one good trade btw : You get 3 neo tanks I get 20 tanks I can see mangs accepting it though cuz it's funny and neo tank are worth it lol. Sorry couldn't watch your videos for a while cuz of work
@henryphillips3680 2 жыл бұрын
Whoooo excited 😄😄😄
@CharadeTV 3 ай бұрын
@NK-bh3ns 2 жыл бұрын
Let's gooiooooooooi
@chrisdalley2551 2 жыл бұрын
Soooo damn close
@Eichro 2 жыл бұрын
Quick, harmless suggestion: mix your mic to mono. It's distracting when your voice pans whenever you move your head.
@DeejusProductions 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the tip! I'm still sorta new to recording so I was on stereo '_'
@red0pineapple 2 жыл бұрын
Great match great commentary great youtube algorithm
@HawkBreland 2 жыл бұрын
the thumbnail has me slain, wtf Deejus lmao
@Yearofthebows24 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Deejus, at about the 20:00 mark when black attacked with the Md Tank, he then seemed to follow up kind of recklessly with the B copter and tank. Do you support this given the situation? In your experience, if youre already gonna lose two units (i.e. Bcopter and half a Md Tank) do you just say fuck it and hit them hard with others? Or do you think Black should have repositioned? Good stuff bro. May you one day get a mirror Flak analysis
@DeejusProductions 2 жыл бұрын
Nah, I think I said in the vid he ran in with no vision. If he had vision he'd probably back off until he had 1 more attacker to kill the tank, artilery, and then AA in 1 turn
@Yearofthebows24 2 жыл бұрын
@@DeejusProductions awwwww i got a reply. Thanks man!
@timleong1384 3 ай бұрын
where can I start to play? I search for the advanced war web, but I am not sure how it works
@DeejusProductions 3 ай бұрын join the discord it helps
@PICADALOL Жыл бұрын
Man...Loving your content!
@Koopchanneru 2 жыл бұрын
probably a perfect use of dommage calculator ^^ that a great game
@kratosmana8646 2 жыл бұрын
amazing vid once again
@oikawatoru8116 2 жыл бұрын
Pls do more replays. Especially your own replays. They are extremely educational.
@cynical_boy 2 жыл бұрын
Oh man, I am just second on the comments D:
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