INTP: Job Credentials and College:Rant

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@jaredcrowell3398 10 жыл бұрын
Finally someone understands. People always look at me crazy when I say that the entire education system needs to be redone. I absolutely can not stand having to take classes that will never help me in my life just because some big wig behind a desk wants more of my money.
@freeman8759 7 жыл бұрын
I think INTP's thrive in an apprenticeship style. College killed me bc I couldn't get over the fact that the non core classes were GARBAGE. My brain sabotages me. Once i've deemed something useless. Its over, I can't engage it and I won't give it any time or thought. People would tell me, "just do what you have to do and put it behind you." I can't do it. If its not the logical path. I can't do it. I wish i could. This tendancy to completely abandon the illogical is usually missunderstood as laziness, lack of commitment or immaturity.
@junior10199 5 жыл бұрын
The question is which do you want more?: to achieve said goal in your present reality? (E.g. become legally practicing clinical psychologist.) or to become frustrated and bitter about the illogical reality that is and not achieve said goal? Both situations are painful, but one is painful and you achieve your goal/get what you want. When the illogical thing is the gatekeeper, sometimes the logical thing is to do the illogical thing. Surrender or fail. You can’t always fight the power. Acquiesce or waste time... I’ve failed to achieve too many goals by refusing to do the the stupid/illogical thing. No joke. What is even crappier? Many times when I decide mentally to bend, I cannot do that thing physically without a mental brawl and physical anguish. “My brain sabotages me.” Yes! Exactly. But how smart are you (am I) really if you (I) can’t or won’t allow yourself to illogical thing to achieve an end goal? Take the frickin class. Surrender. Figure it out. Move on. Move forward. Or spend your life not doing said thing/goal and bitterly railing against this system because you’re just to smart to do the stupid thing.
@MW2proinfo 8 жыл бұрын
I'm definitely an INTP and even though a lot of people at University of Michigan tell me I'm smarter than most people they know there, I didn't get accepted. I'm an Eagle Scout, played sports throughout high school, passed 4 AP tests (Calculus (4), Statistics (5), Micro Econ (5), Macro Econ (5), and was in drumline. The only reason I didn't get accepted to Michigan is because I A. Had a 3.4 GPA (88% average) Took honors classes and AP classes, got C's 3 or 4 times because I didn't always do as they said. Go B. I'm a slow reader: ACT scores Science: 32 Math: 31 English: 28 Reading: 21 Total: 28 (Bottom 25%ile at Michigan.) Now I'm thinking about dropping out of college because I'm recognizing so many different business opportunities that college won't even teach me to go after. I'm pretty sure INTP's and ENTP's struggle the most outside of the academic setting, more so than the other rationalist types (ENTJ's and INTJ's). This is because the primary and secondary functions are introverted thinking and extraverted intuition, we learn better doing our own exploration into what's true and important, and not having someone force us to believe something is so.
@1PettiTheYeti 10 жыл бұрын
The biggest problem with the education system is that we are taught to specifically study what X is so we can pass the standardized test over X. Information regurgitation. We aren't taught to question why we are studying X versus Y, or why X happened in the first place, or how X is used in daily life, or if X is even worth learning about in the first place. There isn't a "Critical Thinking 101" course in grade school. There isn't a "Question Everything 204" course in college. There's nothing that rewards general intelligence and inquisitive thinking skills in the school system.
@Abby71516 9 жыл бұрын
This is why I dropped out of high school and got my GED earlier than I would have graduated.
@DamaniJones 9 жыл бұрын
I always thought someone who was serious about getting an education would do the same thing. Speeds up the entire process.
@rast123456789 11 жыл бұрын
Me too! I think schools need more individuation. I mean the modern school system was to prepare Americans to be factory workers and we no longer live in the industrial revolution. I think that is why so many people feel lost and disconnected after high school and end up getting a degree that isn't even necessary for their job.
@blueteafly 11 жыл бұрын
INTPs are especially well built for careers in web development other creative technical fields which are on the rise. I know several tech business owners who hire based on competence, not credentials. You must be exceptionally skilled to do this, but I think that comes naturally if you like what you're doing. INTPs are lucky in that we tend to be drawn to creative technical environments which allow for "educational loopholes."
@mystarlightsummer 11 жыл бұрын
I have debated this topic so many times with my friends and family. I'm glad to finally find someone else who feels the same way.
@TheHumbleSpoon 10 жыл бұрын
You have to realize that we live in a globalized society in which we have to have a standard measurement for which we can use to determine whether or not someone is qualified in a specific field. Otherwise everyone will have different claims as to what qualified is and what isn't. What constitutes being considered an expert? Whilst we are arguing amongst ourselves on the subject, nothing gets done. Yes we can all go off by ourselves, do our research, and solve these problems on our own. And in some fields that would be fine. Math, Physics, and any other theoretical field would be fine. I myself studied and finished Calculus way before my college classes, so all that was really required were tests on a subject that I had learned long ago. But most fields don't consist solely of numbers. Archeology, anthropology, chemistry, medicine; these are all fields in which discovery takes test subjects, and funding. Why should anyone trust that you have any idea about what your talking about? If a chemist brings you a groundbreaking formula, the first words you'll say are" did you test it?". If a doctor brings you a cure to cancer the first thing you'll ask is " does it work?". Without the tools on hand the chemist can't test his formula, and without a certificate guaranteeing the patient that the Doctor is qualified enough in his field to not accidentally poison them during clinical trials, he has no means of testing his cure. That's not even considering the materials he would need to even create a rudimentary version of the supposed cure in the first place. We give resources to people we know can use them, and if we don't, we won't.
@jeremiahfix5529 9 жыл бұрын
What if we were permited to just up and submit our doctrinal research and thesis, that would kinda screw over the modern education SYSTEM, would it not?
@TheHumbleSpoon 9 жыл бұрын
+Jeremiah Fix That would be a madhouse. Do you know how many garbage thesis's advisors have to go through on a daily basis? Imagine if there was no vetting process to help determine who is, and who is not worth paying attention to. This is unfortunate as I am a huge fan of independent research, but its just simply impractical.
@jeremiahfix5529 9 жыл бұрын
I have to admit that your right about the universal aspect, not everyone will actually back up there theory with cold hard evidence, the illusion of acadamia does seem to have kept its hold on practicallity, ie psychics being inherently valid, what a gross ignorance that would be( not trying to be mean in case someone geta offended) but as someone like an intp goes the will seek out the observable evidence then again we make theories based on evidence and then start testing them to redefine them, its frustrating other disreguard even a basic acceptance of that necessary system that the intps do maturally, specifically just copy some research without understanding it themselves, by the way im far from the phd field but like i said the potential new perspective info gained by the individual research would be worth considering, too bad its not practical as a whole. Ie someone with an enfp personality wants to be vet; thats certainly far from a bad thing but they won't share the same passion for knowledge as intp/intj kind of personality, so then maybe another radical idea would be trying(this gonna be just as difficult) to diversify the workfield, i already how astronomical that is but just a crazy idea, at least some of them somewhat work some time. :)
@shayan4417 3 жыл бұрын
To be fair though the time it takes to go from first day of school to graduating from college Is unnecessarily long af I mean ffs 14 fucking years of learning stuff that I could have learned at a maximum of 4 years after the age of 16 by my self is such a waste that I don’t even want to think about it
@sgetom9 8 жыл бұрын
Another INTP here. First of all, I want to say that I like your videos a lot and share pretty much all of your views on the world. Again this is a very good point. In five months I will take my final exams to get a diploma and I really struggle with the compulsive learning that comes along with it. Now I think that back when I chose my career path (a dual study in tax law) I had no damn idea of what to do in life or who I am. Then I discovered MBTI a few weeks ago and ever since I am obsessed with it (as every INTP discovering it probably does). After refecting my personality type I understand why the wish to become an author kept getting bigger and bigger inside me within the last year: Because I see it as a possibility of using all of my knowledge to earn my living without going through the struggles of having to achieve meaningless job credentials. Besides, I like your arguments considering money as main point in every aspect of life. Unfortunately college and studies in general are not about wisdom anymore, they are about money and I think for INTPs like we are that really sucks. Great video again, thank you!
@TheRachaelLefler 11 жыл бұрын
I don't think you're wrong, but I think college is important for me to get through because I'm more suited to academic jobs or jobs that require an advanced degree than physical or service-oriented jobs that I would suck at and hate doing.
@robertleeland2144 7 жыл бұрын
My INTP thoughts: anyone that pays for advertising isn't worth your time. Build some sort of self-sustainment model(mine is homestead/tavern-gamestore) that will free you up to do what you want. Advantage of homesteading: experimenting hands on with nature and turning it into money with a micro economic community of relationships and skills you can learn from and grow what you get from that into any other field. Basic advice from that rant is: build a home base so you can explore.
@stevenglansburg856 6 жыл бұрын
Robert Leeland can you elaborate about the tavern game store.
@katehadal 11 жыл бұрын
I am 100% with you on the best type of job thing, you seriously took the words out of my mouth. It probably wouldn't work for people who don't get ideas as easily (most people?) but for me its the best and most enjoyable thing.
@TheRachaelLefler 11 жыл бұрын
I like being at college and becoming a professional art historian. I think most pioneers in a field start out being trained in another field. For example, I think Pavlov was a medical or biological researcher before he discovered the principles of behavior conditioning. Freud was a medical doctor. I think that for many people, exposure to more of a wide range of ideas is good for them.
@jarYiskah 8 жыл бұрын
I feels ya! I am also an INTP and I have struggled so much with how i feel about the way the system is rigged against itself/youth or just assimilating to survive in society. I tired to succeed at a two-year school, but because i wasn't being challenged enough i couldn't force myself to study! Anyway, your videos are great in helping the INTP understand their thought processes and why they feel so different and sometimes inadequate to other personality types.
@rast123456789 11 жыл бұрын
Ahhh good point. I can agree that there has to be a balance. If not people would be scammed constantly by self proclaimed professionals.
@NumbMonkE 8 жыл бұрын
I actually did come up with a schooling system that facilitates people to learn all subjects at their own pace and leisure but I spotted pursuing the thought when I came across all the regulatory hurdles that, for the most part, make it impossible to implement them. It's pretty simple and I'm sure many others have thought about it. Choose your subjects, understand the tree that you will have to follow in order to choose higher levels in those subjects. Pass the tests to be eligible to choose those higher level of subjects. No packaging of separate subjects. Learn what you want. you could be doing advanced financial planning and taking pottery basics at the same time.
@NerdilyDone 8 жыл бұрын
Well, you do realize the downside of that is that often kids are lazy, and would choose either easier subjects or as little as possible. Your system is best for the self-motivated.
@bloodaxe5028 8 жыл бұрын
Wow, you're a libertarian, I like you even more now.
@yurioliveira494 5 жыл бұрын
Libertarian is the only possibly logical way
@rast123456789 11 жыл бұрын
For me in learning my Ne always played a big part. I could learn something faster and not be bored if I could see how everything connected.
@bippittyboopers1068 11 жыл бұрын
dude, fuck yeah! nothing more discouraging to an INTP than the hoops society makes us jump through just to be recognized as who we already are
@katehadal 11 жыл бұрын
And if you need any official medical or federal "approval" or or anything you just hire that part out to someone who is certified and qualified to do it and the best part is it your idea so you will get all the profit. I think INTPs would make decent entrepreneurs, the only struggle for some would be extroversion/management but that doesn't seem to be a problem for you. For me college wasn't a waste of time, I enjoyed it but it was a waste of money as you mentioned and I totally agree.
@downey6666 11 жыл бұрын
Well I believe the key to assessing competency, is criticism and I think its one of the main reasons the medical community on the whole gets it right a lot of the time or at least heads in the right direction is because they embrace this culture of ruthless criticism, which comes in the form of self-criticism & peer review. The media has a big problem in this area, best described by the "dunning kruger effect" where the skill that make you competent are the same needed to assess that competence
@basilbilbeisi2417 8 жыл бұрын
Great job explaining, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The education system is a husk of what it once was; it maintains the shell of what it was, or what it is meant to be, however, and this is its selling point. Indeed, it is the only reason it still exists. Do you perceive that utterly flippant hypocrisy in action? Do you feel that feeling of utter rage that comes with that? Feel it. Ruminate on it. There's a lesson behind it.
@Bismazia 7 жыл бұрын
Exactly! I have soo much to say about about this system, and soo many misgivings about it. I'm in college right now, doing a bachelors degree and it has completely screwed me over. I always appreciated the apprenticeship style we used to read about in books 'n such. But.. I guess we have to cater to the mass.. and the mass seems to be fine with this. Still, for people uncomfortable with the current learning style, we should be allowed the option of trying something else, at least.
@rast123456789 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the advice! I really think the best type of job is to make a lot of money off of something you make once and then focus on the next project, rinse and repeat. I just think innovation is being held back by the current system in more ways than one. Domination in a free market is fragile state. You never know when next big thing will make your profession/invention/business obsolete. I honestly think the patent office was partially created to keep control over technology (part1)
@JonnyRocketfingers7 11 жыл бұрын
I went to college for 4 months. What I would say is the most valuable things about college are those really good little bits of information/advice you get from your professors about there experience in the field your working towards and the valuable connections you make with them and the other students. Do I think that's worth the absurd amount of money?*Confounded Cosby face*
@rast123456789 11 жыл бұрын
The reason I was asking was bc some people just need to lose water weight for a weigh in for a competition or if it is required for you job and some people actually are trying to lose fat long term. I will recommend different strategies depending on on how much time you have and what your goals are. I guess the more specific you are the better advice I can give. It's easy for overweight people to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks but it gets trickier the thinner you become.
@rast123456789 11 жыл бұрын
The reason I was asking was bc some people just need to lose water weight for a weigh in for like competition or if it is required for you job and some people actually are trying to lose fat long term. I will recommend different strategies depending on on how much time you have and what your goals are. I guess the more specific you are the better advice I can give. Like it's easier for pretty overweight people to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks easy but the thinner you are the harder it gets.
@blackult1 11 жыл бұрын
I literally got high and talked to my girlfriend just recently about this. I am INTP or INXP. I can tell watching your videos that your values and thinking is VERY similar to mine. I have a degree. Pretty good one. But I still think its the dumbest way to run the system and it definitely is all about money. I've recently been talking and caring more about stuff like this making me think I may be leaning more towards INFP. Am I developing more of an F or is this normal for an INTP?
@drkbldwlf99 11 жыл бұрын
Thomas Jefferson when he originally founded the University of Virginia opposed the granting of degrees on the grounds that they were "artificial embellishments."
@jackgreendal8814 10 жыл бұрын
I suppose those ideas at the end is something in the vein of Noam Chomsky's views on capitalism and free market
@rast123456789 11 жыл бұрын
Dude it's normal. You are allowed to express your Fe. A lot of people think just because you have emotions you are an F but it's all about the function stacks baby! Ti Ne Si Fe
@macedok89 11 жыл бұрын
technically (at least @ a few universities) you can speed up a 4 year degree by talking to your program head and asking for a larger course load (or taking summer classes). the cash problem is still there obviously. i agree with your position but think of it this way, how many extraverted thinkers (Te) would put stock in information if it wasn't somehow quantifiable by a degree. the tests are a great idea but like you said "money money money" (its funny how they're ok with them for getting IN)
@intelligentfringe 7 жыл бұрын
There are a few conflated issues here. One's about professional licensing requirements and commercial regulation and a politico-economic scene. Another is about the value and structure of the university system. This in turn tends to bifurcate along lines of the value of a liberal arts education ( the traditional purpose of college, which after all started for the training of priests and lawyers) vs. a school's cost and value for being prepared to earn a living. I suspect that divide is driven by people's temperaments, and more people are practical than pensive. There's no good track for young people to follow that falls between auto-repair school (not cheap either) and a BA in Communication or Slavic Literature; the university model itself has been expanded and asked to do something it's not created to do. Used to be a kid could get a decent education in history and civics and whatnot in high school. See also JohnTaylor Gatto.
@willowphlucker 11 жыл бұрын
there are some businesses that are starting to do accept similar to what you are suggesting. Earning 'badges' that prove skill or proficiency in certain things, showing employers that you have these abilities without having a piece of paper you paid for that means the same thing... i wish i had the link for you =\
@marksmith4696 9 жыл бұрын
Tomacity(Rast) I agree man, people listen to authority figures way too much, rather than integrating everyones perspective or just finding out for themselves. Sometimes credentials can be unjustified. One should not accept what someone says solely based upon the credentials. Rather, they should listen to the advice based on its merit. In my opinion, sometimes INTPs tend to be too rebellious to the point of losing practicality. This is because INTPs tend to be very idealistic. Yes, I agree college has its flaws. In my opinion, it is probably the best environment for an INTP. I believe INTPs were made for academia. Did you know INTPs are the types ranked highest for career dissatisfaction? INTPs value finding the truth for themselves and are highly innovative and original people. Say an INTP is really interested in chemistry. Well, they can spend their undergraduate degree learning the natural laws of physics, including quantum mechanics and apply it to the electronic world of chemical reactions. Yes, there will be game playing, especially at the intro-level classes. But where else will the INTP find such unadulterated time to focus on their pursuit of knowledge? Surely, if they are working full time it is harder to have this depth. But then, the INTP will apply to a PhD program. Here comes the fun. The INTP no longer needs to worry about finances! They get paid reasonably well for it. Not only this, but there is minimal game playing. The whole goal of a PhD program is to find new knowledge. These five years are almost entirely independent research. A PhD program focuses mostly on research over taking classes. A thesis is your independently discovered insights. Then, the INTP can get a job at a university. Remember, universities are normally research focused. This means the INTP will teach one or two classes a semester, spending the majority of the time doing research. After tenure, there is so much leeway in inquisition. There are also some jobs that are very good for INTPs in industry. These typically tend to be STEM jobs, but depending on the INTP they can even a plethora of things. See, if you think about, universities are not all about making money. Ask yourself how much the average CEO makes and compare it to the president of a university. Most of the money goes to research like lab equipment, etc. Think about the fact that some of the things done in academia are risks with no guarantee of implementation. A company will not fund these things, but a university will. Universities are powerhouses of innovation and new perspectives. I'm not going to be naive and say there is no interest in money. Of course there is. But on a relative standpoint, it's pretty awesome and the INTP should seize the opportunity if they get it. Or they should work for a badass innovative company that supports their inquisition.
@jeremiahfix5529 9 жыл бұрын
One word against you; indoctrination dont FORCE your ideals on me; intps hate that sort of closed mindedness. Gaeilo wasn't necessarily wrong he just couldn't see a deeper understanding, and then came the others to deepen and widen our general understanding, however the school system has become like some of the worst religions pushing theory likes it just the only fact youll ever need to know.
@rast123456789 11 жыл бұрын
Usually a low carb diet works great for most. Also intermittent fasting can work wonders when you reach a plateau. If you want any details just message me.
@downey6666 11 жыл бұрын
^^ well said, "Credentials are Results"; I'd argue that there is another aspect to credentials that an evidence based approach doesn't provide and its down to how were taught to look for 3 things when assessing information in our culture they are eminence, charisma, and personal experience. In many forms credentials provide this, were an evidence based approach doesn't. good research isn't about whose name is on the front page, its not an easy read and its objective.
@nasaman23 9 жыл бұрын
for example, why the hell do engineers need to waste time learning history and English? it's such a waste of money and time
@MW2proinfo 8 жыл бұрын
+nasaman23 Not a waste of time to learn about history, but it is a waste of money and time to learn about it as a course.
@rast123456789 11 жыл бұрын
I be preaching like it's Sunday morning!
@eset3649 7 жыл бұрын
School teaches you how to follow rules, not to think by yourself. Any stupid person can get good grades if they just stick to the rules and question nothing. But what's the fun in that? All you're learning is to be a robot and to follow orders.
@rast123456789 11 жыл бұрын
Hahahaha, this battle will have to wait until later. My job beckons....
@rast123456789 11 жыл бұрын
All I am saying is that college is an archaic and wasteful way of doing things now that we have the internet. I myself am more suited for academics and having to jump through all of these hoops and learn so many unnecessary courses irritates me.
@DavidDolynny 11 жыл бұрын
Damn you have dem good brains - a fellow intp
@stevef4010 9 жыл бұрын
Yes, the system sucks. I might have gotten extreme the more I get older, but I don't even trust doctors much anymore, unless they really display their knowledge. I've had doctors I had to fire. I gave one my diagnosis of low thyroid, based on my symptoms, my genetics/family history, etc etc and she tried to tell me I was just depressed...blood work proved I was right. It was pretty simple and straightforward. She lost my respect right there. It's not much different than school. You can study and pass exams by memorizing shit, but when you have to apply it in the real world, that's a whole nuther ballgame. College was a big waste education wise. Playing sports was great, socializing was great, some classes were very good...some were plain stupid and a waste of time. I've always said college is a filtering system for the workforce and for profit at that. Most people don't end up in careers that use their degrees (BS degrees). Colleges get non profit perks, yet are raking in Millions of dollars. College sports coaches getting $4-5 million a year...really? There should be aptitude tests after High school...the best/brightest get hired and trained for careers...the dumbasses dig ditches or go back for more education. Simplifying here. But yeah, I'm in mid life as an INTP and don't know what to do. I don't want to go back into the system and take on debt for education "papers". I could do a lot of careers with my knowledge now, but can't get through the front door not being well connected (many relocations, loner) and not having new papers to prove my brainpower. If I had had kids, I'd probably have them go to state schools or get tech degrees. Paying $20-40k for a medium grade college degree is foolish in many ways. Back in the old days you could start in the mailroom and work your way up like Jack Welch at GE did....not it's a good ole boys club for secret societies. If you fail as CEO of Home Depot, you get a $25million severance plus your shares and get hired by some other corporation for more $ than before...then as if it's not enough you get to be a board member for a few other corps and get gifted a few million shares of each for attending a few meetings a year. As an INTP, I wish I had gone with my gut and gone into science, architecture or psych. The corporate world is not a good fit either. Really disillusioning.
@YusefOtesh8880 10 жыл бұрын
I think this is to level the playing field, otherwise smart people would control everything, but smart people are more likely to be sympathetic and humble, allowing the more narcissistic,charming people to take over and make it easier for them to control. I had a lot in trouble in school because of this. I could read the textbook and ace the test but fail because I didn't do the work.All the meaningless worksheets everyone just copied anyway. But there was always enough work to balance out the tests so people could fail the test and still pass. Imagine how hurt the bulk of the population would be if they and their children flunked in school because they couldn't pass the tests. Humans are very emotional, so they alter the system to give the advantage to those who can repeat and regurgitate in a highly structured setting instead of showing what they actually know. Freshman year my Civics teacher gave a quiz on general knowledge, and one of the questions was who is the president of the US. She literally answered "Bill Gates". She was a 3.5+ student and got a scholarship to Tennessee University. Not jealous, but somehow she's seen as the "ideal" person more than I am working in a warehouse.FML.
@rast123456789 11 жыл бұрын
This is amazing! Thank you.
@rast123456789 11 жыл бұрын
I have lost a lot of weight experimenting on myself and I don't need someone to tell me something I can already do. Also a lot of the accredited places teach that eating grains and lowering fat is good for you which is totally not the case. Also, a lot of Doctors do not even have a degree in being a Bariatric Physician but they still right books because they have a M.D behind their name.
@katehadal 11 жыл бұрын
oh, plus random fun fact, the number of Americans with a BA is...... only 30% sometimes its helpful for me to remember to be grateful that I had the the opportunity to go and that I am in the position to have the insight to criticize the system. because honestly I'm sure most (most, not all for sure) of those seventy percent would love to be able to get a BA but it just wasn't an option for them. which brings us back to the flaws of the education
@EndlessKurtis 11 жыл бұрын
This is why I think the NFGeeks scholarchy idea is flawed. Colleges are all about money. And honestly I think IT schools are much better because they offer quite 6 month or 1 year programs that are highly intensive and give you hands on experiance, plus most people who go to IT schools are hired in the line of work they actually studied. On top of that; college leaves you a huge dept, and you often can't get a job in what you studied.
@nightfire4107 7 жыл бұрын
We think alike! INTP wooo
@DavidDolynny 11 жыл бұрын
I am about 10 pounds over weight. And as fast as is safe and healthy.
@blackult1 11 жыл бұрын
Not all about money. I understood where you were coming from with the chicken and the egg completely. It kind of just happened I guess. After that I guess it just worked for other personality types? Either way it's bullshit for INTPs
@rast123456789 11 жыл бұрын
Oh, wee-ooh, I look just like Buddy Holly Oh, oh, and you're Mary Tyler Moore I don't care what they say about us anyway I don't care 'bout that.... WEEZER - Buddy Holly Lyrics............Thanks "crabcakessuzie" lol great name.
@silverandexact 11 жыл бұрын
@bloodaxe5028 8 жыл бұрын
Just call yourself a "life coach" or something like that and practice all the psychology you want. Plus, there are many US states where occupational licencing laws are quite loose or none is some progressions.
@DavidDolynny 11 жыл бұрын
I am not in a competition, I weigh like 180 pounds and am 6 feet tall. I have unlimited time and no goals. What should I do?
@rast123456789 11 жыл бұрын
Fight the Power
@Shaggy-lu6dz 8 жыл бұрын
i would have to say the egg came first because somewhere down the evolutionary line we didnt have chickens as we know them today however there were still reptiles and birds being hatched out of eggs. there you fucking go the whole debate on what came first is ended thanks to evolutionary biology.
@rast123456789 11 жыл бұрын
Deserve is an interesting word. So you say you deserve education on the basis of existing and paying taxes. What if nobody wanted to be a teacher?How would get what you deserve for free?The only way would be to force people against their will to become teachers.You would have to enslave people for the common good of everyone else.Without mutual benefit from trade i.e. the teacher exchanging her time and energy for money the system collapses.Everything "free" cost somebody, somewhere, something.
@joleighw8096 9 жыл бұрын
Yes..... feel the same wsy!
@ADHR26 11 жыл бұрын
The egg came before the chicken ;)
@js8281 5 жыл бұрын
Big brain moments
@rast123456789 11 жыл бұрын
Why else are we using gas powered cars and not electric? True unhindered progress is chaotic by nature. Some new product or idea can both create and destroy whole job markets overnight. The old powers buy the new patents and release them slowly. Either when they run out of whatever fuel they have(oil) or when they think the public is ready for it and they find away to monetize it. That was slightly off topic haha sorry. (Part2)
@clairishe 11 жыл бұрын
If you would be so kind, could you also send me those links about the "badges"
@nabaa3891 11 ай бұрын
I believe that the university and school system will only benefit you in forming social relationships, interacting with others, and communicating with them. As for the information that we learn in stupid ways, you will not benefit much from it because you learned it in a failed way. I do not know what specialty I want Because I have no desire to study anything, perhaps music, philosophy, or programming, but I am not even sure. I feel lost thinking about my university major and that I am about to graduate from high school ، I am a person who has many interests, and this is the most important thing because I am also interested in the aspect of knowledge and self-education, not from schools and educational institutions. .
@katehadal 11 жыл бұрын
you can have the college experience after college when you are paying all that money....hahahaha, too funny
@rast123456789 11 жыл бұрын
Are you saying I am experiencing the "dunning kruger effect"? haha jk. And I do think the medical community does get it right a lot of the time. That is why there are a lot of doctors who recommend the opposite of what the "American Heart Association" recommends. The "AHA" has their health advice based off of the "China Study" which had it's data skewed, leaving off countries that did not fit the hypothesis they wanted. Anyone can make a mistake and be wrong. Credentials to me are results.
@AntiSoraXVI 10 жыл бұрын
I'm taking a class called "History of Jazz"... The teacher is kinda lost. Lost as in he doesn't really know what he's doing. Don't get me wrong, he's a cool guy, but I seriously question why he chose teaching as his career. Bottom line is, what I'm planning to do with my life does NOT involve ANYTHING jazz related. Basically i'm taking this class for a credit, by it's just a huge waste of time for no particular reason. The educational system should be more like "The Giver" in my opinion.
@katehadal 11 жыл бұрын
i think there are some high paying jobs you can get without going to college - sales, electrician, nursing or lab tech (needs some school but can be done in a trade school). trash man in NYC or toll booth worker haha don't they get paid well? or entrepreneur like you said, why do you need a degree to start your own business? I mean if it was consulting for weight loss maybe I'm not sure about that. But what about developing and patenting your own course/training program and marketing it?
@iorao.9cover30 6 жыл бұрын
I wish I know English very well to watch all your videos
@DavidDolynny 11 жыл бұрын
@rast123456789 11 жыл бұрын
I can no find?
@rast123456789 11 жыл бұрын
what are you trying to lose it for and how fast?
@tylerbaxter8016 9 жыл бұрын
Ah, so this Is a few months late, probably a year; but I still want to reply to this. just stopped midway, on phone so it's hard to post, arbitrary where. See, I've had this same thought about credentials before, but I also want to impose- after some time of rigorously chasing certain tails (physics in my case) at some point I feel, or I interrupted this to be an INTP thought "What do I really know?" and I looked at the chair, and realized that there was an infinite number of things to be said about it; a writer could detail it with some great literature, an architect marvel at the design, a chemist reveal it's composition- and soo on with any field you really wish. Idk, this Is hard to articulate, but don't you feel the need to be taught everything? I mean, definitely at your own pace, I think structure should be unlimited with imposed guidances, and definitely free education and the ability to simply 'live' without slaving in the Labour force half-alive at most times just to keep stable- for our whole lives. Definitely socialistic. but regardless, yea, just my opinion that I think we should all be gently encouraged all the time to learn all subjects, and not have to think of them as job credentials, but rather things our curiosities led us too, able to change jobs as we please, a simple free thinking society. What a tangent.
@tylerbaxter8016 9 жыл бұрын
Specifically, to actually explain the point; Its great to learn more English, economics, analytic methods, psychology- all subjects. I think everything but art should be encouraged and rewardful to learn! As in, I think rounding off your intelligence is essential.
@NumbMonkE 8 жыл бұрын
+Koto Kyuhaku as much as having no consequences for your choices seems lucrative, that's not how things work. for you to be able to get an education someone needs to build the infrastructure needed, someone needs to pay the tutors salaries(they need to eat too). Someone needs to pay for the electricity that will be needed to keep things running. Someone had to pay for the things you wish were free. In a free market it's the person using the services that pays for it(that's you). in a socialist system, the producers pay for the services that are provided to you. and that isn't fair to them. As an INTP you crave information for the sake of it and it would be awesome if education could be actually free. But I would never shift my burdens on someone else, even if they could take it. that would be unfair (imagine someone doing that to you). you can actually get all the education you want from the internet at very low cost. you just won't get the degree. Technology does make everything cheaper. But the whole corporatist system is rigged to shift demands so that the lobbyist can keep making money. Blame government interference in the field of education if you want to.
@phendranaa 11 жыл бұрын
sounds like being Ti in a Te system
@DavidDolynny 11 жыл бұрын
how can i lose some weight? - like 10 pounds
@jackgreendal8814 10 жыл бұрын
great glasses
@rast123456789 11 жыл бұрын
Find Ze link! I would appreciate it :) only if you have time.
@michelleedward09 8 жыл бұрын
yeah i know it makes me mad AF
@Rwi-wk1pd 6 жыл бұрын
i want to dropped college
@clairishe 11 жыл бұрын
Are you familiar with voluntaryism or Stefan Molyneux? /watch?v=d_DJAZ-ByV0 (video regarding public education, not private)
@willowphlucker 11 жыл бұрын
found it! but, i'll go to your channel to give it to you because KZbin doesnt want me spamming you with links to shit
@rast123456789 11 жыл бұрын
people really hate you haha
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