Intro to the Quantum Harmonic Oscillator in 9 Minutes

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Richard Behiel

Richard Behiel

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@nicholasspicer5171 Жыл бұрын
10/10, im just a tourist when it comes to physics but this was a nice dive into something most youtubers just dip their toes in. the technical details and showing the big scary equations give me something to google! i had never heard of stationary states and many other things until your video. thanks for sharing : )
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
That’s awesome, glad you enjoyed the video! :) And don’t worry - the equations are only scary at first 😅 After a while it all starts to make more sense.
@jeandesroches2285 Жыл бұрын
Nice, nice, nice !!!! I am now an old chemist of 60 and this video is amazing!!!!
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
Thanks Jean, I’m glad you enjoyed the video! :)
@KevinCarretoMendoza Жыл бұрын
Loved the video, i start my Quantum Mechanics class next week and i'm already looking forward to watch more of your content about this topic:)
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
Thanks Kevin, I’m glad you liked the video! :) For the next few videos I’m planning on mostly focusing on exploring the nature of gravity, but I’ll try to upload some videos on other topics too. Let me know if there are concepts in your quantum mechanics class that you’d want to see a video on! Eventually I plan on doing the particle in a box, double slit, and hydrogen atom.
@TheoriesofEverything Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your submission! (final video announcement with winners / runner ups out now, by the way)
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
Thanks for hosting the contest! And thanks for the honorable mention! :)
@douglasstrother6584 Жыл бұрын
"Quantum Mechanics: Foundations and Applications" by Arno Bohm This is a graduate-level text (or advanced undergrad text), so don't start here; however, the writing style is very clear and crisp. The author approaches Quantum Theory as an algebraic structure built to explain measured phenomena, like Werner Heisenberg. It treats states as vectors and observables as operators on those vectors. He ties in measurements early on as well.
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll check it out! Graduate-level is fine. I do a lot of quantum-related stuff for work, admittedly it’s mostly X-Ray and electron diffraction which is pretty straightforward, but I’ve been meaning to get back into the fundamentals. Frankly I still have no idea why quantum mechanics is the way it is 😅 My latest attempts to approach the subject via path integrals has been a little less satisfying than I had hoped for; the intuitive starting point is nice, but evaluating path integrals is way too hard in general. But then from a matrix mechanics perspective I always get lost in the abstract nature of it all. Looking forward to checking out your recommendation.
@douglasstrother6584 Жыл бұрын
@@RichBehiel I think you'll like it.
@temp8420 Жыл бұрын
Excellent. Haven't seen that summation before.
@SixTimesNine Жыл бұрын
Beautifully done! Thank you
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
Thanks, I’m glad you liked it! :)
@objetivoel 27 күн бұрын
I did not study Physics, but I completley understand this! If you are exposed to a lot of Quantum Energy, your heart also performs this function. Our heart is a Quantum Spring too!
@rudyj8948 11 ай бұрын
I don't really have any academic exposure to QM at all. But I am doing research in binary black hole mergers, and the number of similarities in the maths and the techniques used to study these problems is absolutely astonishing. For example, in modeling a simple gravitational perturbation, I've used a square potential, and this is also a technique in studying scattering problems in QM. SO COOL maybe you can make a video on scattering problems and potential functions?
@MichaelOrr1984 3 ай бұрын
Hope you release more vids, they're brilliant.
@ChrisLehtoF16 Жыл бұрын
Great video thanks!
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching! :)
@douglasstrother6584 Жыл бұрын
Physics is a racket: there's only two problems to solve! Classical Mechanics: the harmonic oscillator (include damping and a driving force for extra credit). Coupled harmonic oscillators show up in Upper Division classes, and we learn that the "Simple Pendulum" isn't so simple. Quantum Mechanics: Consider a teeny harmonic oscillator. Statistical Mechanics: Consider a gas consisting of a gazillion teeny harmonic oscillators. Condensed Matter Physics: Consider a solid consisting of a gazillion teeny, coupled harmonic oscillators. Classical Mechanics: Consider two bodies interacting via a 1/r^2 Central Force. "What about 3 bodies?" Quantum Mechanics: Consider two teeny bodies interacting via a 1/r^2 Central Force, like a hydrogen atom. "What about helium?" This was a fun presentation: vivid visualizations!
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
Very true! 😂 It’s all so simple at first, then the details of the situation quickly make the analysis complicated. Although, regarding statistical mechanics, it’s always cool when a complicated ensemble exhibits a new kind of simple behavior in the continuous limit. Sometimes I wonder if those kind of emergent thermodynamic laws are in some sense more fundamental than the microscale laws that give rise to them, because of their substrate independence. There might be some exotic other universe out there that’s totally unrecognizable to us, but as long as it has something resembling packets of information which can move around at various speeds and bump into each other, it’ll have something analogous to temperature. Makes you wonder about the scope of what’s possible and what’s inevitable. Anyway, thanks for watching, and I’m glad you liked it! :)
@TheRevAlokSingh Жыл бұрын
Misha Gromov says as much in one of his talks (I think powerspace and the bulk method), arguing it arises from category theory and also why it’s so difficult to model systems in the “middle” (too many particles for coupling, too few for central limit theorem (disjoint union, a sum)).
@alexbuckle1085 Жыл бұрын
You make amazing videos
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
Thanks! :)
@RVeda-vh5on 6 ай бұрын
Nothin like a good pitchur... I like your work. I see it's been a while but please do more of this when you can. good color animation with the math is _the_ way to do it, imo. It's true I could watch the stationaries add up to motion all day long - a meditation mandala for our most practical of mystical disciplines.... I'd like to see Graphically the amplitude (or squared amplitude) in the animation (not just as brightness) - more useful to me to see than the Re and Im graphs = to see how Hn times _the same old gaussian_ leaves n+1 stationary lumps so neatly and distinctly (and to see the lumps' relative size). Also, though it was useful to my continued (but advancing) struggles with operator math to work out (x -Dx)^n (operator 'multiplication' is composition, David; it doesn't commute in general...), it would have been easier to me to have the following formula which I finally hit on, and which is the easiest I think to grasp: the _recursion formula_ (using the math version Hermites ('Hen') below for neatness): He0(x) = 1; Hen+1(x) = x Hen(x) - dHen(x)/dx - so simple to calculate, polynomial derivatives being the first calculus you ever learn... (and no chance of commuting operators x(f) and Dx(f) by accident (x is diagonal but _not scalar_), like I was doing for a while...). As you say, just polynomials (and rather simple ones), no big deal....
@EmergentUniverse Жыл бұрын
Why does the oscillator have fixed endpoints? I would have thought an integer frequency would be more natural.
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
The wavefunction asymptotically approaches zero in the limit as x -> infinity. This is because the particle is very unlikely to be very far from the point around which it oscillates. The frequency is determined by the energy. The thing that’s an integer is the number of nodes, which is closely related to the energy. Most (all?) of the integers that arise in quantum physics are due to integer numbers of nodes arising from an oscillating but continuous function.
@DavyOneness 6 ай бұрын
I think the problem here is that it is really a longitudinal wave and not a transverse wave like assumed, which transverse wave would have the problem you pointed out
@sherrysyed Жыл бұрын
This is amazing thank you!
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
Thanks, glad you enjoyed the video! :)
@vwcanter 3 ай бұрын
Trying to understand how the superposition of these many modes can result in a wave "packet". A piano string also has a superposition of many modes. But they do not add up to anything that resembles a "packet" moving up and down the string. So there must be some other factor, right? The other part I don't see yet is how the expression for the Hamiltonian is going to work in general case. It appears to assume the particle is in a one dimensional valley of potential, or tied to a one dimensional spring for a restoring force. But that can't be correct in general, only in certain conditions. Right?
@sebastiangudino9377 3 ай бұрын
The packet appears because that's what the system is trying to model. You can get basically any shape you want by adding standing waves. But we put a constraints on the system to get the physical solution. Namely the initial state and the time evolution in the form of a potential The initial state tells us how localized the particle is, and this will remain constant since it is neither losing nor gaining energy. The potential guarantees the particle always wants to return to equilibrium, hence the oscillation
@neopalm2050 Жыл бұрын
8:45 not a quantum result. Special relativity already told us that even seemingly non-energetic things have this mc^2 constant energy term.
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
You’re right about mc^2, but that’s a different observation than that the quantum harmonic oscillator’s ground state has nonzero energy. Schrodinger’s equation is nonrelativistic, so it takes the mass of the particle as just a parameter, then finds that in addition to the energy from its rest mass, it’ll have an additional nonzero energy term even in the ground state. Contrast this with classical physics: you can sit on a swing at the park, and if you’re not swinging, then your swing energy is zero. You still have E = mc^2 energy (which is an enormous amount of energy btw, like over a trillion kWh), but you don’t have swing energy if you’re not swinging. In the quantum world, in addition to the E = mc^2 energy, you also always have swing energy. It’s a subtle effect, but it can be observed. For example, it’s the reason helium doesn’t freeze solid, even at absolute zero.
@sensorer 6 ай бұрын
Is the state you chose a truncated sum of the coherent state decomposition? Or did you choose some arbitrary coefficients that looked good?
@andrewferris8169 Жыл бұрын
So, is that why Electric and Magnetic fields can bend a particle's path? Because they are coupled to the phase of the wave function, and can therefore change the interference patterns and probable paths of the particle?
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
Now that’s a deep and nuanced question! I haven’t had my coffee yet so forgive any typos… First, to see the nature of electromagnetism it’s best to start with the electromagnetic four-potential, which is comprised of the vector potential A and the scalar potential phi. The four-potential is a four-vector so it’s Lorentz invariant. For example, a charged particle at rest is all scalar and no vector potential, but a moving charge picks up some vector potential by virtue of the Lorentz transform. But because motion is relative, one man’s vector potential is another man’s scalar potential. You can calculate the Faraday tensor basically by taking derivatives of the four-potential. The Faraday tensor neatly packages the electric and magnetic fields E and B, so you can see how they come from the four-potential, and you can see how E and B are really more suited for engineering than pure physics. In physics, it’s really all about A and phi. So to your question about coupling to the wave function… to that I would highly recommend the Feynman lectures volume 2, section 15-5 in which he shows how there is a change in phase of a path due to the scalar and vector potential, which you can calculate by integrating over the particle’s trajectory in time and space respectively. In those two equations you’ll find the answer to your question. Here’s a link to the Feynman text. Section 15-5 starts on page 179 of the pdf. I’d recommend buying a physical copy on Amazon if you’re into this kind of thing. Also, his explanation is in the context of the path integral formulation, which is arguably a more natural/intuitive starting point for quantum mechanics, but is also a pain in the ass to do anything with, because Feynman path integrals are generally ill-defined and tortuous. On the other hand, doing QM with wavefunctions is further from intuition but is easier algebraically. The two formulations are equivalent (for now, as far as we know…), so it’s probably wise to learn them both. To conclude this wall of text, I’d like to point out that as of 2023 the human species still has no idea what electromagnetism is. Sure, we have a very nuanced and occasionally sharply predictive model in QED, but it’s fraught with philosophical difficulties vis-a-vis renormalization, and it’s a phenomenological model at best. We need a return to the old, more optimistic ways of thinking, e.g. Kelvin’s knots in the ether or some analogous thing. Whoever can draw a picture of an electron will probably understand most of what’s going on at the fundamental level of this reality. For now, we basically just have dubious statistical mechanics whose sole redeeming quality is its uncanny ability to make extremely precise predictions in a few scenarios which intuition alone can’t map out. So I guess what I’m trying to say is you should keep kindling your wonder for this kind of thing, because there’s still a whole lot of new territory that hasn’t been discovered yet!
@daltanionwaves Жыл бұрын
​@@RichBehiel Renormalization does kinda feel more like a problem than a solution...
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
Renormalization is a problem that wasn’t solved, but was swept far enough under the rug that most physicists don’t worry about it. It greatly bothered Dirac, and to some extent Feynman. QED diverges in the ultraviolet limit, but presumably it also breaks down, so you can renormalize things based on observed charges and masses, rather than the true values they would have if not for their field interactions. Still, this is an unsatisfying sleight of hand.
@DavyOneness 6 ай бұрын
Why is it assumed "quantum waves" are transverse waves and not longitudinal waves?
@xelth 4 ай бұрын
Do I understand correctly? Superposition as in the video is only possible through energy blurring?
@objetivoel 27 күн бұрын
The MORE Quantum Entangled, the crazier the electrons behave... Unpredictable and they blast through all DARK MATTER! The waves become more powerful and fast ... People have no clue what is happening 😂😂😂😂 Love the description. Super - Position makes the electron momentum speee up & boomerang!
@rlangan92 Ай бұрын
Wait, so motion of a particle is emergent from the distribution of energy among, and phases, of its stationary eigenstates?? If you give a larticle momentum and kinetic energy - how does thay energy "know" which state to occupy to conserve momentum?
@Dyslexic-Artist-Theory-on-Time Жыл бұрын
Very good video! Could the mathematics of quantum mechanics represent geometry as in geometrical process? The Planck Constant ħ=h/2π is linked to 2π circular geometry representing a two-dimensional aspect of 4π spherical three-dimensional geometry. We have to square the wave function Ψ² representing the radius being squared r² because the process is relative to the two-dimensional spherical 4π surface. We then see 4π in Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π representing our probabilistic temporal three dimensions life. The charge of the electron e² and the speed of light c² are both squared for the same geometrical reason. The spontaneous absorption and emission of light photon ∆E=hf energy is forming potential photon energy into the kinetic energy of electrons. Kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy is the energy of what is actually happening. Could we have an uncertain probabilistic future continuously coming into existence with the exchange of photon energy?
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your comment, and I’m glad you enjoyed the video! :) Quantum mechanics is deeply geometrical, in the sense that it models processes occurring in Nature, all of which have some geometric form. But to your point about the reduced Planck’s constant, in that case it’s more of a notational convention. Consider the function y = sin(k*x). This wave has a wavelength of lambda = 2*pi/k. So here we can see that the factor k, the so-called angular wave number, fits nicely into the equation sin(k*x). If we just wanted to use the reciprocal of the wavelength for the wavenumber, we could have had to write sin(k*x/(2*pi)), which is messy. Anyway, the reason we often use the reduced Planck’s constant is that hbar is easier to write than h/(2*pi). As for 4pi, that number appears a lot, in the context of spherical surface area but also just when 2pi gets multiplied by 2. But I agree that typically when you see a 4pi in physics, there’s a flux integral over a sphere hidden somewhere in the derivation, e.g. Coulomb’s law, or deriving Newtonian gravity from the statement that the laplacian of the gravitational potential is proportional to the mass density field. But I wouldn’t read too much into the numerology here. You can see from the derivations why things are what they are. As for why the wavefunction is squared, that’s a more nuanced topic that extends beyond the scope of a KZbin comment. But you can derive the answer within the context of the Feynman path integral formulation, and the observation that in order for that formulation to work, you need probability amplitudes to be able to interfere with each other in ways that requires having a phase, so you need more than just the real numbers if you want to encode that all in one function. I’m not quite sure what you mean by your last question. And I’m also not sure if the future is probabilistic 😅 I think that’s one of the deepest philosophical problems, with major implications for free will. But I’ll end on this note: if the future is probabilistic, then may the odds be in your favor. And if it’s all predestined, then may you be a force of nature! :)
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
Sorry, I don’t think this was clear from my previous comment, but to clarify on the point about the wavefunction being squared: you need complex numbers to track the phase, but real numbers to represent observables, so the amplitude of the wavefunction gets squared to make that happen.
@Dyslexic-Artist-Theory-on-Time Жыл бұрын
@@RichBehiel By my last question, I mean is could the wave particle duality of light and matter in the form of electrons be forming a blank canvas that we interact with forming a future relative to the energy and momentum of our actions? in such a theory light is a wave over a ‘period of time’ relative to the atoms of the periodic table with particle characteristics as an uncertain ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π probabilistic future comes into existence light photon ∆E=hf by light photon. This is logical because light photon ∆E=hf energy is continuously transforming potential energy into the kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy of matter, in the form of electrons. Kinetic energy is the energy of what is actually ‘happening’ as the future unfolds.
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
I’m not quite sure. I know the Schrodinger equation is a way of saying that the energy landscape of a quantum system is what determines its evolution in time, and the wavefunction is both wavelike and particle-like. But I don’t know how to dig deeper into the ontology than that. I wish I did! Have you heard of Nima Arkani-Hamed’s work on the amplituhedron? Seems like something that may interest you.
@Dyslexic-Artist-Theory-on-Time Жыл бұрын
@@RichBehiel No I have not come across Nima Arkani-Hamed’s. The way to have an intuitive logical explanation of what is happening is to think of the collapse of the wave-function as a new moment in time. When we make a measurement there is a somewhat random and unpredictable collapse into one of the possible measurement states and this depends on what the wave function looked like just before we made the measurement. It collapses into one state rather than continuously flowing from one state to another and then at that new moment in time just after the measurement, once again the wave-function starts following forming probability based on our new measurement state. This is totally logical because electromagnetic fields are not quantized, it is just of the energy transfer processes between field and matter, between photons and electrons that are quantized. We have electromagnetic waves, flowing out forming the carrier for potential quantized photon energy. The energy contained in a wave, spread out forming the characteristics of three-dimensional space. This energy is converted back to another form of energy in a very local and quantized event by light photon ∆E=hf energy continuously transforming potential energy into the kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy of matter, in the form of electrons. Kinetic energy is the energy of what is actually ‘happening’. This geometrical process formed by the spontaneous absorption and emission of light photon energy is continuously forming a probabilistic uncertain ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π future.
@SerGio-xs9ss 4 ай бұрын
Is it possible to get this site to play with harmonics ? Thank you.
@paulsaulpaul Жыл бұрын
Whilst viewing the start of this epic video, I have conjectured a unification of the spacetime and precursor tensor fields, based in a new Spring Theory, an extension of string theory, in which the difference between the common spacetime tensor, and the novel precursor tensor, is equal to the micro and macro density of dark matter as we measure it today. I have discovered by inspiration of the most high and this video a truly marvelous new mathematics by which we can represent an interference of the traditional tensor and precursor tensor to derive then ordered intelligence within the celestial waters (the precursor of spacetime / firmament / matter / broken symmetries). From this, universal causality is derived and the answers to quantum uncertainty and the most highest boson is revealed in Spring Theory. But this youtube comment box is too small to contain the new maths. I defer, then an exploration of a higher dimensional tensor maths to Richard and an analysis of astrophysics. edit - tldr; the extra gravity / dark matter in the galaxy is spirits, gods, etc.
@jacobhudis2024 Жыл бұрын
what computer program do you use to make the animations?
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
Python, with matplotlib for 2D stuff and plotly for 3D.
@D0N-haha Ай бұрын
@StinkyEthien 10 ай бұрын
May I ask what you use to make these animations? :)
@RichBehiel 10 ай бұрын
This video was made with python, using matplotlib.
@StinkyEthien 10 ай бұрын
Thank you very much!@@RichBehiel Did you start from scratch, or was there a github repo or pypi project you used as a base?
@RichBehiel 10 ай бұрын
@StinkyEthien I guess I started from scratch, about a decade ago. In college I was really into programming and visualizing data, and over the years I’ve done a lot of that for work too, so that sort of evolved into these videos.
@dantucho203 Жыл бұрын
Weird question, but are you that tungsten cube guy?
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
I am 😂
@dantucho203 Жыл бұрын
@@RichBehiel haha great to know! that review was very eloquently written, hope you’re enjoying your state of enlightenment over us who have not felt the density of tungsten
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
Thanks. The joy of tungsten enlightenment is eternal! 🧘🏻‍♂️
@Openskylook Ай бұрын
Is fundamental reality is mathamtics like thos if quantum mechanics is all mathematics or it is just a model of reality a map and not reality?
@michaelharrison1093 3 ай бұрын
Can anyone explain why for the second and fifth energy states that there is an absence of any colored bars between the top and bottom colored bars? The 2nd and 5th energy states are clearly depicted as different to the others
@sebastiangudino9377 3 ай бұрын
Because that's how stacking things works. Imagine you stack cans of beer. You are going to have 4 at the bottom, then 3 on the next level, resting on the EMPTY spaces created by the 4 before, then two in the resting space of those 3 ones, and one last one in the remaining resting space In beer every even row will have marching beers, same with every odd one. Because the "spaces" are evenly spaced. In the QM Oscilators the spaces become smaller, so levels don't tend to have one to one colored and empty spaces (Called nodes by the way)
@haniamritdas4725 Жыл бұрын
"you can see how the probability 3:38 densities of the stationary states do not change over time. Their phase changes but the amplitude stays constant so the stationary states are like standing probability waves" They are nothing more or less than standing probability waves predicting a parabola on a number line. The probability amplitudes are stable because _the wave equation is nothing but a mathematical machine for using linear algebra to create discrete transforms for geometrical curves_ The curves that can be linearized by algebra, which is to say quadratic equations, or partial higher order versions of them. There's no physical theory in these maths. It is a general purpose device which was supposed to provide a theory, but no one outside the room could be convinced of the difference between a mathematical tautology and a testable, falsifiable physical hypothesis. The "theory" of the Standard Model is the proposition that you can use combinations of linear functions to generate functions with characteristic "probability densities that the solution lies in a range of value from zero to Infinity". That's just another way of saying "quadratic equations". There is nothing predictive about the wave equation or the standard model that isn't a statistical statement about algebraic geometry. The weirdness of it is a confidence game, played by physicists for a century: yeah it's so hard to understand how nature can be probabilistic! What a mystery! Well you lay people will never understand our wall of magical numbers! Just give us billions of dollars to come up with more magical probability combinations, and we will keep on keeping you mystified about the simplicity of the world. The show given here there and everywhere is obfuscational of this crucial fact: the Standard Model is no more falsifiable than linear algebra. Because it is only a framework for calculating Hermitian equations. It is not a hypothesis, but a tool for generating geometric probabilistic speculations with no analytic expressions related to the coordinate system, only rules of arithmetic; so it cannot give you the orbit of a planet, just the probability density that the orbit is within a range of values that can only be measured singly. Just apply orbital mechanics to the wave function, and a solar system looks like an energy density probability plot. Because that's what it is from a logical mathematical perspective: that is what "everything" is from that point of view! So then the "function collapses into a point when measured" because it is impossible to generate a meaningful equation of motion from a probabilistic measurement of a single datum. The purpose was to string these measurements together, with physical explanatory power, which has not yet happened. And in order to have explanatory power, it has to be falsifiable, not a statistical inevitability. That is true of a hypothesis, not to mention "theory". A century of cons and shysters worthy of the economy their children built. We so smart!🤓 Trust Science!
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
I share much of your general skepticism of the theoretical physics community, and you’re right that plenty of scientists overhype their work in the pursuit of funding, but I can personally attest to the utility of the the quantum harmonic oscillator. It is useful in many contexts. Of course, a set of ideas can be taken seriously but not literally, and one of the gaping flaws of modern physics is its utter lack of an ontological framework. Many physicists have resigned themselves to the “shut up and calculate” mindset, and will regard as metaphysics any inquiry into what these equations actually *mean*. But the tide seems to be changing. I’ve seen a renewed enthusiasm for investigating the foundations of quantum mechanics in recent years. There is hope! :)
@haniamritdas4725 Жыл бұрын
@@RichBehiel I agree, linear algebra combined with an algebraic geometry of the Lagrangian mechanics is a truly useful and beautiful framework. And the difference between that and a model of energy ("physics" in one word) is at the root of the philosophy of science. We really deserve to be fooled at this point. But it is meaningful indeed that the single word for describing physics, 'energy' is also the single expression for 'god' in quite a few religious contexts. This metaphysical quandary persists into the domain of pure maths, which will always be definitively the "metaphysics" of quantitative sciences. But I think it is hilarious that Plato describes this game by saying that the materialists are terrible fellows who are typically elderly men who love the sound of their own voices and take the tack of leading the argument into nonsense in order to avoid detection of their sophisms. But he decides for philosophical reasons to steel-man their arguments for them for the sake of examining them closely. And then he says, that is why their opponents, the idealists, defend themselves from behind mystical clouds, so as not to be forced to confine 'energy' or 'being' to mere quantification. It's a very old conversation indeed. And yes we have learned some great things, almost all of which were anticipated by Archimedes and Apollonius, millennia ago; the conic sections. How did they know? By logical necessity alone, with no recourse to an energy metric, they laid the tracks of the Standard Model train. With sticks in the sand? Hm
@kalaiselvan6907 Жыл бұрын
@johnyaxon__ Жыл бұрын
Does it happen in the brain?
@RPG_Guy-fx8ns 3 ай бұрын
This is circular logic. Making waves out of waves doesn't really get you anywhere. There needs to be a reason things move towards an equilibrium in order to have the spring forces required to oscillate the sine waves. Adding up sine waves cannot be the reason for oscillation, because sine waves require oscillation. At the core of spring forces, underneath the mechanics of attraction, repulsion, and equilibrium, they are made of transactions between neighbors. The core of physics is some kind of local pressure balancing mechanic. Some kind of matrix of numbers that for some unknowable reason, have rules for balancing with their neighbors. Like Conway's game of life, there needs to be some kind of neighbor checking rule system that animates at the core of physics. You can make animated things out of other animated things. you can make springs out of things that already have springs in them. but you can't get from inanimate to animate. There is no reason any exchange of any information exists. We will never know why any motion exists, rather than an entirely static universe that was completely uncorrelated with its neighbors. So fundamentally, you need counting numbers, that update their value, connected with the update of nearby numbers in local transactions, to make sine waves and spring forces and scalar fields and conservation of momentum, etc... we don't know where existence got counting numbers from or how it formed the rules that entangled these numbers into forces that try to find equilibrium. Values are the most fundamental thing. In computer science, we make values out of binary bits. We have no idea what kinds of numbers the universe uses for its spring forces. if you can arbitrarily entangle numbers, it doesn't matter what size they are, you can always add more precision by entangling more numbers. in programming, we have functions that operate on values, entangling them in a transaction. The universe has forces that serve as functions, and we have no idea how they were defined. All the universe really needs is 2 things: binary bits: some kind of contrast, in 1 dimension. and the ability to correlate those numbers.
@sebastiangudino9377 3 ай бұрын
Are you ok? Standing wave solutions are linear. So you can add then together to get new solutions (New waves) which are not standing waves. So you can decompose and recompose waves into a sequence of standing waves That's not even quantum. That's just plain old Fourier Analysis. Nothing mystical about it. Your ears do it all the time to understand sound
@sumitrana2420 Жыл бұрын
What is #PaCE1?
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
It’s a math and physics video contest hosted by Curt Jaimungal of the Theories of Everything podcast.
@objetivoel 27 күн бұрын
Your pineal gland must be decalcified so that you can understand how this applies to the Dark VS Light spiritual battle happening!
@No0dl_e-g2i 4 ай бұрын
@wdobni Жыл бұрын
the problem, it seems to me, is that the animated illustration of a quantum oscillator is actually nothing at all like a mass on a spring......a mass on a spring is a continuous system that applies force in continuous fashion .... quantum systems are not continuous systems but rather systems that move in discontinuous 'jumps' from one energy state to the next.......any appearance of similarity to mass on a spring must be an illusion the other fairly obvious contradiction in your illustration is that in the case of a mass on a spring we can always know precisely exactly where the mass is located at any point in time and we can also know its your animated illustration of a quantum oscillator we can never know exactly where the particle is located in a quantum state.....we can know an exact probability of where it might be located at any point in time but it could be anywhere, even off into the next galaxy somewhere
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
You bring up some interesting points there, and your intuition is in the right place. The phrase “mass on a spring” is just an analogy to introduce the quantum harmonic oscillator, because the spring also has a potential which goes with displacement from equilibrium squared, but as with all analogies its relevance is limited and it can’t be stretched too far. The quantum world is very strange. You’re right that it’s not continuous like our macroscopic world. But then again, our macroscopic world isn’t exactly continuous either, because it arises from the quantum world. We’re just in the statistical limit.
@willie333b Жыл бұрын
What is #pace1
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
It was a contest for educational math and physics videos.
@willie333b Жыл бұрын
@@RichBehiel thanks! I only knew about #some2 😅 Who is hosting it tho
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
Curt Jaimungal, host of the Theories of Everything podcast.
@willie333b Жыл бұрын
@@RichBehiel nice
@lahearle 2 ай бұрын
Now do a video on social sciences
@dadsonworldwide3238 Жыл бұрын
Be honest something in you already imagine this or if you built it this is how you would do it. philosophical categorically weird to think that like the love for your parents can't be observed but we can build lines of evidence about the secondary effects your love has on the environment. It's not any different than some idealism found in the quantum world.
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
I’m not sure I totally follow, to be honest. Are you talking about the mystery of how our first-person qualia map onto the underlying third-person empirical world? I.e. the hard problem of consciousness? Btw to be totally honest I wouldn’t have imagined the solution to the quantum harmonic oscillator a priori 😅 It does make sense in retrospect though, in that it hangs together into a coherent story of how particles behave. Anyway, I wouldn’t take the math too literally. Most of physics strikes me as a kind of accounting over an economic substrate whose nature is unknown. We canvas the landscape with mathematical forms, but rarely ever pierce it.
@dadsonworldwide3238 Жыл бұрын
The notion or feeling that (of course this is how reality works ) our ability to imagine and predict most of it even before we learn the details in school. Irony of familiarity. And the later part was just a reference to the great debate of how to categorize the universe and world around. What is or isn't physicalism? How hard it is to categorize and give defined description
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
Yeah for sure, it’s curious how often when you learn something, it snaps into place and there’s that moment of insight, when suddenly the idea fits into your mind and it’s almost as if you’ve seen it before. Plato was curious about this problem. How can a person go from not knowing something, to knowing it, and then knowing that they know it? Who are they to judge whether they know it, if just a moment ago they didn’t know it? That line of thinking leads to Plato’s famous quote that all knowing is remembering. I’d take a slightly different approach to the problem and say that we learn by ever-branching analogies, and then smooth down the edges of the analogies over time until our worldview coheres into a mostly unified whole. But I think there’s a danger in this, because we end up living in the world of analogy and not the world of *slaps hand on the table*, that is we live in the map and not in the territory, and our familiarity with the landscape is at least in part a familiarity with the stories we have told ourselves over the years. But Nature always has a trick up her sleeve, and there are things yet discovered which would shatter the edifice of our expectations and dissolve the remnants. We’re living on a small boat in a deep, dark sea.
@henryrutledge849 Жыл бұрын
Hi Richard
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
Hi Henry! :)
@daltanionwaves Жыл бұрын
If you removed everything that is a wave from the universe........ Would there be anything left? 🤔 😸
@RichBehiel Жыл бұрын
I don’t think so. But the uncertainty principle implies that there can never be exactly zero waves 🤔
@SampleroftheMultiverse 2 ай бұрын
@buddysnackit1758 2 жыл бұрын does a pull work? I ask this of everyone involved in physics. It points out you are only skimming over the realities of physics. Another way to ask this is to ask you to "Describe the mechanics behind a pull.". Ultimately you won't be able to and this will reveal your surface-level understanding of physics. So everything you said is correct does that pull work? It is a wavy wave is about all I expect from you. Yes Richard it is a wavy wave. :) I would argue that mathematics limits imagination. Now explain the physical connection and reason why I should believe your math....ah...sigh...yeah there is that pull question again... If you want an example I can describe why gravity works using math and a model which you should agree with. Ugggg, not a quote from a priest of physics. You should base your physics on the truth and not one of these priests. They didn't figure out the truth of physics and all your doing is accepting their flawed ideas. Assume Bohr, Dirac, Einstein, Michelson, Morley, Hertz, Maxwell, and many others were wrong (especially Mr. bongos). Because they were and are. How do I know? See if they ever assume gravity is a magical pull...and warped space is still a magical pull (hoping you can see that).
@RichBehiel 2 жыл бұрын
Good question! :) And I agree, if it doesn’t tie back into your intuition, then that’s something to think about! In a condensed matter physics class in grad school, I calculated the bulk modulus of a few kinds of metal, from quantum ab initio simulations over periodic lattices. What I did was to set the spacing between atoms at a variety of distances around their equilibrium value (the lattice parameter), and calculated the energy of each configuration. Lattices which were compressed or stretched relative to their equilibrium scale had higher energy, which was quadratic for small stretches and compressions (quadratic potential = spring-like effect). The bulk modulus of the material is related to the second derivative of that potential, i.e. to the spring constant of the material. My calculated values were only off by 1-2% of the values reported by experiments which pull on samples of these metals to see how stiff they are. So in my own life, I have seen how these equations make contact with reality, and if I hadn’t yet seen that, then I would be skeptical of them too. I encourage that skepticism, as long as you keep at it and test your ideas. When I tested my ideas, I found that mainstream physics provides the best framework for understanding the physics of the world around me. Nowadays I work with the diffraction of x-rays and high energy electrons at work, designing software to analyze these signals and use them for process control for the growth of superconducting wire, and I can’t imagine understanding any of this without quantum mechanics. But at the end of the day my code works and we make good product. The proof is in the pudding! I agree wholeheartedly that physicists do not do a good enough job of communicating their ideas. To be fair though, it’s not easy! The world is nothing like what we think it should be, when you get right down to it. At the bottom of things it’s an existential mystery. But the physicists have a better working map than anyone else.
@buddysnackit1758 2 жыл бұрын
@@RichBehiel And yet no answer of how a pull works. Please answer the question or admit you do not know and that any theory that uses a pull is incorrect because pulls can not exist. I guess you somewhat have admitted that you don't know because "At the bottom of things it’s an existential mystery.". But really isn't a mystery. This has nothing to do with intuition or bad explanations. Further, I am not skeptical but 100% sure the theories you are using are not correct. They merely work because of measured values and derived equations that match the measurements. Further, 1% is a rather large error...which could have several causes ranging from bad theory to equipment accuracy/precision. Sounds like your job is really an engineering job based on current theory. Which I admit will work. Newton's equations worked too, to a point, but then something did not work quite right. But if you were a physicist trying to know how things actually worked I could help you.
@RichBehiel 2 жыл бұрын
The 1-2% error was likely due to the fact that I modeled a perfect lattice, and didn’t factor in things like grain boundaries, dislocations, stacking faults, etc. Though I think 1-2% is not too bad, since I did this for aluminum, copper, iron, and nickel and got similar accuracy across all four metals with different lattices and electron structures. To me that suggests a connection between quantum mechanics and the stiffness of those metals, so I used that as an example of how these concepts can map onto the concept of pulling on something. You are correct to point out that my response was not focused on pulling per se; it was an anecdote of how the quantum world can map to the everyday world of squishing and pulling on materials. So if you’ll give me another chance to address your question more directly, I would first start by defining what a “pull” is. I assume you’re talking about when a material thing draws another material thing towards it via direct contact. In that case, a pull arises from short-range coulomb forces. As two atoms approach each other, their electrons will begin to repel. This is why you can’t actually touch anything, but can only get close enough that static electricity kicks in (the Coulomb force) to repel your hand away from the thing. I use an atomic force microscope at work which operates on this principle, by vibrating an atomically sharp tip near a surface and converting the frequency response to a height map. Let me know if you would like to argue about whether it’s valid to think of contact forces as short-range electron repulsion, or if you agree with that part. Then, if we’re on the same page about that, you can pull something by wrapping your fingers around it, thereby pushing it toward you. So a pull is secretly a push. Do you agree? Naturally you might ask how a material can sustain the state of tension required to pull an object. There are a few ways that can happen. Molecular bonds between atoms, van der waals forces between atoms and molecules, even surface tension in some contrived scenarios. There are ways in which matter sticks to matter, otherwise there would be nothing but atomic dust. So in summary, a pull is a push mediated by some arm, biological or mechanical, which is able to grab onto something and pull it. That’s all in alignment with mainstream physics, whether you want to think in terms of coulomb interactions or go really deep and get into quantum electrodynamics. Please let me know if this has still not addressed your question, and if so in what way.
@buddysnackit1758 2 жыл бұрын
@@RichBehiel Hey thanks for the reply. Almost all other physicists do not respond. But to be more precise in my definition I am referring to a non-contact force such as gravity, magnetic fields, and the like. So the Coulomb force, therefore, is a contact force involving a magnetic field (you would say electro-magnetic, but electrons do not exist and are instead magnetic flows generated by the nucleons of an atom.) The idea of "charges" breaks down if you believe they are pulls. In the case of short-distance atomic forces, this is more obvious. So to give you an idea of math linked to physical objects I'll describe how gravity works. Not how it might work but how it actually works mechanically. Then I can support this idea with answers to why the red-shift occurs, why black holes are black, where the CMB is coming from, why gamma bursts occur as stuff is sucked into black holes, the cause of time dilation (gravitationally and via speed) and many more things. But first an example solution for gravity. Given two masses M and N the "attractive" force is from a field of particles that have previously been called Ether or Aether etc. This ether is simply very tiny specs of matter that were created by massive suns (A.K.A black holes). It creates the ether by crushing nucleons into their elementary parts. The size of these particles is unknown but can be determined by experiment. For the time being this information is not important. The ether particles fill all of space. Even between and within atomic parts and are traveling in random directions. They travel independently through space and only change direction and speed on collision. They rarely hit one another because of the large (when compared to an ether particle) empty space around each individual ether particle. Gravitation is essentially a shadowing effect within an ether field. Now math. We have masses M and N. M has m nucleons within it. N has n nucleons within it. (BTW a nucleon is a proton or neutron - some people don't use the term.) Every nucleon in M will cast a shadow pair with every nucleon in N. So we have a relationship of m * n shadow pairs. Each shadow pair removes momentum from each nucleon's side that faces its paired nucleon. The shadows being empty space offer no resistance to intruding ether particles and the force drop from the shadow is reduced as the shadow collapses. The rate of this collapse is reduced by an inverse square law. The force removed by each shadow is G. So each shadows force contribution is G/r^2. There are m * n shadows so that makes F = (m*n) * G/r^2. This is Newton's law of gravitation but with reasons behind each term. But but but....Newton's gravity is instant. Yes but this model is not. How fast doe an ether particle travel? C of course. So the shadows in space start to look like space being warped. So why is this theory better than others? For one, it will not work at very large distances and probably accounts for the differences we see at large distances. I lack the computing power to run the simulation. (I think Earth actually lacks the computing power.) If you want the answers to the other things I mention just specify which and I'll explain it. It is all connected so each explanation depends on an Ether universe. If you want to model this with software you probably already have I'd be happy for feedback...either math based or even if you just don't think that it could possibly be that way. I've had people say it can't work this way and when pressed to explain why they couldn't. Even asked them if it made sense to did...still didn't believe. There is still much I'm leaving to you to understand, so if you are wondering "how does X work?" please ask.
@RichBehiel 2 жыл бұрын
@@buddysnackit1758 thanks for your thorough response, sincerely. The picture you are describing is effectively LeSage’s theory of gravity, right? That the force of gravity is due to shadowing of the bombardment of corpuscles? Please let me know if your picture differs substantively from the LeSage model, otherwise I’ll continue with that assumption. One problem with the LeSagian view, which I’ve personally entertained for a while, is that in addition to gravity, it would lead to a drag force in the direction opposite the body’s motion. So if we say that the earth and the moon are pushed together by some kind of particle, then we would expect a drag force from that particle to also impart some drag on earth, and cause our planet to spiral into the sun. That’s the argument that persuaded me away from the LeSagian view. If you’ve got a rebuttal against that, I would genuinely love to hear it. Now, as for gravity… Newton’s inverse square law is more elegantly cast as the statement that the Laplacian of the gravitational potential is proportional to the density distribution. This is mathematically equivalent, and not too dissimilar from Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which is in essence the statement that excess curvature of spacetime is proportional to mass/energy density. Both theories have one and the same major unresolved mystery: where the hell does gravity come from? And why is it so weak, relative to the other known forces? I assure you, my friend, this problem has not been swept under the rug. It’s known as the hierarchy problem, and it’s a major ongoing problem in physics. I wish I knew the answer to it! Every physicist dreams of solving this problem. Physicists are generally much too cocky, that’s for sure. But the community as a whole is well-grounded by the constraints of empiricism. And mysteries still abound. You seem like someone who has a passion for uncovering the unknown. I hope you will stand on the shoulders of giants, and see father than anyone has seen before. But it is a tough climb to get up there. Take it from a fellow traveler 😉
@angelamusiema 6 ай бұрын
E questa è la batteria dell' andamento della Folata delle fiandre del vento nella area di circostanza. E sono tanti baci per voi😘💯😘💯😘
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