@penaboy I was born without a faith but am blessed to now call the Orthodox Church my home.
@pablos0113 жыл бұрын
My spiritual father looks like elder Cleopa, his name is elder Andrej. God bless his soul, bouth of them.
@paulwilliams92075 жыл бұрын
Blessed man. Thank you. My wife has tears in her eyes.
@feliciagisca29824 жыл бұрын
I too could not control my tears when I found out the holy life of some monks, Father Cleopa was tortured by the communist authorities, sat in the wilderness praying incessantly and ate only on Sundays. I can't even compare that holy life with life on we live it
@antonioslazaros16 жыл бұрын
Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on us sinners. You have by grace given us your Holy Spirit to live in our hearts. There He is praying day and night on our behalf. But instead of praying together with the Spirit, we are lazy and love our old dark ways. Lord, make us hungry and thirsty after Your kingdom and righteousness. May we prepare ourself for the day of judgement. May we daily clean our souls in your Holy blood. Only you are our Lord and King. Only you will we follow...
@MrSASHANIKOLIC14 жыл бұрын
Thank you Elder Cleopa for describing the stages of prayer!
@NeluThat70sKid11 жыл бұрын
As a Roman Catholic who was baptized a Uniate at eight months old, but who has been attending my paternal grandparents' church (Romanian Orthodox--ROEA) for the past 14 years ever since getting my driver's license in 1999, just let me say, straight from my heart, AMEN, BROTHER :-)
@paxcoder4 жыл бұрын
I hope you have returned to the Catholic Church? Peace be with you, brother (whether separated or in full union)
@Sqaaak17 жыл бұрын
This is a great piece; a great video: it is restoring my faith; it has touched me deeply in the heart. Saint Cleopa speaks with power of the Power of Prayer, in the clearest and most comprehensible of terms. Thank you! And thanks be to God! Anyone who has a genuine thirst will find the means of restoring their soul.
@ioanalivezeanu57606 жыл бұрын
Ce frumos vorbeste parintele vorbeste lucruri adevarate cu credinta un om bun si frumos la suflet cat si la trup si chip ne-ati ramas in sufletul nostru si asa placere imi face si bine cand privesc videoclipuri acestea cu asemenea parinte mare traitor in credinta si in rugaciune ma linisteste sufleteste si ma bucur ca avem amintirile acestea frumos.Doamne ajuta tuturor.Amin
@vickikyvrikosaios73009 жыл бұрын
The best time to pray is at midnight and 3 am when all is still. At those times the heavens are open as it is said..
@ciprianmoisa18183 жыл бұрын
Do you write what was tell Elder Monk to the step pray ?
@stylianosm17 жыл бұрын
Excellent video. Prayer of the heart is one the unknown treasures of Christianity that quences our soul's quest for God. Thank you!
@asderso13 жыл бұрын
ioancasian, Doamne ajuta ! L-am cunoscut pe Parinte in 1990, la minastirea Sihastria. Cind si-a descoperit capul am vazut aureola lui, ceva luminos si curat curat si care mi-a inspirat imediat respect si mi-a fost rusine de relele mele.
@beatricevoleste15 жыл бұрын
Mi-e drag sfantul parintele Cleopa..Domnul Isus sa ma miluiasca pe mine pacatoasa..Mult m-a ajutat parintele scump Cleopa cu invataturile sale.
@KingdomIsNow4 жыл бұрын
These portions on prayer are such a good reminder how to approach the throne of God. Thank you.
@alfred96312 жыл бұрын
Truth you have spoken, my brother! Nikki, please if... We should have some more elder huge prayers among us. We need them more than we can afford to admit. God Bless You!
@youdontmesswithzorro10 жыл бұрын
Ioan Casian, iti multumesc din suflet pentru traducerea profesionala. Sotia mea nu e romanca dar s-a botezat la noi ortodox acum 2 ani, nu intelege romana si nici mie nu mi-a fost usor din cauza barierei limbii sa ii traduc mesajul adanc al Sfintilor Parinti, numai iubirea unul pentru celalalt ne-a dat putere, mie sa incerc sa redau iar ei rabdare sa ma asculte. Cu efortul pe care il depui in aceasta traducere, caci stiu ca iti ia timp si efort, iti faci pomana cu cupluri si casnicii mixte cum suntem noi, pentru a ne apropia si mai mult unul de celalalt prin credinta. Iti multumim :)
@radulazar54857 жыл бұрын
iar pt. limba engleza aveti acest radio: www.ancientfaith.com
@adriancurea19296 жыл бұрын
Buna ziua, numele meu este Adrian si sunt casatorit cu o fata din alta tara si e catolica. Preotul ortodox ne-a casatorit asa, fiecare cu religia lui. Locuim in strainatate si cand mai mergem in Romania pe la manastiri, preotii ne tot spun ca nu e bine sa dim din religii diferite. Si incerc si eu sa o aduc spre ortodoxie pe nevasta mea. Vorbim engleza fluent. Ave-ti ceva sfaturi va rog cun as putea sa o aduc spre ortodoxie. Multumesc mult.
@andrei-cezarbleaje55195 жыл бұрын
istoria biserici
@sirgalah4d204 жыл бұрын
Thank you, I needed that so much.
@iraklixxxxx13 жыл бұрын
pray for us elder cleopa.
@ISB17 жыл бұрын
Impressive footage of his funeral... thanks again, ioancasian! Which reminded me... I have myself some footage of him being interviewed in october 1997, where some of our Serbs went over there and filmed him... it's on VHS though...
@elenanastase17 жыл бұрын
Dragii de voi cei care va intalniti cu Dumnezeu si pe internet. Toate cu intelepciune le-a facut si prin toate El lucreaza. Ce mult m-am bucurat ca cineva de aici l-a numit pe Parintele Cleopa Sfantul Cleopa. Dear friends, all of you that meet God even on the internet. Everything that God has done, was made with wisdom, and through all of these He works. I was so happy to see that someone here named Father Cleopa Saint Cleopa.
@petra41713 жыл бұрын
@EliaHoreftaris16 жыл бұрын
Very nice & tough-nut elder! Mediate for us holy father, into The Light.
@Phobe215 жыл бұрын
May your blessing be with us!
@Nikisright12 жыл бұрын
Alfred, I don't think I could ever pray that much. My sister would agree with the elder Ilie Cleopa, may he RIP, about praising God with the mouth and tongue.
@DanielHead0117 жыл бұрын
Oh Saint Cleopa, pray for us!
@NeluThat70sKid11 жыл бұрын
Adevarat a inviat, He truly is risen! Numai bine din SUA, fratele :-)
@danlupanu14 жыл бұрын
DOAMNE`AJUTA ! Am cunoscut pre acesta,sfant intru`pomenire,vrednic intre cei..ce au ochi...si nu vad...au urechi...si nu aud...au inima..desarta,,,si nu vor cunoaste in veci,lacrima disperariii,fiindca...nu pot...ca oameni,vreodata,s`ajunga.....SF.ILIE CLEOPA,A FOST,ESTE,.,SI VA FI...nemarginirea vesnic neinteleasa,noua! atat de greu...rusinos de usor,de intelese,PREA`SFINTE ROSTURI! dan lupanu.
@ioancasian11 жыл бұрын
Christ is Risen, brother! Doamne ajuta
@ioancasian14 жыл бұрын
The Church - the entirety of true, faithful Christians, shepherd and flock. The Church being the body with Christ as its head and us as members: 1 Cor 12, 27; Rom 12, 4-5; Col 1, 18-20, 24; Eph 1, 22-23; 5, 23; 4, 25; Heb 12, 22-23; Mat 16, 18; Apoc 1, 4, 11, 20; 2, 1; Rom 12, 5-6; 1 Cor 6, 15 etc.
@IbraheemalZawahiri15 жыл бұрын
I was there just last year (at this monastery)
@arthegor14 жыл бұрын
Merita sa fie Canonizat ca Sfant pentru ca nimeni altu nu este ca dansul! Om Sfant al erei noastre!
@myyvaine12 жыл бұрын
@penaboy 2 years passed since you admitted the Orthodox Church is the True one!!! have you done something about it brother? have you quit papacy? have you thrown away filioque from your soul?if not...come join us become orthodox cause only so will you have the privilege to meet Elder Cleopa Ilie face to face...
@Alexandru1984x16 жыл бұрын
Thank You for this video,ioancasian!
@Nikisright12 жыл бұрын
No, you see and feel his words and that is not dragging your feet in darkness. You are of light, mine, and don't forget that.
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
Merry Christmas to you too!
@alfred96312 жыл бұрын
Unfortunatelly at least for me, he is and he will always be right, while Im only dragging my feet in darkness.
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
Did you listen to what the Elder said? You do realize that he's talking about a different kind of joy, unlike the rolling on floor laughing from the pentecostal or charismatic churches?
@feliciagisca29824 жыл бұрын
true, there is a huge difference, the holiness in the orthodox faith is clearly felt
@ciprianmoisa18183 жыл бұрын
@@feliciagisca2982 Adică?
@feliciagisca29823 жыл бұрын
@@ciprianmoisa1818 Adică de vede ca Duhul Sfant lucrează în biserica ortodoxa.Daca stau și ma gândesc la viata atâtor sfinți și cuvioși se vede clar diferenta fata de secte:post,rugaciune neîncetată,spovedanie,împărtășanie,suferinta indurata în numele Domnului.Ce așteptări sa am de la secte care nu au Sfânta Liturghie,post nu au,rugăciunea inimii nu o au,nevoință 0,în ce fel se așteaptă ei sa vina Duhul Sfânt?Dacă fac spume la gura și se tăvălesc pe jos?Asta e duhul satanei,nu cel al Domnului
@ciprianmoisa18183 жыл бұрын
@@feliciagisca2982 Așa de mult îmi este drag Acest MARE SFÂNT și MARE Pustnic Arhimandritul ILIE CLEOPA dar și un MARE Trăitor dar Trăitor cum Erau SFINȚII PĂRINȚI IN primele SECOLE
@ciprianmoisa18183 жыл бұрын
@@feliciagisca2982 Eu sunt CRESTIN și BOTEZAT in RELIGIA ORTODOXA
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
You're jumping all over, throwing question after question that have nothing to do with what the Elder says. He doesn't speak about church, about him being holier than you or me. He speaks about the Jesus prayer.
@DoctorMooye12 жыл бұрын
Dumnezeu să te ierte și să te lumineze.
@Christian-jg1se2 жыл бұрын
Peace be with you 🙏
@jasonbently200214 жыл бұрын
@schlabresfan Actually, the Church affirms is the High Priest who presides over and succors the ORTHODOX FAITHFUL in the Holy Spirit since Pentecost. While the Epistles and Book of Acts makes clear that the Church IS THE BODY OF CHRIST comprised of believers BAPTIZED WITHIN THE CHURCH and part of the community overseen by the Holy Apostles, WHOM WE ARE TO THIS DAY.
@35o1258 жыл бұрын
Starac Kleopa :)
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
Very good my friend, if the Orthodox Church is not the Church, what is the Apostolic Church? Read what the Apostolic Fathers wrote about the organization of the Church, Eucharist, Apostolic Succession, during the Apostles lifetime. It's very easy, you're either in the Church or outside. We've been in the Church ever since. There is no Holy Spirit outside the Church, not in the 20,000, and counting, so called churches.
@ioancasian14 жыл бұрын
@schlabresfan The meanings of "church" are many, depending on the context. However, the three main meanings are as follows: The Church - hierarchy and leadership with its authority; The Church - the entirety of true, faithful Christians, shepherd and flock.; The Church - as the place of worship, the building.
@jasonbently200214 жыл бұрын
@schlabresfan While if you do read the Book of Acts, you will read of celebration of the Eucharist and Mysteries as well as prayer in the temple at the appointed hours with the priests, robes, buildings, etc. Do you know who composed the first liturgy? St. James, Brother of the Lord, WHO PRESIDED OVER THE CHURCH according tot the Book of Acts. You should read it.
@alfred96312 жыл бұрын
God Bless!
@Gatestesizambeste14 жыл бұрын
@c00per69 The Ecumenism isn`t the answer, because if we all unite in a single church our individuality and the true meaning of the orthodox church will disappear. Elder Cleopa and all of our saints were against ecumenism.
@biggmoneyme10 жыл бұрын
one should pray with his breath. bringing his lifeforce to god's feet and offering it to him as sacrifice.
@jasonbently200214 жыл бұрын
@schlabresfan Furthermore, we Orthodox don't have an intermediary, the HOLY SPIRIT ABIDES WITH US AND TEACHES AND SUCCORS OUR ONE TRUE CHURCH AND FAITHFUL. Christ is with us and has been since Pentecost. Where was your sect on the day of Pentecost and we are you using the Bible we compiled in the late fourth century if we lack the blessing of Christ as the Church?!
@theyseeyou72833 ай бұрын
@ioancasian14 жыл бұрын
The Church - as the place of worship, the building. Acts 11, 26; 22, 17; Col 4, 16; 1 Cor 11, 22; 14, 34; Ex 25, 8; 1 Chr 21, 18,
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
You may want to watch the video on sects and the Catholic church. That would make clear the differences between the Orthodox and Catholics. (BTW, celibacy is a Catholic innovation, check your sources again)
@paxcoder16 жыл бұрын
"the latin ones however call themselves that before they die" Oh, c'mon... please. May God unite our Churches, so all the haters be ashamed. P.S. Great vid, thx.
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
Every question related to this video was answered. I'm not exactly sure what is it that you want. This video is about prayer, I ignored your comment 2 weeks ago but you want some attention. You seem to be the only one among almost 50,000 viewers that has something negative to comment. If you have an axe to grind with the Orthodox Church that's fine with me, I couldn't care less. Do that on your channel, I'm not interested. Have a nice day!
@xilo7185 Жыл бұрын
Accessible to unorthodox christians even.
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
Search on KZbin for "THE PATRIARCH BARTOLOMEW FEELS "CRUCIFIED" IN TURKEY", a documentary from CBS, a little bit of history. It seems like your comment that the Orthodox Church was not around has vanished... All the best to you!
@Por016 жыл бұрын
Well some of them, be careful in judging the holy men in the west - even though they are in error many have been healed by their prayers and maby some even stand before gods throne among our saints.
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
You can wait as long as you wish, it has nothing to do with the video.
@jasonbently200214 жыл бұрын
@schlabresfan Well, for one, you know who established the Book of Acts to be authentic as a writing of the Holy Apostle Luke? The Orthodox Church at the Council of Laodicea at the end of the fourth century, with the rest of the New Testament WE COMPILED THEN in the Tradition. Prior to that , there was no New Testament.
@lSolomonl13 жыл бұрын
ce televiziune este ce care a difuat acest materia? De la ce vine CR?
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
Yup, one Holy Spirit and 20,000 interpretation in 20,000 churches, all guided by the Holy Spirit... Matt 23, 5 referring to Jewish scribes and Pharisees. Try again. 2 Timothy 4:13 So you think robes and buildings would deny someone salvation? Read the Apostolic Fathers and you'll find out more about the Church.
@zinmal1494 Жыл бұрын
Сделайте пожалуйста перевод на русский язык...
@pinneapple6913 жыл бұрын
@tuffguytofiles humble yourself before God and everyone else, more so God, and pray for others with all your heart your mind and your sould.
@ioancasian14 жыл бұрын
1. The Church - hierarchy and leadership with its authority. It was set up by the Apostles and their successors to consist of bishops, priests, and deacons: Mt 16, 18; Mt 16, 19; Mt 18, 18; Mt 18, 15-17; Mt 28, 18-20; Acts 15, 23-29; Acts 11, 26; 12, 1; 14, 23; 15, 4; 20, 17, 28; Jn 20, 22-23; 1 Cor 14, 37; 2 Cor 10, 8; 13, 10; Eph 4, 11, 15 cont.
@danieldanielutz15 жыл бұрын
beatricevoleste Iisus
@jasonbently200214 жыл бұрын
@schlabresfan Christ is more than an intermediary. He is God. That is what all the Epistles make clear. While in the Gospel Christ speaks saying HE WILL FOUND HIS CHURCH AND THE GATES OF HELL SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT. That Church is the Church of the Apostles and the Holy Spirit WHO ABIDES WITH HIS CHURCH TO THIS DAY. THAT IS THE ORTHODOX CHURCH ALONE. BTW, St. Paul in the Book of Acts makes quite a stir by being Apostle to the Greeks and the entire NT is written in Greek.
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
But you also made it clear that some believe only in works and I asked you to clarify, is that hard?
@jasonbently200214 жыл бұрын
@schlabresfan What is ultimately preposterous is that WE can trace back our teachers to the Holy Apostles and what they taught while we are the Church founded by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. That's the Church Christ established. So it's about time you either repent and enter that Church or stop masquerading as a Christian.
@jasonbently200214 жыл бұрын
@schlabresfan While Christ in his castigation of the money changers and love of the temple from His childhood is clear in zealously defending the robes, buildings, rituals, etc. of His Father's House. The Orthodox Church then in her Tradition represents the fulfillment of the Temple practice. Christ Himself says that He has not come to abolish the Law, BUT TO FULFILL IT, and if you READ the Pentateuch, you will see GOD COMMANDED the robes, rituals and rich temple.
@hadimali63923 жыл бұрын
Can't a person pray without using his lips?
@jasonbently200214 жыл бұрын
@schlabresfan Really, where is this taught in the Bible even? When the Holy Apostle clearly writes OBEY THE CHURCH?! BRING YOUR DISPUTES BEFORE THE CHURCH?! Where the Book of Acts talks about the "Church in Jerusalem"?! Where was your sect when that happened and why do you happen to be reading the Bible we compiled in the Tradition in the fourth century if we "are wrong"?! Do tell.
@Stevesiekingsley16 жыл бұрын
Isn't he though
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
I don't assume you do that, I just point out there are different kinds of joy. Tears of joy tells you anything? During prayer? That's what the Elder is talking about. Again, who claims only the works save you? Unlike protestant/neoprotestant who claim only faith save you, Sola Fide, the Orthodox Church is very clear, faith AND works.
@michelalkinnab85936 жыл бұрын
Hello The elder was not talking about any kind of tears or joy.he was talking about the tears of true purification from all sins and evil passions and only attained by those who strive amd struggle in prayer the jesus prayer for many hours a day and for weeks months and years.i don't know how much it will take to attain that level.but while we pray we should avoid seeking images imagination or artificial feelings and emotions but just pray humbly and simply with faith God bless you.
@michelalkinnab85936 жыл бұрын
That's mean this is the stage of dispassion.
@jasonbently200214 жыл бұрын
@schlabresfan Moreover, You will note that St. Paul wrote those Epistles in Greek to communities he oversaw in Greece which to this day exist and are faithful to what they were taught by the Holy Apostles. Strangely enough, they have been part of the Orthodox Church since then and their doctrine is what the Holy Apostles taught. Did any of the leaders of your heretical sect ever know St. Paul or have him write an Epistle to them? Isn't it rather ignorant to presume to teach Greek to Greeks?
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
hahaha Orthodox Church was not around? Can you trace your bishops to the Apostles? No? I thought so!
@hardlife115 жыл бұрын
just 1 more thing they can be traced as far back in as you want to go remeber the old testiment was written in greek and hebrew. hence orthdox.
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
Then you are ignorant. Please provide a link to an Orthodox Catechism, or Catholic for that reason, claiming salvation through works only!
@jasonbently200214 жыл бұрын
@ioancasian Actually, the Orthodox Church is still in Constantinople and hasn't vanished from there, but, more importantly, we are still in Jerusalem and Antioch where we prayed as THE ONE TRUE CHURCH according to the Book of Acts. So why is it your sect is never mentioned in the Book of Acts nor does it have a founding on the day of Pentecost. Which of the Holy Apostles taught in your sect? All of them were Orthodox and founded our churches. So how is it you claim any authenticity?!
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
You want answers to all your questions but write outright lies and refuse to provide a link to where the Orthodox claim salvation through works only?!
@C14radioactivmosaik88816 жыл бұрын
A Man.
@vagusmedicus13 жыл бұрын
Uhhmm, then... is it better to pray out loud? something new to learn
@fabriciovagas Жыл бұрын
Único brasileiro aqui no Vídeo : )
@jasonbently200214 жыл бұрын
@schlabresfan Antiquity is not necessarily the basis of religion, authenticity is. Until one is prepared to examine the ultimate Truth of Orthodoxy in a mature and sincere way, such a person should refrain from dogmatic relativism and disrespect for the Truth and the Church founded by Jesus Christ. Oversimplified dilletante comparisons only serve to illustrate the paucity of religious formation and appreciation for Truth of those who do not know it. So find the Truth and honour it. Here it is.
@jasonbently200214 жыл бұрын
@schlabresfan Well, for someone to be an Evangelical, you sure call Christ a liar enough. Christ said "that He would establish His Church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it." And we've been around since then with the Holy Spirit guiding our Church. Where was your heretical sect then? You do know that the churches of Jerusalem and Antioch still exist and are Orthodox? What did it say about these churches in the Book of Acts? What relationship does your sect have to them?
@jasonbently200214 жыл бұрын
@jasonbently2002 Don't you think any sect should which calls itself "Evangelical" and demands a "sola scriptura" credo should follow the Holy Scriptures and try to be part of the Scriptural Church founded at Pentecost? That was us. Why even more importantly, the Holy Apostles write for us "to obey the Church." How is it you don't yet claim to be "Bible" based?!
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
Is that so, dead religious system? So you claim the Church, the Apostolic, New Testament, Primary Church, etc. is a dead religious system? Who claims the works are the only thing?
@jasonbently200214 жыл бұрын
@jasonbently2002 It is preposterous in that you presume to tell us WHO WE ARE AND WERE while being outside of the Church and the life in the Holy Scriptures it embodies and being founded BY MEN centuries after Pentecost who were outside the Church Christ founded. We are it. Repent and enter it.
@acerb456616 жыл бұрын
hes cool!5*****
@jasonbently200214 жыл бұрын
@schlabresfan Moreover, St. Paul HIMSELF explained to us what he meant when he established our churches. Who taught you your sacriledgious nonsense. We know what St. Paul wrote BECAUSE HE WROTE IT FOR US AND EXPLAINED IT TO US AND WE HAVE PRESERVED HIS TEACHING TIL THIS DAY. Strangely enough, your demonized sect wasn't there, but we the Orthodox Church were. That's why we are the ONE TRUE CHURCH.
@cristianszigyarto70826 жыл бұрын
De multi ani mă rog și într-o seară părintele Cleopa îmi zice i. Gluma din ceruri . Mai copile nu-i frumos in rai pt că in rai noi suntem țigani. Zicea că noi oamenii suntem că țiganii in rai. Doamne cat am ras. Hahaha
@hardlife115 жыл бұрын
U seem to know a little jesus made the way man made the religion orthodox or not ,belive and faith in god and jesus is what is the messege. Remember one thing to follow what jesus told was the important thing and as for any church not many do follow it dont blame the faith nor the church blame the man behind them for if the produce lies about the almighty then they are the ones that need praying for.
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
That's the neoprotestant reaction when confronted with a simple dilemma, they are not the Apostolic or Primary Church. The one brainwashed is you my friend, who think the Church disappeared for 1500 years only to be reestablished by the Reformation. You are the arrogant and wrong, thinking you interpret and understand the Bible better than the Apostolic Fathers. Is there anything else I can help you with?
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
This is a moot point, it has nothing to do with what he's talking about. I know I'm a sinner. Anything else?
@OrthodoxLion13 жыл бұрын
@c00per69 thee is only ONE, APOSTOLIC Church not two or three or sister churches. The one and only is ORTHODOX Chruch! So if you want to join church leave Catholic "church".
@OrthodoxLion13 жыл бұрын
@c00per69 So please explain me if we are one you have catholic episcop Stepinac who was announced by papa as saint. However, he personally with other catholic priests was supporting neo nazi Croatian regime during the WWII and participated in massacre of 800 000 orthodox Serbs. so from catholic perspective he is saint from orthodox he is burning in hell. not to mention hundreds other deviations, why papa is proclaiming himself as god on earth So leave orthodox people alone! Pray for Truth!
@jasonbently200214 жыл бұрын
@schlabresfan The Orthodox Church traces is the Church of Pentecost as recorded of Acts. It ALONE is Christ's Church. Christ Himself wore a robe so your abuse of Scripture is appalling and ignorant. Moreover, the fancy buildings and whatnot, read the Pentateuch. Then read the Book of Acts where the Holy Apostles prayed in the Temple. You simply do not know what you are talking and are outside Christ's Church. Repent.
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
You sound like a broken record. I got your point, is there anything else you want?
@ioancasian15 жыл бұрын
Well, the Apostolic Fathers contradict you. Disciples of the Apostles, wrote during their lifetimes and were very clear, you're either in the Church, or not. Sorry for you. One Church, not 20,000. My Church says Jesus Christ. I give you an advice, stop this nonsense because is time for cleanup, save yourself energy and time. Start making your videos against the Orthodox Church.
@jesselee25495 жыл бұрын
This guy is clearly insane. Relying on a text written by ancient Sumerians and Babloniyans. Pooor guy, whacked out of his gourd for decades, he needs a life