The damage from your M1's that you're complaining about is your splash damage if you hit directly it does more, you're underusing the laser which does ridiculous amounts of damage for the amount of ammo it uses, missiles are meant to be used long range so that there's less spread ideally you want to stay back and just throw your M1's to high density areas to rack up damage with splash while using your E which increases damage. IronMan thrives on killing tanks cause if you get upclose and turn on your boost, your laser will completely demolish their shields and HP very quickly You also fly which is a massive advantage since you can not only strafe side to side but also up and down making you really hard to hit and also makes him one of the fastests characters in the game, if you play him properly you dont even need healers cause you can simply fly to a health pack and back faster than a healer can replenish you