Is Anti-Zionism a form of Anti-Semitism?

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Sanity's Cove || Joshua Jones

Sanity's Cove || Joshua Jones

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Are anti-semitism and anti-zionism the same thing? Do they overlap? I'm a Christian, and here's my view.

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@Warrior-z9w Ай бұрын
Breathing Oxygen is Antisemitic 😂🤣😂🤣
@jeffreywilheim5970 Ай бұрын
Nope. But working to make it harder for Jews to breathe oxygen in their own homeland surely is.
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
Breathing Oxygen is Islamophobic 😂🤣😂😂
@marcoomau Ай бұрын
i farted. I may be antisemitic. :)
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
@@marcoomau i farted. I may be islamophobic :)
@Sarah-im3lp Ай бұрын
In the USA breathing oxygen is most definitely anti-semetic! Israel spends a fortune to spread disinformation and to literally buy congressional seats! One word against Israel and you're branded as anti-semetic and/or primary'd!
@slickdarulah8229 Ай бұрын
Did the people of Pakistani's comes from Europe?
@meatrealwishes Ай бұрын
Some are originally from Greece.
@sanityscove8917 Ай бұрын
@murphoithegameguy3924 Good point
@huntersalerno1012 Ай бұрын
In four and a half minutes all you’ve displayed is that you have no critical thinking skills. If you applied the same logic you afforded Israel to the internationally recognized Palestinian land in the West Bank you’d be contradicting yourself.
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
Internationally recognized Palestinian land? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@BannerBearers Ай бұрын
Tell me about Jordan - when was it founded and what was the offer made to nomads around the area?
@Home4Facts Ай бұрын
And there is the whole problem. France is the to French As Japan is to the Japanese As Israel is the… ISRAELIS. Not JEWS!
@tonyrmathis Ай бұрын
RIGHT! Because Jerusalem wasn't named because of anything to do with Jews.
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
Judea is to the Jews.
@BannerBearers Ай бұрын
As I understand it, Israeli ARABS are a thing......................
@qswe1387 Ай бұрын
I am a berber, and there is no berber exclusive land. I don't care that there is no land exclusively for me, too. Why does a people need a land? And why does it need it to the extent that it can steal it from someone else? Any reasonable person is anti-zionist. Being anti-theft is not anti-semetic, saying otherwise has pretty anti-semetic implications. Would you be anti-berber is you didn't support kicking out the arabs from morocco?
@tonyrmathis Ай бұрын
"Why does a people need a land?" You do realize that applies to Muslim Arabs you call themselves Palestinians as well, right? To answer your question it's so they can have a place that protects and values their culture, beliefs and traditions.
@qswe1387 Ай бұрын
@@tonyrmathis Since when did cultures, beliefs and traditions need to be defended? Cultures have an expiry date. Or rather, cultures always shift with every generation. Protecting culture is useless since even the effort of protecting culture in it of itself alters that culture. I value human lives above what clothes a people wear. I value justice over ensuring that some tradition survives humanity's ever changing demographics. But fine. You wish to protect your culture (despite that being a useless effort)? Go ahead. Just don't trample on other peoples' rights while doing it by stealing their land. Go somewhere no one lives, like a wil siberian forest or an unoccupied part of the Sahara. No one forced them to come steal, yet they did so anyway.
@tonyrmathis Ай бұрын
@@qswe1387 "Just don't trample on other peoples' rights while doing it by stealing their land" But wait! "Why does a people need a land?" You're to unstable to speak. Take your meds.
@qswe1387 Ай бұрын
@@tonyrmathis You misunderstand. These two statements are not contradictory. I am saying that a people do not need a land simply because they're different. What I am saying is that in the case of some people owning land, it is unjustifiable to steal it from them. Again, where is the contradiction? Just to clarify, I would like to say that is much more beneficial for two people to share a land instead of one forcing the other one.
@qswe1387 Ай бұрын
@@tonyrmathis Think about it this way: Zionism, instead of being a colonialist movement based on arbitrarily deciding a person's right to live in a nation based on their identity, could have instead been a movement to create an egalitarian government which protected the rights of jews and arabs in equal measure. However, this is not the israel we got. Instead of sharing land, they are using weapons to remove the inhabitants by force, suppressing their rights and outright starving them. Which to most human beings is innaceptable.
@Warrior-z9w Ай бұрын
What about the images and videos in which Netanyahu is holding a map that exclusively depicts Israel on Palestinian territory? What does this indicate about their plans for the areas belonging to the Palestinians? You think we're kids I see...
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
It's odd that "Palestine" Is the exact shape of modern Israel. Why don't they want their historical borders? Oh what's that? They have no history?
@johnmorris3972 Ай бұрын
If you think that map is bad, Google 'Map of Greater Isreal'. That's the Unltimate Plan.
@SPANNAMO-mr1sb Ай бұрын
:"From the river to the sea" is ACTUALLY a Zionist saying, and goes with the map that Netanyahu held up at the United Nations completely devoid of any Palestinian territory... Palestinians have since borrowed the term and added the line - "Palestine will be free." ALL PEOPLE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO LIVE IN PEACE... .
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
@@johnmorris3972 That's what Israel used to be. Considering Israel has only helped develop the middle east I don't see what would be so bad about it 😂
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
@@SPANNAMO-mr1sb All people live in peace under Israeli government. Palestine is where people get lynched for not following sharia law.
@clementine_0 Ай бұрын
@donaldobrien9171 Ай бұрын
"Is Anti-Zionism a form of Anti-Semitism?" "Yes. ABSOLUTELY." well, can't argue with that logic.
@the51project Ай бұрын
@@donaldobrien9171 Apples are Pears. TOTALLY
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
@@donaldobrien9171 No, you can't because it's true.
@donaldobrien9171 Ай бұрын
@@jaekamei you don't understand. It's called sarcasm. Merely stating a position with nothing to back it up is not using logic. the joke is that "Yes. ABSOLUTELY." is devoid of logic, presenting no evidence, or countering the opposing view. You can't argue with that logic because there is no logic. Also, you can use logic to support any statement, whether the logic is fallacious is to be determined. I hope I haven't used too many big words for you.
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
@@donaldobrien9171 Words have definitions. If someone asks me is Blue a colour I can say "Yes, absolutely". Is Anti-Zionism antisemitic? Yes, Absolutely.
@fistablazin Ай бұрын
No it's not. Zionism is a political ideology. We have the right to disagree with those ideals.
@romyclips6479 Ай бұрын
All religion is political, especially in a theocracy. Look up Dawa aka political Islamism.
@lesweizman388 Ай бұрын
no, it's not a political ideology
@zmcg Ай бұрын
Agreed. Zionism in it's current form is a colonialist ideology that believes that European Jewish settlers have more right to Palestinian land than the Palestinians themselves, those people whose familes have lived on that land for generations. It believes that land taken by the British empire from the Ottoman empire and then sold to settlers is a legal and moral transaction. It believes that land can be seized through war, openly defying international laws created after WW2 to protect Jews. It generates and feeds on antisemitism (including against Arab and North African semitic peoples) to scare Jews into occupying stolen land. It is an ethnostate extremist ideology similar to the Aryan ideal of the Nazis.
@zmcg Ай бұрын
Agreed. Zionism in it's current form is a colonialist ideology that believes that European Jewish settlers have more right to Palestinian land than the Palestinians themselves, those people whose familes have lived on that land for generations. It believes that land taken by the British empire from the Ottoman empire and then sold to settlers is a legal and moral transaction. It believes that land can be seized through war, openly defying international laws created after WW2 to protect Jews. It generates and feeds on antisemitism (including against Arab and North African semitic peoples) to scare Jews into occupying stolen land. It is an ethnostate extremist ideology similar to the Aryan ideal of the Nazis.
@zmcg Ай бұрын
Agreed. Zion Ism in it's current form is a colonialist ideology that believes that European Jewish settlers have more right to Palestinian land than the Palestinians themselves, those people whose familes have lived on that land for generations. It believes that land taken by the British empire from the Ottoman empire and then sold to settlers is a legal and moral transaction. It believes that land can be seized through war, openly defying international laws created after WW2 to protect Jews. It generates and feeds on antisemitism (including against Arab and North African semitic peoples) to scare Jews into occupying stolen land. It is an ethnostate extremist ideology similar to the Aryan ideal of the Notsees.
@juankiroga8470 Ай бұрын
1. False equivalence. To be French is not based on ethnicity. There are French arabs, french Jews, French slavics, French Latin American, French Nordics, French Celtics, French Africans, etc. And that it’s the case for every modern democratic nation. Zionist utopian nationalism is based on ethnicity, and on a mythological return to a homeland. 2. Because this nationalism is based on ethnicity and not on constitutional civil rights, it could only be by definition supremacist. So, Israelis apologists must decide if they want a democratic country or a Jewish country. They can’t be both by definition. 3. And it’s in the name of this utopian ethnic state ideology that Israel was created. The logical and factual consequences of this event are: ethnic cleansing, stolen land, illegal occupation, mass killings, incarceration, siege, apartheid and now genocide. 4. So, yes there are huge logical and moral differences between antisemitism and antizionism. Antisemitism is a form of racism oriented against Jews. Any antiracist person must be by definition against antisemitism. In contrast, the idea and actions of create an ethnostate where Jews and only Jews could have equal rights is racist by definition. So if you are antiracist you have to be antizionist. 5. The democratic form of an state for all Semitic peoples (Jews, Christian, Palestinians, etc) , and for everyone who born there or wants to live there, is a country from the river to the sea in which everyone has equal democratic rights. For that goal Zionism as a form of racism must be abolished.That human goal makes me an antizionist in plain conviction.
@lesweizman388 Ай бұрын
there are israeli arabs
@partizanSquad Ай бұрын
@@lesweizman388 With lesser rights, both legally, and in society (in terms of behaviour and social dynamics). Israel defines itself as THE jewish state, that's why it has to be Jewish majority.
@juankiroga8470 Ай бұрын
@@lesweizman388 some few with lesser rights. The vast majority were ethnically cleansed or obligated to live in one of these three conditions: - in an open air prison: Gaza - in an apartheid regime: West Bank - as a tortured hostage: Israel’s prisons
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
@@juankiroga8470 Sounds like they lost a war they started...
@lesweizman388 Ай бұрын
@@juankiroga8470 great talking points. all lies
@BannerBearers Ай бұрын
oooh, having much fin here in the comments! Love the example of Pakistan.
@sanityscove8917 Ай бұрын
@@BannerBearers Glad someone appreciates it!
@antoniodelrio692 Ай бұрын
I’m Catholic as well and find some issues with your argument, looking at it from a point of view which is not purely thoelogical. No country has the “right” to exist, today’s countries were largely established through violent displays of subjugation and struggle, displays which we today would consider barbaric. Saying that just because other lands were conquered, so does Israel have the right to conquer, is flawed and opens a dangerous door to potentially accepting atrocities, such as the atrocities committed by Israel since 1948. Being Anti-Zionist is not a form of Anti-Semitism (laughably so considering Arabs and the Levantine people are also considered Semitic, such as half my heritage), but is against the current iteration of the State of Israel which is genocidal and horrible in nature. The Jewish people, as much as any other people, deserve to live in peace. Peace will never be obtained if Israel’s Zionist policies continue as they have been.
@chrismann5070 Ай бұрын
What country hasn’t contributed to atrocities.shall we call out Normandy and the French for 1066 ? In 1967 palastinians along with bigger armies such as Egypt and Jordan tried to destroy Jews in Israel , I wonder what atrocities would have ensued if they had won? But they bit off more than they could Jew , morality only exists in a stable country. When everything breaks down we can all kill each other easily given the right circumstances Whose right whose wrong is immaterial.
@fistablazin Ай бұрын
I find it weird every time I make a comment againt Zionism it's taken down. Is this happening to anyone else?
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
Yeah, happens to me all the time when I talk about Cancer. It's so strange.
@fistablazin Ай бұрын
@@jaekamei I don't need another foolish comment. I would like to have an honest respectful conversation and or debate with out my comments constantly being taken down.
@tylercompton9596 Ай бұрын
Since we're on the topic, what do you think about Jews Muslims and Christians being arrested for being Anti-zionism, from somebody who was raised Catholic for, the beginning of my life?
@tonyrmathis Ай бұрын
Please give specifics. Your claim sounds to much like Anti-Jewish propaganda to be taken seriously without further details. What isn't propaganda is hate laws that protect everyone except christian, white, straight males.
@PongRipper-im7zp Ай бұрын
YES! It Is!!
@Warrior-z9w Ай бұрын
Zionism is an ideology that prioritizes Jews above all other religions and non-Jews. PERIOD
@anya.joness Ай бұрын
@user-sp1md5xu8j Ай бұрын
Yes it is.
@1henty9 Ай бұрын
Why is it that when we talk about Muslim countries being two tiered systems where Muslims are on top and non Muslims are lesser everyone agrees that it’s messed up and wrong, but then switch it to Jewish and all of a sudden it’s not only not ok but bigoted to disagree with it?? France is a country btw not a political movement in the country. Zionism definition = a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a JEWISH nation in what is now Israel. if Palestinians were saying that to be there you must be Muslim to be equal, you would be appalled, and before some one comments “meh what about Hamas meh”… if terrorists are your whataboutism comparison with Israel thanks for proving my point. Bigotry of low expectations can even justify genocide who knew
@slickdarulah8229 Ай бұрын
Well said
@meatrealwishes Ай бұрын
Muslims on the top and nonmuslims lesser???? Islam isnt same everywhere but it does create certain amount of deficiencies and that gives nonmuslims an edge. That said, specifically the arabs’ religions are hard to identify. They are big on having middle eastern names and preserving their culture.
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
Because it is true for Muslim countries and False for Israel.
@1henty9 Ай бұрын
@@jaekamei even the former head of Mossad disagrees with you there
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
@@1henty9 You're clearly too invested in online conspiracy theories and have never been to Israel. Good day sir.
@pe7143 Ай бұрын
Jews I know say it’s the same. Particularly the ones I knew while in Israel. There’s no difference. Period….
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
@ShuhanDeath Ай бұрын
So going by your logic about destroying France what do you call taking Palestinian land, removing the people from their land while killing as many as they can means? So you are like they can kjll Palestinians and kick them out of their house, cut down their olive trees, kidnapping their people and putting them in jail without any trial or judgement, but if people hate them for these reason it is Anti-Semitic. Dude try a bit harder. If you try to stop a conversation and valid criticism by saying you are anti-Semitic then the state of Israel will get away with whatever atrocities they are doing on a daily basis.
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
This is just straight up false. Jews always lived in Palestine ( Eretz Yisrael ). It is the Arabs who wished to ethnically cleanse Jews from the land. The fact that they lost to modern Zionists doesn't make them right for being the losers. Name one Palestinian prisoner that has been detained for no reason, please. What atrocities? Rescuing their citizens?
@SPANNAMO-mr1sb Ай бұрын
Well said... .
@Warrior-z9w Ай бұрын
Instead of relocating and seizing Palestinian land to create their Jewish state only, why don't they establish an island even an artificial island in order to create the so called jewish state only?
@jeffreywilheim5970 Ай бұрын
Yeah, see, you don't actually get a say in where the Jewish homeland is. Israel was, is, and always will be the Jewish homeland, and we can't relocate it to suit your antisemitism.
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
They didn't have to relocate, Jews have always lived in "Palestine".
@marcoomau Ай бұрын
@@jaekameimost of them ,are europeans or americans. The zionazi lies do not work anymore.
@victoria11128 Ай бұрын
Or maybe the US can gift them one of it's states, since Americans love zionists so much.
@SPANNAMO-mr1sb Ай бұрын
@@jaekamei Absolutely incorrect... .
@chrismann5070 Ай бұрын
@wuteva34 Ай бұрын
You have lost your mind! Twisting and combining a religion with a political ideology is absolutely insanity!
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
Israel is inherent to Jewish history. Zionism is a Jewish belief.
@sanityscove8917 Ай бұрын
@wuteva34 I haven't spoken about religion at all in this video. Here, I've only spoken of ethnicity and politics (nationalism).
@juankiroga8470 Ай бұрын
@@sanityscove8917and that’s because you’re totally wrong. Modern democratic nations are not based on ethnicity. If you think differently, you are a racist by definition.
@Sarah-im3lp Ай бұрын
@@sanityscove8917 Okay, religion and political ideology are not one and the same!
@fistablazin Ай бұрын
Asking to not take your home and land is anti-Semitic?
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
I don't know if you call starting a war with the only Jewish state is antisemitic but losing it has got to be islamophobic right?
@qswe1387 Ай бұрын
​@@jaekameiStarting a war with the people actively colonizing your territory is completely justifiable. How you've been brain washed to see it in a different way is lost to me. Clearly the devil owns your mind.
@fistablazin Ай бұрын
@@jaekameiWhen did the war start? Jewish, Christians, and Muslim who've been there since the crusades have the right to be there. Not random Jews from all over the world. My mother is of Jewish ancestry, does that give me the right to take and expel Christian and Muslim Palestinians who have been there for hundreds of years because of ethnicity, religion, and or race?
@virgil4marvolo5crowl Ай бұрын
Home and land ? It's neither their home nor their land. Descendants of old Jews were still in the region, there is a msaacare against them. As for the European Settler colonial Ashkinazi its neither their land nor ancestral and their DNA is very weakly connected to the region. Furthermore , its against Judaism to form the state of Israel without the second coming of the Messiah its a major sin in Judaism actually. Its pretty much land theft in short and the rest is lies. Stern gang was working with Nazis they did not care about what's going on in world war 2 , they were playing both sides.
@virgil4marvolo5crowl Ай бұрын
​@jaekamei as for islamphobia , that's a zionist made trend to make the western people accept the genocide, ethnic cleansing and land theft of Palestinians. Problem ls the lies are being revealed , number of Muslim reverts is rising. Thanks ❤
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
@marcoomau Ай бұрын
95% of jewish people support Israel, i respect the other 5%.
@Sarah-im3lp Ай бұрын
Most Jews do not identify as Zionist, but you'd never know it with all the Israeli propaganda!
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
I don't respect you.
@Bluestripsenclavelove Ай бұрын
Why the Jews don’t have the right to create their own state?
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
Because Islam says so 😂
@virgil4marvolo5crowl Ай бұрын
​@@jaekameiactually because Judaism said so , but I won't expect an anti Muslim to have a brain.
@Jake-mv7yo Ай бұрын
Jews already have New York I don't see why they need anything else
@virgil4marvolo5crowl Ай бұрын
@Jake-mv7yo smart question, the origins of zionism dates to 16th century Christians, to get rid of the European Jews, hey go wait for the messiah in Palestine. That later developed to the 3 red Hefers and the early bringing of the Messiah " anti christ to be accurate " . So it's land theft, anti Islam , anti humanity and pro world ending. Literally they are trying to fulfill a prophecy the wrong way. Their Torah forbids them for making Israel without the return of the Messiah first.
@juankiroga8470 Ай бұрын
Because there are not modern democratic states based on ethnicity. Or is democratic or is Jew, but it can’t be both. An ethnostate is by definition racist.
@hammyhorrorhead Ай бұрын
@zmcg Ай бұрын
Notsees and Germans aren't the same. So no, they aren't the same.
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
False equivalency.
@zmcg Ай бұрын
@@jaekamei There are many Jewish Orthodox antizionists, and many zio Christians and secular war profiteers. It is a colonial ideology, based on a failed biblical prophecy, not directly connected to all Jewish people as an ethno-religious group today.
@zmcg Ай бұрын
@@jaekamei One is a colonial ideology held by some Jewish people, Christians, and secular war profiteers. The other is an ethnoreligious group with differing views on that ideology. Close enough comparison, but if you don't like it, hopefully the above will suffice.
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
@@zmcg Zionism is a belief that Jews have the right to live in their ancestral homeland. Most Jews do and have agreed with this. Believing that Jews don't have a right to live in their homeland (antizionism) is to stand against most Jews (antisemitism).
@zmcg Ай бұрын
@@jaekamei What right does anyone have to return to the land of their ancestors from 2000 years ago, claim it is still theirs, and take it from the people who had lived there for generations in the interim? That land is the ancestral homeland of many peoples besides the Jewish people, and was ruled by many empires since the Israelite kingdom. That these people didn't have kingdoms of their own does not delegitimize them as people sharing multigenerational roots in that land. Anti-Hertzlism is simply a moral anti-colonial stance. That many Jewish people, Christians, and war profiteers are pro-colonial is incidental. It would not be right for any group of people to think and act in such a way, including Muslim extremists, etc.
@abc-mf8rr Ай бұрын
Since zionists are mainly Ashkenazis,and Ashkenaz is son of Japhet(who overnight became Sem in 20.centuries a.d.) I prefer to say anti zionism and anti israhelism is actully anti Japhetism But,since I am also descendant of Japhet ,in love with beautiful indigenious people of Palestine,real Semites,( whom I wish to achieve freedom from occupation) ,anti racist and anti apartheid entity cam I fit into your terminology?
@sanityscove8917 Ай бұрын
@abc-mf8rr You are thinking of Israel in terms of DNA. Not an ethnic identity. "Race", in the modern sense, is more permanent and less fluid then ancient ethnic identities which one could convert in and out of.
@jeffreywilheim5970 Ай бұрын
Wrong on all levels. Jews of all colors and flavors of Judaism are Zionists. The "Palestinians" are not Semites but descendants of Arabs who conquered the land in the 700s or (more often) of Syrians and Egyptians the British brought in as cheap labor. But thanks for making your racism and antisemitism crystal clear. It makes it easier for decent people to avoid you.
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
Zionists are mostly Jewish, Jews are mostly Zionists. Nice try though. Palestinians are genetically Jewish and Arabian. Jews are from Judea, Arabs are from Arabia.
@marcoomau Ай бұрын
@user-sp1md5xu8j Ай бұрын
Cats can not talk.
@ahmadkoodoruth Ай бұрын
Pooing is antisemitic
@Warrior-z9w Ай бұрын
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
Pooing is islamophobic
@Jalcolm1 Ай бұрын
clearly you are antisemitic and also poo-full
@huntersalerno1012 Ай бұрын
In four and a half minutes all you’ve displayed is that you have no critical thinking skills. If you applied the same logic you afforded Israel to the internationally recognized Palestinian land in the West Bank you’d be contradicting yourself.
@jaekamei Ай бұрын
Internationally recognized Palestinian land? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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