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Is China's poverty alleviation worth celebrating? My (our) answer 中国的精准扶贫,值得庆祝吗?

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Siming Lan

Siming Lan

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@thisiscarl7622 Ай бұрын
谢谢博主对客观的报道。我来自贵州省遵义市桐梓县的一个偏远山区,现在在德国攻读物理学博士学位。我小时候过着非常贫穷的生活,没有肉吃,没有吃过零食,都是穿别人的旧衣服,很少买过新衣服,甚至没有鞋穿。每年生日的礼物就是两个鸡蛋。比起物质上的贫穷,知识上的贫穷更为致命,那个时候交通闭塞很少知道外面的世界,所见就是对面的几座大山,所闻都都是邻里之间的琐事,村里没有接受过高等教育的人,那个时候我们村里年轻人的出只有一条,就是去沿海省份进工厂打工,那就是我们所有的认知。和大多数村里人一样,我初中毕业就去杭州和上海打工了,见识到广阔的世界后我决定回家复读,然后我考上了高中,后来考上了山东大学,然后保研到研究所, 后来来到德国读博。我经历了从原始农业社会到现代社会的转变,我的情况并不特殊,我很多堂弟堂妹都考上了大学,如我堂弟在西安交通大学读人工智能博士学位。我亲弟弟在遵义市自己开了一个面馆,我亲哥哥在美团工作。 相比国外或者沿海来说,我的老家虽然依然贫穷,但是条件已经发生了翻天覆地的变化。桐梓县在2018年开通了高铁,我老家也通了高速公路。在山区只要有人居住,政府都会修路到你家门口,还有电线也会拉到你家门, 4年前,也通了网络,贫困户会有特殊补助。那些居住在危险山区的家庭,可以在县城申请安置房(他们只需要付非常少的钱或者不付钱),参加免费的职业培训等,总之在最近的15年中,我的老家发生了翻天覆地的变化。 相比于基础设施,我认为最大的变化就是年轻人普遍接受了更高水平的教育和技能培训。认知和教育才是最大的鸿沟。虽然像我一样来自最贫穷落后山区的放牛娃,如今也可以从事人类最前沿的科研探索工作,我深知这一切来得很不容易,无数人在后面付出了辛勤的汗水。向一切建设者致敬,我明年博士毕业后将回国,争取也成为一颗能为他人和后代提供阴凉的树或者铺满泥泞道路的地砖。我在欧洲知道绝大多数西方以及台湾媒体都对中国报以负面的报道,他们说尽各种风凉话,但是我不在乎,虽然中国还有各种问题,但是我们在一天天变好。(我并不是完全赞同中国的政治体制以及目前的一些做法,但是一码归一码,遇到好的我们就应该大声赞扬,遇到不好的我们也应该批评以让我们的国家变得更好,而不应该无脑赞同或者无脑黑) 实事求是, 勇往直前, 为了更加美好,可爱的中国而奋斗!
@RobertNeptune Ай бұрын
what a inspiring story!
@maplefubaba Ай бұрын
@NejcEber Ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your story
@jiaxunchat Ай бұрын
@thedawei20 Ай бұрын
No freedom of speech, no lean government
@leonghengtan2382 Ай бұрын
You must belong to the older generation. Younger gen don't feel the emotional connection to China. Yes, it's good to see them progress but don't think it's about us as a race.
@mmyoung3215 Ай бұрын
Sister Yan is great! Typical Chinese woman, hardworking, pragmatic, optimistic and beautiful!
@Joeangel70 Ай бұрын
I am living in Shenzhen and I am amazed at how little money most people earn and still manage to live better than most people back home in America. It is also surprising how patient and kind Chinese people are towards me when they find out I am from the U.S. If China treated Americans the same way we treat them, we would never be so kind. They are truly a loving people despite the fact that they almost never say I love you. But they show it with their actions.
@kennedy6618 Ай бұрын
Action is better than telling means less words. Look at the US politicians, promise and promises...and little is done.
@monkeyking-self-proclaimed7050 Ай бұрын
The guy in the video complaining doesn't know what extreme poverty is. In the US, he would be on the streets in dirty clothes with no food to eat. People used to care and offer some to the homeless. Now it's just the norm and too many homeless to care for. They are growing in numbers, often spilling into residential areas now. The government lies to you about how good it is. You can only tell by looking at your friends, families and your surroundings to see the truth.
@kennedy6618 Ай бұрын
@@monkeyking-self-proclaimed7050 So true! The Chinese man doesn't know what is poverty! I had visited by Uncle in the Bay areas (SF) and I cannot believe, there are so many homeless people in the area. Also there are so many people sleeping in their vehicles as well.
@commie5211 Ай бұрын
Shenzhen is already the most expansive city is China. Cost of living is much lower in other cities. My mother lives very comfortably spending 400 usd(2500rmb) per month in the manchuria region. Low cost of living is the most effective way helping the poor. In the US, my electricity bill is around 300usd per month, so does my health insurance. The government is allowing these corporates taxing their citizens.
@user-jz1nf9ge5h Ай бұрын
RMB purchasing power much underrated.
@gregroyal123 Ай бұрын
The thing to understand is that Poverty alleviation is about getting people to a starting point, not an end state in itself. Sister Yan is dead right on this point. Bravo Siming on a thoroughly interesting thought piece. Kia kaha.
@charlesyeeh Ай бұрын
You are absolutely right! I can’t agree more with you!
@Antraeus Ай бұрын
This is just the same old conservative argument, refusing to look deeper or beyond the tip of your nose. He has no home to go back to because he agreed to give it up to move to the 'great city' that let him down. Toffee-nosed people don't even listen! They just know it all! So he's there in the city and there's no work. And Yan accused him of being lazy when she openly admits that there is only work for university graduates. This guy is about 50! We've got these same problems in the West. Ignorant people with no hearts. But they've clever and sound good when they articulate their prejudices and mean opinions.
@tian3127 Ай бұрын
@user-jx5vd2ml1f Ай бұрын
@buddha199115 Ай бұрын
Good video from that girl from Australia. China is a vast country where many people still live in remote regions and surely life is not easy. With Chinas huge population, China has done a great job helping those poor villages. There’ll be always people who’ll never satisfied with what the government do to help them. In western societies,the government just simply abandoned them. At least China is doing its best. Look at the indigenous people living in the reserves. Governments can’t even provide them with clean water. It’s great her experience in rural towns getting honest opinions from various people, I believe many western medias or comments will target China even more(the presenter really did a great job, not to discredit her) especially Indians who’s always try to compare with China. Keep provide videos on rural villages.
@胡 Ай бұрын
@@buddha199115For real? I always thought indigenous Americans living in reserves are living in the dream, with all sorts of compensations.
@gauravtejpal8901 Ай бұрын
The point of view of the lady is logical but the old uncle needs support and not rebuke. Due to his past, he may have developed some negative views. I felt bad when he felt excluded and moved away from there 😢. Probably, he does not have others who love him 😢. People must take each other by hand and rise together.
@buddha199115 Ай бұрын
@@gauravtejpal8901 I agree he needed support. On the other hand listen to what the other lady said. China has a population of over 1.4 billion and guaranteed not every one will be happy for whatever reason. Yet he look young and strong enough to look for a job or go back his old village to cultivate his fields. Even in western societies, especially immigrants had to work two or three jobs, 7 days a week and never complain about the government and still happy with their lives. I believe China doing a great job taking of its people and there’ll be some unhappy people complaining
@gauravtejpal8901 Ай бұрын
​@@buddha199115 Yes, there will be some people who, due to strong causes from the past, others are unable to help. Still, compassionate approach is best
@chitru1983 Ай бұрын
In the Philippines, there is a joke that even in heaven, there's a chinese man doing business. This came about because of the thousands of Chinese, who came centuries back and even in the last century, and started businesses of all kinds from scratch and eventually becoming the top businessmen in the communities they settled in. The top richest people in PH are mostly Fil-Chi and almost all come from humble beginnings. The largest mall chain in PH today started as a small shoe store after WW2. When you talked about the best of Chinese people, I immediately thought their unrivaled entrepreneurial spirit and the culture of hard work, even if it means a huge amount of personal sacrifice. It is enough that the Chinese government gave its people a headstart through its poverty alleviation programs, like Yan receiving a home and trainings. Without worrying about rent, children's education costs and with a newly learned skill, the rest is what they make out of it.
@gingermintrose Ай бұрын
My family is one. My father came from Fujian and was dirt poor. He was one of the many Chinese who had nothing and who started from scratch, such as scrapping for used newspapers and collecting bottles to sell. My father opened a very small store and worked 24/7 from 6 to 10 pm, 364 days, with only two days of vacation: Christmas and New Year. My parents were able to educate their 10 children, breaking the cycle of poverty,
@Antraeus Ай бұрын
When I think of the best of Chinese people I think of the wise old smiling men and women who continue to embody the spirit of Daoism in spite of the CCP's habitual persecution of wisdom or of anything beyond materialism which is all thugs like this lady Yan know.
@Q_QQ_Q Ай бұрын
​@@gingermintrosewow bloody hell . Yeah I've heard many people doing good work in waste management in china. Are you settled in United States now ?
@masterdeetectiv9520 26 күн бұрын
Historically the chinese people who settled in south east asia were merchants
@Antraeus 25 күн бұрын
@@masterdeetectiv9520 There used to be a saying that i there was a chinese population in your country it was a sign of being civilised. They engaged in air, intelligent business and brought a rich culture and good manners with them.
@ajisenramen888 Ай бұрын
Yan has a great attitude. She is optimistic and grateful. Working for a better future while appreciating the small joys.
@PutXi_Whipped Ай бұрын
This “poor” Tier 4 city in China looks much better than Bangalore.
@user-pl6qk9nr3l Ай бұрын
This city is in China, not even an eighth-tier city, because it is a city out of extreme poverty, but I believe it will get better and better in the future.
@merdufer Ай бұрын
It looks better than many parts of America.
@siemens-vip Ай бұрын
Haha, this Tongren City is a very small city in our neighboring province, a small city that many Chinese people don’t know about. It is surrounded by mountains.
@arminius6506 Ай бұрын
​@@siemens-vipanything small in China is bigger for the rest of the world. Chinese would be like ohh that ABC city, yeah that's a small town with 3 million people and Europeans would be like oh no, that's the population of huge metropolitan area
@PutXi_Whipped Ай бұрын
The point is that even China’s poor cities look better off than many cities in the USA and pretty much every city in India.
@fokwaitat6416 Ай бұрын
有些人就像那位大叔一樣, 最好政府保你一世無憂, 每天吃吃喝喝, 什麼都抱怨都不滿意, 你今天滿足他的訴求, 明天他又提出新的訴求, 沒完沒了, 如果每個人都能像燕姐那樣積極生活, 樂觀面對困難, 懂得知足, 那至少生活會開心一些, 跳跳廣場舞多開心, 又不花錢
@thisiscarl7622 Ай бұрын
@benchaowei6724 Ай бұрын
@stanendo3537 Ай бұрын
Wonderful. Please continue reporting. You are very ethical and moral. You are walking and living the standards and ideals of God.
@JoeL-qt8fn Ай бұрын
@atracy7686 Ай бұрын
@kolviczd6885 Ай бұрын
“Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime.” - Chinese proverb.
@doobienoobie8505 Ай бұрын
@PracticaProphetica Ай бұрын
Give him moral truth, and you feed him for eternity.
@xiaohanli3285 Ай бұрын
Teach this uncle to fish, and he is starving to death 😂
@wheresmyeyebrow1608 Ай бұрын
Isn't that from the bible?
@kolviczd6885 Ай бұрын
@@wheresmyeyebrow1608 I though it was from the Bible too as I've heard pastors quoting them while preaching but it seems it's not.
@AMDphenomX3rocks Ай бұрын
deeply touching video.. As a Thai Malaysian foreigner living in China for 8 years, i found out sister Yan is not alone and is very genuine of China's culture.. (Lets not call it Chinese culture because Chinese culture is very different from different countries like Malaysia, US, Thai or Singapore) What i like the most is in China is the poor helping the poor not because they have everything, it's because they understood how it feels to have nothing. The rich business owners here in China from my years of experience in China is also amazing. They are very humble and extremely hardworking. Something for a Malaysian like me can't even think of. We Malaysians usually work hard if we need to achieve something like financial freedom, pay off debts, raise family in a better enviroment or wanting to send children in to better Universities. But a China local rich tycoon usually works hard just because they love working hard to receive the best outcome for their business.
@truthful3777 Ай бұрын
Malaysia practice apartheid policy and the Chinese and Indians minorities are given hurdles
@Q_QQ_Q Ай бұрын
​@@truthful3777It was Indonesia , Malaysia that did to Chinese because they're Buddhists and themselves are muslims . It ran for decades. That's why all chinese ran away.
@mrfriendlyguy Ай бұрын
If this was BBC they would show the uncle's story and totally ignore sister Yan's story. You wouldn't know the government gave her a FREE house or if you're dissatisfied you can return the house and go back to your home village and do farming.
@chao-1oveandpeace Ай бұрын
@zhongguofuxing Ай бұрын
@2024-l9n Ай бұрын
我,作为美籍华人,反对这些走着来的! 我可是开特斯拉的。 (模仿郝海东副总统😂)
@aican100 Ай бұрын
@weihuashi7069 Ай бұрын
@belleshan Ай бұрын
@kispahan252 Ай бұрын
@milespansher4966 Ай бұрын
@lifequestions5546 Ай бұрын
My earlier comment was made when the video reached to the point of interviewing the man. I paused the video and wrote my comment as right away I disliked the man. Then I continued watching. I am super impressed with the attitude of sister Yan. That is the fighting spirit that should shine to all the Chinese if not the world. I have such a can-do attitude person. If you can, I also can. If you can't I still can attitude. Bravo sis Yan. That's how you fill your life with meaningful things. Keep it up.
@cooledcannon Ай бұрын
Was the man lying?
@alexlan8770 Ай бұрын
@@cooledcannon Different mindsets make different opinions, that is it.
@cooledcannon Ай бұрын
@@alexlan8770 It should be true or false whether factories (or government, claiming factories) pay 3k/month when in reality they pay around 1k/month. That is basically the crux of the argument.
@llkk290 Ай бұрын
@@cooledcannon What he said remains to be verified, maybe it's true, maybe it's not.
@user-rh2ob4rn5w Ай бұрын
@@cooledcannon 他就是为他的懒惰找借口 我的家乡在甘肃一个小县城 比贵州还贫穷 当地最低的工资是饭店服务员 她们基本工资2千多 另外有提成 我堂弟有一个工厂 里面工人工资在6000元以上 一个70岁老人看大门 什么也不做 一个月3000元 而且都是管吃管住 他说的起码我不信
@Shibbymatt Ай бұрын
I agree with Yan. You need to work hard to pull yourself out of poverty, you can't just sit around and wait for someone to do it for you.
@yttean98 Ай бұрын
You see the man is dependent on his children. On the other hand A LOT of Chinese Old men/women are still supporting their children in many age groups, like every country there are NO shortages of young people who still dependent on their elders for financial support and vice versa for variety of reasons.
@novemreb7717 Ай бұрын
love it, love it , love it, me, a Canadian granny greatly appreciate the way you present the facts of this matter....!!!! jia you ! Yan is also a natural beauty like you...heeheehee
@yttean98 Ай бұрын
Don't be too concern about poverty in China, every country has its fair share of poor people, it is a matter of relative size compared to its population. My Chinese grandmother emigrated from southern China to Malaya in the early 1900, she told me many stories about the poor China then. If she is alive now and return to China, she would be TOTALLY Flabbergasted about the China's progress which every Chinese in China should really celebrate and proud of. China today is the intellect, effort, and hard work of 100's millions of Chinese people. And not complacent about their effort and thinking into the future, always hard working must be tapped at the first instant. Your channel is important at looking at China from the next generation point of view. Good on you.
@Lagoost Ай бұрын
That is a lazy uncle, waiting for his children's for living 😅
@thisiscarl7622 Ай бұрын
This kind of lazy people will be poor in any country and anytime
@aniksamiurrahman6365 Ай бұрын
@@thisiscarl7622 But the corruption he's talking about is very real and govt. must systematically eradicate this. Actually, this kind of corruption is the central to why India is so underdeveloped. Chinese govt. should get serious about this 'cancer'.
@LeachingJack Ай бұрын
​@aniksamiurrahman6365 That's just how government funded projects turn out in every single country. Every Chinese dynasty was uprooted by corruption, raised, and repeated for 2000 years. Just have to keep trying.
@jixugeming Ай бұрын
@@aniksamiurrahman6365 腐败确实需要更加严厉的打击。
@kaif7312 Ай бұрын
and his two children are still in the school 😂
@jameskuo50599 Ай бұрын
@darkstarkenster Ай бұрын
@user-mg8lz8nv9f Ай бұрын
@Antraeus Ай бұрын
So she can't dance but she can cook. And expects others to be in a position to earn a living independently. People who look down on others for failing to achieve what they have in life are the morally superior tyrants of this world. And there are many! She is as ignorant as they come.
@vanvanwong6796 Ай бұрын
@user-ph3fe8ko8r Ай бұрын
普通中国人都是这种认知, 朴实无华
@fredrikbergquist5734 Ай бұрын
Wonderful video, I just love it! Both China and the US has poverty but the Chinese government has a plan to alleviate it, but the US just shrug it’s shoulders. This video remind me of when I went to East Germany in 1991 and talked to people there. I speak German. There were exactly like your video. I talked with a few middleaged men sitting on a bench just complaining about just everything. Then there were this young woman that put up a foldable table on the plaza and sold simple jevelry and sunglasses. She was so optimistic and in stark contrast to the men on the bench. I think when there is change it hurts older men most and it gains women. Corruption is a problem but that can hopefully be controlled with laws. If you see how China is developing now in tech and other areas it is amazing! The protectionism of US and EU, I take that as that they are really scared. In China, universities has six in the top ten in the world and people value good education, in the US they want to be popstars, and if they can’t be that, they live with their parents being 30 yo. And then we have BRICS+ that will change the global power structure completely. I am just sorry that I am too old to learn Chinese!
@user-tv8rt4cw8g Ай бұрын
@PracticaProphetica Ай бұрын
"Corruption is a problem but that can hopefully be controlled with laws." No, not likely. It needs to be changed with moral regeneration. When people change inside so that they would rather die than tell a lie, or steal a cent, then it will change. The problem is the same as in other countries: the people that benefit from the corruption, also make, or influence those who make, the laws. This problem is as old as the human race.
@LobyLiang Ай бұрын
@user-uj2cz9bl9l 28 күн бұрын
@tomjensen618 Ай бұрын
Thank you Siming. Getting real now, great little window into China for us westerners that love China.
@ericlo6370 Ай бұрын
The reality is actually not bad at all!
@darkstarkenster Ай бұрын
哇,燕姐真的是正能量!说的太对了! 这大叔这种年纪应该不到55岁,我妈65岁退休了都还每天出去工作!他这种天天坐着好吃懒做等子女给自己打钱,这种人就算一个月补贴10000都会拿去抽烟喝酒,不够了依然还会抱怨给的不够!
@daniellee8720 Ай бұрын
The effort by the CPC is commendable, which other country even think to address poverty? Kudos
@PracticaProphetica Ай бұрын
"...which other country even think to address poverty?" Most of them, actually, except maybe some very poor countries.
@daniellee8720 Ай бұрын
@@PracticaProphetica having food kitchens and food bank isnt really long term empowerment of the poor. Maybe you give some examples of countries that tackle poverty on a large scale (ensuring equal opportunity and assistance to all). I hace worked in India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Russia, Indonesia and etc (expat for many years) i have yet to such a large scale effort that has been as effective.
@PracticaProphetica Ай бұрын
@@daniellee8720 If you are a citizen of a country, or working toward citizenship, there are many government programs, job subsidies, grants, and so forth available. When I was young, I was set to go to a Electronics Tech course (2 years) and the government were going to pay for a good part of my expenses. I ended up joining a Rock Band instead (mistake!), but those kinds of programs and assistance are available. What you are seeing in China is somewhat different. People are actually being moved from the country into built-up cities. It's almost like an industrial revolution. There are some long-term problems that could arise from this practice. Country people tend to be mostly self-reliant, having their own land. City people are dependent: they do not grow their own food. If there is ever a crisis, the cities will be most hard hit. When the depression hit the USA in the 1930's, a lot of people had migrated to the cities for work, and they suffered a lot from not being able to grow their own food. Personally, I'd rather live in poverty in the country, working with the land; than in a concrete jungle in some "little cage" of an apartment. It has an effect on the human spirit.
@PracticaProphetica Ай бұрын
@@daniellee8720 Well I wrote you a reply, but it seems to be removed by KZbin. Let me try by answering in small segments.
@PracticaProphetica Ай бұрын
@@daniellee8720 There are other programs and helps available to citizens in other countries: grants, subsidies, etc. I am personally familiar with some of them.
@user-jz1nf9ge5h Ай бұрын
This guy comfortably sits in the park and charts happily with girls. He is a true complainer.
@thisiscarl7622 Ай бұрын
Relying on government and his kids for living, and keep complaining 😅
@cooledcannon Ай бұрын
You can do that in almost every country.
@PracticaProphetica Ай бұрын
Really we would need to know much more about him to make any kind of proper judgment. He raised some children who are now supporting him. This required effort, so I wouldn't say he was "lazy" all his life. He is definitely disillusioned. He was promised much, and found that many of the promises were not accurate. He moved from the country, where he was probably surrounded by nature and growing plants, to the city, where he is surrounded by concrete and big buildings. This could be depressing to some minds. He mentioned having to replace everything in his house (or apartment?). Faucets bursting, and so on. He doesn't say the government replaced them, so this must have required some work, or investment on his part. He's also older, and when you get over 55 or 60, your energy goes down significantly, and you also become aware that if you damage your body by overwork, you may have pains or disabilities until you die. The body just doesn't regenerate and shake off aches and pains like when it was younger. So you tend to be a lot more cautious. It's possible that he just lacks an aim or purpose. He's lived his life, and now the treadmill of busy activity, for no deeper aim than money or social activities, does not satisfy him.
@tian3127 Ай бұрын
@@PracticaProphetica He’d really appreciate it when he sees you trying hard to find any possible reasons to justify his laziness and selfishness. I’ve seen much older people working at Costco even in weekends. If they could why can’t he? Also if he misses the nature and farm fields, he could’ve returned the house and moved back to village as the lady mentioned. But he didn’t becoz deep inside he knows which life is better. You should trust him to be smart enough to make the right decision for himself when both options are provided. He even replaced all interior setup of his apartment simply becoz he didn’t feel they’re good enough. That doesn’t sound like a person who live in extreme poverty. Why the government should pay for his interior upgrading of his own choice when others don’t need such things?
@PracticaProphetica Ай бұрын
@@tian3127 All these things you are mentioning are not based on actual facts from interviewing him. As I said, it's easy to assume things, and put him into a category of your imagination. People are often more complex than we assume, and you would really need to get to know the man personally, to understand him.
@---od4my Ай бұрын
@leeway777 Ай бұрын
@gauravtejpal8901 Ай бұрын
​​​@@leeway777 You should have compassion for others. Who knows, maybe in the future you find yourself in a similar situation? If at all, the uncle is lazy, there must be some causes behind that. And there must be millions of uncles like this, no? So what are the causes and how to remove them?
@cooledcannon Ай бұрын
@@leeway777 But he would be earning 1000RMB/month and might have pay withheld for months or forever. That seems really bad.
@user-dc1ud6px3s Ай бұрын
@sryuuds5050 Ай бұрын
@MikeLiangsz Ай бұрын
What the government says "Poverty Alleviation" is to remove the "absolute poverty", which means nobody is under minimum living level now. (food, place to live, enough clothes for winter, etc.) However, we all know that relative poverty are still everywhere. it's still long way to go to make all citizens to live better life. however, we need to admit it's still a huge achivement that alleviated all citizen from "absolute poverty"!
@tian3127 Ай бұрын
@Hongsebaoshi Ай бұрын
You still have to admit the CPC 'S efforts were huge. Kudos to China and the CPC, My favorite country and government 🇨🇳💪 PS: I'm not a Chinese bot. I'm just a guy that appreciate achievements and looking at China from every Angle ❤
@robertz4822 Ай бұрын
@Hongsebaoshi Ай бұрын
@@robertz4822 Ah i see
@Hongsebaoshi Ай бұрын
@@robertz4822 I don't know a lot about the CPC but considering what I'm seeing them doing i can be assured that they're going to take care of corruption as well I'm trusting the CPC but that's just my opinion
@robertz4822 Ай бұрын
@@Hongsebaoshi First of all, Im not against CCP, im a chinese myself, really want China to continue to be better.But Im really concerned more and more recently... Here below is some of my small thoughts. Since Deng Xiaoping, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has adopted a standing committee system, which can be compared to the Roman Senate system. Under this system, the promotion of officials was relatively fair and based on performance and achievements, ensuring a level of checks and balances. However, in recent years, this system has gradually transformed into an imperial-like structure akin to Caesar's rule, with high-ranking officials being directly appointed by the top leader. This shift violates the longstanding norms within the party and weakens various power balances. The decline of the Communist Youth League faction is a clear indication of this change.
@Hongsebaoshi Ай бұрын
@@robertz4822 Can you explain to me how it will be a problem? Not trying to tease you, I'm just asking. I support the CPC as well but no government is perfect after all
@snowlee-ml7rr Ай бұрын
This lady said it very well, the man should work to change his life, and he is too lazy but rely on the government, he will be poor in any country.
@thisiscarl7622 Ай бұрын
He looks still young but he doesn't work and rely on government and his kinds? This kind of people stay poor in any country.
@cactusshadow9840 Ай бұрын
didn't she say that the woman was member at local party branch? we just watched a cop member publicly silence a dissenter, and bribe journalist with food.
@cactusshadow9840 Ай бұрын
CCP not cop...autocorrect
@qiutyrion8328 Ай бұрын
When talking with Lan during the meal, Sister Yan mentioned another woman who is a party branch member. Please watch the video carefully.
@boweihuang3246 Ай бұрын
@@cactusshadow9840 In Chinese culture, cooking a meal for someone who she likes is not a bribe. Are u Chinese?
@dongshengmuni Ай бұрын
China’s poverty alleviation efforts should be celebrated. Especially when you see what poverty and homelessness are like in the west, those people are being neglected and treated like trash. Living in one of the wealthiest countries in the world, but I see heaven and hell everyday. They should be appreciative of the government is doing for them, it doesn’t happen in the capitalist system. The corruption problem is a humanity issue, when greediness overrides responsibility and morals. Only spirituality can solve this problem…善哉、善哉🙏
@EurasiaNaval Ай бұрын
What struck me about this video is just how openly people are willing to disagree with each other and argue issues in the public - I presume these two don't know each other well. You don't really see that in Taiwan for example, where individuals seem to do everything they can to put up a facade of harmony. This is beside the point of the video of course. I think you brought out two contrasting world views in a poor province really well.
@samuelstanley1464 Ай бұрын
I'm surprised to see you here 😂😂😂 bro. Love your vids. Keep it up❤❤❤
@monkeyking-self-proclaimed7050 Ай бұрын
In the US, people will tell you to mind your own business and may even lead to a brawl. Also, hardly anyone will invite a stranger in for dinner.
@Hongsebaoshi Ай бұрын
That's because Taiwan became Japanese
@boweihuang3246 Ай бұрын
It is pretty normal in mainland China to express their views in this way.
@yulao5299 Ай бұрын
@3d4fun96 Ай бұрын
This lady is a person who understands, knows how to be grateful and look at it dialectically. Poverty alleviation is not a package, some people want you to do everything, as long as one point is not satisfied, they will be badmouthing the policy.
@leansanloh2043 Ай бұрын
Most interesting! China's poverty alleviation efforts are definitely admirable and borne great fruits. But no initiative, especially massive ones involving hundreds of millions of people, are without challenges. One unsurmountable challenge is people with entitlement mentality demanding handouts without own efforts to improve oneself. In contrast is Yanjie who is grateful for assistance, but is clear that she, and not the government, is responsible for her own life and happiness. What a contrast! 🙏
@PutXi_Whipped Ай бұрын
The uncle doesn’t know what “extreme poverty” is. He’s dressed like an unemployed American.
@sebastiaonunesdelimaachina1533 Ай бұрын
Yeah, the government has to creates opportunities, not suppots lazies citizens.
@ignatiuschua5268 Ай бұрын
If he is in USA or in Europe, he would have been living on the streets.
@user-nv4fk7hk8m Ай бұрын
@cooledcannon Ай бұрын
@@ignatiuschua5268 doubt
@PutXi_Whipped Ай бұрын
@@ignatiuschua5268 FR
@stubbytoad4927 Ай бұрын
Hello Siming. Great work. I really enjoyed your presentation. Listening to sister Yan and your unbiased views, I am even more proud of my Chinese roots. Being a 3rd generation overseas Chinese from Singapore that is in my 60’s, I look forward to spending more time exploring this side of Chinese life. I will be following your work. Thanks again.
@s-code-b Ай бұрын
Yan-Jie (Sister-Yan) is an inspiration to varied people around the world. Sister-Yan is a Go-Getter. She is telling others to go make-it (progress/succeed) wherever they are. The meager returns for hard work is unreasonable (a bad bargain) to the unemployed man at the town square; he expects better compensation, and he may feel it beneath his dignity. And, who knows, he may have really been cheated. But what would have come of Sister-Yan had she followed that same paralyzing discontent (or even grudge)? She took possession of the outcome. Her ambitions may not have been towering, yet she's made meaningful progress & feels good about her accomplishments every single day. Thanks to Siming Lan & Yan-Jie for sharing an unintended treasure - valuable life lesson💰.
@muudcatt9541 Ай бұрын
Ancient Chinese proverb 升米恩斗米仇(which roughly translates to if you give a starving man a bowl of rice, he will be grateful; if you continue to give the same man a bag of rice for him to live better, he will hate you for not giving enough) is what I had in mind after hearing that uncle speak
@arnoldtse6548 Ай бұрын
The Govt may not pull out everyone, but without the alleviation policy, Sister Yan may not have a chance to change her life. The policy is to create a setting, the first half glass of water to let ppl see hope n have the courage to work harder (n pick up the rest). For those who do not work n complain about corruption (so that he is getting less), one will ask, does corruption affect equally on Yan, yes, but she manages to live above it. Compare apple to apple, no country can root out corruption, but in China, corruption (if as alleged) has not taken away the first half glass of water (as the top closely monitor). Villages get resited, housing provided, though fittings may have problems. These already put the villagers on firm footing to do their bit. In the West, this is not the case.
@bengjongoh3215 Ай бұрын
完全同意燕姐的看法。人必须自食其力 ,不能光靠政府,相反的要为国家做出即使是微博的力
@DragonYang01 Ай бұрын
Sister Yan's words brought tears to my eyes. Heaven helps those who help themselves. This is a wonderful video. With a few thousands of USD of government subsidy, a family can have a roof. I wish this could work in US. But, I think most being helped will end up like the man, doing nothing but drug.
@chipe123o4 Ай бұрын
Time passed quickly 😅 Nice video It reminds me of a book I read once ("中国在梁庄", I read a translated version). It is silly to think you can get a comfortable life with ease so I appreciate sister Yan's outlook on life. Alleviating poverty on such a large scale is a monumental task and to appreciate it you need to look at the bigger picture.
@ahsoontan1219 Ай бұрын
That man should understand ‘nobody owes you a living’
@abale1729 Ай бұрын
Unless you take away his farming fields.
@tian3127 Ай бұрын
@@abale1729well he could’ve chosen to stay with his farm fields as mentioned by sister Yan in the video. Guess why he didn’t. Because deep inside he knows which life is better so then stop acting like a victim and get a job to feed himself.
@abale1729 Ай бұрын
@@tian3127 if the young university graduates can't find a job, how on earth does an old simple farmer find a job. Even the lady said there are many uncles like that in the lift. Also what the uncle said is most likely true. To much corruption and to many late payments.
@tian3127 Ай бұрын
@@abale1729well didn’t you see the lady at a similar age with the same poverty background just made 300 rmb in a single morning? Or you tend to selectively ignore people who hard work but prefer those who are lazy? He relies on his children for living, which proves young people from poverty background can also find a job and support their family. So stop spreading the fake news or finding excuses for a lazy man.
@abale1729 Ай бұрын
​@@tian3127it doesn't matter what I prefer or what I believe in. The reality is no one is going to hire an old worker when you can hire a young worker instead. All the videos of modern factory workers are full of young people. They can work twice as hard, twice as fast and twice as long. Clearly you are the one who is brainwashed.
@user-ut5zj7yt3k Ай бұрын
@leeway777 Ай бұрын
@Keefer5 Ай бұрын
@LichtFeng 22 күн бұрын
@becritical7476 Ай бұрын
@unifieddynasty Ай бұрын
Another invaluable documentary. Excellent job. Some takeaways: +Corruption is still significant in China. This is deeply rooted in how connections are made in Chinese culture. The government's anti-corruption campaign has made significant progress and it should continue, especially focusing on lower-level bureaucracy and government contracts. +Construction quality is still an issue, related to the prior point. In addition to the anti-corruption campaign, the government's intentional deflation of the property and construction sector is a good thing and it should continue. Homes are primarily for living in, not for speculation and profit. +There is still a lot of poverty in China. While it is likely true that "abject poverty" has been essentially eliminated in China, the departed Chinese premier Li Keqiang made the cogent statement that there are still 600 million Chinese people with a monthly income less than 1,000 yuan (US$140). Thus China should continue to strive for their official goal of becoming a "moderately prosperous society". +The prosperity of China and the Chinese people cannot rely on the welfare state. The government cannot sustain providing basic income for hundreds of millions of people at this time, and this is an unreasonable expectation. The government can and should provide the opportunities and public goods to incentivize prosperity, as it is already doing, but it is up to the Chinese people to seize the day. Knowing the drive and ingenuity of the Chinese people, they will succeed.
@horridohobbies Ай бұрын
China is still a developing country. The urban areas are rich but the rural areas need to be uplifted. That's China's next task. Corruption exists in all countries. I believe India's corruption problem is far worse than China's.
@unifieddynasty Ай бұрын
@@horridohobbies Certainly. Agree.
@jacktang4359 Ай бұрын
@barrywong4327 Ай бұрын
Beautiful story and beautifully told. It’s a story that is understood universally. Take any country, any government system, you’ll find people who strive to better their lives honestly and those who rather take the easy way out. Yes, sister Yan is inspirational. The uncle, not so much. Thank you for telling the story in the China context. Real life story!
@jhytry Ай бұрын
What a lovely video. Your new approach to videos is so good. I got touched to the core. I live in China as foigner for some time. People back home do not understand me much untill my friedns visited me here. I traveled to all kinds of palces poor and rich, I have such a deep appreciation for the Chinese people spirit. And the positivity, I see the entusiasm when i speak with them with my broken Mandrin supported by translation software (i do make effort to learn).
@yunzilong2791 Ай бұрын
@hanchan8681 Ай бұрын
@theunbearables Ай бұрын
We have same issue with corruption in US. Nonprofit leaders making $500k+ begging for grants and donations and not letting the money go to where it needs to go and improve things
@xiaoxiao2259 Ай бұрын
其实那个男的说腐败这些,根本就不是这么一回事。 国家有100块预算拿来扶贫,这个男的想当然的认为这100块就应该给他。但事实上,怎么可能。给了你,你直接花了,并不能解决你根本问题。 这100块钱扶贫预算,用来给其提供住房帮助,给其用于个人培训让其能自食其力,用于雇佣社工对社区进行管理。最后确实才会有很小部分给个人用于基本日常开销。这根本就不是什么腐败问题,而是他并不认可这种资金分配手段。
@eyliaw Ай бұрын
@@xiaoxiao2259 説得好!
@alsetalokin88 Ай бұрын
not the same at all
@theunbearables Ай бұрын
@@alsetalokin88 Similar in terms of inefficiency. I live in cali and homelessness is a HUGE problem in my area. Housing prices are too high and we've been throwing $$$ in millions with no feeling of improvement for years now. It got worse since covid
@alsetalokin88 Ай бұрын
@@theunbearables the western system is one giant ponzi scheme for the elites by the elites. it's not the same for china.
@user-iq5hq9ly2x Ай бұрын
Such a great and touching video,and government said lift people out of extreme poverty not poverty,poverty exists and will exist in this country for many more years,but as long as we work hard and be optimistic like sister Yan,we don’t need to worry about going to poverty.
@ngvkhtnw22 Ай бұрын
Poverty is a moving reality and it's dependent on one's expectations. When in abject poverty, people would be happy to have their existential needs met so their point of reference is their own past (hunger). Once past that point, their expectations will rise and they are no longer content with the bare minimum, they start comparing themselves to others. Unless the government can keep on providing them with more and more subsidies and financial support, which is not realistic, many will turn into whiners and start badmouthing the government. And unless they somehow start proactively seeking work and other meaningful opportunities, they would fall into a life of endless expectations and disappointments and a burden to their family and society.
@lololman Ай бұрын
It seems to me that both of them are testaments to the poverty-alleviation program's success. Despite the uncle's complaints, he has a house, children with stable enough income to support his "carefree" lifestyle, and options to go back to the rural farmlands if he so wishes. He doesn't look poor to me, just lazy. On another note, the fact that the govt actually took the troubles of moving ppl out from remote areas, built houses in cities to house them, and giving them skill trainings to make a living with... is simply amazing. No other country in the world would go to that extend for the ppl.
@pragmaticmediator Ай бұрын
China's poverty alleviation is definitely worth mentioning because it is not usual that governments do this. On the contrary for example US and EU governments are driving more and more people into poverty with their extensive moneyspending for wars and selfdestructing sanction-policies against other nations while in their countries the situation for the people gets worse
@darrellwong4097 Ай бұрын
I found this to be a very heart warming video! Yanjie is absolutely right in looking at the glass as half full and making the most of life! Chinese in NZ came here with nothing, had many barriers to success but invariably by hard work and education of the next generation most have “succeeded”. I hope that attitude can continue for the next generation. It looks like it is alive and well in China! Thanks for the video.👍👍👍
@leechengtue400 Ай бұрын
⚘️ Very well presented view of the reality of China today. When I was a kid I remember many Malaysian Chinese parents would send preserved meat & clothings to relatives in China to aid their poverty. Today China has gone a long way to stand tall as a Nation leading the World in eradicating poverty, etc. My mum would always remind us to maintain our dignity not to steal or cheat but to work hard and educate ourselves to overcome poverty. Maybe this is the Chinese culture that has been ingrained in us since young regardless of where you are. Thank you for reminding us. (From a 70 yrs old Malaysian retiree).
@thetreekeeper143 Ай бұрын
In the West, the biggest issue for most people starting out is having a home and it can be a big struggle with a 30 year mortgage. But its commendable for the Chinese government to give their poorest people a home to live in. Having a home already means you can focus on improving other aspects of your life instead of worrying about having a roof over your head.
@peterjol Ай бұрын
Rather than anyone (fit and healthy) doing nothing and relying on state support, I think it should be made financially worthwhile for them to SHARE in doing any job/work that is useful for the community...You don't create any pointless jobs/work but you DO make it worthwhile for them to share in doing something that is useful and needed. (that should be the thinking in every country)
@lennylhchen Ай бұрын
Ms Lan is the ONLY Chinese independent KZbinr out there speaking English about her our country. Premium quality contents. 加油加油!
@ThomasBarsegian-co3du Ай бұрын
I've been waiting for you to post a new video, I thought you stopped permanently.. Love your intelligence articulation honesty.Happy you are doing good and see you back. Thank You 👏🇨🇳💪🇨🇳👍 great video ❤
@wangmuzhi199 Ай бұрын
你的视频很好,各方的观点都有,中国政府确实有很多问题,但是我们也要正面批评,而不是一味的指责和抱怨。我来自四川农村,我们哪里也搞扶贫。我们生产队(这个词是以前搞大集体的时候留下来的,在以前吃大锅饭的时候政府会把每个村分成很多个生产小组来从事农业生产,所以这个名字就沿用下来了)大概有9个扶贫对象,这些对象主要是孤寡老人,家里长期有疾病的人,残疾人,智力有问题的人,房子太破旧的家庭,家里孩子多的家庭等等。准确的说应该是9个家庭,大概从2018年开始当地政府就给他们建来房子,比如我的邻居是一个50多岁的”老光棍“一直在外面打工,因为没什么文化所以工资很低,然后政府免费给他提供了住房和养老保险(他自己也交了几千块),然后政府在我们当地给他找了维护果树的工作(工资大概1500)。其他的我就不列举了,大概情况差不多,家里有长期疾病的政府就提供免费医疗等等。现在政府对农业的补助很大,像我老家种地几乎不花钱了比如农药、种子、化肥几乎都是政府免费提供,但是农业保险需要自己买(政府补助一部分),大概每亩地几十块钱。 关于农村医疗的这个我有发言权,很多人都抱怨一年380元的农村医保太贵,其实真的不贵,我真没见过一年几百块的医疗保险。这次我母亲得了紧缩性胃炎去县医院治疗,住院7天,总共花了6000多,就是因为有了这个医疗保险最终自己只出了1000多,可能有人说1000多也很多,但是我记得很多年前,大概是07年我爷爷生病了,去医院治疗随便住几天院都是几千块了,那时候根本没有报销,农民从来没想过看病可以报销费用,农民都认为看病报销只有当官的才可以。但是现在这种观念已经在每个人心里了。我说的都是我亲身经历的。这也是一个侧面。 当然也有很多贪污的问题,比如我说了给凭困户建房子有被村里面干部吃回扣的情况,因为我表哥就是村里的支部书记,我听父亲说他就有吃回扣,但是我没有证据。所以说问题肯定有,但是政府的确也在做事!这种事情就看你怎么想。
@charleneji6759 Ай бұрын
@AlejandroT34 Ай бұрын
Muy interesante el vídeo y todos los comentarios. Yo siempre he pensado que todo indicador económico no es suficiente para explicar conceptos tan amplios como puede ser la "pobreza" y la "riqueza". Es más un debate sobre desigualdad que sobre necesidades y condiciones urgentes. Quizás en estándares internacionales o respecto a otras ciudades más prosperas yo sea "pobre" pero ¿puedo comer varias veces al día? ¿paso frío? ¿puedo educarme? ¿necesito caminar 2 horas para atender mis clases? ¿mi casa es habitable? ¿puedo emplearme? ¿los servicios urbanos son accesibles? ¿qué decir de los servicios sanitarios? Bueno, pues estos indicadores y algunos más me parecen mucho más relevantes en conjunto para determinar si se han mejorado las condiciones o no. Luego, mantener una conciencia de problemas como la corrupción que el señor indica no es algo negativo pero, entiendo que como en el resto de países estos problemas son de naturaleza judicial y si el sistema es saludable y la causa es justa pues no vale de nada apuntar el dedo al Gobierno y quedarse de brazos cruzados refunfuñando. En mi país tenemos una expresión: "No dejes que el árbol te impida ver el bosque" y, a la inversa: "No dejes que el bosque te impida ver los árboles". En el pasado, me he tomado la libertad de leer los reportes de algunos congresos nacionales en China, aprovechando que algunos están publicados y traducidos al inglés. Si que es verdad que, como dicen algunos analistas, pareciese que están hablando de la lista de deseos y logros constantemente. El tema central para mi sería si ante estos compromisos gubernamentales el ciudadano tiene los medios, capacidad y voluntad para observar, asegurar e incluso contribuir a que estos objetivos se cumplan. Claro, apoyar las iniciativas de un Gobierno y beneficiarse de ellas requiere un cierto grado de complicidad pero el camino no termina ahí siempre que sean posibles las iniciativas privadas, la gobernanza local o las iniciativas ciudadanas. ¿La cosa no marcha bien después de todos los esfuerzos? Bueno, entonces la protesta la veo justificada, pero no puedes esperar a que el Gobierno te deje todo hecho e impoluto. Un ejemplo muy acotado, pero por ponernos en una tesitura más comprensible: El Gobierno puede prometer calles limpias y poner recursos a disposición pero, si dejas tu basura en la calle o no llamas la atención cuando ves a alguien dejando su basura por la calle, entonces, ¿por qué se te ocurriría quejarte al Gobierno de que las calles no están tan limpias?
@user-hk8uw2pm2w Ай бұрын
@DuSir666 Ай бұрын
@DuSir666 Ай бұрын
@truthbetold001 Ай бұрын
It's rare and fortunate to have recorded dichotomic views in one sitting so great catch also I liked your endorsement on self reliance when the state has provided infrastructures and equal opportunities; you can take a horse to water, making it drink is another matter, self will hahaha
@peterzou6961 Ай бұрын
Very good interview. The lady said that many men are lazy to work, that is so true. In China, many families are led by women who work very hard.
@user-ie3zb5bq6l Ай бұрын
@zhoukf7643 Ай бұрын
@@user-ie3zb5bq6l 我晕,各族中都有很会赚钱的人,这一点和族群没什么关系
@kunzhang7512 Ай бұрын
@user-ie3zb5bq6l Ай бұрын
@@zhoukf7643 笑死,工业科技的几乎都是汉族,我是北方人,满族还可以。回族,蒙古族搞个屁的工业科技。
@user-ie3zb5bq6l Ай бұрын
@@kunzhang7512 汉族很少,我们这里没见过,不挣钱的男人能有媳妇吗?
@lifelessperson1993 Ай бұрын
Now this is journalism, I find it quite fascinating because of the spontaneity and candidness of the people you spoke to. It gives you a real look at the real China. I appreciate your work; Thank you!
@TY-ob7fz Ай бұрын
Thank you Siming, terrific lens into society and problems encountered.
@glgreetham Ай бұрын
Again, another professional,balanced story. I truly enjoy your reporting and your youthful energy. Once again you have proved that at the core we are all the same - humans striving for a better life for us and future generations. Keep up the excellent journalism🙂❗️
@Leningrad_Underground Ай бұрын
In awe with admiration as always. Your straightforward honesty and sincerity shines through. Thank you Sister "Siming Lan" .
@trekpac2 Ай бұрын
That was an incredible inside look at important aspects of how Chinese government works to make sure everyone is taken care of. What other country has done such a good job? Siming, you are just the best, telling a story like no one else could tell it.
@andreastano7920 Ай бұрын
I would be so grateful if I had a supportive government to support families like this, having a house funded, bridging their challenges to have a better life. Meanwhile in other parts of the world .... I could see from western vloggers the life in China where public places are so taken care of. It's evident how the government cares for the people. However, the old man's voice can be a constructive criticism to have the lower-level system reevaluated. I've seen many cases, sarcasm from the western world, air pollution for instance, it makes China improves alot, emerging into having many green cities, electric vehicles, etc. In the west, people said Chinese products weren't good and so forth but now we can see a lot of Chinese products are high-quality, cutting-edge technology is emerging, even competing foreign well-known brands. Additionally, China takes so many aspects of economy from manufacturers to technology services domestically and internationally. So, keep up the spirit and good work China!
@Aishiteimusu Ай бұрын
I wish I could afford to cry in anger after being given a house.
@martinleung212 Ай бұрын
Poverty is relative. Someone who earns 10000 yuens a month but spends 11000, he is poor, but another guy who earns 1000 yuens yet spends 900, he is rich. I think the Chinese government did not claim they have eradicated poverty but rather "abject poverty". The uncles and aunties in the park that complained a lot, they seemed to be properly dressed, ie, they did not suffer from the cold, I didn't see holes in their clothes, they did not seem under-nourished, they showed no signs of "abject poverty". I think they are the lot that complain no matter what the government would do. They will never be satisfied. I really like Sister-Yan. She is an inspiration. Optimistic for her own and her family's future, being positive about hard-work would bring prosperity. All good !!! And thanks to Siming for shining some lights on poverty alleviation in China.
@qiuxiang-e3s Ай бұрын
In fact, the aunts in the park didn't agree with what he said. They just smiled, which is a common Chinese practice for saving face
@phnompenhandy Ай бұрын
I enjoy all your videos, but this is a particularly strong one - a great insight into 'real' grassroots China with contrasting sides represented. Bravo!
@lawrenceching8851 Ай бұрын
That man chat with people everyday without going to work. What more can he ask for? I think he had a better life than someone like me that 996 every week.
@RetireearlyNYC Ай бұрын
Hi Siming, I LOVE this video!! Yes in the beginning I was angry at the man for giving up and just relying on his daughter. But in the end you said that you didn’t dismiss his complaints either. I thought that was a great answer. Corruption in govt needs to be addressed so that people don’t feel like they’re being taken advantage of. As a Chinese immigrants to the US, we still carry the work ethics of our homeland. We know that we have to put in hard work if we are to succeed. Cheers from NYC. I love your channel. Looking forward to returning to China soon :)
@1hjehje Ай бұрын
An excellent video. I had the pleasure of visiting China for the first time last year. The country, people, and culture is amazing. I spent over two months there and I am looking forward to my next visit.
@rayatpremo Ай бұрын
Another great video connecting us foreign Chinese to our origins
@pslaw Ай бұрын
What a great real-life story! It's up close and personal to the grassroots that it can't be more real than this. Excellent work! 👍The story shows a side of the common people that we often take for granted. They are kind unreservedly welcoming strangers to their homes. Forget the whining man. Why would you bother with someone who wants to have more in life without doing his share of work? Poverty alleviation in China is unprecedented in human history and is therefore worth celebrating.
@kiyoshitakeda452 Ай бұрын
Excellent topic. Have been very interested in the subject and what is the reality over there. People (not upper class) work hard and understand how life works. In this sense people the world over are the same. PS: in China's case I admire the effort and tremendous progress it has achieved. Admirable. Excellent episode. Enjoyed greatly.
@GoodVibeClipz Ай бұрын
❤ From India. Chinese government is doing so much for the people.
@petejian2420 Ай бұрын
Wow, that video is incredibly powerful, and by the end of it, I felt like crying. I am deeply moved by how you captured the essence of Sister Yan's spirit: her unwavering pragmatism and optimism. It's true that China, like every nation, faces various challenges. Despite having such a large population, the government's efforts to improve the situation and make the country a better place are truly commendable. So we need more such narrative of telling different sides of the story, both from the official media but also from youtube like you, to depict a more comprehensive picture of China.
@davidli2239 Ай бұрын
@DuSir666 Ай бұрын
@PracticaProphetica Ай бұрын
She speaks with a British accent because that is where she was schooled.
@davidchen92127 Ай бұрын
I was in China Spring of this year from SoCal as a retired engineer. I am very impressive by the infrastructure buildups from cities to rural areas. Like you said at the end, I am incredibly optimistic for the future.
@rastoferi6012 Ай бұрын
US citizens are taught that socialism make one lazy. They dont even know the meaning of hard work😂
@Radio027 Ай бұрын
But they put so call "freedom" in their 1st priority... But without knowing the consequences when they said it.
@PracticaProphetica Ай бұрын
You shouldn't generalize. "US citizens...dont even know the meaning of hard work". That's a generalization. You will find a few people like that in every country, but there are many in the USA who work very hard, sometimes two jobs. Many of their young people go to colleges and universities to get higher education and more business opportunities, just as in China.
@PracticaProphetica Ай бұрын
@@Radio027 If you knew the history of America's founding, and the background of the problems in Europe from the times of Reformation on, you would understand why freedom was a top priority. The idea of "freedom" today is a bit abused from what the original intent was. In Europe during the middle ages to renaissance, there was a ruling class (royalty) and a ruling church (Roman Catholic). Like every country, once power is concentrated in a few people, those people tend to become corrupt, and seek to pile up power and money, at the expense of their citizens. Then the Bible was rediscovered, and translated into local languages, and the church heirarchy began to persecute those who did this. New ideas of soul liberty (freedom from sin within the soul) were circulated. People began to study for themselves, instead of just accepting what the heirarchy told them. This challenged the power structure, so there was a great struggle. In many countries, there was persecution. But at the same time, people began to question everything, and search into what ways were better. When America was discovered, many of the persecuted people, who were hard working people, but wanted the freedom to search after religious (and philosophical) truth for themselves, came to that land. When America was finally constituted, the principle of religious and civil freedom were implemented, in order to give the people liberty to be able to search and explore new ideas, without being oppressed by a government or a church that wanted to control them in order to enrich themselves. This is the real purpose of "freedom of speech" and "inalienable rights". It means having the ability to search for truth and meaning in life, without being oppressed by those who are greedy for power. In the beginning, many people came to America for this freedom, which they could not find in their home countries. They brought their talents and abilities with them. This is what made America great. More recently, it is more the "freedom to pursue pleasure without restraint" and the "freedom to make piles of money" which draws a lot of people. This is a corruption of the original purpose. But if you are searching for moral truth today, America is still one of the places where you will have the freedom to explore many different ideas, without oppression. This will change eventually, but for now, it is still mostly true.
@clementsliu Ай бұрын
I really like this video and the story of Yan. Her life attitude does represent the spirit of chinese culture. before yan appeared, I thought this is a western media style of video saying a lot of negative things about china. then I find I misunderstand you. great video.good job.
@keldendorji6582 Ай бұрын
I love Sister Yan's attitude. With a can-do attitude, you can go places. Love from Bhutan 🇧🇹
@DrCryn Ай бұрын
Such a beautiful story of Sister Yan. Thanks for the video and the smile you put on my face this morning 😊
@lucyfiniarel2347 Ай бұрын
My goodness. This city is beautiful! the surrounding mountains are so stunning.
@edwardwongiii2229 Ай бұрын
I would love to visit China one day and see with my own eyes how that country is moving along. That said, lifting over 800 million people out of poverty is no small feat and am amazed that there are individuals and institutions that try to downplay that. The fact of the matter is that more Chinese citizens are reaching "middle-class" status every day. The West in general on the other hand have a GROWING impoverished population problem. I don't think the Central Chinese Government is saying all is perfect and well but at least they are humble enough to admit they are still a work in progress. If you go not just to China but any developing nation with an agenda and a critical eye, you'll find problems and challenges. I think the best approach is to weigh the good against the negatives and chances are, the first condition will win every time. Just keep in mind that 800 million people out of poverty is nearly 2.5 times the entire population of the United States. And latest figures are beginning to indicate that the number of those climbing out of poverty is approaching a billion. Give the Chinese some time. Compared to how things were in that country 40 years ago, the difference is night and day.
@yunzilong2791 Ай бұрын
@edwardwongiii2229 Ай бұрын
@@yunzilong2791 Well the sanctions are proving far more detrimental to the US and the EU than to China.
@heroeydios Ай бұрын
You make a great work, so intelligent and interesting productions, I enjoy very much all your videos. Greetings from México
@brockabaddy985 Ай бұрын
Yan jie's indomitable spirit is touching. If Yan jie types predominate in China, there's no way that China could collapse back to the old days of poverty and suffering. As for the uncle's words, the corruption part is likely true and let's hope the authorities can do something about it. Siming, thank you for your video. Yes, China's poverty alleviation is worth celebrating!
@yongjianyi3556 Ай бұрын
Sister Yan's ability to be happy with what you have, and to be satisfied by honest work is a skill that is enviable.
@beaman_2000 Ай бұрын
@luoderrick6912 Ай бұрын
At least he is trying his best to bring the country and citizens out of poverty by ways. What about the rest of world leaders? Still fighting. I really respect him and his team. Hopefully their generations will appericate what he done
@stephenkrall7609 Ай бұрын
I really enjoyed this video. It was nice to see everyday people just trying to get through life, instead of the crap that mainstream media feeds up about China.
@HenryJMah Ай бұрын
Thank you for making this important video and giving a balanced perspective on poverty alleviation efforts in China. As I've said to different people many times about governments in general, no government is perfect nor will they address each individual's needs. They will address the needs of most of the people but it would be impossible to address the specific needs of each person, like the man you interviewed. And sister Yan is right, one must work to better themselves and their station in life rather than solely rely on government hand outs, or hand outs in general from wherever they come.
@horridohobbies Ай бұрын
Exactly. No matter where you live in this world, some people will always fall through the cracks. I live in Canada and I see a lot of sad stories.
@xiaoyunchen8337 Ай бұрын
love this video!!! your positive and optimistic outlook is contagious! let's roll up our sleeves and work harder!!!
@user-kr2bm2pb4w Ай бұрын
I’m awe of a you, a young lady, being very mature in outlook. Keep up the good work.
@walhdamaskus2408 Ай бұрын
Since when chinese goverment had said their poverty allevition had succeed? They did said they were able to end the extreme poverty in china.
@swordligz Ай бұрын
Sister Yan, true representation of Chinese women. Holds up half the sky. The man... aiya...... Show me the money, show me the money.
@slashd Ай бұрын
I love the English and Chinese subtitles combination, makes it a little easier to learn Mandarin
China's most ethnically diverse region. I got teary eyes :(
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