How I interpret the Xinjiang problem
How China Became So Powerful
Jordan Peterson Changed My Life
@MBET 33 минут бұрын
Are your videos available for people in China who do not have access to KZbin? By the way I think your videos are really great. As are you as a person.
@ElizabethJobe 3 сағат бұрын
China when rising to past got greedy over power that's why it's trouble all over the world China causes
@ElizabethJobe 4 сағат бұрын
Well I think is to submission to the government no freedom of speech that's china now
@gavinpogito27 8 сағат бұрын
Your personal insights for the greater view of your country and chinese people are very good examples to learn about China. Kudos😊
@pritiskitchen0657 8 сағат бұрын
It's fabulous love from Jamshedpur india
@gavinpogito27 11 сағат бұрын
I fully understand the history of China and where they are now in our society. Cultures and traditions will not diminished in vain. Well said and presented. More power to the presenter😊
@jyc313 17 сағат бұрын
This needs an explanation???? Lol
@teng27 19 сағат бұрын
China doesn’t identify with the west while communism is western ideology and they are wearing western clothes 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏻🤦🏻.
@bluice619 23 сағат бұрын
I bet most people who say the West is the best with their freedom and stuff... probably have never lived a day in China. I was born in Hong Kong, grew up in America, went back and now stay in China after 30years in the States... I think China has come a long way since Communist revolution in the 40s and is quite different from how the west media protrays it. In the end of the day, what matters most is money in their pocket. I struggled in the States living paycheck to paycheck but after coming back here, the income to expense ratio is so incredible, I am able to save and enjoy everything I get to enjoy in States, for a fraction of the cost. I dare most of you that hails the west being the best, come visit China and see for yourself. I bet you'll become like most of my friends in the States, falling in love we ith this place for its rich culture and the currency exchange rate.
@SS801. Күн бұрын
@SS801. Күн бұрын
@veteransniper6955 Күн бұрын
Alarming amount of elements of f*schism concentrate in china according this video
@leonardneversleeps Күн бұрын
I appreciate your candidness. Like yourself, I grew up in China (Beijing), and went to US for college. After that, I spent more than a decade working for western financial institutions in HK and China. I think to reconcile the differences in the two completely conflicting narratives, it requires a lot of critical thinking, and reflection of Chinese history. At any given historical point of time, China was strong only when power was centralized (although centralized power does not guarantee prosperity, ie a necessary condition but not sufficient). That said, I think also from a historical perspective, China has enjoyed over seven decades of peace, and more than four decades of rapid economic expansion, because it got much stronger after the founding of the PRC both security and economic wise (7 decades of peace is rare in Chinese history at any given period). Therefore, I’m immensely proud of this achievement and being able to participate in a part of that history. I never really bought into the Western narrative, because if you truly critically think about the motive of their narrative, it’s all hypocrisy and lies. I never thought the way the West achieved prosperity is justified and something anyone should be proud of. Since you went to the UK for school, you should know the book “heart of darkness”, the level of killing and deprivation is unmatched in the entire process of colonization vs any accusations the West is making against other societies that are different from the West, and no one talks about that part of history. Just think about it
@CharlieSweigart Күн бұрын
I see that large numbers of human beings have been eliminated. 90% of the surviving population is Han Chinese. Things "look" good after uncivilized and uncontrollable people are removed, and unprofitable people are kept outside of great walls. Nowhere is the effort to control and manipulate the flow of digital information more sophisticated, more extensive and more sustained than in China. Controlling China's digital ecosystem involves a huge organizational effort that is obviously designed to suppress information, but this effort paradoxically reveals the goals, intentions, actions of Chinese regime when its footprints are analyzed at scale. The extra 10% of the population is conveniently kept in lands that are not profitable for the Han Chinese to be there. No man made government works forever when selfish human beings are in control. There is a government that has been proven to work throughout human history, and real evidence verifies that the government of love is supernatural and eternal. Anyone can freely choose to live in the government of love, anywhere and anytime. People help anyone, Allow more of anyone to come into your home land to stay and live.
@mikesauto7535 2 күн бұрын
Saying America is well behaved is like saying hitler was a peaceful person
@user-nj5mf3ss2c 2 күн бұрын
People who learn English are indeed more likely to be brainwashed by the West
@stanendo3537 2 күн бұрын
Please continue your great videos. We enjoy the multiple perspectives and vision. You are beautiful with a professional demeanor.
@CharlieSweigart 2 күн бұрын
Love is the government for everyone forever. A population of people can "look" good after men eliminate the "uncivilized" and "uncontrollable" human beings, and then keep unprofitable people outside of great walls. (where are they going?) 90% of the population is Han Chinese. The other 10% are conveniently segregated into lands that are not as profitable for the Han Chinese to be there. Love does not impose control over anyone. Anyone can love, anywhere and anytime. Please help anyone, Allow more of anyone to come into your home land to stay and live.
@CharlieSweigart 2 күн бұрын
A land will "look" good, after "uncivilized" and "uncontrollable" human beings are eliminated, and then unprofitable people are kept outside of great walls. The surviving population is 90% Han Chinese. The other 10% non-Han Chinese people are conviently kept in lands that are not profitable for the Han Chinese to be there. There is a government for everyone that is proven to work throughout human history, and forever. Love does not imose control over anyone. Everyone can choose to love, anywhere and anytime. Please help anyone, Allow more of anyone to come into your home land to stay and live.
@CharlieSweigart 3 күн бұрын
Things "look" good after "uncivilized" and "uncontrollable" human beings are eliminated, and then unprofitable people are kept outside of great walls. (where are they going?) The surviving population is 90% Han Chinese, and it is profitable to keep the other 10% of people in land that is less profitable for the Han Chinese to be there. There is a government that has been proven to work throughout human history. Love does not impose control anyone. Everyone can choose to be controlled by love, anywhere and anytime. Please help anyone, Allow more of anyone to come into your home land to stay and live.
@sedrs2 3 күн бұрын
The idea that there is a widespread ‘consensus’ in the PRC over the never ending rule by the CCP with no “checks and balances” really is for the birds. If the Chinese people were able to choose alternative leaders then a large number of them would. Who would not? The 99 million CCP members and their extended families- who rely on the CCP for their lifestyle, wealth and local power. That’s at least 400 million people. But that still leaves around 800 million many / most of whom who would choose new and different parties and politicians. Authoritarian entropy is ruining Chinese culture, society and economy. Chinas future is not with a corrupt, inward looking, poor decision making, inefficient one party state!
@Lishanmao 3 күн бұрын
小学时在课本上第一次知道新疆,书本上人民大团结,现实中新疆大叔烤的羊肉串真好吃,第一印象爆好,之后一片空窗,小孩子感兴趣的太多了。 再次关注新疆就完全颠覆,北上两地亲见当年猖獗一时的新疆小偷,上海我工作园区出口旁的十字路口,每天见他们和我同时上班,却因为民族政策久久无法根治,,,再后来就是七五事件,,,由此开始,虽然对新疆美景向往依然,新疆美食常在口边,至今不敢踏足,我的胆子确实很小,,, UP有胆有识👍墓地那段意外着实触动,或许我也会追随脚步。 祝身体健康,万事如意!
@user-mo8xc3il7g 3 күн бұрын
你知道新疆暴动死了多少无辜的平民吗?(包括汉人和维吾尔族人)这是争取民族独立的游行?争取民族独立的游行就是这些恐怖份子拿刀无差别攻击路人的理由?它们在天安门广场自焚 开车袭击路人 在汽车上释放汽油炸弹 你说的很好爱一个国家不一定得赞同他但也得基于事实啊
@altao7100 3 күн бұрын
Chinese people have the habit of serving food to others, usually only to intimate people.
@altao7100 3 күн бұрын
Xinjiang is a good place
@altao7100 3 күн бұрын
@TheRedc0met 3 күн бұрын
Western Anglos simply abhor the idea of the Chinese succeeding. The Chinese Exclusion Act 1882. Banning the Chinese from the ISS. Countless smart chinese americans unable to go to top US schools due to "weak personalities" interviews. A simple research on Qian Xuesen and his experiences in the USA says it all. Americans do not see chinese people as humans.
@altao7100 3 күн бұрын
@altao7100 3 күн бұрын
@gabrielabarca9011 4 күн бұрын
Wow, it is not about abstract absolutist secular "free speech" but about being able to tell the truth. Christians are under order to tell the truth: we have the Great Comission. If you cannot tell the truth in the West anymore, it is because of marxist secularism in the name of "governability", trade, and bullying from the marxists, championed by Beijing and spread through international institutions centered around the UN. Not so long ago, people in the West would not condemn you for telling the truth. Of course the West is also infected. It is infected by the PRC since we married it in the 90s.
@charleswomack2166 4 күн бұрын
Maybe a CCP style government would be better for the US. We would have a lower obesity rate!
@cupcakegoldendoodle2347 4 күн бұрын
It doesn't mater what kind of government a country have. If the country that grows stronger and and better the USA, that country would be USA enemy. It's fct.
@dominickoh3634 4 күн бұрын
Maybe you can listen to Lee Kuan Yew said about China, might help you better in future when people asked you about China 😊
@user-xy8ey3hh1o 4 күн бұрын
i bet the title is super clickbait but I’ve still got to watch it
@user-xy8ey3hh1o 4 күн бұрын
the thing is, I already knew what this video was going to be about before I clicked on it, because it’s exactly the kind of loneliness I’ve been feeling. idk if it helps me feel any better to have watched the video. // the reason I don’t regret calling the video title clickbait is because I doubt that she truly feels that her life was “ruined” through these experiences.
@riteshraj998 4 күн бұрын
Cyna is on nazi Germany path , cyna shares border with 12-14 countries and have border disputes with 22 countries, land grabbers & salami slicers
@Praetorian157A 4 күн бұрын
Well, sister, all your idea of Western Individualism and the US "BIll of Rights" etc have gone to the dogs. In this Year 2024, the US and Westerners are being controlled/ manipulated by a small group of individuals as well as the MIC.
@tylertang20 4 күн бұрын
国民党是kmt ccp是外媒翻译简称 官方称为是 cpc 😂😂😂
@chua2237 5 күн бұрын
White mam have the right to anti Chinese bcos Chinese spoiled market Chinese made white man look bad, Chinese success didn't build on stolen loot in the name of Jesus like the white man.
@GenD.E 5 күн бұрын
What do you mean. Whats marxism then
@williamho1976 5 күн бұрын
I disagree with the CCP trying to shut their people up to keep power. The Chinese people should have a choice other than the CCP to run the country. They are repressing their people's opinions to stay in control. That is disgusting. Until the Chinese people have another choice other than the CCP, they will never be free.
@sns1804 6 күн бұрын
Language is basic to humanity. Modern China language is a blend of East and non-East (West) culture. It uses the Alpha numeric system using Western alphabet words such as "Entrance and Exit". China use of Arabic Numbers (1 to 9 and 0 from India) is ubiquitous specially in math and computers. China does not admire Western Politics but it sure embraces Western innovation.
@unutilisateurdeyoutube1256 6 күн бұрын
XinJiang is a great place for Muslims in this world.
@AdamPhildata 6 күн бұрын
You forgot to mention that china wants to invade other countries like The Philippines and Taiwan
@cherishyards1483 6 күн бұрын
@cashflownpv 6 күн бұрын
By not embracing DEI Wokeshit and using their incredible intellect and formidable work ethic-The end
@PeteHagen-sm4tn 6 күн бұрын
Siming Lan is an apologist for the Chinese police state.
@user-zl9cx7kd3q 6 күн бұрын
Many people think that Goryeo is the history of Korea, which is wrong. History belongs to North Korea, and South Korea is just a force supporting US hegemony.
@Mingo101-tiktok 7 күн бұрын
West support and fund GAZA real genocide and west made up and sanction fake Xinjiang Uyghur genocide. These are all for west interests and benefit.