Is Denmark Overrated? (Not What I Expected)

  Рет қаралды 5,220

Mario Scian

Mario Scian

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@Felix_EN 11 ай бұрын
As a half french guy, I agree that supermarkets suck and if I ever bring it up in small talk, people look at me totally mystified and don't understand what I mean. Most people just don't care about food
@MarioScianHQ 11 ай бұрын
@sentient1640 11 ай бұрын
I think i will move out. it's too dark and too cold. i can't go out and take a walk whenever i want.
@MarioScianHQ 11 ай бұрын
@vampirejuujikai 11 ай бұрын
Totally agree on flights. Wish there were more direct ones. We were going in right direction and Corona hit. All companies basically limited all flights and we are back to being meh flight wise :(
@MarioScianHQ 11 ай бұрын
Yep true! It’s slowly getting better again
@giovannipelissero1886 11 ай бұрын
It's the people for me. I'll tell you that as a group, intended as the whole Danish population, they are great you can see how they built this country, but taken singularly they: Are extremely boring (small talk at all) Have very low trust on everybody, expecially internationals Fake empathy, very superficial Closed in their group of friends I feel the last point it's a very limiting thing about them, culturally preventing yourself to make new friends and aquantancies not only may make you feel lonely but also those connections are how you can learn new things, get more informations, solve your problems etc.. Dont hate on me, I like this country and all in all it was the best decision of my life to move here, just need to find the balance. Also, the drinking culture: they drink a lot to socialize/interact not even half of what a Latin or a Mediterranean person do when sober.
@MarioScianHQ 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your views
@giovannipelissero1886 11 ай бұрын
@@MarioScianHQ Hi Mario, I just want to make sure for everybody reading to not take what I said too seriously, it's just my observation based on my perception that is very influenced by my home culture (Italian). If you are born and raised here, maybe by born and raised parents in this country, this may sound even offensive: "how dare this guy say such terrible things after we gave him so many opportunities?". Please be chill about it, with time will come balance, I still love this country and I'm happier here then back at home. I, and as many others, just have a cultural crash that will probably be more understood with time. I feel I had to say this because danes are very proud of them and their country.
@JuventinoDOC33 11 ай бұрын
As a Dane I think the high taxes are TOO high, also because the welfare system is not that great as people think. For example the hospitals suck and are not very efficient at all. And Denmark is also more corrupt than people think. For example when people complain about the police, nothing ever happens. ALMOST never. 99 out of 100 times when people complain about the police, they are dismissed, so I honestly think that the system is quite corrupt in the way it always protects the police. Also Danish politicians suck big time. They are all liars and totally dishonest and many of them are also more or less corrupt. We had the "Mink skandale" here in Denmark that had no consequences whatsoever for the government and the Prime Minister, even that it was obvious that they made a lot of mistakes and misjudgements. Again to me it seems like Denmark is corrupt in the way that if politicians or the police make bad mistakes, it very rarely has any consequences for them. They can pretty much do whatever they want and nothing ever happens... What the weather concerns, it´s not quite so bad in my opinion. Of course in this period it sucks (october-november). But the good thing is that the summers are generally nice and we don´t have 40-50 degrees like in Spain, Greece or Italy (I am grateful for that!). Certainly there are also good things about Denmark. Denmark is green and beautiful, even that I would like to have at least a couple of mountains! We also have beautiful beaches. A good thing is that Denmark is small so it is easy to get around, You can get anywhere in Denmark within 4-5 hours by car or train.
@sukhrajsingh2287 11 ай бұрын
This is not the case for me personally, but for many people I know that have moved here, Denmark has proven to be a "Lonely" and "Isolating" country, socially speaking. That it is hard to make friend. I am sure you must have had this feedback in the many years you have lived here.
@MarioScianHQ 11 ай бұрын
Yes, absolutely, you need to put a lot more effort here than in other countries to make friends
@ekat9850 7 ай бұрын
As someone that strongly prefers organic options, I actually find the Danish grocery stores have an excellent selection compared to other countries. The stores in Copenhagen are all lousy, but still have more organic options. Outside of the city Bilka, Menu and even Føtex (not the ones in CPH though) have a good variety of quality food. When I go to Rome, London and other capitals the grocery stores are absolutely crap as well inside the city centre, while butchers, “grønthandlere” and other specialty shops are very high quality. I always thought it had something to do with property prices making small shops more profitable or something like that. 🤔
@MarioScianHQ 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your opinion!
@Khal_Rheg0 10 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@leonelcanutbasis1548 10 ай бұрын
Hola Mario, gracias por tus videos, son muy útiles. Estoy en Copenhagen este fin de semana porque tengo una entrevista de trabajo. Sabes de algún lugar donde se juegue fútbol los domingos? Gracias!
@MarioScianHQ 10 ай бұрын
Hay muchos check Facebook groups
@leonelcanutbasis1548 10 ай бұрын
@@MarioScianHQ gracias, no tengo Facebook:)
@gretete2948 11 ай бұрын
Mario, so as you have travelled all over the world, what would be your top three countries to live besides Denmark? :)
@carollancianese1371 11 ай бұрын
great question 🙂🙂
@MarioScianHQ 11 ай бұрын
My favorite city is Vienna in Austria :) Lived there before, maybe again in the future
@nicolaslage1717 4 ай бұрын
And why is that?
@usr6253 10 ай бұрын
Its not on all investments, where you have to pay "lagerskat", if you buy individual stocks from regulated exchanges they are taxed according to "realisationsprincippet", i.e. you pay tax when you sell on any gains you have. With regards to index funds, it matters which ones you buy, if you buy from Danske Invest or Sparindex, they are taxed according to realisationsprincippet, but if you buy ETF's that are not on Skats "positivliste" then you are taxed annual, even on unrealized gains, as you say. But generally I agree, the taxes on investing are horrible and very complex.
@usr6253 10 ай бұрын
Aktiesparekontoen, which is cheaper in tax and limited in the amount you can invest, is also taxed with lagerskat.
@MarioScianHQ 10 ай бұрын
Most people want index funds and the Sparindex etc are taxed on realisationspricipettet but indirectly pay unrealized gains as the dividends
@MrHeatrow 11 ай бұрын
So if your investment goes from 14k to 15k you are taxed, next year your investment goes back from 15k to 14k and you actually lost your money (because of tax) or are these losses are somehow deducted?
@MarioScianHQ 11 ай бұрын
No but you can credit them towards gains in other stocks or to future gains
@jishanmemon8577 11 ай бұрын
Hey, so I am planing to move to Denmark in September 2024 on study basis and I also have a family so what is your advise for me. Thank you.
@MarioScianHQ 11 ай бұрын
Go for it but you'll need to work as well to make ends meet
@jishanmemon8577 11 ай бұрын
Thnx for the motivation brother❤
@IsaGirlGamer 10 ай бұрын
Didn't know I couldn't own a house in Denmark after 5 years of living here... I am married to a Dane and now that I see all the "rights" I am "granted" I am disappointed. Thought the best decision would be to move to Denmark for a better future for us just to discover I have a lot of limitations 😂 I think Denmark is overrated if you don't hold a EU passport but if you do, then it's a nice place to live with opportunities and barely some limitations
@MarioScianHQ 10 ай бұрын
You can own a house almost immediately after moving in, you need need to go through some permits
@IsaGirlGamer 10 ай бұрын
​@@MarioScianHQHabía leído que necesitaba vivir en Dinamarca por lo menos 5 años antes de poder comprar una casa. Yo soy de Guatemala, gracias Mario, buscaré información
@KHValby 11 ай бұрын
1; Supermarkets are shit because they can only be of a certain size (by law). Therefor there is less space for new and more products. I guess it's to prevent a "Wallmart" effect where other local stores are pushed out! And how many types of Pasta or Bread do you really need, if you know you can get the ones your looking for, at better local shops !? 2: Denmark has no control over direct flights🤣. That's up to each Airline😎! Dude! We're a small country, hidden away in Northern Europe. What can one expect ? 3: Taxis! Yes they are expensive, but they are also entitled to orderly earnings.They have the same expenses as you and me and everyone else.They spend more time earning a living, then you and I. They only make money if they have customers. If I'm going on a trip (costing Thousand of Danish kroner), the 400 DKR (I live far further from you😀) is not gonna break the bank. I like the convenience and service that makes my trip comfortable from start to finish, and at the same time helping the "Cabby" making a paycheck! One hand washes the other! It's a Danish thing ❤ 4: TAXES😲: Not an expert on Taxes! But those taxes we pay, ensure our welfare system.I have no children but I'm pretty sure that if you get a child check ( + kids education), part of my tax has helped pay for that! I don't mind! I consider paying taxes, an investment! An Investment in your kids, in our Country and last but not least, in me 👍! One hand - washes the other 😍
@MarioScianHQ 11 ай бұрын
@babganz 8 ай бұрын
Tell me you are Danish, without telling me that you are Danish 😂
@h1k0usen13 4 ай бұрын
gullible dane spotted
@lucasnguyen1457 11 ай бұрын
Short answer: No Long answer: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
@MarioScianHQ 11 ай бұрын
@mlicenko 11 ай бұрын
How about danish health care system 😂 if I am not mistaken, you almost never refer on that. One can survive darkness and cold but poor health care...🤔
@MarioScianHQ 11 ай бұрын
It's a mixed bag IMO
@jonasbrandt4399 10 ай бұрын
I agree with all of the points. However, the supermarket thing is a very "Copenhagen" angle. When I visit our capital, I am always surprised how disgusting and limited the supermarkets are compared to (even the same chains) in Central Jutland where I live. Here, the shops are generally much larger, cleaner and with better range of produce. However - and this is an important point - in the bigger cities including Copenhagen there is a large number of "Middle Eastern" supermarket. There are typically very well stocked on greens. In addition, the Halal butchers are just better in the big cities.
@MarioScianHQ 10 ай бұрын
Curious to see in other places in Denmark then, thanks!
@franckp3166 10 ай бұрын
Thank you Mario for your advices, the good points are much more valuable than the cons.
@AshtonishingJelly 10 ай бұрын
I don't think we're are overrated! But I don't think we are a Euphoria with no problems or issues, either! All places on earth have their good and their bad sides. I don't think one is better then the other... Personally , I wouldn't want to live anywhere else in the world! Even if our social system is crap, compared to what is used to be. But we still do get more from our taxes, then we lose. -In my strong opinion 😁😄 We do, how ever, have a problem with for example loneliness. I believe our mentality makes us a bit set in our ways, on the friend area. We are not good at reaching out to new people! We are not good at inviting people, we don't know that we'll, to our different types of gatherings/parties.. If you go to America, Probably most countries in Africa, and southern Europe (And I am sure: other countries in the world), I think people are better at inviting new people into their "circle". And are probably better at small talk then most Danes are 😂😂 But I also like that we are not pushy, and mind our own business! It's two sides of the same coin.. or what the heck the frase is 😆 I definitely like that it's safe here. As a woman, you are always aware of certain situations, certain times of day etc. No matter where you live in the world! But the trust we do have, for each other, for the police.. And etc., I really love and appreciate that! Taxies.. I didn't know they were that much more expensive, then anything else. But yeah, I am just used to taxi being a luxury thing. So I'm just indoctrinated, I think 😆 But you must remember, this problem brings two good thing with it!😄😁 When we can't take a taxi, we take the bike! Or walk. Exercise! 😁 Also it means that people are paid properly! I see that maybe they could make more by getting less and driving more.. Maybe.. But the reason things are expensive, is that we don't accept people working for nothing.. I personally do like that 😊 The grocery thing.. I can't disagree! Per say.. I have adhd and gets quickly "bored" with food. Which means that I feel queesy, like kind of nausea, if I eat the same thing too often! And there are not that many alternatives here! So I definitely understand this one!! I think it's different things are the reasons for that 🤔 But I do kind of think, it's in some ways good! (Hear me out!! 😂) I do think that it somewhat is less stressing for the brain, to have less options.. Even when I sometimes feel it's a bit stressing for me, not to have more options of food 😂😆With vegetables and fruits I think it's actually quite bad! Not a big variety! On the other hand, when we go on holiday to other countries, we are marvelled by all the different different types of food/groceries they have!! 😆😄 Well at least, I am like that! I always love trying all types of food, when travelling! 😆😄 But I don't think you're wrong about the things you don't like! I think most people in Denmark have SOME sort of issues with all those things.. But it's just how it is here 😄😆 We just accept it 😁
@MarioScianHQ 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing!
@AshtonishingJelly 10 ай бұрын
@@MarioScianHQ Oops, the last part I wrote: "I don't think your right about.." I ment the opposite: I don't think your WRONG! 😆😄 Sorry! ❤️ I am going to edit that!
@goncalosilva1260 6 ай бұрын
your content is amazing, very great job!
@MarioScianHQ 6 ай бұрын
Thank you !
@nikyn.2136 11 ай бұрын
Yes. Very.
@MarioScianHQ 11 ай бұрын
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