Is Hanging Really All It's Cracked Up To Be?

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The Aging Warrior

The Aging Warrior

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Calisthenics and bodyweight strength training advice for older athletes.
Is hanging really good therapy for damaged shoulders? And where does this idea come from? This video is a book review of a book that could be the source of this idea.
Contents of this video:
0:00 - Intro
0:57 - Summary of the book’s content
2:26 - Book review
3:47 - The negative stuff
10:08 - The positive stuff
13:00 - My experience with hanging
13:41 - Final thoughts
#OlderAthlete #FitOver50 #AgingWarrier #HealthyAging #Calisthenics
#BodyweightStrength #BodyweightFitness #ShoulderPain
#PhysicalTherapy #RotatorCuff #Rehab #ShoulderInjury #Hanging

Пікірлер: 70
@denadethomas5870 2 ай бұрын
Hands-down has a cosmetologist. I had severe severe pain with a torn RC bone spur. I got the book followed it. My pain is 100% gone after two months. He is onto something. I was almost walking into a surgery. This man saved my life with his method.
@robertgordon1434 Ай бұрын
I had an almost identical experience. My mri showed a massive tear of the supraspanatus,a partial tear of the infraspinatus and long head of the biceps. Two orthopedic surgeons recommended a reverse shoulder replacement. As a dentist I understand Wolf's law which is the basis for orthodontic movement ,that pressure and tension on bone allows for remodeling. I had severe pain for several months and after hanging for several minutes a day I am now 90 % pain free.I do get some fatigue and soreness after swimming for 30-45 minutes which I do almost daily. I also spend a couple of hours at the piano which was nearly impossible before hanging.
@TheJoysofBoatOwnership 9 ай бұрын
I have severe osteoarthritis in my right shoulder with a damaged labrum. I was in constant pain for over a year. I saw two orthopedic surgeons and both wanted to do shoulder replacement surgery. I spend thousands of dollars of insurance company money on physio. Nothing worked. I gave up and was ready to do a different kind of hanging. I gave it one last try doing light exercises and hanging as often as possible. I also took that glucosomine stuff only because it is cheap .... I didn't think it would work anyway. I am now almost pain free. I don't have the range of motion or strength I once had but I can now play my guitar sail my boat and live a more normal life. It worked for me and saved my life.
@The_Aging_Warrior 9 ай бұрын
I'm glad it worked for you. Can't argue with success!
@BeardGainz 5 күн бұрын
Suffering for over a year from shoulder pain. Been hanging for a week - 10-12 times a day for 20-30 seconds. I am already experiencing significantly less pain and I have a lot more range of motion.
@planman401 7 ай бұрын
I disagree with the impression you've cast...that this work is highly suspicious. The reason? Because the hanging protocol worked for me. Below is my diagnosis - I suffered a fall leading to a full width, full thickness rotator cuff tear. I began his hanging technique in addition to other regular exercises, that his hanging technique allowed me to participate in. Additionally, I have a coworker with impingement syndrome that was cured using the brachial hanging technique described in the book. Here is my original diagnosis...after xrays and MRI imaging: FINDINGS: Rotator cuff: Full thickness, full width tears of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons with retraction of the myotendinous junction to the level of the glenoid. No muscle atrophy. Moderate infraspinatus and teres minor muscle edema. Teres minor and subscapularis tendons are intact. Biceps long head tendon: Not clearly delineated in the rotator interval suggesting previous tear. Glenoid labrum: Limited evaluation. Superior labrum is irregular and likely torn or degenerated. Glenohumeral joint: Articular cartilage is preserved grossly. Small effusion. AC joint: Mild hypertrophic degenerative changes. Bone marrow: No marrow edema or replacement. Soft tissues: Subdeltoid bursal fluid likely related to the rotator cuff tear. Edema in the deltoid muscle is compatible with strain. IMPRESSION: 1. Massive rotator cuff tear involving the supraspinous and interspinous tendons. 2. Nonvisualization of the biceps long head tendon. 3. Deltoid, infraspinatus and teres minor muscle strains. Note: later found I had detached the long head of my bicep as well. Further observation: There is a chance unfortunately that this large of a tear after a fall may need a shoulder replacement instead of a cuff repair. I had no surgery, no PT other than what I do on my own. I continue to hang daily and have regained nearly 100% of my pre-injury shoulder function. My injury occurred in March of 2023. I'm 69 years old to add some context.
@henryware9440 3 ай бұрын
Thankyou for refuting the moronic author of the above you tube video.
@birgip.m.1236 4 күн бұрын
Amazing!! Thank you for sharing!! I'm sooo tired of the medical-pharmaceutical complex dominating the idea of health when they do close to nothing in regards to actual natural (ie drug & surgery-free) & functional healing!! It's a dependancy-creating system that has no interest in empowering people.
@lilbabykenny Жыл бұрын
If his peers, orthopedic surgeons accepted his methods they would to some degree be undermining their business. There are claims that there are many unnecessary shoulder surgeries performed, that could have been corrected by this method. If this is the case, this does present a clear motive for his peers to reject his ideas.
@The_Aging_Warrior Жыл бұрын
I agree that's possible, but I don't think it's likely. First, I would think that not all the reviewers would be primarily practicing surgeons. I would think that some of them would be primarily medical researchers. Second, I don't think that scientists/doctors are so quick to suppress research results to further their own interests (call me naive :). Or, at least I think that the financial loss/benefit to them would have to be immediate and extremely clear. And third and most importantly: no one would worry that an obscure study in some medical journal would affect their bottom line, even if they were the owner of a chain of shoulder surgery centers. For example, a few years ago a study came out that showed that arthroscopic surgery to repair the meniscus doesn't work at all (for a certain type of meniscus tear). And it was very well done - they actually used a surgical placebo (meaning they used faked surgery on the placebo group). It clearly showed that that type of surgery for meniscus tears is no better than placebo. But it had absolutely no effect on the number of those surgeries that are performed (something like 750,000/year in the US).
@lilbabykenny Жыл бұрын
@@The_Aging_Warrior I mostly agree, just thought I’d add a little nuance. On an anecdotal note, the reason I ended up here was because I suffered a possible shoulder injury this week. I am very active in the gym and this seemingly came out of no where. After doing many self tests, I did the Hawkins/Kennedy impingement test and found extreme pain during this test specifically. This led me to a possible subacromial impingement. This then led me to Dr Kirsch. I performed the outlined exercises and to my amazement I saw immediate improvement, I’d say upwards of 90%. I am still in disbelief, not only because it worked for me, but more so because most positive reviews mentioned improvement in weeks to months, and my relief came immediately, like flipping a light switch.
@The_Aging_Warrior Жыл бұрын
@@lilbabykenny Great to hear about your success! Hanging is definitely a great thing to try. There's certainly no downside.
@harorider96 4 ай бұрын
Many surgeons don’t actually want to help people. They want more Porsches. Who woulda thunk it
@tombryant52jumpscoach 10 ай бұрын
I'm 72, a CrossFit athlete, and I have struggled with shoulder pain. My pain was definitely due to overuse. I was a pole vaulter in H.S. and recently started it again. I played softball in a league for 25 years and quarterbacked a team in touch football for 15 years. I played a lot of tennis and golf, and my right shoulder has done a lot of the throwing motion and recently had a lot of pain. I've had an MRI which showed a perforated long-head biceps tendon, two muscle tears, and arthritis. No lack of space between the humorous and the acromion. It's all in my throwing arm. My left arm is pain-free. I went through physical therapy, but what helped me the most was doing tricep pull-downs with an elastic band three times per week at the CrossFit gym. The band is put over a bar overhead. You reach up with both hands about eye level and grab the band. With elbows at your side and held stably, you pull down on the bands until your arms align with your body. 3 sets of these - 10 reps per set mixed in with the workout- did wonders for me over 3 months. I began to be almost entirely pain-free and was able to do overhead pressing again, and I am now working on getting handstands again, which I did well 40 years ago. But I have to be careful. The shoulder problems could come back if I am not constantly cautious.
@The_Aging_Warrior 10 ай бұрын
Hmmm... interesting. Yeah, the shoulder is sure complicated! You know - my physical therapist had me start doing triceps extensions with a dumbell. He said he thought I should do them forever. He said that the triceps helps a lot in stabilizing the shoulder. I certainly never would have thought of that. Anyway - thanks for sharing your experience. And congratulations on doing all that at 72 - keep on going!
@stevekissee1545 5 ай бұрын
I get why this did not get published and I think many of your viewers do as well so I will not go into that. Bottom line is hanging, when done properly and progressively, seems to be helping a vast majority of people trying it, myself included. To me that should be the ultimate influencer as to whether or not to give it a try!
@Tyrannocaster 8 ай бұрын
Your gripes about the book's writing style strike me as pretentious and rather entitled. All I can say is that I first read it more than 10 years ago and it works for me. I have had frozen shoulder, acromial impingement, rotator cuff tear (all of these treated by conventional therapy and surgery) and later more impingement. The hanging worked much faster for me than the conventional therapy, and it cost nothing. Can you have a shoulder injury not caused by the the conditions the book deals with? Of course, but this book was expressly written to help with problems an orthopedic surgeon saw in his practice on a daily basis; it is not an exhaustive remedy collection for every possible shoulder affliction. I don't think your criticism is necessarily invalid. But please, check your smugness about style at the door.
@jacko.6625 Ай бұрын
Real medical research (statistically valid) research is very expensive and time consuming and can typically only be done in an academic setting--medical school or teaching/research hospital. It is no surprise that a paper consisting of anecdotal evidence from a medical practice would not be accepted for publication. Following up on his hypothesis would probably require a million dollar grant from the NIH. Getting research funding grants is extraordinarily competitive. Without a research track record, he is not likely to get this kind of grant. I can certainly understand his reasoning for self-publishing--given that the funding to investigate his ideas is unavailable to him. The question I have is whether or not hanging can damage the shoulder of someone with a pre-existing shoulder injury.
@Parture 7 ай бұрын
I have had supraspinatus tender-ness for 6 months. But since hanging it is almost completely repaired in the last 3 or 4 weeks. I still have problems bench press, only able to lift just the bar itself 3 sets of 12 reps each. I can even hit the racquetball overhead which I couldn't do before. I attribute my success to hanging. I like to do 3 hangs per day with 3 sets and 20 to 30 reps per day.
@michelfavre1696 Жыл бұрын
Good analysis😀
@paultweedley2026 9 ай бұрын
For all you're critical observations your right in saying hanging is a terrific upper body strength workout, great for spine and a workout for tendons, ligaments and apparently good for blood circulation around the digestive system. I do it every week once a week
@peteknoll5332 7 ай бұрын
Hanging has helped me a lot. BUT you must do other stretching exercises. I have tendinitis all over. I’m working with other methods to help that. I ice after golf, then heat. I know I tore my rotator many years ago. I’m playing golf three times a week and ice, heat, and stretch. I also have a couple bone spurs, and I think they get in the way of hanging, which I do daily. Any thoughts? I’ve had two ortho docs tell me three years ago that I need a shoulder replacement. Not gonna happen as long as I can survive hanging. 81 years old.
@The_Aging_Warrior 7 ай бұрын
Congratulations on still being so active at 81! It sounds to me like you’re doing the right thing - I think I would try to keep doing what you’re doing as long as you can. On the other hand, I know a woman who’s in her late eighties who had a shoulder replacement recently. It was a long hard recovery, but she did eventually recover, and I think life is now better for her (she’s not any kind of athlete though).
@Aaron-kr5ty 6 ай бұрын
Another thing I would mention is sometimes when these guys write these books, they don’t really describe the type of pain like is it a discomfort pain or a sharp pain like many of us have shoulder issues, but we don’t have pain. We just have extreme extreme discomfort like you know there’s something wrong.
@pauliannicca7409 4 ай бұрын
very good detailed comments....thanks for sharing this....
@The_Aging_Warrior 4 ай бұрын
Thanks - I appreciate that! This video gets a lot of negative responses...
@burkbraun6647 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for your discussion. I think the main problem was that there was no real study within this repetitive, poorly organized book. Kirsch never gives before/after studies of acromion angles. Let alone doing this in multiple people. So no wonder reviewers would have dismissed this work for scholarly publication. What he needs to do is to interest some real researchers in this field, who can do these studies properly. As you note, the method is very likely to be helpful, perhaps more for ligament loosening vs bone "bending".
@TheRonin391 Жыл бұрын
2 questions … how much does he recommend a person hang ? You say you were already improving before doing the hanging … what were you doing before? I currently have shoulder impingement due to bench pressing.
@lowtechphysio 7 ай бұрын
Excellent analysis of the book. I was about to buy it, but given the claims he makes, and his dancing around the not getting published issue, fuggedaboutit! Thanks for saving me the time and money.
@The_Aging_Warrior 7 ай бұрын
Thanks. Yeah, there’s not much information in the book except “you should hang - it will fix your shoulder problems”. But: hanging is definitely worth a try. It’s free and it does seem to help some people.
@Aaron-kr5ty 6 ай бұрын
There is no problem with questioning someone else about their material, but isn’t it much easier for him to just keep doing surgery and make way more money at that than it is to sell a book why would he go through all that time?
@Aaron-kr5ty 6 ай бұрын
We obviously know he didn’t do it just for the fun of it he could’ve just retired and done whatever he wanted
@The_Aging_Warrior 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, I don't question his sincerity. I just don't think he's entirely correct. I think he's way too enthusiastic about his "discovery".
@Aaron-kr5ty 5 ай бұрын
@@The_Aging_Warrior ok we are on the same page entirely.. thanks for explaining.
@jackjack4412 3 ай бұрын
What did you do for a living?
@fleadoggreen9062 9 ай бұрын
Do you like the McGill big three ??
@onthehighCs 3 ай бұрын
I agree with most of the negatives, especially only one experiment that wasn't peer reviewed. His writing style lacks all craft, and his book should be condensed to a 20 page pamphlet. That being said, the plethora of positive testimonials on Amazon and his youtube videos speak volumes. With both my shoulders experiencing sudden and severe impingement, I needed to act quickly and bravely to follow his protocol. Most of those leaving reviews got relief within days or weeks. Me? two months went by and things were barely better. I stuck with it for an entire year until I was 100% healed. I journaled my progress in the comment section of Dr Kirsch's video, if helpful for anyone.
@Noelshepherd 7 ай бұрын
If you don’t want to criticize the book…..DON’T!! I’m 74 years old and hurt my shoulder lifting weights 5 years ago. I thought I’d have to live with it. I followed the hanging method and I can’t believe how much better my shoulder feels. Not only that, I now have more and free movement of my arm and shoulder. You said you are a nobody and on that point I totally agree.
@christbuilds7409 Жыл бұрын
Besides the fact that we're not monkies , I have ac joint arthritis since the humorous pushes against the ac joint, I feel more pain after hanging than when I don't.
@IconcentrationI 4 ай бұрын
"Arboreal locomotion does appear to be an essential part of our development as a species. The importance of climbing is imprinted in the human musculoskeletal system: our long arms, short trunk, and upright posture all appear to have originated to facilitate arboreal locomotion." (source: In other words, yes, we are built for climbing (which involves hanging).
@aguy501 3 ай бұрын
"monkies"? - groupies who have a thing for monks? That's "humorous". (Which, btw, does not = humerus.) BTW#2, monkey, ape, gorilla, human - what's in a name?
@christbuilds7409 3 ай бұрын
@@aguy501 😆 whatever.
@BigLebowsk 6 күн бұрын
But he says (in the book) that hanging is not for everyone and every shoulder issue. If I remember correctly, he does not advise people woth arthritis to hang…
@danblumenstock9704 9 ай бұрын
I'm a lifetime weightlifter. Developed bad left shoulder. Tried hanging. Immediately got worse. Stopped hanging. Immediately got better.
@The_Aging_Warrior 9 ай бұрын
Makes sense. Hanging works for some things, but not everything.
@zynxx4824 5 ай бұрын
@@The_Aging_Warriordo you think I should try hanging when i have a chronic low grade partial tear in the supraspinatus tendon, along with tendinosis? I would like to know your thoughts.
@zynxx4824 5 ай бұрын
It was a result of overuse from volleyball
@The_Aging_Warrior 5 ай бұрын
@@zynxx4824 Yeah, I don’t think it can hurt. I did a lot of hanging with a torn supraspinatus.
@Parture 7 ай бұрын
Hundreds of surgeries by this author speaking against 90% of his surgeries were not needed, tells me that peer review is self-interested, whereas this author is not self-interested.
@arphaksad01 4 ай бұрын
As I see it, politics has permeated everything, even science.
@birgip.m.1236 4 күн бұрын
Profit-oriented politics is everywhere. Sad.
@chopsonyou2007 11 ай бұрын
Love a critical viewpoint
@yabutjjuan6055 Жыл бұрын
Winged scapula it can be
@jacksonlamme 3 ай бұрын
I like the tone of this argument but i completely disagree about his choosing to publish a book. What does waiting on 1000 fickle variables to align in scientific publishing and bending over backwards with red tape and no money do for him when he can just get the word out himself. If the medical community still hasn't caught up with him that tells you something.
@The_Aging_Warrior 2 ай бұрын
If his scientific peers rejected his paper, it's likely that there was a good reason. It didn't really work, or it only works in a limited range of cases, or maybe it's dangerous in some cases. In my view, it's not responsible to go straight to the public with it.
@jacksonlamme 2 ай бұрын
@The_Aging_Warrior by that reasoning wouldn't it be unethical for him to tell his patients about it? Because without the anecdotal evidence from his patients he wouldn't stand a chance at publishing. Altho I do want to see the mri results from the full rotator cuff tear
@The_Aging_Warrior 2 ай бұрын
@@jacksonlamme I don't think it's unethical to tell his patients about it. But personally I'd couch it in very cautious language. I'd try to make it clear that it might work, but that it hasn't been shown to work in randomized controlled trials, or hasn't passed peer review, or something.
@birgip.m.1236 4 күн бұрын
​@@The_Aging_WarriorThere are numerous reasons papers get rejected... Often technicalities It's an extremely geo-economical-political based system. I worked in research for a decade for the supposedly largest addiction & mental health research organization of its kind in the world. I not only witnessed but experienced 1st-hand, how research can be manipulated - monopolized - co-opted - misused - misreported...for personal - political - economic agendas regardless of the actual statistically pre-dominant findings & impact on the public. Sad but true.
@IconcentrationI 4 ай бұрын
People who are convinced that Dr. Kirsch's paper was not published because of self-interest are also the people who give into conspiracy theories in general. If one scientific journal is biased for some reason, there are still others where this paper could've been submitted.
@birgip.m.1236 4 күн бұрын
What was the intended point of your smug 'review' of a book that has helped 1000's to recover shoulder ROM (Range of Motion), functional mobility & active strength??? You may want to look into how the pharma-profit-based medical system & its "scientific research" functions & do a review of that. See how long it lasts on youtube before being banned -- IF it even can be posted for any length of time.
@williamwestley5456 2 ай бұрын
Box thinker
@williamwestley5456 2 ай бұрын
Doctors once advocated the benefits of smoking.
@jackjack4412 3 ай бұрын
How many of those books have you read?
@BARLASB1 Жыл бұрын
..ok..and you are?..
@ra9552 5 ай бұрын
there was a scientific study to prove his point. 98% success rate. hello?
@The_Aging_Warrior 5 ай бұрын
Do you have a reference?
@WillemVrolijk-mf6tc 14 күн бұрын
@Thunderthigheli 2 ай бұрын
You took a big dump on the book when the proof is in the pudding… read your comments. It worked for me
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