Is Hype Ruining Video Games?

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In this video, we take a look at the state of video game hype. Is it helping or ruining the video game industry?

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@RyanHaney55 6 ай бұрын
This year, the games I've been most hyped to play were Tears of the Kingdom, and Hogwarts Legacy. They more than delivered. I'm still playing them. I remember being really excited for Donkey Kong Country, seeing ads in the Sunday paper for months. It delivered, too.
@TheWolfSharp 6 ай бұрын
I think is people's expectations; I look back on Starfield, and even No Man's Sky (when it launched) and I keep thinking that the reason as to why I enjoyed that game from the rest of the people who were anticipating them, is because I wasn't expecting much from them. I just wanted a couple of exploration games to keep me entertained for a while, that's not to say those games aren't flawed, but the way people talk about them, you'll think that someone in the development of those two titles did something to people's families or something. Ultimately "hype" is a bad thing for the industry, and for players alike, because you set your expectations so high, nothing can please them after a while.
@vjbd2757 6 ай бұрын
For how much people say how Starfield is "meh" and "forgettable" the game sure gets a ton of hate discussions around it. The game isn't even that bad lol.
@aaronlaughter6471 6 ай бұрын
Fucking preach, every year there is one game that gets hyped to hell and back. And every year that game can not live up to the hype, get called the worse ever.
@@vjbd2757 It's just a bethesda thing, not to mention that it's an xbox exclusive. Give it a few years and it'll have a much better rep.
@captainviggo4575 4 ай бұрын
@@vjbd2757 I think the hate is just proportional to how Bethesda sold the game. The game by itself does not deserve the amount of hate, but the publisher does. It is Bethesda alone who decided to show the game as some kind of a new messiah of sci-fi RPG. They spent so much money on marketing, and just before the release, almost every mid to top-tier KZbinr were uploading Bethesda-sponsored content…
@diabolicallink 6 ай бұрын
Hype ruins everything, not just video games. But there is a distinction that needs to be made- hype is excitement to the extreme. People hype stuff up in their head past what could possibly be delivered. If this game is good, then the next one must be absolutely amazing in every way and different but the same in all the right ways. Interest is good, excitement is good, hype is bad.
@matthewwalter3257 6 ай бұрын
I get hyped up on how big my next Pooh should be after hitting a buffet but I’m usually always disappointed. Ain’t that right drewbert
@dcflake5645 6 ай бұрын
Flandrew videos always live up to the hype. The only thing that does these days.
@Checker201lol 6 ай бұрын
That is so true!
@5persondude 6 ай бұрын
Sometimes, you just need to get burned at least once or twice to learn how to keep your emotions in check. For me, it was the original Watch Dogs. Not to say that it’s all on the consumer, but marketing campaigns are only as effective as you let them be.
@fireassassin1688 5 ай бұрын
2014 was infamous for releasing 3 of the most overhyped games which disappointed every one titanfall 1, watch dogs and destiny 1
@mrsquirrel1224 6 ай бұрын
You should cover video game leaks next. Especially leaks caused by hackers or all the ways Nintendo has gone after people for leaks
@mikerowave1986 6 ай бұрын
What’s ruining AAA titles: - Lack of optimization - Focus on visuals, shallow content - Unfinished, buggy, rushed releases - Lack of creativity, origanility - Sequel after sequel after sequel - Corporate greed
@MattwosRandomNonContent 6 ай бұрын
Hype isn't too terrible if games are actually finished on launch instead of buggy messes and/or with missing features on launch. Even the supposedly "bug-free" launch of Starfield was buggy. While no one expected better of modern Bethesda, it's become enough of a problem with the industry at large so Bethesda is no longer unique in that sense and need to step up their game because the rest of the industry won't.
@KodyCrimson 6 ай бұрын
What happened to Duke Nukem Forever is happening to Transformers Reactivate too, and the hype is dying out for it. I generally temper my expectations but leave hype for how excited I am. But I keep myself to a reasonable level of expectations and I usually enjoy the game quite a lot because I didn't pump myself full of dopamine. I think hype is a double-edged sword in general. It can raise people's expectations far too high but it can also heavily drive sales.
@JDM12983 6 ай бұрын
Majority of what ruins games? The players/fan base. THEY are the ones that usually blow everything out of proportion; expect more than what the devs actually say; etc.
@deadpoolrockz6410 6 ай бұрын
Whether it's video games, TV shows, or movies, I always keep my expectations relatively low or maintain the expectation that I can at least find some level of enjoyment in something. This is especially true for video games since I rarely expect games to be fully complete without updates to fix bugs, patches, or DLC to come down later in the future. All I want is for a game to work, for the controls to work, for the bugs and glitches to not be game-breaking or to be a total annoyance, for the story to be enjoyable, and for the characters to be appealing enough to pull my attention (the last 2 really only applies to story-related games which is what I prefer playing). If most of these requirements are met by the time updates and DLC are implemented, a decent game can become a good game and a good game can become a great game.
@Littlemilkjug533 6 ай бұрын
It’s more of the anticipation for something to be good is so high that games will disappoint.
@ItsOver9000Productions 6 ай бұрын
keep your expectations low and you'll never ve disappointed. love by this for everything in entertainment
@amadeusagripino6862 6 ай бұрын
Last game I was hyped for was Resident Evil 3 Remake, because I played the hell out of the PS1 game back in 1999 and I liked the RE2 remake a lot, even it being inferior in some aspects to the original RE2. And boy, what a massive disappointment RE3 remake was.
@HCProds1 6 ай бұрын
Only if you let it. People only get let down because of their own expectations
@ryanstritch1805 6 ай бұрын
Babe wake up, a new flandrew video's dropped
@MattwosRandomNonContent 6 ай бұрын
Of course negative hype can be a bit problematic, just look at Wind Waker. People hated on the graphics but then the game came out and everyone loved it only for Nintendo to pivot and give us Twilight Princess which like the Zelda 64 duology, sold like shit in Japan. So Nintendo tried to have it both ways with Skyward Sword, which probably would've worked better if it wasn't for a combination of bad motion controls and Fi but Nintendo kept down that path regardless of it probably being the worst main series Zelda game (IDK, never played it).
@nomercy8989 6 ай бұрын
I remember when they finally revealed Cyberpunk footage after all the hype build up by articles talking about what they think they saw behind closed door. I was incredibly let down. What were all these people seeing that I didn't see? Why was the hour long reveal so boring and uninteresting to me? I felt the same way when they revealed GTA VI not long ago. What am I not seeing again? Or am I one of the few that doesn't get fooled anymore?
@notthegreatestdetective 6 ай бұрын
i agree very much, the last game i was remotely hyped for was CP2077 and was majorly disappointed, i'm glad to hear other people are happy with it now, but personally i can't see forking over the cash to rebuy it when i still have issues with it, also it'd have to be the ps4 version as i can't afford a newer console
@Mikester4411 6 ай бұрын
There's nothing inherently wrong with hype, being excited for a product shouldn't be a bad thing! The problem lies within the developers and publishers that capitalize on the hype and decide to consistently release sub-par products knowing people are going to buy them anyways! It's not hard to test a game before launch and think "You know what, this game is actually riddled with bugs and not that fun, it will probably piss off our fans and tarnish our reputations, maybe we shouldn't release yet" (especially with the abundance of examples in recent years) - And in some cases it kinda does tarnish their reputation; EA and Ubisoft for example, but not to the extent it should, because people can't help but get excited for things they've enjoyed in the past returning, so they will buy it in the hopes that the game is a full, working game reminiscent of the previous games, it shouldn't be the fans that are to blame for setting their expectations too high, it should be the developers/publishers (I'm aware most cases it's the publishers pushing them to release early) that are to blame for setting their standards so low! With what indie developers with low budgets and small teams are able to achieve these days, there's no excuse for multi-million/billion dollar companies with hundreds/thousands of people working on the games to not meet expectations! I miss the days when you could buy a game, and be able to play the game - the full game - with minimal bugs, not having to download patches constantly, and could actually earn things by playing rather than paying! The last few years they're selling half-made games, then selling the rest of the game in the in-game store (which is typically the first and only fully-working part of the game), and the worst part is it often works for them!
@michaelb2westgaedu 6 ай бұрын
No Man's Sky got me. Built a new gaming PC tower in time for it and it still didn't work right/run correctly. After that, I always make sure I know what I'm getting into before I make a purchase. And I'm not an early adopter of any game.
@alexmott507 6 ай бұрын
AAA Games? Sure. But smaller-scale games keep getting better and better, so I don't think "gaming" as a whole is being ruined at all.
@stupidclown4327 6 ай бұрын
As someone who's into retro games I don't care for indie games. Most indie games just copy old retro games and do it worse. Pizza Tower being a good example.
@gamervet4760 6 ай бұрын
​@stupidclown4327 I'm a mix of both. I just love meaty mechanics and gameplay in a wide variety. Some new games are my childhood fantasies made real. Like Ghost of Tsushima. I'm very picky about my purchases. I also don't care for indie much. The only exception being Aragami.
@gamervet4760 6 ай бұрын
​@@stupidclown4327Also, nice pfp. 😁
@stupidclown4327 6 ай бұрын
@@gamervet4760 To you as well. You aren't sick at all.
@gamervet4760 6 ай бұрын
@@stupidclown4327 Sick? In RL?
@SamButler22 6 ай бұрын
The fact that Sean Murray is at it again!
@dabradmp1 6 ай бұрын
Nah no matter what people say, hype is extremely bad for games. I was burned waaay too many time by hype. I simply can't be hyped anymore. I don't even buy game at launch anymore. I wait for reviews (from gamers not crappy game journos) and only buy the game after multiple month it's already been out.
@TheZackBriggs 6 ай бұрын
Same with movie companies. Why the need for multiple trailers for simply teasers?
@Mankey619 6 ай бұрын
We shouldn't be very hyped up for these upcoming games anymore, cause much too hype and expectations really brings huge disappointments once we play this game after its release. Don't let them manipulate you into buying their games that they themselves won't bring your expectation.
@kazuhirokawamoto7213 6 ай бұрын
with game prices getting more expensive its much more better to wait for the reviews and at least for a month before you buy even if its a series you really like. the only game I bought at full price and pre order is lost judgment
@NullVoid-rm7jm 6 ай бұрын
Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth is the first game I've allowed myself to feel any kind of excitement for ever since No Man's Sky. A part of me genuinely believes Yakuza is gonna suck purely because of the fact that me specifically is excited for it
@jediguy634 6 ай бұрын
NMS was the last game i pre-ordered and fell on the hype train. After that (and all the blunders in AAA gaming since) I've been perfectly happy waiting it out with my back catalogue until that "hyped" game is fixed and full reviews are out.
@Hogan231 6 ай бұрын
Make a video of Star Wars Battlefront.
@Flobinton 6 ай бұрын
I haven't been hyped for anything since Alien Colonial Marines and am instantly suspicious of review embargos.
@Rschr101 6 ай бұрын
This one should have been in the video.
@spikepsych 6 ай бұрын
big key difference with rockstar games: they have a good track record with hyped games actually delivering hell some even exceeded expectations.
@liberulagames 6 ай бұрын
Nice video! Just did a video about hype on my channel as well. I agree 100%, hype is a catalyst and can be great or backfire tremendously.
@geodaet83 5 ай бұрын
Hype is ruining everything. For Video Games its especially bad, people sometimes act as if a game was the 2nd coming... I pretty much started to learn that when Zelda:OoT came out. My young mind took everything I read about it at face value and it created this giant expectation, this game would have a huge world with total freedom and so much to do, so much to see, so what's wrong with taking the back streets... well, I was extremely disappointed about everything. In the meantime I learned to see that game more as what it is and its good, but hype adds nothing to appreciating the actual qualities of media, so I really don't get the point anymore (and I'm happy about that...)
@V3ntilator 6 ай бұрын
I'm almost never hyped over any game ever, because most fails to deliver. If you are not hyped, the disappointment is way lower or not existing at all.
@YAH2121 6 ай бұрын
Since the era of microtransactions, lootboxes, Day One patches, aggressive monitization schemes, and undercooked games on release day began, I've learned to never get hyped for a video game ever again, or least never to pre-order a game or have high expectations. Cyberpunk in 2020 was the last straw, even though the game IS great now years after the release, but consumers shouldnt have to wait 3 years to get the product initially advertised to them. Yes AAA games are more complicated to develop now, but it IS possible to release completed games on day 1. Overall, you cant be disappointed if you dont have any expectations. Its unfortunate, but the industry forces you to become jaded and cynical once you become aware how out-of-touch and anti-consumer entertainment industry executives are.
@doomguy979 6 ай бұрын
İ just hyped for watch dogs 2 and ac orgins in 2019 and its up exceeded my expectations
@wordsdistorted 6 ай бұрын
Most sales are generated in the first few weeks, yeah? Makes sense for the industry to push hype marketing. One of the biggest things youtubers even really do tbh.
@AvatarJian 6 ай бұрын
Simple answer. No. It's just devs overpromising, underdelivering and just putting out crappy games anyway that are broken and unfinished.
@stephanieking8299 6 ай бұрын
The last game I got super hyped for and disappointed with was Dark Souls 2 and ever since then I try to ignore most pre release material. I don't even think Dark Souls 2 is that bad I was just so hyped for more Dark Souls that I ended up hating it for trying to do things differently.
@Qasemiro 6 ай бұрын
Reason why I love Sunday 🥰 Please compare spider man friend or foe web of shadows and the amazing spider man 1 versions + 007 quantum of solace and lord of the rings Aragorn's quest versions
@philtrauferson 6 ай бұрын
My personal rule: once I have decided I am definitely buying a game (or seeing a movie) I jump off the hype train and don't watch any more new trailers. Ever since I was really excited for Sonic Generations and they showed EVERY SINGLE LEVEL in the trailers before launch... the game would have been so much better if I had no idea which classic level remakes were in it. Learned my lesson.
@kuhaneko 6 ай бұрын
crash team racing remake still didn't get a pc release :(
@tonygalati2672 6 ай бұрын
GTA6 is a $70 expansion for GTA5 with last gen graphics and will be monetized to Hell. Rockstar has literally stated in the past that GTA6 will be on a smaller scale and be less focused on singleplayer than GTA5. I hope everybody is excited for Shark Cards and laser guns as GTA continues to become a wacky Saints Row meets Second Life MMO. This is the same post-Houser Rockstar that sold us the Definitive Editions, screwed us over by not releasing story DLC because they knew they could get more money for it as part of online, and created Shark Cards and a GTA Online subscription service. The graphics aren't even as good as Red Dead Redemption 2. But idiots are acting like this game will be the second coming of Christ because modern gamers are the worlds easiest marks and some of the dumbest people alive.
@LostMyPowerArmor 6 ай бұрын
if we don't excited we will lose interest for gaming, gaming is an entertainment medium and getting excited is part of the entertainment you know, I am not sayingg buy a broen game with 70 dollars. I am saying be excited, It feels good.
@lcmiracle 6 ай бұрын
Yes yes, it always has
@spoo5122 6 ай бұрын
Honestly after no man's sky i started not letting myself get hyped up about new games until i see finished gameplay. Of course there are exceptions, mainly gta vi and elder scrolls vi. While i do love Bethesda's games, i feel liked they're kinda hit or miss for others but Rockstar ALWAYS delivers on their hyped up games
@mathdantastav2496 6 ай бұрын
Dont overpromise and underdeliver, hype is good if its warranted
@kodybuffettwilson 6 ай бұрын
If the hype is borne out of misrepresentation, sure it can ruin the end product. That said, a bad game is a bad game regardless of what the marketing has to say about it. Having inflated expectations and feeling disappointed is one thing, but you can still be left with a good game after all's said and done.
@AM-uo2kf 6 ай бұрын
I wish Duke Nukem Forever had just remained an industry joke
@NeSumVenci1.1 6 ай бұрын
let's hope hytale and wizard of legends delivery in good stage
@lcmiracle 6 ай бұрын
Ah, I wish I could go back in time and steal that childlish glee from James...
@johannlabertaler6095 6 ай бұрын
No, marketing and big market money is.
@Rschr101 6 ай бұрын
Duke Nukem Forever was fun. People were expecting Call of Duty and ruined it. Those same expectations ruined Halo too.
@pablocasas5906 6 ай бұрын
Can an unannounced video game console suffer from too much hype? Ever since the launch of the Nintendo Switch tons of Nintendo fans have been talking about the rumored Pro version of the hypothetical successor, we haven't seen any official information, but in many forums people are discussing about the next-gen Switch supposed specs, some of them based on rumors and speculations, with plenty of contradictions between them. I'm kind of worried about the reactions people will have when Nintendo finally announces their new console
@EloiSioMichalski 6 ай бұрын
I think the the prob is on both sides. The company, for being assholes with their jerky marketing, and also the fans, for believing in everything first sight without any critical thinking involved.
@zaccds 6 ай бұрын
An annoying aspect of Hype recently as been some of these Switch KZbinrs. They'll find a tweet claiming a game is coming to Switch, hype it all up to no end, then get pissy when it dosen't happen.
@KIZZZZPlays 6 ай бұрын
i was super stoked for fallout 76 my younger nieve self was thinking of amazing adventures of across a blasted wasteland and well that taught me to never preorder again so i learnt from my mistakes and preordered starfield as you can tell im very smart.
@ScottishPhoenix 6 ай бұрын
Ghostrunner 2 is probably the latest hype for me, i've not been able to finish it but for what i have played, i've loved every aspect of it.
@playerunkown8699 6 ай бұрын
Iam never hyped ubisoft taught me how. I mentioned in a other youtube video comment section that getting hyped over gta6 isnt really worth doing. because we are living in a time where alot of great franchises are getting bad few hours later i got blasted with hate comments Its laughable how certain Gta fans are getting mentally insane.
@NostalgiaNet8 6 ай бұрын
It's called marketing. Plus Rockstar has always waited around 2 years after their announcements since GTA IV. We're the ones who ruin it four ourselves in the first place.
@GoOKuSj33 6 ай бұрын
@ludlum4452 6 ай бұрын
Hype is an incredible playmobil video game
@HrvojeGrahovac 6 ай бұрын
@fabior.9326 6 ай бұрын
Well, the simple answer is no. Overpromising and underdelivering is the problem. Rockstar Games proves this with every major release. Also get your expectations right. Look at the track record of a dev or publisher. Just don't be naive.
@dje3.16 2 ай бұрын
I feel like that the games were more fun before the men wit suit and tie walked into the gaming industry
@nighthawk244 6 ай бұрын
More than anything, publishers are ruining games in general
@MrPcgamer4ever 6 ай бұрын
First and last game I pre ordered was Duke Nukem Forever. It was awful.
@FC-jd1ck 6 ай бұрын
Yes. Also the extreme forgiveness toward broken titles at launch is. Games like No mans Sky and Cyberpunk are marketed with lies and are finished 3 years later, after collecting all the money from the deceived customers, and then People start talking about the great "comebacks" and they even get awards and rereviews. This kinda attitude is what motivates the developers to keep doing it. They just know they can get away with it.
@KrazzeeKane 6 ай бұрын
Two completely different scenarios there, bud. Total false equivalence. Cyberpunk was released in a knowingly awful state by a very experienced and well-funded company that has loads of past successful releases and should have damn well known better before releasing that broken original release upon the world. No Man's Sky was a game by a tiny indie studio that Sony decided to buoy up to AAA status and expectations (and price point), Hello Games was a very inexperienced studio who were just trying to make a fun procedural generated space game, and all of a sudden are saddled with AAA expectations because Sean Murray is bad at public speaking and Sony pushed them to it. Both games are in a better state now, and definitely should have been delayed and not released so early. But No Man's Sky is a COMPLETELY different story from CDPR. CDPR knew better, but did so anyway.
@FC-jd1ck 6 ай бұрын
@@KrazzeeKane oh I think you should retake your research. No Mans Sky was promoted heavily by the Hello Games boss in several interviews, in wich he talked and LIED about pretty much all of the games features. Go search for it.
@TheAsdasy 6 ай бұрын
Last game I was truly hyped for was Elden Ring and Fromsoft surely delivered. Now after the GTA 6 trailer im honestly pretty hyped for that one too. Because GTA 5 and RDR 2 were very awesome I really hope GTA 6 will become the next big Rockstar banger
@korraiswaifu6245 6 ай бұрын
My problem is with Japan. Fighterz is still $60. And the amount of duplicate game like Dbz bukikai 1,2,3 tenkaichi 1,2,3 and budokai tenkaichi 1,2,3.
@Gamer1990100 6 ай бұрын
Maybe it's a good thing that Half Life 3 will never get released.
@amadeusagripino6862 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, that window closed a long time ago.
@Spintechfilms 6 ай бұрын
Never buy a game Day 1 was what No Man's Sky taught me and I've never bought a non-nintendo developed game Day 1 again
@vivas555 6 ай бұрын
I still don' t understand the hype behind the trailer for GTA 6. We saw NOTHING. NOTHING AT ALL ! We know as much about Elder Scroll 6 than we do about GTA 6; the location. That's it.
@fondajames 6 ай бұрын
ive gotten lucky im sure but hype for me, hits a little more than misses, Elden Ring, Dead Space remake, RE7/2/3/4/8, Death Stranding are all several examples of recentish games that have at least met my hopes if not exceeded. plenty have missed too but ive tried harder to not get hyped about games too. GTA5 i actually hated most of that games story (only enjoying the heists themselves) but RDR2 i loved (and i was just ok about RDR1) but GTA6 for me, looks promising, like the company may have matured after GTA5
@himynameisben95 6 ай бұрын
Chinese Democracy is a masterpiece!
@Rschr101 6 ай бұрын
@michaelwarwickvalencia8501 6 ай бұрын
Hype is also ruining movies unfortunately…
@HazmanFTW 6 ай бұрын
Replaying Cyberpunk with the 2.0 patch has made it one of my favourite games
@dearhorse085 6 ай бұрын
I came across information suggesting that the development of GTA VI is even more challenging than that of GTA V. Notably, key individuals have departed from the company. With the prolonged success of GTA V Online, it appears that GTA VI might follow a similar path, continuing the trend of a quirky crime-themed game. While other games inspired by GTA had cool features that set them apart, GTA itself, once a distinctive experience, now seems to have become too mainstream and overly expansive for its own good.
@matthewbraith0411 6 ай бұрын
Mega Yes
@fusscoopland9680 6 ай бұрын
Is hype ruining video games? Obvious answer is yes. No matter who develops or publishes the video game. It is best to ground expectations as much as possible. Or else disappointments will catch anyone off guard of the release of the video game.
@curtismartin9054 3 ай бұрын
Drug addicts looking for the next new "high"... Except the video game version of that.
@Alduinhead 6 ай бұрын
I never get hyped for a new game, not anymore, but I find that when I get around to playing a new game, I tend to enjoy it more than most. I often wonder if I played the same game as those loud and proud critic types
@mrgreen027 6 ай бұрын
This is the most stupid question ever! "Is getting excited for something you like bad?"
@alumlovescake 6 ай бұрын
No because they could met the hype 99% of the time but choose not too.
@nngnnadas 6 ай бұрын
Yes. By which I mean, no, it always made worse.
@samflood5631 6 ай бұрын
What about anime hype? Some people felt that Chainsaw Man was overly hyped because of how popular the manga is and they felt it was either bad or disappointing. Some argued that 12 episodes is what killed the Chainsaw Man Anime which is horse crap when they should know the concepts of Less is More and Quality over Quantity. To me, I enjoyed the Chainsaw Man Anime, sure some scenes were a bit different from the manga, but it’s an adaptation, changes are going to be made to reach a huge audience.
@pablocasas5906 6 ай бұрын
I enjoyed Chainsaw Man, though I found it a bit annoying the discourse surrounding the show before it premiered. I think part of the hype was due to the cult popularity of the manga and how excited were some of the staff at MAPPA about the anime itself. It didn't help the fact MAPPA got a bit of a reputation for high quality animation for their work in Jujutsu Kaisen and Attack on Titan, which also had tons of hype, but then turn into controversy due to the amount of crunch affecting the animators Another anime that was very hyped was Kill la Kill back in 2013, I remember all those memes claiming it would save anime, which I never understood if they were ironic or not, but the hype was bit due to it being the first major production made by the ex staff from Gainax, now called Trigger, and that it was directed by the person responsible for Gurren Lagann. Though in the end KlK was well received by audience and critics, so I think it lived up to the hype. The same cannot be said by Trigger's next project, Darling in the Franxx, which I haven't seen, but I've heard it disappointed a lot of people who were hyped due to it being made by Trigger. However, it was technically more of a A1 Pictures production made with the support of Trigger
@samflood5631 6 ай бұрын
@@pablocasas5906 About the cult popularities of the Manga, I'm not entirely sure about that. I mean it has been on the shelves of every Barnes and Nobles as well as it's merchandising too. Plus both the Manga and Anime has appeared on anime fans 10- ten lists. Hell, I've collected every single manga copy from 1-13 and preordered volumes, 14, 15 and 16. It's not as big as Spy X Family, but Chainsaw Man is just as good as Spy X Family.
@pablocasas5906 6 ай бұрын
@@samflood5631 I think Chainsaw Man is very popular, especially at an international level. But when the anime came out, there were tons of posts saying that Japanese fans didn't like the way the anime was handled, and people pointed the fact that its home video sales weren't very good in Japan, though considering the amount of money Crunchyroll probable paid for the license and the sale of the merchandise, I think it was a success. Not to mention that its manga sales are actually pretty good in its home country
@VTorner 6 ай бұрын
No, executives and developers are ruining the industry.
@aaronlaughter6471 6 ай бұрын
Yeah hype kills anything. Every year there is a game that gets over hyped to hell and back. And every year said games get labeled as worst ever. When in reality if people kept there hype in check, this wouldn't happen. Hell I warned people with starfield, said a few months out its probably going to be a fun game yet wont be the second coming of christ. And I had fun, yet you see people who overhyped the game saying its the worst ever because they over hyped the game. So I am begging people who even gives me the time reading this, its ok to be exicited for games, just dont expect them to be the next coming of christ.
@rogerk4 6 ай бұрын
I enjoyed this game back in the day. The modes were fun! Even the dancing was just absurd, but fun
@markchongjass 6 ай бұрын
iam Hype Video Games
@verguco6051 6 ай бұрын
yes and no, hype dont ruin games, the game is how was done, hype ruins your perception of the game, you expected something that it isnt and is only your fault, people have to be more savy seeing trailers and reading promises of developers, after no mans sky, cyberpunk, anthem, and a lot of recent games that were dissapointing people should already know to dont expect much, if someone says "X game will revolutionate videogames forever" watch out, is the complete opposite
@Rschr101 6 ай бұрын
I won't stand for the Chinese Democracy slander!😂
@Bionickpunk 6 ай бұрын
Anyone who thought Starfield would be good after looking at the trailers are utter fools and dont know what company they are dealing with.
@Vulpas 6 ай бұрын
Who's the video game Muhammad then?
@patrickormerod3472 6 ай бұрын
flandrew is ruining video games!!!!
@suntannedduck2388 6 ай бұрын
It can. Thing is sometimes it's Devs Indie (ambitious) or AAA marketing. Eh CGI. Fair gameplay by Indies. Also customer expectations/misunderstanding or being too easily swayed. But I don't get impressed unless it's cool gameplay anymore. Rift Apart is so scripted I quit. What a waste of potential for a safe game for many audiences and the PS3 game it should take inspiration from is more superior then it's more generic continuation. I hate Insomniac their a waste of space. Resistance 2 sucks, cuts out the good stuff, 3 puts their DNA in and it's better what do you expect. Spiderman is generic and Sunset Overdrive actually pushed more compelling elements not trending formulaic nonsense like Spiderman. Fuse and All 4 One are a similar/the same game yet Fuse I finished. Rift Apart does nothing new that's exciting. Yellow rifts around some level ah Portal has a tool you use not stationed yellow rifts around some levels so tell me why the dynamic player control is better than scripted hmm. Oh scripted load screens thanks Insomniac you suck at pushing a more impressive approach for the hardware your design isn't fool proof it's trash. Go back and make a better algorithm and dynamic levels. Blizar is close but it's not enough. Insomniac are a safez boring company that may be good to work at but their ideas suck. Sony wants cinematic trash and we get boring ideas, boring stories bad gameplay that done to death and nothing exciting. Thanks. I won't buy a PS5 for such filth. Only third parties with actually good ideas. I know what No Man's Sky was I did research of oh Haven Call of the King, oh Star Wars Battlefront 3. It's seem less transition, oh it's more expanded then 1 location like Minecraft. It's 65 quintillion we won't see. People had their heads too clouded and don't understand anything other than wow big number. But what it meant was it's like a simulation or is a simulation. Why should it all be playable. Why should it be complete-able because they pushed tech the idiot customers. I mean with how safe games are today besides Indies or veterans splitting off which technically they are Shaun Murray was an ex Criterion Dev who worked on Burnout series, the rest of the staff I don't know, I thank Hello Games for pushing tech and game design then making a bland AAA game. Their learning and unlearning PSVR1&2 well that's just annoying but still. But still No Man's Sky made sense to me. To everyone else their a bunch of number believing idiots that take everything 'in progress and numbers' too seriously and shows humanity are dumb without context. Sure they were in progress their creating a game with procedural generation not all are that perfect. Coded Arms has basic forms of that for a rogue like shooter on PSP. It take times for procedural generation in Minecraft to not have the same roofed forest, plains and first biome and it's temperature system for world gen sucks. Sometimes your lucky with a desert, ocean biome or ice spikes but many times no. But does the average person know that or gamers that don't play many video games across genres no they blame the developers for their own stupidity. No man's Sky was ambitious but at the same time customers had their ideas too far. I at least went oh ok different multiplayer approach, a world that's going to change it's a sandbox survival aka most people weren't used to those. Minecraft maybe but not Ark or other yet. While Hello Games have learnt customers had their heads too big. Butterflies and snakes no way it made denyqhy they abandoned them they were complex entities I mean NPCs/creatures. The idiots that didn't realise how game development works got too hyped and didn't set expectations of oh of course they had to chance. Some with characters unfinished like Ezio Collection or Unity well that's on Ubisoft. Celebrities I never get hyped for but marketing t and and idiot customers love that. I don't care for them. I care for the media content not the people. Unless it's a creator, but not an actor presenting the characters. Leaked trailers yeah that's on people that do that or staff insiders. I don't get hyped I get surprised by game design elements that seem cool but do they do much probably not because the games can be pretty standard, but hyped no I don't get hyped. I mean is WRC 2023 cool yes for it's Sega GT car builder. Forza Motorsport 8 I had no hype for they made the marketing so bad, I kept waiting it would get better it didn't the game sucks, the marketing sucked. I wasn't excited I was just disappointed they barely even tried I was waitiyfor anything but nope montages, quick shots of menus and well articles with quot s saying things I didn't want to hear so yo me it was a piece of trash and still is in design the most boring game of racing genre ever besides GT7 also ducking and making Forza Motorsport 6 mistakes and taking them further to another level of bad game. Devs don't learn and dig deeper holes.
@theprotagonist1311 6 ай бұрын
The fact that an anime got enough people hyped for a game 2 years ago was lauded into praising it and being apologists on the companys behalf is probably something so crazy that it probably woudlve been crazy if it was in a dystopian book
@aaronlaughter6471 6 ай бұрын
We are talking about Cyberpunk right, I mean ffs even when the anime came out, that game, was still not in the state they promised it would be.
@arkwrightdubstep 6 ай бұрын
It's literally the only industry in the world that can lie during marketing and release a broken product, hype has nothing to do with it, if you bought a 45 inch 4k TV and you pulled a 25 inch LED put the box and its broken to boot, you not o ly would be able to get your money back but the company that sold it to you would have broken several laws in the process, it's insane that this still happens, great video though!
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