Is Islam a Credible Religion? - Creating the Qur'an with Dr. Jay - Episode 2

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CIRA International

CIRA International

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According to Islamic tradition, Muhammad died in 632 AD. Much of the information regarding the prophet and the Siras is reliant upon the account of Ibn Hisham who lived 200 years after the death of Muhammad. Another problem is that the Hadith and Tafsir are reliant on Al Bukhari who also live well over 200 years after Muhammad. Even Abd al Malik who wrote the Qu’ran lived 60 years after Muhammad. There are actually no eyewitness accounts of Muhammad’s life. These three men who build the base of Islam lived long after the events had taken place. How can their account be counted as credible?
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CIRA's mission and goal is to; create awareness about Islam as a religion and political movement; inform and challenge the Church concerning outreach and evangelism to Muslims, equip the believers with effective outreach tools, and advance the Gospel message among our Muslim neighbors & communities so that the vast majority of Muslims will begin a Gospel conversation with a Christ-follower.
CIRA exists to mobilize the Body of Christ across North America, and globally, to more effectively reach Muslims with the Gospel, by discipling and equipping believers, and by empowering church and community leaders to influence the Muslim world for Christ.
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@iCarryBoatsAndTheLogs Жыл бұрын
Ex Muslim here, I reverted to Islam and saw a lot of things I disliked. Through you God has brought me back. I posted comments on earlier videos of yours attacking you in defence of Islam and I hope you can forgive me as well as our lord and saviour 🙏🏼 I’m back home now ☦️❤️ thank you for all your efforts brother
@georgeo785 Жыл бұрын
It's a good feeling to be forgiven and not hate anyone
@iCarryBoatsAndTheLogs Жыл бұрын
@mysotiras 018 thank you🙏🏼😌
@iCarryBoatsAndTheLogs Жыл бұрын
@@georgeo785 the best feeling having no anger and hate in the heart with the love of Jesus Christ 🙏🏼
@georgeo785 Жыл бұрын
@@iCarryBoatsAndTheLogs l can't understand why people hated Jesus Christ. He healed many of different sickness's. Cast out demons. All He ever did was because he loved His people and wanted to save their souls. They were looking for someone to conquer rome and set them free. Jesus Christ is the greatest example of love the world has ever known or seen. He said they will hate you because they hated Me first. I choose love and to follow Christ and l don't hate anyone. Hate is from the devil and like a disease that will destroy the person who hates. Terrible way to live hating someone for no reason. Love is happiness and joy unspeakable
@jesusisking3722 Жыл бұрын
​@@iCarryBoatsAndTheLogs Keep a consistent prayer life and fast sometimes. Unlike the god of Islam. We can hear and get answers from God, Our God is faithful to his word and promises if we believe that he is in faith.. As long as you seek him consistently you will find him. I used to be Muslim to, grew up in it. It is a dead religion with no peace.
@adrine5193 Жыл бұрын
@Pax-Africana Жыл бұрын
How God BROKE through the PAGAN resistance to the GOSPEL using "tricks": as those familiar with the use of "Figure Of Speech" may know, the title "Muhammad" used as a EUPHEMISM for Messiah(Christ) is a put off for the "Jesus is the Son of God" crowd while at the same time the Arabs seem to see "Abu Quasim" their own countryman as "Muhammad" but in reality, it is is the JEWISH MESSIAH who had been camouflaged. "Oh, you who covers with a mantle..." This strategy was meant to lure the other children of Abraham(The Children of Ismael) out of Idol worship by breaking through their resistance to Monotheism. This is what the author of the article below seems to mean by Optical Illusion. The act of seeing something that is not there. READ ON OPEN SECRET - THE RIDDLE HAS BEEN SOLVED We got conned by supremacists from either side but the primary sources tell us that Christianity=Islam and Islam=Christianity. So, rather than be talking about 2 religions, we should be talking about two Traditions as Paul himself put it: One Tradition for the Circumcised(Islam or the Authority of the Council of Jerusalem in Acts 15: 22-32) versus the Tradition for the Uncircumcised(the Council of Nicaea based on Paul's Gentilism or Filioyism). Each one of these Traditions claiming exclusively the Pristine Apostolic Christianity. As always, remember that Messiah(Christ) is a Prophet(Messenger) like Moses... Deut. 18:15-19 Greco-Roman supremacy sucks; so does Arab-Qureish supremacy ! That said, If you want to know how the atheists' theory of "Document hypothesis" and the Protestants' "Sola Scriptura" are both the two sides of the same coin and why they are both worthless, read the article below... ------------------ ISRAEL AND THE NATIONS PAGAN Paul(Romans 9 thru 11) The Qur'an in the Qur'an(Reminder) refers to the Law of Moses. If anyone couldn't figure out that the title Qur'an on the cover of the book is a fraudulent one, then it is safe to argue that, that person doesn't understand the polemical exchanges between the pagans and the believers not even the content of the Bible for that matter. "We have given you the 7 oft-repeated verses and the glorious Qur'an..." Translation: We have given you the Fatiha and the Law of Moses as the basis for your legislations in rejection of the Roman pagan Law, the papal sacraments, and Trinity. Here is another one: "What! If this Qur'an is from God, you believe not, but a Rabbi among the Children of Israel attests to its similitude and believe while you proudly reject it..." Does this look like some words from God? What was the Jewish Rabbi doing in Mekka messing with Allah's revelation? LOL... Or was he just comparing two translations of the same Torah, one in Hebrew and the other in Arabic? The dude was a Prince-Legislator, a Founding Father, and a statesman "If you say the name(Mohammad) find the reality it names. O cross-eyed One, if you only see one in two, I see two in one." Rumi OPTICAL ILLUSION/FALSE REPELLENT! Jesus is Muhammad(the Praised-One), fools. A point was made but you guys missed it altogether due to your poor reading skills. But the adults and the Sufis in the room know that Muhammad is not a given or personal name but a substitute title, a euphemism for Christ(Messiah). Since Jesus is said to be that Christ(Messiah). then Jesus is Muhammad. We make the difference between Islam and the Arab-Qureishits propaganda contained in the Hadiths, and the "Sira Rassul Allah," etc... That marketing gimmick was meant to capitalize on the pilgrimage to Mekka and not as historical facts. Kaabahism and its 5 pillards therefore is not Islam; it is a counterfeit of the early Islam which was close to Hebraic Christianity. Thus the "stone that the Mekkan builders rejected and exiled became the cornerstone..." and it is our Lord doing. We also know that when someone promulgates a Constitution like the Constitution of Medina, receives embassies, passes legislations, proclaims a tax Codes, raises armies, signs treaties, etc... with some neighborhood nations, etc..., that person is in a role of a Founding Father like George Washington, Emperor Constantine, Cyrus the Great, Caesar Augustus or Alexander the Great, etc... We don't take the word "Prophet" in the literal sense. So, If you have ever wondered why a substitute title was needed for Jesus and a name shifting scheme for the Arabian Founding Father, here you have it: "Your people don't want to hear about Jesus. And when His name is mentioned, lo! your people burst into clamor thereby..." That is why an OPTICAL ILLUSION was created: We(the Children of Israel) send you, O Abu Quasim, among your own people so that they may believe in our God and His Messiah/Muhammad/Christ/Al-Massih, help Him, praise Him(Muhammad=the Praised-One), sing for Him evening and morning...." "Remember when Jesus asked, "who will assist me in the way of God? The disciples replied: 'we shall be the helpers of God. Bear witness we are Muslims.'" Hear O Israel, Jesus is the Messiah, i.e. Christ. By the way, According to Acts 11:26 is a Christian he who believes Jesus to be the Messiah, that is to say Christ, foretold by Moses in the Torah but rejected by Israel. "I will send the Christ/Messiah, a Prophet/Messenger like you Moses, Him, they must listen...." Deut.18:15-19; Acts 3:22-25; Acts 7: 1-49 ; John 4:24-26, etc... The word CHRISTIAN was coined in Antioch of Syria and not in Athens, Rome, or Boston. In that sense, Muslims are Christians because for Islam Jesus is the Christ(Al-Massih) announced in the Law(Torah) and the Prophets, born of the Virgin Mary. You may as well check the Transfiguration in Matthew 17:1-13 where Jesus "oversees" a meeting between Moses the Lawgiver and someone who would ratify the same Law for the Arabs(the descendants of Ishmael). In Genesis, Abraham was promised many Princes for Ishmael. So the Muslims are Christians certainly not of Paul's Tradition, yet still Christians but the Americans are not... Every American should know, then, that If Jesus is Lord, it stands to reason that Nature's god is NOT. Yet, Nature's god in the Jefferson Bible and in the so-called 'Declaration Of Independence" claims just that... And this is the official position of the American government because Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd President of the United States and is the one who penned the so-called "declaration of independence" which became the Law of the land in the Constitution. Nature's god in the Jefferson Bible inspired the "Bill Of rights" and specially the First Amendment which states that every religion under nature is as valid as the next; this is why polytheism and Idol worship enjoy special protection under Natural Law which pushed out Canonical Law or Sharia Law. Nature's god states that Jesus did not resurrect because there is no such thing as resurrection of the dead; men die and worms take care of their bodies and that, most surely, wild dogs took care of Jesus' body. Nature's god claims that there is no supernatural, no miracles, no virginal birth, no revealed Law since Laws are a construct of societies and each society makes its own laws in accordance with its need. That the Ten Commandments were not revealed and are no better than the Law of Hammurabi. For Thomas Jefferson, the Apostle of Nature's god, Nature's god instituted government on earth to distribute rights without responsibility: right to liberty from morality, right to pursue happiness, happiness for all(one has to wonder how government is going to enforce the lack of happiness which is not a tangible good), and the right to life... Paul, Jesus-Christ's Apostle to the "Pax Romana," on other hand instructed us that Government was instituted on earth by God to keep order, render Justice for the equality of the Children of God in view of the Last Judgment. Nature's god insists that Life stops here and that there is NO immortality: "Let's eat and drink for tomorrow we die, and nothing awaits us after death. Don't be missing out..." Jesus said man was born corrupted and can purify himself with the means God put at his disposal. Nature's god however holds that man was born perfect but got corrupted by the government. We wonder If all the jails built across their lands are only for members of the government. Nature's god is truly Satan who set out to contradict the True God on every single line! So If you are an American you should worry about the subversive nature of the American founding documents, America's Nature's god, and the fate of your impious founding fathers who worked hard to mislead mankind away from the Gospel. Enough of that circular reasoning. Please worry not about Islam; it has been around for more than 1000 years. I am just wondering If America would be around that long...!!! Worry about the disastrous fate of America, that house built in the sand...!!! Through Mary, God...!!! More in: 1/The Making Of The Arabian Messiah(Christ), Sole Ruler Of Mankind Like Caeasar Augustus. 2/Christianity: Circumcised(Islam) Versus Filioyism(Uncircumcised)...!! 3/Son of God: Paul versus John vs. Nicaea...
@whitesteelangle156 Жыл бұрын
Christianity already dead 2000 years ago and counting 😂😂😂
@generaljg4373 Жыл бұрын
​@@whitesteelangle156even their God is ded
@adrine5193 Жыл бұрын
@ashtonchretien Жыл бұрын
@@generaljg4373 no Jesus rose again. Easy to historically prove and also Jesus himself said that he has the power to raise himself back up from the dead. Why? Because Jesus claimed to be God and is God. Quran says Jesus isn’t and never claimed to be God. Therefore Islam is a fake satanic cult. Satans biggest effort to lead as many to hell as possible
@DeviantMotives Жыл бұрын
The thing that I don’t understand is I am an American and before I took my shahada I studied a lot. I wasn’t comfortable with a lot of things that I had researched but I had always been drawn to Islam. I then really started to do research and I learned about all of the horrible things about Islam. About how Muhammad was a pedophile, a paranoid, schizophrenic and so much more. And I wasn’t even born into the religion yet I learned the truth, so I don’t understand how born Muslims don’t learn the truth about Islam. It’s mind blowing. I guess they just blindly believe what they’re told. Praise God I went back to Christianity.
@salmajohn2391 Жыл бұрын
God bless you Jesus is the way the truth and the life, no one can comes to Father except through Him. He is coming back soon. Trust on Him always
@nunya54 Жыл бұрын
As an American? Interesting, from where did you do your research and then after that research, what drew you to THIS channel to learn more? No historian, non-Muslim or otherwise would say Muhammad is a pedophile or schizophrenic. In fact even learned Christians would not say those things. Where did you learn from? Perhaps you can study history a bit more or even Christianity and you will find this claim to be false. Muhammad is considered the most influential man in history and for none of those reasons. I hope you can learn the truth and it wouldn't be from a channel like this. Perhaps you can try some books.
@ameenzakariya Жыл бұрын
Sources of Christianity, Paul the Liar. 😅 But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? Roman 3: 7
@salmajohn2391 Жыл бұрын
@@ameenzakariya Please Read the full context not just a verses. If you really want to know the Truth, Paul was not a lier, he was His disciple, he preached the Gospel to the Gentiles. Hope and pray for you and many people like you who need a savior. May they know the Truth and which will set you and them free.. Beacuas Jesus is the way the truth and the life no one can comes to Father except through Him. May God opens your eyes and heart to read and understand the Word of God. Jesus is coming back soon very soon. Repent and be saved.
@nunya54 Жыл бұрын
@@salmajohn2391 The Jews, who Christians take their religion from, established that Paul was indeed a liar who lied about rabbinical training to exude an air of authority to continue teaching his peculiar message of Jesus as though it was a continuation of Jewish teachings. He was considered a heretic and an apostate of the law. The righteous followers of Jesus, like James and Jude refuted him. You can find their refutations of his heretical teachings of salvation in their epistles.
How anyone falls for Islam is beyond me
@georgeo785 Жыл бұрын
They are fed this at an early age. Also told to hate. That's from the devil
@jesusisking3722 Жыл бұрын
It's culture and tradition. It is why Jesus Christ was against tradition. Tradition will always lead people astray
@ronnie-lynn Жыл бұрын
@@jesusisking3722 THIS!!!!!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
@tombuddy100 Жыл бұрын
Maybe because Islam forces you to get disciplined by making you remember to do ritual prayers every day, and discipline and such humility may improve the quality of life, making Islam appealing.
@tombuddy100 Жыл бұрын
@@jesusisking3722 I agree. Tradition has made mainstream Christianity stray away from the Bible and into doctrines and unbiblical holidays.
@austromyrtus Жыл бұрын
These books need to be available in Arabic, in Somali, in Urdu, in Bangla, in Indonesian.
@euniceogello9770 Жыл бұрын
no need of doing that, since they know that islam is ideology and satanism, they know that mohaMAD was a MAD man demons possessed man not prophet even false one. YEAH ALL GLORY TO CHRIST JESUS SHALOM AND AMEN AT LEAST TRUTH IS ELONGATING AND AMEN
@Mojtala41 Жыл бұрын
Right on, in all those languages but nio into Persian, the second most important language in Islam. Simply because we don't need such books. We have experienced Islam firsthand for over 40 years, and when we get rid of thie current regime, we will be the first freed nation in the Islamic world in recent history.
@henktmmr Жыл бұрын
Thank you, brothers, for your efforts to expose lies and reveal truth. GBU!
@ameenzakariya Жыл бұрын
Sources of Christianity, Paul the Liar. 😅 But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? Roman 3: 7
@Baldie731 Жыл бұрын
@@ameenzakariya well, nowadays, we muslims are more christians, then those who claim are christians. irony at its best
@Aaron_S Жыл бұрын
The standard narrative has holes in it.
@es-rh8oo Жыл бұрын
Like 🧀
@generaljg4373 Жыл бұрын
Cristian god had holes in his hand during crucifixion😭
@ashtonchretien Жыл бұрын
@@generaljg4373 *real God Not the Christian God. Simply the real God. Otherwise yes your right 😁
@johnzuma4688 Жыл бұрын
@@generaljg4373 Thank you for confirming that Jesus died on the cross which means that the qurans we can buy are all false.
@Mo_loves_aisha-6yoBTW 7 ай бұрын
His life before the revelation is a hole itself
@DefenderOfChrist_ Жыл бұрын
Without lies Islam dies
@sub7se7en Жыл бұрын
Without paganism Christianity dies
@eswn1816 Жыл бұрын
@@sub7se7en Interesting... surely "Christianity" after about 300-400 AD is full of (Roman Catholic) introduced paganism. The Protestant Reformation sought to deal with many of these abuses, but essentially, they remained "protesting Catholics" retaining Sunday Sabbath, Christmas, Easter, etc. Pure, Biblical followers of Ye'shua ("The Way") are not easy to find these days.
@alexandernorman5337 Жыл бұрын
@@sub7se7en Nothing pagan about it. Christianity, unlike Islam, is rooted in the Old Testament and the God of Abraham.
@sub7se7en Жыл бұрын
@@alexandernorman5337 No it isn't. The God of Abraham isn't a triune being. None of them ever worshiped a trinity. Jesus himself debunks the trinity in John 17:3. I'm sorry, but you're pagans worshipping a three headed god, believe in human sacrifice, etc.
@alexandernorman5337 Жыл бұрын
@@sub7se7en Dude, we Christians know our Bible better than you do. The God of Abraham has always been treated as multiple persons. Deuteronomy 6:4 reads (with key words left in Hebrew) "Hear O Israel: Yahweh our elohim, Yahweh is one." Elohim is the plural form of Eloah - which means it is the plural form of God. Deuteronomy 6:4 supports the Godhead. It's purpose is to reconcile the many times when God is treated as multiple persons (Genesis 1:1-2, Exodus 21:12-14, Deuteronomy 32:8-9, parts of Job chapters 39 and 40, Daniel 7:13-14, etc.) and remind Israel that these are not separate Gods but the one Godhead. The passage you give is just another one where *God is treated as multiple persons* because your own interpretation is contradicted by John 20:27-29 where Yeshua confirms to being God. And that ain't the only passage where he confirms it, just the most explicit!
@ianwoodywoodwoof345 Жыл бұрын
Love the New Studio setting Al Fadi... Looking forward to your new analyses.. Always interesting and informative!
@ameenzakariya Жыл бұрын
Sources of Christianity, Paul the Liar. 😅 But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? Roman 3: 7
@yajujmajuj1739 Жыл бұрын
Sheikh yasir qadhi, 2020- "The standard narrative has holes in it"
@ameenzakariya Жыл бұрын
Sources of Christianity, Paul the Liar. 😅 But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? Roman 3: 7
@yajujmajuj1739 Жыл бұрын
@@ameenzakariya why don't u read d whole verse, even if u don't read a verse b4 and after, u'll still get d context...anyways, better a liar than d best of deceivers-lala
@ameenzakariya Жыл бұрын
@@yajujmajuj1739 I hope, in future, you will read full chapter of Al Quran, before misquoting a single verse for your evil desires. 😄
@yajujmajuj1739 Жыл бұрын
@@ameenzakariya no problem, d verse is out here, everyone will see and research them, then make their decisions, tnk God for d Internet, d major cause of d on-going tsunami
@mysteriesmadeknown2874 Жыл бұрын
@@yajujmajuj1739 Proverbs 26:4 Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him.
@Tjn757 Жыл бұрын
May God bless you more in Jesus Name brother Al Fadi n Dr Jay Smith
@user-pi2hk9mf4j Жыл бұрын
Jesus existed. .possibly...but who made jesus story is mark..
@Tjn757 Жыл бұрын
@@user-pi2hk9mf4j Who wrote the quran ???
@xxphillips Жыл бұрын
​@@user-pi2hk9mf4j We have historically evidence for Mark in history where is your historically evidence for Islamic Injil in history???
@collybever Жыл бұрын
@@user-pi2hk9mf4j Quran affirmed the gospels in the hands of the christians in his time are good revelation from Allah, and says Allah's words cannot be altered. So if you are a muslim, you are going against "Allah's words."
@techiworld5875 Жыл бұрын
Jesus was like any baba in India now...they claim to do miracles and some claim to be God! Mark made jesus delusion into a belief system.
@mysteriesmadeknown2874 Жыл бұрын
Luke 4:17-:21 And Jesus was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written: “The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD.” Then He closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him. And He began to say to them, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” Isaiah 35:5 Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, And the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Isaiah 42:6&:7 “I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.
@ameenzakariya Жыл бұрын
Sources of Christianity, Paul the Liar. 😅 But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? Roman 3: 7
@mysteriesmadeknown2874 Жыл бұрын
@Ameen Zakariya Thanks again, I needed that reminder, Romans 3:20-:30.
@mysteriesmadeknown2874 10 ай бұрын
Romans 16 Sister Phoebe Commended 16 I commend to you Phoebe our sister, who is a servant of the church in Cenchrea, 2 that you may receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints, and assist her in whatever business she has need of you; for indeed she has been a helper of many and of myself also. Greeting Roman Saints 3 Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus, 4 who risked their own necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles. 5 Likewise greet the church that is in their house. Greet my beloved Epaenetus, who is the firstfruits of Achaia to Christ. 6 Greet Mary, who labored much for us. 7 Greet Andronicus and Junia, my countrymen and my fellow prisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me. 8 Greet Amplias, my beloved in the Lord. 9 Greet Urbanus, our fellow worker in Christ, and Stachys, my beloved. 10 Greet Apelles, approved in Christ. Greet those who are of the household of Aristobulus. 11 Greet Herodion, my countryman. Greet those who are of the household of Narcissus who are in the Lord. 12 Greet Tryphena and Tryphosa, who have labored in the Lord. Greet the beloved Persis, who labored much in the Lord. 13 Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord, and his mother and mine. 14 Greet Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermas, Patrobas, Hermes, and the brethren who are with them. 15 Greet Philologus and Julia, Nereus and his sister, and Olympas, and all the saints who are with them. 16 Greet one another with a holy kiss. The churches of Christ greet you. Avoid Divisive Persons 17 Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. 18 For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple. 19 For your obedience has become known to all. Therefore I am glad on your behalf; but I want you to be wise in what is good, and simple concerning evil. 20 And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. Greetings from Paul’s Friends 21 Timothy, my fellow worker, and Lucius, Jason, and Sosipater, my countrymen, greet you. 22 I, Tertius, who wrote this epistle, greet you in the Lord. 23 Gaius, my host and the host of the whole church, greets you. Erastus, the treasurer of the city, greets you, and Quartus, a brother. 24 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. Benediction 25 Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began 26 but now made manifest, and by the prophetic Scriptures made known to all nations, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, for obedience to the faith 27 to God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen.
@surenthiren8663 Жыл бұрын
Thanks brother Al fadi and Jay. Excellent. May people learn more in your lessons about differences between darkness and GOD .
@lasttestament4100 Жыл бұрын
*Christianity is dying in Europe* *Less parents baptize kids in USA* Among the causes of Europeans & Americans leaving Christianity: *absurdity and scary doctrine (mixed with ancient pagan idea; human sacrifice).* *1. An absurd doctrine, does not provide a solution, but instead can destroy the family * * Divorced widows or widowers are not allowed to remarry. * Luke 16:18 & Matthew 5:32 If a marriage is toxic because the husband or wife continues to commit *domestic violence, or is involved in endless crimes* (going in and out of jail), or drugs, drunkenness and gambling, and there has been no change for years, even dozens to tens of years. If this happens, Christian couples still cannot divorce. And *if they decide to get a divorce, then each of them remarry,* (even though it is official according to state law) they will not get the blessing from the church because they are *considered adulterous with their new partner.* Luke 16:18 & Matthew 5:32 (definitely it's not the teachings of Jesus). Because of these verses, millions of Christian remarried people live in adultery. *Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism do not like divorce, but allow it,* because if a bad marriage continues, it will become more unhealthy, endanger or harm children and the whole family. *Only Christianity has absurd rules like this* (definitely not the teachings of Jesus). *2. The doctrine of salvation (heaven, nirvana, moksha)* *Requirements for safety in Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Judaism, Islam:* * Believe in God the Creator and * Do good/dharma, stay away from sin & repent (Jews & Muslims). *Requirements for salvation in Christianity* * Believe in Jesus who died as a sacrifice to redeem original sin on the cross. Jesus himself was captured by Roman soldiers and then crucified with the help of Judas, who was possessed by demon. (On the contrary, God in the Old Testament forbids human sacrifice. Jesus never taught or talked about about original sin. Jesus never said he would fulfill the Torah law by redeeming original sins on the cross. (That's why when he was about to be arrested, Jesus was scared and tried to save himself by hiding, telling his disciples to buy swords, prostrate & pray). *Among various religions in the world, only Christian god & the gods of ancient pagan religions asking for sacrifice of human life & blood to save other humans* (Check: offerings of human life & blood in the ancient pagan cultures of Greece, Rome, Ancient Egypt, to Ancient Japan, Ancient Korea, Aztec and inca). WAKE UP CHRISTIANS. *Absurdity & inconsistency of Christianity doctrine has made so many Europeans & Americans left Christianity.* Most of them become atheists/agnostics, and some have converted to Islam (the true Jesus is in Islam), including pastors & evangelists, businessmen, & professionals. Sinnead O'Connor, British singer Cat Steven, ex orthodox & catholic priest Hilarion Heagy, journalist Lauren Booth, British businessman Alfie Best Jr, Paul Williams Blogging, Maliki Clique, Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, etc.
@ameenzakariya Жыл бұрын
Sources of Christianity, Paul the Liar. 😅 But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? Roman 3: 7
@kevinobidi6451 Жыл бұрын
​@@ameenzakariya what are you talking about 😂🤣
@InNazareth Жыл бұрын
what a living legend Dr J Smith a nightmare for Islami Dawaghandist
@generaljg4373 Жыл бұрын
The trinity is a nightmare that cant be explained that's why many people leaving the cross religion
@joesaba386 Жыл бұрын
​@@generaljg4373Say you, why are you here anyway? Some of this is beginning to make sence to you isn't it? They show timeliness etc. There must be some doubt about Islam to you, isn't there !? No ambiguity here, scholars are unearthing copious amount of evidence that Islam was a fabrication by the abbasid califate to create an Arab narrative for empire. You must be panicking dude.
@mysteriesmadeknown2874 Жыл бұрын
​@@generaljg4373 No one has a more simple mind than yours, you are number one! 😅
@ankur7773 Жыл бұрын
allah MECCA TI' SCAM 100%√√😇
@johnzuma4688 Жыл бұрын
@@generaljg4373 Mohammed adopted all the pagan worship rituals like the prayer ritual, the pilgrimage to the Kaaba, the walking around the Kaaba and kissing the black stone. That makes Mohammed a pagan idol god worshiper. Of course Mohammed was a pure monotheist as he only worshiped one pagan idol god. And of course Mohammed was pedophile who married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old. That makes Mohammed an evil evil child rapist and disgusting pervert. And the we read in surah 65:4 that Muslim men can divorce their prepubescent wives (those who have not menstruated) which means that child marriage is permitted in islam which in tuirn means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little girls. Now that is why people leave islam by their thousands. Nobody who looks at islam with an open mind and heart will remain Muslim. So tell me, why are you still following Mohammed?
@alhamdouyasu Жыл бұрын
Al Fadi/Dr James Smith have done an immense contribution to the welfare of humanity 🙏👍
@alhamdouyasu 10 ай бұрын
@@defenderoftruth3212 muhammad's god is the biggest liar and deceiver in the history of the world bar none for FAKING the events of Christ crucifixion. What a despicable act that eventually exposed who muhammad's god is until eternity.
@alhamdouyasu 10 ай бұрын
@@defenderoftruth3212 " The REAL NATURE of Islam is EVIL" -Mosab Hassan Yousef The Son of HAMAS
@elisabethe3732 Жыл бұрын
Be blessed my brothers ❤❤❤
@allanrobis777 Жыл бұрын
This series must be on front page.
@ameenzakariya Жыл бұрын
Sources of Christianity, Paul the Liar. 😅 But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? Roman 3: 7
@theresehelmy93 Жыл бұрын
Praise God for you and for Dr. Jay Smith!
@simonhengle8316 Жыл бұрын
Loving this series, if I remember correctly Abdul al Malik followed a pre-Nicaean Christian (non trilogy) form of Christianity, if I'm correct it might be useful to mention it, carry on with the great work
@ameenzakariya Жыл бұрын
Sources of Christianity, Paul the Liar. 😅 But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? Roman 3: 7
@nunya54 Жыл бұрын
Pre-Nicaean? Hmm, that would be more akin to Islam.
@simonhengle8316 Жыл бұрын
@@nunya54 nothing like it at all
@simonhengle8316 Жыл бұрын
@@ameenzakariya Islam is based on lies
@nunya54 Жыл бұрын
@@simonhengle8316 ​Actually yeah, it would although I do not say that to boost Islam as it has enough evidence on its own and does not need outside help but just a reality since the Christians before the Church decisions at the council still had some who believed in Jesus as a prophet just as the Nazarenes and Ebionites did who followed Jesus when he was actually alive. They did not believe in Jesus as the son of God or God just like Muslims. They only knew him as a prophet and so did the people many years after him as well. There was no concept of Jesus being the son of God before Paul created that idea many years later borrowing from the pagan nations where he made his religious base. They also did not believe Jesus died, like we know from the Docetae or from the teachings of Basilides. It was common belief in the first century that Jesus was not crucified. The Ebionites, Nazarenes, . . . most of Christendom are referred to as heretics and non-Christians. Them believing he was a prophet is what they took from his early teachings. They were the the Jews who believed in him, from amongst his own people, who lived and died and witnessed his actions. That is why Christian scholars like John Toland asked, how is it possible to be the first of all others (for they were made to be the first heretics), who should form wrong conceptions of the doctrines and designs of Jesus? And how did the Gentiles who only believed in Jesus after his death from the preaching and information of people that never knew Jesus, have truer notions of doctrine and Jesus or when could they have their information from the believing Jews. Muslims say they would follow Jesus during his time and all the prophets during their time and all evidence points to them being like the Jews from among Jesus' people who actually believed in him and followed him when he was still on earth and NOT like those who never met him many years later and who developed new ideas about him. They would have been with the Arians at the Council of Nicaea who advocated that which the early followers of Jesus had been believing in which is that he was not the son of God but a prophet. They also would have been with James and Jude in their refutations of Paul's heretical teachings of salvation and in fact, did the same that the Muslims did in their nation, clarifying the truth against those adherents who came with new ideas not revealed in scripture.
@pietbokvanrensburg8131 Жыл бұрын
Keep up the good work guys. 😎
@mysteriesmadeknown2874 Жыл бұрын
@mysteriesmadeknown2874 Жыл бұрын
I sound like the voice of the picture you have, plus more, and it's a Christian version, I got the idea from the Christian movie called Heaven's to Betsy.
@ameenzakariya Жыл бұрын
Good work of Paul the liar? Sources of Christianity, Paul the Liar. 😅 But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? Roman 3: 7
@mysteriesmadeknown2874 Жыл бұрын
Romans 3:20 Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin. 21 But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. 22 This righteousness is given through faith in[a] Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 25 God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement,[b] through the shedding of his blood-to be received by faith. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished- 26 he did it to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus. 27 Where, then, is boasting? It is excluded. Because of what law? The law that requires works? No, because of the law that requires faith. 28 For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law. 29 Or is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles too? Yes, of Gentiles too, 30 since there is only one God, who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through that same faith.
@trevorgriffiths5611 Жыл бұрын
It’s a lovely site to see Islam totally ripped apart and destroyed.. I’ve just bought the Book.. And I literally agree with Dr Jay Smith that Muhammad didn’t exist.. No doubt about it..
@vicmath1005 Жыл бұрын
Note that in all the writings/inscriptions before 750 CE (i.e. before the time of the Abbasids), Muhammad does not have a patronymic (ibn/bin). So it was just Muhammad, or Muhammad abd-Allah, or Muhammad rasool-Allah. No ibn/bin after the word Muhammad. So Muhammad is a title. All the persons during the period in that part of the world had a ibn/bin (or bint). Only during the 9th century, in Abbasid-sponsored writings, suddenly we have a Muhammad *bin* Abd-Allah. So here, Muhammad becomes a real name! Muhammad son of Abd-Allah. Now check the Dome of the Rock inscriptions. They use surahs 3,4,18,19,33 and 57. They talk about *ONLY* *ONE* person: Jesus son of Mary. No second person is mentioned even though the word Muhammad is used as a title for Jesus son of Mary.
@felipemillomeda Жыл бұрын
Watching and supporting
@vicmath1005 Жыл бұрын
_Creating_ _the_ _Qur’an_ by Shoemaker is a fantastic book. Just finished reading it. Before the Abbasids, the qur-an (chants of the Nazarene) in a book form was not needed. Why? Because there were hereditary qurra' (chanters) of the qur-an, from the Quraysh section of the Nazarenes. These Quraysh lived in and around Petra (also called *belly* *of* *Makkah.* ) Why did the Abbasids need a 'bound' qur-an? Because, the Abbasids dismissed all Nazarene priests - calling them Jews! Abbasids were most likely Parthians or Afghan. Did you know that, in the *rasm* layer of the qur-an, there are over *245* *instances* of k-t-b (kutub as noun, meaning *books* ), and *four* *instances* of k-tā-b (kitāb, *book* )? The Abbasid-era editors who added the diacritics, converted *98%* of the instances of kutub to kitāb, by adding a (floating) median alif to the letter t. They left just five instances of kutub as they found them in the rasm-layer. The diacritics have destroyed much of the meaning of the qur-an.
@sultanahamed2484 Жыл бұрын
Only Satan's and enemies r under such impression
@sultanahamed2484 Жыл бұрын
Only Satan's and enemies r under such impression
@alonzoharris9049 Жыл бұрын
You haven’t read the silly book of Shoemaker. Shoemaker claims that Abdel Malik (Umayyad) wrote the Quran.🤥 I just caught you. This claim is complete rejected by scholarship. It’s an absurd position which goes against manuscript evidence.
@rainbowdash2366 Жыл бұрын
@@alonzoharris9049 Who is Isa's earthly father Nadir Ibn Muta?
@collybever Жыл бұрын
"Belly of Makkah" - a name for Petra - sounds intriguing. Might help to finally identify where the original teachings in the Quran first coalesced into a collection, if the information is reliable.
@rublar75 Жыл бұрын
Good stuff
@ameenzakariya Жыл бұрын
Sources of Christianity, Paul the Liar. 😅 But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? Roman 3: 7
@mikejohnson5059 Жыл бұрын
Write a Modern day Quran with the Syrian chapters. It will he a best seller
@historyloveriii2949 Жыл бұрын
It is NOT a religion. It is a cult.
@almilligan7317 Жыл бұрын
An incredible defense of the Quran is that the Quran that we have today is the one uncreated in heaven with God. How we got there is immaterial for faith. But the Quran will never be accepted by unbelievers simply due to its content and moral relativity. Most Muslims do not know the Quran but rather know a Sunni interpretation they have been taught. Can't argue with them. Thanks to Al Fadi and Dr. Jay for their great work.
@vicmath1005 Жыл бұрын
The qur-an (chants) have two layers. The first layer - *rasm* - was created long before the time of the Abbasids The second layer - the *diacritic* layer - was created under the sponsorship of the Abbasids, either late 9th century or early 10th centure. The *diacritic* layer is manipulated, against the content of the *rasm* layer. There is evidence for all to see.
@nunya54 Жыл бұрын
What is interesting is that unbelievers, and that depends on what kinds, do not accept the content and moral relativity of the Quran but many of them still will accept other books, like the Bible, which by that same standard would be backwards, illogical and/or hypocritical.
@vicmath1005 Жыл бұрын
@@nunya54 People of other beliefs do not claim that the words of their books came directly from God. They claim that their books were written by humans, inspired by God. But such a logic does not seem to apply to the chants of the Nazarenes which were bound into a book form during the Abbasid period.
@nunya54 Жыл бұрын
@@vicmath1005 Excellent point and no one else has authentic proof to say the words of their books came from God and they also have proof against their books being inspired by God except for those that believe in Islam.
@brucemills6558 Жыл бұрын
Dear Al, if , as you say , the Quran is uncreated in Heaven and that Allah [ The God] is also uncreated in Heaven [ a created place] then that means that the Quran is co-equal with Allah. It is the Word of God , right? The Kamalah Allah is a way of saying that, correct? Yet that title is also given in the Quran to Issa whom we call today Jesus Christ and who holds another title also in the Quran of the Spirit of God - the Ruach Allah [ my spelling may not be right]. The name 'Christ' placed after the name Jesus means the Christos [greek] , the Anointing of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God in Jesus. For Islam to claim the Quran is uncreated means two Holy things exist, not one. This is a dilemma for all Muslims. Both Allah and the Quran are then uncreated. We know there are over 30 variations of the Quran all published as being the Holy Scriptures, so which one matches perfectly the same text in the uncreated Quran in Heaven ? No one has yet been able to pinpoint that Noble edition. Can you? It isn't the Hafs version adopted by the committee in Egypt in 1924, so which one is the exact copy of the heavenly Quran? I, and many others, would love to know these answers with certainty. And then solve whether the Words uttered by God are also 'God' ? If these words are captured into writing on Earth by a man accurately, do they now become that man's words or are they still the words of God ? I love these opportunities to explore such concepts.
@dollahmusa6705 Жыл бұрын
Tq bros for expaning and exposing islam ...keep up the great work.
@ameenzakariya Жыл бұрын
Sources of Christianity, Paul the Liar. 😅 But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? Roman 3: 7
@nunya54 Жыл бұрын
Yes, they don't even realize they cause Islam to grow. All propaganda against Islam does. God's work.
@johnzuma4688 Жыл бұрын
@@ameenzakariya So how is that a lie?
@ameenzakariya Жыл бұрын
@@johnzuma4688 He confessed that he lied to more abunden the glory of god. But we don't know how much he lied for this purpose? May be major parts of NT are lies? Doctrine of Trinity may be one of his lie. Doctrine of Divinity of Jesus may also be a lie invented by him.
@VFXShawn Жыл бұрын
Quran 81:25 And this ˹Quran˺ is not the word of an outcast devil Does that sound like something God would say? Or an outcast devil trying to trick you?
@xavierbesnard9201 Жыл бұрын
Good questions !
@danadam1296 Жыл бұрын
Dr Jay do you have any books written about the subjects you teach about Muhammad? Please direct, i would like to purchase. Thank you.
@generaljg4373 Жыл бұрын
The bible has many contradictions even comic books dont have contradictions
@TagmatonDomestikon Жыл бұрын
​@@generaljg4373 Quran also has.
@ashtonchretien Жыл бұрын
@@generaljg4373 Quran has contradictions. Bible has none lmao stop the cap
@danadam1296 Жыл бұрын
@@generaljg4373 Old wife talk
@yout872 Жыл бұрын
@@generaljg4373 امك كلها تناقضات
@shanicemukisa2097 Жыл бұрын
Both of you 🙏🙏. God bless you sooooooooooooooo much. 🙏🙏🙏
@Enjoyinformation-hi9uo Жыл бұрын
I love you guys, fantastic work. Your guys are very clever and it's great for the world to know how horrible and fake islam is.
@generaljg4373 Жыл бұрын
I would be ashamed if my God died on a cross
@ashtonchretien Жыл бұрын
@@generaljg4373 it’s our greatest pride. Because it proves that our God loves us and can do anything. Your god can’t even enter creation. And he doesn’t love unbelievers. He only loves devout Muslims. My god died to pay for the sins of even his enemies. While Jesus was getting tortured mocked and crucified he said “Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing” Allah hates disbelievers. He only loves Muslim becuase allah is really Satan trying to bring as many to hell with him as possible
@mysteriesmadeknown2874 Жыл бұрын
​@@generaljg4373 And we would be ashamed if we had a belief that kills innocent people.
@lasttestament4100 Жыл бұрын
*Christianity is dying in Europe* *Less parents baptize kids in USA* Among the causes of Europeans & Americans leaving Christianity: *absurdity and scary doctrine (mixed with ancient pagan idea; human sacrifice).* *1. An absurd doctrine, does not provide a solution, but instead can destroy the family * * Divorced widows or widowers are not allowed to remarry. * Luke 16:18 & Matthew 5:32 If a marriage is toxic because the husband or wife continues to commit *domestic violence, or is involved in endless crimes* (going in and out of jail), or drugs, drunkenness and gambling, and there has been no change for years, even dozens to tens of years. If this happens, Christian couples still cannot divorce. And *if they decide to get a divorce, then each of them remarry,* (even though it is official according to state law) they will not get the blessing from the church because they are *considered adulterous with their new partner.* Luke 16:18 & Matthew 5:32 (definitely it's not the teachings of Jesus). Because of these verses, millions of Christian remarried people live in adultery. *Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism do not like divorce, but allow it,* because if a bad marriage continues, it will become more unhealthy, endanger or harm children and the whole family. *Only Christianity has absurd rules like this* (definitely not the teachings of Jesus). *2. The doctrine of salvation (heaven, nirvana, moksha)* *Requirements for safety in Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Judaism, Islam:* * Believe in God the Creator and * Do good/dharma, stay away from sin & repent (Jews & Muslims). *Requirements for salvation in Christianity* * Believe in Jesus who died as a sacrifice to redeem original sin on the cross. Jesus himself was captured by Roman soldiers and then crucified with the help of Judas, who was possessed by demon. (On the contrary, God in the Old Testament forbids human sacrifice. Jesus never taught or talked about about original sin. Jesus never said he would fulfill the Torah law by redeeming original sins on the cross. (That's why when he was about to be arrested, Jesus was scared and tried to save himself by hiding, telling his disciples to buy swords, prostrate & pray). *Among various religions in the world, only Christian god & the gods of ancient pagan religions asking for sacrifice of human life & blood to save other humans* (Check: offerings of human life & blood in the ancient pagan cultures of Greece, Rome, Ancient Egypt, to Ancient Japan, Ancient Korea, Aztec and inca). WAKE UP CHRISTIANS. *Absurdity & inconsistency of Christianity doctrine has made so many Europeans & Americans left Christianity.* Most of them become atheists/agnostics, and some have converted to Islam (the true Jesus is in Islam), including pastors & evangelists, businessmen, & professionals. Sinnead O'Connor, British singer Cat Steven, ex orthodox & catholic priest Hilarion Heagy, journalist Lauren Booth, British businessman Alfie Best Jr, Paul Williams Blogging, Maliki Clique, Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, etc.
@lasttestament4100 Жыл бұрын
@mysteries No innocent people will be killed. CHECK THE LAST TESTAMENT *100 God's Law in the Quran* (Commandments, Ethics, Prohibitions)* *Women get inheritance, either have or have no brothers* (Q 4:7) (They don't get it in the Bible & in Hindu's book) *1. Worship God only & don't associate God with anything* (Quran) Q 4:36, Q 17: 22,23, 28:88). *Don't worship human,* the moon, sun (Q 5:72, 112:3, 41:37), idols ( 29:17, 4:117) satan (Qs 36:60) *Follow Abraham teachings: prayer, zakat/alms, circumcision, animal sacrifice, hajj. Hajj & Tawaf Abraham (22:26). *God commanded His prophets to teach people to pray & give zakat/alms:* Abraham,Ismael,Isaac,Jacob,Moses,Zachary,Jesus,Muhammad Q 21:70-73, 14:40, 10:87, 3:39,19:54.55,19:30, 31,108: 2, 73:20 *2.* Prayer, Alms/Zakat (QS 73:20), fasting in Ramadhan (Q 2: 185), sacrifice (108:2), Hajj & Tawaf Abraham (22:26). *3. Don't engage in bribery / corruption* (Q 2: 188, 4:29) *4. Don't kill* Q 4: 92, 5:32, 17:33 & don't commit suicide (Q 4:29). Don't kill your child for fear of being poor 17: 31 *5. Don't commit zina / adultery* (Q 17: 32). Restrain your looks & guard your private parts (Q 24: 30, 31) *6. Don't steal* (Q 5:38, 4:29). Ask for forgiveness & repent (Q 25:71, 73:20), Allah is forgiving & merciful (Q 5:39, Q 6:54, 39:53). *7.* Don't be jealous of others (Q 4:32) *8. Don't reduce the rights of others.* Do fair trade, do not cheat (Q 6: 152, 26: 181-182). *9.* Don't consume others' wealth unjustly* (Q 4:29). Don't take the belongings of orphans Q 4:10 *10. Don't make fake testimony* (Q 4: 135). *11.* Don't hide testimony Q 2:283 *12. Don't tell lies* Q 22:30, talk honestly (Qs 6:152) *13.* Be kind to parents. Don't talk rudely (Q 17:23) *14. Be kind to near & distant neighbors, servants* (Q 4: 36) *15. Share with the poor* (Q 51:19), Give alms (Q 34: 39). Donate in abundance & tightness (Q 3:134) *16.* Allah only forbids you being close to those who fight you because of your religion & expel you from your homes Q 60:9 *17. Treat non Muslims fairly* (Q 60: 8). Be just, & do not let hatred swerve you from justice /fair treatment to all (QS 5: 8) *18. Talk & preach wisely* (QS 3: 159, 20:44). *19. Women get inheritance, either have or have no brothers* (Q 4:7) (They don't in the Bible & in Hindu's book) *20.* Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight you, but do not overstep the limits (Q 2: 190) *21. Avoid incest.* Relatives who can & should not marry to (Q 4: 23) *22. Think deeply about God's creation of the heaven & earth* (Q 3: 191): rotation of planets, various animals, plants, fetal growth, water cycle, river & underwater volcanoes, mountains move, colorful mountains, etc. *23.* Don't engage in homosexuality (Q 29: 28-29 & Q 7:80) *24. Do not support or be an advocate for those who betray God's path (Q 4:105) *25. Counter evil with goodness* (Q 41: 34) *26. Protect & help people who seek your protection* (Q 9: 6) *27. Write down your debt & seen by witnesses* Q 2: 282 *28.* Eat lawful/ halal and good food (Q 2:168) *29.* Decide affairs by mutual consultation (Q 42:38) *30.* Avoid suspicions, don't spy and make gossip/rumors (Q 49:12) *31. Don't be greedy & stingy* (Q 4:37, 64: 16) *32. Don't enter anyone's house without permission (Q 24: 27) *33. Don't do bullying:* don't ridicule other people 49:11 *34. Postpone time to pay* if people borrow money from you in problem (Q 2: 280) *35.* God makes you races & tribes, so that you may know each other. *The best of you before God/Allah is the most righteous* (Q 49:13) *36. No pressure to embrace Islam* (Q 2: 256) *37. Don't insult other religions* (Q 6: 108) *38.* Don't practise witchcraft (Q 2:102, 7:115-119) *39. Don't ask for protection to jinn/ghost/devil* (Q 72:6) *40.* Ask for forgiveness & repent (25:71, 73:20). Allah is forgiving & merciful (Q 5:39, Q 6:54, 39:53). *41.* Don't be arrogant & look down on people (Q 31.18) *42.* Don't nullify your charity/alms with reminders or hurtful words* (Q 2: 264) *43. Eat and drink, but do not overeat* or waste it (Q 7: 31) *44. Don't do damage on land and at sea* (Q 30:41) *45.* Don't have sex while on menstruation (QS 2: 222) *46.* Check the truth of info & news. Don't spread hoax* (Q 49: 6) *47. Work hard* Q 62:10, 9:105 *48.* Don't lose hope in the mercy of Allah 12:87, 39:53 *49. God will give a way out for the righteous (Q 65: 2) *50.* Don't refuse going to a war (Q 8: 15) *51. Uphold & enforce the ethics & rules of War* (Q 2: 190-192) & Hadiths: * Do not kill children, elderly, women, sick people & people who are not involved in a war. * Do not kill people who are in churches, synagogues, mosques, temples * Do not break an agreement. * Only fight people who start a war, expel Muslims, and those who break a signed agreement. (by the command of leader in shariah law) * It is forbidden to damage plants / trees & kill animals, except to be eaten. *52. Control your anger and forgive others* (QS 3: 134) *53.* Choose leaders based on their merit (Q 2:247). *54. Do not mix truth with falsehood.* Don't hide truth (Q 2: 42) *55.* Strive for rewards in the Hereafter, but don't neglect yr affairs in this world (Q 28:77) *56. Facilitate peace between those in conflict* (Q 49: 9) *57* Recite short/easy verses when leading a prayer Q 73:20 *58. Don't follow satan's footsteps* Q 2: 168, 24:21 *59.* Don't follow what you have no knowledge Q 17:36 *60. Do not eat carcasses, blood & pork (Q 5: 3). Eat halal & good food (Q 16: 94) *61. Lower your looks and guard private parts 24:30, 31 *62.* Distribute the inheritance of the death to family members. Women get inheritance, either have or have no brothers. (Q 4:7). They don't in the Bible & Hindu's book. *63.* Breastfeed your childrn for 2 full years (Q 2: 233) *64. Take lessons* from God's prophets & their people (Q 37:72, 73, 39:25) *65.* Righteous people will see Allah & the prophets, and reunite with family in the Hereafter (Q 75:22, 23, 4:69, 13:23, 52:21) *66.* Treat your guests well (Q 51:26) *67. Use some of your wealth to help people* (Q 57:7) *68.* Walk on earth with modesty (Q 25: 63) *69.* Avoid big sins, then Allah will forgive your lesser sins (Q 4 :31) *70. Cooperate in kindness,* and righteousness, & not in sin & hostility* (Q 5: 2) *71. Don't oppress orphans* (QS 93: 9) *72. Don't drink alcohol, worship idols* 5:90 *73.* Do not gamble Q 5:90 *74.* Dress properly when attending a mosque (Q 7:31). *75. Control your lust* (Q 38:26) *76. Do not enter your parents' bedroom without permission (Q 24.27) *77.* Allah promises us that whoever combines faith with righteous deeds will have a good life & a good reward in this world & in the Hereafter (Q 17:97), otherwise, will regret (Q 25:27) *78. Ask for forgiveness. Allah accepts repentance* (Q 6:54). God is forgiving & Merciful (Q 39:53) *79.* Call upon your Lord in humility & privately. God no like transgessors Q 7:55 *80.* Do not break the ties of kinship (Q 4:1) *81.* Avoid usury, multiplied interests Q 3: 130 *82.* Be patient with anything happens Q 31:17, 2:177 *83.* You may defend / retaliate yourself if oppressed, but forgiving is better (Q 42:39, 40). *84. Don't be wasteful* Q 17: 27 *85.* Women should not display or flaunt their beauty and charms (Q 33:33) *86.* Don't utter oaths to deceive (Q 16:94) *87.* Encourage people to do what is good & forbid what is evil (Q 31:17) *88.* Don't let your children, wealth, & work neglect you from remembering Allah (Q 63: 9, 24:37) *89.* Don't be arrogant by denying God's verses & the Hereafter (Q 7:40, 16:22) *90. Fulfill your commitment* (16:91) *91.* Don't become "zalimun" (polytheists, wrong doers, oppressors, etc) Q 11:18, 42:40 *92.* Perform Tahajud Prayer (night prayer) as an additional worship (Q 17: 79) *93.* Don't prevent people from praying in mosque Q 2:114 *94. Talk & *preach wisely* (QS 3: 159, 20:44) *95.* Do not burden anyone beyond their capacity (Q 2:286) *96. Preach with wisdom & debate in good ways* (Q 16:125) *97.* Don't drive beggars away (Q 93:10). *98. Do not accuse someone without witnesses* (Q 24:4) *99.* Allah will exalt in degree those who have faith & knowledge (Q 58:11) *100. Enforce justice for all,* even though it's against your parents and rich people (Q 4: 135)
@heartofpuregold Жыл бұрын
Babylon the great mother of harlots and abominations, so there is the link between the abbas and babylonia. Babylon king nebuchadnezzar was cursed by God for building the statue to worship himself. For crediting Gods blessings as his own doings.
@Abc-os3vm Жыл бұрын
Hey Dr Jay there is really a problem that you should look into and tackle because you said guys previously there is no reference of Mecca before the 8th century whereas actually there are references - The Greek historian Diodorus Siculus (1st century BCE) wrote about a city in Arabia called "Macoraba" that was a center of trade and pilgrimage. - The Roman geographer Ptolemy (2nd century CE) included Mecca in his map of Arabia as a city called "Macoraba". - The Greek geographer Strabo (1st century CE) wrote about a city in Arabia called "Moka". - The 4th century Christian bishop Epiphanius of Salamis wrote about a city in Arabia called "Makor" that was known for its temple and religious significance. Hopefully you can rad this comment because I really believe in your message
@vicmath1005 Жыл бұрын
'Arabia', until the non-Arab Abbasids arrived on the scene in 750 CE, was south of Judaea, and its center/capital was Petra. So, a description of "center of trade and pilgrimage" fits Petra very well. Only Petra and no other place. Qurʾān (48:24) talks of "belly of Makkah" (ببطن مكة). The South Asian translators of the qur-an have changed it to "valley of Makkah" which is completely wrong. "Belly of Makkah" fits Petra and no other place. According to Arabic history, half of Quraysh (Nazarene chanters of the qur-an) lived inside the "belly of Makkah" whicle other half lived immediate outside it. Don't confuse this Arabia with what the 9th century non-Arab chroniclers wrote. Before pointing to Dr Jay, get your 'Arabia' right.
@sebastianyoon8051 Жыл бұрын
Macoraba was a city in the Arabian interior which was mentioned by Ptolemy. Some people wanted to assume that Macoraba was actually Mecca. Macoraba had appeared recently, with respect to Ptolemy’s time. This assumption would result in the conclusion that Mecca was built around the middle of the 2nd century A.D. However, even if this were true, it wouldn’t support the claim that Mecca was an old city existing from the time of Abraham. Upon further study of the facts concerning Macoraba, we can conclude with certainty that Macoraba cannot be Mecca, and we can refute the idea that Mecca was built in the 2nd century A.D. All the facts point to the historical argument that Mecca was constructed in the 4th century A.D. Since Macoraba is not pronounced like Mecca, the scholar Crone suggested that the location of Maqarib, near Yathrib, was actually Macoraba. Maqarib is mentioned by Yaqut al-Hamawi, an Arab geographer who lived from 1179-1229 A.D., in his geographical dictionary Mujam al-Buldan.[xc] This location is more acceptable than Mecca for the modern-day location of Macoraba, because Maqarib is closer in pronunciation to Macoraba than to Mecca. Another reason is that Maqarib, though it does not exactly fit the documented location of Macoraba, is closer to the location, according to the latitude and longitude of Ptolemy, than Mecca is to the documented location of Macoraba. In order to determine the exact location of Macoraba, scholars have looked to the city of Lathrippa, mentioned by Ptolemy at a longitude of 71, as a reference. Lathrippa is accepted by most scholars as the city of Yathrib, a city documented in the historical record. Ptolemy placed the city of Macoraba at 73 20 longitude, which means about three-and-a-third degrees east of Yathrib, while Mecca is west of Yathrib. So Macoraba cannot be the city of Mecca, nor a city in the direction where Mecca was later built. Macoraba should be located deeper into the interior of Arabia, or toward the eastern coast of Arabia. We have just analyzed the longitude; now let’s turn to the latitude. When we study latitude we find more data concerning the historical location of Macoraba. Ptolemy described Macoraba, not as the next city south of Lathrippa, or Yathrib, but the sixth city to the south. While the city of Carna is the first city to the south of Lathrippa, Macoraba is the sixth city to the south. Carna was a well-known Yemeni city, belonging to the Minaean kingdom mentioned by Strabo. This is significant, because Strabo described the main tribes of southern Arabia in these words: The extreme part of the country is occupied by the four largest tribes; by the Minaeans … whose largest city is Carna; next to these, by the Sabaeans, whose metropolis is Mariaba; third by the Cattabanians, whose royal seat is called Tamna; and the farthest toward the east, the Chatramotitae, meaning Hadramout, whose city is Sabata.[xci] In the past, Carna was known as the most important, and the largest city of the Yemen Kingdom of Ma'in. Carna was a significant city of Arabia which Ptolemy couldn’t miss. Because Macoraba was listed as the fifth city south of Carna, we understand Ptolemy used Carna as a reference point for the five cities he listed south of Carna, included Macoraba. We can’t make Lathrippa a reference point for locating Macoraba, since Lathrippa is farther north of Macoraba, but Macoraba’s location is south of the famous old Minaean city of Carna. We can only conclude that by latitude, Macoraba is in south Arabia, south of the Yemeni city of Carna. Considering where Ptolemy placed the longitude of Macoraba it is a great distance from where Mecca was later built. Its longitude would bring it east of Yathrib. In fact, Pliny mentions a city with the name Mochorba, and he said it was a port of Oman on the Hadramout shore in South Arabia. It’s also possible that Macoraba is derived from Mochorba.[xcii] Since Macoraba never appears in any literature other than the narration of Ptolemy, it must have been a small settlement or tiny village which disappeared in Ptolomy’s time during the 2nd century A.D. Probably a small Omani tribe emigrated from the port of Mochorba toward the north of Yemen, south of Carna, the old Minaean city of Yemen, and established a small settlement which they named after their original city. The tribe would then have moved to another area in search of better living conditions, a usual migratory occurrence in Arabia. The fact that Macoraba never appears again in any other classical survey confirms the fact that it was a small provisional settlement of a small tribe, and not a significant town. If a case for the name of Machorba should be opened, it should be seen in relation to the southern Arabian city of Mochorba, and not to Mecca. In the same manner, we see the city of New London in the United States as being named after the original city of London. We can’t open a case for the origin of the name of the American city apart from the English city after which it was named. THE ABSENCE OF MECCA IN THE ETHIOPIAN, SYRIAN, ARAMAIC AND COPTIC LITERATURE The absence of Mecca in the Ethiopian, Syrian, Aramaic and Coptic literature points to the fact that it couldn’t have been founded during the 3rd century A.D. Let’s look at Ethiopian literature. The Ethiopians were also concerned with documenting Arabian cities on the opposite coast of the Red Sea, especially in the area where Mecca was eventually built. Again, we see that there is no mention of Mecca in their surveys. Neither do we find any mention of Mecca during the 2nd, 3rd or 4th century A.D. This also demonstrates that Mecca did not exist at the time of Ptolemy; we have to place its origin at a later date. That Mecca was not built before the 2nd A.D. century is an indisputable fact. The question now is whether we can determine if Mecca was built in the 3rd or 4th century A.D. The absence of records in Syrian, Aramaic and Coptic literature makes the dates for the existence of Mecca later than the 3rd century A.D. Crone, whom I mentioned earlier, did a survey of the Coptic and Syrian literature which was concerned with Arabia, but none of these works mentioned Mecca.[xciii] We also have other reasons to assume that the date for Mecca’s founding was after the beginning of the 4th century A.D. We find some help in Christian evangelistic and missionary activities in Arabia and Christian literature. They do not mention Mecca, either. We also know that the Christians under the Byzantine Empire tried to evangelize Arabia. The Byzantine emperor targeted the main cities of Arabia and sent missionaries to evangelize and establish churches. This evangelism was so successful that, at the Nicea Convention around 320 A.D., an Arabic bishop participated.[xciv] The church in Najran, a city on the border of Yemen toward Mecca, was established before the Nicea Convention. In 354 A.D., Constantine the Second sent Theophilus Indus to Arabia to evangelize the region. He established churches in Eden, Thafar and Hermez. The Ethiopians sent missionaries to Arabia to evangelize the cities around the Red Sea. The Nestorians sent missionaries to Hijaz; into northern and central western Arabia where Mecca was eventually built. Arabia was also the main target of missionary activity for the church of Hira in southern Iraq. It is significant that we don’t find any mention of Mecca in all the Christian records of this time. This suggests that Mecca did not exist in the 3rd century A.D., or at the beginning of the 4th century. Because it was inhabited by many tribes, and built by a big tribe, like Khuzaa'h, Mecca could not be a small village which would not have attracted the attention of the missionaries and the Christian churches of Mesopotamia, Ethiopia and Byzantium. * Extracted from: STUDIES BY CLASSICAL WRITERS SHOW THAT MECCA COULD NOT HAVE BEEN BUILT BEFORE THE 4TH CENTURY A.D. By Dr. Rafat Amari URL given in following 'comment'
@Martin-lv1xw Жыл бұрын
Thank you brothers, Glory to the one and only true God Jesus Christ
@ameenzakariya Жыл бұрын
Sources of Christianity, Paul the Liar. 😅 But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? Roman 3: 7
@nunya54 Жыл бұрын
You place Jesus before God going against the first commandment. This is the first and major goal of Satan. Do not follow Satan upon the falsehood of Paul. Worship God like Jesus did.
@sciencefollower Жыл бұрын
@AffableCounselorNumber1 Жыл бұрын
For the good Islam is the only credible religion, but it is the worst for the bad.
@generaljg4373 Жыл бұрын
Without lies christianity dies
@mysteriesmadeknown2874 Жыл бұрын
​@@generaljg4373 Comparing you with the energizer bunny, but you are still lying, lying, and keep on lying 😅
@AffableCounselorNumber1 Жыл бұрын
@@generaljg4373 Christianity is the lie itself.
@AffableCounselorNumber1 Жыл бұрын
@@mysteriesmadeknown2874 Search "God" in the internet or in any other sources to find that you are standing on lies, on the Greco-Roman lies, paganism mixed with German pagan cultures. The word "God" was not there before the 6th century. Where was your God before that time?
@mysteriesmadeknown2874 Жыл бұрын
@@AffableCounselorNumber1 first century and before Luke 4:17-:21 And Jesus was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written: “The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD.” Then He closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him. And He began to say to them, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”
@ssimba2785 Жыл бұрын
Without lies Islam will die.
@ameenzakariya Жыл бұрын
Sources of Christianity, Paul the Liar. 😅 But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? Roman 3: 7
@dalipgupta8275 Жыл бұрын
Plz do Arabic translation too so that our Arabic brothers and sisters can know the real truth
@misbahulislam1565 Жыл бұрын
What do you think the strong minded and the real followers will be melted by hearing this type of rubbish speech!!!!???? One think you should keep in mind, having no knowledge about their religion correctly but talking against other religions, people are the Inferior to quadrupeds. That's why Islam said the christians to follow their religious activities correctly. Because Most of the christians don't know about this religion correctly but barking that it is the true path. So why many christian are accepting Islam leaving the path of Christianity????
@dalipgupta8275 Жыл бұрын
@@misbahulislam1565 lol haha 😂😂 strong mind plz study by yourself and ponder i understand it's hard when I left Hinduism it was hard for me to believe so far what I have been believing is false . I know the feeling but I accepted the truth plz study by yourself with open mind .. and trust me I personally know many who left islam becoz they understood Qur'an .
@misbahulislam1565 Жыл бұрын
@@dalipgupta8275 That means the hindus and Christians who accept Islam because they know the gita and bible correctly and find it errors that's why they left.....? Bruh your speech indicates that meaning
@misbahulislam1565 Жыл бұрын
@@dalipgupta8275 Obliviously Hinduism is wrong. Who have believed the soil made god in 21st century that actually made by man ??? It's means the soil made god's God is man because man create the soil made god.... But they can't understand the true.
@dalipgupta8275 Жыл бұрын
@@misbahulislam1565 i didn't study hindu scriptures much most of my knowledge came through tv serials however I did understand idol worship is satanic more over hindu god wears snake 🐍 and satan came in form of snake only to tempt mother eve .. secondly the seven birth theory in Hinduism doesn't make sense to me so I decided to look for truth and i know the truth by myself. It's not Abt finding errors for Christians it's Abt feeling the holy ghost testimony
@danielphaley6607 Жыл бұрын
If you're a Christian.. you shouldn't even think to waste your time, or inquisitiveness.. or to even acknowledge... such a topic ... ! as simple as it is ??? 👍😃🌿🌻
@mysteriesmadeknown2874 Жыл бұрын
Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and look, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Mark 16:115 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to everyone. Believe me, these people are on God's side.
@georgeo785 Жыл бұрын
Plenty of lost people on this podcast to witness too. I don't pay attention to cult teachings
@mysteriesmadeknown2874 Жыл бұрын
@@georgeo785 They are on the Lord Jesus Christ side.
@aaronharun1394H Жыл бұрын
Chosen messengers of God of the past were given revelation and were given task by God throughout history to inform men of the true belief and to warn men of their errors. Noah and Abraham were messengers of God who were sent to warn their communities of their errors of idolatry and the consequences of Hellfire. Idolatry is a grave error and an unforgivable sin. The only way is to repent and leave that believe and practise. The chosen messengers were tasked to inform people of worshipping the one and only true God who created everything and to leave the taking of false deities/gods. Muhammad was also sent to warn the arab pagans at the time of their errors of idolatry. As an ensuing messenger who is also the final messenger chosen after Jesus, Muhammad was also sent to warn the Christians of their error of believing Jesus is God and the consequences of Hellfire. In the gospels, it is mentioned that Jesus was sent. Jesus was a human messenger of God among many human messengers of God that were sent throughout history. The human messengers of God were chosen from humans and were sent to convey message to other humans. The one God who sent Jesus is the same one God who sent Noah is the same one God who sent Abraham is the same one God who sent Moses. The one God is the most High and the one who sends, not someone who is sent.
@alexandernorman5337 Жыл бұрын
Why does archeology record the God of Abraham as Yadh-He-Waw-He (YHWH for Yahweh) and not Lamedh-Lamedh-He (LLH for Allah)?
@aaronharun1394H Жыл бұрын
The one God of Abraham is not Jesus. Abraham prayed to the same one God who Jesus prayed to. Abraham did not pray to Jesus. Jesus did not pray to Jesus.
@alexandernorman5337 Жыл бұрын
@@aaronharun1394H You didn't answer the question. Why does archeology clearly show that the God of Abraham is Yodh-He-Waw-He and not Lamedh-Lamedh-He?
@aaronharun1394H Жыл бұрын
Message of Salvation to Christians from God O Mankind, the Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe; it is better for you. But if you disbelieve - then indeed, to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and earth. And ever is Allah Knowing and Wise. O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a (created) spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one ilah (deity/god). Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs. Never would the Messiah disdain to be a servant of Allah, nor would the angels near [to Him]. And whoever disdains His worship and is arrogant - He will gather them to Himself all together. And as for those who believed and did righteous deeds, He will give them in full their rewards and grant them extra from His bounty. But as for those who disdained and were arrogant, He will punish them with a painful punishment, and they will not find for themselves besides Allah any protector or helper. O mankind, there has come to you a conclusive proof from your Lord, and We have sent down to you a clear light. So those who believe in Allah and hold fast to Him - He will admit them to mercy from Himself and bounty and guide them to Himself on a straight path. (Al-Quran translation&interpretation 4: 170-175) From arabic translations of the bible that you can find online, Allah (الله ) is the Creator of the heavens and the earth in Genesis 1: 1 Indeed, your rabb (Lord) is Allah, who created the heavens and earth ... (Al-Quran translation 7: 54) Aalaha or Alaha refers to God in Aramaic. Aramaic is a language believed to be spoken by Jesus. Aramaic is a semitic language having similarities with Hebrew and Arabic.
@alexandernorman5337 Жыл бұрын
@@aaronharun1394H Let me guess...You *can't* answer the question of why the God of Abraham is clearly recorded by archeological records as Yodh-He-Waw-He and not Lamedh-Lamedh-He. Well, then let me ask you another question. Why should I (or anyone else) worship a 'god' who forgets his own name, or who pretends to be another?
@mannyhabib2867 Жыл бұрын
Alhumdullillah, rock n rolla Ayatollah!
@paulhallett1452 Жыл бұрын
You brothers are saints! Christ the loves all Muslims and Christ wants them to partake of the Triune Life forever! Holy Spirit - we trust in you God. Mary, Queen of Victory, Heaven, Earth, Angels, Saints and Peace, New Eve, Ark of the Covenant, Immaculate Conception, Ever Virgin Mother of God, pray for us sinners!
@heartofpuregold Жыл бұрын
Amen I also believe this and know many godly arab and non arab muslims who if they accept truth of Roman Catholic will make the most devout Christians. We cant discount them God people are everywhere. These men are send to tell the truth. I pray they embrace Roman Catholicism as the Apostolic Faith. In every muslim country there are catholic church for reasons, God put them there.
@ElizabetaDante Жыл бұрын
Beware of deception ! The people of God don’t worship the mother of Jesus!
@paulhallett1452 Жыл бұрын
@@heartofpuregold as an American of Irish descent I always cherish in my heart the hope we should have for the Arab world - bearing in mind that many Muslims’ ancestors had and kept to the faith long before mine ever heard the Gospel! And in today’s world all can hear and believe!
@johnzuma4688 Жыл бұрын
@@paulhallett1452 Islam was invented by Mohammed in the 6th century and it was spread by invasion and occupation of Non-Muslims lands primarily from the middle of the 7th century. Christianity reached Ireland in the 5th century.
@anaalhak4711 Жыл бұрын
Omar Korjeshit THE FIRST DRUG SMUGGLER IN ARABIA. From a poor family, ridiculed and insulted. He didn't know if it was better to kill himself or to go to the world. Better to find a grave than to be a horse to others. He complains to the sons' fathers who provoke him, but their fathers are the same as their sons. They answer him that in Mecca, someone must be a horse, and someone must be a rider. Omar quickly realized that if he doesn't help himself, no one will. Little sister, father went blind, and mother died. At the grave of Umihana's mother, he was beaten by Abu Kloro and the boys. He kissed his mother's grave three times and took a stone from it and put it in his bosom and headed to Yatrib. He did not inform his sister or father. Omar Korješit was a shepherd, a woodcutter, a mason, a gravedigger, a gardener, a water carrier, a traveling salesman - a contractor of important jobs for his masters and finally he became a merchant. THE FIRST DRUG SMUGGLER IN ARABIA. The epoch-making invention of the CAMEL belongs to him. He disbanded the caravan near the Byzantine border, and he devoted himself to caring for the camels, as long as the man believed that he loved animals. Such care for the camels helped him to put gold coins in the camels' mouths in rubber bags, and drugs in round tin boxes. He coated them with a special grass and liquid that camels love. In a similar way, he threw in precious stones, jewelry and everything he could to sell well and make money in his market, which he held in his hands. Years passed and Omar Korjeshit became rich, when a Byzantine girl who knew Hamza ibn Abu was discovered. Amara told him, and he informed Omar. He returned to Mecca, but instead of visiting his birthplace, he looked for Muhammad. In Ortam's castle on Sefo, the two talk alone and agree on cooperation. Omar invests his wealth from smuggling, which is what the cunning Muhammad asked for because he needs money. Muhammad offers him and says you are my Paul of Islam, the Apostle ambassador in Christian Abyssinia to his friend the Abyssinian emperor, and the MENTOR will teach you about everything. Omar went to his house and found his sister Ramiza, it was the happiest day for him. In one day, he became Pavle Islama, the second Hafiz in order and the deputy of God's messenger, the all-powerful ruler over a huge part of the country. To repay Muhammad, he built the famous mosque in Jerusalem. He conquered Persia and Egypt as a joke. Like Hafiz, he slept in a tent until his death. Omar Korjeshit believed in the saber, force, money and obedience. Omar Korjeshit - THE FIRST DRUG SMUGGLER IN ARABIA.
@ameenzakariya Жыл бұрын
Sources of Christianity, Paul the Liar. 😅 But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? Roman 3: 7
@Tjn757 Жыл бұрын
Pls show the name of the book
@mattyost7298 Жыл бұрын
if Christianity rejects gnostic writings a century out how can muslims accept writings twice that length of time?
@alvinjohn9317 Жыл бұрын
Can i ask..who is the shoe maker? And i also always heard the term...Mhmd hijab...
@danielshellaiah5068 Жыл бұрын
Lies never continued!! Lies are lies! Liers are shameful now days They trying continue? Need a walking stick!!
@user55lovesfr95 Жыл бұрын
The answer to the question is "Is it?" I doubt it.
@bluebible1199 2 ай бұрын
wait a how in the world could ibn ishaq write anything about Mo w/o anyone to copy from was he asking around or something?
@Mojtala41 Жыл бұрын
Muslims believe there is an uncreated Qur'an in heaven. I have asked several people, what is the idea of having a complete and 'sahih' (right) Qur'an in heaven? Why should not Allah of Medina send a copy of it to Muslims today?
@dudeduderinoduderino9689 Жыл бұрын
I am amazed at how many muslims do not comprehend this. Mohammad did not write anything, so WHO wrote the koran which should be their first question?
@shahadathkadir Жыл бұрын
1 Corinthians. 7 :6. Paul says " But I speak these things BY PERMISSION & NOT BY COMMANDMENTS . Things spoken " by permission " . Peter - " repent & be baptized everyone, in the name of Jesus . Acts 2 : 38 . Paul - Baptize in the name of the Father , the son & the Holy Ghost .
@shahadathkadir Жыл бұрын
@mysotiras 018 Without lies Christianity will die
@ameenzakariya Жыл бұрын
Sources of Christianity, Paul the Liar. 😅 But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? Roman 3: 7
@shahadathkadir Жыл бұрын
@@ameenzakariya That's what we are here for brother. Only to show them the truth . Insha Allah !
@kentmathewgargantiel4312 10 ай бұрын
No wonder the islam always promote war in the name of allah and keep shouting "allahuakbar" war is not a characteristic of a God because God is love
@peaceandserenitylovejez 6 ай бұрын
@MJ_Stanley Жыл бұрын
@small_101 Жыл бұрын
What book is that title
@davidzondi5782 Жыл бұрын
I want to thanks God of the Bible to reveal the truth about this cult religion thank you too Alfadi nd Jay Smith nd more others God give you more wisdom to research nd find more truth hahahaha cult is fallen is fallen
@ElizabetaDante Жыл бұрын
Yes...Abbasid period the stories were put together. And who are these people? What are their interests? Let’s find out who of them had someone dictate them what they had to compile. Let’s find out what were their practices. Did they belong to some kind of..brotherhood “?
@xanderLudahl Жыл бұрын
Its not. Supposedly the Quran was assembled, during the 2nd Caliphate, from all the scraps of paper, cloth, bone, pottery with Muhummad's sayings. Then all the scraps were destroyed. On the other hand, Islam agrees that Jesus Christ was a prophet. Ought to read what Jesus says about himself, in the gospels - he makes some strong claims.
@MultiMark2 Жыл бұрын
it's incredible and terrible.
@freethinker3054 Жыл бұрын
Does Christianity have credible sources? Or true history for the first 100 years? Jesus created religion or Paul or Flavius ceaser?? Dig and find the truth, after all as John said Truth sets you free😂
@nunya54 Жыл бұрын
Yes, it's the only credible religion
@Islamandpeacedawah Жыл бұрын
Challenging Question to All: Which verses canceled the Sabbath? Is marriage finished and sex no longer a sin? Is the law from Torah no longer are sins? Why in Deuteronnomy, God repeats many times that you should follow the Law and warnings if you do not? Sermon of the Mount: Read full. Why did Jesus increase the Law to Maximum? Not a dot to be removed. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind. Luke 10:27 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me. Deuteronomy 5:9 warning above. Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. Matthew 5.17 You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery. But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell. Matthew 5:27 Why did Jesus increase the Law above to max? Why no mention of Trinity, Son of God, or God? Is there warning for worshiping other Gods in the OT? Yes No excuses will be accepted. My answer, he did not die for your sins. Now, I remind u that Christians were required to follow the Law of Torah just as Jesus said in Matthew 5,10 commandments, pork and Sabbath. Also Leviticus with tons of warnings. And one more: though shall Glorify the name of your Lord God. In Aramaic god name is Allah. JESUS SPOKE ARAMIC. GOD OF JESUS IS ALLAH. 25 prophets mention in Quran. All had same God. If you want to enter into life follow the commandments'. Matth 19:17 The Lord aur God is one Lord.Matth 12:29 When u pray, say aur Father in heaven Luke 11:2 That they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. JESUS IS A PROPHET. THEY DID NOT KILL HIM WHICH MEANS THE LAW IS STILL ON. JESUS SAID ANOTHER PROPHET TO COME. ISLAM LAST MESSAGE, LAST BOOK AND LAST PROPHET. SAVE YOUR SELF FROM HELLFIRE: ISLAM.
@ronnie-lynn Жыл бұрын
Which verses cancel the sabbath: The New Covenant is the promise that God will forgive sin and restore fellowship with those whose hearts are turned toward Him. Jesus Christ is the mediator of the New Covenant, and His death on the cross is the basis of the promise (Luke 22:20). The New Covenant was predicted while the Old Covenant was still in effect-the prophets Moses, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel all allude to the New Covenant. God first announced and defined the new covenant in the Old Testament through Jeremiah (Jer. 31:33, 34). Hebrews in the New Testament picked it up straight from Jeremiah. In the longest New Testament quotation of an Old Testament passage, Hebrews 8:7-12 quotes ““The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them,” declares the Lord. “This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time,” declares the Lord. “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest,” declares the Lord. “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.”” ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭31‬:‭31‬-‭34‬ ‭NIV‬‬ “For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another. But God found fault with the people and said: “The days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they did not remain faithful to my covenant, and I turned away from them, declares the Lord. This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest. For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.”” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭8‬:‭7‬-‭12‬ ‭
@Islamandpeacedawah Жыл бұрын
@@ronnie-lynn Sabbath: See Acts 5:29, John 14:15, James 2:10-12 Catholic and Papal Church has alot to do with changing the Sabbath and Constantine also about 364AD and the Council of Laudicea. Maor Sin. Islam is full or forgiveness from God. Kast message, book, last Prophet. 1. Not one person in the complete bible is worshipping Trinity. 2. Not taught by any prophet in the bible. 3. Not worshiped also 4. U canot see God and live. 5. Against 10 commandments and Torah. 6. Major sin 7. Many warnings for worshipping another god. 8. Mark 12:29 Jesus says ' The lord our God is Lord. 9. Matthew 19:17 'if u enter into life, keep the commandments. 10. 1 Timothy y:16 Who alone is immortaland who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see...
@johnzuma4688 Жыл бұрын
So tell me my friend, why do Muslims not follow the Law of Moses? Or do you not know that the Sabbath is a Saturday and not a Friday? And that eating camel meat is a unclean as eating pig meat and Mohammed ate camel meat? So tell me, why do you believe that following Mohammed will get you or anyone else to heaven?
@Islamandpeacedawah Жыл бұрын
@@johnzuma4688 Hello. Moses: We follow most of it because it comes from same God. We know about Sabbath. We dont follow Sabbath because we follow our prophet. Friday is our holy day. Over ten years when 5 times prayer was established, which means the Friday was performed for many years. The camel does have a split hoves and we are allowed to eat it and the prophet also did eat it. Following our prophet is the best way. All previous scriptures have been changed. There is no such things as trinity, son of god or die for your sins. I believe those verses have been added. Matt 5 is the only one that matches OT, which has truth in it and clearly saying not a dot to be removed from the Law, and few other verses: keep the commandments and your god is one God, etc. Islam can also be a new covenant. Last book, message and last prophet. Thx
@johnzuma4688 Жыл бұрын
@@Islamandpeacedawah You seem very confused my friend. Or have you not read Leviticus? (third book of the Torah). Muslims in fact follow virtually nothing of the Law of Moses. And as you said you only follow Mohammed and none of the biblical prophets. Moses said that eating camel meat is as unclean as eating pig meat. So clearly you do not follow Moses. You say >> All previous scriptures have been changed.
@sciencefollower Жыл бұрын
@collybever Жыл бұрын
An academic who is the author of "Creating the Quran" which brings a lot of recent research together. (Originally a German surname, but anglicized). This book is thought to be exceptional.
@sciencefollower Жыл бұрын
@@collybever ok, thanks and regards.
@mysteriesmadeknown2874 Жыл бұрын This one's a Christian shoemaker.
@georgeo785 Жыл бұрын
@georgeo785 Жыл бұрын
A big NO. I dont waste my time on it. I have the truth of which there can only be one. Jesus Christ. John 14:6 Jesus said that I am the Way the Truth and the Life. Period. Finished
@nunya54 Жыл бұрын
Except that does not denote divinity.
@khorshedalamprodhan5463 Жыл бұрын
Mohammed to Omaia Khilafat didn't write Quran.
@vicmath1005 Жыл бұрын
Do you more information on this?
@y.israel922 Жыл бұрын
💰✝️ 🤑 🏴‍☠️💸 🔥💯 Hellelujah
@the1allahprays2 Жыл бұрын
Am I the only one who feels like they've seen this episode at least 50 times now???
@generaljg4373 Жыл бұрын
Help I cant find the trinity in my bible
@the1allahprays2 Жыл бұрын
@@generaljg4373 help I can't find any historical evidence of Mecca. Not on a map, not mentioned by any neighboring empire, not a single early mosque faced it, not a single ancient artifact found there, not enough water to support life. Epic failure of a religion...
@mysteriesmadeknown2874 Жыл бұрын
@@the1allahprays2 😆
@collybever Жыл бұрын
@@generaljg4373 Shouldn't you be OK with ideas that are not instantly comprehensible ? Allah says He has no partners, but then makes "Mohammed" his partner. Allah has a body with 2 right arms and one known shin, but is somehow also needing to be omnipresent. Allah is supposedly Yahweh, but can't appear to people face-to-face as He does in the Bible e.g. to Abraham.
@georgeo785 Жыл бұрын
And you and many others keep watching. They want to help people be set free
@shahadathkadir Жыл бұрын
Ezekiel. 20 : 25. " So I gave them up to statutes that were not good for them & laws through which they could not live by ". STATUTES THEY COULD NOT LIVE BY - Isaiah, 20 : 2. God is telling His prophet Isaiah ( Prince of the prophets ) " At the same time spake the Lord to Isaiah, son of Amoz , Go & loose the sackcloth from off thy loins & put off thy shoe from thy feet & he did so walking naked & bare feet ". For 3 yrs this prophet of God walking naked up & down in front his daughters , sisters mother , granny ???? Proverbs. 31 : 16. " Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish & wine to those that be of heavy heart. Let him drink & forget his poverty & remembers his misery no more " Ezekiel. 4 : 12. " Behold I will corrupt your seed & spread dung upon your faces, & thou shall eat it as barley & bake it with fresh dung that commeth out of man ".
@shahadathkadir Жыл бұрын
@mysotiras 018 " THE Bible ????? " My friend are u not aware there are several Bibles ??? Which Bible u mean , the KJV ? NLT ? NIV ? NKJV ? NSV ? NASB ? TB ? NRSV ? GB ? RSV ? or the Catholic Bible with 73 Books ? the Christian Bible with 66 Books ? the Orthodox Bible with 77 Books or the Ethiopian Bible with 81 Books ? Are u a Catholic ? Presbyterian ? Seven Day Adventist ? Protestant ? Roman Catholic ? Lutheranism ? Pentecostal ? Anglican ? Baptist ? Methodist ? And finally , Who do u worship ? The Father ? the son ( Jesus ) the Holy Ghost ? Mary ? Once I get these facts , then we can have a meaningful dialogue . Thank u for your consideration . Hope to hear from u soon .
@ameenzakariya Жыл бұрын
Sources of Christianity, Paul the Liar. 😅 But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? Roman 3: 7
@SWCMNP523 Жыл бұрын
Quote the whole verse, read in context, then come back. It is intellectually dishonest to nitpick only a part of a verse and build an argument around it. Your argument failed even before it started.
@ismaelmahmud2019 Жыл бұрын
Quran Says the will came end Every soul shall taste death. Bible 1) the earth will remain forever 2) heaven and earth will perished Which one it's? Some people will live earth forever Some people will die
@aln2790 Жыл бұрын
THE NEW TESTAMENT PROVES THAT JESUS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CHRISTIANITY. THERE IS NO VERSE IN THE NEW TESTAMENT THAT SHOWS A RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN JESUS AND CHRISTIANITY. JESUS ONLY HAD A VERY CLEAR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL WHICH IS STATED IN MATTHEW 15:24= But He answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of ISRAEL. (JESUS WASN'T SENT TO CHRISTIANS, JESUS HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH CHRISTIANITY). JESUS ONLY SPOKE TO THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL, JESUS NEVER SPOKE TO CHRISTIANS. MARK 12:29 And Jesus answered him, the first of all the commandments is, HEAR, O ISRAEL; the Lord our God is one Lord. (JESUS ONLY KNEW THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL, JESUS DIDN'T KNOW CHRISTIANS). JESUS IS NOT GOD, JESUS HAS A GOD. JOHN 20:17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father; but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my GOD, and your GOD.
@rosariomusic2750 Жыл бұрын
so stupid. John 3:16, was Jesus sent for the world? or only Israel?
@venenareligioest410 Жыл бұрын
“When the literal word of a deity requires repeated, long-winded explanations from his human followers simply to prevent it being interpreted to mean what it actually says, it doesn’t make a great case for divine authorship. If anything can mean anything, the whole thing becomes meaningless.” Richard Dawkins.
@huaweiredmi4015 Жыл бұрын
The holy bible with the CROSS is the only book from God. I didn't base on the content of the Al-Quran. God spoke to me through the holy spirit ( malaikat), not in my dream. God even showed me all the prophets in my biological eyes at such a speed that no computer can outperform the Almighty. All my witnesses are "Up in the air", my moslem guardians. It was in the year 2018+. I am a Malaysian Chinese , baptised christian at the age of 11+ by Mrs. Jacob in the Church of Christ, Seremban, N.S. God even shown me how she walk the steps to heaven in my eyes. That include Joyce, a lower level just after the gate of heaven . A christian preacher too. Believe, readers. A miracle , that saved me , a conditional one, with the use of the machine from above. That Tunku of Perak knew about this. A drilled brain. Need X-Ray to confirm ? Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Amen . 4-2023.
@nunya54 Жыл бұрын
The only book from God has mistakes and corruptions in it? You think God authors a book like that?
@RafikKhan-ol4zk Жыл бұрын
Sitting behind the.screens and talking.won't prove angthing jay smith you kown what happen to you At spekers corners your lies got Exposed
@OrdoMallius 10 ай бұрын
Lmao you exposed nothing
@positron.naruto137 Жыл бұрын
BUDDHISM build by a Prince who left His Luxury and Glorious Life to become Arahan, to become selfless, to meditate and teach the 8 ways to man kind not to suffer from this world. CHRISTIANITY build by Jesus who left Heaven to born as a poor man ( carpenter ), lead and teach great loves and morals and even sacrifice himself to take all sinners who have faith in Him to go to heaven. How about this religion of peace? An arabic bandit who robbed quarisy clan, slaughtered all jews at medina, lead normadic tribes, conquer meccah, married with young girls, his ex daughter in law, his wife's slave, also 6years old daughter of his friend, and try to teach dakwah about what? Credibility of any religions based by the life of the founders, Buddha and Jesus, in historical lesson were a great selfless person But muhammad greatness only found in Koran, not in historical lesson ( his life in history almost like Great Genghis Khan )
@whitesteelangle156 Жыл бұрын
QURAN 2:10 In their hearts is a disease (of doubt and hypocrisy)and Allah has increased their disease.A painful torment is theirs because they used to tell LIES!!! QURAN 2:161 Verily, those who disbelieve and die while they are disbelievers, it is they on whom is the curse of Allah and of the angels and of mankind, combined. QURAN 2:162 They will abide therein under the curse in Hell, their punishment will neither be lightened, nor will they be reprieved 167E) And they will never get out of the Fire 🔥 😂😂😂
@anaalhak4711 Жыл бұрын
Even the angel Gabriel could not enter the seventh heaven, Allah allowed only me. The road leads from the seventh heaven to the eighth heaven. And in it is the palace of Almighty Allah, which is seventy-seven thousand larger than any land and sea. And I saw Allah, but I don't know what his character is like because he changes from moment to moment. I saw that he was covered with seventy-seven veils. Even the most intelligent mortal is not destined to see his face, it could happen that out of curiosity or out of evil intentions he imitates him - to do what is inadmissible. I - Muhammad the prophet of God did not think of asking him to take off his veils and to see his face. And I am happy that Allah chose me from so many people as his messenger, that he put his right hand on my shoulder and his left on my chest and made me the closest to him... He taught me Islam - Muslimism, talked with me for a long time like a father with his son, explained the secrets of life to me, taught me how to act if you don't immediately convert to the Muslim faith. As if from parchment to parchment, he transferred twenty-nine thousand words from his head to my head, and I to him as many. Every word is a secret - salvation, but for unbelievers more poisonous than a snake and more deadly than thunder. Then Allah took my hand, moved the little finger of my right hand and the door opened and the horror of hell appeared, where infidels, traitors, corrupt merchants, prostitutes, liars, inbreeds and various sinners are found. ALLAH SHOWED ME MALIK - HELL'S ANGEL. And I saw him hitting the rascals with a sledgehammer, smashing them into dust and dust, putting them back together and smashing them again. Unbelieving people swallow a terrible fire, because at the beginning of the world they refused to believe in Allah. I was happy when I saw the rulers of the killers of the people - they are fried in a big pan, their meat sizzles, the fat melts and boils. They disappear and the crackling people return to the pan. And their bellies inflate and the crocodiles torture them, bite them and put them back together. To be again as they were not. They see merchants - eaters and swindlers, the wolves of heaven tear them apart, and the she-wolves give birth again and the wolves eat them again. There is no end to that game. And I saw people like green grass, stinking flesh in front of them, they die from the stench and are cured by the stench, the stench revives them and kills them again.. And I learned from Malik that they are haters of the female gender, the brother of the murderer, Kain to Kain condemned to eat his own body and to always be hungry. And I saw women with noses and mustaches who made love to women, licked each other like bitches and were each other's husbands. Those lepers are hanging on their breasts, because they chose sick fornication, instead of getting married and giving birth to healthy children. And I saw alcoholics drowning in a sea of poisonous drinks. And I saw the murderer's father, they were the eternal pillars on which hell stands, and Medo from Kalica suffered the most severe torment there, because he slaughtered his father for a long time and enjoyed it and burned his body in the hay. Those who killed sages, writers, honest and brave people endure severe torment. It seemed to me that all the Nine Heavens shook from their wails. In order to save me from seeing such torments, the merciful Allah closed the gates of hell and did not forget to say that in the Ninth Heaven there are words, poets-angels, sages who build the most beautiful and lasting palaces from words. Among them, one is the greatest and closest to God, he did not tell me his name, but I know that God loves him the most. And he told me that he receives wisdom from them, but they also from him. It is not easy to rule with the Nine Heavens and Earth. And I learned that the poets on earth are bound by invisible strings to the poet in the Ninth Heaven. Allah taught me to be just, and once again told me that the spirit of another great poet is hidden in the Ninth Heaven - an angel who will come to earth after a few centuries. and examine what Muhammad did on earth. And will publish. This obliges me not to make mistakes and convert people to the Muslim faith. When I parted with dear Allah, Al Barak appeared again and brought me down to Mecca - next to the door of the holy Kaaba. If you are foolish, if you want to have God against you, you can think that I am not telling the truth. And if you do not obey me and do not follow me, you will be turned into dust and dust, there will be no place for you on earth. You will be more cramped in Persia and Byzantium than in the goat's horn. I am carrying out God's order and am sending this letter and will read it to my believers. If you misinterpret my letter, first you will lose your sight, and then you will go crazy. (Allah can kill you, I don't want you to die). Abu Bekir, the biggest Muslim in Mecca, is a witness that Abu Sofijan Sakr ibi Harb is an opponent of beautiful Islam, also from Mecca, he died on the same day when he said that I invented all this. He was killed by silent lightning while he was going home, and all those who do not recognize God's messenger will follow him. Convert to Islam, be eternally protected by the grace of Allah and God's Messenger. When he finished this letter, Metor asked Muhammad if this was good. Muhammed answers all lies to lies, and Mentor answers, do you know which is the strongest truth. when a lie becomes the truth and when it spreads its wings and goes to the four corners of the world.
@reynoldthemagnificientthun463 Жыл бұрын
*WAS MUHAMMAD THE DESCENDANT OF ABRAHAM* In order to determine whether Muhammad was a descendant of Ishmael ( from Abraham ) or not, it is absolutely essential to consider four vital facts which the Qur’an reveals on this matter. A comprehensive study of these four vital facts is absolutely a must to establish the truth. The truth about Muhammad will be established in this article. Consider now the evidences from the sources of Islam itself. FACT NUMBER ONE The Qur’an clearly testifies that no Messengers or Prophets were ever sent to the Arabs before the time of Muhammad: Surah 28:46-47: Nor were you present on the side of Mount Sinai when We called out to Moses. But you too have been sent as an act of grace from your Lord, to give warning to a people to whom no Warner has come before, so that they may take heed and may not say, if a disaster should befall them as a result of what they have done with their own hands, ‘Lord, if only You had sent us a messenger, we might have followed Your message and become believers.’ (Abdel Haleem) Surah 32:3: Or do they say, “He (Muhammad) has invented it?” Nay! It is the truth from your Lord that you may warn a people to whom no Warner has come before you, that they may follow the right direction. (H. S. Aziz) Surah 34:44: And We have not given them (Arabs) any Books (Scripture) which they read, nor did We send to them before you a Warner. (H. S. Aziz) Surah 36:2-6: I call to witness the Qur’an, custodian of all laws, That you are indeed one of those sent on a path that is straight, A revelation from the mighty, ever-merciful God, That you may warn a people whose ancestors had never been warned, who are therefore heedless. (H. S. Aziz) FACT NUMBER TWO Yet at the same instance, the Qur’an testifies that Ishmael was both a Messenger and a Prophet of Allah: Surah 19:54: And remember Ishmael in the Book. Truly, he had been one who is sincere in his promise, and he had been a Messenger, a Prophet. (Laleh Bakhtiar) FACT NUMBER THREE The Qur’an repeatedly testifies that the Arabs - the forefathers of Muhammad - never received any Scriptures of Allah before the time of Muhammad: Surah 6:157: Or lest ye should say: If the Scripture had been revealed unto us, we surely had been better guided than are they. Now hath there come unto you a clear proof from your Lord, a guidance and a mercy. (Pickthall) Surah 11:49: This is of the tidings of the Unseen which We inspire in thee (Muhammad). Thou thyself knewest it not, nor did thy folk know it before this. Then have patience. Lo! The sequel is for those who ward off (evil). (Pickthall) Surah 34:44: And We have not given them (Arabs) any Books (Scripture) which they read, nor did We send to them before you a Warner. (H. S. Aziz) Surah 62:2: He it is who has sent a Messenger among those who had never before received a Scripture - to convey unto them His Messages. (Shabbir Ahmed) FACT NUMBER FOUR On the other hand, the Qur’an clearly states that Ishmael was given the Scriptures of Allah: Surah 6:86-89: And Ishmael and Elisha and Jonah and Lot… These are they unto whom We gave the Scripture and command and prophethood. (Pickthall) Surah 4:163: We have sent revelations to you as We sent revelations to Noah and the prophets who came after him; and We sent revelations to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob, and their offspring, and to Jesus and Job, and to Jonah and Aaron and Solomon, and to David We gave the Book of Psalms. (Ahmed Ali) Surah 3:84: Say (O Muhammad): We believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob. (Pickthall) In addition to the above facts, the Qur’an also provides another vital piece of information that is equally important in our discussion. The Qur’an admits that prior to the time of Muhammad only two groups of people - the Jews and the Christians - received the Scriptures of Allah. No other national groups are named in the Qur’an as ever receiving the Scriptures of Allah. It is essential for Muslims to remember this vital fact that is taught in the Qur’an: Surah 6:155-156: And this (Qur’an) is a Book which We have revealed full of blessings. So now follow it and fear Allah persistently so that you are shown mercy. The Qur’an has been revealed lest you should say: ‘The heavenly Book was only sent down before us to the two communities (the Jews and the Christians), and undoubtedly, we were unaware of their reading and teaching.’ (Mohammad Tahir-ul-Qadri) Substantiating this fact even further, the Qur’an recognizes only three Books by name as the revealed Books of Allah before the time of Islam. These three Books are the Torah, the Psalms, and the Gospel. That is why only the Jews and the Christians are recognized as the “People of the Scripture” or as the “People of the Book” in the Qur’an. Not even the Muslims are recognized as such. Surah 5:68: Say (O Muhammad) “O People of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)! You have nothing as regards till you act according to the Torah and the Gospel. (Hilali-Khan) Therefore, the Scripture which the Qur’an claims that was given to Ishmael cannot be for the guidance of the Arabs. This fact is supported by numerous Qur’anic verses which state clearly that the Arabs were not given any Scriptures before the time of Muhammad. The Arabic Qur’an which was revealed at the time of Muhammad is the only Scripture that was given to the Arabs. Prior to this they had none: Surah 32:3: Or say they: “He (Muhammad) has fabricated it?” Nay, it is the truth from your Lord, that you may warn a people to whom no Warner has come before you (O Muhammad), in order that they may be guided. (Hilali-Khan) All the above facts are based not on any external sources. They are all based on the Qur’an - the primary source of Islam. What essential truth can Muslims learn when we piece all these vital facts together? The following segment will answer this question. THE MUSLIM DILEMMA The above verses of the Qur’anic clearly state that no Scriptures were given to the ancestors of Muhammad. Yet at the same instance, the Qur’an reveals that the Prophet Ishmael was given the Scriptures of Allah. Logically, if the Prophet Ishmael was truly an ancestor of Muhammad, then this would mean that the ancestors of Muhammad had already received the Scriptures of Allah before the time of Muhammad. Thus, for the Qur’an to be true, the Prophet Ishmael simply cannot be an ancestor of Muhammad as claimed by the Muslims. How are Muslims going to reconcile the claim in the Qur’an that no Scriptures were given to the ancestors of Muhammad with the verses which state that the Prophet Ishmael was given the Scriptures of Allah if the Prophet Ishmael was truly an ancestor of Muhammad? With no Scriptures to prove the lineage between the Prophet Ishmael and Muhammad, how can Muslims then assume that Muhammad was a descendant of the Prophet Ishmael? Furthermore, besides stating that no Scriptures were ever given to the ancestors of Muhammad, the Qur’an also states that neither were any Prophets sent to them. Yet, the Qur’an clearly testifies that Ishmael was a Prophet of Allah. If the Prophet Ishmael was truly an ancestor of Muhammad, this would then mean that a Prophet of Allah was already living amidst the ancestors of Muhammad. Thus, it would be a gross error for the Qur’an to state that no Prophets were sent to the ancestors of Muhammad who were Arabs. However, since the Qur’an states positively that no Prophets were sent to the ancestors of Muhammad, this proves that the Prophet Ishmael could not have lived or set foot in Arabia as Muslims claims. The only option that now remains for Muslims to accept the Qur’an as true is to acknowledge the fact that Muhammad simply cannot be a descendant of the Prophet Ishmael. Muslims who challenge or deny this fact will be proving the Qur’an false, and their Allah an imposter.
@georgeo785 Жыл бұрын
No mention of him that l have heard of or read in the Old Testament
@ameenzakariya Жыл бұрын
Your long essay further confirms that Al Quran is from God and not the writtings of Muhammad PBUH. Thank you for sharing knowledge.
@reynoldthemagnificientthun463 Жыл бұрын
THE QUR’AN DISQUALIFIES THE PROPHETHOOD OF MUHAMMAD BOTH THE BIBLE AND THE QURAN PROCLAIMED MUHAMMAD A FALSE PROPHET There are way too many compelling evidences to reject Muhammad’s claim as a prophet of the true God. Muslims erroneous believed that Muhammad was a true prophet sent by God. In order to reveal to muslims whether Muhammad qualifies as a prophet of the true God, we will use the very sources of Islam to prove why Muhammad simply cannot be a true prophet. It may come as a shocking surprise for Muslims to learn that both the Holy Bible and the Qur’an disqualify Muhammad as a prophet of the true God. Muslims reject sources that are extraneous to Islam. Therefore, we will use the Qur’an to prove why Muhammad lacks the qualification to rank among the prophets of the true God. Vital evidences will be provided from Islamic sources to substantiate the case against Muhammad’s claim as a prophet. Carefully consider the evidences provided in this article. Centuries before the Qur’an came into existence, the Holy Bible speaks of the “Covenant of the true God.” God made a covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob: Exodus 2:24-25: “And God remembered his Covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. So God looked on the sons of Israel and God took notice.” 2 Kings 13:23: “But God was gracious unto them and had compassion upon them and turned to them because of his Covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” Psalms 105:7-10: “He is the Lord our God. His judgments are in all the earth. He has remembered his covenant even forever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations, the covenant which he concluded with Abraham, And his sworn statement to Isaac, And which statement he kept standing as a statue even to Jacob, As an everlasting covenant to Israel.” In harmony with the Bible’s statements regarding the Covenant of Gid with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Qur’an also confirms that the “Prophethood” will remain in the lineage of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Four different translations of Surah 29:27 are provided below: Surah 29:27: And (as for Abraham), We bestowed upon him Isaac and (Isaac’s son) Jacob, and caused prophethood and revelation to continue among his offspring. (Asad) And We bestowed on him Isaac and Jacob, and We established the prophethood and the Scripture among his seed. (Pickthall) And We granted him Ishaq and Yaqoub, and caused the prophethood and the book to remain in his seed. (Shakir) And We bestowed Ishaq and Yaqub to him, and kept the Prophethood and the Book among his descendants. (Faridul Haque) It is vital to note that after confirming that the “Prophethood” will be established with Abraham, Surah 29:27 goes on to state a profound truth. It states that the Prophethood will thereafter continue through the “lineage” of Isaac and Jacob. Therefore, the Prophethood will be established uniquely through the seeds of Isaac and Jacob. In other words, the Prophethood would only be entrusted to Isaac, Jacob and their Descendants. That is why Allah declared that the Prophethood would “remain” in the lineage of Isaac and Jacob. This means that anyone claiming to be a Prophet of the true God must be born in the “Prophetic Race.” They must be born in the lineage of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Since the Qur’an states that Prophethood would “remain” exclusively in the lineage of Isaac and Jacob, we must then ask whether Muhammad was a descendant of Isaac and Jacob. In other words, was he born in the Prophetic Race? Muslims scholars claim that Muhammad was a descendant of Ishmael. But Ishmael is excluded entirely in the prophetic lineage in Surah 29:27. If Allah intends to include Ishmael, his name would be placed before Isaac, as he was older than Isaac by about fourteen years. But as it can be noted, Surah 29:27 completely omits any reference to Ishmael. This raises the vital question as to why Ishmael was totally ignored if he was as important as Muslims claim him to be. Thus, the Qur’an clearly teaches that the prophetic lineage will be established only through Isaac - not Ishmael. If Muhammad is a descendant of Ishmael, then he cannot be a descendant of Isaac at the same time, given the fact that Ishmael and Isaac are half-brothers. Thus, it is evident that Muhammad is not a descendant of Isaac. As Muhammad was neither a Jew nor a descendent of Isaac and Jacob, this automatically disqualifies him as a prophet of God. Since the Qur’an specifically states all the true prophets of God will be established in the line of Abraham through Isaac, then Muhammad cannot be a prophet of the true God. In fact, this is in harmony with the promise of God to Abraham in the Holy Bible: Genesis 17:21: “However, my Covenant I shall establish with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you at this appointed time next year.” The only one alleged prophet from the line of Ishmael was Muhammad - a non-Israelite. Whereas the rest - Moses, Samuel, Nathan, Elijah, Elisha, Hosea, Amos, Isaiah, Jonah, Joel, Jesus and many others - were all descendants of Isaac and Jacob? And they were all Israelites. All these prophets were descendents of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob just as it was sworn by Allah in Surah 29:27. Why were all these chosen prophets of God descendants of Isaac and Jacob? Why was Muhammad who descended from Ishmael the only exception? Why was Ishmael’s name left out completely at the most significant time when the lineage of the Prophethood was revealed in the Qur’an? Did not Allah know that his greatest prophet would be born through the lineage of Ishmael? The following Surahs also confirm the determined will of Allah to preserve the Prophethood within the “Children of Israel.” Surah 45:16: And verily We gave the Scripture and the Command and the Prophethood, and provided them with good things and favoured them above all peoples. (Pickthall) Surah 2:47: “O Children of Israel! Remember My favour wherewith I favoured you and how I preferred you to all creatures.” (Pickthall) Further evidences in the Qur’an alluding to the fact that the Prophethood belongs solely to the line of Isaac and Jacob are provided below: Surah 19:49: So, when he had withdrawn from them and that which they were worshipping beside Allah. We gave him Isaac and Jacob. Each of them We made a Prophet. (Pickthall) Surah 21:72-73: And We bestowed upon him Isaac, and Jacob as a grandson. Each of them We made righteous. And We made them chiefs who guide by Our command, and We inspired in them the doing of good deeds and the right establishment of worship and the giving of alms and they were worshippers of Us (alone). (Pickthall) Once again, we can observe that Ishmael is not mention in the above Qur’anic verses, whereas recognition is given to both Isaac and Jacob. Why did not Allah include Ishmael in these verses since Muslims claim that he is also a prophet of Allah? The Qur’an states that God gave Abraham a son and a grandson to live with him and made them both prophets. These two are the only ones mentioned as God’s gift to Abraham. Why is Ishmael’s name completely omitted as a rightful son of Abraham in these Qur’anic verses? As clearly noted, whenever the Qur’an mentions about the founding of the Prophethood, at the same instant, it consistently states that it will come through Isaac and Jacob. Thus, they are the roots - the ancestry from which the chosen race of the prophets will descend. Hence, as far as Allah and the Qur’an are concerned, the only true prophets are those who are the descendants of Isaac and Jacob. Deuteronomy 18:18-20 18 I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him. 19 I myself will call to account anyone who does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name. 20 But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death.” ( no salvation for that false prophet ). In the episode of the "satanic verses" muhammad admitted uttering words which does not come from God and invoke the names of false god, al lat; al uzza and al manat. Here, muhammad fulfill the criteria as a false prophet and must be put to death as per Deuteronomy 18:20. Muslim apologists from time to time deliberately ommit this Deuteronomy 18 - 20 passage to deceive their audience. False prophet Muhammad - the antichrist : 1 John 2:22-23 22 Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist-denying the Father and the Son. 23 No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also. The birth of Ishmael Muhammad claimed to be the descendant of Ishmael. 11The angel of the LORD proceeded: “Behold, you have conceived and will bear a son. And you shall name him Ishmael, for the LORD has heard your cry of affliction. 12He will be a wild donkey of a man, and his hand will be against everyone, and everyone’s hand against him; he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.” 13So Hagar gave this name to the LORD who had spoken to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “Here I have seen the One who sees me!”…
@reynoldthemagnificientthun463 Жыл бұрын
*WAS MUHAMMAD THE “SEAL OF THE PROPHET”?* The Qur’an says that Muhammad is the “Seal of the Prophets” in the following verse: Surah 33:40: “Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets.” (Pickthall) Muslims use this verse to prove that Muhammad was the last in a series of prophets and that he was the culmination of the prophethood. However, the Hadith literature makes it very clear that when the Qur’an refers to the “Seal of the Prophets” being upon Muhammad, it refers to a large mole on his back. It is simply beyond reason how the superstitious belief that people with notable physical abnormalities were chosen by God can be used as one of the evidences to validate Muhammad as the “Seal of the Prophets.” This proves that Islam came out of paganism and not from the true Abrahamic faith. Islam’s own references provide us with evidences of this fact. Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 4, Number 189: Narrated By As Saib bin Yazid: My aunt took me to the Prophet and said, “O Allah’s Apostle! This son of my sister has got a disease in his legs.” So he passed his hands on my head and prayed for Allah’s blessings for me; then he performed ablution and I drank from the remaining water. I stood behind him and saw the seal of Prophethood between his shoulders, and it was like the “Zir-al-Hijla” (means the button of a small tent, but some said ‘egg of a partridge.’ etc.) Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 70, Number 574: Narrated By As-Sa’ib: My aunt took me to Allah’s Apostle and said, “O Allah’s Apostle! My nephew is- ill.” The Prophet touched my head with his hand and invoked Allah to bless me. He then performed ablution and I drank of the remaining water of his ablution and then stood behind his back and saw “Khatam An-Nubuwwa” (The Seal of Prophethood) between his shoulders like a button of a tent. Sahih Muslim is the second greatest work on the Hadith after Sahih Bukhari. It records the following: THE FACT PERTAINING TO THE SEAL OF HIS PROPHETHOOD, ITS CHARACTERISTIC FEATURE, AND ITS LOCATION ON HIS BODY Sahih Muslim, Book 30, Number 5790: Jabir b. Samura reported: I saw the seal on his back as if it were a pigeon’s egg. Sahih Muslim, Book 30, Number 5793: Abdullah b. Sarjis reported: I saw Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) and ate with him bread and meat, or he said Tharid (bread soaked in soup). I said to him: Did Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) seek forgiveness for you? He said: Yes, and for you, and he then recited this verse: “Ask forgiveness for thy sin and for the believing men and believing women” (xlvii. 19). I then went after him and saw the Seal of Prophethood between his shoulders on the left side of his shoulder having spots on it like moles. And other well-known Hadiths support the above Islamic documentations. Sunan of Abu Dawud, Book 32, Number 4071: Narrated Qurrah ibn Iyas al-Muzani: “I came to the Apostle of Allah (pbuh) with a company of Muzaynah and we swore allegiance to him. The buttons of his shirt were open. I swore allegiance to him and I put my hand inside the collar of his shirt and felt the seal…” Tarikh (History of) al-Tabari: “….When Bahira saw this, he descended from his cell and sent the caravan a message inviting them all…. Finally he looked at Muhammad’s back,and saw the seal of prophethood between his shoulders….He replied….“I also recognize him by the seal of prophethood which is below the cartilage of his shoulders and which is like an apple.” (The History of al-Tabari: Muhammad at Mecca, translated and annotated by W. Montgomery Watt and M. V. McDonald, Volume VI, pp. 45, 46) This same lying monk (Bahira) also said that he had seen the stones and the trees prostrating to Muhammad as he walked by. Muslims believe these incredible tales without wondering why many of the Arabs refused to accept Muhammad when he called them to Islam. Eventually, it was not the stones or the trees or the mole but the sword of Islam that converted these pagan Arabs. Ibn Sa’d (A.H. 168-230), Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kabir: ‘Abd Allah Ibn Ja’far al-Raqqi informed us on the authority of ‘Ubayd Allah Ibn ‘Amr, he on the authority of ‘Abd al-Malik Ibn ‘Umayr, he on the authority of Iyad Ibn Laqit, he on the authority of Abu Rimthah; he said: I went to the Prophet, may Allah bless him, and a son of mine was with me. Then I said: O my son! This is the Prophet of Allah. When he (son) saw him, he began to tremble, out of reverence. When I arrived, I said, “O Apostle of Allah! I am a physician and belong to the family of physicians. My father was a noted physician during the Jahiliyyah (pre-Muhammad times) days; we are famous as physicians. So permit me (to treat) what is between your shoulders. If it is a wound, I shall operate on it and Allah will cure His Prophet.” Thereupon he said: There is no physician for it except Allah. It was like the egg of a dove. (Translated by S.M. Haq & H.K. Ghazanfar, Kitab Bhavan, New Delhi, India, 1972, Vol I (part 2), p. 503-506.) The “Seal of Prophets” turns out to be a physical deformity that needed medical treatment. However, the vast majority of Muhammad’s uneducated and superstitious followers believed it was a miraculous Seal of Muhammad’s prophethood. Muhammad took advantage of their ignorance and did not allow it to be removed.
@reynoldthemagnificientthun463 Жыл бұрын
Muslims believed that the quran is unchanged and there are no variants. This is not true. Did you know that the official version of the quran was only finalised in 1924 in Cairo, Egypt? And only officially canonized in 1985 in Saudi Arabia? Scholars know that there are several versions of the quran, but the average muslim does not. Why? The 2 most widely used versions in existence today are the Hafs and Warsh versions. (Others are Qalun, Al-Duri, Khalaf, Al Qisai, Ibn Amir, Abu Amar, Al Bazi etc) Is yours a Hafs or Warsh version? Look at the first verse of sura al-fatihah. If there is a number “1” after the Bismillah verse, then you have the Hafs version. If not, you have the Warsh version. The few knowledgeable muslims who are aware of the existence of these 2 different versions will say there are very minor differences, mainly vocal variations. Again this is not true. Here are a couple of examples of text variants that can be found in the Arabic Hafs and Warsh that show that the quranic text and meaning itself has been altered! 2:125 in Hafs is وَاتَّخِذوْا “WatakhIzu” (You shall take) / In Warsh it is وَاتَّخَذوْا “WatakhAzu” (They have taken/made). In 2:125 One version gives a command, while the other states a historical observation. Another one: 3:146 in Hafs is قاتل “Qatal” (Fought) / In Warsh it is ُقتل “Qutil” (Were Killed). In 3:146 the difference is between a prophet and those with him being killed, while in the other the difference only means that they fought by his side. There’s more: Look up 2:85, 15:8, 21:4, 33:68, 42:30, 48:17 in both these versions and see for yourself. In fact, if you study futher, you will find that number of verses in Hafs is 6236, while Warsh has only 6214 verses. Were you aware of this? Probably not. Why not? Which is the right version? Hafs or Warsh? Didn’t allah say that he will preserve his word? (sura 15:9) Who managed to change his words and cause allah to break his promise? The number of hadith collected and attributed to prophet Muhammed is in the hundreds of thousands, as much as 700,000. Let us now look at some of the famous hadith collectors and what they collected. (1) Malik Ibn Anas collected about 500 hadith in his famous book, Al-Muwattaa. (2) Ahmed Ibn Hanbal, collected about 40,000 hadith, in his famous Musnad. He chose these 40,000 hadith from among 700,000 hadith. In other words he thought 660,000 hadith were un-proven, lies and/or fabrications and the others may be authentic. That is, 94% were lies and fabrications. (3) Bukhari collected about 600,000 hadith. He accepted 7275 hadith and considered 592,725 hadith to be un-proven hadith, lies and/or fabrications. In other words, 99% of what he collected were considered unauthentic. (4) Muslem collected 300,000 hadith. He accepted 4000 of them and rejected 296,000, that is, almost 99% were rejected. This gives us an idea of how much corruption entered or tried to enter Islam from the back door.
@generaljg4373 Жыл бұрын
According to Judaism and Islam the christian belief is sketchy because in christianity theres three gods (trinity ofcourse) while the god in Judaism and Islam is one
@Mokinono45 Жыл бұрын
No Judaism has several Gods, as they changed their traditions in the 2nd century which is something only prophets and Gods can do, the Palestine and Babylonian Talmuds present an entirely different religion from the Abrahamic religion. They take thier Rabbis as equal to their Gods. Islam holds there are several Gods, Ba'al, Isa, Muhhamed, and possibly Caliphs. They edit the Islamic tradition as they please and take the place of God. Christianity believes that the God is one, thus they say the God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob, etc and Jesus testifies to this and continues this tradition to this very day. Christians believe the Trinity is light from light, meaning there is no possible human distinction between the Persons of the Trinity without God Himself saying so. Thus in submission to the One God, do Christians proclaim Trinity. If your leaders can change the tradition, they are, de facto, God.
@hyperloid2143 Жыл бұрын
Thats they crucified Jesus Christ because He emphasized co equal to God and accused Blaphemer and then they dont believe that He is Messiah
@alonzoharris9049 Жыл бұрын
@@Mokinono45 The trinity is three gods.
@rainbowdash2366 Жыл бұрын
@@alonzoharris9049 Your prophet believed in 4 pagan gods and so do you. Lah, Lat, Uzza and Manat Qurap 53:19-20🤣🤣🤣
@rainbowdash2366 Жыл бұрын
@@alonzoharris9049 Who is Isa's earthly father nadir ibn muta?
@MalcomRight Жыл бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 incha allah allh guid you all. Like another islamophobs who revert in the end. You both are knews what the truth is.
@georgeo785 Жыл бұрын
To tell the truth is not a phobia of any kind. I bet the word phobia is made up by the devil. The truth hurts. It pierces the soul with conviction
@nunya54 Жыл бұрын
@mysotiras 018 Fake news mysotiras. I'm sure you know this is not true.
@velkyn1 Жыл бұрын
as credible as christianity, hinduism, etc. aka not credible at all.
@georgeo785 Жыл бұрын
No one has ever disproved the original Scriptures that make up the Old and New Testament
@velkyn1 Жыл бұрын
@@georgeo785 Nice false claim George. They have been repeatedly show to have no evidence to support them. The various religions that use them can't even agree amongst themselves which parts to take as literal, as metaphor, as exaggeration, etc. "No one has ever disproved the original Scriptures that make up the Old and New Testament"
@notme9262 Жыл бұрын
Yes. Including Islam. All religions are the creation of men, Even if God exists, he wouldn't fail so terribly getting his message across😂
@georgeo785 Жыл бұрын
@@velkyn1 l am a firm believer in God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit. As taught in the Scriptures. God took on Himself a body of flesh and Blood to die and shed His Holy Blood to wash and cleanse us from all sin. Animal sacrifices could only put off sin and not forgive entirely like the Blood of Jesus Christ can. No one in all of history has been able to disprove these truths of the Bible of which God is the Author. Never. God can not lie. This is what l and many millions of believers of all ages have been witness to and do testify. There can only be one truth all other is man made and usually of the devil
@velkyn1 Жыл бұрын
@@georgeo785 So? a Muslim is a firm believer in their nonsense too. You both can whine about your magic books, and you have no evidence to support either are even remotely true. I do love a god so stupid to keep requiring animal sacricies when this god could have sent ol' JC down right after the nonsense in Eden. Yep, poeople have been able to disprove your nonsense just like you are sure that the nonsenes of Islam is wrong. There is no evidenc for your god, nor of any of the events it supposedly caused, dear. I don't care that you stamp your lil' feet and insist you and many people believe in such garbage. That's just an appeal to popularity logical fallacy. and gee, dear, most if not every theist makes the same whines about how only their cult is true and everyone else is wrong. That I can look at you self-profesed christians and see not one of you can do what your bible promises certainly indicates you must be frauds. The Muslims are no better. " l am a firm believer in God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit. As taught in the Scriptures. God took on Himself a body of flesh and Blood to die and shed His Holy Blood to wash and cleanse us from all sin. Animal sacrifices could only put off sin and not forgive entirely like the Blood of Jesus Christ can. No one in all of history has been able to disprove these truths of the Bible of which God is the Author. Never. God can not lie. This is what l and many millions of believers of all ages have been witness to and do testify. There can only be one truth all other is man made and usually of the devil"
@mahender6969 Жыл бұрын
Jesus die no one sins and here is the proof Ezekiel 18:20 "The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punishment for the father's iniquity, nor will the father bear the punishment for the son's iniquity; the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself. Psalm 49:7 No man can by any means redeem his brother Or give to God a ransom for him. Says by any means. The old testament says no man can die for another mans sins, so jesus could not have sacrificed himself for all of humanities sins. He was technically a fleshly man. God says don't idle worship. Idolatry is the worship of an idol or a physical object as a representation of a god. Well people out there who wear a cross necklace or have a cross hanging on their wall, you better get rid of those idols. So technically that's idol worshipping, and im pretty sure God might be the kind of guy who is definitely more technical. People focus too much on jesus and have given most of the credit to jesus as their savior. Here is a theory. What if jesus was really the devil in disguise to fool people into believing he died for them just to deceive people to take their eyes off of God. Ezekiel 18:20 "The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punishment for the father's iniquity, nor will the father bear the punishment for the son's iniquity; the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself. I think that's pretty clear on that last part. I am simply thinking out loud to start a conversation, I don't conform to any of the statements above, my hands are clean.
@mahender6969 Жыл бұрын
@mysotiras0187 It very straight forward,,, your blinded by your faith. No one can die for your sins. In fact you do not even know is Jesus son of God or God himself christian math is 1+1+1=1 LOL 😂
@nunya54 Жыл бұрын
@mysotiras 018 The Bible isn't the Word of God though. We don't know who wrote Isaiah or the Gospels.
@mysteriesmadeknown2874 Жыл бұрын
The good side verses the bad side of m&m.
@keepit-dj4wp Жыл бұрын
Being christian not to bad, you could do whatever you want, eat whatever you want, go to church on sundays with all the pretty women, drink, celebrate holidays. Why would anyone want to be islam. Christianity is great, all i had to do was get baptized and im good to go!!
@keepit-dj4wp Жыл бұрын
@mysotiras 018 what? So your telling me eating whatever I want, going to church Sundays, drinking, celebrating holidays are sinning?
@temporaryaccount5307 Жыл бұрын
So u don’t know how to read? Then might I suggest phonics, bc ur reading comprehension sounds is as awful as the Abduls.
@akameel Жыл бұрын
Is there any other religion as credible as Islam? Btw apart from Islam, why don’t you guys comment on other religions too?
@alexandernorman5337 Жыл бұрын
Because other heathen religions don't claim to be following the God of Abraham.
@georgeo785 Жыл бұрын
They do comment on there beliefs in Christianity. They talk of their conversion
@shahadathkadir Жыл бұрын
According to Christian sources the 3.000 manuscripts u boast about, No 2 are the same & none is the original . they were copies , in some cases copies of the copies . Another problem is the 19 Books u threw out . Books like the Gospel of Mary, the Books of Thomas, James, Judas , Thomas , Barnabas et al . Books that had been in the Bible for thousands of years, u threw them out about 200 years ago . Which of your many many Bibles is the true words inspired by God ? Which of your gods is the true gods ?
@aluminatechurch Жыл бұрын
I'm an Aluminate' that teaches One Humanitarian Truth Under God. I teach from the Bible, Koran, Bhagavad Gita and the New World's Testament that I write. Before anyone says the Koran is fake or evil they should understand what had happened and what was happening within Christianity. There was disagreement and fighting over whether Jesus was God or not and the Trinity. This is something still not agreed about within Christianity today. Today you have the Oneness, Trinitarian and Unitarian theologies within Christianity. So this is one of the main reasons why God ordered the Koran into the world that's why it explicitly states that saying Jesus is God and belief in the Trinity is blasphemy. Now Muslims have misinterpreted the Koran when it comes to the crucifixion because they don't understand that Jesus only died on the cross PHYSICALLY BUT NOT HIS SPIRIT. Our spirits never died so his spirit lived and was raised up to God's divine presence. Christian leaders will always demonize the Koran and the Prophet Mohammed PBUH because the Koran threatens the man made foundation of Christianity.
@georgeo785 Жыл бұрын
Why don't you try to become the first person to disprove the original Scriptures that make up the KJV. God offers a challenge in Scriptures.
@aluminatechurch Жыл бұрын
@@georgeo785 obviously you don't know Christian history.
@johnzuma4688 Жыл бұрын
I have read the hafs quran and some of the hadiths and found the following very disturbing about Mohammed and his allah: - Islam teaches that child marriage is OK which implies child rape (Surah 65:4) which is evil. And Mohammed of course led by example when he raped a 9 year old little girl. - Islam teaches that it is OK for a husband to beat his wife (Surah 4:34) which is evil. - Islam teaches that it is OK to use women captured in war to be used and sold as sex slaves (Surah 33:50) which evil. - Islam teaches that Christians and Jews must be fought until they have been killed (murdered) unless they submit to Islam and agree to be oppressed second class citizens in the own country (Surah 9:29) which is evil. - Verily those who believe not [in Islam], among those who have received the scriptures [Jews and Christians], and among the idolaters, [shall be cast] into the fire of hell, to remain therein [for ever]. These are the worst of creatures.
@johnzuma4688 Жыл бұрын
@@aluminatechurch Obviously you do not know Christian theology. If you do not believe in the Trinity then logically you are not a follower of Jesus.
@shahadathkadir Жыл бұрын
Without lies Christianity will die ! Here's why ! 1 Kings. 22 :23. " Therefore , look, the Lord has put a lying spirit in all those prophets of yours & has declared disaster against you ". THE LYING SPIRITS - Acts. 1 : 18. " Now this man ( Judas ) purchased a field with the wages of iniquity & falling headlong , he burst open in the middle & all his entrails gushed out ". But in Matthew. 27 : 5. " Then he threw the pieces of silver down on the temple floor & departed & went & hung himself ". LIES or contradictions ? Luke. 24 :9. " When the women came back from the tomb , they told all these things TO THE ELEVEN & ALL THE OTHERS ". Mark. 16 : 8. " Trembling & bewildered , the women rushed out & fled the tomb. THEY SAID NOTHING TO NO ONE , because they were afraid ". God is NOT A MAN that He should tell lies neither a SON OF MAN that He should regret ". Numbers. 23 : 19.
@georgeo785 Жыл бұрын
No one in all of history has been able to disprove the original Scriptures that make up the KJV of 1611. In the scriptures God challenges people to disprove His word. On the other hand this podcast shows that all other religions are made up by man and not true. God can not lie like men do
@shahadathkadir Жыл бұрын
@@georgeo785 I don' care for your opinion , Show me facts . You were lied too . There are NO ORIGINAL scriptures . All u have are copies & in some cases copies of copies . Which is the original ? The KJV ? NLT ? NIV ? NKJV ? NSV ? NASB ? TB ? NRSV ? GB ? RSV ? or the Catholic Bible with 73 Books ? the Christian Bible with 66 Books ? the Ethiopian Bible with 77 Books or the Orthodox Bible with 81 Books ?
@georgeo785 Жыл бұрын
@@shahadathkadir l get my facts from Cloud Church org on KZbin. I don't care if you like facts or not. There is only one truth. If your willing to search for it. Cloud Church has helped many people
@georgeo785 Жыл бұрын
Blasphemy and false witness is a sin of the 10 commandments. You will be judged by your words. We live by the New Testament Scriptures and there your clueless. It's 7th grade reading. Can you read
@shahadathkadir Жыл бұрын
@@georgeo785 Do YOU follow the 10 commandments ? " Your God thy Lord is one God " Not Jesus or Mary Or any Holy Spirit . why don't u disprove what I'm saying . u cannot because u know it's the truth . Tell me ONE of my comments that is not true .
@saidmohammed7597 Жыл бұрын
Jews failed Mosses mission and became people with no land and when Jesus came to the lost sheep of Israel killed him so remained as a lost sheep and that was the end of their prophets hood thought they are still waiting massih the very one who came and killed him Jesus. Christianity had initially preached believe in one God then Jesus became son of God then Jesus is god himself and that was end of the christianity. Then came the last prophet Muhammad with Quran as the last revelation preaching beleave in one God that created that you see and that unseen that s the God of Abraham and Ismael Muhammad the last prophet. So read the last revelation for your salvation. The shoemaker can only make shoes don't be destructed by the truth deniers for that us their business.
@georgeo785 Жыл бұрын
God promised the land of Canaan to Abraham and Isaac. It's a lot more land then they occupy now. God always keeps His promises. The displaced jordanians are squatters used for political purposes and human shields
@etzelkaplan9677 Жыл бұрын
thats an easy question. moses ' god is one ' Jesus ' gustiest command is to worship Our lord the one god only ' monotheism is the key. Paul god is a trinity 3 coequal godheads ' Muhammad ' god is one ' clearly Paul the wolf in sheep clothing Jesus warned about
@reynoldthemagnificientthun463 Жыл бұрын
False prophet Muhammad mentioned Al Lat, Al Uzza and Al Mannat. These are the goddess of Allah of the Quran. Are you trying to dismiss the account of the "Satanic Verses" as false?
@reynoldthemagnificientthun463 Жыл бұрын
WAS MUHAMMAD A PROPHET OF GOD OR A MEDIUM OF SATAN??? Muslims claim that Muhammad received his inspiration through the angel Gabriel. Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 1, Hadith Number 4: “Then it is (for Allah) to make you recite it (and its meaning will be clear by itself through your tongue). Afterwards, Allah’s Apostle used to listen to Gabriel whenever he came and after his departure he used to recite it as Gabriel had recited it.” In the Bible, whenever a revelation is given to a prophet through the agency of angels, there is not a single instance where the angel possesses the individual. Neither does the angel physically harm the recipient of the messages or cause that individual to foam at the mouth or make uncontrollable grunts and noises or become suicidal. The following experiences of Muhammad as described in Islam’s own sources. Mishkat IV, page 360: “‘And indeed I saw him while the revelation descended upon him on an intensely cold day; then it left him while his brow steamed with sweat.’” Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 1, Number 3: The Prophet added, “The angel caught me (forcefully) and pressed me so hard that I could not bear it any more. He then released me and again asked me to read and I replied, ‘I do not know how to read.’ Thereupon he caught me again and pressed me a second time till I could not bear it any more. He then released me and again asked me to read but again I replied, ‘I do not know how to read (or what shall I read)?’ Thereupon he caught me for the third time and pressed me, and then released me and said, ‘Read in the name of your Lord, who has created (all that exists) has created man from a clot. Mizanul MizanuŸl Haqq, page 345: “After an accession of shivering and shutting his eyes, there used to come over him what resembled a swoon, his face would foam and he would roar like a young camel.” Mizanul MizanuŸl Haqq, page 345: “…there used to come over him…and he would roar like a young camel.” Ibn Ishaq’s Sirat Rasul Allah: So I (Muhammad) read it, and he (Gabriel) departed from me. And I awoke from my sleep, and it was as though these words were written on my heart. Now none of God’s creatures was more horrible to me than a poet or a man possessed: I could not even look at them. I thought, “Woe is me poet or possessed - Never shall Quraysh say this of me! I will go to the top of the mountain and throw myself down that I may kill myself and gain rest.” Mizanul MizanuŸl Haqq, page 345: “Ibn Ishaq says that, before the Revelation first began to descend upon him, Mohammed’s friends feared that he was suffering from the evil eye: and that, when it came upon him, almost the same illness attacked him again…On the authority of ‘Amr ibn Sharhabil it is stated that Muhammad said to Khadijah, “When I was alone I heard a cry: ‘O Muhammad, O Muhammad.”‘ In tradition (رواية) it is stated that he said, “I fear lest I should become a magician, lest one should proclaim me a follower of the Jinn”; and again: “I fear lest there should be madness” (or demoniac possession جنون) “in me”. After an accession of shivering and shutting his eyes, there used to come over him what resembled a swoon, his face would foam, and he would roar like a young camel.” None of Biblical prophets ever questioned the source of their revelations because they were very sure of the inspiration they were receiving. Muhammad’s experience was far more similar to the experience of spirit mediums than that of the prophets of the true God. Other Hadiths mention that when inspiration came down to Muhammad not only did his countenance change and appear troubled but he also became incredibly heavy. If Muhammad was riding on the back of a camel at the time the inspiration arrived, the camel became incapable of withstanding his weight (under possession). The legs of the camel would buckle and it would be forced to crouch. Islamic record shows that upon the revelation of the third verse of Surah Maida, the legs of Adba (Muhammad’s camel) were on the verge of breaking, forcing Muhammad to dismount. (See Ahmed, II, 176; Ahmed, VI, 445; Ibn Saad, I, 197; Tabarî, Tafsîr, VI, 106.) In Insanu’l Uyun as quoted in Mean’s Haqq, page 346, we can read a report by Zaid ibn Thabith (Muhammad’s secretary) saying: “Once his leg fell upon mine, and, by Allah, there is no such heavy leg as was that of the Apostle of Allah….As often as the Prophet received inspiration, it seemed as if his soul was being taken from him, for he had always a kind of swoon and looked like one intoxicated.” Mastery in the Qur’anic Sciences, by al-Suyuti, 1:45-46: Zaid b. Thabit said: “When the inspiration came down upon Muhammad, he himself became heavier. One time, his thigh fell against my thigh, and I swear to God, I have never found anything that was heavier than the thigh of Muhammad. Whenever the inspiration came upon him, while he was on his camel, it limped, and its leg was thought to be broken; and sometimes it squatted.” These forms of behavior were not exhibited by any of the prophets of the true God. And we can be very sure that God did not send the angel Gabriel to Muhammad. According to the definition provided in a legal dictionary, a character witness is a person who testifies in a trial on behalf of a person as to that person’s good ethical qualities and morality both by the personal knowledge of the witness and the person’s reputation in the community. Such testimony is primarily relevant when the party’s honesty or morality is an issue, particularly in most criminal cases and civil cases such as fraud. In many of the verses in the Qur’an, we can read what the inhabitants of Mecca thought about Muhammad. Those who knew him best - his neighbors - called him a madman, a mad poet, demon-possessed and a magician. He was viewed as a bewitched poet under some spell. His was not the impression of a normal man to the Meccans, but that of a mentally disturbed person who often fell into a trance. Let us consider some Qur’anic verses to prove our point. Surah 10:2: Is it a matter of wonderment to men that We have sent Our inspiration to a man from among themselves? - That he should warn mankind (of their danger), and give the good news to the Believers that they have before their Lord the lofty rank of truth. (But) say the Unbelievers: “This is indeed an evident sorcerer!” (Yusuf Ali) Surah 15:6: “And they say: O thou unto whom the Reminder is revealed, lo! Thou art indeed a madman!” (Pickthall) “And they say: O thou unto whom the Reminder is revealed, lo! Thou art indeed a madman!” (Pickthall) Surah 17:47-48: We are fully aware of what they wish to hear when they listen to you; and what they say when they converse in private; and when the wrongdoers say, You are only following a man who is bewitched! See to what they liken you to! (W. Khan) Surah 25:8: And the evildoers say, ‘The man you follow is simply under a spell.’ (A. Haleem) Surah 37:35-36: “For when it was said unto them, There is no god save Allah, they were scornful and said: Shall we forsake our gods for a mad poet?” (Pickthall) Surah 38:4: They are surprised that a Warner should come to them from among themselves. They say, ‘This is a magician, a great liar.’ (W. Khan) Surah 44:14: Yet they turn away from him and say: “Tutored by others, a man possessed!” (Yusuf Ali) Surah 81:22: Your companion (Muhammad) does not suffer from any mental illness. (Sarwar) But even more disturbing is the fact that Allah himself had to reassure Muhammad that he is not mad or possessed. Something must be seriously wrong for Muhammad to be comforted in this manner. Consider the following evidences: Surah 52:29-30: Therefore, proclaim thou the praises (of thy Lord): for by the Grace of thy Lord, thou art no (vulgar) soothsayer, nor art thou one possessed. Or do they say: - “A Poet! We await for him some calamity (hatched) by Time!” (Yusuf Ali) Surah 68:2: Thou art not, by the Grace of thy Lord, mad or possessed. (Yusuf Ali) Muhammad’s contemporaries saw him as a lying demon possessed sorcerer who fabricated scriptures. Naturally, all of these Qur'anic verses are trying to prove that Muhammad was not possessed. However, in the process, the Qur'an unwittingly reveals the opinion of Muhammad by his contemporaries based upon their observation of his behavior. While the strange conduct of Muhammad - especially so when he receives his revelations - is not denied in the Qur'an and the Hadith, it is but given a spiritual explanation by Muslims. But in actual fact, Muhammad himself exhibited fear and doubt concerning the manner in which he received his revelations.
@etzelkaplan9677 Жыл бұрын
@@reynoldthemagnificientthun463 no. not at all. this proves quran is word of god. god rebukes Muhammad twice in quran once for trying to appease the meccan pagan goddesses and second when he ignored a poor old man inquiring about islam remember jewish folks after being saved from Egypt immeadialy returned to worship golden calf
@laspaz5860 Жыл бұрын
Take your medicine first, Dul Donkey! Muhammad embraced moonotheism. >80% muslims don't understand by themselves what islam, quran, muhammad, allah taala are all about. They just listen to their religious mentors who are not broad-minded nor quick-witted. Majority of muslims don't speak Arabic; they don't belong to smart group of people.
@laspaz5860 Жыл бұрын
Mosab Hassan Youssef: "There is a war now. It's the war between THE GOD OF THE BIBLE vs the god of quran (allah subhanahu wa ta'ala) THE GOD OF THE BIBLE, THE LIVING GOD, vs the dead god (the god of the quran). Prove me wrong by proving that allah taala (your allah) is existing today.
@whitesteelangle156 Жыл бұрын
Islam the Truth no other
@matvejpolitov1536 Жыл бұрын
Got debunked😂😂 Videos: Kyle, "Why I'm not a Muslim" Kyle, "The three muslims debunked" Thank you God bless ☦️
@georgeo785 Жыл бұрын
Not according to the facts on this podcast. They give dates, time and people to disprove it. That's why they have converted to Christianity which is the truth.
@whitesteelangle156 Жыл бұрын
​@Matvej Politov Jesus said worship one God Paul said worship Three persons Gods 🙄 🙄🙄🤣👏
@matvejpolitov1536 Жыл бұрын
@@whitesteelangle156 Where? Nowhere. Paul was guided by the holy spirit and he understand about the trinity. He became one of the best evangelist and spread to the Romans and gentiles.
@georgeo785 Жыл бұрын
@@whitesteelangle156 Actually Jesus said l am the Father are one. Also John 1:29 when John baptized Jesus. A voice from Heaven said this is my Son and a Dove signifying the Holy Spirit land on Jesus. Then 1 John 5 Three in Heaven near witness these 3 are one. Jesus is called Emmanuel which means God is with us. God in the flesh. God became a man to be sacrificed for sin. God's Holy Blood forgives our sins. If you want to learn more l suggest watching Cloud Church org on KZbin. Their videos are a big help. Great teacher. Doubting Thomas called Jesus my Lord and my God.
@muhammadganget4450 Жыл бұрын
Lol, can al fadi and Jay maybe ask the question how credible is the bible. Jay Smith in a debate admitted that Christians will never claim that the bible has been perfectly preserved. Which directly means that he admits that the bible was not perfectly preserved. It is also common knowledge that the bible is not the word of god but at best only the inspired word of god. So if so fadi and Jay could maybe do an unbias comparison of the credibility of the bible and quraan.
@lucent9587 Жыл бұрын
as usual you completely avoid anything said in this video. your religion is indefensible and you know it so you have to change the topic. no one actually thinking stays in islam
@muhammadganget4450 Жыл бұрын
Why don't u compare the two religions and let's see the credibility of the two? To believe in one true god is as credible as u can get it. Noah, Abraham, Moses and all the prophets before Muhammad preached the same. Even Jesus preached one true god. It is only trinitarians Christians that believe in three co equal gods. Judiasm is among the oldest abrahamic religions and it also teaches one true god. In Deuteronomy it says a prophet will come like Moses. If u believe the prophecy is about Jesus then already Christianity is wrong. Cause according to u, a Christian, the prophecy speaks about Jesus. But the prophecy says a prophet and not god. Jay Smith in his videos and debates states that he can't make a claim that the bible has been perfectly preserved.
@lucent9587 Жыл бұрын
@@muhammadganget4450 already compared the two and muhammad is the most obvious false prophet of all time. the man couldn't even tell the difference between god and satan when he gave satanic verses. his book and teachings are a complete contradictory mess and allah was just his imagination that he used to get things that he wanted. how can you talk about credibility when there's literally zero witnesses for your religion and your earliest sources come 200 years after your fake prophets death
@nunya54 Жыл бұрын
@@lucent9587 Some people think themselves out of the truth, for sure.
@nunya54 Жыл бұрын
@@lucent9587 You must not believe in Christianity either but that would make sense. You have free will to believe and do as you like but saying something is obviously false is not a proof and the Bible itself would disprove that claim. No one who studies Islam says it is a complete mess honestly, not even those who hate it.
@alonzoharris9049 Жыл бұрын
Fadi believes in three gods.
@Mokinono45 Жыл бұрын
Al Lat, Al Uzza and Al Mannat! 1 + 1 + 1 = Fake Verses in Fake Holy Book!
@watchman4todayreloaded192 Жыл бұрын
Alonzo Harris is his own god.
@hmao4466 Жыл бұрын
Evidence for this statement?
@ethercruiser1537 Жыл бұрын
No he doesn’t, troll! This has been answered multiple times in the past!
@user-pi2hk9mf4j Жыл бұрын
Jesus tomb is in India...jesus God was brahma
@comegetsome8175 Жыл бұрын
Jay Smith is a comedian, he could believe what he got after 400 years and none of it have authentic proof and its original language of Jesus. but do not want to believe what was written with in the life period of Prophet Mohammed. These hadith collectors (Bukhari, Muslim, Thirmidhi etc etc) are collated in a book format by authenticating the earliest materials from various books which was written and followed from the like of our prophet. Abdullah ibn 'Amr ibn al-'Aas, who according his own statement and a statement of abu Hurairah have been allowed (by our Prophet Mohammed) or at least has written hadith during the life time of the Prophet. Abduallah ibn 'Amr called his hadith collection as-Sadiqah (or as-sahifa as-Sadiqah) these are very earliest collection. There are many more in the list which we are not aware of, to know the list in detailed, you should study the hadith authentication course to know the authors and how it was validated to conclude them as saheeh or mawdoo or zaif. another famous imam Abu Haneefa died before 150 AH. in which he started to compile hadith books like musnad abu hanifa around 100 AH.. Imam malik compiled his muatta around 145-160 AH. which contains prophet's life history as well. it was reported that Imam malik compiled around 100 thousand hadiths in his book. This following one hadith is enough that Quran and Hadith were written down in scribes during the time of prophet and that the people used to take it with them when they travelled. ‘Abdullāh ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) forbade traveling with the Qur’an to the land of enemies. Sahih/Authentic. - [Al-Bukhari and Muslim] These Christian missionaries keeps spreading lies to falsify islam but unfortunately it gives them negative effect.
@sultanahamed2484 5 ай бұрын
Dr jay every human have one father only so God is only one no three if three god's creat human body in three different way like second hand factory production
@ameenzakariya Жыл бұрын
Sources of Christianity, Paul the Liar. 😅 But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? Roman 3: 7
@georgeo785 Жыл бұрын
Jesus Christ is coming soon to defeat the enemies of Israel at Armageddon. Prophecy
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