Is Social Media Dragging You Down? Dr. Julie Hanks on KSL TV's Studio 5

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Julie Hanks

8 жыл бұрын

The original purpose of social media is to connect us, and yet for many women, looking in on others’ lives can leave us feeling inferior, jealous, isolated, or dissatisfied. So how can we put all these posts and pictures in perspective when we seem to get discouraged by them? There’s been quite a bit of research done on how social media affects us psychologically and emotionally. Here are a few tips to help you if you find that it’s dragging you down...

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@alcudiababe1 8 жыл бұрын
funnily enough my sister will only upload pictures that she feels look not only good enough, and, she has said to me she will instgram it and change it until she feels its perfect. Occasionally she has put on very goofy very crazy mad photos where she is pulling her mouth out of shape and her nose is in the air, etc and so when i put what i consider a nice picture of the two of us she automaticaly goes no i dont like that get that off and if i say no, come on, its nice or even if i like the picture of me she will argue the toss for me to take it down - but she can sometimes put silly and pull really stupid faces that i dont think reflect her in a good light but that shes okay with that on the internet. So, usually because she instgrams photos and pictures you see her leading a very glamous life etc but you dont see her in a very natural looking way because she promotes herself as the best she can be, whereas i might, and as and when i have kids be that person in her dressing gown with cherios on the floor - all that stuff is normal and the media only usually upload photos and things that they want you to see. I mean, my sister is a very private person and some things that i do she just wouldnt but she can command leadership in a conversation and assert herself in the environment around and if i had an opinion that i wanted to say sometimes id really have to raise my voice to talk her down to get heard or i dont get to voice my opinion at the time. I might mention it again when there is no recolection of the topic being brought up and they will say we talked about that fifteen mins ago - really the truth is they talked about it and didnt give anyone else a chance because when her and her husband disagree they shout over each other and i actually find it funny when he puts a hand over her mouth to quieten her but sometimes i look over in the corner and my nans just sat there with her hands over her ears, but... back to my point, people only put what they want you to see on the internet, so its not a very fair true statement about themselves and seeing that clip that you did, singing and playing piano that is really expressing you own authentic self - something that wasnt about perfection but something we could connect to and like you for who you are and most people can not do it because it is a very big risk to in a way be seen for who they are and not what they show the world.
@alcudiababe1 7 жыл бұрын
Thing is with instagram there so so many different styles of how to change your picture to make you look even better. Instagram isnt a true representation of people
@alcudiababe1 7 жыл бұрын
Its a choice. To be real and open is a choice. It takes courage, and is a risk, and perhaps sometimes by what you say or do it can open you up to judgment and critisum. But what i have noticed people who have done that, they find that they obviously care a bit what people say back, because they bite back and they almost come across as aggressive. If you put yourself out there and you're not going to fit it with social norms you've gotta be like meh, i dont care because if you dont care what other people are saying you're less likely to bite back. Its gotta be water off a ducks back, and shake every comment off. As long as you are happy thats it, you dont live to please other people
@paulflint17 8 жыл бұрын
Being comfortable with yourself is more important, why compare yourself to anyone else, if your happy doing what you want to do, so what if someone's more successful , richer luckier . I left Facebook it made me so down all the time, it's impossible to keep up with 300 friends who you don't even know anyway. I prefer to read books now. My time is now mostly my own, if only my family were nicer to me hehehehehe
@QueenRissa_34 8 жыл бұрын
Yes I'm considering leaving as well.....
@paulflint17 8 жыл бұрын
Men too.