with that logic, you can say the lineage of the Prophet ﷺ all the way back to Adam as is divinely guided. it's not. you can say the Prophet ﷺ's parents were divinely guided. they're not. there can be good people along the way and they can also be divinely guided by Allah i.e: Isma'eel, Is-haaq, Yusuf, Sulaimaan peace be upon them all etc. but that doesn't mean that entire lineage is also divinely guided. this is a flawed logic and the fact that you require the audience to put aside any knowledge of Qur'an & hadeeth and only use "logic" and "common sense" as the only way to be able to even remotely make this make sense is so ridiculous that you might as well be talking about christianity at that point, it's that silly. Muslims MUST rely on Qur'an & hadeeth lest they are lead astray by the cunning of shaytaan. when in doubt, always go back to the source; the Qur'an & hadeeth. this is how Islamic discourse MUST be carried out, otherwise it's no longer Islamic and more philosophical or idle talk. the Madhi being born from the lineage of the Prophet ﷺ is obviously divinely guided as has been prophesised. logic and common sense say that doesn't necessarily mean everyone from that lineage is now divinely guided, just as not every one is the lineage of the Prophet ﷺ is divinely guided, not even his parents (i won't make mention of any hadeeth). honestly, it's kinda silly to even think that. no one is born into divinity unless a prophet or messenger or unless specifically mentioned in the Qur'an & hadeeth.
@BigAck11 күн бұрын
@@T33K4Y the prophecy is specific to the children that come from Ali and Fatima. The prophecy does not just indicate he’s from the prophet Mohammed pbuh. So I understand your stance but the Mahdi has specific specifications for the bloodline he comes from it’s not broad as you say the “children of Adam” Also when all Muslims pray we say “peace and blessing be upon Mohammed and the family of Mohammed” and “peace and blessings be upon Abraham and the family of Abraham” We know well the family of Abraham does not mean every descendent of Abraham. But a specific line of Abraham’s descendants. Isaac. Ishmael. Joseph. Pbut When I say peace and blessing be upon the family of Mohammed we are also not speaking about every defendant of prophet Mohammed pbuh. So I understand your point but you’re trying to broaden the specifications and make it general. There also cannot be a double standard. Between Abraham and Mohammed when we bless their families. It’s clear we are not speaking about all descendants but a specific line of pure people who come after them. Salam and thanks for the response. I hope you understand what I’m saying here. The mahdi is bloodline specific and has deeper specifications then him just being “any descendant of Mohammed pbuh”
@BigAck10 күн бұрын
@@T33K4Y I was just thinking about this as well to add. Dhul-Quarnayn is debated to be a prophet or not be a prophet amongst scholars today. Even though he may not even be a prophet. Allah swt guided him to lock up the Yajuj and Majuj. And is pronounced as a very noble man in the Quran. But not a prophet. So how can he be in the Quran and divinely guided to do something as important as locking up Yajuj and Majuj but he’s not a prophet? By your claim here nobody can receive Allah swt guidance or help if they are not a prophet. Which just is not true. A prophet is someone who comes with a message or reveals a revelation. But there are many humans our creator guided that are not prophets. Proof all Over Hadith and Quran. The Mahdi is not a prophet either. How is he divinely guided. Why is Jesus a prophet praying behind the Mahdi a “no prophet”. Being divinely guided by God is not determined by prophethood. your argument does have weight. But claiming they are not divinely chosen or guided by God because they are not prophets is a false claim the Quran and sunnah disagree. Was Abu Bakr or Ummar guided to lead their khalifates? These are all interesting questions. The Sunni Hadiths believe Abu Bakr is the God chosen first Khalif protected and guided by Allah swt. So there are plenty of proofs within the sunnah and Quran showing Allah swt appointing power and divinely guiding non prophets.