IS THE NEW MASS VALID? part2 by Fr. Gregorius Hesse

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@KenDelloSandro7565 4 жыл бұрын
@selleluca 3 жыл бұрын
He was a great man and a great religious .. But he was also a great alcoholic (just look at his glass of wine) and a "man" of great contradictions! But I loved him .. And he added in good faith! He taught me a lot! Rest in peace and pray for us!
@democracyisajewshill3341 3 жыл бұрын
Ah yes drinking a glass of wine = alcoholic. What an intelligent observation.
@RJ-bu6es 3 жыл бұрын
What proof do you have that he was a GREAT alcoholic? This is a very grave sin for you , even if he was an alcoholic, there was no need for you to say that. Go to confession
@MatthewThomas-ye1ei 2 ай бұрын
I dont see why you said that, did he refill his cup 3 or 4 times or just had ones glass of wine?
@andang7005 Жыл бұрын
The first 15 minutes are a repetition from part 1.
@FrozenGator 2 жыл бұрын
Does anyone knows the title of the book that is recommended in minute 39:29? I cannot hear clear the author’s name. I appreciate if anyone know a the book that father Hesse mentioned.
@emilylai9185 2 ай бұрын
"New Age New Mass" by Father Paul Trinchard
@friarbrandonious8049 Жыл бұрын
I asked a priest who celebrates both the NO Mass and the Latin Mass about attending the NO for a Holy Day obligation. My question was whether it is acceptable to go to the NO Mass to fulfill my obligation. I told him I heard through an online source, affiliated with the SSPX, that I did not have to go. He said that was not the case and that God would not allow His Church to behave like that. I don’t remember the exact conversation, but it was something along those lines. This whole situation within the Church based upon what Fr. Hesse is saying is that there may be very few priests. Am I right on that? Could only the SSPX priests really be the only legitimately consecrated priests?
@chriskozik2573 Жыл бұрын
@Friarbrand... SSPX priests are validly consecrated >for certain< >because it's done by the old rite; other priests (like NO priests) >may< be validly consecrated but there's NOT moral certainty.... Paul VI revised the rites of ALL(!!!) the Sacraments. What hubris! He dared change the rites for the Sacraments >withOUT< grave necessity AND withOUT requirement by VATII; he did so entirely at his own personal whim! So, because the rite of Ordination was "revised" it becomes a question of what specific words did a bishop use in the specific ceremony; depending on the words used-the >form< of the Sacrament-the Ordination either was done validly or not. Personally-entirely my own response- I have placed this entire issue >into God's hands.< That means: unless I have an explicit reason to doubt a particular priest's ordination (which, so far, has not happened), I presume that he's a validly ordained priest. I made this decision a) partly because of trust in God's merciful providence and b) partly in order to have peace of conscience. I think it'd be an extremely rigorous, almost cruel, God to allow a situation in which virtually all priests that were ordained by the "revised" rite to NOT be valid, true priests of the Church.... THAT would mean that the vast majority of all Sacraments done in the world did IN FACT NOT take place when done by these priests. Honestly, I do Not believe God would have allowed that (all the countless Baptisms, Confessions, Marriages, Last Rites, etc.) the faithful Catholics would be left without the Sacraments, If they didn't go to a SSPX priest. This is my personal conviction and decision. (Btw, all of that is completely separate from the issue of >has a particular priest or bishop< lost the Faith or is outwardly teaching heresy or Immorality. There's a lot of that going around, but that's at least Not ruling out the validity of the majority of Sacraments taking place. People can still struggle, though it's difficult, to practice their Faith.) Padre Pio said the Rosary is "the weapon!" So many more we need to pray. Our Lady Destroyer of All Heresies pray for us. St Michael Archangel defend us.
@bradycutler8192 3 жыл бұрын
Leo XIII said that the Anglican Masses are not valid because the missal and book of common prayer teach heresy, but the New Missal is almost identical with the boo k of common prayer, and also diminished Catholic doctrine on the Eucharist, so how is the New Mass still valid?
@diaryofagoat-lass1023 5 күн бұрын
Listen to his other talks and he explains these 4 linguistic distinctions: Valid and licit (valid means it happens, LICIT means of it's LEGAL or not. Something can be valid but not licit) Objective and subjective (objective means the thing involved, subjective means the person involved. Objectively the sky it blue, subjectively you may be colourblind. Formal and material. Formal means declared as such, material means it's there in writing or speech, just not declared. This phrase is heavily confused in regards to Heresey. Act and Potency. Act mans in actuality, potency means Potetial. In Act Fr Hesse is a priest, in potency he is pope (the possibility is near zilch but its still possible) his words, not mine. Have a good day. 🤗 and God bless Fr Hesse! 🫡 pray for us Fr Hesse!
@Eilbheis 4 жыл бұрын
What type of collar is he wearing? It isn’t Roman...
@Eilbheis 3 жыл бұрын
@Amos Tree That response isn’t at all related to what I asked. I mean from a garment perspective I have never seen that before. I wonder if it’s some German custom
@pascaleleroy9306 3 жыл бұрын
He explained somewhere else that his « Monsignor » outfit was due to the fact that he was ordained at St Peter in Rome. It is a special privilege.
@IgnacioAgramonte 6 жыл бұрын
@IgnacioAgramonte 6 жыл бұрын
@markymarcb4932 3 жыл бұрын
...3sites now you’ve been on promoting the Novus Ordo. (SMH). Unbelievable.
@markymarcb4932 3 жыл бұрын
You leave several comments on traditional catholic sites stating that the Eucharist is valid in the Novus Ordo...and that you go to “Adoration “ in the Novus Ordo? And I’m “ignorant”??? Am I lying? How many times do I see your post about this same thing? What are we up to 3? And when you were called out on it by me and another gentleman, you quickly changed your tune...”err,....well, no, I’m a ‘traditional’ catholic...” So, yeah, I stand by what I said. Do YOU “ponder” what you post??? Why leave the SAME COMMENT on 3 threads unless you’re trying to justify something??? Have you “pondered” the reasoning for that. When we called you out on it in another thread, you became childish. Yes...”unbelievable” indeed. (SMH).
@kristinacatherine5121 3 жыл бұрын
If we can't go to a doubtful mass, then why recommend SSPX?
@Wilantonjakov 3 жыл бұрын
Because an SSPX Mass is not a doubtful mass.
@CarolineEccleston-q9c Жыл бұрын
You clearly understood nothing of what Fr. Hesse explained.
@josephcade3541 2 жыл бұрын
He's a leader who allows his men to rape children and protects his men from prosecution do you really want him to lead you - into hell - In a court of law you would be guilty of aiding and abetting since when you go to church and give financial assistance or your personal services providing for them even if it's just mowing their lawn you are breaking the law or as a secretary you are aiding and abetting since you have knowledge of their criminal activity the raping of children even though it may not be specific you are guilty before God and Men. The traditional catholic church teaches, you are not allowed to participate either actively or passively with Heretics in any way shape or form or it's A mortal sin. Remember if you're obstinate in your sin or crime you go to jail or you burn in hell. Misprision of Felony: or Accessory to the crime (sin) Is it a crime to fail to report a felony? ( or mortal sin) "Misprision of felony" ( mortal sin) is a crime that occurs when someone knows a felony has been committed but fails to inform the authorities about it. Here you cannot fail to inform God !! Of mortal sin or multiple mortal sins. Unless you're obstinate. Remember the confessional requires a firm purpose of amendment. It's not enough to say you're sorry. Accessory Laws require that the person give aid to the criminal- financial aid either at church or sending them a check from home or your personal services such as a secretary or cleaning lady or cook having knowledge of their sins !!! then you would be guilty of breaking the law !!! What law you say Both Gods Law and mans - "Misprision of felony" or "Accessory" !!! The 1917 code of canon law Canon 1258 this is a evil law because it denies a doctrine that belongs to the ordinary magisterium blasphemes god creates Scandal and causes men to commit mortal sin hence any Pope or anyone else who supports and defends this evil Law commits of these mortal sins. It is a dogma of the solemn magisterium that Catholics are forbidden to actively attend services in non - Catholic churches which means participating in the services in some way and it is a doctrine of the ordinary magisterium that Catholics are forbidden to even passively attend services in non Catholic churches which means being present but not participating in the services in any way !!! This includes the independent heretic groups ssps,neo sspx, sspx mc, cmri and the vatican 2 church !!! In 1875 just 42 years before the publication of the 1917 code of canon law Pius the 12 condemned anyone who would dare teach that Catholics are allowed for any reason to attend religious Services conducted by non-catholics because of the independent group heresies they are not Catholic the neo sspx, sspx mc, sspx, cmri … are NOT CATHOLIC. Pius 9 - Graves Ac Diuturnae 1875 #4 We think it is our duty to repeat this public declaration now and to request you to preserve the unity of Faith among your Faithful by every possible means you should remind them to beware of these treacherous enemies of the flock of Christ and they're poisoned Foods they should totally shun their religious celebrations their buildings and their chairs of pestilence which they have with impunity established to transmit the sacred teachings they should Shun their writings and all contact with them they should not have any dealings or meetings with apostates from the faith who dare to exercise the duties of an ecclesiastical Minister without possessing a legitimate Mission or any jurisdiction they should avoid them as strangers and thieves who come only to steal slay and Destroy. For the church's children should consider the proper actions to preserve the most precious Treasure of faith without which it is impossible to please God as well as action calculated to achieve the goal of faith that is the Salvation of their souls by following the straight road of Justice. A comparative study of crime and its Imputability and ecclesiastical criminal law and American civil law Reverend John McGrath 1957 all types of active religious communication with non-catholics are gravely illicit. Such assistance is intrinsically and Gravely evil for a) if the worship is non-catholic inform (as in the Mohammed ablutions, or in the eating of the Jewish Paschal Lamb) it expresses a belief in a false Creed symbolized in the ceremony and b) if the worship is Catholic inform but is undertaken under the auspices of a non-catholic body (as in the celebration of mass by a schismatics priest) it expresses either faith in a false religion body or Rebellion against the true church !!! The obligation to avoid exposing oneself to the danger of perversion and to prevent giving Scandal to others proceeds from the natural Divine Law. The positive Divine Law on the other hand forbids one to perform such an action which would be tantamount to at least and external denial of faith and a quasi-profession of a false Sect. This prohibition is expressed in the words of Our Lord. "He shall deny me before men, I will also deny him before my father who is in heaven". Hence any communication with non-catholics which involves a danger of perversion or offers an occasion of Scandal remains inherently illicit in consequence of the unchanging Divine Law which cannot but disapprove of all voluntary risks for One's Own True faith and of all direct occasioning of Scandal for others. The Blessed Mother told us at Fatima in the Third Secret at La Salette 1846 at our mother of good success Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist in the mid-twentieth century the church will be a cesspool of sin and lust stay away say the rosary at home the Stations of the Cross lead a holy life at home. Pope Pius the 10th Our Apostolics Mandate, August 15th 1910 the great movement of apostasy being organized in every country for the establishment of a one-world church which shall have neither the dogmas, hierarchy, or jurisdiction with neither discipline for the Mind nor curb for the passions and which under the pretext of freedom and human dignity would bring back to the world... the reign of legalized cunning and force and the oppression of the weak, and of all those who Toil and suffer... indeed, the true friends of the people are neither revolutionaries nor innovators they are traditionalists !!! Henry Edward Cardinal Manning 1861 the church shall be scattered driven into the Wilderness and shall be for a time as it was in the beginning invisible, hidden in catacombs in dens, in caves, in mountains and lurking places for a time it shall be swept as it were from the face of the Earth such as the universal testimony of the fathers of the early church. John Paul 2 - 1981 - we must admit realistically heresies and the full and proper sense of the word have been spread in the area of dogma and morals creating doubts, confusions, Rebellion, the Liturgy has been tampered with immersed in an intellectual and moral Relativism and therefore in permissiveness, Christians are tempted by atheism and agnosticism vaguely moral Enlightenment and by a sociological Christianity devoid of Define dogmas or objective morality. The permanent instructions of the Alta Vendita - the pope whoever he is will never come to the secret societies it is up to the secret societies to take the first step toward the church with the aim of conquering both of them. Pius the 9th 1878 - there will be a great Prodigy which will fill the world with awe but this Prodigy will be preceded by the trial of a revolution during which the church will go through ordeals that are Beyond description !!! Archbishop Fulton J Sheen on communism and the conscience of the West Indianapolis: Bobbs - merrill 1948 pp.24-25 He Satan will set up a counter Church which will be the ape of the church because he the devil is the ape of God it will have all the notes and characteristics of the church but in Reverse and empty of its Divine content it will be a mystical body of the Antichrist that will in all externals resemble the mystical Body of Christ !!! Pius the 12th 1958 a day will come when the Civilized world will deny its God when the church WIll doubt as Peter doubted she will be tempted to believe that man has become God. St Vincent De Lerins 445 a.d. - What then shall the Catholic do if some portion of the church detaches itself from communion of the universal faith ?... and if some new contagion attempts to poison, no longer a small part of the church, but the whole church at once, then his great concern will be to attach himself to Antiquity which can no longer be led astray by any Lying novelty !!! Cardinal Suenens - Vatican 2 was the French Revolution within the church. Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli Pius 12 - to Count Enrico P. Galeazzi - I hear around me reformers who want to dismantle the holy Sanctuary, destroy the universal flame of the church to discard all her adornments and smite her with a remorse for her historic past !!! Pope Pius 10th at the beatification of St Joan of Arc on December 13th 1908 in our time more than ever before the chief strength of the wicked lies in the cowardice and weakness of Good Men... all the strength of Satan's reign is due to the easygoing weakness of Catholics ! Oh if I might ask the Divine Redeemer as the prophet Zachary did in spirit: What are those wounds in the middle of Thy hands ? The answer would not be doubtful: With these was I wounded in that House of them that loved Me. I was wounded by my friends who did nothing to defend me, and who, on every occasion made themselves the accomplices of my adversaries. And this reproach can be leveled at the weak and timid Catholics of all countries !!! Leave their churches empty and desolate who is the blessed mother said stay home and say the rosary do not be obstinate or you will burn in hell !!!
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