Is the Right Moderate on Abortion? w/ Dave Rubin

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Jillian Michaels

Jillian Michaels

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@nickca6104 2 күн бұрын
One could make the argument that: “Given that when a humans heart stops beating, they are pronounced dead, when a humans heart starts beating, they should be considered alive.”
@Sunshine-is_here_to_stay 2 күн бұрын
And that is around 3 days after a woman's first missed period.
@briannab4770 2 күн бұрын
I don't think anyone disagrees that a fetus isn't "alive". What people debate is the value of that life, just as people debate the value of the life of a dog vs. a pig.
@barkmaker 2 күн бұрын
@@briannab4770, there are plenty of people that disagree with that.
@barrettorth8413 2 күн бұрын
@@briannab4770 And yet, if the mother actually wanted the baby, those same people calling abortion a "constitutional right" would call you a murderer if you caused the death of the same unborn child (fetus). There is no consistency in their logic.
@brittneyzarwel6242 2 күн бұрын
@@Sunshine-is_here_to_stay The fetal heart begins to develop around the 3rd week of gestation (or 18 days after conception). That isn't the same as saying the heart starts beating 3 days of a missed period. Development goes through from the 3rd week when the tube forms, septa form during 4th-5th weeks, end of 7th week the four chambers are formed, to end of 16th week when it beats w a normal sinus rhythm. I think there's a difference in when the heart BEGINS TO DEVELOP & the heart STARTS BEATING & what is happening within days of a missed period isn't a beating heart. It's developing cardiac tissue that will eventually become a functioning heart, it is pulsing, & could be heard on an ultrasound around 6 weeks or Doppler around 8 weeks. However, I don't believe the argument around this topic, broadly speaking, is really even about when the fetus should be considered technically alive. At least not anymore. Most ppl today know life begins at conception. It's when a new DNA separate from the woman's is created. The debate today comes down to whether that new life has value & when does that value outweigh the woman's desires. Now i know there are those who might argue a fetus isn't alive or human. Some argue it's a parasite. Those are extremists who refuse to acknowledge science & should be ignored. The question on a legislative & moral level is "should a woman get to choose to end the life of the unborn simply bc it is in her body? If so, why? What gives her that right?" And "does the govt have the right to dictate what medical treatments a woman has access to?" Many argue this should be between a woman & her doctor. The problem is most abortions are not between a woman & her doctor. They're simply a woman & whatever doctor prescribes the medication or performs the procedure at the clinic. It isn't about the health of the woman or healthcare at all. It's simply about meeting the demand, filling a service on the part of a physician. Some ppl believe it should never be permitted & the govt should ban it. Some believe it should be available for any reason at any time & the fed govt should protect access to it. With any variation of nuances in between. Most ppl seem to fall somewhere between those two extremes.
@Uncommonsense248 2 күн бұрын
Women worried about other women instead of the babies they’re killing..
@cristipopa716 2 күн бұрын
It's really heartbreaking
@rmenchoachupicachu 2 күн бұрын
It should be rare because its EVIL.
@deblobvis264 2 күн бұрын
@@rmenchoachupicachu it should not be rare it should be non existant
@scott4482 2 күн бұрын
Its not healthcare to the baby
@JoyNoelle. 2 күн бұрын
A Person’s A Person, No Matter The Size - Dr Seuss
@Sides1160 2 күн бұрын
I don’t know if you can call it healthcare. I do know that at some point it is murder. Before you get mad at that, it meets the definition. If a drunk driver kills a pregnant woman, they are charged with two counts of murder. It doesn’t matter what state you are in. I don’t think anyone can play the mental gymnastics to make late term abortion make sense, to explain how it is not murder. People say that it is a woman’s right. At what point does the baby have rights. I have never heard an explanation for this that makes any sense.
@jakeandsarahhealthnuts3299 Күн бұрын
Yes, absolutely I’ve never heard a counter argument for what you just said in your last statement
@dumy187 2 күн бұрын
"Safe, legal, and rare" was the first step down the slippery slope of "shout your abortion." And "shout your abortion" isn't the new equilibrium; it's merely a transient stage on the way to a dystopian future.
@mary.sagi58 2 күн бұрын
Jillian... do you hear what you're saying? If your daughter, at 17 is too young to get pregnant, she's too young to be involved in creating a life...
@bg11696 Күн бұрын
That's right parents always have absolute control over their 17 year olds and any slip ups should be punished by having to carry a child for 9 months and give birth (with no healthcare guaranteed during the process)
@mary.sagi58 Күн бұрын
@@bg11696 No need for sarcasm... what I was pointing out is that if we think our daughters are too young to get pregnant, a natural CONSEQUENCE of sex... they maybe they shouldn't be engaged in it...
@bg11696 Күн бұрын
@@mary.sagi58 I'm agreeing with you. We either stop all 17 year olds from having sex ever, or admit that they're old enough to be pregnant too - and force them to keep the baby no matter what if they do get pregnant. We're the party of freedom and family values!
@mary.sagi58 Күн бұрын
@@bg11696 Thanks for the clarification...
@Valkyrie1911 17 сағат бұрын
@@bg11696 Healthcare is guaranteed. No hospital can turn you away. Will you have medical debt, absolutely, but there are ways out of that too...Its one of the reasons the rest of us pay so fucking much.
@mayboy128 2 күн бұрын
A 17 year-old getting pregnant wouldn’t be the end of the world. I think my grandma was 17 when she got pregnant with my dad, and I’m glad she didn’t abort him.
@Messi-Ronaldo101 2 күн бұрын
Yeah, i have a friend she was 15 when she got pregnant and yet she choose not to kill the child. Some women are just plain selfish and evil they would rather kill it cause they think it was an inconvenience.
@mayowankenobi 14 сағат бұрын
I'm the product of a date it being called "date rape" is somehow less terrible. Either way, my mom kept me and has always called me her miracle child. My mom was actually adopted as well as she was unwanted back in the 40s. Her adoptive parents were awesome. My mom is awesome. Abortion is not an option, even in the most extreme cases. Fetus just means baby.
@thomassvoboda4747 2 күн бұрын
I don't understand why and when your child all of the sudden becomes the most important thing in your life if you don't recognize the value of the unborn? I understand how a child could complicate and even make not only a mothers life but also the fathers life challenging, but they are human lives and we value them less than causing temporary hardship for people's bad choices in most cases. To me this is a sign of a week society lacking in morals, that with this mentality will propagate into worse decline of virtue in every way possible.
@phav1832 2 күн бұрын
She ignores the whole problem of there being no right to an abortion in the Constitution. That's not a miner detail
@thedaythatendsinY 20 сағат бұрын
People don't understand what rights are. I would however say that the federal government (and most state and local governments) are obliged and required to protect human life of their citizens as the most basic fundamental purpose of government and using that logic would mean in my reasoning that it extends to those who are not yet born. I do not see a flaw in my logic but would welcome someone challenging me on this to see their perspective.
@thedaythatendsinY 2 күн бұрын
Jillian doesn't understand what federalism is apparently. It'a good to see her walking down a new path that's less insane but she still isnt seeing things well.
@deadgolfer6345 2 күн бұрын
Yeah, I fell like Dave could have said something like, "I hear ya, but I'm talking about how the constitution and our laws work - not just abortion". She seems to ignore this aspect in favor of just saying she doesn't want something.
@brethenkel9168 2 күн бұрын
If she’s 17 and pregnant what makes you think she should be able to make that decision?
@marktalock4250 2 күн бұрын
Who chose to argue the Dobbs' decision all the way to the SCOTUS at a rare time it leans right?
@ardendragoon8792 2 күн бұрын
Why's a 17teen year old having sex? They never ask that question. There are over 100 types of b.c. Its a moral issue.
@Kiadaw77 2 күн бұрын
There is a very good argument she (or anyone) is not really at 17, regardless of her previous poor choices & actions. However, we should consider alternative not involve killing the baby, like adoptions, or in this case, the grandparents can help, even give to an orphanage is better mercy than abortion.
@StopTheWorld65 2 күн бұрын
@@ardendragoon8792 Whether or not a 17-year-old should be having sex is completely separate from whether or not they will have sex. The younger and more immature a person is, the more likely they are to make bad decisions. I see this as an utterly irrelevant point of argument. There is no parent who can absolutely stop their 17-year-old from having sex.
@Kroh13 Күн бұрын
@@ardendragoon879217 is common , but I do not think 17 is an age where abortion needs to be considered .. I would think Someone young that body wise couldn’t carry long would be considered . 17 year olds are body wise adults. A 17 year old can drive and be responsible so choosing to have sex is their choice and actions have consequences .. I don’t feel sorry for a teenager getting pregnant . I find it hard to believe that a 17 year old wouldn’t know where babies come from .. the argument would have been better if she said my 10 year old with an early period got pregnant ..
@AnnaMaria-sc7fu Күн бұрын
I am not comfortable having that much power over anyone’s life, regardless of whether they are 6 weeks or 6 months gestation. Just because I birthed my children does not mean I control their fate.
@Dziadzia-d6e 2 күн бұрын
I'm pro-life but I have to acknowledge that I have no right to dictate someone else's life. But in most cases, abortion is used as a 'get out of jail free' card with the woman being able to ignore the consequences of her decision. I'm not talking about health of the mother or cases of rape and incest. Of course abortive procedures are there. Saying that, ever wonder why abortion is the only medical procedure that isn't regulated by the medical community? And for all the talk about choice, it really isn't. They want abortion on demand...period. Whenever. Bishop Barron talked about how tried to have a discussion with a 'pro-choice' person and broached when an abortion was too late as an option. Heart beat? 1st trimester? 2nd? Nope, their answer was whenever. So we have States that literally think it's ok for a baby, 'after consultation', to make the newborn comfortable, then ignore it until it dies.
@MrWatchowtnow 2 күн бұрын
Why don't you have a right to dictate ones "life"? What is a right? Is it a social construct? What gives a Mother the right to kill her own baby? What gives gov't the right to punish a murderer? Have you even thought below surface level about anything? Are tights more important than Christian duty/ethics virtue?
@Jeffthedude15 2 күн бұрын
That's why it's called choice. You can choose to or not. People should be able to choose even though at some point I believe it's basically murder. Early and rare.
@panzer00 2 күн бұрын
If someone is doing something objectively, morally wrong - who has the authority to dictate that they don't do that? We the People give the government the authority to dictate the rule of Law and Justice. If the government itself is granting a legal privilege that results in murder, it's our duty as a free people to right that wrong. We have the authority, not the government.
@Dziadzia-d6e 2 күн бұрын
@@MrWatchowtnow As a Christian, it's our duty to try and point out if something is wrong, but we can't force someone from doing wrong. They may feel that it is right. We can, should, try and convince them, but force them? I'll always oppose abortion, but 1) not every person in the US is a Christian, 2) not every Christian has the same views on abortion. Should I force you to accept my version of Christianity? Or you me? I know that life begins at conception, I know that the growing fetus is not altogether the mother's body, it's it's own, with separate DNA, etc. I can also appreciate how others prey on women/girls who are faced with an unwanted pregnancy, and how they may feel they have no other choice.
@StopTheWorld65 2 күн бұрын
Those are great points. While I am essentially pro-choice, I am strongly against using abortion as a form of birth control. Recently, I watched a panel discussion where women shared their regrets and heartache over their abortions. One woman on the panel had undergone three abortions but another had five, which I find excessive and shocking. As a compassionate society, I believe we have a right to impose some restrictions on behaviors that cause suffering or infringe on the rights of others. For instance, it shouldn't be the responsibility of taxpayers to financially support multiple abortions due to someone's repeated failure to use birth control.
@Dogatemyhomework927 2 күн бұрын
I was always a staunch supporter of unlimited woman’s choice. I questioned why people would even challenge that. Now I understand the objections. The fetus is a life and seen as such. Protecting the babies
@BigCatinBKK 2 күн бұрын
If you truly believe that, then do you believe that abortion is murder? The woman and the doctor should be prosecuted?
@Dogatemyhomework927 2 күн бұрын
@@BigCatinBKK personally? No. I do think it’s important to understand people’s minds though
@BigCatinBKK 2 күн бұрын
@@Dogatemyhomework927 If the fetus is a human life, then why isn't abortion murder? Isn't that the logical conclusion? The alternative conclusion is that a fetus does not have this status, because it's not a human life, and that's why we defer to a woman's right to choose, rather than allow the state to force a woman to carry a pregnancy to term.
@poodlescone9700 2 күн бұрын
I still think you can support women's choices but there has to be some very uncomfortable ground rules. First, we have to acknowledge that the moment there is a heartbeat, that fetus is officially a baby. Second, if an abortion has to occur, the doctor and the parents need to all sign off on it for a VERY GOOD REASON. Economics can not be one of them considering there are options to surrender the baby for adoption. The reason has to stand up to scrutiny by the medical ethics board. Third, there should be an exception for rape because in this rare case, the women was a victim of a crime.
@BigCatinBKK 2 күн бұрын
@@poodlescone9700 Who has decided that these are the rules? It doesn't sound like you "support women's choices". It sounds like you would empower the state to force a woman to carry an unwanted pregancy to term. That doesn't sound like "small government". If a heartbeat is detected after 6 weeks, is abortion murder thereafter? And who decides what is "a very good reason" to terminate a pregnancy? Do you think the government should be in charge of that? Again, that doesn't sound like "small government".
@Kroh13 2 күн бұрын
You lost me with the argument 17 isn’t a 12 year old … my sister had a baby at 16 and her son is amazing and I can’t imagine life without my nephew ..
@cathydyck80 Күн бұрын
evil is killing a baby
@AmericanRoads 2 күн бұрын
Jillian is presenting her abortion argument, as if the vast majority of it happened because the woman were stripped of choice. R4pe and a serious threat to the mother's health (the two exceptions that make sense) constitute a tiny portion of abortion. Majority of abortions were performed out of "inconvenience", and on pregnancies that were completely preventable. Pro-choice supporters looove to bring up the subject "women's rights". A woman has a right to her body long before any sexual interactions even occur. First of all, she has a right to NOT live an irresponsible and promiscuous lifestyle. Sexual intimacy is not something that is to be so liberally and cheaply given away. Also, even when consensual sexual interactions do happen, it is not like she is without options. A wise man on the internet said, "... condoms, birth control pills, plan B, anal sex, oral sex, hand jobs, titty f@cking, foot jobs, or my favorite the pull-out method." Even states with very strict abortion limit incorporate the two exceptions in their laws. Dave's stance about abortion totally makes sense here. There should not be a one-size-fits-all federal decision, like Roe v Wade which arguably had given life to the absurd ideas of very late-term or even after-birth abortion. What if the reverse is happening? I know that Jillian certainly does NOT want a federal 6-week limit or (god forbids) a complete abortion ban. Returning the decision back to the states is the best compromise for everyone.
@thedaythatendsinY 20 сағат бұрын
Lol, citation for the options to accomplish sexual gratification please.
@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 2 күн бұрын
Safe abortion that’s the most ironic term ever
@lvluxdelight 2 күн бұрын
Lost all respect for Jillian..3 month baby killed? I cannot. bummer
@dharmadharma3960 2 күн бұрын
I saw my son at 9 weeks. No no no not ok to abort. That baby was well on his way.
@BigCatinBKK 22 сағат бұрын
You don't get to deny people a choice based on your experiences. That's not how individual liberty works.
@tmauntler 2 күн бұрын
I’m glad she can talk about it… but she talks about “these women PUT/FORCED into these horrible situations”… as if the majority of abortions aren’t effectively just birth control. The majority of these cases aren’t rape. Nobody FORCED them to have sex. Nobody forced them to not watch their cycles. Nobody forced them to not take a test every couple of weeks if they’re in a position where they can’t afford a baby. Etc. All the choice was there for the majority of abortions before they reached abortion. It selfish people dehumanizing another human being because they are inconvenient- that’s the simple truth.
@shehp5190 2 күн бұрын
This! 💯
@Messi-Ronaldo101 2 күн бұрын
@jeffk464 2 күн бұрын
That's kind of been my thinking, why are you so flaky? There are a bunch of kinds of birth control and there's even the day after pill.
@lm3049 2 күн бұрын
I really find Jillian’s interviews interesting however, one thing I need to mention is she interrupts too much. When people are speaking, maybe have pen and paper handy to scribble your thoughts down but sometimes she completely takes over when someone is answering. She did it in one recent interview and apologized for it but not until about 5 minutes later. Otherwise, these interviews are important but just allow people to finish
@ae.lorenz076 15 сағат бұрын
3:00 ideally, at 17, when she doesn't have the financial freedom to have a child, she and her boyfriend shouldn't be roughhousing under the sheets. Isn't that personal responsibility?
@thedaythatendsinY 2 күн бұрын
Jillian "what if God forbid my 17 year old daughter gets pregnant because birth control failed" How about you just teach your daughter to keep her legs closed until she is ready to make a life. Actions have consequences and I'm utterly sick of modernity where we like to pretend making uncomfortable choices is not an option
@rpmgrlca 2 күн бұрын
Because it doesn't work. Places where they had no sex ed except 'don't' have young people that make dumb descisions too, like using a candy bar wrapper as a condom. Ineffective obviously.
@charlietanner6211 2 күн бұрын
well that is hard to resist sometime
@thedaythatendsinY 2 күн бұрын
@@charlietanner6211 which part is hard sometimes?
@poodlescone9700 2 күн бұрын
Men mock other men as Chads and Tyrones for spreading more seeds than Johnny Appleseed across America. The joke among men is that abortion bans would negatively affect Chads and Tyrones. It is equality to also criticize women for being loose.
@BigCatinBKK 22 сағат бұрын
Who are you to impose these options on people?
@wadewilson7507 2 күн бұрын
Another problem with putting abortion at the federal level is our taxes are now paying for all of these programs. Why should someone who is pro-life have to pay for another person’s medical choice. My wallet my choice. That’s why keeping it at the state level is right. If the state want it and the people vote for it, they are willing to pay for it.
@MrOhms13 2 күн бұрын
I'm with Dave on this. Federalism allows for more choices. With your "travel to another State" example the answer is fairly simple. Planned Parenthood shifts focus in restricted States to arranging for travel, care, etc. The only way to get something at the Federal level, and this was the point of Dobbs, is to use Article V of the US Constitution. All that said, I'm enjoying your awakening and these types of conversations.
@cavaleirosemlicenca3894 2 күн бұрын
I agree with Dave, the American model is much better. Here in Brazil, despite the majority of the population disagreeing with what the left wants to impose when it comes to ☠️👶, they overrode the population's decision with political games and judicial activism. For them, it is never a question of the population's decision-making process, but rather an ideological imposition. Of course, for them everything is fine if it is beneficial to them, but when it goes against what they want, they start to cry and complain. That is why the association with the federation is a 💩, because it is never always a decision of ideological imposition of one over the other. The best decision is to let people associate by free choice and let them finance what they want without the imposition of the federation (which can often be ideologically driven)
@Jop278 2 күн бұрын
Ironic a lesbian cares so much about an abortion
@Kroh13 Күн бұрын
She has a daughter she clearly stated that
@patrickphelan5863 2 күн бұрын
Jillian - It's the UNITED STATES that have agreed to disagree on many issues to make America. The United States Declaration of Independence lists "Life" as the 1st unalienable rights which the Declaration says have been given to all humans by their Creator, and which governments are created to protect. Do you think abortion is protecting life??
@Pathwaytolight 2 күн бұрын
She doesnt.. she obviously doesn't care that her adopted child wouldn't be here if the mother chose abortion She has ZERO respect for life to suggest the irresponsibility of "oh, my daughter finds out at 12 weeks she's pregnant.. what? She didn't NOTICE a missed period along the way?? Gimme a break I've always adored Jillian, but now I truly see her dark side Ugh, I have so much more respect for Ruben.. he's a dude and knows so much more bc you can tell he has a moral compass Jillian doesn't know God and that's beyond sad bc her children have to suffer as a result But hopefully their genes will shine thru and they'll be much different
@terri2494 2 күн бұрын
@@Pathwaytolight She’s concerned about her daughter. Understandable. But what about her grandchild?
@patrickphelan5863 2 күн бұрын
@@terri2494 You only get 1 chance at Life after conception ... after that responsibility & accountability kick in. If mistakes are made; don't destroy another life just to make your life easier. It's common sense really.
@mary.sagi58 2 күн бұрын
I agree that it's a woman's body that carries a child, during pregnancy; but, where are the father's rights? Where are the baby's rights? I mean, AFTER a child is born the father is EXPECTED to support a child, why should that same father not have the right to have say in an abortion?
@66605 2 күн бұрын
What is the moderate position on rape?
@Jeffthedude15 2 күн бұрын
From the sound of it, Trump has done all he's going to do when it comes to this topic. Now it's up to the States.
@mary.sagi58 2 күн бұрын
Jillian, with all due respect to women, abortion should NOT be remotely considered as birth control... There are way too many different and available methods to avoid pregnancy... including abstinence... However, there definitively ARE exceptions...
@donhathaway3234 2 күн бұрын
That’s why Roe V Wade was sent back to the states. There is such a small middle ground that NOBODY will be happy.
@rw7632 2 күн бұрын
It was sent back to the states because that is what the Constitution dictates. Roe was a decision made by lefties ignoring the Constitution and doing what ever they want. The Constitution can be amended if they want it to be federal. Good luck with getting 2/3 of states to sign on.
@John19-30 2 күн бұрын
Simple question Jillian., when does life begin and when is it OK to take a life?
@BigCatinBKK 22 сағат бұрын
Is that a simple question?
@John19-30 22 сағат бұрын
@@BigCatinBKK Yes it is. Life begins at conception, and you don't need to be "religious" to believe that, just believe in biology. Since we know a human life is alive at conception (if it wasn't alive then there is no need to abort/kill it), when is it ok to end that human life regardless of its stage of development (zygote, fetus)? Is it 6, 10, 12, 24 weeks? Who is the moral arbiter that gets to decide week 5 ok to abort but not week 6 or ok in week 20 but not in week 21? Bill Maher, although I don't agree with his views, is the only honest pro abortion voice I hear where he states and I'm paraphrasing that he knows its a baby but he's ok with killing it.
@BigCatinBKK 21 сағат бұрын
​@@John19-30 It might be cellular life but it's not a human life. A fertilised egg doesn't have the same status as a person, clearly.
@John19-30 21 сағат бұрын
@@BigCatinBKK What does this cellular life develop into? A pig? Maybe a horse? Guess what a fertilized egg does have, DNA, you know that science uses to determine hair color, eye color, height and all those other traits of you guessed it a Human Person. Stop dehumanizing unborn children to justify your willingness to kill them. Just say you're ok with killing a human as long as it hasn't passed through a birth canal. Society went from it's just a clump of cells, to it's just a fetus (Latin term for offspring) to now it's not a person. Keep moving the goalpost but one thing you can't move is the justice of God in the end and you and I will die some day and face the ultimate judge. Repent. Jesus is Lord.
@cjm753bc8 2 күн бұрын
I’ve said this before about Jillian & I’ll keep saying it until she learns. She’s just simply, Ignorant. She just doesn’t know a whole lot, so it clouds a lot of her judgement.
@deadgolfer6345 2 күн бұрын
She seems to be open to some learning though?
@cjm753bc8 2 күн бұрын
@@deadgolfer6345 She does, yes.
@davidthedeaf 2 күн бұрын
Yeah I don’t like either side. So I vote a person not a color of a party. I’m anti abortion. But we cannot be divided EXCLUSIVELY to one party based on that topic alone.
@rcook2486 2 күн бұрын
It’s crazy how they don’t see the baby as a human
@StopTheWorld65 2 күн бұрын
I’m nearing 60, and over the decades, I’ve watched our country’s culture shift steadily to the left. What used to be considered a moderate Democrat now seems to be either centrist or right-of-center. I believe this shift has contributed to the rise of extremism on both ends of the political spectrum. If you’re on the right and the left is moving closer, the natural reaction is to move farther to the right. Similarly, if you’re on the left and feel your party is drifting away, you may shift further left in an effort to pull them back toward the center. It’s a philosophical tug-of-war.
@1320_ikimasho 2 күн бұрын
@@StopTheWorld65 I think the Left has further gone to the Left. Now being a Patriotic American/supporting 1A/2A is seen as "extremist." That term is now also called Right Wing.
@StopTheWorld65 2 күн бұрын
@@1320_ikimasho I agree, but the left has a long history of labeling conservative philosophy as extreme. I began paying attention to politics around 1980, during a time before cable news and the internet, and the media was completely controlled by those with left of center ideologies. Fortunately, I had brilliant and insightful mentors who taught me how to identify bias in messaging at a young age. When Fox News launched in the mid-90s as the first national source of center-right perspectives, it faced intense backlash-a pattern that continues today. With the rise of social media, more voices can now challenge the traditional left-of-center control over public discourse. In response, the left’s efforts to suppress differing views have become increasingly aggressive and outrageous. Their tactics are starting to backfire, as more people become aware of the bias and censorship and begin questioning the narratives they once accepted as gospel. Hillary Clinton has gone so far as to admit they are losing “control,” which should open the eyes of anyone with an iota of intellectual honesty.
@mysticaltyger2009 Күн бұрын
I'm 54 and have also seen the U.S. steadily pull to the left. The abortion issue is one of the few where that may not be the case. If either Democrats or Republicans actually cared about making abortion rare, maybe this wouldn't be such an issue. I think both parties LIKE to keep the fight going. It raises money for their prospective parties. It also keeps people fighting with each other. Classic divide and conquer tactic.
@jasonandrews7314 2 күн бұрын
you want your child to make the choice to kill your grandchild?
@MB11023 21 сағат бұрын
I made 50,000. Moved to 4 states In the past 4 years to find a culture I want to raise my kids in
@AnnaMaria-sc7fu Күн бұрын
Live and let live!
@terrydillon9323 13 сағат бұрын
We know it is not about abortion, it is about control.
@Nathanallenpinard Күн бұрын
Giving it to the states gives those citizens FAR more power in voting those laws. The fact she's prefer it be federally done is just baffling.
@billyjonesy2972 2 күн бұрын
Abortion can be a medical procedure, but, usually, it is NOT HEALTHCARE. “Abortion is not about a woman controlling her body; it’s (about) controlling another body. No one gives a damn about adult women controlling their body. You want to get a breast implant, get a breast implant. You want a facelift, get a facelift.” - Dennis Prager
@terrydillon9323 13 сағат бұрын
It is only about control and not abortion and , these ignorant anti abortion characters don’t care whether women die.
@poodlescone9700 2 күн бұрын
If anyone bothered to read Roe v Wade, the justices made it very clear that the Constitution specified in no uncertain terms that anyone born in the US is a citizen subject to the laws and jurisdiction of this country. This part stood out to me when the left talked about babies being born alive after botched abortions and still treated them as objects to be discarded. Once the baby is out, the whole argument of "my body, my choice" is rendered moot. The 14th Amendment applies. Full stop. What also bothers me about the abortion issue is people on the left love to use the term fetus and baby interchangeably when it suits the situation. Colorado allows abortions up to 9 months. They are saying that as long as the child is in the mother, it is a fetus and not a baby. However, when was the last time any of us attended a fetus shower? Why would women sue fertility clinics if their freezers go out claiming their babies died? Which is it? This is not Schrodingers baby where we do not know if it is a fetus or a baby until the mother figures out which position is beneficial.
@lynnski-ex3zk Күн бұрын
Why isnt there a federal program to have a network through Planned Parenthood, that consists of advocates & healthcare professionals to provide travel & accommodation assistance, medical & psychological support for women who cannot go through a full term pregnancy for extreme reasons, to travel to a neighboring state that allows them?? Abortion should not be an alternative for birth control but as a resource for extreme cases...
@deadgolfer6345 2 күн бұрын
Couldn't totally decipher Michaels's stance here. Ultimately, is she not advocating for abortion all the way through the 9th month? She stated she wouldn't be 'for' it, but she also seemed to say she didn't want any laws (or people voting) against it. So bad but legal? Am I following that correctly?
@uchihanoshana84 2 күн бұрын
This probably isn't going to be popular but the best way to not have to worry about having an abortion is to not have sex before marriage.
@greasher926 2 күн бұрын
@@uchihanoshana84 married people get abortions too, sometimes they already have kids and can’t support anymore. Sometimes they are too old to have a safe pregnancy and don’t want to risk it etc. although in such situations it might be advised to get your tubes tied beforehand, but it’s not without potential side effects/complications and pregnancy still can occur after the fact. Anyway point being is that there are many potential reasons that can lead to an abortion, and it’s not always because a promiscuous young woman just wants to abort just because she feels like it. I agree that abortions shouldn’t be promoted and should be last resort option.
@overtime8392 2 күн бұрын
If you cannot responsibly afford to have a child or abort that child, then do not have sex. Actions have consequences. I am pro abortion, but I would never put myself or the ones I care about into a position where they had no way out, because I have a brain and am responsible for what I do. In 99% of cases, sex is a choice. I 100% agree putting it back on the states. My state, though run by a Republican governor, has VERY liberal abortion laws. The people you share a state with should determine the laws that work best for them as a whole, not the federal government.
@Kroh13 Күн бұрын
Then why are you pro abortion
@Crazy-Money 13 сағат бұрын
We hold these truths to be self-evident, the right to life!!!
@Jemolian 2 күн бұрын
Just curious (I’m not American). Why are people so interested to control other people’s choices, example, like abortion, (1) when the burden of choice is on the expecting mother, and (2) don’t push for higher uptake in preventive measures to reduce unwanted pregnancies (if in any specific demographics if that happens)?
@rw7632 2 күн бұрын
Because it's a baby.
@brentcable4874 2 күн бұрын
I'm not American either. I would say it's about responsibility if a woman can abort a baby the father should have the option not to raise the baby either. I'm pro-life and cannot condone abortion, women know when they have sex and, besides rape and the life of the mother, there's no excuse to not take precautions. If you're responsible enough to have an abortion you're old enough to know and use contraceptives.
@prettyangel0921 2 күн бұрын
I don't get it either. The baby's life is so valuable until it gets here. After that these ppl don't care what happens to that child. The worse place for an infant is in the arms of someone who doesnt want them. You would think these folks would fight to force these unwanted children into the system but then they'd be forced to looks at the statistics of what happen to kids in the foster system. They just wanna force people to do what they believe is right to make themselves sleep better at night.
@jroditis1 2 күн бұрын
Abortion is used as a contraceptive. Disgusting!!
@alanmccarthy4004 2 күн бұрын
To be fair to American conservatives, they simply think that newly conceived babies are the same as babies who are 4 months post conception. Most people in favour of abortion (like myself) are against later term abortions, like 8th month abortions. So whatever reasoning we use to be against later term abortions (the baby has capacity for conscious suffering etc), the American conservatives' reasoning leads to conception as the point beyond which abortion is not allowed. It's nothing to do with women's bodies - that's just a propaganda talking point. If a liberal who is broadly in favour of abortion says " I oppose 8th month abortions" are they trying to control women's bodies? No, clearly they're trying to protect young babies. It's not about the woman's body. So the American conservatives see abortion at any time post conception to be the same as how a liberal might view 8th month abortions. And with that context, of course they oppose it! They see it as the brutal murder of babies. Women's bodies is just a shallow talking point that evades the moral substance of the conservative's position.
@billyjonesy2972 2 күн бұрын
Dave Rubin is absolutely right about the 10th Amendment and the 50 states being 50 labs. I like Jillian, but she its nuts on abortion.
@icntsywhtiwnt2 2 күн бұрын
You can't live in society without living under some laws you disagree with. It's impossible. No matter how passionate you are about it, and I get that. I get hating the idea of anyone deciding where your rights end but it's better than the supreme Court writing laws.
@FreedomAintFree-ol6fy 2 күн бұрын
She genuinely has no understanding of the constitution or states rights. Most Americans don't. We have to educate our brothers and sisters on our founding documents.
@thedaythatendsinY 20 сағат бұрын
People don't understand what rights are. I would however say that the federal government (and most state and local governments) are obliged and required to protect the human life as the most basic fundamental purpose of government and using that logic would mean in my reasoning that it extends to those who are not yet born as they are still inarguably human "life". I do not see a flaw in my logic but would welcome someone challenging me on this to see their perspective.
@hufferbillypaw 2 күн бұрын
Jillian … you either have to change the constitution or get Congress to pass a law in order to have a a federal abortion dictate. The federal nor state courts can create laws.
@jkbrown5496 2 күн бұрын
You should look at having Simone Collins as a guest. Her and her husband Malcolm are big pro-natalists, but she has spoken with data about the 12-ish weeks cut off for abortion, which was the historical "quickening" limit, being the likely logical limit. Where the embryo becomes the fetus. And has having now 4 children she is a woman who can speak to this change from experience, which no man or no woman who hasn't carried a child across that time can speak to. We are in a churning right now with only two real election cycles since the overturning of Rowe. With that change, the more extreme abortion limiters can no longer be ignored and so the state offices need some sorting out.
@Kroh13 Күн бұрын
Once the embryo implants which is 3/4 weeks it’s a fetus ..
@jkbrown5496 Күн бұрын
@@Kroh13 The generally accepted characteristics is when major organs have formed, though they won't be fully functional "In human prenatal development, fetal development begins from the ninth week after fertilization (which is the eleventh week of gestational age) and continues until the birth of a newborn."
@oldmedstudent1750 Күн бұрын
The thing about doing it at the federal level is that Democrats want no limits so they would never compromise at something like 12-14 weeks. As someone who lives in Canada, we have no limits on abortion here, we have the most liberal abortion laws in Canada and its just disgusting, but there is nothing that can be done because there is no differences throughout the provinces. 95% of laws are made at the federal level including abortion, firearms, the criminal code, etc. Sorry Jillian but having states rights is a blessing even if you disagree because you like killing babies.
@WI-Girl-In-SC 2 күн бұрын
It ahould be on a ballot. This way, if you do not vote, you have no right to complain about it. Ohio and Kansas actually voted more liberally on it, considering they are both red states
@hinney827 2 күн бұрын
You'll never agree with the decision going back to the states, you don't like how Roe just had the blanket allowance of 8th and 9th month abortions, but you don't support a Federal ban? Those are kind of the only options. You need to pick one of those positions to support. State or Federal, votes are going to determine what you can do, but if the states have varied policies, you can move states and decide which is the right policy for you. If there's a Federal law/ban that you don't agree with, tough luck. Maybe you can go to Canada? Or try your luck in Mexico (yikes). A lot of European countries actually have Federal laws that are _more conservative_ than ours. 12, 8, 6 week bans. It's pretty insane that there is no point in a developing baby's lifespan where some people will say it should no longer be legal to terminate them.
@Kiadaw77 2 күн бұрын
I was fence sitting, until I learned about a technology, its call adoption. Its hard to agrue about not matual, not really for parenthood, when Adoption is a thing. It solved the issue, but the baby is living.
@gene6690 2 күн бұрын
Europe has a 15 week limit for abortion which includes the Catholic countries. In America it has been ultra politicised
@rw7632 2 күн бұрын
Here there are no limitations and teens can get it done w/o parents knowing about it. Maybe that is why it is so "politicized"
@gene6690 2 күн бұрын
@@rw7632 Where is here ?
@rw7632 2 күн бұрын
@@gene6690 U.S. Ca.
@cavaleirosemlicenca3894 2 күн бұрын
I agree with Dave, the American model is much better. Here in Brazil, despite the majority of the population disagreeing with what the left wants to impose when it comes to ☠️👶, they overrode the population's decision with political games and judicial activism. For them, it is never a question of the population's decision-making process, but rather an ideological imposition. Of course, for them everything is fine if it is beneficial to them, but when it goes against what they want, they start to cry and complain. That is why the association with the federation is a 💩, because it is never always a decision of ideological imposition of one over the other. The best decision is to let people associate by free choice and let them finance what they want without the imposition of the federation (which can often be ideologically driven)
@lavonnepowell4257 17 сағат бұрын
Glad to see Jillian coming around on a lot of things, but still can’t believe that there is any time there is a heartbeat that you have the right to kill that heart beat. Train your child to not do things that get her pregnant until she gets married would be a better place that keeping from having a child
@FedMikeDC 2 күн бұрын
Jillian Michaels is an intellectual lightweight.
@doranmaxwell1755 2 күн бұрын
As healthcare the abortion is secondary (or should be) the actual healthcare should be a serious condition that threatens the mother. An abortion that happens under those conditions is either regrettable and necessary or a bonus ... depending on your viewpoint. It's gonna leave stretch marks is not a valid healthcare consideration in my opinion. Just like 'the job market and freebies in my country suck' is not a valid asylum claim.
@AmandaBaker-Patterson 2 күн бұрын
Rick sounds incredibly naive assuming that everyone has the economic and social mobility to move wherever they want in the US, especially a pregnant teenager facing difficult circumstances.
@marklaws9868 2 күн бұрын
People travel out of state to see concerts! It’s called freedom to choose. Not a slight against you Jillian. I really like you but I can disagree and still appreciate your voice. 😊
@palladin9479 Күн бұрын
If she wants abortion as a right then use the process created for that. Start a movement to propose am amendment to the US Constitution stipulating it as a right, bam problem solved. She can blame her ex-party for the situation abortion is in, by attempting to cheat and use an invent a right out of thin air, it created a situation where it was merely a matter of time. The Dobs ruling merely corrected the record that the US Constitution says nothing about abortion anywhere in it's texts nor does it allude to or otherwise hint at it's existing, but it does say that any power not granted by the Constitution is reserved for the States.
@jaredsantos5003 2 күн бұрын
This is why I'm so excited about the movement we're creating. I'm a Conservative, but I agree with you Jillian. I'm pro choice, not because I think abortion is good. But it's going to happen regardless of our feelings. So let's make sure that women can have one safely performed. But I love that we can have a rational, and productive conversation about these issues and agree to disagree. But I personally think more conservatives are opening up to abortion.
@minizimi3790 2 күн бұрын
You should discuss this with Jeff Durbin or T. Russel Hunter.
@robbycook4298 7 сағат бұрын
This is why houses need fathers…she won’t teach her kids personnel responsibility…if you’re not ready for the consequences of sex…don’t have sex…now is it’s forced upon you that’s different…I am all for the three exceptions..but you have to teach your children personnel responsibility. My wife had a kid very young, she could have taken the easy way out, but my now daughter made my wife a better person. Democrats have lost their ability to teach personal responsibility…that’s the issue here. That is a father job, a women can do it, but will they…judging by her answers..she won’t.
@cavaleirosemlicenca3894 2 күн бұрын
People want to play a political game at the federal level, but they only want to do it at the federal level. As long as we are bound by this, observation and debate will always be the norm, and it goes both ways. In the end, whoever has the most political power wins. For me, the point of observation is to bind those who disagree to finance this indirectly through taxes. The debate should only be in the social field so that the population's own dynamics can decide whether this will be an accepted practice. The fact is that there are many ways to avoid ☠️👶, the problem is that people want to do 😈❤️ knowing the consequences without bearing the consequences (of course, except in situations of violence, which happens to be the minority of the minority of cases).
@wallrunnerm15 2 күн бұрын
I genuinely love the content and the journey that you're on. But sometimes i think you need to take a step back and think about the stories that you are hearing or reading. Many of the supposed women that were "denied care" or forced to travel across state lines, are mostly false. The sites hosting the stories place them and never follow up on them, are simply doing so to further the political ends of the site instead of informing you of actual news stories.
@AmandaBaker-Patterson 2 күн бұрын
Later term abortion occur in response to desperate medical circumstances, not because a woman who's 8 months pregnant suddenly decided she doesn't want the baby. Use your heads.
@dharmadharma3960 2 күн бұрын
That's not true in all cases. It's just not.
@AmandaBaker-Patterson 2 күн бұрын
@@dharmadharma3960 look at the statistics. We know that over 90% of abortions happen in the first trimester and that most that happen later are either very complicated pregnancies or situations where people were prevented from getting an abortion earlier.
@Kroh13 Күн бұрын
Yeah well c section and or giving birth are both options ..
@Kroh13 Күн бұрын
@@AmandaBaker-Pattersonthat’s actually not true either .. most do happen prior to 16 weeks but not 90 percent before 13 and half weeks
@AmandaBaker-Patterson Күн бұрын
@@Kroh13 Are you trying to say that giving birth is a good option for someone who doesn't want to give birth? So you support forced childbirth?
@marktalock4250 2 күн бұрын
Who chose to argue the Dobbs' decision all the way to the SCOTUS at a rare time it leans right?
@jacksonian71 2 күн бұрын
Thank you Dave and Jillian
@samdelongforgeeks 2 күн бұрын
my biggest issue with this (and with LGBTQ) is certain groups trying to make it a religious issue when it is clearly not. Abortion or gay marriage is not spacficallly mentioned in the bible, yet many to content to hide behiind their faith on both of these issues.
@bluebird6300 Күн бұрын
What does Jillian say under her breath?
@cathydyck80 Күн бұрын
tell your daughter not to have sex
@prettyangel0921 2 күн бұрын
Its annoying to hear opinions from people on issues who are not effected by it. What that said sir if you want people to move to states where they agree with said polices then the state they are leaving should make that possible. Pay 100% of the cost of relocation.
@brenthegarty3922 2 күн бұрын
@@prettyangel0921 There's all kinds of laws people vote on that don't effect them personally.. About 50% of Americans dont pay any net Federal income taxes, yet they vote for laws and politicians who raise taxes on those who do pay net federal income taxes. Same with military service, lots of people who vote for politicians nd policies that send American servicemen to conflict have never served and never will service. So you can't segregate out abortion by itself. Each person likely has many things they vote on that doesnt effect them personally over the course of their lives.
@Lt.-Dans-Legs 2 күн бұрын
😂😂😂 still early but this may be the dumbest thing I see today.
@prettyangel0921 2 күн бұрын
@@brenthegarty3922did it feel good to point out the obvious? I said it's annoying. It's still annoying 😑 🙄 😵‍💫
@juanpedrofasola3871 2 күн бұрын
Never talks about personal responsibility , you are rich , you can help raise that hypothetical baby
@AntithesisFilms 2 күн бұрын
This is sad. What’s being discussed here is the moral permissiveness of when it’s acceptable to kill an innocent human child, and both individuals claim there is such a time. Folks who argue for anything other than total abolition are advocating for the killing of children. Really think about that. It is an abhorrent and reprehensible act to kill an innocent child.
@shehp5190 2 күн бұрын
Neither have a dog in that race either, as neither of them participate in potentially reproductive activities.
@AntithesisFilms 2 күн бұрын
@@shehp5190 Naturally speaking, I would agree. But if I’m understanding correctly, they have both adopted children. And just like Jillian was saying, if her daughter had to do that, she would support her. So in that sense they do. The whole thing from top to bottom with these two, is a complete distortion and denial of what God has intended and ordained.
@BigCatinBKK 2 күн бұрын
Should the state be able to compel a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term? If conservatives think that should be allowed, they can't also claim to favour "small government".
@laurabenavides5444 2 күн бұрын
Ok why is she saying late term abortions are legal in this country? They are only allowed if the life of the mother is at risk. Or should I say they were allowed. So I don't know what sge is talking about. Has she looked that up?
@BigCatinBKK 2 күн бұрын
Regarding abortion, the focus on late-term abortions is misleading. Consider that 98.7 percent of abortions are performed during the first 20 weeks. What does the right-wing say about that? Should those procedures be allowed? Instead, they want to focus on the tiny minority of abortions performed outside that period, which are mostly medical emergencies. Remember, conservatives favour small government.
@ELCrisler 2 күн бұрын
I feel like abortions for rape and medical emergencies is a no brainer. I also think that 10 to 12 week limit is reasonable. However if a woman has the right to choose to have a child or not, a man should have the SAME option. So in that 10 to 12 week period if the man decides he does not want the child he has the right to give up all legal claims and walk away without being forced to pay for the child. Consider this, there were a little over 1,000,000 abortions in the US in 2023. If we look at the statistics less than 1% of abortions are from rape or medical emergencies. So for the sake of being fair lets say it is 2%. Next the HIGHEST failure rate among all forms of birth control ( except for abstinence) is about 15%, so for the sake of arguments lets say 20% of abortions are from rape, medical emergencies or failed birth control. That leaves 800,000 abortions in the US in 2023 from people that are to stupid or lazy to keep from getting pregnant.
@ArlMommy 2 күн бұрын
Love you man
@sabinoangelico4678 2 күн бұрын
Republicans are too funny... They sure care a ton about the unborn baby. After it comes out.... Not so much.
@formerlyknownashammerofthegods 2 күн бұрын
How do they not care? Examples?
@cristipopa716 2 күн бұрын
If you look at statistics, christians families are more likely to adopt, a lot of foster cares are coordonated by churches and pro-life organisations do their best to help mothers in need (I personally donate through a pro-life organisation to help a mother to pay her University. She got raped in highschool but chose life and the organisation makes sure for her to get resources to finish her studies and raise her child. She is last year in the nursing school ) - I am from Europe, Romania , not American. So, please, when you say pro-lifers don't care after the child is born is really dishonest. But even if that will be true, if the movement will be just pro-birth( at some pro-abortion people claim) I still will see no problem, it is a murder allowed in the society so people should advocate against it.
@greasher926 2 күн бұрын
@@formerlyknownashammerofthegodsconservatives are against welfare and blame families for having too many kids, make up your mind. Is the problem too many kids, or not enough?
@eugeneanderson7984 22 сағат бұрын
Perfect my to favorite Homosexual people. Let me be clear I LOVE you both but do not approve of your lifestyles. You two would create beautiful children. The following was written by Saint Paul who saw Heaven a place only the obedient shall be invited to live for eternity. Now listen to me your both young I am 60 seems like yesterday I was 30 goes by like the wind and nothing will stop it. Listen up PAUL: 1 Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God, 2 which He promised beforehand through His prophets in the holy Scriptures, 3 concerning His Son, who was born of a descendant of David according to the flesh, 4 who was declared the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead, according to the Spirit of holiness, Jesus Christ our Lord, 5 through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith among all the Gentiles for His name's sake, 6 among whom you also are the called of Jesus Christ; 7 to all who are beloved of God in Rome, called as saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 8 First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, because your faith is being proclaimed throughout the whole world. 9 For God, whom I serve in my spirit in the preaching of the gospel of His Son, is my witness as to how unceasingly I make mention of you, 10 always in my prayers making request, if perhaps now at last by the will of God I may succeed in coming to you. 11 For I long to see you so that I may impart some spiritual gift to you, that you may be established; 12 that is, that I may be encouraged together with you while among you, each of us by the other's faith, both yours and mine. 13 I do not want you to be unaware, brethren, that often I have planned to come to you (and have been prevented so far) so that I may obtain some fruit among you also, even as among the rest of the Gentiles. 14 I am under obligation both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to the wise and to the foolish. 15 So, for my part, I am eager to preach the gospel to you also who are in Rome. 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, "BUT THE RIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BY FAITH." Unbelief and Its Consequences 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. 21 For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. 24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. 25 For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. 26 For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31 without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; 32 and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them. (Romans 1:1, NASB) You see History simply repeats itself Satan has you both thinking the same sex is for Sex this is now how the body was created we are to have Children with our loved ones creating strong families. Nothing is as strong as a blood bond. My family adopted kids and I still love them call them but they’re not my brother or sisrers. Jesus Christ became fully human having a female mother and God for a dad. He allowed his flesh to perish so he could grab the keys of death from Satan so you can be forgiven and spend eternity in Heaven a place much better than this fallen earth. Love you both come to your senses the ones God gave you not the fake stuff of this fallen world.
@RND-USA Күн бұрын
Wft Jillian Michaels is cashing in on right wing politics only interviewing right wingers. This is sad.
@TerryPringle Күн бұрын
If your pro life shouldn't you be anti gun also shouldn't you have to take care of unwanted children many would die if someone doesn't help cough up your time or money be WEIRD not to
@TerryPringle Күн бұрын
Dont hear much about free state of Florida too hot and tragically stormy
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