Рет қаралды 996,132
wood : 檜 (Japanese cypress) / アオダモ (Japanese Ash)
The joint of the bed body is called " 腰掛け蟻継ぎ (stepped dovetail joint) ".
This kumite(joint) is used in traditional framework construction methods, and has been used for posts and beams that support houses from ancient times to the present day in Japan. This time, Ishitani arranged the depth of the dovetail for the bed and adopted it.
We also use the same cypress wood that is used for the pillars of the house.
It's built without glue, nails or screws, yet sturdy. The finish paint is walnut oil.
木材の檜も家の柱に使われるのと同じものを使っています。 接着材も釘もネジも使わずに組み立てておりますが、 がっちり丈夫にできております。
furniture maker : Natsuki Ishitani / video & posting : Chie / music「 Yorisou 」by Fukagawa
[ Hand Tools - 手道具 ]
Hand Saw/のこぎり
(us) Gyokucho Razorsaw Ryoba Saw amzn.to/3ysWmDb
(jp) 玉鳥産業 両刃のこぎり240mm amzn.to/3BwqSxX
(us) Gyokucho Razorsaw Kataba Saw amzn.to/3yEFmtO
(jp) 玉鳥産業 片刃のこぎり240mm amzn.to/3mMVQh6
(us) ---
(jp) ゼット アサリ無しのこぎりト amzn.to/3t1OUxq
*The old saw was given by an old master. It is a handmade saw.
Try Square/スコヤ
(us) ---
(jp) MATUI 目盛付スコヤ150mm amzn.to/38squE8
Protractor Rule/自由スコヤ
(us) ---
(jp) シンワ測定 自由スコヤ amzn.to/3kJJwM2
(us) ---
(jp) 新潟精機 シルバースケール快段目盛150mm amzn.to/3zuZ9Np
(us) ---
(jp) 新潟精機 標準ポケットノギス100mm amzn.to/3mIr7BL
Tape Measure/メジャー
(us) ---
(jp) タジマ コンベックス5.5m×19mm Zロック amzn.to/3Bnnkhl
Digital Angle Gauge/デジタル角度計
(us) Wixey Digital Angle Gauge With Level amzn.to/3gQylzJ
(jp) Wixey レベル付きデジタル角度計 amzn.to/2V3f6LO
Wood stopper sharpener/木栓削り
(us) Star M 4950 Fusitaro Set amzn.to/42QstM4
(jp) スターエム 4950 フシ太郎 セット amzn.to/42Qrrja
[ Oil,Wax - 塗料 ]
This time the finish is only walnut oil.
[ Whetstone - 砥石 ]
(us) SHAPTON KUROMAKU320 amzn.to/3mKEhya
(jp) シャプトン 刃の黒幕 荒砥320 amzn.to/38rRpzS
(us) SHAPTON KUROMAKU2000 amzn.to/3jtmSI9
(jp) シャプトン 刃の黒幕 中砥2000 amzn.to/3ysVBd1
(us) 2000 Grit Super Ceramic Water Stoneamzn.to/3oXMHCS
(jp) エビ印 セラミック砥石 2000 (仕上用)amzn.to/3dSn68e
(us) Naniwa Diamond Whetstone Grit6000(for the back of the blade) amzn.to/3gSsSZc
(jp) ナニワ ダイヤモンド角砥石 (刃裏用) amzn.to/2WENM6P
[ Wear - 装備 ]
Dust Mask/防塵マスク
(us) ---
(jp) TOYO取替え式 防塵マスク amzn.to/2V0WBHL
(us) 3M Peltor Optime 95 amzn.to/3Bx9FnJ
(jp) 3M イヤーマフ ネックバンド式 amzn.to/38pGUNp
[ Stationery - 文具 ]
(us) Casio waterproof and dustproof calculator amzn.to/3jzVMiN
(jp) カシオ 防水・防塵電卓 amzn.to/38xuRNX
(us) Mitsubishi Pencil with Eraser HB amzn.to/2WHKG2r
(jp) 三菱鉛筆 消しゴム付き鉛筆 HB amzn.to/3sY8Gu1
Lumber chalk/木材チョーク
(us) ---
(jp) たくみ 材木チョーク amzn.to/3kCgNZd
[ Woodworking Machinery - 大型木工機械 ]
All large woodworking machines are used machines.
Many of them were manufactured more than 40 years ago, and it has become difficult to obtain those in good condition.
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