I have a question that will me helpful for me. I would Like to know if can the mind live without identity, or base Ones identity not in your tradition and people around you but something else? Can you still try to find the true but inevitable need a ground ( Like saying i am mexican or i do this rituals from this cultura) only to survive to the pain?
@NudgedByGrace3 жыл бұрын
I’ve followed Kapil long enough to understand where he’s coming from. However, this isolated short rant is as useless as anything he describes. Why waste time showing a 51 sec rant? Who benefits? If the answer is something like “we’ll if you have to ask…” please examine this situation a little deeper.
@Arrivals3 жыл бұрын
Robert, You may wish to reread your comment and reexamine your assumption. For it painstakingly implies that the video(s) posted is for the benefit of (insert entity). . . Or for any reason for that matter. You following Kapil holds no ground in determining the utility of the clip for the individual who may be listening, however useless it may seem to YOU. And if you've seriously followed Kapil Gupta "long enough to understand where he's coming from" ( Whatever that means ) as you openly stated, like Moe, you would not be asking such questions. I could tell you who has told me they've benefited, I could tell you the value I receive from the showing of the video, but none of that really matters to you. Your comment is just a reaction to a feeling that arose from perceiving the clip to be useless. The real question is; that you might consider asking yourself . . . ( Not that you should ) "Why waste time commenting?" "How does the answer to my questions benefit me?" Your comment - and not just you, but virtually everyone who comments on this channel - is nonsense. There might've been time to post this useless clip, but there's is none for answering such useless questions. Namaste, Dot
@NudgedByGrace3 жыл бұрын
I understand and appreciate your reply. I didn’t mean any disrespect. This channel is very useful, helpful and relevant. My examination was not aimed at the content per se, but at how it was curated for this particular clip, that’s all.