IT'S SO BAD! What This Hack Really Exposed, MrBeast Risks It All, Missing Student Riley Strain, &

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Philip DeFranco

Philip DeFranco

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@PhilipDeFranco 6 ай бұрын
I think whoever on the Edit side that was working on the text highlighting may still have been drunk from St. Patricks Day...
@Rockstar0ne 6 ай бұрын
@blacktiger995 6 ай бұрын
@vix86 6 ай бұрын
I thought I was still drunk or having a stroke for moment seeing the random highlights 🤣
@ccdawson26 6 ай бұрын
Hahahaha I was like "wait am I tripping or are we having some weird highlights today?" Ohh to be human. Thanks for making me laugh today editor(s)😆
@Tustin2121 6 ай бұрын
I think someone accidentally slid a few overlays too far forward in the video, lol
@Lybra1022 6 ай бұрын
Whoever was holding the Highlighter today going berserk
@thisisnancybot 6 ай бұрын
Thank you! I wondered if there was an issue with my phone!
@smartasafart 6 ай бұрын
I cam looking for this comment, and how far I had to look to find it, I thought I was just losing my mind and seeing things! Phil did say they have new people on the team, learning curve I'm sure.
@GorillaCanon 6 ай бұрын
I thought I was having a damn stroke!
@marcsantos4499 6 ай бұрын
I thought my eyes were messed up
@Lunarev_ 6 ай бұрын
i was just chuckling to myself and thinking "i sure hope somebody was fired for THAT blunder"
@rosenrot234 6 ай бұрын
Schools saying a bullied kid should stick up for themselves when we all know the second you do that YOU get punished and not the bully. Make it make sense.
@aouyiu 6 ай бұрын
Not to mention doing that would escalate things most of the time.
@Frentraken 6 ай бұрын
My fully unabashed tin foil hat certified conspiracy is that there's some concentrated effort to propagate bullying in our education systems. They all consistently go out of their way to pretend the problem is fake while doing all they can to ensure it keeps going.
@Jahmaan 6 ай бұрын
I(male) was bullied by a girl who played sports, when I finally stood up for myself, I had my behind handed to me, as I was scrawny and she was not. Female principal called me to her office and yelled at me for 10 minutes about how "you don't hit girls"... I wish I'd had the wherewithall to scream at the lady that I was the one with bruises and scratched glasses while my bully walked away without a scratch and 0 consequences...
@gregvs.theworld451 6 ай бұрын
@@aouyiu No kidding, it's a lose lose. If you can stand up a bully and pound them, or even just shove them, you get in trouble, if you can't stand up to a bully and do anyway, you get pounded. Make it make sense.
@gregvs.theworld451 6 ай бұрын
@@Jahmaan I'm sorry that happened to you. That's mesed up and you didn't deserve any of that, the bullying or the victim blaming from an authority figure.
@potatopersonal381 6 ай бұрын
the frustrating thing with the degree story is, that even WITH a degree, a lot of places won't hire you and immediately require years of experience, or pay basically the same as minimum wage.
@laluna5850 6 ай бұрын
@WiLDCHiLD. 6 ай бұрын
100% it's ridiculous. All that time and money spent on a higher education means squat. SMDH
@garythecyclingnerd6219 6 ай бұрын
America: where we send 20 “agents” in armed like Marines to seize a gator but good luck getting a cop to help you when your car gets stolen
@biCARRIEous 6 ай бұрын
God forbid people with stalkers and/or abusive exes are always taken seriously right away....
@ragevsraid7703 6 ай бұрын
@ll2323 6 ай бұрын
Or to the border where we’re just letting people in regardless right?!
@BusinessSkrub 6 ай бұрын
​@@ragevsraid7703bingo, baby
@BlueberryBumblebees 6 ай бұрын
Had a roommate steal my other roommates car, gaming system, meds, thousands in other stuff. Cops refused to even talk any further about it because he let the guy borrow the car once for an interview.
@WeebotTheRobot 6 ай бұрын
My mother was a Medicaid recipient and died in 2021 of Renal failure. When she passed the house was passed down to my name and gave me a huge leg up in life. I dread the idea of receiving a letter in the mail saying the state is taking away my childhood home.
@ryanclemons1 6 ай бұрын
leave weebot alone!
@dianamerchant1026 6 ай бұрын
Yep. I am in the exact same boat waiting on the letter to know what my moms bills were. Im scared to touch her money at all.
@AbbsOdell13666 6 ай бұрын
Tell em to kick rocks because they cant take whats yours already. They can take taxes though otherwise dont worry.
@johngaltline9933 6 ай бұрын
@@AbbsOdell13666 They can, and will take it. If you want to be safe, your name has to be on the title for at least 7 years before the medicaid recipient co-owner dies.
@theprecipiceofreason 6 ай бұрын
That Medicaid Repo story is so much worse when you know that procedural medical costs are all made up and don't actually correlate to real charges. Imagine losing your house because the hospital charges you for too many $80 aspirins
@loribroadbent8573 6 ай бұрын
Makes me glad I live in a country where I don't have to worry about things like this. I pay my taxes and health care is taken from that pool. Am I angry that my taxes pay for others' health care? No. If my neighbour is healthy, then I stay healthy. If my community is healthy, I stay healthy. For me it's a win-win.
@sea_triscuit7980 6 ай бұрын
It's even worse when you realize how many people aren't going to do a dang thing about it
@otmanh 6 ай бұрын
It's really blowing my mind that this really is a thing in America. In all the discourse about medicaid and health insurance I've never heard anyone bring this up. I understood that medicaid was like a free health insurance for the elderly, but they seize your belongings after you die? So basically medicaid is just a loan for your healthcare when your old? What the Frick!!??
@WJWeber 6 ай бұрын
That’s not what’s fucking them. End of life care is typically the most expensive. It’s government funded insurance. Not gov funded health care
@theprecipiceofreason 6 ай бұрын
@@WJWeber it's true that medical bills pile up at the end of life but, those charges that pile up are what's made up. Medicaid patients actually get less care than people with conventional insurance - I know this as I have seen hospitals make up any reason not to advance them to the next stage of therapy because of the money - many, many, many times. They get put out on the streets to get $$ in the beds. It's just how it is, here.
@alyssasoutheast2963 6 ай бұрын
I'm so glad you addressed the degree requirements. I was fortunate enough to find a job within my specific field straight out of college, but I lost it after a hit and run accident left me without a way to make the commute. I had to move back in with my parents, and the area that I'm in has plenty of jobs that fit my degree, but almost all of them require 5+ years experience, and I only have one due to my car being totalled. I wish companies would realize there are plenty of people willing to put in the work to learn something they'll be using their entire career.
@Giftedbryan 6 ай бұрын
Gotta love that highlighter effect that during the yesterday's show segment keeps going while you're in view Phil :p
@officeFREAK123456789 6 ай бұрын
At first I thought my TV was busted and had a mini heart attack, but realized it changed with the video 😅
@themidnighttiger96 6 ай бұрын
Oh thank God it wasn't just my tv. I was getting worried for a minute lol😅
@ChileandRamen 6 ай бұрын
I thought it was an after image in my eyes
@PrincessRose15 6 ай бұрын
Legit thought I was about to have an ocular migraine. I was like OH NO.
@link287 6 ай бұрын
Network Admin here, kernel level exploits are terrifying. Its the equivalent of taking over your central nervous system and being able to tell your heart to stop beating. So for games to casually be able to operate at this level requires a HUGE amount of trust in security/code. If you can exploit the kernel, you can not only record all keystrokes, you can turn on cameras and mics, you mirror all network traffic to an external source, just straight up bbq your processor, your imagination is really the limit.
@reductor_ 6 ай бұрын
On PC kernel level exploits are rarely more terrifying then user mode exploits, most malware runs within user mode, this kernel level fear is often unfounded. In a multi-user environment like a server then absolutely you should be more concerned with kernel level running code which can bypass ACLs but most games are the solely user of their PC so the kernel isn't really hiding anything. People in tech need to be more aware of malware, and more aware of kernel and user mode, because every single one of those things you listed is possible in user mode, you have listed nothing which requires kernel mode. Otherwise you send people this wrong message that if it runs in user-mode then it's safe, or if the UAC pop-up doesn't occur then it's safe, you are not safe to run any code on your machine regardless of if you are in user-mode or kernel-mode. This is why web browsers will pay massive bounties for exploits because they essentially run untrusted code albeit in a sandboxed VM. Mobiles are slightly different however, where you have more sandboxed environments, so gaining kernel level access will allow more exfil then what would typically be possible within user mode.
@lestat2244685 6 ай бұрын
The problem is the streaming services cancel even their own shows that do good numbers I have no faith they'll keep with it any more than their own original series.
@ll2323 6 ай бұрын
Even good one that are being followed and watched.
@chrisrelhard 6 ай бұрын
this. also, streaming services seem to completely neglect their own shows in general. i've had multiple shows that were originals on amazon or netflix that i absolutely loved but i hadn't found until they'd already been cancelled. i don't pay for any ad-free stuff, and yet i'd never seen advertisements for any of them. and some of them were pretty big budget shows with big names. just... why?
@obscillesk 6 ай бұрын
Yea from my perspective as someone who's not even looked at a streaming service in 6 months: they're trying market recapture cause the writing is already on the wall.
@haileytavares7143 6 ай бұрын
Bojack horseman was doing great and set to end in 2 seasons; Netflix said fuck it Naw and gave them 1 season to finish; leading an amazing show to have a choppy ending. Why tf do they do that shit
@tyler32655 6 ай бұрын
On the Medicaid Taking Your House story- After my grandma died, the state sent a letter saying they were going to take her house. My Great Grandpa, her dad, was living in the house, and had been for the last 6+ years helping to take care of her. He made multiple 7 foot signs that he placed in the yard shaming the state, that they were okay making an almost 80yo man with serious health issues homeless. We took care of her in her home for years, only needing help with hospital coverage and the occasional home health aid. I don't know all the nitty gritty because I was a teen when she passed, but we kept the house. I'm still so proud of him for standing up to a stupid rule that wasn't clearly stated when she was enrolled.
@taylorbug9 6 ай бұрын
My grandma may need care and we're moving into and taking care of her house for her. I'm very scared they could come take it after she passes.
@JulesssRules 6 ай бұрын
@@taylorbug9see a lawyer. There’s inexpensive ways around this
@purpirek 6 ай бұрын
Only in California 😂
@ginaalban 6 ай бұрын
As a recruiter, I really appreciate you covering company Degree Requirements! What a lot of people don't seem to realize is that a lot of hiring managers are looking for candidates who have the same or similar career path as they do and it blocks qualified candidates from getting positions. I used to work specifically in diversity hiring and the hardest part wasn't finding candidates, it was convincing the hiring manager that someone with a gap in their resume or a nontraditional background could be successful in a position.
@bakaichigo 6 ай бұрын
THIS is why people like me and my partner, who have been either in school or on disability, or who just plain couldn't find ANY work for a long period of time, keep having trouble getting work. It's so disappointing... :(
@larkjames1671 6 ай бұрын
I’m a recruiter as well and I see this all the time. I’ve sent hiring managers the perfect candidate in terms of experience. If they’re missing a college degree or certain certification, they will not even consider the candidate. It’s the most annoying thing in the world. I’ve seen hiring managers leave roles open for months because of this.
@FutureMartian97 6 ай бұрын
A gap in their resume or nontraditional background means higher risk. Not worth it.
@jijitters 6 ай бұрын
​@@FutureMartian97 So someone who's been out of work because of illness or disability, or to take care of someone else with illness or disability (one of the most common reasons for resume gaps), should just accept never having a job again?
@Bard420 6 ай бұрын
@@FutureMartian97 Yeah that makes exactly 0 sense
@taylorbug9 6 ай бұрын
SAVE ALBERT!! Edit* Even if that means he doesn't go back to the original owner, he deserves the best life he can have in captivity. But also, don't let kids play with him, please.
@ragevsraid7703 6 ай бұрын
@YKZBlender 6 ай бұрын
Read this before watching the video and I was concerned lol
@cormacthem8406 6 ай бұрын
please search and sign the change petition for Albert the Alligator; they still need more signatures!! 😢
@mh-tb9lu 6 ай бұрын
The parents are insane
@estebanperez4632 6 ай бұрын
@Shehias 6 ай бұрын
Shout out to the editor for making finding the misplaced highlights an extra interactive part of the show!
@lgndunt 6 ай бұрын
LOL Thank God someone confirmed this! I thought my monitor was going bad! I kept pausing, rewinding, minimizing my browser trying to see where it was coming from. 😅
@samsanimationcorner3820 6 ай бұрын
​@@lgndunt I thought my eyes were fucking up.
@EvilCronos13 6 ай бұрын
The moving highlighter dancing across the screen while you were talking about your blooper from the last video kept cracking me up. At first I though someone forgot to clear it from the last slide while editing, but then it kept moving and I couldn't figure out what that was supposed to mean, so I just kept laughing at it!
@shknights44 6 ай бұрын
The craziest thing about the degree story to me is that the degree requirement always seemed to get overshadowed by the experience aspect of job applications anyway. I am a college graduate with an MBA who struggles to find a job that matches my qualifications because I don’t have 3-5 years of work experience. We were always told that getting a degree would help us get a job but most companies don’t count that time in school as experience and it’s starting to look more and more like I spent $50,000+ for a paper weight.
@TheRunningLeopard 6 ай бұрын
@prairiepanda 6 ай бұрын
In some fields the trick is to dump all of your spare time into volunteer work while you're in school. But where I went to school all of the volunteer positions were reserved for pre-med students because volunteer hours were a requirement for med school. So I couldn't accumulate work experience during school even if I wanted to.
@jamesjenkins8373 6 ай бұрын
Most all of my friends went to college after highschool and are now graduated, I just started working and have five years experience in my field now, I just landed a higher end job I have been shooting for. While my friends are having trouble finding jobs relating to their majors.
@Zoey_710 6 ай бұрын
I notice a lot of people just lie about their work experience. Your time in school doing said thing you learned about is experience. Just dont tell them it was in school, but instead for the school, its not lieing, you had to do it for school. Or something like that I dunno I dont have a degree I just fake it till I make it in my industry, nothing you cant learn online that night you find out you need to know about it.
@willtheprodigy3819 6 ай бұрын
MBAs are the reason for half of our problems right now. Just look at the Boeing stories. It’s not the engineers at fault for that.
@MrNinjaPancakeStudio 6 ай бұрын
The story about removing degree requirements really stood out to me today. One of the last points made was how non-degreed employees have an equivalent rate of outperforming degreed employees, which made me laugh a bit. As someone who has an advanced degree in an incredibly niche field (NSE from MIT), I personally have the perspective that the quality of education one receives from a four year degree has significantly diminished. It also reminds me of a conversation I had with my parents, where the point was made "once you're in college, no one cares where you placed in high school rankings or SAT scores. Similarly, once you've had gainful employment in a field, where you went to college isn't important anymore." I really understood that conversation when I took a summer course at a local community college, and I felt like the quality of education I got from that professor was head and shoulders above the quality I got from any of my courses during semester.
@czerniana 6 ай бұрын
I’m disabled and on Medicaid. I basically can’t get married, can’t own a home, can’t own assets, and can never have more than 2k in the bank account. I’m actually in Dayton, so thats fun. I essentially just hope my boyfriend wins the lottery one day so we can get married and get away from the broken disability system. The amount of stress it’s all given me over the years, including the 4 years it took for them to even approve it, is directly contraindicated to my health where stress can cause flare ups. I’m thankful it’s there, but it is not enough and lacks any and all sympathy for those on it.
@GaaraFPS 6 ай бұрын
I’m wishing for the best for you, I’m in nyc living with MS dreading and fearful of the day that I might need this kind of help especially with stress also f-ing me up pretty bad
@dmndgsyslive 6 ай бұрын
Honestly, this. I can't work most jobs because of my disabilities. I can't stand bend or lift because of Chronic pain in my ribs, and I can't do a lot of mental jobs or things like driving because my narcolepsy makes me 'an unreliable worker'. It's stuff like this that makes me too terrified to go on it even as a last resort as I'm facing potentially getting kicked out of my home by the end of this year. Even if I take it as a stop gap, if I want to go to another country that will treat me better I run the risk of them denying me instantly because they see I've been on disability and run the risk of 'straining their medical facilities'. I'm a 24-year-old guy, I have the whole rest of my life ahead of me. What really strikes me is always how they'd rather wait til I die so they can get their money off of me rather than just appropriately accommodate me and let me work so they get their money now.
@s-s00 6 ай бұрын
my uncle became disabled after he and my aunt married him and they almost denied disability to him, he literally needed a heart transplant. they can’t have more than 10k at one time or else the disability will be pulled too….. this country sucks
@czerniana 6 ай бұрын
@@s-s00 it’s different for every state, but in Ohio it’s 2k. Who the hell can save 2k on the 604$ I make on SSI I dont know, but it will really become an issue when my father passes =/ I’m tempted to have him leave everything to my brother, with the understanding that he handles it for me. The whole thing is fucked. I loved my job before I became disabled, I WANT to work. I just can’t. It sucks.
@ChadBrett1 6 ай бұрын
As a person with a degree I can tell you the opposite is also true. I have been turned down for jobs because I was “over qualified” and they thought I would be to expensive. It was a front end job at the gym I went to for ten years…
@princess_celery1217 6 ай бұрын
so true! my mother has a doctorate and no one will hire her. she cant even get interviews.
@Pandacroc 6 ай бұрын
I don't understand why people think that just loving an animal is enough to treat them well. Treating an animal like a human child is not what they need. I believe that man when he says he loves Albert, I also believe the agents that took him when they say he was severly ill because of mistreatment. Just because it is physically possible to have an animal as a pet doesn't make it a good idea. I've heard so many first and secondhand stories of animals that people love being kept in appalling conditions and being fed entirely the wrong food because the owner just feeds the animal whatever the hell they feel like.
@chloekathleen1951 6 ай бұрын
@ArlauxWitchdog 6 ай бұрын
I believe he loves Albert just like my parents loved me, love does not prevent abuse or mistreatment and often can be a vector for it when you believe what you’re doing is love. People wanting Albert to go back because of a good ‘familial’ story are no different from those who want abused children to stay with their families. It’s the same rot.
@mathiassven 6 ай бұрын
As shown in the story, he had taken care of the animal for years, and had a licence for it... Why are you raising questions about mistreatment or negligence in the care of the animal. The presence of health issues is not sufficient evidence for that... Many dogs start having health issues (including partial blindness) when they reach a curtain age, that doesn't mean the owners mistreated them. The point being that the agents simply claimed this issues as a side note, and not the reason they took the alligator from the man, that is the red flag people are not happy with.
@JessicaPradoHanson 6 ай бұрын
So true, if you want that animal in your life you have to be willing to do the work to keep it healthy or you can’t handle it and need help or a different animal. I have a snapping turtle that I rescued as a baby that is sweeter than my cats but I also do the work to constantly research things on her and her health needs. It is a lot of work and if you don’t have the time or money you shouldn’t do it. I really hope the reports of him not cleaning the water for years is false, that is soooo bad! I regularly drain and clean the tank or it stinks! I wouldn’t want her to live like that because I don’t want to live like that! We have to think about what others need, not just what we need. There are so many solutions that lead to everyone being uplifted and those are the best. But I also think our system can evolve to learn to deal with these things better because this is clearly an issue. A small group of experts should be dispatched for the safety of all involved.
@Nevertoleave 6 ай бұрын
Even if he took perfect care of it, he still admits to letting people in with him. It’s incredibly stupid and dangerous. A domesticated animal is not just an animal that lives in your house. It took thousands of years to get dogs and you should never try petting a strange dog because they could bite. We domesticated pigs, they’ll happy eat you. Pickton the serial killer fed his victims to his pigs. Hell, we can talk to other humans, they can tell us what they’re thinking and they can still just murder you
@rubyweapondsx 6 ай бұрын
From Reddit, so take it with a grain of salt: "We were trying to grandfather him in 2020. He refused to build “secondary containment.” Aka a fence in case it got out the French doors. We also asked he showed proof it was on his homeowner’s insurance. He went on a rant and threatened our permit staff. I thought it was a permit issue and had the case on a backburner. Then a person complained that he was letting kids in with it. I started looking and through the social media posts. It was worse than anything I’ve seen with animal handlers. Was letting people including kids and the elderly swim with it, ride it, handle it. This is an extremely dangerous reptile no one but trained/ licensed handlers be in with it. I then got a search warrant and seized it. Only to find out the animal was being mistreated too. It was living in its own filth, he hadn’t cleaned its pool in 7 years. He was only feeding it cooked chicken and fish fries. It was morbidly obese and also malnourished. It has bone issues, a dislocated spine from improper habitat (or people allowed to ride it) and was nearly blind from vitamin D deficiency. Alligators need a lot of sunlight 2.5x what a human needs. And he was keeping it in a glass house but it was double pained which filters out UV rays."
@megangreen271 6 ай бұрын
This. As a reptile keeper that gator was stunted and severely obese. What a gator should look like is shown on chandlers wildlife.
@evilishgame 6 ай бұрын
If true, it really paints the story in a different light, thx for that.
@Slaanash 6 ай бұрын
I'm skeptical of stuff on reddit but I also find that story to be pretty believable tbh.
@RyanCrossOfficial 6 ай бұрын
Even if true (which I don’t doubt), you can still be empathetic enough to let the man say goodbye
@BusinessSkrub 6 ай бұрын
Yeeaaahhhhhh after some twitter addict claimed that Palworld supported animal abuse or whatever nonsense, I take every post with six handfuls of salt. I had to add a whole 'nother handful to the many, many grains of salt I already take everything on the internet with
@rednarok 6 ай бұрын
dude, a wild animal is gonna be wild. my cat who i loved for years one day bit me with so much force his teeth went right through my hand all because he had some tick in his neck. imagine if that was an alligator!
@StephClearHere 6 ай бұрын
On the whole bullying story from Friday (a little late) I moved to a completely different county in my state because my son was being bullied by not only students but his teacher! I went to the school and spoke to many people from the counselor to the principal with no help from anyone. They literally acted like I was making shit up like yeah ok I’m the one who has to console my son every day when he comes home crying and begging not to go back! As a second grader! He used to love school prior to that year. I’m so glad we got away from that hell but it shouldn’t have had to come to that.
@RaheemAmarsi101 6 ай бұрын
It’s crazy how the PDS was 6-8 minutes and it was a treat to have 12-13 minute video. Then the PDS was 12-13 minutes and it was a treat to have a 16 minute video. THEN it was a treat to have an 18, 20, 25 minute video. Love you Phil! Keep growing and getting better and better!
@aftertaster 6 ай бұрын
Pointing out the rogue highlight on Philip at the end. :)
@thymewizard 6 ай бұрын
I attended college for several years, but being neurodivergent meant I had to learn everything my way and then spend most of my time and energy following the _process_ of _being a student_ . I ended up having to leave for medical reasons after the compounding mental health toll started to spill over into the physical, and I started working as a software engineer instead of going back. I remember getting so frustrated in my earlier job searches because I would get rejected outright before anyone seemed to show interest in whether or not I could demonstrate the skills they were asking for, meanwhile I knew exactly what I would need to finish my degree (literally a semester) and no part of it would have applied to the kinds of jobs I was looking at. It's cool to see a broader discussion around skill-based hiring, but also wild that it's being framed as a radical idea to _consider_ that maybe we should care more about people being able to do the job. It feels like being asked in an interview "Well how can you get to work if you don't have an Audi?" like.... my friend I'm here now, aren't I?
@abigailhugt9605 6 ай бұрын
My grandma had a neighbor who owned an alligator years ago. He was beloved by the community and his owner had him for years (this was probably around the 70s or 80s). Eventually, some agency caught on and took the alligator from his home and he was placed with other alligators. He died in less than a week. He wasn't used to be treated like an alligator, from the moment he was born he was treated like a pet, with lots of love from his owner. I hope this man can get his alligator back, 40 years to bond with an animal for it to be taken, I can't imagine.
@grrawesomenessc.8399 6 ай бұрын
As someone pretty involved in the reptile keeping community, alligators, crocs, other large reptiles like Iguanas and so on are terrible pets. They're often given enclosures far too small, and in this case, an alligator is a dangerous animal. The same way a tiger or a lion is, they should not be pets. Letting children and other people in the pool with this alligator, unsupervised at that, is highly irresponsible and Bob does not deserve his alligator. Not to mention the space they need is something only a sanctuary/zoo can provide. I know it's not the cute "aw but he loves him" people want, but it's the truth. We love tigers, we love alligators, but they are dangerous animals and they need to be respected as such.
@MartinFinnerup 6 ай бұрын
I get why you feel he should get it back, but he was clearly not responsible enough to keep it. He was literally letting other people, including literal children, into the water with it. I don't care how good of a pet it is. It's an alligator. Crocodillians have remained practically unchanged for nearly a hundred million years, because they are a phenomenal killing machine. I'm not hating on the animals, on the contrary, I'm saying it's not going to be safe to put kids near. Ever.
@auntrowdy 6 ай бұрын
I was a teenage mom who finished high school but went into the work force instead of college since I had a child to take care of. I worked hard for 30 years in the insurance industry as a claims adjuster, claims trainer, and HR representative. I got laid off over a year ago and haven’t been able to find a job since I don’t have a college degree. It’s like my dedication and experience don’t mean anything! 😢
@hancock7195 6 ай бұрын
Trust me my friend, the degree is worth as much as the paper it's printed on. I have a decade of experience and a B.S. and I have been struggling to find a job for almost 3 years now. I am beyond disheartened and diminished.
@chezshirecat1872 6 ай бұрын
My mom could have written this, she worked insurance for 38 years and retired for a few years. She decided to go back and She found a service that looks for insurance jobs for older adults. She doesn’t have a degree either but this service found her a cool job that she works from home.
@jnmmcgraw 6 ай бұрын
@@hancock7195 Honestly... the only things college is doing for people is like you said, handing you a paper, and getting you an internship. Which if people don't know to take control of where they're assigned to do their internship it can also do about nothing for them. So yeah... Spend X years, and X dollars largely for an internship to help get a foot in the door and a piece of paper.
@Angee2009 6 ай бұрын
I was for the alligator guy getting his gator back then I heard you say he let kids in the pool. That takes a serious lack of judgment if it's true. People with proven lack of judgment don't get alligators!
@Camazotz-kz9wr 6 ай бұрын
There are pictures of it, and the owner outright admitted to it. He said it was "rare" he let that happen but like... even once is too much dude.
@themustar601 6 ай бұрын
He also wasn’t taking good care of the alligator. It’s pool hadn’t been cleaned in seven years, it’s spine was dislocated from letting people ride it, it had bone issues and was simultaneously obese and malnourished from poor nutrition, and it was going blind from lack of vitamin D. I’m sure he loved it, but he also wasn’t doing right by it. If he had been they probably would have given it back, but all that plus letting kids around it and refusing to put up secondary fencing around the property in case it got out left them no choice but to remove it from him.
@funkspinna 6 ай бұрын
And yet people are still complaining the alligator was taken away. Amazing.
@Cutthecamerasdeadass1899 6 ай бұрын
​@@Camazotz-kz9wr Blame the parents...
@Cutthecamerasdeadass1899 6 ай бұрын
​@@themustar601Blame the parents...
@steinarjonsson_ 6 ай бұрын
Having children around an alligator is a major red flag! If this was just a story about a guy and his alligator that he was taking good care of without bothering or endangering anyone, I would be all for him getting his pet friend back. But having children around alligators regardless of how well behaved they are is just pure recklessness!
@Lloyd00 6 ай бұрын
Is it though? You're under the assumption that alligators can't be domesticated since you've never seen it. He's had him for 34 years and the community loves him. No way people wouldn't speak up if there had been incidents.
@archgirl7797 6 ай бұрын
alligators can definitely be calmed down and controlled somewhat when raised by humans and when receiving ongoing training throughout their lives but seriously, if dogs can break their owners rules then you best believe an alligator can. All it needs is a split second to trigger their prey drive and you are in as much danger as if it was a 100% wild alligator.
@CrushedFemur 6 ай бұрын
​@Lloyd00 domestication is a multi generational process. So no that alligator was not domesticated. That has nothing to do with whether he or the community loved the alligator or not. That's just how domestication works, and even then there is no guarantee a species can be domesticated even if this had been a multi generational situation of tamed alligators. Elephants and ostriches have been tamed and farmed by humans for hundreds of years but neither species has been domesticated.
@DerpDevilDD 6 ай бұрын
@@Lloyd00 A single alligator _can't_ be domesticated. That's not what domestication is or how it works. A single animal can be tamed. Domestication takes generations over decades if not longer. And no matter how tame an 11 foot gator is, you don't let children walk up and touch it with NO safety precautions. That's just stupid.
@eggsoverbreezy6264 6 ай бұрын
Buddy, you're a child, you know nothing about animal psychology so don't pretend you do.@@DerpDevilDD
@oniwahoo719 6 ай бұрын
"Kids swam with my alligator, but only occasionally." Does not alleviate my concerns here.
@human_brian 6 ай бұрын
The highlighter is goin crazy in this episode. Definitely got a mind of its own.
@nickcampanelli1420 6 ай бұрын
Skills based hiring is great because not only does it allow for more people to get high paying jobs, it also lessens the value of a college degree which will translate to lower costs of education to get those degrees. Millions of future teens and young adults will avoid the insane burden of college debt
@lucasmolski9031 6 ай бұрын
​@JG-MV nice generalization
@penfold-55 6 ай бұрын
Skills based hiring is great because these are the people that actually want to do the work... It's far too often that I see graduates expecting 80k+ salaries straight out of college because they are "entrepreneurs", "project managers", or "leaders". I don't want a leader. I want someone who can do the fking job
@StarPichu12 6 ай бұрын
​@JG-MVmaybe so, but if you don't live in an area with one you're still going to be spending a lot of money to then only hopefully get a job
@comicsans3537 6 ай бұрын
I absolutely support skill-based hiring so long as they don't demand skills that are impossible to have yet WITH a degree and that they still guve jobs to those of us who were basically brainwashed since birth that we needed a STEM degree to make a living until this all evens out. I mean what do we do? We got the thing we were promised would be the best option just to be told "sorry, that debt you were counselled to take on for years suddenly now means nothing! No jobs for you!" so like.... what do we do? We're just fucked for doing what we were supposed to it seems like 😅
@funkspinna 6 ай бұрын
Companies don't have to worry about woke college indoctrination either.
@Nevertoleave 6 ай бұрын
The fact that he even ONCE let anyone, especially a child, into the pool with the ALLIGATOR tells me he isn’t responsible enough to have him. It’a an alligator, not a toy
@kjsdpgijn 6 ай бұрын
It's an alligator, not a crocodile. Grow up lmao
@Nevertoleave 6 ай бұрын
@@kjsdpgijn are you okay? Cause that’s some real out of context commenting
@davorladan6236 6 ай бұрын
Finally, someone with some common sense. The guy adopts an exotic, non domesticated animal, presumably to help him get laid, and he's some kind of sympathetic figure. Get an iguana, dude. How many other animals did he ever "rescue"?
@DerpDevilDD 6 ай бұрын
@@kjsdpgijn "It's a pistol, not a shotgun." Guess what they both still do?
@LemonSoulz 6 ай бұрын
@@davorladan6236 dude has had alligator longer then both yall even been alive 34 years. you dont him or the gator the fucking gator is so passive they think it has back issues. The guy brought that thing to exotic vet all the time and had it on meds for shit that was wrong with it. morons.
@tinchick2 6 ай бұрын
It took me years to find a job outside of retail because I don't have a degree. I went to college, but a major depressive episode my junior year and my dad dying during my senior year derailed my plans. I was never able to go back. Thankfully, I found an administrative assistant position during the pandemic that did not require a degree nor multiple years of experience in the field. It was a godsend and I'm excelling in the position nearly 3 years later. Just having a degree doesn't mean that you will be better at a job than someone without one. And experience/transferable skills can often help you more in your job than your degree can.
@dethvx 6 ай бұрын
It is sad to hear about Albert being taken away since it sounds like he was loved, but keeping a literal killing machine as a pet is just a disaster waiting to happen
@tylociraptor8131 6 ай бұрын
Alligators are as intelligent as dogs- you can absolutely keep them safely without 'disaster'.
@jengibs 6 ай бұрын
Yeah I personally lost all sympathy for the owner when I learned he let children get close to the gator. That's just plain ignorance. An apex predator reptile is never truly domesticated.
@ds7307 6 ай бұрын
Dogs kill people every day!
@Mariet31 6 ай бұрын
No, they can be fully domesticated... unlike chimpanzees or gorillas. Like there was a guy in Costa Rica who had one his entire life and was as gentle as puppy and died of natural causes. He never hurt anyone, so people need to understand that they are not mammals and have their own behavior. One thing is an alligator or a crocodile and another is A POLAR BEAR. Ideally they should be free, but once they are domesticated they cannot survive in the wild because they don't know how to and it happens with several species.
@OldSchoolDudeGaming 6 ай бұрын
@@tylociraptor8131 And you point? Dogs have an average intelligence of a 2 year old....
@oliviamakar3108 6 ай бұрын
For the last story, I’ve been experiencing the opposite effect. I graduated in August with a bachelor’s degree and have been applying to so many jobs but haven’t been hired her because I don’t have experience or because I have a degree. It’s ridiculous and disheartening. I’m in a food service job right now but can’t get into another job because of one of those two things.
@Dillon-117 6 ай бұрын
Meanwhile, I'm locked into a job that I hate because I'm too "skilled" to get any job that doesn't require a degree, but don't have an actual degree to get a job that I can do that requires it.
@prophetjay5326 6 ай бұрын
I’m in the same boat. Graduated last March with a tech degree and now I’m delivering pizza. Every entry level position I see requires 1-3 years of experience and/or certifications that can cost hundreds of dollars per test.
@Nevertoleave 6 ай бұрын
@@Dillon-117 I’ll never understand that whole, you’re over qualified, argument. What are you afraid of, that your “work culture” is so shitty that if you hire anyone that can leave that they will?
@ConWolfDoubleO7 6 ай бұрын
@@prophetjay5326Or the certificate is only administered by the places that are hiring, so if you dont get hired you cant even begin to start on the certificate they already want.
@gerrya2133 6 ай бұрын
I don't know what kinds of jobs you're looking for, but have you tried recruitment agencies? If it applies to your field, try that route. You wont get paid a lot, but you'll get the experience then you can apply on your own.
@MonkiSniper 6 ай бұрын
I dropped out of college back in 2011 and never went back to finish my bachelor's. I worked as a bartender for 4 years, feeling stuck because I didn't have a degree. I moved from Puerto Rico to FL in 2015 and landed an entry-level job at a manufacturing company. 9 years later, I've been promoted 8 times, moving up the ranks from a warehouse attendant to Master Scheduler. All because I was given a chance to prove myself, learn, and grow. I did hit a wall. I was recommended multiple times for a management position, but I was never put in one just because I didn't have a bachelor's (that was the statement from mgmt). More people should have a chance for these kinds of opportunities. I'm incredibly grateful I got them.
@Catteralluwu 6 ай бұрын
I work as a rehab coordinator at a functional neurology clinic. When we try to replace techs we almost never look at the applicants degrees because it’s just not relevant in this emergent field we work in. In fact the worst employee we’ve had to let go was the only one in recent years with a degree. Competency over a signed piece of paper every time.
@lifestream1689 6 ай бұрын
A good friend of mine is a Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring technologist. Dropped out of college after being put on academic probation, only recently did his job pay him to get some course work done + a certification. He's clearing $70k a year and has been there for nearly 8 years. What are your thoughts on the certs needed to get into that field? I only own a Bachelor's in General studies
@solucid 6 ай бұрын
Oh boy, can't wait to hear about the yellow bars tomorrow...
@amandalynn7715 6 ай бұрын
The alligator story reminds me of that story we heard several years back where a woman was keeping a chimpanzee as a pet and it savagely attacked her friend and ripped her face off. The victim barely survived and was forever changed - and of course the chimp’s owner simply could NOT believe what happened or why her precious baby attacked someone.. because they are a wild animal not intended to be a pet.
@kadewilliams7081 6 ай бұрын
except she didn't have the chimp for 34 years with no accidents on anything whatsoever. Obvs got to be wary of kids but not like he a saltwater croc or something. But I think he knows pretty well what he is doing and relocating the alligator after that time may not be the best thing for albert anyway.
@kadewilliams7081 6 ай бұрын
That being said not like I'm there assessing the gator so maybe he really is in worse condition at the house. Still just a he said she said, since I haven't dug further
@lalah3924 6 ай бұрын
Long time watcher here - I never talked to anyone about the bullying I experienced in middle school and high school. I thought it was normal to feel that way. I was the fat, awkward kid that didn't fit in anywhere. That experience translated into paralyzing fear of the world in my adulthood. A fear that's taken years of therapy to calm to a manageable degree. I still struggle with interpersonal relationships and self validation but am proud to say there is progress and hope for a full and fruitful life!
@Confron7a7ion7 6 ай бұрын
The college degree thing really annoys me. I spent 7 years in the USAF working on and maintaining super important radios for the the bases air traffic control tower, including the ILS (basically a radio that helps the pilot land a plane). Now I currently work for a company that rents out medical equipment to hospitals. There's 2 major jobs that need to be done. You basically either fix and maintain the medical equipment, or you're a glorified delivery driver. I have 7 years of electronics experience but no degree. Guess which job I have...
@comicsans3537 6 ай бұрын
If it helps at all, I have what they want and they STILL say it isn't enough if they even call me back once. I'm just stuck with debt with no jobs in my field willing to hire me even though my volunteer and field experience that is what they want is not. Enough. 30k+ in debt for nothing and I'm on the lower end of that all... I'm beginning to think they just hate us working class people or something. Like you can't win with or without a degree, wtf do we do??
@devanbasham6560 6 ай бұрын
​@comicsans3537 we eat a billionaire or two and get the rest in line.
@Fraser142 6 ай бұрын
@@comicsans3537 jesus christ yeah unless if u have criminal charges its wild that no company would take 7 years + and volunteer experience. i find its not what you know its who you know and how well you jive with people.
@angeladeluna 6 ай бұрын
City and county governments still rely heavily on radio communication and are having trouble finding qualified techs. They usually offer options to qualify for a job and experience is considered so is military service. Check em out.
@BloodShotOrphan 6 ай бұрын
25:48 this story hit home for me. I’m a Marine Corps Veteran, and have been trying to get a job not my local military installation for 6 years. In my town, this installation is the major source of income for most people. Most would say it’s the only place, locally, to get a good paying job. Otherwise you have to travel 30-40 minutes away. There is one specific company that I’ve been trying to get on with. They have posted numerous job listings in which I have applied to every single one of them, totaling 38 applications. Out of those 38, I have gotten ONE phone call interview. The rest are just the generic denial you see from big companies. Finding a good paying job as someone with significant experience alone, to me, seems to not be getting any easier.
@lindseylou5542 6 ай бұрын
I’m so glad you covered degree requirements. I’m a former teacher that was on the brink of a mental breakdown in 2020. COVID showed me what “real life” was like and I couldn’t go back to the classroom afterwards. Even though I have a bachelor’s, I don’t have one directly related to my current profession. If it wasn’t for companies being openminded, I’d still be stuck in a job that was slowly sucking my soul.
@TheJemmaGrl 6 ай бұрын
I know far too many teachers that are using their degree outside of education - and I'm glad that organizations ARE open-minded. I understand wanting someone to have a degree in certain positions - it can show a certain work ethic - but then I've also met folks with impressive degrees who are dumber than a box of rocks. It's nice to have that degree when you want to make a 90 degree turn towards a different career but I want to see it hold back fewer people who have the skill and experience to do something really well (like me, who works in benefits).
@theuseraccountname 6 ай бұрын
I agree with removing degree requirements from jobs that don't actually need them, but some jobs - like doctors and pilots - should absolutely have degree requirements. Anything dealing with human lives should require a degree.
@ShawnC.W-King 6 ай бұрын
While I'm happy for You, I believe the harsh reality is companies are starting to become desperate because a lot of companies were/are STILL gatekeeping... Companies love to gatekeep even when you have a degree, it's a ridiculous old, outdated model run by too many old heads with stupid outdated mindsets that aren't keeping up to date with current times.
@smokedbeefandcheese4144 6 ай бұрын
So glad you’re doing good hope things keep going your way 👍
@Ryokhael 6 ай бұрын
I was a supervisor at a company for nearly six years and was turned down time and again for manager positions purely (and explicitly stated) because I didn’t have a degree and others either did or were currently in school to get a degree. This was in spite of me being a demonstrably more skilled employee with consistently better performance and having made tools that significantly improved data and performance tracking. It was so bad I decided to make a lateral move instead before eventually leaving the company.
@euphoriaorphan 6 ай бұрын
There is probably a good chance you're right when you say you're better than those with degrees in the same field applying for the same positions, but people WITH degrees know there are only skills you learn in college that people who haven't gone clearly show signs of not knowing.
@MrCutlis 6 ай бұрын
​@euphoriaorphan I don't understand this. Every skill that is valuable to a company, can be learnt through working the job. What exactly are the skills you're speaking of? I never went to uni so I wouldn't know, but it seems like a waste of time and money to me.
@Erethizon_dorsatum 6 ай бұрын
As a New Yorker with a wildlife management degree, and employee of the DEC - I have no qualms over that dude losing his Gator. He didn’t have license to maintain an alligator on his property, he allowed children to pose with the Gator unsafely, and although there aren’t any official reports of how the DEC interacted with this situation I know enough about the agency to know they take precautions before they remove a facilities animals. I previously have worked with the “Adirondack Wildlife Refuge” on a limited basis which also lost animals due to misconduct. They had many warnings before the agency decided they could no longer maintain large mammals like bears and wolves. This included losing a bear into the community on more than one occasion and killing and burying a protected species to avoid being fined for having it. The DEC doesn’t just run around seizing animals for no reason.
@Joel_Aleman 6 ай бұрын
He has taken care of the gator for 34 years with zero incidents. Over regulations under the guise of "safety".
@leadpaintchips9461 6 ай бұрын
So you're saying that he's lying about having the license beforehand and the silence when he was waiting for clarification? Not saying you're wrong, just want to be clear what your stance on it is. Personally, I don't have enough information to feel confident about making a call either way. I don't know what those photos look like (and I find it frankly worrying that those kids were in the pool to begin with, gators move _fast_ when they have the urge to), I don't know what the changes to the licensing entailed for the enclosure, I don't know what the actual back and forth between him and the agency is (they should have records of that), and I don't know what made them respond with that amount of force to remove the animal.
@FateDefied 6 ай бұрын
The degree story is frustrating for me because of how slow it's moving. My husband doesn't have a degree, but he has tons of experience in different fields. People wouldn't hire him because he lacked the degree, something he couldn't afford to get. Meanwhile, to go into the field I want to (librarianship), I am currently working on my Masters. It's not easy. I've tried to get into the field just as an assistant or something since I do have a degree, but no luck.
@autumnson 6 ай бұрын
Regarding the Alligator story, my only concern is for the animal's well-being. If it turns out its health was neglected, then it's a good thing it got taken away. If however the owner did everything right, then give him his alligator back
@Lloyd00 6 ай бұрын
I think the animal doesn't survive being neglected for 34 years especially when it's not in its natural habitat
@apollofell3925 6 ай бұрын
Abert has the physical capacity to kill a person. Albert could kill a child so fast you wouldn't have time to react. The owner has been told repeatedly to not let children touch Albert. The owner still lets children touch Albert. Sorry, Albert's gotta find a new home. We shouldn't wait until AFTER Albert has had his Montecore moment.
@StreakyBaconMan 6 ай бұрын
It was neglected, partially blind, obese and had an injured spine all of which he was oblivious to - the only person who says it wasn't neglected is him. Plus he also refused to follow the new rules put in place to allow him to keep his licence to keep the animal, so it was revoked. And he let kids swim with it. There are so many reasons this guy should have lost his gator that I find it absolutely insane anybody but him would argue that he should get the thing back. This isn't some professional who had a perfectly healthy gator and the state one day decided "keeping gators is now illegal". This is some amateur who had an extremely unhealthy gator taken from him because he refused to follow the rules required of him to keep it.
@DerpDevilDD 6 ай бұрын
Just looking at this video, you can see he's not being cared for properly. He's stumpy, fat, in an enclosure that's too small, with disgusting black water, and no UV lights. I don't care how many windows there are, these people live in New York - the gator needs UV lights.
@strayiggytv 6 ай бұрын
​@@Lloyd00reptiles can survive neglect for an incredibly long time. They aren't like dogs or cats they can survive in terrible conditions for years and can become deformed because of it.
@fuzziewuzzy12 6 ай бұрын
As a teacher, we’ve seen shortages reducing requirements to “ease” the shortage due to the working conditions teachers have to go through. The businesses and recruiters want to solve the problem by doing everything but what is needed to be done. We’ve also seen that these hires are unqualified for the position. I understand not every job needs a degree but in a lot of cases, the degree acts as some form of gatekeeping to filter out qualified candidates from unqualified. You increase the labour pool by reducing requirements, which increases supply and therefore will drive wages down or artificially suppress wages. It’s the sign of a business model that isn’t working when they can’t attract hires.
@abridgedxobsessed 6 ай бұрын
Honestly, this makes me think back to Residential schools, where education, health, and safety was left in the hands of nuns and perverts. And for those in the audience who don't know how that went, it went horrendously. Some jobs like reaching should absolutely maintain their requirements, as they can act as protection for, in this case, kids. Other jobs that expose people at risk of abuse should also maintain their standards. If people can build up their skills in other jobs that are similar and well paying and they are able to get into schooling later on, that would probably be the best way to get into those sensitive jobs if you're coming from a lower income to start with. But that's just, like, my opinion, man.
@tovekauppi1616 6 ай бұрын
I think one of the issues is that jobs that didn’t use to require a degree now increasingly does.
@OwenCarr 6 ай бұрын
I’m really glad to hear about the college degree story, not just from the unaffordability standpoint but from the difference in learning one as well. I dropped out of college after half a semester studying film because I can’t learn in a classroom the same way I can getting in-field experience. I found a job working as an intern at a social media company and worked my way up, improving my skills so now I’m one of their better video editors. I’m glad people who learn differently are getting the same opportunities.
@trindleshadowmane2495 6 ай бұрын
EAC is not the only kernel level anticheat, Helldivers II also uses one and it has a even worse reputation than EAC does.
@TheSpyykke 6 ай бұрын
This is also parroting bad faith information. It HAD a bad rap as an anti cheat back in the late '00's because not only did it perform incredibly poorly, but it was easily exploitable at the time. Since around 2012, there has been no credible reports of major issues with nProtect and, much like most major anti-cheating software, just have scary stories that never get substantiated. I hate how invasive anti-cheating software has gotten as much as the next person but it is important to not just blindly repeat campfire stories about these things because it makes it more difficult to know when these security incidents really do happen. Hold the Anticheat software makers accountable by bringing in evidence driven testimony against their current practices.
@gryn-main 6 ай бұрын
the other thing people seems to forget it not just the infected computed. if there are other computer or devices connected to the same network they can also be a target. I honestly can't understand why people put enough faith in the competence of game devs to hand them the keys to their whole digital life. it's not like these things do a good job preventing cheaters to begin with.
@Dillon-117 6 ай бұрын
You know it's bad when one of the FIRST Elden Ring mods was to turn off the EAC.
@darubra 6 ай бұрын
I'm all for paying students and I've got a lot of problems with the NCAA but the statement that athletes are the ones "doing the work and putting on the show" is deluded. The hardworking administrators are the ones putting on the show. The athletes are showing up and playing a child's game. Replace them with any other group of kids and you would get worse basketball but the show would still be there. Especially in college, people are cheering for the laundry the kids wear, in very few instances (like Phil mentioned) the players themselves. Also, to say that they have to go and get other endorsements is the "side-hustle" is nonsense. That IS the hustle. How do they think the basketball makes money? Nothing is being produced. The advertisement deals literally are the whole business. Athletes should have a right to participate in the ad revenue they can generate and that's what NIL is. But don't pretend that the athletes are contributing to the NCAA's business. The athletes are completely replaceable in that model - at least every 4 years in fact.
@sleepygoblin87 6 ай бұрын
It's heartbreaking to hear about how common it is for school staff to ignore bullying. I was bullied at school, but because I was also bullied at home, I didn't complain. I just dissociated. To this day (I'm 36) I struggle with dissociation and self-worth. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
@heyhorinshi 6 ай бұрын
This shit rly gives you an invisible disability in life that most people wont get it
@Targetshopper4000 6 ай бұрын
With regards to the Medicaid story, if anyone has any aging parents who own a home, have them speak to a lawyer ASAP. If there is a way to protect the home from Medicaid, the lawyer will know about it. My parents spoke with a lawyer who explained how to set up a will to protect the house, along with rules regarding what we (their children) could do with the house while in a retirement home(we cannot sell it or rent it out). It's also important to know that this doesn't just stop with houses, any financial asset with your parents name on it can be taken, including checking/savings account that your parents are a signer on, even if they're never access it or contribute money. Seriously, go talk to a lawyer.
@nicholasbroggi9944 6 ай бұрын
I learned from being a game dev that plenty of tech-related skills and knowledge can be learned without going to college so it’s great that companies like Google are focusing more on skills people have and less on if they have degrees
@UnholyShade 6 ай бұрын
Albert is clearly a dangerous animal who shouldn't be allowed around children. But clearly his dad was taking good care of him. Give him a fine or a warning or something and return that book baby to his forever home!
@Aliceswonderlandx 6 ай бұрын
Omg thank you for bringing the medicaid housing issue to light! I work in Louisiana for a company where people call me out to their home for quotes. I've meet alot of older people who I happily sit and talk with. One lady 2 months ago made me aware of this, and I was just absolutely shocked. She explained how they use the equity from the home to pay for the assisted living facility until nothing is left. She then told me if I wanted to protect my home for my children to put it in a trust. It's sad that I'm 33 thinking about this but I want to protect what my husband and I have worked so hard for so I can pass it down to my children.
@dianamerchant1026 6 ай бұрын
Yeah its not a bad idea to do it early. I warn all my friends with ekderly parents to transfer titles or get a trust.😢
@Megan9689 6 ай бұрын
Yeah my parents said they're putting their homes in trusts as they're getting older to avoid this if they need to go in an assisted living home or need surgeries, treatment, etc.
@OGimouse1 6 ай бұрын
The problem is if they can pr9ve that you did it (or anything) with the sole purpose of avoiding paying for your medical costs, it can be undone. There's an obligatory 10-year look back period. You need to be *very* careful and abide by ALL boundaries that separate your trust from your other assets--including conserving the value and other fiduciary concerns. Otherwise, not only could you still lose your home you could be disqualified from help from both Medicaid and Medicare because of fraud--before getting into other social entitlement losses. Make sure you see an attorney about it because it is a LOT more complicated than just putting your stuff in a trust.
@Aliceswonderlandx 6 ай бұрын
@OGimouse1 definitely planned on seeking any and all legal advice. Didn't realize there was a 10 year look back. It's just crazy how you can work so hard for something and then it gets taken away so quickly.
@bridgett6813 6 ай бұрын
As someone who has been unemployed for over a year now with a certification in office technology, it's so comforting and upsetting to know I'm not the only one struggling. I've put in so many applications I can't even remember the number anymore. I even put in at our Walmart location and because I have no retail skills they rejected my application. In fact no where will take me because of my lack of retail, which I'm more than willing to learn. I miss being out of the house for more than just doctor appointments.
@ST-rj8iu 6 ай бұрын
time to branch out and take any job you can. It will help you to simply have a job to fill your time. Even if it is part time.
@Zeithri 6 ай бұрын
Try unemployed your entire adult life, over 15 years. It's not fun.
@maschaorsomething 6 ай бұрын
@@ST-rj8iu I think that is exactly what they are trying to do the entire time.
@BettMagnett 6 ай бұрын
OMG I am currently experiencing the exast same situation! It truly hurts every day.
@LeafyK 6 ай бұрын
I hear you. It’s awful. Applying for jobs is a full-time job. If I may: try volunteering. Those skills count on your resume. Forgive the unsolicited advice, friend; I wish you luck.
@totoroprince4957 6 ай бұрын
You mean to tell me I can own as many guns as I want in America but not a god damn alligator
@biCARRIEous 6 ай бұрын
I'm putting this statement on a damn t-shirt.
@chi15800 6 ай бұрын
hell yeah brother. you can also marry your 14yr old 1st cousin in a state, but it's illegal there to wash your donkey on a sunday. YIIIIIHAAAAAAA
@jamesclarkson156 6 ай бұрын
What about alligators with lasers on their heads? No law against those.
@agafaba 6 ай бұрын
Once you understand that bears are mammals and alligators are reptiles it makes a lot more sense on why you cant own an alligator, they are simply not the same thing.
@aturner488 6 ай бұрын
If you leave guns unspervised around childred they will also be confiscated...i hope
@buyahhhhrooo4418 6 ай бұрын
The yellow highlighter incident made me think my eyes were misfiring for a whole minute.
@tiffanyhernandez8102 6 ай бұрын
At the start-up that I worked at for 5 years, our hiring regulations were a bit more relaxed. We were able to hire people who may not have degrees, but had experience and the skills. I was able to work myself up slowly and gradually. Once the company got out of the “start-up” category it started to adopt big company ideals and pushed the people who didn’t have degrees out. They let go of many good workers because they decided to adopt these old practices. I’m just glad everyone that was fired or let go is doing better and were able to find their footing.
@bloodydove5718 6 ай бұрын
I spent a few years living in florida; I lived in an apartment in winterpark. One of my neighbors was arrested for raising an alligator in his bathroom. Again, I lived in an apartment.
@strified 6 ай бұрын
Any other state and I would have been surprised. Florida folk are a different breed reminds me of the aussie and nz
@rachelfrancis1990 6 ай бұрын
That first story was really like “awwwww what a nice story” Then Phil says “are you new here?” Then snatched that joy away SOFAST
@ChristopherMcCullah 6 ай бұрын
May I join your editing team? How many do you have working for you right now? If I could, I would highlight this question with a random yellow line.
@TheGamerGurls 6 ай бұрын
*Highlighter starts going crazy* “PHIL WHERE DO YOU WANT ME TO LOOK?!?”
@faerisoul 6 ай бұрын
The Riley Strain case hurts my heart. About four years ago a young woman named Tonee Turner went missing from a Tea shop in my city, she left the shop and never made it home. Her belongings were found on a bridge on her route to the bus stop and turned in to the police. But in four years her story has never got more than local news coverage, and most people I've talked to in my city have never even heard of her. Seeing the coverage of Rileys story reminds me that there are so many cases that never get this kind of coverage, and many of them are missing women of color like the Tonee. I think about her all the time.
@TBA8o8 6 ай бұрын
Sounds about white for Murica
@DaddyAsh3r 6 ай бұрын
Thought I was having a stroke for a second but it seems your editor had a bit of fun with the highlighter effect 😂
@TheEggplant79 6 ай бұрын
What is crazy to me is that if you go to your kids school for bullying and you are clearly upset because they refuse to do anything then they label you as difficult to deal with and will quit taking your calls and emails. Its beyond ridiculous!
@John.Daehawk 6 ай бұрын
The place I've worked at for about 8 years now I almost didn't get the job because I HAD a degree. It was hard to find somewhere just to get started somewhere getting my foot in the door because a lot of places were requiring degree + experience for what I got a degree in. So I applied to a lot of places because I needed a job to survive. Denied constantly at many places that had no degree requirement. The place I got finally hired at was because other people pulled out and they decided to take a chance with me even though I had a degree. Since then have gone up the ranks a lot from my skills I have from hobbies that aren't related to my degree. So my degree is moot at this point.
@TheNicoleRoo 6 ай бұрын
In regards to the alligator, im incredibly torn. As a pet owner, I know the pain that comes with losing someone youve known and taken care of for its entire life. And he obviously has an incredible degree of alligator husbandry (as far as i can tell). However, it is an incredibly dangerous animal that could take his or anyone else's life in a matter of seconds. Travis the chimp comes to mind. I think the best solution would be to put Albert in a sanctuary or zoo where his dad could visit him and still help in his care.
@StreakyBaconMan 6 ай бұрын
Why does everybody want to ignore the bit where the gator was in extremely poor health when it was removed from his care? He obviously not a responsible pet owner - if you can even call a gator a pet...
@DerpDevilDD 6 ай бұрын
No, he has a barely adequate degree of alligator husbandry. He's kept Albert alive for 30 years, but that doesn't mean he was taking care of him.
@ArlauxWitchdog 6 ай бұрын
The alligator was in extremely poor health and wasn’t being properly cared for, the enclosure was far too small and the owner (self-admittedly) would let children and elderly play with said alligator. People really need to stop letting abusers get away with shit because of a nice “awww, they were family” story. It’s disgusting.
@eggsoverbreezy6264 6 ай бұрын
are you slow? Animals get in poor health as they get older. Are dog and cat owners also irresponsible when their pets contract diseases, disorders, and the works?@@StreakyBaconMan
@shadelings 6 ай бұрын
People who want to keep exotic pets like the dude in this video, who don't have the resources to properly care for a dangerous animal and who are also even stupid enough to allow children to interact with it? Yeah, I have no sympathy for an epic idiot like that. He's like the equivalent of someone who buys a huge truck to compensate for something only in this case, he's using animals to do it. It's so damn pathetic.
@tbhzhomer192 6 ай бұрын
Regarding arbitrary degree requirements, I saw a stat that said 2/3 of administrative assistants wouldn't qualify for 3/4 of the administrative assistant job listings because they require bachelor's degrees. I'm looking for a new job now and have to just ignore so many because I don't have a degree. These aren't even good paying job. I've seen them require a degree for a $15/hr job. It's ridiculous.
@cathyjayy 6 ай бұрын
Love the last story on college degrees for employment. As a therapist who primarily sees young adults, a majority of my clients are not in or do not want to be in college but still get some sort of external pressure (whether that’s society, family, friends, etc.) to attend college. It is great to have someone publicly talking about data to show not everyone needs to go to college. One of the best lessons taught to me in undergrad was “go for the lowest level of schooling you need for whatever career you want”. Once you find out what the lowest level of school is required for your job, you can go from there. It may save you a bunch of time and/or money. I also recommend getting a job/internship in the field you’re interested in as soon as you can (if possible for you, everyone’s situations are different). If you can find an entry level position and eventually work your way up, you will learn all aspects of the business in your field. You never know when that information will benefit you, such as, starting your own business later on. Lastly, don’t be afraid to switch jobs, especially if you’re being mistreated!
@ShaydyAF 6 ай бұрын
All i can say is poor Albert
@MrBizteck 6 ай бұрын
Typical story that we dont know 70% of the story but everyone thinks they have an opinion.
@thedarkderp2520 6 ай бұрын
​@@MrBizteckcool story bro
@kaceycoleman2201 6 ай бұрын
Yeah he was so mistreated, he's in better hands now, hope he lives a good long life
@justinmickens7764 6 ай бұрын
I'm happy to see people without degrees getting their chance at the American dream. But as someone who is suffering under the yolk of student loans, hearing corporations say, "I guess that college education wasn't that important after all," makes my soul tremble.
@comicsans3537 6 ай бұрын
Yeah. You fuckers LIED to us since birth and THIS is how we're repaid?? Wtaf... Happy 30k debt to me ig. I'm only 25, I'm now disabled, I can't find work.... The fact people are celebrating at the expense of a lot of gen Z is scary and makes me think I'm fucked forever lmao.
@jnmmcgraw 6 ай бұрын
I feel like the getting rid of the degrees is still largely an illusion. We have people who got the degrees and couldn't get the job because they didn't also have the experience. It still seems like it's the same game: - You have connections that help get you the job - You applied to something that just very desperately needed the role - You're overwhelmingly qualified specifically for what you're applying - You just start at the very bottom level (often unrelated) with the goal to get where your expertise is years later The degree and the experience at that point is there in the hopes the company deems you've put in enough time to be convinced your background and expertise in the applied area actually matters... Provided you don't get laid off first, because that's also where we're currently at too.
@Lumberjackman 6 ай бұрын
I'm 27 I never went to post secondary but I have climbed up into positions over the years that typically require higher education just by being good at my roles and networking. I'm glad companies are slowly dropping it there are alot of people worthy of higher paying jobs that could never go to college or uni for a world of different reasons
@kathleenriley6435 6 ай бұрын
Social worker in Minnesota here: the medicaid story was relieving to see reported. I have patients all the time who if they don’t have coverage for Long Term Care, they have to spend down and sell assets. I’ve advised patients to place homes in a trust, and if they are older and going for a therapy stay to meet with an estate planner when they get done. The government will literally take everything to pay for you and then wonder why you need them after. Always always always put anything you want to pass down into a trust
@BOYD1981 6 ай бұрын
The college degree story reminded me of a friend who lived in Arizona with an engineering degree who was unable to find a job as an engineer who then couldn't get any other job because he had an engineering degree and they thought he would leave as soon as he was offered a better paying job.
@ds7307 6 ай бұрын
Naw, he was full of shit. You do know you don't have to include your degree on your resume?
@BOYD1981 6 ай бұрын
@@ds7307I think perhaps you may have missed the entire point of the story. It's a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation.
@johnjalufka2021 6 ай бұрын
Never underestimate the positive impact you have on people’s lives Phil. Sometimes your show is genuinely the highlight of my day. Thank you to you and your team for putting so much effort into the PDS, it’s means a lot to me and so many others 🙏🏻
@Apeizzle 6 ай бұрын
I’m a Nashville native that has moved away from the LA/New York version it’s become. I felt safe growing up in the small/big town but in the last 6 years it’s changed a lot. Seeing all this new crime there is so disheartening. There are more missing people there that haven’t gotten any media attention, especially POC. Michael Webster has been missing since March 5th, no media attention. Good luck to everyone who has moved to Nashville: it’s ruined now.
@longdongle0026 6 ай бұрын
Hi Phil, been a fan for 13 years. This is something I can comment on! I go to University of Missouri and this is just a tragic situation regarding Riley Strain. He was a member of a fraternity and was with his fraternity brothers that night. They lost him but never reported it. Instead, they decided to go out into Nashville for another night of getting blacked out. If anything, the fraternity brothers are semi responsible for this mess, and the lack of accountability from the frat brothers are astonishing, saying "This just happens. People get lost sometimes while drunk, it's not a big deal." It sickens me to my stomach.
@Chib_chan 6 ай бұрын
They are responsible if they never reported a missing person especially after drinking those ppl are not his friends awful ppl that should be held responsible
@Panama_Red 6 ай бұрын
🤷‍♂️ I've dissappeared from groups of friends on nights out because I found something better to do. I'd be pissed if they tried to file a missing person report on me. Like it or not, college students are adults and shouldn't require a. "helper".
@Chib_chan 6 ай бұрын
@@Panama_Red they left him they are responsible if he’s dead because they could’ve done so much more I know I’ve been so drunk without my friends I’d be dead or assaulted or both and just because their adults doesn’t mean their smart
@longdongle0026 6 ай бұрын
@@Panama_RedThe fact that you replied with that statement shows a fundamental misunderstanding about what I wrote. They went to another night on the town without him. In a town they've barely been to up until that point. They left Nashville without him. Now they realize he's missing after they left him behind? You have contact with your friends if they can't get a hold of you. They barely tried and if they did, they just assumed "he was fine." Now Riley Strain is just another name in the true crime space. It's a thing within women's circles to keep an eye on each other no matter what. Why can't we apply the same for men, especially intoxicated men?
@feliciaroseantonia 6 ай бұрын
@@Panama_Red If people freak out at you suddenly vanishing, it's at least kind of on you for not telling anyone that you're going home/to another club/etc. so that at least someone knows you're okay. Leaving a club your friends are still at due to boredom is REALLY different from being abandoned while you're black out drunk. The latter can kill people. & that's also not even mentioning how the latter also often involves situations of drugging & SA...
@ZardozXerxes 6 ай бұрын
Highlights going crazy!
@Scott_Inksmith 6 ай бұрын
Ok so they are going through his face and stuff right? I’m not having a stroke right?
@KlyshCosplay 6 ай бұрын
The mr. Beast story is cool but youtube creators HAVE created hit shows on streaming with artistic freedom. Hazbin Hotel is a perfect example.
@alexarnold8461 6 ай бұрын
Smiling friends as well
@RavenHaili 6 ай бұрын
I think it was just sweet words, he doesn't actually care about other creators. He just wanted to make a squid games
@ayrton42 6 ай бұрын
Hazbin is FAR from mainstream and competing with broadcast television like this could be.
@Rockas360 6 ай бұрын
Abbott Elementary with Quinta from Buzzfeed too
@hirvale 6 ай бұрын
You can't be pretending like that is the norm? The point of this is whether it can become a norm or not. Having the biggest creator on KZbin try at it will decide that. The corporate eyes will be on him.
@미투-d1o 6 ай бұрын
Higher education fashion student here. The story about companies dropping qualifications is good news in my opinion. I've been saying for years how school systems are elitist & not designed for everyone in mind, like us neurodivergent people. Some jobs should always require good studying & performance (like doctors) but these days we can learn so much on our own and by other means, why aren't skills learned that way seen as valid? I wanted to go to university to study languages but cause i failed math in high school, i couldn't. I've now taught myself the equivalent of one university year. If we want to study and work, we will show it. The fact that people's passions and dreams can be locked behind not having a paper with some numbers or letters on it, ignoring their proven skill & passion, is ridiculous. Love learning, hate the system.
@IchirusVallad 6 ай бұрын
Anyone else notice that highlighter going off like crazy in yesterday today? Thought my eyes were playing tricks
@auberginebear 6 ай бұрын
I understand pet parents feel just as strongly about their pets as traditional parents feel about their kids, but the safety of the animal should always be top priority, just as we do with children. As sad as I think it is that this man lost his son, he should be worried more about his animal son’s health and safety than if he is the one providing that.
@biCARRIEous 6 ай бұрын
I hear you, and I want what's best for all animals, but various sources from a simple Google search say an alligator lives about 30-50 years in the wild. The fact that Albert has lived 34 years under this man's care tells me he was being pretty damn well taken care of.
@auberginebear 6 ай бұрын
@@biCARRIEous oh yeah, I didn’t say that ignoring that this man had taken amazing care of Albert, and often these laws on atypical pets & animals are usually made explicitly to keep people from owning them, but the risk he put others at and Albert’s health on assessment are factors that his pet parents should be concerned about too.
@agafaba 6 ай бұрын
@@biCARRIEous While I cant say if its true or not, several comments have mentioned that some of his health conditions could be the direct result of how he has been cared for so its very possible that there are issues still.
@Camazotz-kz9wr 6 ай бұрын
@@biCARRIEous The man let kids be around the alligator with no protection or barriers. The owner admitted to it. There are pictures. You can't seriously think the guy should get the gator back?
@DerpDevilDD 6 ай бұрын
@@biCARRIEous No, it doesn't. It tells you the animal was given sufficient calories and not exposed to extreme temperatures. The fact that it's blind, obese, and has spinal deformities should tell you it was not well taken care of.
@gozzilla177 6 ай бұрын
I know it was about yesterday's coverage but you asked "what would happen if that boy put hands on a girl in defence?" When I was young on a bus this girl was constantly messing with me, and as a man yes, I often ignored her. But one day that girl actually scratched me, hard enough it ledt red blood marks of her nails across my skin kinda like a bruise where the blood is surfsce level. The bus driver kicked me off the bus for slapping her "you hit a girl, who also wears glasses! Unacceptable" I was ban from the bus for over a week, but she got nothing. So that's likely what would have happened, he got punished and she would be let free.
@lexedwards1236 6 ай бұрын
A girl scratched you so you slapped her? Seems excessive. She shouldn't be touching you but that's extreme.
@gozzilla177 6 ай бұрын
@@lexedwards1236 she almost drew blood I don't feel like a light slap was unwarranted to get her off me just saying lol and I don't mean it was a light scratch. I remember it hurting and it was a reaccuring girl who picked on me daily cuz "boys can't hurt girls" it's not like it was one off.
@BoxKingKevin 6 ай бұрын
The only thing I'll agree on is that having children swim with the gator and take pictures is still HIGHLY dangerous. Gators can easily bite and barrel roll whenever the hell they'd feel like it, as if it was playing fetch to a dog. There COULD have been a huge accident. I'm super glad nothing ever happened, but that actually sent chills down my spine. If the owner has kept the gator for 30+ years and he's not lost a finger to his own pet, then yeah just let him keep Albert. He's already getting to his old age. Let the Gator pass with the comfort of his dad.
@grantpederson2686 6 ай бұрын
Gonzaga Alum here. Not only are we a real school, but welcome to the Family @PhillyD! For real though, the fact that I went to a smaller private school is why NIL and money in college sports scares me. I think the students 100% deserve a cut (and have likely under the table been getting one in some cases) but it definitely favors huge schools and when they are the only ones who are attracting all the top talent, it makes college sports much less compelling to watch.
@Devnet94 6 ай бұрын
And if it becomes mainstream in colleges, then high school athletes are going to want a piece of the pie. Why should there be pay for non-pro athletes? You don't see people in other career paths seeking to be paid. College athletes are more likely to be there on scholarships then non-athletes.
@ghost102404 6 ай бұрын
I’ve been in the medtech field for the last 17 years working for the same company and I’ve been overlooked for promotions and I have very few opportunities due to my lack of degree. I chose to get working rather than rack up insurmountable debt and now I’m stuck. I’m in constant fear of losing my job because I know no other company will even take my resume seriously without a degree. I really hope more companies begin to see the value they have been overlooking.
@aarondaley5885 6 ай бұрын
That yellow bar on the screen at the end freaked me out. Thought my expensive monitor was breaking.
@jasonw6659 6 ай бұрын
When talking about athlete pay, its easy to throw around the 1.4 billion the NCAA brings in in revenue each year, but nobody mentions that there are 520000 NCAA athletes per year. Which comes out to 2692 dollars per year per athlete. Yeah, most of that comes from March Madness Basketball and those people should get money from their likenesses and be able to book appearances, but mostly these funds go back into scholarships, school funding, and just paying for the facilities and equipment and staffing needs to keep those programs running. Sports doesn't need to be about money, and there isn't really THAT much money to go around.
@nickes6168 6 ай бұрын
Haven;t watched yet but just realized how much of my daily routine you've become a part of. Like last 10 years sorta deal. For what its worth, thanks man.
@bbmato_ 6 ай бұрын
28:56 i literally thought i was glitching watching yellow highlight highlight itself over Phils Head and Torso …
@Lunarev_ 6 ай бұрын
and the bits where it was highlighting parts of the text that hadnt been read yet/were already read by phil lol
@bbmato_ 6 ай бұрын
@@Lunarev_ The Best part 🤣
@AllHailMeowMix 6 ай бұрын
I work in video game development, which for most of its history didn't have any colleges offering directly relevant degrees. It's interesting to see this shift happening more broadly because in recent years more of the opposite trend has been happening in games. In the old guard (outside of programmers and engineers) degrees are surprisingly rare. Now younger applicants are more and more often showing up with degrees. Even so, I can not remember the last time I saw a posting for a games career that required a college degree, and it has never been a problem for our industry.
@kurtleturtle8412 6 ай бұрын
I am a reptile keeper with over 20 years of experience in private keeping, and 4 years of professional field herpetology and zookeeping experience. Crocodilians of ALL types are NOT pets. Never. End of story. They are extremely dangerous and difficult animals that no private keeper can realistically keep properly. Imagine if this story had ended in an attack instead of a seizure? How would that affect your response? Crocodilians need specialized lighting, a varied diet, a land feature where they can completely dry off, a water feature with extremely good filtration to deal with feces, and many captives suffer from metabolic bone disease, stunted growth, parasites, and bacterial dermatitis. These diseases can cause blindness and the deformity of the spine that Phil mentioned. Zoos struggle to keep crocodilians right in indoor enclosures and captive crocodilians rarely reach full size. Why would a private keeper be a better option? The US reptile hobby has caused one of the worst invasive species crisis' on earth and is in desperate need of reasonable and well informed regulation.
@DrywallJackson 6 ай бұрын
the highlighting and quote attribution in the latter half of this show is crazy
@NighttimeNubbs 6 ай бұрын
I'm 30 and don't have a college degree because when graduating from HS I lacked transportation and online college had the perspective of being a lesser college. Aside from the cost I couldn't afford, there's the fear of spending so much time, effort, and money on a degree only to never find a suitible job. This fear was amped when seeing people with degrees at starting position for the reasons I was paranoid about. College is too expensive and not a guarantee unlike 50+ years ago. My mom was able to go to college for a vet with a part time job but I can't see that happening especially if you got bills to pay like rent.
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