We do it a little differently. A dozen office workers, everyone has their own First.Lastname@ address. There are also a number of Google Groups, with the general group being Welcome@, others being Delivery Billing, Payables, Service, Vehicles, yada yada. Whichever groups they are in, the workers will get any email sent to that address in their own inbox. For our busiest groups, Welcome and Billing, we ask them to answer the emails FROM Groups, where individual emails can be checked off and everyone in the Group can see the reply (there is a setting for that functionallity). Well worth it and it makes sure every email is handled.
@itGenius_7 ай бұрын
This is a nice alternative set up, do you still have to manually select the outgoing email address each time from the group mailbox? That was the most annoying thing for me in that set up hence we recommend and sell Hiver to our customers
@johnberntson16697 ай бұрын
I don't normally use it myself, but I think the replies from Groups defaults to the Group address.