How The Dutch Are Changing My Life / Diary of An American Living in The Netherland

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@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
Yoooo happy Monday!!! Hope you guys had a great weekend! What do you guys think about working overtime? Just curious 🧐
@stevenbosman6371 17 күн бұрын
Still watching, but the overtime thing rings true: - if you work overtime to get things done, then you're making that the new normal and you're almost forcing me to also work overtime. So stop doing it! - if you work overtime, you cannot complain anymore about being too busy. Just work more! - your employer needs to efficiently budget personnel costs, and this is impossible when people work all the time. You need to know when you need more people, and you can only do that if people tell you "I don't have time for this" - you cannot tell me that you are as productive during hours 40-60 as you are during the 0-40 hours. You will be slower, you will make more mistakes, you will be less creative, etc. So working enormous hours is not purely positive. Now, work life balance for me is much easier, because my management is not on my case all the time. I can visit doctors when I need to - I even get a haircut during the day. Just as long as the planned work gets done, it's fine! And because of this, if there is a special situation, I have no problem getting back to my desk from 8 PM until midnight or later. And that goes into what you're saying about people being on edge. If you don't have to be afraid of being instantly fired over something, you're not afraid to take a risk for a big reward. If you feel safe in the knowledge that you can take sick leave when needed, no questions asked, you take better care of yourself and you stay healthier. And if people are more open, and more vulnerable, it's easier to connect with people, discuss eachother's issues and help eachother out. Having worked in international organisations for about 20 years now, I can say that almost all of my foreign colleagues want to move to the Netherlands because of all this. Every single one. Pity we are such a small country or we would have room for everyone :)
@WPO_MASTER_CHIEF 17 күн бұрын
Ohh yeah, I understand perfectly what you’re talking about we from the Netherlands if someone have a support of thousands of people and he/she go and do something really bad like for example a crime to get in trouble with the law, that person will lose all his support I’m guarantee you, but not in the USA like I’m understanding and I don’t want to mention names but just a clue in the US politics it’s so clear everyone around the world can see it as clear as day, but plenty from the US seems to be blind from that 🤔😮🤦‍♂️🥴
@love-vy1ry 17 күн бұрын
So, the Dutch understand beiing free and have freedom way better than in the USA? Overtime working means just simple you can't do the job in 40, 36 or 32 hours when it is on regular base I should say find another job.
@amosamwig8394 17 күн бұрын
Overtime working,nope but when I do my manager gets upset, not necessarily at me but at the situation lol. he says *_no you're not supposed to overwork, otherwise please tell us if you need something because we can look for a new worker to support you._* But I tell him its no big deal since it happens rarely. he even wanted me to write it down for administration so they can pay me the extra hours I made... also not needed for me, no big deal.
@KootFloris 17 күн бұрын
Other issue, LEARN DUTCH. I met a lot of expats, who lost their jobs and then saw their options seriously limited because they only spoke English. Many end up working in cafés for half the salary in their corporate jobs or less. So if you want to stay, even when you lose your jobs (mind you the Dutch were also ranked having happiest kids in the world) Dutch and having some connection the Dutch movie and TV world will be worth the effort.
@hiepke1 17 күн бұрын
I like the Dutch saying, "I rather talk about a party while on work then talking about work on a party.." 🤗
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
@@hiepke1 hahahaha
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
@@hiepke1 I love that saying too! I’m gonna start saying that! Lol
@saskiapanter 16 күн бұрын
@Theaumes 13 күн бұрын
Is dat een Nederlands gezegde? Die kende ik nog niet.
@hiepke1 13 күн бұрын
@@Theaumes Nu wel..! #balhaar 😎
@gill7045 17 күн бұрын
As a Dutchman, I worked in an overseas office for a while. I noticed that at the end of the day, no one wanted to be the first to leave. No problem for me! 😅
@JCGver 17 күн бұрын
Last one in, first one out, and still topping the KPIs
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
Now I want to start being te first one out. Hahaha 😂
@lienbijs1205 11 күн бұрын
I am Dutch and I feel like staying longer at work is like paying more than the actual price in a shop. Overwork is fine but it should be asked friendly to me and I probably say "no" and if I agree I want to have a nice condition like payed double or double free time in return.
@ChristiaanHW 11 күн бұрын
​@@lienbijs1205 yeah, if you get hired for 8 hours/day you inly have to be there for those hours. So unless i want to i'm out of the workplace when the workday is over. If they need me for more hours, they should hire/pay me for that extra time.
@RealConstructor 17 күн бұрын
I am 62 and work at the office of a construction company for over 35 years. Almost from the beginning of my career, we have a collective winter closing of 14 days from before Christmas to a few days in the new year, when the whole company is closed so also the construction sites. Three years ago it was the first time in my career I had to work overtime in the winter closing. It is that rare, at least for me. My superior very carefully asked if I had the opportunity to work overtime or did I already book a holiday or had other family obligations. When I said I didn’t have, he asked if I could make the time for extra work, because they really had a problem. I could still refuse, he said, because they were my vacation days, but I decided to work the three full days to get the job done. I got them compensated with double days, so six vacation days in total, three extra. Our free time is valued by everyone, including me, but like we say in Dutch: Nood breekt wet (literally in English, Emergency breaks the law, meaning when something unexpected happens you do what’s necessary to help even when this means doing something you normally wouldn’t do or wouldn’t even think of doing.
@saskiapanter 16 күн бұрын
I always ask time for time, you always get more time back for what you have put in. Thanks to that I can have my 3 vacations, 2 the coming 4 months and the 2rd one in March 2025. And some extra days off in November. So glad that is possible here 😊
@SideWalkAstronomyNetherlands 17 күн бұрын
The translation of "society" in Dutch is: SAMENLEVING... just translate that word into your language... split it up into samen and leven ( live together ).
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
Yoooooo I love this!!
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
I think I’m gonna have to start asking you questions! You seem to know everything :)
@floris-janvandermeulen8054 16 күн бұрын
@@ItzSKYVlogsGo to a sidewalk astronomy event. They know about Life, the Universe, and Everything! ;)
@willemh3319 10 күн бұрын
news programs done by all broadcasters in turn and factcheck by main organisations we have a multiparty democracy i.o yes and no
@mmeibos 15 күн бұрын
Reminds me of a story from work. One day we had a higher-up visit us from China, and asked everyone if we valued our job or our family more. He was flabbergasted that nobody said that they valued their jobs more.
@ItzSKYVlogs 15 күн бұрын
@@mmeibos wow!!!
@ItzSKYVlogs 15 күн бұрын
@@mmeibos I find it crazy that someone would even asked that. 😳
@narrowpath9491 11 күн бұрын
Kind of an extremely rude question
@jayvanbueren2422 17 күн бұрын
Your work is not who you are. It's just work ❤
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
Yea.. I hate that I identify with work still.. but I think I’m getting better… but it’s definitely still there
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
But if I’m honest… my Dutch friends are running off on me :)
@Vuchel 17 күн бұрын
Some very good points, but I think you forgot an important one. The Dutch (I am Belgian, but most Belgians are too), like to buy something cheap. Americans like to have the most expensive. I think that changes your whole attitude to life.
@anniekschoonderbeek8696 11 күн бұрын
Agree! Around here you are proud telling your friends you got it cheap! 😊
@SoftAsFur 17 күн бұрын
Love your videos! Their culture is just as beautiful as their country. Can't wait to be back!
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
Wow thanks so much! So happy you enjoy the videos.
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
And I agree! The more and more I learn.. the more and more I love :)
@user-cc4qt9oj5g 17 күн бұрын
You notice so many interesting differences that go beyond the superficial ones we always hear about. Really enjoy your vlogs, you are such a nice man.
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
Aww wow thanks so much!
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
And yea. I’m noticing a lot because I talk to everyone. And I ask a bunch of questions. And people love explaining things to me! 😂
@mandje2002 17 күн бұрын
I have been following you for a few years now, but what I have noticed is that you speak a lot calmer. A few years ago you seemed like an ADHDer who had not yet had his Ritalin 😉🙃, now you are really a lot more relaxed... I am a Dutch fan of your channel.
@dikkiedik53 17 күн бұрын
With the present voice your message reaches me clearly, so different from 2 years ago, I had a hard time getting your message then.
@Haroekoe 11 күн бұрын
My sentiment exactly! I happen to have ADHD (recently diagnosed) but I found the clips in the past switch too quickly being too short. I was just thinking this, really I did!
@leah8774 17 күн бұрын
Dankjewel dat je mij een indruk geeft over the Dutch , omdat ik soms vergeet , dat alles hier zo van zelf sprekend is , en blijkt zo 😘
@Veemerica 14 күн бұрын
Helemaal waar. Ik waardeer onze samenleving en hoe we dingen geregeld hebben veel meer als ik zijn videos zie.
@Dutch1961 17 күн бұрын
Each time you mess up is also an opportunity to learn something. However, making the same mistake over and over again is an indication you're not learning. That's bad. So, make mistakes, take responsibility, reflect upon the mistake you made and figure out how not to make the same mistake again.
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
@@Dutch1961 your so right. I’ll def have to make sure I’m not making by the same mistakes :)
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
@@Dutch1961 I love my job.. but yea.. I do mess up 😳
@tiess2009 17 күн бұрын
​@@ItzSKYVlogs Everybody makes mistakes, it's no problem. You just need to try to correct them
@JCGver 17 күн бұрын
@@ItzSKYVlogs "Waar gewerkt wordt, worden fouten gemaakt" Or rough translation, where work is being done, mistakes will be made. Basically it means it's impossible to have no mistakes happen, and not to make a big deal out of it and fix it.
@ssanti66 17 күн бұрын
​@@JCGverIn Italy we have almost exactly the same saying: only those who do nothing will make no mistakes.
@LouiseJahima 16 күн бұрын
I love your amazement about your life in The Netherlands. You seem to have a sensitive talent to see and express these differences between the US, almost as if you're the screenwriter for a documentary about our countries. Furthermore, you remind us of our good life here, where we the Dutch take things for granted. Thank you for that; sometimes we need the eye of a stranger to see ourselves in the mirror.
@hermanvanwissen2660 17 күн бұрын
Even most of the Dutch do not realize it, but humanism is in our veins. Thanks to o.a. Erasmus, more and more people in The Netherlands started to realize that you can make your own decisions based on a complete freedom of thinking not based on religion but based on logic principals to live in a peaceful society with common rules that do not harm anybody.
@DenUitvreter 16 күн бұрын
Good observation. They are related but a lot of good in Dutch culture is attributed to protestantism while it is deeply humanist and actually preceeded protestantism. Humanism is also why catholicism was replaced with religious tolerance here, and not by intolerant protestantism.
@on-the-pitch-p3w 14 күн бұрын
Erasmus, tja een bastaard die op zijn derde Rotterdam verlaat terug naar waar zijn vader (de dominee) en zijn huishoudster eigenlijk woonde namelijk in Gouda. Familie heette gewoon Gerritsen, maar who cares. 😂 Erasmus is zelf nooit meer in Rotterdam geweest, maar omdat ie een bastaard was heeft ie later maar ergens geschreven dat ie echt uit Rotterdam komt. De bastaard. Hij werkte in Leuven en Zwitserland. En toen ging ie dood. 🎉
@ShugAveri 17 күн бұрын
I'm an American and agree with everything you said. That's why I'm tryna get out now!
@rogerdepuysseleire45 16 күн бұрын
Good for you!! And in the evening have diner around the table, candle. Fresh vegetables cooked, talk about the day done, and after have a game of cards or monopoly whatever, with your friends or invite the neighbours, put your phones away❤
@Haroekoe 11 күн бұрын
I am assisting an American right now, who was referred to me by an American friend. The family will visit 🇳🇱 in November. Good 🤞🏽 luck✌🏽👊🏽
@Hrn250 17 күн бұрын
At a party or drinks, when work was discussed, people quickly said: "We're not going to talk about work, are we?"
@susannehermans8882 16 күн бұрын
Thumbs up if you are a Dutchy watching this channel just to hear how great the Netherlands is compared to the rest of the world! 🤩
@ItzSKYVlogs 16 күн бұрын
lol!!! How can you exclude me like that?? 😂
@ItzSKYVlogs 16 күн бұрын
I’m not Dutch but I can say that you guys are on to something.. like for real! Thanks so much for watching
@susannehermans8882 15 күн бұрын
The way you are spreading the word about our tiny nation... It seems you are very much ingeburgerd. We should just give you the green card already! (Or is it an orange card in NL?)
@Matriarch456 16 күн бұрын
I think the anxiety of getting fired so easily in the USA is one of the reasons workers are reluctant to take Accountability for mistakes made. Here we don't have that fear.
@Tclans 11 күн бұрын
I am so happy for you, true and real brother!
@Athandatu 17 күн бұрын
Bro! I’m so happy to see your channel grow. It’s been an hour and you now have 1321 views! My man is coming up!
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
Wow thanks so much! Dude thanks so much for sticking with me all this time.
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
Hope you are doing well
@jacquelinevanderkooij4301 17 күн бұрын
Haha, my husband and I were traveling, had a stop in S-Fransisco (years ago). My husband ordered something on the bar and a woman started talking to him and she really tried to hit on him, because she was in a better position via work than me. We really had to laugh about that. 😂😂😂 How odd.
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
Whaaaat!!! That’s crazy! Hahahaha
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
Not gonna lie.. that’s happened to me too!
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
My wife and I were out at a comedy club a when we lived in LA and some guy who was a hot shot agent tried to talk to her. 😂
@Andre25077 17 күн бұрын
Nice footage from Haarlem. Totally forgot about that festival.
@Semmy27 17 күн бұрын
No one is perfect. Where people work, mistakes will be made. (Otherwise you need to hire a robot) Edit: There are CAO's (Collective labour agreement) where it states that if the employers need to work to often in overtime, this means you do not have enough employment and you can say NO to the management for working overtime.
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
Yea I agree.
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
Wow really!!?? I never heard of that before. I’ll have to look into that.
@MarijnvdSterre 17 күн бұрын
One thing to add. You think hiring a robot will not result in mistakes? Pretty sure we are not close to that point ^^
@Paul_C 16 күн бұрын
​@MarijnvdSterre One robot might be nice, two in a row by definition is a mistake. Simply because they do their job no mater what, that is what invites mistakes. It is better to have a robot installing a cable tree, the problem normally happen when the connectors are on the wrong position. Have a person to do that task.
@multifunctionelis 7 күн бұрын
Fun to hear you shining a light on typical Dutch things that are super normaal to me as a Dutchman. Time for a stroopwafel now and plan a meeting to call a friend to make a visit to his family next month :-)
@MariaMariamuzieklove 10 күн бұрын
I work overtime when I’m facing deadlines, I’m in the advertising industry, but I don’t, when I don’t have to. It’s about balance
@opperbuil 15 күн бұрын
Dear Itz SKY, nice to hear you like it here well and that our good habits are becoming enrichment in your life. Happy for you, thanks for sharing your view with the world.
@gaby8567 9 күн бұрын
On accountability, I work in a hospital and we have a system that when you make a mistake you notify it, tell what happened and why. Not so you get yelled at, because you don’t, but for everyone to learn from and to see how it can be avoided next time. And on working overtime. Most companies don’t like it because they have to pay you extra for the overtime on top of what you earn for that extra time worked. Also at my work colleagues help each other to make sure nobody needs to work overtime if it can be avoided.
@SideWalkAstronomyNetherlands 17 күн бұрын
Three, you are in the way of the clean lady who cleans the office after work hours...
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
Oh the clean lady loves me! We talk all the time! And she’s always trying to give me food hahaha
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
But yea she’s suuuppperre nice
@cynthiamolenaar770 17 күн бұрын
@@ItzSKYVlogsthanks for respecting her and seeing her as equal! We would be nowhere, I mean nowhere without the cleaning lady!! Not every university graduate realizes that.
@BorgjeB 15 күн бұрын
About the taking accountability: this has partly to do with job security. And with the fact that we don’t really care for hierarchy. You can’t just get fired, so it is safe to speak up. Because of that research have also shown that the Dutch (and countries with similar situations) are more productive and more innovative and more cost affective if mistakes are found early for instance.
@liefsJessie 15 күн бұрын
It was so nice meeting you Sky! Lovely person ❤
@ItzSKYVlogs 15 күн бұрын
@@liefsJessie ayyyeeee Jessie great meeting you too!!
@cuprum1 17 күн бұрын
@ Itz Sky. You don't have to excuse yourself everytime you state something that might possibly have someone being angry.
@thijsvanduin9610 17 күн бұрын
How very Dutch of you
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
Hahahaah thanks haha
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
See! You guys are rubbing off on me! Heheheh
@vinniekay0967 12 күн бұрын
Today i came across your last video (And subscribed!) this is my 2nd video. This comment would take too long for me at this moment cause i'd have a lotta things to say. Enjoyed your content Greetz Vinnie from The Netherlands aswell ;)
@Jkyt135 12 күн бұрын
Good for you to find the Dutch approach… makes your life a lot easier😊
@SmetMan.Amsterdam 17 күн бұрын
Crazy to see that all the spots you were in Haarlem. There is a lot of history for me in that beautiful town ✌🏼
@markjustus 5 күн бұрын
Nice walk and talk in Haarlem!
@AGS956 17 күн бұрын
I do think there is a difference between accountability between the netherlands and usa, Here you make a mistake and something breaks its not important in the way that insurance will figure out who is in the wrong and pay to fix set item..... and money for emotianal dmg happens sometimes but its not really a thing... how it looks to us here in the netherlands is that iff you make a mistake in america you get instantly sued.. and will costs loads of money, so people dont admit mistakes as it can send them to court... here we understand that mistakes happen and let the insurrance handel it and move on with our lives.
@Seyone030 8 күн бұрын
As a dutchman your videos are verry intresting. Oh and i dont know if you have been to gouda but its definitly a must.
@gterhorst 17 күн бұрын
If you take accountability for things you messed up, it gives room for help. Also if you start covering up, the risk of messing up is only increasing.
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
Yea I agree!
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
For me I take accountability so I can learn and grow.
@Paul_C 17 күн бұрын
Yeah, I effed up. The point is: Next time try to be better, most of us do exactly that.
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
Hahahaah exactly! 😂
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
Not even gonna lie.. I do just. Try to do better now with a lot of things I do without making excuses
@shantishakti9689 17 күн бұрын
Hi. Have you been to Javastraat in A'dam east. I think you will like it. Many shops with products from all over the world. Many different people. Good vibes. Thanks for all the great content, you make me laugh, keep it up.
@jacquelinevanderkooij4301 17 күн бұрын
If you messed up, you know. We all learn during our live, also in your work.
@ronaldscheffer2452 17 күн бұрын
I still can't comprehend putting honey in your cappuchino. I like your videos though :)
@shadousin 16 күн бұрын
There is a saying: I work to live not live to work. That's how It's for me. The moment I am outside the work gates I want nothing to do with my work anymore. Doesn't mean I don't like my work. I give it 100% everyday but it's work not passion.
@thijsarends4305 17 күн бұрын
Good vibes on on your videos😄
@Markwjansen 17 күн бұрын
If you want a good example of "something goes wrong and the Dutch immediately focus on fixing it" look up the immediate aftermath of the 1953 flood and the formation of the Delta Works committee.
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
Oooh wow! I’m looking this up now.
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing!
@ThaJay 16 күн бұрын
Lol this is also an example of: "Als het kalf verdronken is dempt men de put" because the plans were ready for decades but deemed too expensive. After the tragic disaster of 53 which cost many lives and homes the plans were approved in a matter of days.
@Markwjansen 16 күн бұрын
@@ThaJay There is the matter of two world wars and a massive rebuilding of the country shortly preceding this. The 1953 flood was as bad as it was because flood defenses had not been maintained in favor of more immediate concerns like housing and feeding the population.
@ThaJay 16 күн бұрын
@@Markwjansen I do agree our government back then tried a lot harder to care for the people compared to today. They really did their best. Looking at the kindergarten we see in current politics I feel ashamed for my country. Especially compared to those days.
@PJHMX 17 күн бұрын
Like your unique point of view Itz. Only can lose the red line sometimes. Could you bring more structure markers in your video ? Could help me to understand your points. Thanks a lot
@SJP1504 17 күн бұрын
Spot on! Say you messed up and you do better. So true, as a rep I had my moments and people respect you for when you take your responsibility. Even when a customer had such a moment, we made a plan to turn things back into our original plan and it worked out. Blame game just shows the person that is blaming is always looking for excuses and therefore unreliable...
@rosameijering5161 4 күн бұрын
As a dutch person, definitely not everyone accepts to be wrong. But culturally, probably you are right
@MrBlazingace13 17 күн бұрын
You are good with your media output. I hope our big brother in the US picks up on your positive vibe. Just maybe change there way of spreading the news and make it more positive.
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
Oh maaan I know right!! I hoping things change in the future with the media..
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
Thanks so much for watching
@MartinWebNatures 17 күн бұрын
Loved your video 👍 i really enjoy it and certainly will watch it again, what I usually do. About food truck festival - living on the edge in USA - yes if you go to food truck festival you don't worry about possible mass shootings vs USA
@making-memories-nl 17 күн бұрын
12:16 Good point about the news. Spreading fear.
@WolfyLuna 16 күн бұрын
Was fun to see all the footage of the city Haarlem. But I agree on your point of view, I really enjoy the Dutch way of living above the USA way.
@jasper46985 17 күн бұрын
Haha yes, overtime is expensive for the company. Win-win 😊 Its work hard, play hard.. not work hard, work hard 😝 I really like jumping on my motorcycle and go the Delft, chilling and grab a drink! So nice in the summer
@HexerPsy 16 күн бұрын
My driving teacher used to say: "It doesn't matter how you got into trouble, as long as you properly solve the problem." Personally, I think its valid to explain why it went wrong. But then indeed take responsibility: I am getting it done by X. And not on weekends lol I think the work life balance from us Dutchies also comes from the idea that... if you do well at home, its easier to do well at work or in school. So good work-life balance makes you healthy, less likely to get sick - a better long term employer too.
@MrPeanut38 17 күн бұрын
Love your vision
@metromaster2010 16 күн бұрын
YO!! Talk about keeping it real. That's exactly it. The media in the U.S. just scares the crap out of everyone every chance they get. Loved this video. Hope you and family are doing well. As regards working overtime, I remember when things would go awry, and the train dispatcher would want someone to make an extra trip. If you refused, it was like you had punched him in the chest. And yes, when you were let's say at a barbecue, all the co-workers wanted to talk about was the job. Like we hadn't all just got done with the experience. Europeans know how to live. I found that out from years ago in the military when I was stationed in Spain. We had all the American holidays and all the Spanish holidays. it was like we occasionally went to work.
@sweetsamuela22 11 күн бұрын
Good video about the differences I do agree love sarena also American living in Holland Soesterberg airforce base
@miriam4235 16 күн бұрын
I guess, if you can't get fired just because, you can actually mess up and move on. Can't blame Americans hiding mistakes if your job is on the line if you mess up.
@Seawolf159 15 күн бұрын
13:17 breaking the law and owning it! My man taking accountability like a champ 😂
@liesbeth4271 17 күн бұрын
People in the Netherlands are more on edge since covid. The division between vaccinated and unvaccinated was something I've never experienced before. It was truly scary. Especially since this division was instigated by the government. I'm still in shock about what the government and media did to us. I was used to 'dont judge the other for making a different decision' and 'we will work it out', and then covid happened. It was a frightening confrontation with how easy it is to make people hate eachother.
@j.vanderson6239 17 күн бұрын
Don’t do overtime. It’s unhealthy. And when you talk about work after work, you have no life
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
Wow I didn’t think about it like that!
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
Especially the no life thing. Hahaha
@skullwolff9442 17 күн бұрын
amarikans always say: they are jelous of our freedom. you are the prime exemple we europeans say: what freedom?
@bertkassing8541 17 күн бұрын
Ik ben even benieuwd. Durf je al een video te maken in het Nederlands?
@CobisTaba 17 күн бұрын
My assumption; Americans talk about work a lot in their private time is that they have very little to do outside work. If you work so many hours, weekends, etc. Do you have hobbies to talk about?
@marcelrenes2435 17 күн бұрын
I work to live, not live to work. The fact that I was born and raised in The Netherlands helps a lot, I'm very aware of that. I don't think I could say this if I was born in for instance Pakistan, Thailand etc. But because we in The Netherlands can do this, we can rest enough to go 100% at work. Most American CEO's won't agree with me. But just look at our productivity! It outgrades the USA where it's 'normal' to work overtime. Working more hours does'nt lead to more productivity. It just gets people more tired in the next week, or month. Rest and time for youselve does keep productivity high!
@whynologin 17 күн бұрын
The outside segment has me wonder if it has gotten to the point that walking outside for the sake of being outside is considered suspicious behavior by law enforcement in the States. 😀
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
@@whynologin ahhahahaha
@ItzSKYVlogs 17 күн бұрын
@@whynologin you know it’s funny.. but I think it is.. because it’s so random to just be outside. Lmao 🤣
@paulbeaucuse2092 17 күн бұрын
Moved as an expat to Maastricht in 2018, biggest surprise in positive way, a lot of good food and restaurants, locals spend much time with cooking and eating, which I really like, much better than I read on the Internet about the Dutch food culture. Surprise in negative way: bad public transport, nearly all my co-workers as well as me really all need a car, and unlike I expected, people are (privately) general always always late, they just don't watch on a clock, also here the internet told me something different before I came here.
@hardyvonwinterstein5445 17 күн бұрын
Yeah, they only sell the 'Holland' part, the Calvinist part, of the Netherlands abroad. The southern, catholic, part is mostly neglected. Regarding the clock, there is the phenomenon of 'het Limburgs kwartiertje'. Always fifteen minutes late. So if you want 'm to show up at 11, you have to schedule for 10:45. Easy peasy.
@luxembourger 17 күн бұрын
I also have the impression he never came around a lot in The Netherlands. He is describing Amsterdam corporate culture. Also other KZbinrs, like NotJustBikes, mostly reporting inside an area he can easily reach inside his regional public transport network, which is indeed very nice in the West of the Netherlands, but not representative for the country.
@amosamwig8394 17 күн бұрын
No joke I thought 13:03 were gunshots lol I was so immersed with what you said about people being out to get you being sold, and usa being like end of the world everyday, it caught me *in* guard
@spinshade 16 күн бұрын
I'm really curious what fun stuff do you guys do on your playdates?
@ItzSKYVlogs 16 күн бұрын
I can’t tell if this is a joke or not but we usually go to the park and let kids play, or go to cafe and let kids play, or just go walk.. and let kids play. Lol 😂
@ItzSKYVlogs 16 күн бұрын
Play dates are my jam :)
@Makhpiyaluta2 17 күн бұрын
General attitude in the Netherlands, you work to live, you don't live to work. 😉
@pipo-y2w 9 күн бұрын
Cool guy, direct as a real Dutchie :) keep going bro.
@spacegerrit9499 16 күн бұрын
Every Dutch person in their head about every single video of some American working in the Netherlands they click on: "Don't be in Amsterdam. Don't be in Amsterdam. Don't be in Amsterdam. Don't be in Amsterdam. Don't be in Amsterdam."
@back2nature608 17 күн бұрын
Going home at least 1or2 hours early,payed!
@nas4apps 15 күн бұрын
It is all about that agenda: The Dutch plan their private life as if it were work - you need an appointment to 'hang out'. Private life is planned! So, why should work interfere - you have appointments with private life activities. Like training and matches in all kinds of sports, the band or choir, or that of your kids, the yard and laundry - even small stuff is often planned! So, being unplanned (US) can offer some benefits too. But yeah - go outside whenever you can! Stay dry!
@myselfandeye3884 17 күн бұрын
I think a lot of owning up to mistakes is down to workers' rights and protections. In America, when you make a mistake, you run the risk of getting fired on the spot. And so people make excuses to save their own behind. In the Netherlands getting fired is a whole lot more difficult. And to be honest I prefer it that way. At the end of the day we're all humans and make mistakes. But it's your responsibility to correct the mistake and learn from it. By the way, love your vlogs. Makes me appreciate my own country just a little bit more. The things I take for granted and you point out makes me realize to appreciate the things a bit more. And of course welcome to The Netherlands! And by the way don't call it Holland because people outside of the province North Holland and my province South Holland don't appreciate that. 😆 😄
@marianakkerboom2977 16 күн бұрын
I used to work in weekend and in the evening. It was not appreciated by my colleagues. I only did it because I couldn’t work because I cannot concentrate on my work and the room I worked in had fellow workers in with music on the whole day long. So much for freedom. I couldn’t work or concentrate, I need silence when I work. So I stayed late and worked in weekends to get my work done, because nobody of the management would listen to me when I told them that I couldn’t function in a place where there is “music “ as a surround sound. I sadly have had a problem with my ears all my live. So I had to leave that job. For health reasons. And now I am retired I still have the same problem. There is so much “noise” in this country coming from every way in shops, on the street, in restaurants, even now in a museum and also on tv in documentaries when you want to listen what people are saying but you can’t hear them because of the loud music that is accompanying the item. And I don’t know how to deal with that so I turn off the sound and put on subtitles. And I don’t want to complain, it is my problem, because my ears hurt every day, but it is making being outside in a city impossible for me most of the time. Isn’t that weird? By the way thanks for sharing your views, it is good to experience things and see some problems here in an other light i.e. perspective.
@anniekschoonderbeek8696 11 күн бұрын
I don’t know about the states but people here (Netherlands) do have a short fuse.
@SideWalkAstronomyNetherlands 17 күн бұрын
You look Dutch, cloth, hair, and Indonesian, so all Dutch, you think like a Dutch, lol You be in trouble next time you take a holiday trip in the USA. I bet you get upset, or worried when a train is 3 minutes late... or a buss :)
@sheahill6628 17 күн бұрын
Excellent video! There's way to much division in the states.
@Nathalieenzoo 16 күн бұрын
Overtime only if the Boss needs people to do extra work for the company. And it pays well so sometimes he ask the best working people to do some extra work. En you got extra money😊 When you are at home, you talk 5 minuts about your work. You are not at work anymore so you have to enjoy your time with family and friends.
@Cilotje 16 күн бұрын
About the media thing... The dutch value their own opinion more then in the states. The ability to look at a problem at an individual and public level is way more clear for the dutch. Also, we don't like to force people to choose sides. Look at the problem and solution rather than people shouting to others that they are in the wrong. That makes the dutch the dutch. Fair, accountability, logic, social and have a great system to support those values.
@ItzSKYVlogs 16 күн бұрын
@@Cilotje looks like you just summed up my whole video on a matter of seconds! Hahahahah
@ItzSKYVlogs 16 күн бұрын
@@Cilotje and you explained it much better than I ever could
@lexievv 15 күн бұрын
This seems to be slowly changing sadly. Feels like the influence America has on the world influences countries in all the wrong ways.
@WilliamRas 17 күн бұрын
Ik heb je sinds kort ontdekt en mag graag naar je luisteren. Vooral de tegenstellingen zijn interessant. Nu alleen de vraag.... Hoe is je Nederlands nu je hier al wat jaren woont? ;)
@bregtolla 17 күн бұрын
@floris-janvandermeulen8054 16 күн бұрын
I bet it’s pretty good, but I get why he’s using English.
@WilliamRas 14 күн бұрын
@@floris-janvandermeulen8054 Ofcourse, his main viewers are from outside the Netherlands. I get that. Just wondering how his Dutch is now.
@JBKNL 12 күн бұрын
Work to live, don't live to work.... Also, everyone makes mistakes. No one is perfect. So there is no need to blame others or whatever. Ppl know when you screwed up.. own it, fix it, learn from it, move on.
@bertkassing8541 17 күн бұрын
At 5.05 you walk past a building, on your right, with the stairs. I worked there for 10 years. Had a really great time there. It is the Jansstraat in Haarlem. Near to the Grote Markt.
@DutchHenkie232 14 күн бұрын
Taking accountability is also a lot easier when you have job security. Unless you have really been negligent, you can't just be fired. Where in the US, being scared of your job is a real thing. I work with several Americans, and this excuses thing is real.
@Jeroen-hj6ov 17 күн бұрын
Not only the media in the USA is a problem. If you understand Dutch you will notice we have the same problem.
@floris-janvandermeulen8054 16 күн бұрын
Except for the tiny fringe broadcast station Ongehoord Nederland we don’t have anything compared to the extreme differences between the Fox network and the mainstream media like CBS or MSNBC.
@infj4w511 15 күн бұрын
I'm Dutch and definitely scared to live life, but that’s just personal for me
@FamilieKouwenberg 16 күн бұрын
We work to live! We don't live to work !
@dutchman7623 17 күн бұрын
Okay! Okay! I will admit it was all my fault what we did to you! On behalf of all Dutchies, I am truly sorry we messed you up. En nou zand erover, morgen weer een dag!
@artonx4719 15 күн бұрын
I work to live and not live to work. There has to be a good balance between privat life and work life. And that balance is literaly: when all is well in privat life, then you can do your job right.
@LalaDepala_00 17 күн бұрын
The number 1 thing that always "annoyed" me about American culture is the boasting. Boasting about success and money. Not admitting to making mistakes. Like making a mistake or not knowing something is a sin. No matter how smart or kind you are, everyone makes mistakes. Making mistakes is human. And having a lot of money means nothing when it comes to your character. I think Americans need to stop worshipping rich people. Edit: Why should I work at night? Or beyond contract hours? As soon as my foot is out the door I am off work 😂
@vlinderversteeg1778 17 күн бұрын
Ever been to stratums end in eindhoven?
@scottpilgrim2 16 күн бұрын
My expression (IT'S NOT A SAYING), is that you shouldn't be sorry, just do better next time. (If you don't do better next time, then you can be sorry).
@floris-janvandermeulen8054 16 күн бұрын
Just sayin’, Super Sayan! ;)
@Magnetroman 10 күн бұрын
"We need each other." Yes that is more dutch than we ourselves may realize. Our society is pretty much built on that and has been for a very long time. When the romas came here 2000 years ago the yfound a society where orphans woul be cared for and there was a certain kind of social security. The roans themselvees would throw unwanted children on the garbage dump and would use orphans as slaves at best. Throughout history this has een present here. The strange thing is, the people who lived here in the roman aera are not related to modern dutch people. After the romans left the tribes moved out and other tribes came in an took the emoty lands. But still there is this remarkable cultural continuity. I sometimes think it has to do with the land and the best ways to survive here. I think a lot of this comes down to job protection. You can't be fired just like that in he Netherlands. So they don't have to run with the others in the rat race. If we use our vacation time w don't have to be worried somebody else took our job when we return. Same with working overtime Also we can complain about our bosses steppig over the line in work ethics. In fact it is encouraged, because we can use it as evidence later when there is a conflict. Taking responsibility for failures is also less dangerous here for the same reason, although a real mess up and open incompetence can be a reason to lose your job. It may also be a cultural thing. Another reaso for not workig too much overtime is that it signifies an organisational problem. Structural nee for overtime can be solved by hiring an extra person. Which is not a threat to us eprsonally like in the USA because we can't be fired just like that.
@kevartje1295 15 күн бұрын
Ive heared other Americans on youtube say when they moved to Europe they were on edge for a few weeks after they moved and then suddently they realised they didnt have to be and a heavy weight was lifted off their shoulders and they just burst out in tears from the realisation that they didnt have to look over their shoulder anymore when walking down the street. Now these were mostly woman but did something similar happen to you too? or did you have another experience?
@ikkedus6255 17 күн бұрын
The Americans live to work and thats not healthy. The Dutch work to enjoy there free time. And this free time is getting more and more, the peoples just need to relax and enjoy there family and life. (love your blogs)
@harrytekelenburg3137 17 күн бұрын
Ooit in Kansas geweest. Waren bang voor de achterburen om dat het een arme wijk was. Dat ik er durfde te wandelen toen was heel gek. 1990 was dat
@thijs199 15 күн бұрын
Well not everywhere this is the case Ill tell you.
@sea.imagineering 3 күн бұрын
Is this in Haarlem? Ah yes it is! ❤ My home town. 😄 I don't like the work topic. Especially in dating, I want to know who people are, not what they do to make a living.
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