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@Reyreyes2711 6 ай бұрын
11:10 He’s being forced to sing My Clematis, the song Mizi and Sua sang in Round 1.
@Sutidamuskun 6 ай бұрын
DAMMIT I KNEW IT 😭😭When i was editing this thought came to mind, but the "Clematis" is written in alien language, so I wasn't sure. Great find & thanks for pointing this out :>
@Reyreyes2711 6 ай бұрын
@@SutidamuskunAlso in 12:12, the alien grabbing Till’s head seems to not be wearing any clothes even though before, we saw that alien fully clothed. Some people speculate that the alien might’ve done something to Till…
@iscamlittlekids 6 ай бұрын
@Reyreyes2711 6 ай бұрын
@@iscamlittlekids SAME, HE'S GONE THROUGH TOO MUCH-
@iscamlittlekids 6 ай бұрын
@@Reyreyes2711 I BET YOU HES GONNA SNAP IN ROUND 7 AND BEAT TF OUT OF LUKAA. NO WAIT IMAGINE LUKA RILES UP TILL LIKE HE DID TO MIZI T-T. we need to see a hyuna and luka reunion its gonna be crazy
@nikubiti8599 6 ай бұрын
Actually about Till being dressed in black like for a funeral, it's not for Ivan's funeral, it's to his own. Till expects to lose this round against Ivan, who's fans favourite. He himself doesn't want to win in the first place: he looks depressed from the start of mv and throughout, without Mizi Till doesn't know how to continue; he stops singing first which is like the main point to win; he actually accepts when Ivan starts to choke him and knowing how resistant Till always is, we can clearly see he's not alright. Which is actually why Ivan has this look without a spark in his eyes, before knowing he definitely dies and not Till. Ivan fell in love with a boy who no matter what stands his ground, doesn't take shit from anyone even if it hurts him. And here Till is, accepting his death with little or no resistance. For the plan he needs to "act violent", and he always gets a reaction out of Till though violence, but not this time. Ivan wants for Till to look at him instead of looking for Mizi, but Till this time doesn't even open his eyes and that makes Ivan so sad. But oh well, with the last shot Ivan knows he can't hold on anymore, so even if Till is not looking at him, he still succeeded in his plan to be killed off, so the light comes back and he smiles. At last, only when Ivan lets go and starts to fall, he can see Till is looking directly at him and sees Ivan for the first time, which is the thing Ivan desperately wanted, so his smile stays as he dies. Gosh, I love Ivan so so much. This round was hella tragic and painful for all of us, so stay strong everyone 🥲
@missblue5701 5 ай бұрын
hey so uh i was actually trying to have a good day today!
@kayrinkaj Ай бұрын
Poor Till, always being beaten up and SA'ed. Maybe if Ivan really loved Till, he wouldn't harass him when they were in Anakt garden? Maybe he should've tried to take care of Till? (well, the only time Ivan's really taking care of Till is him freeing Till but again he didn't consider Till's feelings at all) I bet Ivan really wanted to strangle Till but when he was shot final time he thought "Ok, I'll let Till go, he'll join me sooner or later anyways" 😅 This shi gets too romantisized Istg
@azi6022 6 ай бұрын
For Ivan’s weird behavior when it comes to expressing his love for Till, it’s totally understandable. Bro is literally being raised and abused by aliens. I can’t expect any of them to act like us humans on earth do.
@foregroundeclipse8725 6 ай бұрын
Exactly what I've been saying this whole time. Ivan is alot more gentle and caring than people realize .Ivan's misunderstood. Ivan still feels not only love for Till, but also feels deep compassion for Till. And you see his acts of kindness in each of the flash backs underneath his odd behavior because of love. His love for Till, made Ivan finally let go of the mask of being stoic.
@蜂蜜黄 6 ай бұрын
Completely agree I think they all are kinda unhinged because of their circumstances, particularly in Ivan's case, I think he really cares and loves Till, but he doesn't know how to express it. He probably also has a lot of mixed feelings for Till, since he never received the kind of attention he wanted from him and repressing his feelings for him probably made things worse.
@alexiandchocolatea 4 ай бұрын
yeah. definitely true there. they had a completely different education and upbringing then all of us here probably did, so they have skewed morals and definitions of what is 'right' or other things. it really is different,.
@michieru 6 ай бұрын
The reason why Ivan is so freaky w Till is bcs he never acknowledges ivan unless he annoys, fights, teases Till. Till is always thinkin abt mizi in his POV but in ivans POV its always till in it 😕😕😕 even when they were singing he doesnt even look at ivan until he walks closer to him (and gives him a smooch😅) JUSTICE FOR IVANTILL FANS!!!! 😭😭😭
@foregroundeclipse8725 6 ай бұрын
Crying now 😭
@ok.4322 6 ай бұрын
Why’re are y’all so keen to empathize with Ivan and not Till?? None of that excuses what he does to till (apart from the kiss??), no wonder Till doenst like Ivan, especially with the sa theory going around. It’s frustrating how y’all all pity Ivan and ignore Tills feelings about it. 😒
@decristal48 6 ай бұрын
​​@@ok.4322Who is not empathizing with Till? We all know he is suffering a lot, but the fact that you despise Ivan so much is uncalled for. Ivan didn't kiss him like that because he wanted to or to make him suffer: He wants the audience to vote for Till (that's why he is cheking up at score and he loses he lets Till go). And he fake chokes Till (there's no fingerprints or bruises in Till's neck) so the aliens kill him inmediately. He goes with a smile knowing he saved him, and Till finally realize Ivan's feelings for him. How are they to blame? Edit: Also the only sa theory is the one that the purple alien does this to Till. You don't care for someone and feel pain when you see them hurt, like Ivan did for Till in that scene, just to hurt him later. Ivan truly loves him.
@decristal48 6 ай бұрын
Ivan did everything to save Till, the kiss and the 'choking'. So Till wins, and not himself.
@manhwa_supremacy 3 ай бұрын
​@ok.4322 because unrequited love hurtsss and i think sa theory is not ivan who made it but the aliens ivan just there to protect and emphasized till.. pls don't hate and misunderstood ivan.
@YuannieAnn 6 ай бұрын
There are speculations that Till got $A’d by the alien, (karaoke scene) since the purple alien had clothes on before the scene where Till was getting told to sing and when we see the next scene the purple alien has his hands petting Till’s head while Till’s clothes were messed up and the purple aliens clothes were off😭
@YuannieAnn 6 ай бұрын
And actually Ivan was actually winning 😭, and since attacking the other opponent was a violation his score got lowered. He wasn’t choking Till too hard since when he lets go of Till’s neck there were no hand marks or anything
@foregroundeclipse8725 6 ай бұрын
I think Ivan pretended to choke Till, to save Till and ensure he gets out of there by having Till win. Isn't it considered fowl play if you attack the other person you're singing with on stage in the world of Alien Stage? Wouldn't you be disqualified or reprimanded? I think Ivan was betting on the crowd turning on him. You can tell by how he looks at the score board while doing that . He knew he had to see this through. Even if Till dosen't understand Ivan's sacrifice or his true intentions. It's obvious Ivan 's intentions were never to hurt Till. Ivan just wanted the man he loved to look back at him. To love him too. He wanted his feelings to reach Till. Ivan just wanted to be close to Till. Ivan more than anything can't bear seeing Till like this. Defeated and destroyed. Ivan wants to protect Till, even if it costs him his own life. Even if it's selfish to do so.
@foregroundeclipse8725 6 ай бұрын
​@@YuannieAnn He wasn't at all though. He was only pretending , since there's no marks or lacerations on Tills neck. When you actually choke someone, you leave marks behind . Ivan was being gentle with Till. And it shows. He made sure not to put force or pressure . He made sure not to hurt Till. Ivan loves Till too much to hurt him. That's my interpretation anyways .
@Pearl1na 6 ай бұрын
​@foregroundeclipse8725 Yes but, Till thought he was going to die. And he was holding his throat after Ivan let go of him. I feel like Ivan was choking him in a way that he knew Till wouldn't die. He was definitely holding his neck tightly because his hands clenched around the neck
@Ms.Matcha-u2y 6 ай бұрын
did y'all realize as well the purple alien that supposedly violated Till had a resting expression at first but when he was petting Till's head in the distance the jackass was SMILING 🤢🤢 big yikes but from a storytelling perspective is actually insane
@yunqb1519 6 ай бұрын
Many also forget that these kids have no real concept of "love" like we do, considering all of them grew up in captivity. ivan was always numb and till sparked some type of emotion inside of him. ivan didnt know what it is but only that he feels it whenever he's looking at the rebellious till. till however is never looking back at him except when ivan is bullying him which is why they fought so often as kids. ivan only learned that till looks at him through some type of annoyance or violence. i think the choking part was a last desperate attempt of his, besides lowering his own score, to also get till look at him. however till doesn't because he has already given up and accepted his death thinking that ivan might actually kill him. the smile before ivan falls is his realization that even in this moment till will never look back at him until he does when ivan is falling in his last moments
@decristal48 6 ай бұрын
He get it kinda wrong, Ivan kiss Till but looks at the score, so he only does this for Till to win. Same with the fake choking (cause' there weren't any fingerprints in his neck). He does all this to save him.
@meraiiasta 6 ай бұрын
THEY'RE RUINING MY LIFE!!!/j im crying over them ... doomed yuri and yaoi THIS IS NOT COOL 😭😭 also in theory, Ivan was never really hurting Till, because there isn't any choke marks on his neck when he lets go, it was a way to get voted less/disqualified because it's inappropriate to attack another opponent on stage .. so Ivan was just protecting Till and giving him a chance to live another day unlike him 🥲
@foregroundeclipse8725 6 ай бұрын
I'm gonna miss Ivan's VA . He's an amazing singer . I wanted to hear Ivan sing more. But because Ivan's probably dead, we won't be able hear his singers voice anymore. :(
@meraiiasta 6 ай бұрын
@@foregroundeclipse8725 who knows, like MIZISUA with Sua’s VA, Ivan’s VA could say in dialogues or sing in the background but yes I’m going to miss Ivan and his VA too 😭😭
@foregroundeclipse8725 6 ай бұрын
@@meraiiasta I hope so. That's what I'm praying for . I know I'm being delusional. But I wanna believe somehow Ivan is alive . I just love Ivan's character. And it's a shame that I probably won't see his character or hear his voice. I hope Ivan's VA continues to sing , and I hope Ivan's VA voice acts for Anime too. He has such a nice voice and he's a wonderful singer .
@meraiiasta 6 ай бұрын
@@foregroundeclipse8725 SAMEE ALNST fans are delusional rn but there’s some theories Ivan can be saved but who knows we need to wait for round 7 .. (there’s a theory made in tumblr where Till has no choice against up to Luka instead Hyuna is going to be against Luka and Ivan COULD be saved because it’s in the future so good medicine and Ivan wasn’t shot in the head (also this is my own theory but I don’t think they would kill Ivan because he’s at top 3)) but ALNST fans including myself are delusional LOL but it’s okay guys it’s all an act!! This isn’t real!! 🥰
@foregroundeclipse8725 6 ай бұрын
The GAY ANGST is strong in this round . And I'm crying. Vivinos always dose this. They always make the gay character or gay pair suffer a terrible fate or tragedy .
@Haruki_chan 6 ай бұрын
"Its not even a love triangle its like a .. love... line ?" hahahah I died there, even myself i couldnt put words on what it was
@nanny_uhh 6 ай бұрын
He said it right though, it's a line Ivan → Till → Mizi → Sua → Mizi LMAOOOOO
@tsutomumybeloved7411 4 ай бұрын
@@nanny_uhhso it’s a love line in the shape of a P?
@Piamplify 4 ай бұрын
@@tsutomumybeloved7411love P enis
@CursedWithAGift 6 ай бұрын
12:44 I think Ivan was actually sneaking in, since he’s wearing what seems like a guard uniform. Some people on twitter pointed out how Ivan seems to be constantly breaking through security barriers and constraints (like him knowing how to easily and safely remove the collar, or always knowing where to find Till, or even running out of Anakt Garden when they were kids). It’s either because the aliens trusted him enough that they let him (he’s always played the “good pet”), or because he’s just really good at it. Probably both.
@iscamlittlekids 6 ай бұрын
15:37 the studio lico version of the song is where till and ivan sings together. i also saw someone say that the fact that they dont sing with each other in the vivinos shows that their emotions for each other arent "harmonizing". ivan loves till. till doesnt love ivan. :(
@polishperson2060 6 ай бұрын
I was abt to comment this but you beat me to it
@iscamlittlekids 6 ай бұрын
@tiredasexual_8334 6 ай бұрын
Aside from the fact that till lost all hope in winning and stopped singing, I also think that till specifically stopping when till calls to him "face to face we dance" is just further showing that no matter what Ivan did, till never "faced" or "looked back" at him. The line that till specifically stops at is "with our story, forever lost in each others' embrace" just further supports this. To till, there was never a story to begin with, a complete contrast to Ivan, whose entire story revolved around him. Another aspect I noticed is that, unlike in Mizi and sua's clematis song, this "duet" never had any harmonizing at all. They sing apart from each other, with Ivan being the one to start the part where they are supposed to start singing in responses, which till didn't sing. "Consume me, yes me" "To this everlasting melody" "Face to face we dance" "..." Vivinos at it again on making me ever so slightly more upset every time I watch this series
@eliyelo 6 ай бұрын
If you look at Till's eyes carefully, a glow appears in his eyes while his eyes were dead from the beginning and his irises expand when Ivan touches his cheek This detail kill me
@bmalazarte9358 6 ай бұрын
As a long time Ivan fan, I really went through the 5 stages of grief watching Round 6... My original comment got deleted, but at 19:20, Ivan's eyes are actually shining. It's only for a split second, but some people in the comments of Round 6 said that the reason why it was shining, was because Till was finally looking at him, instead of Mizi. He actually had his focus on him for once, and Ivan felt a sense of peace that Till looked at him. (Till never looked at him that much as you can see in Ivan's flashbacks. Only in some circumstances) This reaction made me forget about my favourite character's death for a bit! Loved this vid!
@michieru 6 ай бұрын
His eyes started shining when he knew he was gonna die though, so it was probably mostly bcs he knew his planned worked and he spared Till from dying in this round
@olliegitara 6 ай бұрын
the choking wasn't really real choking. he dug his fingertips into Till's neck, and instead of restricting air, Ivan restricted blood flow. so he could still breathe-- the air was still reaching his lungs, but prevent oxygenated blood reaching the brain. he knows violence will make him lose points. but he doesn't actually hurt Till. Ivan just wanted him to live, and he knew he had to die for that to happen
@kayrinkaj Ай бұрын
"Ivan restricted Till's blodflow" - "he doesn't actually hurt Till" 🙄 Why's then Till holding his neck as if recovering from the impact? It's also clearly shown that Ivan's fingers dig into the skin on Till's neck. His arms also looked like he was putting some force into the action. I dont think this "fake strangling" was as fake as fans would like it to be.
@olliegitara Ай бұрын
@@kayrinkaj till couldve held his neck because there was still pressure. if it was real choking he would be out of breath and heaving for oxygen. just look up safe choking
@foregroundeclipse8725 6 ай бұрын
@Suti Tooti 6:57 I think that analysis is kinda spot on. I always saw Ivan as Till's guardian angel honestly. Because he's always looking out for Till and even in the past , Ivan tried to free Till and help him escape in Black Sorrow . Ivan always wanted to protect Till and be close to him. And through his actions it shows .
@alocar.7324 6 ай бұрын
Hi! I wanted to make some little clarifications and add some extra stuff for the theories and analysis 1. Ivan always had red eyes, but not totally, just a red pupil (this is my personal interpretation but I believe they represent kinda like the lens of a camera, with the little red center, this would aline with Ivan's general attitude since he is a really observant character rather than one that acts up, specially since he spends lots of time watching Till mainly, he's kinda like human surveillance camera haha) There's also more theories about this, like, one says that says that the red in his eyes is a representation of his love or obsession with Till, kinda like lovestruck eyes, and there's also one that basically says that the eye with the needle shown in the first flash like section at the start is Ivan's eye, and that the crew of the garden basically injected something onto his eye. 2. The way that Ivan loves Till is definitely weird but it has some really deep meaning, in one of vivino's post, they uploaded a comic where Ivan is basically telling Sua that she's going to hurt and traumatize Mizi because she basically reciprocated her love, kinda saying that by loving her, she's just letting her carry lots of grief once she's gone, specially since Sua always planned to sacrifice herself from the start. With that information, the people started to theorize that Ivan just wanted to avoid hurting Till basically just hiding any affection Ivan had for the guy. It's really clear for example that all the times Ivan showed any concern/care for Till was when he knew he wasn't watching, like, the times he took Till's colar off or the times that he watched that he wasn't hurt, Till was always unconscious or with his eyes closed. Meanwhile, in the comics and scences of his childhood, Ivan kinda acts harsh with Till, presumably so he doesn't get attached to him, sabotaging his own relationship with him, expecting that once his plan of self sacrifice is completed, Till won't be feeling the same grief that Mizi went through.
@zurinunez6346 6 ай бұрын
I think the reason Ivan did choke till was to maybe get disqualified so till won't die, also there are no choking marks, which shows that Ivan wasn't choking till legit. he was kissing till to distract him from seeing he was dying, and he choked harder when he was about to die, maybe to make sure he keeps his eyes closed, or maybe he got selfish at the end and wanted him to come with him into the afterlife. also that Alien that was grabbing/petting tills head was wearing clothes, but then you can see that in the next shot we see him, he has none😭 also tills clothes look a bit disheveled so maybe implied SA? also when Ivan gives till that last peck after the makeout, its kind of like a goodbye peck. also also, when Ivan finally lets go, you can see light in Tills eyes. in this video, im guessing light in someones eyes represent love(?) so maybe that's why when Ivan knew he was for sure going to die, the light returned to his eyes. another thing I noticed is that Tills eyes had light in them since Ivan went up to him and caressed his face, and all throughout the kiss scene. when Ivan falls to the floor, you can see light in Tills eyes, maybe Till realizing that Mizi in unreachable, and Ivan was the one that was there for him all along, to keep him alive. and maybe he also realizes Ivan love for him when its too late. with all this all I have to say is, Ivantill is so freaking sad like ugh I just wanted them to be happy. visions never lets the couples be happy😭😭😭
@RahRizzle123 6 ай бұрын
This video was so insane that its been on non-fans twitter feed and so many people are confused about why these 2 guys are kissing then one dies😭😭
@_avidyar2718 6 ай бұрын
I'm glad you brought back the topic about the light in Ivan's eyes because I desperately want to compare that aspect to Till's. Till's eyes have held light in them all along, whether in Ivan's memories of him or his own about his admiration and love for Mizi, up until the time Mizi disappeared. However, the light was completely extinguished when Mizi was dragged off the stage and then disappeared. Not even when Till imagined her standing in front of him again and stretching her hand out to him so that he could finally reach for her did it bring back his hope 12:14 (karaoke scene). The only times his eyes light up again is when Ivan breaks the kiss to make eye contact with Till 16:06 and in the final moments from Ivan's point of view when he falls to the floor smiling and Till finally looks at him 19:13 (which he never did voluntarily). Referring to the comment under the original video 8:19
@FatMissyCat 6 ай бұрын
Someone wrote in the comments that in Korea, it's a tradition to cover the body of the dead with a white quilt at the funeral. Ivan went in to this knowing full well that he was going to sacrifice himself for Till. In a way Till's eyes wake up after the kiss and the death of Ivan. Notice also how Ivan always frees Till from his choker, always freeing his rebellious spirit. And when Ivan chokes Till, it's almost as if he's both trying to wake up his rebeliousness and of course also doing it to make sure Till survives, by ruining his own score (although some comments noticed that Till didn't have choke marks, so he definitely pretended so that Till wouldn't loose.) I think the reason why Ivan looked so focused at Till while "choking" him is because he can't rest until he is completely sure that Till has won. He first realises that the job is done when the impact of the shots finally affects him. And then he can rest.
@ksskkrk666 6 ай бұрын
i screamed and sobbed SOOO LOUD when i first watched it 😭😭 IVAN IS ALIVEEEEE‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 HE CSNT DIE ON MY WATCH
@foregroundeclipse8725 6 ай бұрын
You're profile pic is them. My heart. I'm so sad there was no happy ending for Ivan. And I'm sad Ivan x Till as a happy gay couple isn't cannon. I just wanted a guy to love Ivan back. FUCK. 💔
@onigiri8125 6 ай бұрын
My own theory on alien stage: Ivan had wanted to throw this competition all along to save till. So how Alien stage operates is that 70 points is the cap for technical singing. How emotionally/dramatically you express your singing will be how you get higher points like 86-90 points. Comparing between round 3 black swan Ivan and round 6 cure Ivan, you can hear him singing less emotionally then he usually would. Cause in black swan, the front part was sang montonously almost because they are trying to show that his world was monotonous and was just going through the motions until he met till. From there, his singing got even more dramatic and emotional. However in this round 6, Ivan was singing like he didnt care about anything anymore. He saw this stage as the last chance being with till, hence his outfit was more loose-fitting, and almost like he was ready for a wedding, and the sudden forced kiss. Till was almost the same. With the whole dressing up for a funeral thing, in the begining of how till sang, he sounds lost and doesnt know what to do. Then he it cuts to him seeing Mizi's missing poster, and the he starts singing emotionally, mourning for mizi's "death". Thats why he managed to score higher. Otherwise at the end, when he gave up singing properly, Ivan obviously realised and doubled down, hence he went over to "strangle" till to immediately disqualify himself, sacrificing himself for till to win. Also, this sacrifice was when the first time Till noticed Ivan as someone who cared and loved him, which was what he craved from mizi, and Ivan finally got the attention he had always wanted from till just before he died. (I will go cry in a hole now) So basically yep in the end till was dressed for a funeral for both his crush and best friend's(?) deaths. Sorry for the yappathon, its just that whatever just happened in round 6 is a fever dream and i am crying my guts out. #IvanIsStillAlive
@manejimenez8601 6 ай бұрын
Hahahaha he didn't noticed Ivan was in love with Till since the start 😂 I laugh so hard when he was surprise. Till is his black sorrow because he's his unrequited love.
@foregroundeclipse8725 6 ай бұрын
@suti tooti You're asking why. It's cause Ivan loves Till alot. Yes it was selfish of him to kiss Till. And him kissing Till forcefully wasn't ideal. So I totally get the dismay . I just feel bad for Ivan. And I wanted Ivan to be happy and ALIVE. Till is Ivan's purpose and hope in life. That's why Ivan is so attached and in love with Till. It's just a shame Till never knew how much Ivan loved him. It's a shame it was one sided . Ivan was my favorite character from Alien Stage too. Goddammit. :(
@monoemotional 6 ай бұрын
15:40 Till and Ivan actually keep sing during the kiss scene in another version of this song.
@Definitely_Not_Ash_ 6 ай бұрын
If you watch the studio recording one... At the part they were duetting at 3:20 (studio version) Ivan let Till shine in this part, means Ivan plan to make Till win from the start but in Round 6 Till stop singing. It force him to change plan so he decided to kiss him to reduce his own score and act like he choke Till to make sure he will die instead of Till The duet part sounds more like Till's solo with Ivan as background supporting voice.... It's like their relationship, they didn't harmonizing with each other, only Ivan keep supporting for Till until the end.. Also the part you said "Ivan makes no difference for the score anyways cuz he's losing from the start" , no because if Ivan keep singing or did not do anything for Till then Till will lose. Because Till plan to give up and stop singing, Ivan realized that so he went to Till and kiss him to distract the aliens from the fact Till stop sang and cover it up with his act of forcing himself on Till. The reason he keep "choking" (he didn't rly choke Till actually he was just pretending) was because he didn't want Till see he got shot. Till was under impression Ivan want to kill him and was accepting his death. Ivan Probably don't want Till see he got shot because Till will make an action to save Ivan instead (Ivan want to save Till, if Till "save" Ivan from the gun, Till will be the one who gonna die instead.)
@kimbow1206 6 ай бұрын
Yessss this round was so heartbreaking 😢❤❤ but love it at the same time
@Sutidamuskun 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, this one was a lot to take in 😭idk why we all have this addiction to CONSTANT PAIN , but i guess this is our fate 💀
@meowisnow1754 6 ай бұрын
i never considered it before, but i think your interpretation of ivan’s white outfit is actually on point! from what i gathered from the comics posted by vivinos, both ivan and sua planned on dying in their respective rounds to save till and mizi. ivan actually has a problem with sua’s “savior complex” as you put it, telling her that she’s being selfish since mizi clearly loves her. he finds joy in the fact that they’re similar in that way. however, ivan thinks that he’s able to pull it off since till loves mizi and doesn’t spare ivan another glance. of course, there’s also the interpretation of the “white dress turned red” line from sweet dream where both ivan and sua wore white and died 😭
@Nurikii1027 6 ай бұрын
19:15 Something else that was said in the comments is that, when you look at Till’s neck after Ivan falls…he doesn’t have any marks from being choked like redness on his neck or something. So it might just be he was kind of holding his neck a bit more softer. But it looks like Till’s hand covers most of his neck so idk really. ( that’s just a theory!!)
@justblue576 6 ай бұрын
I really love how you started analysing the actual story insted of just reacting, love to see KZbinrs who is this invested in alien stage story because it's really good 😭 + There's the theory that the reason till saw mizi in the kareoke sence was because he was drugged, with the implications of that sence it's actually heart breaking that he had to experience such a thing, and maybe this is not the first time since he was marked as worthless by the aliens dou to his personallty, therefore they probably using him for entertainment by physically and mentally abuse him😖
@aliceteron 6 ай бұрын
Nah "shes gonna think im gay" she too... Is gay. She does not want you my bro 😭
@Akipoutark 6 ай бұрын
also things to note. is that ivan did the kissing and choking on PURPOSE to make himself lose. If he had kept singing he would have won. But he didnt want that. he loves till too much to see him die. plus till had given up on life at that point, so he did whatever he thought would help himself loose points. He also did what people call a safe choke. which is basically just a way to safely choke someone without harming them. it just blocks blood flow to the head. plus we see till wasnt harmed and came back to his senses immediately. it was all part of ivans plan in that moment. Ivan also did not enjoy that kiss at all. he seemed very frustrated. Ivan gave up his own life for till and all he wanted was to be seen by till. and the only way he could get seen was being violent or doing drastic things. Till didnt look at him a single time during the stage. what it took was for ivan to be bleeding and dying on the ground. Their story has a lot of layers and is quite tragic. Tills love for a girl he thinks is dead. and ivans unrequited love. NOw ivan isnt the perfect person but he is not a horrible person either. He has been looking out for till their entire lives. Abusing the trust the aliens had in him to sneak in to where till is and free him from his shackles multiple times. and even attempting to run away from the anakt garden. the singing camp prison thing they were in during childhood. They were actually pretty close friends besides some of the weird behaviours from ivan. Theres also theories that ivan made till hate him on purpose. so that when he dies. he wouldnt be missed by till. in one of the comics posted ivan critisized sua for becoming mizi's trauma by sacrificing herself and since they were very close. meanwhile ivan did the same thing of sacrifice. but he wouldnt be trauma to till. which he made sure wouldnt like him until the end. by his fake attempt at attacking him. and forcing himself on him. which again ivan didnt enjoy doing. so many layers of theories and content and i wrote way too many paragraphs
@Inktrailler 6 ай бұрын
Vivinos so homophobic to kill off ivan😢/jk
@Sutidamuskun 6 ай бұрын
aint no need for the "jk", this is FACTS 💀BRING IVAN BACK!! START THE CHANGE.ORG PETITION DAMMIT 😭😭 (...i'm also just jk)
@foregroundeclipse8725 6 ай бұрын
​@@Sutidamuskun Round 6 destroyed me emotionally. I'm not okay. 😭
@foregroundeclipse8725 6 ай бұрын
​​Ivan is my favorite character from Alien Stage. WHY Vivinos ? Why can't we have a happy gay couple for once?
@ererer3r 6 ай бұрын
nahh as an og, if you look at vivinos past works she always does this loll.. like jordan river etc, theyre amazing /trust :))
@cissilaxenos2612 6 ай бұрын
I avoided watching alien stage for like no reason at all(I guess my instincts were trying to save me lol) but yesterday my friend forced me to watch all rounds, and now I have trauma. Vivinos stop k1lling couples and let them be, therapy sessions are not free
@nanny_uhh 6 ай бұрын
@kat04 6 ай бұрын
that last part rhymed
@nanny_uhh 6 ай бұрын
@@kat04 thanks for pointing it out lol
@cissilaxenos2612 6 ай бұрын
@@kat04 yeah I noticed it after rereading what I wrote lol
@yourbehaviorissoughhh4315 6 ай бұрын
Finally someone who does reaction videos on alien stage
@wwxia 6 ай бұрын
4:16 this was my exact reaction when I watched it 😭😭
@weineraustin7220 6 ай бұрын
Someone pointed out that the purple alien that was petting Till originally had clothes on🤕🤕
@ivanalnst 6 ай бұрын
I saw someone say that Ivan was safe choking Till, since when the alien is choking him theirs a vein on his forehead (kinda showing that he can’t breathe/ his wind pipe is cut off) But when Ivan is choking him, theirs no vein- and immediately after Ivan stops Till recovers and opens his eyes
@Akihikobtww 6 ай бұрын
@ElpheltValentinee 6 ай бұрын
Vivinos just hates seeing everyone happy
@valeriadergan812 6 ай бұрын
I guess you don't follow the comic, but in the comic they show a conversation between Sua and Ivan where he was mocking her becauae she since they were little Sua was planning to die for Mizi. Ivan mocks her because he wouldn't do that because she was trying to traumatize Mizi in order to her to remember her and Ivan was laughting of how similar but differents they were. But in the end he did the same as Sua, if you notice his neck doesn't have marks and Till didn't have problems to breath. Everything was a fake just like Mizi and Sua competition.
@dearestsibling 6 ай бұрын
ivan was wearing smth like waiter costume, so i presume he pretended to be a waiter and came to help till :0
@cookies_and_kitties6586 6 ай бұрын
He reminds me more of a wedding groom. He did confess his love to Till in the song and sacrificed himself for him.
@_starlinx 6 ай бұрын
I think it was an event or something and when it ended Ivan came to check up on him IM CRUING
@Xixi.J 6 ай бұрын
⁠@@cookies_and_kitties6586 I think the commenter meant at 2:02
@uwu-chan 6 ай бұрын
I’m actually pretty sure he was just at the event with his Alien owner. He just lashed out when till started to get beat up.
@foregroundeclipse8725 6 ай бұрын
@@uwu-chan Also possible and makes sense. But I also believe Ivan desired to go back by Tills side even after Black Sorrow. A quote from another series " I'll never leave you're side again." Reminds me of Ivan . He still loves Till alot . So I believe even if by chance he got to see Till in that fashback in round 6, he always wanted to see and go back to Till anyways .
@Aperson-jx4mv 6 ай бұрын
i think the whole kiss and choking scene was symbolic to a fight for Till's spark or his will to live. There are moments where he fights back & there is a tiny spark in his eye during this scene and moments where he is giving up. Ultimately, I think Till is getting back that spark, but at a high cost. Even when he is terrified, you can still see a tiny almost unnoticeable spark in his eye. 19:15 & 19:21
@Yxzko 6 ай бұрын
19:08 I disagree. I believe it represents Ivan is relieved that he saved Till, and smiles by the guarantee that Till would win that round. Also, I believed his “weird” obsession in the past was more of a method to get his attention. Ivan got Till’s attention whenever doing “strange” actions, such as blood licking, etc. . .
@wshawish1480 6 ай бұрын
Actually, Ivan is extremely popular among aliens, he's in top of "human pets", as they call it. So i was thinking, maybe he had this idea, that getting rid of him would be really unprofitable for aliens, 'cuz he indeed is an important figure in their business. But the same doesn't go for Till, he's just an average test subject that doesn't have any value. So Ivan knew if Till loses - he won't stand a chance, that's why he tried to get disqualified 🤔 Basically, what I'm trying to say here is that Ivan is probably alive
@foregroundeclipse8725 6 ай бұрын
I wanna believe Ivan is alive. And I'll choose to keep some hope. I hope you're right, but this Vivinos we are talking about . They have killed their gay characters off in pervious series before Alien Stage on their KZbin channel. They are know for that .
@wshawish1480 6 ай бұрын
@@foregroundeclipse8725 bro, exactly..... I can't take it anymore
@ItsAlexHere4545 6 ай бұрын
@fcxfchfchgchdxrtxtucjy4055 6 ай бұрын
AAAAAA so happy you came back to react to this
@Haruka_firehydrant 6 ай бұрын
@WorstHugger 4 ай бұрын
“I’ll drown in you” vs “let me drown in you” is so deep to me, till wants her to feel his feelings back and to let him love her but Ivan knows he will drown, he knows till will never love him back, till only thinks of his crush while Ivan only thinks of till
@Haruka_firehydrant 6 ай бұрын
she know who she is is crazy 💀💀💀
@Sutidamuskun 6 ай бұрын
No idea if she even watches my vids...but if she does...and she reading this...SHE KNOW WHO SHE IS 💀😭
@robozamz 6 ай бұрын
this reaction and especially your analysis were both so good man somehow you got me to laugh after i’d been moping over this round for days so thank you 😭
@ChisaMoni 6 ай бұрын
There’s implications of till being sa’d during the karaoke since the purple alien’s clothes were on in one clip and off in the next while he’s petting till
@IGenuinelyDontCare 6 ай бұрын
Also the way till looked while that purple garbage was petting him, his clothes were messy and he just looked like a total mess
@justblue576 6 ай бұрын
​@@IGenuinelyDontCare Some people said he probably saw mizi because he was drugged 😭💔
@Bright_Berry-Roi 6 ай бұрын
​@@justblue576NOOO WTH 😭😭
@quack5225 6 ай бұрын
Yea my guy you missed a whole episode with HYUNA and Mizi. It’s called All in and shows where Mizi has been.
@zaddyzain9602 6 ай бұрын
My interpretation is that Ivan was worried Till would lose and die because he stopped singing and was also not putting in his best performance. We don't know what the score would have been but in previous rounds, Ivan had a higher score than Till by 1. I think the kiss and the choking were all part of his plan for the audience to vote against him in case he wasn't captured/killed by the guards. The kiss might have been a way to make Till more responsive and fight back in general, not go through this round and just die in the next. I think it was also an expression of his love but not in a romantic "I wanna kiss you" way (it could be that too since he's dying). Ivan had a very weird way of expressing his feelings to Till that's true but he always wanted him to be free and to shine as bright as the meteorites. Maybe it could also be interpreted that the kiss was his "last" chance to die without regrets knowing he expressed his love whether that's by kissing his first love and light or by making him feel again with that kiss (feeling negative emotions since he was forced). He didn't care if he ended up being hated as long as Till moved forward. That's why he put the whole villain façade on. Also, I don't think he was actually putting pressure while choking him because Till has no marks in comparison to the other guy who was beaten up in ROUND 5. With all that being said, Ivan had my favourite voice and he was also the most intriguing character. I will go cry for 1 week because we gay mfs never win.
@ksskkrk666 6 ай бұрын
also in the part where this alien's hand is on Till's head, i noticed that his shirt was kind of unbuttoned so maybe he got 4ssulted or v1olated?? idk 😭😭
@foregroundeclipse8725 6 ай бұрын
That's messed up but I think you're right. It's possible something simlar happened to Ivan. Since both Ivan and Till have been, and are still being abused by the aliens .
@Zytr_17 6 ай бұрын
it gives me chills that after Ivan died the heart beat where you can hear throughout the whole song was gone and was dead silence, making me not have hope anymore😭
@nyomsywomsy9496 6 ай бұрын
13:40 we have a theory that whoever's wearing white dies since Sua died in white, and now Ivan died in white, in round 4, they were both wearing white and they both survived which could mean death was the correct path all along
@syuvia 6 ай бұрын
@zaddyzain9602 6 ай бұрын
Ivan was at the event and when they were beating up Till he actually jumped up to fight. The person you see at 11:50 is him. And then he goes and finds him after the aliens left to release him from his shackles.
@smilingthroughlife 5 ай бұрын
bro the production is genius. The studio who is behind the production of this (studio lico), posted a new version of "my clematis" but with ivan and till. SO i looked for the meaning of clematis. and it is a fricking flower that SYMBOLIZES MENTAL BEAUTY AND IT IS KNOWN FOR ITS ABILITY TO CLIMB UP PLACES WHERE TO LIVE.... I MEAAAAAN i'm dead
@CursedWithAGift 6 ай бұрын
“I didn’t think they were gonna do it” bro it’s vivinos AND qmeng that’s like if the god of yuri and god of yaoi joined forces to create a story (also they’re together irl
@fcxfchfchgchdxrtxtucjy4055 6 ай бұрын
to answer somethings about ivan’s design: ivan always had the snaggle tooth and the red pupils/eyes. the eyes are a bit more complicated as they don’t always show up with the red usually being more apparent in scenes with more intense emotions. and about ivan loving till: ivan loves till an insane amount. the reason why he doesn’t show it like normal is 1. he’s not normal 💀 and 2. throughout their relationship till has always been down bad for mizi. as we see from till’s pov ivan never shows up. till is entirely focused on mizi and for all the time they spent together ivan was never that important to till. however in ivan’s pov till is basically all we see, every other face lacks detail and every moment is focused on till. from these scenes till never looks at ivan unless provoked, most often through violence. ivan desperate for till’s attention realizes that essentially the only way to get till to notice him is through pain and violence. we see ivan’s delight during their fight and how ivan’s fist actions to a hurt till are to hurt more because that’s the only way he knows how to interact with till, it’s the only way to get till to focus on him over mizi. in the end the kiss was very selfish but it did serve some purpose. as was pointed out till had completely given up so ivan’s goal was not just to have till win but to provoke till and to make till look good in the eyes of the aliens while he is villainized. this is in hopes of give till some chance in his next round (let’s b real there’s no fucking chance 💀) as the aliens r rooting for him and he has some spark back. another thing (sorry im not normal about this series): a little while ago vivinos made a community post featuring a comic from before the competition had begun where ivan confronts sua and tells her that her plan to sacrifice herself for mizi is ultimately selfish and will only serve to traumatize her. now this seems very hypocritical as ivan quite literally sacrifices himself and clearly already planned to sacrifice himself. the difference is while mizisua had a mutual and loving relationship, ivan ment nothing to till, and ivan knew that. he knew that till would never reciprocate and barely even looked at him. in ivan’s mind his sacrifice wouldn’t hold as much pain and significance on till as sua’s would on mizi. he deemed himself so unloved that literally dying in front of till wouldn’t effect him. (in someways he’s right but like, if someone dies less than 2 feet in front of u it doesn’t matter if u know them or have feelings for them at all, that shit traumatizing 💀💀) apologies for talking a lot and for any typos i am not rereading allat
@foregroundeclipse8725 6 ай бұрын
Ivan's a complicated man for sure. Plus yes the punch was violence but that was one time Ivan did that, which was in the past, when he was a little kid. Ivan was clearly inexperienced with feeling love for some one for the first time and went about things in a less than favorable way at that time. That's not a reoccurring behavior from Ivan himself. So I wouldn't call him inherently violent. Someone who is actually inherently violent causes physical harm more than once . Ivan only punched Till one time. And never did it again. So that dosen't really count . And I get why he did. I'm not saying it was right of him to do that. Obviously you shouldn't punch you're crush , just to get them to notice you or pay attention to you. But Ivan is desperate to get Till to notice him , even when he was a little kid. I wouldn't call Ivan not normal, I'd call Ivan very troubled . Ivan is troubled by his trauma and past. The romantic feelings Ivan has for Till is not wrong. Ivan just could have expressed those feelings in a more proper and better way . My gay man Ivan has multiple layers . He's a very complex character .
@fcxfchfchgchdxrtxtucjy4055 6 ай бұрын
yes, sorry if i didn’t make that obvious in my original comment 😭 ivan is NOT inherently violent he’s just had it ingrained into his head the till’s attention = extreme acts (not always violent!) we haven’t seen a majority of their time together so i was using what we have seen thank u for helping me clarify. also yea, definitely not how u should treat someone u love. ivan’s a bit fucked up, be we already knew that 😭😭😭
@fcxfchfchgchdxrtxtucjy4055 6 ай бұрын
desperation is fr the name of the game with ivan. so much of his behavior is rooted in it. crying sobbing
@foregroundeclipse8725 6 ай бұрын
I just went full arm chair psychologist here. But I truly believe this to be the case. I'd like to make a analysis video on Ivan's character from Alien Stage when I get better filming equipment. Also I don't believe Ivan to be a violent monster or a bad person. He's just flawed and very misunderstood . That what it seems like to me anyways.
@foregroundeclipse8725 6 ай бұрын
​@@fcxfchfchgchdxrtxtucjy4055 Hey I'm here with you crying. I still haven't emotionally recovered from what happened in round 6 .
@kapystochka3149 2 ай бұрын
Till singing "My clematis" (song from the first round that Mizi and Sua sang) probably reminded him of Mizi, so that's why his alien master showed him the missing poster, sort of like a reminder that she's not there, that she could be dead((
@katsugiminee9499 6 ай бұрын
I love how you tried to interpret Ivan's actions Many people tend to overlook that I know he did something bad to Til But trying to learn the cause of that action It's really good
@Itz_Yukit0 4 ай бұрын
As an Ivantill fan thats now depressed Bc of R6 I will now do the same to you 🥰🥰 1.Till will NOT be happy once he finds out that mizi is alive and well, he FINALLY will be thinking about Ivan.... 2. Sua and Ivan both died wearing white while Mizi and Till wore black. (As said in the video) 3. If you haven't noticed Ivan never actually choked Till, his hands were just on Till's neck. 4. Ivan mocked Sua about sacrificing herself in order to save Mizi; she ended up being in despair because of her death. Ivan went on to do the same but only because he thought It wouldn't damage Till as much. 5. Till would only notice Ivan in fights or other stuff similar to that. 6. Ivan would always find Till with a collar on. But whenever he took it off Till would ignore him. 7. Ivan and Till had a chance to escape and survive together or die together during the meteorite shower but Till stayed back for Mizi. 8.Ivan would stick to Till whenever he could but Till would always ignore him. 9. Whenever Ivan thinks of Till theres always a shine in his eyes 10. At the end of R6 Till have finally visualized Ivan's love for him.
@shownuuu7469 6 ай бұрын
9:40 "it's like a linked list of love partners but only the first two have pointers to each other" omg so truee lmfaoooo
@Sutidamuskun 6 ай бұрын
so glad somebody understood this 😭 my software engineering background infiltrated the video loool
@shownuuu7469 6 ай бұрын
@@Sutidamuskun as a software engineer student i was surprised to find such reference in a Alien Stage video lol !
@Milly-hx5gs Ай бұрын
Ai como eu amo ver gente reagindo a Alien Stage
@hiyonono 6 ай бұрын
you can find the full song with them singing to the end in the description of the video
@한지-g8n 6 ай бұрын
3:51 He shed tears.그는 눈물을 흘렸다.. 그는 울었다..He cried...
@LovelyMae_yt 3 ай бұрын
@sabmellody 6 ай бұрын
Normally, I thought Till would fight back against Ivan. However, considering his depression and increased trauma after Mizi was saved, he simply accepts death. Initially unaware that Ivan was faking it, or perhaps Ivan wanted him to die too. Edit: I still can't shake off the possibility that Till may have been sexually abused by the aliens, especially in this scene at 12:11 where the alien holding his head was half-naked. 💀
@foregroundeclipse8725 6 ай бұрын
Nah Ivan was faking it. Ivan wouldn't actually hurt the man he loves . He's too in love with Till to do that . If Ivan did physically harm Till, Ivan wouldn't be able to live with himself , only guilt and depression would be left for him. He'd rather have Till alive and free. Than dead. Ivan can't bear seeing Till in so much pain . Ivan can't take it , seeing Till be hurt and defeated . That's how devoted Ivan is to Till. He will literally ride or die for this man. If that isn't considered true love, then I don't know what love is.
@meria2082 6 ай бұрын
There’s a comic where ivan tells sua off for sacrificing herself and leaving the person who loves her with all that trauma. Ivan doesn’t believe till loves him, so he had no regrets sacrificing himself for till
@foregroundeclipse8725 6 ай бұрын
@@meria2082 Damnit true. Poor Ivan. Rest in peace my dude. 🕊
@foregroundeclipse8725 6 ай бұрын
@@meria2082 I want revenge against those Aliens . Time to kill the Aliens from Alien Stage. I'll never forgive what they did to Ivan and Till.
@sabmellody 6 ай бұрын
@@meria2082 bro died for a straight dude (Fly high)
@iemherrera1263 6 ай бұрын
on top of everything that has already been said in the comments, what kills me is that there is a version, release of Ivan and Till singing My Clematis that low key mends my soul after this (also vise versa, there's a version of mizi and sua singing both Cure and sua- Ruler of my heart)
@cakebirrd1186 6 ай бұрын
You are so funnyy and i love seeing you react to this seriesssss also youre really perceptive and noticed things i totally missed!!
@Haru_chan95 19 күн бұрын
Most people when they’re dead in a coffin they are wearing white, But I noticed and almost all the rounds except for around five the person that dies is wearing white but in round five both of the contestants are wearing white but they both end up living.
@Aerogel14 6 ай бұрын
3:16 that panicking 🤣
@blueyskyrain2989 3 ай бұрын
Maybe the glow in his eyes appeared because Till had finally acknowledged him and looked at him
@kayrinkaj Ай бұрын
Wow, first off - it's pretty unusual for a guy to watch this kind of content, so it's pretty cool that you've given it a try. Secondly, thank you so much for pointing out that Ivan was basically harassing Till during their time in Anakt garden. If he really truly loved Till, he should have given him a bandaid instead of licking blood out of his wound. Also, thank you for stating that Ivan basically SA'ed Till on stage and that Till DIDN'T want to kiss him back. It was completely selfish of Ivan. This is more of a onesided obsession than anything else, and teenage girlies romantisize this unhealthy stuff a bit too much.
@이름-k1w6q 6 ай бұрын
Plzz put the link in the description. Love the theory, but l wish more people would actually go see the animation than just watching it here and be done with it.
@Sutidamuskun 6 ай бұрын
I agree, always should give the original creators credit -- forgot to do this!! Link is now there, thanks for the reminder :]
@graciemay5062 6 ай бұрын
I just noticed when Ivan lets go of tills neck till immediately grabs it with a look of surprise like some of the other comments said Ivan wasn’t actually choking him just pretending kind of it’s like till only just realised it after he let go and dropped 😭
@peppasfrontface_ 5 ай бұрын
I love your analysis
@machi6888 6 ай бұрын
@rosalindalaboy7111 6 ай бұрын
It’s tragic how the girlies couldn’t get there in time, I’m quite concerned that everyone in this batch will just end up dead
@raesherry8277 6 ай бұрын
you need to watch all-in (hyuna's mv) to know how mizi got her haircut
@Akipoutark 6 ай бұрын
i know my comment is late. but there is actually a version of the song with extra lyrics at the end. and some amazing folks on twitter edited it over the part of the video where it falls under. It adds a whole lot of emotion. but for the sake of storytelling i get why they stopped the lyrics where they did in the official music video.
@lusiareyof6093 6 ай бұрын
I'm late but I saw a lot of comments saying that Ivan's "black sorrow" is Till or at least his one-sided love for him ! It is another possible reason for Till's black clothes !
@BoaIsOnTopfr 6 ай бұрын
11:36 omg the aliens were forcing him to sing My Clematis :(
@otami_uchi6838 6 ай бұрын
The aliens were forcing till to sing oh my clematis, mizi's first round song , and till of course wouldn't sing to it because she might be dead
@Sarahs_Corner- 6 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure that Ivan chose to dress the way he did because he was always going to sacrifice himself for Till and he kissed him because he didn't want to die with regrets (not letting Till know he loved him) You can see at the end Till's neck wasn't actually red and he had simply given up *thinking* that Ivan was actually going to kill him. In round three we see from Ivan that Till, his resilience and fighting spirit, were to him, akin to the thing he first found awe in; Shooting Stars. Till to Ivan was one of the only things he found any positive feelings in; which I believe led to his obsession and him always trying to get Till's attention. Even if most of the time the only way he found he could was to annoy him or through violence. When he smiled at then end it seemed to me like a mixture of relief that he protected Till (who would live), the fact that Till finally *looked* and saw Ivan. And finally that, even though he knew it would never be returned, he was able to in a way, profess his love.
@foregroundeclipse8725 6 ай бұрын
@Suti Tooti Also when I say this, I'm not implying Ivan is repeating the cycle that his abusers started. Ivan isn't a violent person by nature. Ivan isn't abusive either. Quite the opposite actually. Ivan's just incredibly love struck for Till .
@stephh_606 6 ай бұрын
I thought there was a time skip too since Ivan and Till look so much older than in the previous rounds?? But someone told me it's because it's a different artist so the art style is different
@foregroundeclipse8725 6 ай бұрын
@Suti tooti I think due the environment Ivan grew up in and being abused constantly / experimented on plays a role in his odd behavior. Ivan loves Till alot but dosen't know how to show or express those feelings properly by our standards. There's nothing wrong with Ivan's gay feelings for Till. Ivan just could have went about it in a better way. I think the abuse /worse things that Ivan endured and has been through , has warped his mind a little. That's why his behavior is sometimes questionable. But Ivan still has his humanity and is alot more caring and gentle than people realize. Ivan's misunderstood by alot of people honestly.
@luzmontoya6037 6 ай бұрын
Haha i luv ur reactions on the part when they kissed.... tat was my reaction when it happened... then the after part with Mizi, the answr ur question yes... Mizi went up against Luka and theres a human resistance cuz the aliens r basically treating them as pets and entertainment, they r probably trying to break them all out... Ivan does luv Till but its onesided and he used his luv to keep going forward when he was nervous and he wanted to save Till... Till has been known for his resistance on singing for his alien masters. Till wanted to die cuz he thought Mizi was dead cuz shes filed missing, they made him lose hope and broke his spirit... so ivan chose to sacrafice himself. Also about the colors in Japan or chinese culture White is actually the color of mourning... Hope tis helps yah. Also its best to watch all them in order, i had to do tat jus to understand which characters were which, then understand the plot, a couple times, so tat help answer ur questions better. Also, Round 1 explains it morw better on surprise, Mizi literally explains evrything, then watch the TOP 3 video, hit the translation for the captions tat come out when its introducing the characters on the news. It explain everything... i swear.
@ainhoagarrido3965 3 ай бұрын
Ivan didn't really choke Till. There aren't any bruises when he lets go of his neck. He was just trying to keep an eye on the points to make sure Till would win and Ivan would die.
@ElizabethJohnson-h9q 5 ай бұрын
Since you didn't understand the end very well, Ivan didn't want to live without Till, and since he wasn't losing enough points, he choked Till.
@Slurypee 6 ай бұрын
20:09 maybe? 💀
@sesonami 6 ай бұрын
15:41 there is!!!! on spotify
@bbycloudisdepressed 6 ай бұрын
This is all over my TikTok fyp... And its now here.. The fuck did I do wrong 😭
@rinuuka 6 ай бұрын
1:32 what did they do to till.
@tex-theLazyT Ай бұрын
It's kind of implied that the alien S.A him or something like that also if u look at his eyes you can see they look.. not normal and also the fact that he's seeing the pink haired girl when she's not there.. you can guess what happened
@Srakch 6 ай бұрын
Ivan's love for Till is intense for sure... And come on bro, Ivan isn't some abuser... This is very complex emotions, concerning what's happening here. It honestly disturbs me that most people don't get that.
@begayimrakieva1126 5 ай бұрын
I'm lerning English The American's:
@VMelOxMusix 4 ай бұрын
@karma_xp 6 ай бұрын
New sub your funny lol
@Sutidamuskun 6 ай бұрын
welcome to fam :] glad you enjoyed lol
Ironmouse loses her mind over doomed Yaoi (Alien Stage)
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ROUND 6 REACTION | Alien Stage
Рет қаралды 81 М.
How I Turned a Lolipop Into A New One 🤯🍭
Рет қаралды 11 МЛН
Genshin's BEST Cinematics! Animator REACTS
Mr Styles
Рет қаралды 83 М.
BIRTHDAY | Ivan/till [Alien Stage fan-animatic]
Рет қаралды 131 М.
VTuber Reacts to Alien Stage
RiiKami Reacts
Рет қаралды 73 М.
French Guy Reacts To R O U N D 6 | Alien Stage VIVINOS
ExoticBankai Reaction
Рет қаралды 13 М.
Animator Ranks ALL Reverse: 1999 Ultimates
Professor Goo
Рет қаралды 133 М.
What is Alien Stage ??? Listening to all the songs !
Karrot Ch.
Рет қаралды 47 М.
Рет қаралды 32 М.
My Clematis (Ivan & Till.ver) | Alien Stage
Рет қаралды 1,5 МЛН