感恩慈悲分享。🙏南無阿彌陀佛🙏🙏🙏 Thank you very much for making the effort to place all of these video online It is a great help in understanding the Dharma. Thank you for your compassion and knowledge. 法布施,財布施,無畏布施,功德無量,福報豐厚,積累功德!菩薩畏因 眾生畏果🙏🙏🙏積善之家必有餘慶,人生一世中最重要就是行善修德, 積口德, 所為之事.無愧於心. 內心和善慈心.光明磊落! 福報是修來的,今生不修待何時。感恩阿彌陀佛 有好报, 好因定有好果种瓜得瓜"、"善有善报"、"积极进取"、相信人的命运非由天注定,人们可以掌握自己的未来,改造自己的命运。 無論是求財、求福還是治病,放生是最有效的方法. 如果是佛弟子求解脫,放生時,將功德回向給法界眾生。如果是俗人求財,可將功德回向給自己的事業。如果家有病人,將功德回向給病人。都會有很好的效果。 放生一定要如理如法,科學放生 即以此功德,莊嚴佛淨土。上報四重恩,下救三道苦。 惟願見聞者,悉發菩提心。在世富貴全,往生極樂國。 請常念南無阿彌陀佛,一切重罪悉解脫!南无阿弥陀佛 Constantly chant : Namo Amitabha, Repentance and Dedication of Merit.
Wow.. so brilliant as he explains it in such an easy way to understand. I am so impressed!! Thank you Teacher.
@fongwilliam70711 ай бұрын
True from equipment we are able to see the radio wave and analyse the information of the signal. I was privileged to work with such equipment in the army