Jack The Ripper: Francis Thompson

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This video is about Jack The Ripper: Francis Thompson

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@maudelynn13 3 жыл бұрын
By these standards, a case can be made for over half the people of London at that time.
@devlieg72 3 жыл бұрын
Apparently Patterson has never bothered to read the New Testament. The verses of the poem he quotes are expositions of the words of Christ in the New Testament in Matthew's Gospel. Using that logic Jesus was Jack the Ripper.....Also, he says that he threw out any research that did not agree with his contention that Thompson was the Ripper. That's not really research. It's more special pleading.....Who was the Ripper? Some guy we've never heard of.
@gowdsake7103 3 жыл бұрын
Well god is a mass murderer so guess its not too far a stretch
@ashleybellofsydney 2 жыл бұрын
Jack the Ripper was intimate with the anatomical details of the human body. Any Jack the Ripper candidate must have been a man of learning. And steady of hand. A perfectionist. Obsessively so.
@studogable 3 жыл бұрын
1:10 - you don't get much closer than Charles Lechmere, friend.
@holdiver307 3 жыл бұрын
Your still assuming it was just one man doing this
@studogable 3 жыл бұрын
I assume nothing. Just pointing things out.
@MMACHMP Жыл бұрын
I’m convinced it was Charles Allen Lechmere
@patestos3928 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for the talent and time and effort that you putting into making this wonderful documentary. I'm so very happy that people can now watch a very thorough account of the theory that Francis Thompson was Jack the Ripper as well as how the book, 'Jack the Ripper, the Works of Francis Thompson,' came to be. You were very patient in the filming of a subject who had never before been in a studio. All the Best to You,.
@mitchellbaumgartner9668 7 ай бұрын
No he q Wasn't Charles Lechner
@TiaMargarita 3 жыл бұрын
Oops, the “poem “ he quotes is Bible scripture. It’s a passage where God is speaking. 😬
@deniseelsworth7816 Жыл бұрын
Ripper or not this was a fascinating man. Well worth the listen.
@simonyip5978 2 жыл бұрын
I think that the person who was responsible for the murders in Whitechapel and Spitalfields in 1888, wasn't a royal, a mad doctor, an artist, a businessmen, a solicitor or a person who would be out of place in Victoria's Whitechapel, and if we think of what type of person more recent serial killers are (Ian Brady, Peter Sutcliffe, Steve Wright, Mark Hobson from Yorkshire, the gay killer from North Wales, Colin Ireland, Denis Nielson, etc etc, they haven't been doctors, artist, surgeons, Prince's, actors, lawyers etc they have been dustbin men, lorry drivers, civil servants, handymen, etc. It's likely that the Whitechapel killer was a Victorian version of Peter Sutcliffe or Robert Black or Fred West etc.
@midcitycool3946 2 жыл бұрын
Lechmere is the ripper he actually has a connection to every murder site,passing each site on the way to work and his mother home close to a murder site look at lechmere origin story
@seankinnane12 7 ай бұрын
How can he be the Ripper ...on the first murder has escaped past the school turned south into winthrop st then down a passageway known as the Woods building then onto Whitechaapel rd...Lechmere didnt do this
@midcitycool3946 7 ай бұрын
@@seankinnane12 how in the hell do u know that,u are assuming,he either is the unluckiest guy in the world or he is the ripper,he actually passed each murder site on his way to work or going home, and another victim was killed around the corner from his mom,s house 🏠 not to mention the pinching st torso murders,stop tripping he did it but don't worry he won't be arrested
@davekeating. 4 ай бұрын
@@midcitycool3946 It was the mother, she used to drop off tea and sandwiches to Lechmere’s workplace each morning. She reckoned that new wife of his didn’t half feed him!
@bobmills2371 3 жыл бұрын
The killings on Saints days is really interesting. The murder of Mary Kelly has a possible biblical angle too. Her leg (shank) was cut right down to the bone with the flesh removed. A very distinctive injury you can see in the photos. This is in the bible and was an offering / sacrifice the Israelites did before their exodus (I think). “The shank bone, or z'roa in Hebrew, represents the Paschal sacrifice offered by the Israelites”. There is even mention that the meat has to be removed without damaging the bone. It’s not my area of expertise by any stretch of the imagination, but with the biblical angle to the murders, Thompson’s catholic faith the ‘shank’ cut to the bone like in the bible is noteworthy.
@richarddemuth7077 3 жыл бұрын
You are HALF-correct sir! I looked it up in a medical dictionary and the human "shankbone" is considered to be the tibia in the lower leg, NOT the thigh; specifically the portion of it extending from just below the knee-joint to just above the ankle. Interestingly enough, THIS would explain the curious slice around the right leg just beneath the knee resembling a garter ------- either the mutilator was a Jew, or a Freemasonic Knight of the Garter!! Coincidentally, the murder occurred on the SABBATH of the NINTH of NOVEMber in 1888 in unit #13 of MILLer's Court. 1+8+8+8 = 25 which adds up to SEVEN. 7+9+9 also equals 25 which of course adds up to SEVEN, the "sacred number"of the JEWS!! 7+7= FOURTEEN which adds up to FIVE, the traditional number of the 'Ripper's" victims and Kelly was supposedly the FIFTH and final one, at least according to the po-lice. THIRTEEN is the number important to FREEMASONS as the 13th of October 1314 was the date their "predecessors" the Knights Templars we're ordered arrested throughout France by King Phillippe the FOURTH, thus beginning their persecution by the ROMAN CATHOLIC Church leading to their eventual demise. Kelly was a joke but she was also raised in Christianity as a ROMAN CATHOLIC, naturally since she was Irish. FOUR and FIVE equal NINE and she was killed on the NINTH of NOVEMber!!! NINE is not only the magically "eternal" number always adding up to itself by whatever number it is multiplied with as well as generating the sum as the same number it is added to, it is also the sum of the apocalyptic "Number of the Beast"------- 6+6+6=18=NINE/ENNEAS (in Greek) like "AENEAS" the legendary ancestor of the founders of the "ETERNAL City"---- ROMA Aeterna!!!! You see, it all adds up poople to a JUDISH FREEMASONIC occultrics CONSPIRACY of "slut sacrifices" to the city that for Anglo Jews and Protestant FREEMASONS was the NEW "Great WHORE of Babylon"----- Londung------ "daughter" of the OLD "Great WHORE of Babylon"------- Rome!!!!!! PS.: Ancient Jerusalem was also known as "Jerusalem Quadrata" or "FOURsquare Jerusalem", like HEBRON called formerly "Kiryath ARBA" ( the "City of FOUR")!! And the "MILLah" is mentioned in the Old Testament as being the earliest bulwark of Jebus/Jerusalem when the city was conquered by King David and his capital moved from HEBRON so he could place the Ark of the Convenant on Mount Zion where his son Solomon would build the TEMPLE of Yahwah that the Knights of Christ and the TEMPLE of Solomon (TEMPLARDS) would later occupy and defend the site of! History is nothing IF NOT the mythstory of coincidence.......... and ocCULTIC CONSPIRACY!!
@johnlandau7111 3 жыл бұрын
This gentleman makes an impressive case that Thompson was “Jack.” However, there are questionable aspects to this theory. Most commentators believe that Jack made use of surgical tools for at least twoof the murders. It is not clear how Thompson would have obtained access to these tools. Addiction to laudanum, a mixture of opium and alcohol, makes the addict lethargic and sleepy. It isn’t consitent wit the vigor, alertness and ability to move quickly that the Ripper seemingly possessed. Thompson moved from the London streets to a home for homeless people, St. Mary’s Priory, in a Sussex village, at just about the time that the murders began. This village was and is about an hour and a half from London, which would have made it difficult for Thompson to have committed the murders.
@johnlandau7111 3 жыл бұрын
@Gary Allen I agree, Gary.
@sqnkk 8 ай бұрын
He carried a surgeon's scalpel with him. He said so in a letter (1889) requesting an actual shaving razor as the scalpel he was using to shave himself had become dull. He relocated to Storrington, Sussex from London around Feb 89. I don't know if he was in Sussex in Aug 88, but if he was, that would put the kibosh on him being JTR.
@vinceo1058 3 жыл бұрын
"Closer than any other suspect" - Well, except for the guy found standing over a victim's body. So, yeah, not closer.
@Stantheman848 3 жыл бұрын
Ah another victim of the terrible Swedish doc maker. Ah bless.
@ragnarlothbrok6760 3 жыл бұрын
Charles Cross
@studogable 3 жыл бұрын
Charles Lechmere.
@studogable 3 жыл бұрын
@Oppa Oppa likely. I would never say that he WAS the Ripper, but, as one consulting police detective put it, I'd be VERY interested in interviewing him.
@studogable 3 жыл бұрын
@Oppa Oppa there is at least as much evidence suggesting Lechmere as there is suggesting Thompson.
@martinavaslovik3433 3 жыл бұрын
I am persuaded that Charles Allen Lechmere was the ripper.
@gb3007 2 жыл бұрын
I liked letchmere until a re examination of the stride case, particularly the testimony of Israel Schwartz. Before I start I must explain that I was leaning towards Stride not being a Ripper victim but now I Believe Schwsrtz was the one that disturbed the Ripper not Diemshultz, The Ripper was suddenly confronted with the reality that not only was a man stood feet away from him over a victim but a second man had appeared from the pub over the road, in a split second of genius using one word he shifted the blame to Schwartz by shouting "Lipski" insinuating to the man from the pub that a "jew" had just attacked the woman, a panicked Schwartz ran in confusion. Schwarys also testified that the person walk as though drunk, I would ask if he was drunk or Disabled, if he was disabled that would be a cloak of anonymity maybe.
@Raistlin222 2 жыл бұрын
What real sold it for me was the Pinchin Street torso, and the murder of Annie Chapman being so close to where Robert Paul worked to throw the trail off. We don't know anything about the personality of Lechmere..but I believe the Ripper was very confident even arrogant. He likely was excited by the possibility of being caught and that was a rush to him...he put his victims on 'display' for shock value. And likely he'd want to see that reaction...which is why I think Lechmere showed the body to Robert Paul. I always thought the Ripper was well read, and organized. He's often thought of as disorganized but the way he arranged Annie Chapman's effects makes me think otherwise. They all lived on the same street or near Flower and Dean for a time so he might have known them prior to this, and he might have even frequented prostitutes but on the night of the murders he had other business. It's likely he read stories like Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde...the poetry mentioned, and the dark poetry of Poe. Francis Thompson was too frail to be the killer. Other than that, his timid personality is something I can't see in a killer like Jack The Ripper.
@biddyearly9262 2 жыл бұрын
@@Raistlin222 look for me in the nurseries of heaven
@Raistlin222 2 жыл бұрын
@@mathewlawton8944 you say they are not linked, and that may be so but there is precedent for serial killers to have more than one M.O. Edward Stowe makes a great argument in tandem for Lechmere to have done both
@TheIndependentLens 2 жыл бұрын
Everyone and their brother are now claiming it was Charles Allen Lechmere even though the guy who came up with that used a bunch of circumstantial evidences and quotes (who knows if even accurate?) from newspapers of the time.
@gowdsake7103 3 жыл бұрын
Not a theory mere idle speculation
@rockys201 3 жыл бұрын
Very well spoken, Richard. So much effort put into the book, great stuff
@rockys201 3 жыл бұрын
@Gary Allen name many other suspects where the evidence is strong
@lyndoncmp5751 2 жыл бұрын
rockys201, Charles Lechmere (Cross) is the ONLY suspect to have any actual evidence against him, even if its circumstantial. Lechmere is the only suspect to have been seen by someone else alone, lingering and acting suspiciously right next to the body of one of the victims at or near the time of death and with nobody else in sight or sound. Fact.
@julesdelorme5192 3 жыл бұрын
Interesting. I've read Thompson's poetry online. Religious mania would definitely explain the manic pattern of the killings. Not sold that he wasn't in the monastery, though that would hardly restrict him going out and committing the killings, which are almost all on Bank Holidays and weekends. Never considered him among the prime suspects. This does give me pause to think about that position. Very well researched and well argued.
@antonralph6947 3 жыл бұрын
It's easy to convict a dead man. Trial by television wouldn't stand up in a court of law. Believing in God in Christ doesn't make on a religious fanatic.
@jimmydean2490 3 жыл бұрын
@@antonralph6947 no It doesn't but having a psychological break and saying that the virgin Mary appeared to you does he had a psychological break while he was destitute and living in the streets that psychological break is what lead to the murders in the first place Francis Thompson is the only one who had a motive to do the killings and he could have moved around well knowing the area as well as stealthy and Francis knew these women that how he close enough to do the murders in the first place and he also had the medical knowledge needed to embowel these women and then remove their wombs...
@mofa9745 3 жыл бұрын
Terrific video, Richard. Thanks very much.
@cockerfreeman622 3 жыл бұрын
One question unanswered: if it was Francis Thompson, why did he stop?
@Namratiug 3 жыл бұрын
He had to start social distancing for Covid 19. 😂
@jimmydean2490 3 жыл бұрын
Why did any of the suspects stop ? Not all the murders are connect for example the last Mary Kelly was killed by her husband John Barnett and made to look like the jack the ripper killings, and one woman was killed by a sailor and another by Charles cross, but the few other murders were done by Francis Thompson and why he stopped is because he wasn't a serial killer he killed for revenge and when he avenged that he stopped..
@ryanwilson368 9 ай бұрын
@@jimmydean2490what a load of rubbish. It DEFINITELY was not 3 people. It was 1 person
@seankinnane12 7 ай бұрын
@@jimmydean2490 take Charles Cross out of the mix I will give you a B+
@bloke1348 3 жыл бұрын
All the dear boss letter really proves is that someone or other wrote a letter. The poem is simply a derivitive from the new testament passage about hating everyone if one is to see God.or something like that, I remember it but am too lazy to look up the exact words.. . It's not in the nature of serial killers to just stop..( though that old cop guy they caught recently through dna evidence did) Dont see a shred of actual evidence but its still interesting stuff though.
@Shadow-Kalbo1 3 жыл бұрын
the dear boss letter has been proven to be written by the media
@bloke1348 3 жыл бұрын
@@Shadow-Kalbo1 yeah i heard they were attributed to one particular reporter but I didn't think that was conclusive.
@keithnaylor1981 3 жыл бұрын
WHERE IS PART 1? Is this part 2 of a 2 part programme? It starts like the guys continuing a speech from something earlier?
@davidhynes9683 4 жыл бұрын
The book sounds ripper Richard. Don't give too much away.
@jelkel25 3 жыл бұрын
There were lots of coincidences, you can't take that away from the writer but you would have to have a witness to his state of mind at the time of the murders really. The majority of the time let's face it, he was incredibly Lilly livered. As for his dark writings every human has a dark side few choose to write those thoughts down and even less act on them.. Yes, living on the streets and opiate addiction can harden a person and delving into the occult during psychologically vulnerable times can have negative effects but these adverse effects didn't seem present post murders when he was beginning to be in the spotlight. Maybe he did manage to psychologically and spiritually justify these killings to himself but it's a big jump from Lilly livered to murderer and back again.
@user-zo3yw5eo2n 5 ай бұрын
Sir john Williams ciurgian as jack the ripper and Listrade johnny from Lisbon Portugal
@johnmorris1009 2 ай бұрын
I think Thompson is the best of the suspects of whom had no known direct links to the crimes (not a witness in any sense and not at the crime scenes). He is the best of the "Conjecture" suspects, as there is a hell of lot that was very off about the man, and also there was his proximity to the whitechapel murder scenes, especially to Mary Kelly's.
@smallies7154 2 жыл бұрын
jack was a sevco supporter and could see the writing on the wall when hun skelpers celtic fc were formed in 1888. first european champs btw 🍀🇮🇪
@johnlandau7111 3 жыл бұрын
While the author makes a good enough case that to make me consider Francis Thompson as a suspect in the Whitechapel murders. But his presentation is poor and weakens his case. He wastes a lot of time speculating about minor and peripheral matters, will skimming over crucial points of evidence very briefly.
@jacobwilbers6461 3 жыл бұрын
This guy saying hes a researcher for alternative medicine screams conman right out the gate.
@darrenlamb5640 3 жыл бұрын
Not as much of a con as big pharma
@darrenlamb5640 3 жыл бұрын
@Gary Allen its that what you want to believe. But i certainly wont be having it.
@aiferapple1246 3 жыл бұрын
A very thorough study and another extremely convincing suspect
@brucevilla 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for Uploading.
@edfisher6434 3 жыл бұрын
No-one is forced to read Francis Thompson anywhere in the world hardly anyone has heard of him let alone read him
@marycrow3939 Жыл бұрын
Francis Thompson was one of the greatest Catholic English poets of the 19th century, I dare say the greatest English poet of the 19th century. How dare you besmeerch his name. But as a protestant country, a country that calls Mary bloody, while Elizabeth is seen as great, what can one expect. Until you return to your roots, the Saracens will have their way with you. God bless
@shanegrant8441 3 жыл бұрын
Interesting the later pictures of him look like king George of England micheal and James maybrick also I think they were all in on it
@hkschubert9938 2 жыл бұрын
There are so many ripper theories. The most plausible to me is that he was a sailor who took revenge on the local unfortunates in the east end for giving him syphilis. Then he shipped out to New York City where he continued his killing spree but was caught and executed at SingSing NY prison.
@rogerscottcathey Жыл бұрын
Who was that?
@Arnold.J.Rimmer 3 жыл бұрын
2 mins in, 'Researches Alternative medicine' At which point I realised I was wasting my time listening to him.
@martingillette7613 Жыл бұрын
It seems very plausible but I wonder why there isn't any handwriting evidence. It might be that none of the letters attributed to Jack the Ripper are actually from the murderer but it seems easy to compare with Thompson's. One can try to disguise his handwriting but there would be signs in any case.
@RobertJonesWightpaint 3 жыл бұрын
Well, no one can prove you wrong. The story runs and runs because there's no definitive proof and presumably never can be, short of a letter of confession (and even then, you'd have to believe it). This case does make a difference though, or rather this theory does, from those very rational explanations others have offered: a bit of a problem, rationalizing the actions of an irrational man..... Just as well Gladstone was too old to have been a suspect, given his interest in "fallen women".
@luckygibbo1 3 жыл бұрын
Totally agree, Robert. The proverbial brick wall. Theory after theory with, sadly, no hard facts.
@benwhitworth8881 3 жыл бұрын
Please tell me you realise that “doctor of the Church” means teacher, not physician!
@TiaMargarita 3 жыл бұрын
Doctor of the Church does not refer to medicine though a doctor could be one though I don’t know of any. There are only 35 in the 2021 history of the Catholic Church and my favorite is Therese of Lisieux who taught the “little way” to spiritual perfection. For example, the daily chore of sweeping could itself be a prayer of perfection to God. It is a little thing to pray while sweeping and sweep as perfectly as possible, dedicating that effort and end result as a gift of love to God.
@TiaMargarita 3 жыл бұрын
​@Gary Allen Interesting reply. 1) What slave are you tricking into endless labor? 2)Scientology has captives? 3) Do they have a specialized force that works with the local force to drag the captives back to their slave labor? Like I said, your comment is interesting, ignorant but interesting.
@herzkine 2 жыл бұрын
@Gary Allen can be, but i also bet zhat a lot of nuns are more happy and fulfilled in their serfdom than some restless fakse joy seeking bitcoin millionaire or influencer. Scientology is different as your worth is solely based on the money you give again. catholics dont do that , but protestants started again, anglicans are modest in it , evangelicals horrible again.
@MsrAlaindeFerrier 2 жыл бұрын
Just observing the photograph of Frances Thompson his eyes speak volumes.Pain is clear to me but curiously there is a stone cold looking in his eyes.never particularly studied people too much but one eye is said to represent the past and the other the present/future.very interesting hypothesis he certainly has a look about him that isn’t right
@johndeagle4389 3 жыл бұрын
Aaron Kosminski was Jack the Ripper.
@cliffordthurlow1 4 ай бұрын
Very informative.
@patestos3928 3 жыл бұрын
You can buy my book at: www.amazon.com/Jack-Ripper-Works-Francis-Thompson-ebook/dp/B06XFGSYMS/
@Charles-fw8bv 2 жыл бұрын
Pre tour vintage that begat riveting fictional impaled debts.
@Charles-fw8bv 2 жыл бұрын
Sleepy hallows when you wake with pirate eyes.
@brianbanks703 3 жыл бұрын
clearly the author knows zero about Thompson who was positive not negative about street girls because one saved his life, as good as, left medical career because could not stomach the sight of blood, was a devout Catholic etc. This kind of imbecilic ignorance masquerading as knowledge is sickening: the writers love Ripper and his crimes more than truth or subject!
@gowdsake7103 3 жыл бұрын
Ha ha ha a devout Catholic knows anything about truth now thats funny
@marke7443 4 жыл бұрын
The poem you relate is found in the holy scriptures....smh
@krakoosh1 4 жыл бұрын
Mar Ke yea. This guy didn’t do his homework very well. A lot of errors and assumptions
@gowdsake7103 3 жыл бұрын
The perfect book for vile acts then
@yarrowwitch 3 жыл бұрын
Rational presentation of a viable suspect
@deborahlangnese7645 2 жыл бұрын
I think Frances tumblety was Jack the ripper.
@almklit Жыл бұрын
I think he could be involved but a paying customer for parts.
@philipskalla4312 2 жыл бұрын
It makes a change to come across a documentary relating to the murders which is not sensationalist and trying to shock the viewer into believing that the candidate chosen is the murderer. Here are my reasons for thinking that Thompson was not the murderer: (1) The murderer was a non-entity, whose only claim to fame is that he got away with a grisly series of murders. Any candidate is almost certainly not a non-entity and therefore most unlikely to have committed them! (2) Thompson was, like Gull, Sickert, Druitt and Prince Albert Victor, too well-educated to have made the elementary spelling mistake made by the murderer. (3) Thompson had dark hair whereas the murderer had fair hair. (4) Thompson wore a long coat, whereas the murderer wore a jacket. The mystical explanation given for the double murder is superfluous: the murderer's goal was to extract bodily organs from his victims. He was disturbed by Diemschutz and his horse before he could mutilate Stride and that is why he looked for another victim.
@jassab8012 3 жыл бұрын
Literally sounds like the chipmunks
@richarddemuth7077 3 жыл бұрын
I don't see the vesica pisces on Thompson's tomb. The symbols actually form a D shape where they intertwine, WHICH would be a halfmoon shape. The three-quarter moon shape was equated with the vesica.
@richarddemuth7077 3 жыл бұрын
I will admit that the murder site pattern forms an inverted CROSS on a map.
@richarddemuth7077 3 жыл бұрын
This guy is not very observant for an "investigator". The letters in the year writing "1888" on the "Ripper" letter to the right are "J" and "Y". They are written on either side of a figure "8" resembling a letter "0" so that it appears to form the word "JoY". These are NOT the letters "F" and "T'. They were probably written in the "Ripper" letter stating he would send the ears of the next victim to the police "just for JOLLY"... "Jolly=Joy". O be JoYfull! Won't U? .
@richarddemuth7077 3 жыл бұрын
This guy seems to clinch his theory that Thompson was "The Ripper" based on his alleged presence at the homeless shelter near the site of the Mary Kelly murder. This seems as good a place as any to point out the MOST SIGNificant fact about the mutilation murder without needing to bother with any precedent circumstances. This is that the mutilations WERE DONE THAT MORNING AT THE SCENE AND DURING THE PHOTOGRAPHY OF THE REMAINS!! This of course would only have been done by the attending "autopsy doctor"---- Thomas Bond. To determine this we must compare the two photographs of the scene---- the well-known one widely published since the 1960's, and the less-known one only discovered in the early 1990's. The first shows the complete form laid out on the bed with the head facing the camera and the camera facing the room wall next to the bed. In it, Kelly's left arm is bent with her hand placed in her exposed guts. Her RIGHT LEG is bent upwards showing her inner thigh flayed to the bone. The LEFT leg is laying flat on the bed. . HOWEVER, in the OTHER photograph there is a DRASTIC change. We see the tenement door and the uncovered window in the background behind the room's only table, with sunlight streaming through so we know it is morning after dawn. BUT NOW we DON'T see the RIGHT leg sticking up in front of the camera where it SHOULD BE as it is placed next to the wall and we DON'T see the hand in the guts. We see a mass of guts in the foreground with what HAS to be the LEFT leg sticking up behind the mutilated torso with the flaying of its inner thigh exposing muscle tissue and (maybe) a little thighbone. THIS is NOT the SAME leg as in the other photograph. THAT leg was preserved on one side (near the wall) which is why we don't see the wall through it, and FLAYED COMPLETELY TO THE BONE on the inner side. This scene shows the LEFT leg upraised since it is NOT in front of the mutilated abdomen and it is NOT flayed to the entire bone. THIS MUTATION of the body from one photograph to the other could only mean the MUTILATIONS were done BY THE "DOCTOR" at the time the photographs were made!!! Thompson was NOT the "doctor" called to the scene and DESPITE any "medical/surgical ability" he may have had he WOULD NOT have been! NO WONDER Warren RESIGNED the day of THIS murder!! HE KNEW: it was CCCCCCCCCCOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNSSSSSSSPPPPPPPPPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCY!!!
@DM-iw2qt 3 жыл бұрын
Clues the two murders that happened early and the one that happen much later these could have be interrupted. , But was any if these guys around those areas. How come no blood trail,,special the last one inside and most brutal ,,,
@triggerskull 3 жыл бұрын
He’s one of my fav suspects along with Lechmere. It’s interesting the dates of murders has a religious aspect.
@triggerskull 3 жыл бұрын
@Gary Allen the only religious day I know is December 25th. Or was it 24th…
@edfisher6434 3 жыл бұрын
Francis Thompson is not regarded as a significant poet by anyone.The most famous Catholic if the era was Cardinal Newman and late Fr Gerard Manley Hopkins
@deniseelsworth7816 Жыл бұрын
It's great to hear your take on this. Refreshing new suspect but Jesus tells people to leave everyone too. The same words but maybe that gives the suspect a possible Messiah complex.
@mitchellbaumgartner9668 Жыл бұрын
No they had him when he was standing over 2nd victim and they let him go
@jimmyviaductophilelawley5587 3 жыл бұрын
What a load of bollocks
@almklit 4 жыл бұрын
You weave a complicated and convoluted religious narrative, however despite my reluctance to accept all that is said I do believe Francis Thompson to a be a credible suspect by his Poems and time in London.
@patestos3928 4 жыл бұрын
The narrative, as I gave it in this interview is long and convoluted. I suppose because everyone''s life is, given enough time to describe it. If this helps, here is an overview of the theory. . His own family who were closest, knew him as Jack the Ripper. They were Roman Catholics - a minority social class in England used to harassment and vilification. The Thompson family had no friends, apart from the Catholic Priests. They kept their suspicions to themselves. ‘He could get into a temper when roused.’ His sister would volunteer if asked about him. About his medical studies, she said, ‘Many a time he asked my father for £3 or £4 for dissecting fees; so often that my father remarked what a number of corpses he was cutting up.’ There was always something wrong with Francis Thompson. He was a silent, brooding boy, who delighted in pulling the heads off dolls. He was an awkward, secretive teen with a habit of fire starting. His mother got him hooked on heroin before she died of a horrible illness. In 1885, Thompson was 26 when, after a terrible argument with his father over his plans to remarry, he fled the Manchester family home for London. His people had already decided that Thompson was a lost cause and it didn't surprise them that within months of reaching the capital he spiralled out of control into drug-addiction, and became a homeless vagrant. Thompson was mentally disturbed. A Catholic priest said he showed, signs of schizophrenia. A psychiatrist said, by the age of 14, Thompson was exhibiting psychopathic tendencies. Another doctor put it more bluntly that Thompson's life was that of an overt psychopath who lived in a world of masochism, self-mutilation, and fanaticism. In the spring of 1887, while wandering in a drug haze, he bumped into a prostitute. They lived at her place for a year. She plied her trade and he spent her money on drugs and tried to write poetry. She found out that he was writing about a sex fiend who is hunting down prostitutes so he can kill and gut them. The prostitute told Thompson to leave but he refused. She fled her West End apartment to disappear, in the East End, among the thousands of other working girls. He followed her and eventually found lodgings at a homeless shelter run by nuns. It was in the heart of Whitechapel. Thompson stayed there until the middle of November 1888, when he became exhausted from walking the streets. He was put into a private hospital. People only remarked later on the coincidence that when Thompson left London to recover in a monastery the Ripper murders stopped. A charitable journalist, who stumbled onto Thompson, took pity on him and paid the hospital bill, hoping that he could get him a job. The journalist was very influential and was close friends with London’s rich and powerful. Prime Ministers and media moguls were among his closest friends. Thompson was kept in different forms of isolation and monitored. He spent his remaining time writing poetry and essays until his early death of a drug overdose. It is a small coincidence that the age he was when he died was the same as the oldest Ripper victim. Two days before his death, Thompson signed over the rights to his written work to his journalist friend. There was no autopsy and his funeral was kept a secret. Right after his death, the journalist destroyed most of Thompson’s papers and led a campaign to whitewash his life. He tried removing any suggestion that Thompson was even ever in the East End, let alone in Whitechapel, during the time of the murders or at any time. The truth was Thompson was hunting for his prostitute there in that autumn, as all around him, an unnamed knife murderer was killing prostitutes. All the people involved were long dead when in 1967 a historian wrote a biography on Thompson that said that he was sought by the police for the Ripper murders. Thompson was already known to police for repeatedly causing trouble, but why he may have been of particular interest was not just that he was a drug addict. They did not know that kept a general medical use, dissecting scalpel in his coat pocket, which he would sharpen daily. The reason they may have questioned him was not even that he was acquainted with prostitutes. It was because of his highly specialized medical training and his many years of practising human organ removal which was the modus operandi of the killer. 1988 was the centenary of the murders. It sparked renewed worldwide interest and prompted a forensic pathologist to publish an article named ‘Was Francis Thompson Jack the Ripper?’ The Pathologist who perfumed 9,000 autopsies in his professional career and had been an expert medical witness in several high profile murder trials, said that Thompson should be considered a candidate for the murders.
@almklit 4 жыл бұрын
@@patestos3928 I agree this aspect is compelling yes indeed it is, I was referring to the emphasis on the religious aspect having such an effect. I think though what you prose essentially is of interest but not all the emphasis on hallowed ground, patron saints etc is may not have been part of the story.
@maelstrom2594 3 жыл бұрын
@@patestos3928 This is a lot more convincing than the video I just watched, you should probably have left out certain things from the video that really make no sense. I agree that Thompson's life is certainly fascinating and that he could be considered a suspect. Hopefully more research will bring more concrete facts to light.
@luke125 Жыл бұрын
It was Lechmere.
@seankinnane12 7 ай бұрын
Great presentation ...I will give you one thing he was a handsome dude instead of your normal Whitechapel fare...so I guess he could of put the ladies at ease in times of turmoil.
@countrylyricwritercbleonar2099 2 жыл бұрын
Not him and certainly was not Charles Lechmere or Charles Cross as he named himself. (What's your name - Elton John. I live at and work at....) Lechmere named himself Cross to survive inLondon. The name got him employment and rooms to stay. You did not have to register a child name until 1875 the year Cross was 25 years old. He gave his correct address and place of work, Names did not have to be proved. Secondly after the second murder the police had two names Charles Cross and Robert Paul. I am sure they visited both to discover where they were on the night, They were never questioned again. A waterproof alibi would not be required to be recorded. Sorry but not him.
@ilicurosh 3 жыл бұрын
Hhmmmmmm , . . . . . . . Maybe maybe maybe. I think it is a too much complicate construstion !
@colinbingham4974 2 жыл бұрын
If you think it was him that is good enough there are no experts to say that he committed these crimes or didn't because no one nows who he was
@kennethcfogarty 4 жыл бұрын
As has been already pointed out , the answer to His deciples who told Jesus " your brothers and your mother are here seeking to speak you "! These are my mother and brethren, who ever does the will of my father which is in heaven, the same is my brother sister and mother! Matthew 12:50 could I suggest that linking the poem to such killings is a very serious alligation of satanical use of sacred scriptures+ The Hound of Hell suggests this accused was a Christian who will have to wait for the judgement on him and his accusers!
@gowdsake7103 3 жыл бұрын
Oh course ! what a vile religion you have. A man rapes a child or a woman god watches and says you will pay for that later and does fuck all. What an immoral shit it is !
@herzkine 2 жыл бұрын
@Gary Allen even the bible doesnt knoe anything sacred written down, its the pentateuch and thats it. Jesus hated zealots, he wouldnt like the evangelical zealots and bible throwers of murica either.
@MissMentats Жыл бұрын
I feel like this got a bit too Dan brown
@davidhallett8783 Жыл бұрын
Zzzzzzzzzz He starts talking about francis thompson fourteen minutes in. Zzzzzzzzzzzz. Who is this ann elk and her theory
@ladymeghenderson9337 3 жыл бұрын
Well I have never heard of that one before
@MELJAY36 3 жыл бұрын
I think you've got the wrong Francis, Tumblety not Thompson. The Irish-American, gay quack doctor, was, you'll find, Saucy Jack the Ripper! Interesting theory though mate.
@debbiesunlight7047 Жыл бұрын
A monastery in the east end. Lol
@user-ne6pq8cw9q 4 ай бұрын
Not another one.
@piggywiggy-wi6ek Жыл бұрын
Absolutely ridiculous. But everyone tries and capitalize in this and anyone who can wright halfway decent will try and do it to make s buck.
@colinclark9162 3 жыл бұрын
utter crap
@vinceo1058 3 жыл бұрын
Whatever do you mean? Lol. One of his main "points" is that he had a window... that faced a street... that's gotta narrow it down to half the population of London!
@vector1979 2 жыл бұрын
Todo encaja perfectamente. Tu teoría es muy probable.
@allancrain3932 2 жыл бұрын
Not really sold on Francis Thompson being Jack the Ripper. There may have been hundreds of men in London that were somewhat like him, or alot like him ! Just because he wrote some poems that were dark in nature, or made a reference to this or that, does not make him a prime suspect. I have studied the Ripper case for probably 18 years or so, and to me some of the best suspects in the case are barely even known to many people! The case will probably never be solved officially, which is really too bad ! My top 4 suspects for the title of Jack the Ripper are a dead - heat between the main man suspect James Kelly and Charles Allen Lechmere . I urge you to read up on James Kelly,yes he was in whitechapel the entire time of the murders , contrary to what people say about him being out of the country. He was a heavy favorite to be the killer early on , by some at Scotland Yard , they looked all over the city of London for him but he evaded them , and the police completely dropped the ball with him , and gave up, and he probably just kept on killing !! I could go on and on about him , but enough for now . Just do me a favor and watch on KZbin this program called "Jack The Ripper " in America with N.Y.P.D. cold - case detective ED NORRIS . It could be that James Kelly killed about 7 - 9 prostitutes in whitechapel, and after Mary Kelly - not related ,escaped to New York in America , killed more prostitutes, and traveled all over east coast killing more victims , and slowly worked his way west - ward killing more women as he went . James Kelly kept a written journal of his movements in America , Ed Norris is able to track him in old newspaper articles. Wherever he spent any real amount of time , prostitutes are murdered full on "Ripper - Style", with cut throats , and mutilations !! He may have murdered another 8 - 12 victims in America ,before slowing way down probably because of age, I do not know. Just watch this program !!! Charles Allen Lechmere - excellent suspect!!! Also please study up on Frederick Bailey Deeming - If the top 2 were not it , Deeming could very possibly have been Jack The Ripper, he is a great fit , and was seen in Whitechapel multiple times during the murders - NO ,he was not in Australia at that time as some like to think, he was in Whitechapel !! In addition to that , he supposedly knew and was flirting with Catherine Eddowes , and also knew Mary Kelly , although I do not know how well. Please , check these suspects out !! Aaron Kosminski needs to be considered , but D.N.A. evidence is shaky , because it is said there was NO shawl even present when police arrived , and even if there was , who can determine WHEN those blood and semen stains were actually placed on the shawl!! It could have happened a month before , 6 months before , or even 1 year before. Who knows for sure ?? The D.N.A. samples cannot be traced directly to "The Night" that Catherine Eddowes was murdered!! Kosminski , and Eddowes may only have had sexual contact at one time , or another , who knows when ? Also , Kosminski seemed to not possess the brutal , violent , and extremely cunning mind - set that James Kelly or Frederick Deeming seemed to possess!! Not a superstar suspect as many believe he is , that is Aaron Kosminski. Francis Thompson ? - I really don't think so. 0:02
@almklit Жыл бұрын
Fred Deeming does make a good suspect, as does William Henry Bury, Jacob Levy too, I even leave a window of possibility that H.H.Holmes could have been our man, I would'nt put it past him a very determined individual capable of anything, despite most people dismiss him.
@edfisher6434 3 жыл бұрын
Too much conflation and mind reading of the suspect.A little learning is a dangerous thing.
@johnlandau7111 3 жыл бұрын
I think that Arthor Conan Doyle is the most likely suspect.
@garyshepherd9226 3 жыл бұрын
What about the masonic symbolism?
@gowdsake7103 3 жыл бұрын
What about it ?
@stephenhill8604 3 жыл бұрын
He had a curiosity of spiritual and esoteric spirituality and occult matters it seems.
@chuckblaisdell990 3 жыл бұрын
a deep sleep vid
@herzkine 2 жыл бұрын
...womb removed? get history channel on it, those where clesrly aliens 😂
@Bloody_alchemy 3 жыл бұрын
I always thought Tumblety was a good suspect
@ingesnack1799 3 жыл бұрын
Francis Tumblety was very tall. His lenght would have been noticed straight away. There is nothing that that says he was the Ripper.
@stevebarney6735 2 жыл бұрын
@desolation2row Жыл бұрын
Way too much waffle and not enough facts....yawn yawn....
@flyingtigerline Жыл бұрын
@thomasjubb4508 3 жыл бұрын
Nope 👍
@historiascrimes3237 3 жыл бұрын
The Ripper was the polish guy. There's absolutely no doubt about it. Science proved it was his DNA on the dress or knickers of one of the victim. This mystery is dead and buried. It's not a mystery anymore
@thetragicyouth 3 жыл бұрын
Science proved nothing of the sort. The DNA (it was on the shawl) was too degraded to use and in any case there was no concrete proof that the shawl even belonged to the victim.
@deforeestwright2469 2 жыл бұрын
The scientific community has actually pointed out that there are significant methodological problems with that finding. . .among other things over 100 years of sample contamination.
@ryanwilson368 9 ай бұрын
You’re talking rubbish.
@corey2justified1 3 жыл бұрын
Uhgg no
@freddyfurrah3789 6 ай бұрын
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