7 DAYS TO DIE TOP 15 SKILL Perks You Need To Get First! Plus The Rest Explained! What's Semi Good?

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Jade PG

Jade PG

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@MedicsMoist Ай бұрын
Parkour! Gotta be able to jump to safety, and no more broken legs!
@globalsaturation7333 Ай бұрын
I know right , I’m jumping off roofs no problem like I’m playing dying light
@MedicsMoist Ай бұрын
​@@globalsaturation7333 You don't have to be faster than your friends, just gotta jump higher!
@nobodycares6633 Ай бұрын
These streamers never played on a multi-player, you need level 19 to skill 5 points in one skill and 1-5 lev each 1 points for the perk then 3x 2 then 3x2 .....survive that on vanilla settings....
@johncook9392 Ай бұрын
Can anyone tell me how multiplayer works w/ PS5? Is there matchmaking, or can you only play with friends?
@MedicsMoist Ай бұрын
@@johncook9392 i have no idea how it works, so far I've invited my friends to play. I haven't tried joining anyone yet.
@Skatziki Ай бұрын
Upgrading your sledgehammer is also very good imo. I started putting points into skull crusher and I’ve already looted a steel sledgehammer day 7. It takes me 1 headshot swing against any zombie and they are dead. Which means you never run out of stamina if every shot is a killing blow.
@ReallyLongBreadstick Ай бұрын
Notice for healing factor!!! It drains your food super fast and if you are playing multiplayer you will struggle with food
@videonmode8649 Ай бұрын
Healing factor drains your food. Don't take it unless you got food to spare in the early game.
@birdganginc Ай бұрын
Does it?? Is this why I need so much food to survive LOL
@titaniumresolve542 Ай бұрын
@@birdganginc each health point healed from natural healing/healing factor drains 1 food. so the faster your health naturally gen the faster your food drains, its such a terrible design
@birdganginc Ай бұрын
@titaniumresolve542 dude this makes so much sense, I went full into that skill and was just thinking why am I always starving. Cheers mate, thx for the info 👍
@grimace3983 Ай бұрын
probably why it's in fortitude with iron gut and living off the land for food
@jamiestewart680 Ай бұрын
That's the reason I didn't take this perk early on, the food drain is stupid 👍
@mrcrow7914 15 күн бұрын
My personal recommendation: 1 The Daring Adventurer- 2-3 points in it and you got tier 5 iron tools/weapons from traders or even tier 2 steel tools by day 5. Combine with Better Barter and salvage operations and you got one of the fastest ways to progress. No need to read books, just buy everything from trader. Plus , you can buy Grandpa's Fergit'n Elixir to reset all skills once you have enough money and invest on something else. 2 Pummel Pete- Bats and clubs are very good. You can argue whether or not steel club is the best melee, but without a doubt it is one of the strongest weapons in the game. And with perks you can one shot enemies over and over again , as you get your stamina back from kills 3 Parkour- Don't like an enemy getting in your face ? Jump over them. Don't want to climb down the building you were looting ? Jump from it.
@johnathantaylor8052 Ай бұрын
The electric baton is in my opinion the most op melee weapon. It stuns and soes electric damage and has a very high chance of one ahotting wven ferals, rads i don't know about whites.
@Thinking-Biblically Ай бұрын
Spear is so much better. It has range, and when you perk into it, it's a one-shot power hit to the head. Clubs and batons don't have the range so you get hit too much
@gorillaboomer1643 26 күн бұрын
@@Thinking-Biblicallythey are both a good for situational moments though. Meaning you can’t run in and stab away with a spear, but if you set up a block space to hit through every time you clear out rooms or on horde night greatest weapon ever. But if you tank your character with pain tolerance and heavy armor while maxing out baton, you’ll find yourself never dying. Just situational. I prefer baton, EVEN with my play style of conservativeness when clearing out buildings instead of going all out
@johnathantaylor8052 Ай бұрын
Agility builds i hear are the most op build going. Ja woodle, meow both agree. Plus you have the assissin gear, meaduim armour and is as quite as light.
@MrMagyar5 Ай бұрын
I've made it to lvl 20 and only put 1 point into Parkour. I am not missing it. I don't recommend going past lvl 5 of any attribute tree due to the skill point costs until you have picked up some specific skills. It takes 5 points to get to lvl 5 in any attribute. After that it takes 2 points for lvl 6, 7, and 8. Finally 3 points for lvl 9 and 10. Getting from lvl 5 to 10 in any given attribute costs 12 more skill points than just getting to lvl 5. You can unlock 2 other attributes to lvl 5 for that cost. Trust me, you are better served getting some points in other attributes than those high tier attributes. Here's my recommendations 1). Strength is King. Sledges and Clubs are incredibly good options even in the early game. They hit very hard and while they may have steep Stamina costs, it's offset by the fact you only need one or 2 good power swings for any non-radiated zombies. Feral Bikers go down very quickly. This tree also has some of the BEST perks in the game. Pack Mule is now only 1 point per skill and usually pocket mods are quite tough to come by. Cooking cost reduction and speed increase is amazing. Red Tea is easy and amazing for the entire game. Miner 69'er increases tool book finds getting you to that important iron tier of tools!! 2). Intellect is 2nd King. I think this attribute is absolutely necessary up to lvl 4, so you can get 2 in lockpicking and 2 in Advanced Engineering. 2 in Grease Monkey is also highly useful. This gives you the Forged books and vehicle books at an accelerated rate. Remember, lockpicked chests yield more loot and higher quality. 3). Perception 3rd. Lucky Looter is good, not great. Salvage Operations is WHERE it really shines and all the weapons in this tree are very good. Spears are SUPER strong. And the high tier sniper rifle is absolutely insane for 1 shot kills and for running POI's. Since it hits hard its less likely to summon screamers as well. 4). Dexterity is 4th grade fun. Stealth mechanics are good, but POI's can upset that mechanic and moving around in stealth is a pain. 5). Fortitude is for when your done with almost everything else.
@bringbkth90s Ай бұрын
Fine tuning my skills tightly works far better. It's a waste to spread your skill points out. Jack of all trades but a master of none.
@MrMagyar5 Ай бұрын
@@bringbkth90s I disagree. The way the skill system is structured makes specializing for high end skills not worth it. We can do an quick assessment. The DPS talents for each weapon type come online in their respective trees at lvl 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10. To get the first level of damage in say, Brawler, requires a single point of investment. Lvl 2 require 4 skill (1 for lvl 1, 2 for getting Fort to lvl 3, and another for lvl 2). points of investment. Lvl 3, 8 points. Lvl 4 takes a whopping 13 and finally lvl 5 for Brawler requires a massive 20 points. What do you gain for that? MARGINAL damage bonuses. Is going from lvl 4 to lvl 5 in Brawler, or Skull crusher worth it? Is it worth the cost of 7 additional skill points? No. It's not. Especially in the early game. Those 7 skill points could unlock 2 points in Parkour. Or 2 points in Better Barterer. EVENTUALLY there comes a time when you do want to focus into a tree of your choice, but I would argue that comes well after you pick up all the more cost-efficient talents. I would aim for it around lvl 30 or 35. That seems to be a good point to really focus your investments into a tree and make your early game MUCH easier.
@nobodycares6633 Ай бұрын
Finally, someone smart. I have 2000 h, and parkour is overrated, I never put points in it. You can always use balconies on other blocks to jump down the building.....overrun? Just placed 2 spikes and buy time.
@MrMagyar5 Ай бұрын
@@nobodycares6633 Parkour is the easy way out of bad gameplay. I never use it because, frankly, I never need to. I don't generate enough heat in chunks to call in screamers (gunfire generates heat on a per shot basis, so SMG's and Machine Guns are unwise choices. Additionally, if you miss and hit walls it generates additional heat). I carry a dozen metal spikes (or wood depending on my level) on my hot bar just in case I need them. A spare hatch frame is excellent for a room with a missing door, and always have a way out. Parkour costs a lot of points in what I consider the next to worst attribute tree in the game. If stealth mechanics worked in POI's past tier 2, it would be a better system, but it simply doesn't work at higher levels. Entering an area in a quest POI or opening a door will trigger a mini "ambush" event and you have to fight or run. Stealth needs some tweaks. SMG's are heat building monsters. Wanna call in half a dozen screamers while you do a tier 6 infested clear of a POI. Use an SMG. If I use a firearm, and I do, it's the Sniper rifle with a silencer. It almost always one taps anything in the game. If crossbows and bows were better in the game (like they are in the Darkness Falls mod) I would probably use them, but they are pretty useless. A single headshot with a Legendary Steel Sledgehammer will do as much damage as a Legendary Compound Crossbow from stealth and hitting Zombies in the head is pretty easy as melee with a Sledge. Stealth just seems to work better in other mods instead of the base game. Kinda sad.
@l05t50ul95 Ай бұрын
@@MrMagyar5 stealth works if you're playing multiplayer. i do and i rarely get targeted by zombies especially if i can find a shadow to disappear into. always getting them critical stealth damage hits in multiplayer as a stealth build. Firespark81 i think was the stream i watched? was killing most things with a primitive bow and stone arrows in an t6 assassin armor and a few other books read. my buddy was trying to get me to use a compound crossbow but i can't get off of using a bow, compoud bow and i'll be happy, but primitive or wooden bow and i'm still fairly happy taking on zombies
@Llew70 12 күн бұрын
Very nice video with great explanations! I would move parkour way further up the list personally because the #1 goal is survival and if you can escape Z's to where they can't get you, you win. Nearly every tree has a good skill you can take that 1 point in during the early game... depends on your playstyle and choice of weapon. Take those first. I've never had to mine much on purpose, I focus more on clearing POI's from the trader missions but the block damage is key... faster means more quest completion in a day. Once you get that first wrench though, the resources you can sell back to trader can make daring adv look like crumbs. I mean, how many headlights, tires, engines, mech parts, elec parts, do you actually need... those sell values are insane. I do push daring adv usually in T3 to T4 trader days because the rewards are much better where 2 rewards are worth the cost, before that it's not that much of a difference to matter... dukes are easy to come by even in 1.0 with the nerf. I like how he touched on those points that are more focused on late game such as growing your own food and easier cooking, I mean that once you get at least bacon and eggs, your life is already better. Weapon choices for skill points are up to you, I like the bow/crossbow, sniper rifle, machete, smg (to use ammo I don't normally, toilet pistol comes to mind) etc. but pick those points, especially early in what you want to focus on. Ok long winded (I'm an old guy... 53 and playing since before Atari came out) sorry.
@tehepicash4368 Ай бұрын
What I got so far pumpel pete seems good with points into strenght. The zombies go flying with the heavy attack.
@SweatyyPancakes Ай бұрын
If you like making the zombies fly, you should try upgrading robotics skill and using the stun baton with repulser mod. Zombies get launched so hard when you hit them with that it's crazy haha
@chahalele Ай бұрын
I love pummel Pete its the first perk I max out , on horde nights I don't run out of stamina just swinging away 1 shotting zombies 😅
@h4tchetman Ай бұрын
Level 4 pummel Pete yeayaah 💪 Love hitting the zeds outta the park 😁
@BronCral Ай бұрын
Healing Factor is such a noob trap perk. It drains your hunger meter so quickly. Only take this perk if you have a huge amount of food, so you can actually keep the perk active, otherwise you'll start taking damage due to starvation.
@cynic5581 Ай бұрын
First perk needs to be into Advanced Engineering since it increases the odds of getting forged ahead mags. No sense of getting all the great salvage and excess material if you can’t build the workbenches to craft anything. The crucible for steel is 75 magazines! Vehicles is important to get a head start on too especially if your the type of person that returns to the same base every night.
@tomkapa Ай бұрын
It’s definitely better to just buy a crucible from a trader since you’ll more than likely already have access to steel tools about the time you get the cement mixer.
@stevdor6146 Ай бұрын
Lockpicking is better when your "Forge Ahead" craft skill level is
@trappergiesbers1307 10 күн бұрын
​@stevdor6146 I haven't been able to find it anywhere, but do you know if that applies for all lockpicking levels or does the cutoff level increase with it? Like putting a 2nd level in lockpicking would make the cutoff level >30 or is it >15 across the board?
@johnathantaylor8052 Ай бұрын
Plus if you focus on other perks like the turreta perk which becomes very useful on blood moons.
@Domaorn Ай бұрын
also to note with daring adventurer... when you complete any challenge that gives a reward other than exp... you talk to the trader you can also chose two rewards there as well if its maxed ;) killing cops you can choose the 4 legendary parts and the crucible all for just killing cops... i had that done by day 4 hitting up the weigh stations, cop shops and fighting broken cop cars ;) its also a thing that ya dont put all 10pts in a main state.. get the mod save 3 pts youll end up swiching gear a lot in the game.. i run a ranger hat with intelete and a cigar but a scavenger hat with a perception mod and cigar.... the healing factor i could go either way... to heal it uses ya food and water ugh
@vabrato_ytboi8112 Ай бұрын
Yea lucky looter is good but since you just gave yourself levels that boosted your game stage so the quality of loot was just already better than normal
@ice9ify Ай бұрын
Dont take lucky looter at the start. It becomes relevant with higher loot stage, and at the start you get better loot from selecting your other skills. This is really a mid to late stage skill
@carpysmind Ай бұрын
For an agility build, what do you think are the first 15 points should go?
@ice9ify Ай бұрын
For agility build id go like this: Get agi to 4, then 2 points in parkour. Get 1 point in archery at least, and 2 or 3 points in hand guns. Then Int3 or 4 and Inventor to 2: For the workstion books. My reasons is that you want to develop a weapon, and you want to develop workstation, asap. Parkour is to keep alive by jumping on things or at least out of the way. If you think I am an idiot and then I welcome your feedback on why you think I am wrong :) :)>
@stevdor6146 Ай бұрын
@@carpysmind in my opinion, ice9ify is not an idiot, this is how i would do it though. Agi to 3, 1 pt archery, 1 pt hidden strike (first 4 skill pts from tutorial) then Agi to 4, Parkour to 2, Agi to 5, Deep Cuts/Gunslinger to 3 (next 7 points) 1pt Lockpicking (for forge ahead books), 1pt iron gut (trust me it helps in long run!) Agi to 7, Deep Cuts/Gunslinger 4 (the next 5 pts) and boom you should be level 15 (4 tutorial pts and 14 level up points)
@jamesleonard5693 Ай бұрын
You got to try a stealth playthrough sometime, 3x to 6x or more sneak bonus is very fun!
@Kashmere34 Ай бұрын
I just survived the second raid but the zombies broke my food box and I lost all my food, so I just turned off the hords off for now until I can build a second base just to use for hordes 😅😅
@jonallen4468 Ай бұрын
If you loose a base that early just reset and try again instead of turning zombies off. Each loss will show you what’s wrong with your setup and what to change. Or what you need to prioritize early. Just a thought it helped me get better at the game.
@Kashmere34 Ай бұрын
@@jonallen4468 I didn't even lose my whole base, I was just sour I lost my food... I'm just intimidated to try and build one of these horde bases from KZbin, but imma just give in and do it 😅
@l05t50ul95 Ай бұрын
what one of my buddies and i do. is find 2 places. 1 place we put all our food and crafting stations down and live there. horde nights we find another place and build that to withstand the onslaught of zombies and only put in boxes for us to grab ammo and consumables
@GTSN38 Ай бұрын
Better hope you don't get a huge daytime horde that's usually started by screamers. It happened to me. I didn't think a forge and a seldom used campfire would attract so many zombies, but it did and they ended up breaking through the front wall. I suggest putting plates on everything when you're only using cobblestone. It's 2x the defense.
@derekwilhelm1555 Ай бұрын
Imo 2 perks i always put points into is lucky looter and daring adventure. And one of the best weapons are knives good stamina consumption and attacks makes zombies bleed
@GTSN38 Ай бұрын
That's the dumbest thing in this game, how da fck can a zombie bleed ? They're dead. 😆
@derekwilhelm1555 Ай бұрын
@@GTSN38 no idea but hey more damage so im not complaining
@brayancedeno2253 Ай бұрын
So far I’ve been liking parkour and lucky looter
@therealbahamut Ай бұрын
I feel like fortitude just kinda sucks now. It's the most ammo hungry with machine guns, fist weapons take the longest to start doing real damage, healing factor uses up your food faster and farming isn't really sustainable even WITH all the living off the land perks unless you also get some farmer armor (heh. "Farmer armor.") Cardio is nice but not strictly required if you're not stumbling into danger all the time, iron gut basically just offsets healing factor and makes lake drinking a little more viable and pain tolerance only matters if you're taking damage, which you really don't want to do in the first place. Sure, some of these perks are really nice when maxed and in support of another tree but after playing a fortitude build recently, I'm not really feeling it, at least not as a primary tree.
@samulator9761 16 күн бұрын
I barely loaded into the game last week and the first pile of rubbish I searched had a t1 9mm pistol. We had zero concern for the first horde night
@cho2969 Ай бұрын
Great video! Thanks. I'll be coming back to this once I start my play through.
@MrDonNobody Ай бұрын
Great video if youve got hundreds of hours in. Worthless for people like me that only have 57 points to use. Figured that out after resetting my skills. Thanks a lot..
@benwil6048 Ай бұрын
Lucky looter has historically been a perk better taken at slightly higher lvls I believe; it adds a bit to loot value but there's much better things to get and it doesn't necessarily really work that well early game, depends on zone too btw. I start with agility for parkour/knife/bow but besides basic combat/survival perks you prob want to start with some/one? point in lockpicking and points in advanced engineering, both should increase the chance of finding 'forge ahead' if I'm not mistaken. But lockpicking only as long as u stay below 16 magazines read. So the trick is to stock them after that lol, since this is what you'll be needing to get steel
@mitzee8621 Ай бұрын
Don't forget about the faster looting that comes with lucky looter. Imo that is a much bigger draw then the small loot bonus. Consider just how many containers you will loot in even a small poi, the time savings start to add up.
@benwil6048 Ай бұрын
@@mitzee8621 yeah def for the slow ones to loot like ammo and cars, but I do generally take this really late :P
@brandoncarrera1741 Ай бұрын
My first 7 day hoard was amazing loved this game so much glad they released an updated version
@nathanielmerriman Ай бұрын
Pummel Pete, heavy head, and chain mod on a club, unlimited stuns and knock downs
@-Level_Up_Legend- Ай бұрын
I remember watching this when you was giving us the updates with what was going on with the whole company
@RogueUwU Ай бұрын
This is extremely helpful!! Thank you
@TheStarfishGaming Ай бұрын
The bone knife and sharp weapons is very strong i use the bone knife and it has a 25% chance to dismember at max level for the perk with just a basic knife i cut so many zombies heads off.
@x2qt2bstr8x Ай бұрын
Gunslinger with desert eagle never a bad choice. With our horde base mostly obscured from view. Pop a recog, learning & elixirs, CROUCH For bonus. It seems when i stand up in our base, immediately crouch and hide behind my bros avatar and when the game forgets your there the sneak bonus with gun perks, elixers Doing the dropper/electric fences base with poles completely steeled. Has wiring on pc let u place through blocks? While nice, traps, robotics, gryocopter should have a mag to find that explains it well...IN GAME. Not being at all disrespectful but i hate having to go reddit/YT, google to find easy tips No game this day in age should make players who paid for both versions go externally. Woulda have been nice for an a small guide to explain why the darn thing feels wonky
@ThunderMS34 Ай бұрын
Agility only max out and than spec out into other areas. Assassin killing gets more XP and uses less ammo
@kiyprr734 Ай бұрын
Miner 69’er I love and yea I’m a noob, but I like taking strength in time consuming tasks like digging 😂
@GTSN38 Ай бұрын
69er is great to have, you save so much stamina with it.
@kiyprr734 Ай бұрын
Exactly! Well said my friend
@cryofever Ай бұрын
Healing factor is kinda stinky.. imo its better to just make heals because at least then you wont be starving as quick.
@Bendino93till Ай бұрын
I hope they add more melee weapons in the future
@kevinsiedenburg4955 Ай бұрын
“I just spawned in max Lucky Looter…” Why not just enter God-Mode?
@guilhermealex7333 Ай бұрын
Lucky looter inst that great in early stages of the game because The bônus is percentual like 5% of 10 loot stage is Like 0,5 so this peark Shine on later stages once you alredy have biguer basste loot stage só te percentage bônus can be effective Note: in the vídeo the peark works Well due to the level of the character Who is bosting the game stage and loot stage as well
@raventherenagade1222 Ай бұрын
Stun baton with repulser 10 intelect baton perk and physician rank 5 makes hoard fun
@Spigget_1.0 Ай бұрын
I would say don't put into lucky looter at the beginning as it adds a percentage of you loot stage so if your in early stages then it is going to make very little difference
@Jade-PG Ай бұрын
depends how much you stay alive tho too! deffo get better quality items? if you put couple in?
@brianburke808 Ай бұрын
The value in taking a point in LL early is looting speed. Time is your enemy in the first 7 days and looting speed saves a lot of it.
@Raistlin2k Ай бұрын
Healing Factor consumes Water and Food faster if it kicks in. If read the coments i am the 10th one mention this.
@Leonaxiso Ай бұрын
Depends of your level and toughest zombies the most survival guide is below. DONT listen that go to perk at begining like : lucky looter, daring adventure, healing factor, parkour . On new 7days console 1.0 with new system of food and water, the main task is hunt for food now. The best mission at beginning is digging. Easy, simple and sometimes you can do it 2 times per day on Insane. Better bartering 1 skill used at beginnig help save 6 dukes to water per bottle (120) and food 9 dukes (180) . The first 7 days or 14 days you will be search for more food, at day 10-14 you be able to kill zombies continusly with any melee weapon( Insane spring night, jog day ) The nigths you are hide the most and wait for morning to safe a energy and food. No option to go scout city and collect anything becayse one zombies required a good amount of heavy hits and no stamina if they sprint at night save you from dying.Thats why im writing best perks for everybody who want survive more than warrior dificulty : 1. Iron gut- If you want to able any missions you need to have food or if you stay on night in POI you need it. On new mechanincs console 1.0 this is must have to able to collect dukes to buy others stuff from trader than food. You will save a lot amount of dukes if you lucky drink dirty water is better and you dont have dysentery ,save a lot of time and potential screamer to cook boiled water. 2. Melee perk - baton, spear looks are the best now, because of bleeding for insane, hammer is great to clearing POI but if you miss heavy atack waste a lot energy. I used spear perk. 3 point of choose - In my reaserch the best option is Cardio. Cardio allow to run longer mean less food and water will be deducted to regenerate stamina. 4 beginning point of skill after tutorial should be- Master Cheff. The target is to after visit road mailboxes to get unlock bacon and eggs dish - Eggs are plenty , easy to get at beginning and only required a meat. Unlock red tea also reduce for 6 min food and water during activity. Cardio might be switch to for miner69 because it take forewer and your overall resources depends how fast you destroy trees, block to enter and steal package, dig chest with food so i think cardio is 5th perk. 6th perk is armor to allow you to collect magazines to switch from 1 to lvl 5 primitive armor . 6th point or the one of the earliest is just one perk on mule to have 3 extra slots and you can freely carry 6-7 items, 10 are will kill you, To 10 lvl you should reconsider perks like - living of the land to have 10 crops maybe and grow red tea surely and yellow , plus food, i choosed potato because they give nice food after cooking and they are cheap from trader. At lvl 10 you still hunt for food, water is no issue because of dew might be created until lvl 10, or buy 7 iron and make a bucket to have water in base to drink dirty, After lvl 10 you should consider increase to lvl 2 melee perk ( my spear got 2 points) and increase shadow to reduce noise and dont need to fight every zombies on the road while travelling to POI. This is ultimate beginning guide of perks, dont watch stupid people who dont know how to survive and they playing on low difficulty, Also its all about consoles 1.0.
@bushmaster9795 Ай бұрын
Thankyou sir
@youreallythinkicare8813 Ай бұрын
@stevdor6146 Ай бұрын
very long
@luiscastrillon9777 Ай бұрын
Do I need Grease Monkey to be able to craft the bicycle? I was thinking faster travel would be important at the beginning, no?
@Jade-PG Ай бұрын
You don't need grease money if you already have the stuff to craft it, as mentioned syou get free bike for completing 10 quests from trader
@l05t50ul95 Ай бұрын
grease monkey now just affects how your repair vehicles. at full level you can get 150% repair effects on vehicles
@maccheese8859 Ай бұрын
Hey im new to the game how do i increase my tools ? Is it really only througu reading ? As in the old 7days i coule just craft tons of them to reach lv 100
@Jade-PG Ай бұрын
Yup reading only
@MAnimeNgaming Ай бұрын
How do you have so many people in your game? I thought the max was 4
@stephenpearson1786 Ай бұрын
Would love to contribute but unfortunately as i a, on 12 hour nights until friday i haven't had chance to play it yet
@Rjmagda20 Ай бұрын
Have they even done any more updates for consoles?
@johncook9392 Ай бұрын
Can anyone tell me how multiplayer works w/ PS5? Is there matchmaking, or can you only play with friends?
@TheVuG Ай бұрын
How do you get so many levels
@jeremyhartley9559 Ай бұрын
Nerds, Guns, & Steel did the math on the lucky looter perk. its not worth taking till mid to late game as it wont increase your loot stage much at all in early game. your first perks should go to stam regen, your weapon type skill, parkour and at least 1 point into advanced engineering for a forge asap. even if you cant' find a cooking pot and grill you can at least make them with the forge early game. 1 point into living off the land is also a good idea. drinking red and yellow teas early game is much better than regular water and having 1 point in living off the land makes it easier to collect the tea leaves n other veggies you find
@alfredgruber5248 Ай бұрын
Yeah I got a, bike from the trader then I saved closed the game and, on the next day I played the bike Was gone. That's the only, Bad Thing what I had in the game
@BlitzIn4 Ай бұрын
how is it the video broken up by chapters with useful info has more dislikes than a general 50 tips video not broken by chapters and it's not clear if it even mentions skills at all.
@ernestcote3398 Ай бұрын
I just love this game for giving me all the things I have to worry about and it's all my choice as to what I do when. Big upset in gameplay since alpha 21, was just simply daring adventurer got maxxed ASAP and I lived on double rewards. Now...not so much. Quests rewards cut 80%, ability to resupply from trader cut as well and only Rekt to talk to early game? Treasure chests are still good. And if you can kill a wearwolf ... I don't want to be superman and fly, I want it to be as close as if I was in the merde. Strength has got to be obtained. One has got to knock down zombies until they don't move again (quick tip: train your eyes to look to the lower right after you club a zombie. Your XP number will show up when they are no longer a concern of yours. No number? Keep swatting!). A bit weird, I admit, yet I don't wish to kill "living creatures" wantonly in a Zombie survival game. To an extent, they are on my side (until they get hungry and I should be able to feed them), so I like to get farming to lev 3 early game, start planting corn and potatoes, and cook either to keep stamina up. Usually a dew collector early, so intellect has got to grab at least one point and it goes to three because I love the motorcycle for travel. It's the going into the quests POIs (or even if you choose to not quest and enter POIs) that I believe is the most problematic for the player. Any experience and you know you are going to get jump scares, rushes by numbers and/or drop into death traps. A functional human mind can come up with many ways to approach. Usually, I'm just in such a "time crunch" that I rush in and then say "Oh, shit".
@boulder40 Ай бұрын
How did you get all the points so quickly?
@Elrog3 26 күн бұрын
f1 for command prompt, then type "giveselfxp 100000000" and hit enter.
@I_am_show Ай бұрын
How does he have 6 people in his game?! It’s only up to 4 players?
@Jade-PG Ай бұрын
That was pc footage
@stevdor6146 Ай бұрын
normally i'd say Pack Mule is a newbie trap- since it gets replaced by pocket mods later. But i guess that's what Forgettin Elixir is for, to respec your points after the first 7 days, so i guess early game pack mule isn't unforgivable, but it definitely is shunned after you get quality 3 gear (enough slots for pockets)
@stevdor6146 Ай бұрын
saying "iron gut is not worth it" is clearly Troll behaviour. iron gut is probably the most important game perk
@Ryan-gt3ru Ай бұрын
Sledgehammer perk
@chahalele Ай бұрын
I tried it , too slow on horde nights its useless , you're better off using pummel pete
@stevdor6146 Ай бұрын
@@chahalele when you get strength over 7, you can start using Big and Fast which increases your swing rate
@l05t50ul95 Ай бұрын
that's more than 15 points to go 10 perception then 5 into lucky looter....
@stevdor6146 Ай бұрын
yea, 4 points gets you from 1 to 5; 6 more points from 5 to 8; 6 more points from 8 to 10 (16 pts into perception to get to 10 perception)
@therealconeasy3597 Ай бұрын
Or spam pipe bombs at the safe till they're low lolol
@carsonthomasson8786 Ай бұрын
How do you unlock the second level of lucky looter? I bought the first level but second one is locked still.
@Jade-PG Ай бұрын
Puts point in the attribute that governs it (the top ones of perception, strength, fortitude, agility and intelligence)
@carsonthomasson8786 Ай бұрын
@@Jade-PGthanks, so essentially level 4 perception means I can go up to lvl 4 lucky looter?
@kanekaufman8 Ай бұрын
No. It goes in increments of 2 attribute points for 1 level of lucky looter​@@carsonthomasson8786
@MartijnMartijn-sw9gu Ай бұрын
No check on the lock which level you need​@@carsonthomasson8786
@globalsaturation7333 Ай бұрын
@@carsonthomasson8786just hover over the little icon next to the skill and it will tell you exactly what level you need for your attribute to be in order to unlock the skill
@fr0styqrc1 Ай бұрын
I deleted this game
@green_re4per_942 Ай бұрын
How come ?
@Arkskii-gf03 Ай бұрын
Skill issue
@breezmig Ай бұрын
Loss for you
@Dentarg13 Ай бұрын
After 9000 hours and ruined life?
@simplyfitness892 Ай бұрын
No one cares, This ain’t the airport no need to announce ur departure.
@tehepicash4368 Ай бұрын
First. ;p
@briant3974 Ай бұрын
No, just no.
@alexhughes9947 Ай бұрын
The game Is dog shit on console
@GTSN38 Ай бұрын
The game is excellent on ps5.
@alexhughes9947 Ай бұрын
Not at all I played on pc before 1.0 and game was better then than it is now on ps5
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