Being a woman in Spain. 10 questions answered.

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Spain Revealed

Spain Revealed

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@Ari-ld9hi 4 жыл бұрын
Having lived in Spain - specifically Barcelona and traveled throughout - and having had a girlfriend there, I can say that Spain is VERY SAFE for women to travel and go out late in. Being from the USA its night and day. I wouldn't even trust UBER in the USA depending on the city. Let alone having my girlfriend walk alone at night in LA, San Francisco, Chicago, and a lot of other cities. The only thing you have to worry about in Spain is theft, particularly in touristy areas.
@abcoh4440 4 жыл бұрын
Ari I agree, I am from Spain and I cant remember the last time a man approached me or called me something in the street. It did happen a lot when I lived in NY.
@dayzm6708 4 жыл бұрын
Oh man.. I'm planing on traveling to Spain for a month or so and I'm very glad to hear that I (a 19 year old girl) will be rather safe there ^^ So thanks for sharing! It was really helpful for me now I'm not worrying too much about something like that
@abcoh4440 4 жыл бұрын
@@dayzm6708 You will be fine. But of course, use common sense. You will see in Spain we tend to go out at night until pretty late, so even at 1-2 am you will see lots of people and won't feel scary. In Barcelona just we aware of pick pockets, specially in the city centre and public transportation.
@dayzm6708 4 жыл бұрын
@@abcoh4440 Thanks for the advice 😄
@PeaceNinja007 4 жыл бұрын
@@abcoh4440 - Are you allowed to carry a gun in Spain?
@HawkX189 4 жыл бұрын
Lo cierto es que estas chorradas que comentáis en el video sobre el machismo no son mas que cosas dogmáticas que el feminismo radical os ha metido a través de los medios que les bailan el agua. Sinceramente trabajo en una empresa donde hay mas mujeres que hombres, tienen un sueldo en base al valor real de cada individuo independientemente del sexo (No por ser mujer u hombre se cobra mas, ni hay cuotas establecidas). No se que mas se puede pedir en ese ámbito. Luego está lo de la violencia de género, la primera causa de muerte en España es el suicidio, la segunda son los accidentes de tráfico (Estamos hablando a nivel de MILES de personas) y violencia de genero anual... ¿50? ¿100? casos. Aquí es cuando se ve que el foco mediático se pone en algo que es absolutamente minoritario para enriquecer el bolsillo de un montón de asociaciones y gente que pone el cazo. Cuando lo que habría que hacer es mejorar las protecciones que tienen las mujeres y en general resolver el problema de la violencia intrafamiliar que ya se están dando casos en España de legislación erronea motivada por toda esta corriente de feminismo radical que está generando auténticas barbaridades como la eliminación de la presunción de inocencia. En resumen, DUDO MUCHO que nadie esté a favor de la violencia de género. Lo que estamos en contra es del uso de la misma como excusa para endurecer la ley y saltarse la presunción de inocencia. Ni mas ni menos. Y bueno comentáis también el asunto de los micromachismos y de ahí pasamos a que todos los hombres son machistas. De verdad el llamar machista a todos los hombres no hace ningún bien a la corriente de feminismo que realmente defiende que la mujer sea IGUAL que el hombre. El feminismo radical busca que la mujer sea superior que el hombre. Y no, señoritas, no lo vamos a permitir. Pero vamos que es cuestión de tiempo que el castillo de naipes de estos chiringuitos caiga y volvamos al feminismo real. El que defiende la igualdad. PD: El que se quiera informar mas sobre todo esto recomiendo los vídeos de UTBH (Un tio blanco hetero) para que os forméis una verdadera opinión sobre el feminismo actual.
@jblondon1327 4 жыл бұрын
Muy bien dicho. Han sido adoctrinados por los médicos de comunicación.
@danyelleerwin7620 4 жыл бұрын
I recently traveled to Barcelona for work and then went hiking in the Catalonian Pyrenees on my own. Felt 100% safe the entire time. :)
@spainrevealed 4 жыл бұрын
So glad to hear that :)
@patrickhunsaker4678 4 жыл бұрын
Hello there
@jgmedina 4 жыл бұрын
Otra podemita con la misma cantinela.
@eladioredin2124 4 жыл бұрын
Spain is in the top five safe countries for a woman and most "violencia de género" is provoked by inmigrants who do not adhere to our culture. You will find very few countries in the world where woman is respected more than in Spain.
@custimaje 4 жыл бұрын
Se os olvidó una ventaja que tenemos las españolas y es que no perdemos nuestro apellido. Esto me parece una costumbre mucho más feminista que los países angloparlantes.Tú nunca serías Yolanda Blick aquí. Yo creo que tienen un sistema de apellidos confuso ya que parece que mencionas a una hermana o la madre de James, en lugar de a su mujer.
@guijilope 4 жыл бұрын
bueno... TECNICA "MUY TECNICAMENTE" (Y cojido con pinzas) si que """""Pierdes""""" el apellido, pues su hijo/hija será "Patata Blick Martin" y su nieto/nieta "Tomate BLICK Garcia" (Imaginemos que la madre del nieto es.... ¡Lenteja GARCIA!) por tanto "Hereda" el apellido del padre y no el apellido de la madre, lo cual en cierta forma es como perder el apellido pues la DESCENDENCIA DE YOLANDA (Sea la generacion que sea) será BLICK, y no Martin o sea, al pasar de los años "Yolanda no existirá" solo quedará el "Recuerdo" de BLICK, es casi como mandarte al OLVIDO.... con elegancia ¡¡Chaoo!! ;-)
@victormanuelminambresdelmo1323 4 жыл бұрын
@@guijilope según la ley actual eso no es así. Ahora los padres tienen que elegir el orden de los apellidos , si no lo hacen lo hará el funcionario.
@mangstadt1 4 жыл бұрын
@@guijilope Desde hace algunos años, en el Registro Civil se permite anteponer el apellido materno al paterno, si los dos progenitores están de acuerdo. En caso de desacuerdo, puede decidir la persona encargada del Registro. Martín es un apellido muy común en España, así que si queda en segundo lugar no pasa nada (en mi opinión, claro). En caso de tener más de un hijo, el orden de los apellidos elegidos para el mayor se mantiene para los que vengan después.
@JackR772 4 жыл бұрын
Qué suerte teneis
@JuanPab521 4 жыл бұрын
And usually at school is used the family name lest frequent. There are a lot of García
@EdM796 Жыл бұрын
Facts: 1) It's ILEGAL to catcalling a WOMAN in Spain. But IT IS NOT to do the same thing to a man. 2) Every year we end in the top 4 of European countries with LESS WOMEN killed for every 100.000 citizens. 3) If a woman kills or uses physical violence against her partner (man, women, non binary...) the penalty is way lower than if a man do the same thing to his partner, but ONLY IF IS A WOMAN... 5) If a woman calls the cops and say a man has done something ilegal to her, the guy is gonna get arrested just in case. I could go on, but I'm sure you people see my point. Macho culture in actual Spain? The facts speak very loud.
@zuzanna_9448 4 жыл бұрын
I live in Spain only for 2 months so far and I am foreign looking girl (blond hair, green eyes). I get catcalled a lot honestly but what is the most important thing for me is that I don’t feel like I’m in any kind of danger. It’s usually whistling, screaming but they never get into my personal space and never follow me. At first that was making me uncomfortable and that’s not something that shall be happening obviously but I’ve learned to ignore it. On the other hand I find it great that people here are not afraid of saying complements (both genders). Simple “guapa” o “linda” is not flirting and doesn’t make anyone feel intimidated, it’s just very nice! A lot of people talk to me because they are curious where am I from, what am I doing in Spain why do I speak Spanish. They ask, say something nice and leave. I get phone numbers from boys in the bars but also from old ladies who I meet in the bus- just in case I would have some free time and would like to try their tortilla de patatas. People are very open and friendly and most of the time in a positive way!
@zuzanna_9448 4 жыл бұрын
And I love the video! Thank you guys!
@terrapinalive8686 4 жыл бұрын
Enjoy it while it last... How do you dress?
@JonasPrudas 4 жыл бұрын
Modern feminism is full of hatred... against men.
@abcoh4440 4 жыл бұрын
@P S That's because you've probably never lived abroad. I have and it has made me more conscious about foreign people who might not know many people here. Americans were very welcoming to me so I try to do the same. I won't invite just anyone to my house, but I might offer my self for any other plan or if they don't speak Spanish to make some calls for them (this happens a lot, many banks or private insurance don't have people attending the phone who speak English). Also, I approach tourists if I see them with a map trying to figure out where to go.
@blancarey8177 4 жыл бұрын
And there are no more green-eyed blondes, are you sure you are in Spain?
@wallyfog270 3 жыл бұрын
Spain have macho ideas? lol then all the world have macho cultures
@beeta3232 Жыл бұрын
I travelled through Spain solo (North & South) without a tour and I felt 100% safe. People were very friendly and hospitable.
@MrTruthAddict 3 жыл бұрын
This sounds like an Anglo centric stereotype about Spaniards, just like the idea that Spaniards are evil or "rogue". I lived in Spain and traveled all over the country. I always felt safe, much safer than in the US
@anablasco7482 2 жыл бұрын
Yo viví la dictadura ,tengo 63 años, y la verdad no lo viví como tú lo cuentas Yoli. Tanto yo como todas mis amigas hemos trabajado y algunas nos casamos y tuvimos hijos. Creo que no deberíamos sentirnos acomplejados por haber tenido una guerra civil o una dictadura en nuestra Historia. Casi todos ,los países han tenido guerras ,la nuestra fué muy pequeña comparada con las dos guerras mundiales. Yo creo que lo que tu cuentas que le pasó a tu madre al casarse,podía haber pasado también en Gran Bretaña o Francia. La sociedad era distinta. Y depende creo yo de la personas también. Mis padres no me impidieron estudiar en los años 70, al revés siempre me apoyaron y querían que trabajara,tanto mi padre como mi madre. Esa idea de la España machista .....en mi experiencia no podemos generalizar de esa manera. Yo creo que en los 80 y los 90 hubo un cambio muy importante tanto en España como en Europa. Me voy a referir a lo que yo he vivido, por eso no hablo de América, Au, NZ etc . En esa época muchas mujeres trabajaban ,y algunas en profesiones como médicos, arquitectos etc que antes no eran muy comunes en mujeres. Yo estudié medicina , y el último año de carrera fuí a Londres 6 meses para hacer prácticas en un Hospital ,también asistía a clases. El número de mujeres en clase era similar al de mi Universidad en España . Posteriormente he conocido bastante bien la sociedad de Inglaterra, el padre de mis hijas es inglés. Y en mi experiencia los comportamientos machistas los he visto tanto en la Inglaterra como en la España de aquella época, los años 80 y 90. De hecho , yo también pensaba que España era más machista, pero la realidad es que algunas personas son machistas ,y están en muchos países,no solo en España. Siempre en mi experiencia, que puede ser distinta de la de otras personas, a mis suegros ingleses y a mucha gente de ahí, les parecía mucho más raro que yo trabajara con mis hijas bebés, el que fueran a la guardería etc.En cambio a mis padres españoles, siempre les pareció muy bien y me apoyaban. Creo que a veces el machismo en otros países podía ser más sutil ,pero existía en esa época. Por ejemplo no entendían que no perdiera mi apellido o que decidiéramos vivir en España, porque una mujer tenía que seguir a su marido, palabras textuales. Resumiendo, no nos justifiquemos tanto los españoles sobre el machismo en nuestro país, porque en todos los sitios cuecen habas
@lauramartin-bk9nr Жыл бұрын
Lo mismo mi madre y mis tías. Todas trabajaron y con estudios.
@lauramartin-bk9nr Жыл бұрын
Mi madre trabajó y vivió en Inglaterra y USA en los años 1950 y 1960 y decía que eran más machistas que en España, zona navarra y vasca.
@blankiki 4 жыл бұрын
I agree I have lived in five different countries and is the same phenomenon everywhere. Micro machismo exists everywhere. Other hand when a men hold the door for me I see it and a courtesy, politeness and not because I’m unable to do it myself. I’ll do it for him as well or anyone else.
When I see anyone coming in after me, if practical, I close the door and hold it shut so the other person has to fight a little bit to enter or exit. However, encouragement is given and it's all in good fun yet not always appreciated. Sad.
@lionedheart 2 жыл бұрын
Cool, maybe there will be a day where men slam the doors at womens faces. That way they dont ever complain ever again about machismo or micro machismo
@rebecaperez7913 4 жыл бұрын
Love the video, James and Yoli have such great chemistry and yoli seems so lovely, great personality I want to be Yoli in my my next life lol.
@gargamel976 4 жыл бұрын
Lo único malo del vídeo es que lo que explican es mentira. Por lo demás, muy bonito.
@danielpv1763 4 жыл бұрын
I am a Galician Spanish living in London. Previously in the Netherlands and in France. It is the same everywhere.
@JonasPrudas 4 жыл бұрын
It is indeed. That idea of the macho Spanish monster is just racism in disguise. And people wonder why far right ideas threat to gain attention. It is the feminism that self-propels racism and xenofobia like a shot in his own foot.
@danielpv1763 4 жыл бұрын
@@JonasPrudas My comment is not trying to trash feminism. If that movement exists that must be for some reason. My aim is to express my opinion that, based on observations from living in other countries, the behaviour is not exclusively from Spain. I have known a case of a Swedish guy beating his Chinese-Spanish girlfriend. Even the current PM of the UK has hit the news. I have also known cases of a woman beating his boyfriend. Of course many cases of domestic violence in Spain (including women against men, although the opposite for obvious reasons usually ends in more severe physical consequences, hence the need to protect). Very worrying that we all know about cases. The change starts by each one of us, specially the kind of behaviour we show in front of our children.
@JonasPrudas 4 жыл бұрын
There is an international campaign against men. In every country, men are portayed as bad. The campaigns against domestic violence always portray national men as violent monsters in every country they act. In order to increase the numbers of "victims", the constitutional right to free speech is included as "violence". So if a man protests by shouting, that is seen as "verbal domestic violence" done by the man no matter how the man is being victim of an abusive woman. If a woman protests by shouting, that is seen as "the woman is being victim of her man" that is why she shouts. Double standards used to artificially increase the cases of domestic violence.
@violeta5702 4 жыл бұрын
@@JonasPrudas men are portrayed as bad everywhere? Been to certain (not all obviously not all) Middle Eastern/Asian countries men are in charge and not brought down by any successful campaign
@JonasPrudas 4 жыл бұрын
And behind those "powerful men" there are strong women who like to control them from the back stage. Anyway, it is in the middle east and in Asia that feminism make sense, not in Europe. Modern feminism is a shocking form of sexism. It acts against sexual freedom - YES! SEX IS PLEASURE! IT IS GOOD! - as well as against speech freedom, a fundamental tool in democracies. It is a regressive form of fascism.
@judithgallegos1748 3 жыл бұрын
Before marryng my Spanish husband in 1970 I had lived in Madrid for four years. One evening when I was walking home, a group of three fellows blocked me from continuing my journey home. The young man in the middle screamed a string of obcenities at me telling me what he would do to me. I was angry and speechless. As the group passed me by, I took out my umbrella that had a metal handle. I hit the fellow who insulted me between the shoulder blades. The group took off runnning. I can still hear the "thud"! It felt good. Cat calling was terrible in the 1960's and 1970's. I lived in Spain for many many years and we raised five children there before moving to the United States.
@inesbc2001 3 жыл бұрын
It was, and it still is in some places in Spain. It was great what you did in that situation, I'm sorry you had to go through that and I admire you!
@Daniel-nt5gh 2 жыл бұрын
Much has changed from the 60's and 70's, the Catholic fascist dictatorship was still on the power. Nowadays It is illegal to catcall. If someone does it and makes you feel really bad you have to call the police. Most of the people catcalling are low culture background, the most uneducated and short minded people, and many amongst that low profile people that do catcall are immigrants that did't have the mental and cultural capacity to adjust to the Spanish culture yet. It has always seen catcalling as uneducated and low quality people, we are much more on the shy and respectful side of relations. They are so spot on about Catholic Church and the fascist dictatorship, yes those times were for women as nearly as bad the Taliban are for women rights today, but since the democracy we have made a giant leap, being one of the best countries at the world about women protection and rights despite of the Church and Right wing neanthertal voters. So if you are a women beware of dating Vox voters, most abusers are lined up with it's discuss against women. About domestic violence those stats shown are not accurate, in fact we are the country to follow, and the rest can only dream with being so proactive and safe, specially Nordic European countries. We are one of the two only countries that have a specific law to fight violence against women, that is why we talk so much about it because we do care and worry and do not hide it in order to fight it and we have been making really good results, although in this matter the only perfect number is 0 women suffering violence, same as men and no binarian people.
@hellothere4599 Жыл бұрын
@@inesbc2001 Spain is a man hating country never seen a less Macho Culture in my life men are feminized and belittled beyond belief on television. I dont know what is was like before but i life here and its the most radicial feminist country i have ever seen. And the feminism is brainwashing women and making them angry and bitter.
@retrogamermax8287 Жыл бұрын
That's interesting. So you lived in Franco's Spain? What was that like?
@EdM796 Жыл бұрын
In 1970 Franco was still alive. Just saying...
@edwardhachetl7141 Жыл бұрын
No country compare to Russia regarding domestic violence. Authorities try to cover it, around 14000 women killed each year in domestic violence.
@rots.866 4 жыл бұрын
I got catcalled by a woman once in barcelona when i traveled there. Im a short asian male.
@terrapinalive8686 4 жыл бұрын
You wish..!
@JonasPrudas 4 жыл бұрын
Spanish sarcasm? hum what a sexist mysandric remark, full of gender hatred (against men). It has to be censored immediatly LOL
@enekoeneko69 4 жыл бұрын
@@JonasPrudas, no.
@JonasPrudas 4 жыл бұрын
I am the one being sarcastic about the censorship issue. Seriously, the REAL hate is that sort of feminism.
@lafandenuel5605 4 жыл бұрын
are you sure she wasn't a "professional"?
@ninabina871 4 жыл бұрын
I’ve been living in Spain for 3 years and have never been catcalled. It’s quite nice.
@bloodstriper3649 4 жыл бұрын
Well, just wait till I move there.
@Meriprats 4 жыл бұрын
You're a lucky girl...
@antoniov.guerra2677 4 жыл бұрын
yeah, I am agree with you.
@mikesloper2000 4 жыл бұрын
I have never seen someone get catcalled in Spain and lived there for 2 years and traveled extensively. No offense to her but there is no way she gets catcalled once a month.
@Meriprats 4 жыл бұрын
@@mikesloper2000 I'm sorry but not. You lived in Spain only for two years and you're a man, not a woman. I'm a spanish girl, I was born here and I living in Spain for 27 years and i must to tell you that here, women are get catcalled everyday. In fact, many Spanish women complain about this everyday. Once a month is very little, I get catcalled more than three and four times a week, and it's really disgusting
@maj954 2 жыл бұрын
every women I met from Spain have a macho personality and if they’re nice there’s a catch
@lauramartin-bk9nr Жыл бұрын
In Asturias, the Basque country and Navarra even more so!
@southerncross86 3 жыл бұрын
Very sorry, but violence has no gender,and abuses are abuses, in disregard of gender or color of skin. We are all equal, no one shall have privileges.
@JonasPrudas 3 жыл бұрын
That point of view is not shared by the feminist establishment.
@Marciap17 4 жыл бұрын
I’m Spanish and British descendant, born in South America, living in London for nearly 40 years, and to this day I’m still afraid of indoors physical violence in the UK, than I ever felt in South America.
@tximeleta35 4 жыл бұрын
Well South América is not an example of equally....check the numbers.
@enekoeneko69 4 жыл бұрын
Ehmmmm, South America? No, you're wrong, it's the most violent continent in the world ... with a big difference (including gender violence and feminicide).
@enekoeneko69 3 жыл бұрын
@D M, of course, one can have the same perception of oppression in all its forms in New Hampshire as in the Afghanistan of the Taliban ... everything is always personal. Oh, I love you too
@enekoeneko69 3 жыл бұрын
@D M, sure, of course. To judge the complex reality of the world around us, there is nothing more effective than using a couple of (completely subjective and distorted) personal experiences. We can then calmly flush all the statistics down the toilet, they will no longer be of any use ...
@thomasj5722 4 жыл бұрын
Coming from Scandinavia i had a hard time finding Spanish guy friends for a long time, we are humble and quiet personalities, Spanish guy´s very opposite but little a little you meet nice people
@inesbc2001 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah in my experience Spanish guys might not be that easy to befriend if you meet then when they're in a group, especially if it's a group of male friends, they can be loud but then surprisingly difficult to approach compared to Nordic people, or maybe this was just my experience as a quiet person who values having a few close friends over being overly social like many Spaniards are... but then again, maybe that's why I moved to Finland 😅
@lauramartin-bk9nr Жыл бұрын
@@inesbc2001 I am quiet too and can`t stand loudness; I`m from the north of Spain, we are moe shy and quiet and different from Madrid and south of Madrid.
@Osutip 4 жыл бұрын
Spain doesn't have more of this kind of sexism than other European countries and it may actually be below the Western European average. And comparisons with Eastern Europe would show a greater contrast. So, yes, sexism, heteronormativism and things like that, rooted in a more traditional past, do exist, it's a big problem, there's a lot to do about it and that cannot be denied. But that's not different from other Western countries and all that wondering about "macho culture" as if there was something specific to Spain about it is just baseless. Catcalling also happens in other Western countries. As shown in this video, other Western European countries have the same problems of violence against women, sometimes even worse. This is the third country to legalize same-sex marriage in the whole world (in the mid 2000's) and when it happened there was already a majority of people supporting it and not so much of a fuss about it. Polls show we're not behind other countries in these respects. The very fact that we have words such as "micromachismo", so we're creative in creating our own terminology related to this kind of activism, which some would derogatively call SJW terminology ( and even the word "machismo" itself is an example of this) already confirms that we're not behind other Western countries in this respect, rather the contrary. Same with those signs about manspreading, we've had several feminist strikes... So, if "macho culture" is a thing, then it's an international thing also found in the rest of Western Europe and therefore using terms to link it to Spanish culture (and as it's said in the video, we don't even use the word "macho" that way) is already pointless. Not even concerning the past. I don't know where this kind of prejudice came from since nothing suggests that a past of traditional sexist culture is something specific to Spain in any way, or even to Southern Europe. That's a thing everywhere in Europe. Yes, we had the Franco period, but that has rather made us more aware about certain things. Actually, although Franco abolished it later, Spain legalized universal suffrage including vote for women (in 1931) 13 years before France fist did the same (in 1944).
@n.ww.8639 4 жыл бұрын
No se podría haber explicado mejor :)
@hydrojenn9159 3 жыл бұрын
Spain is wayyyyyy more progressive than the USA, I agree with your assessment!
@carloshevia7665 2 жыл бұрын
Jajaja pero porque hiciste esto
@futurebillionaire92 4 жыл бұрын
The financial independence issues and the scars that they leave on the fight for equality are awful and were not confined to Spain's dictatorship. Here in the UK married women could not hold separate bank accounts from their husband without his permission until 1975 and married women's tax affairs were controlled by their husband (they were unable to do an individual tax return) until 1990. The tax issue upset my grandmother throughout her life. Up to and throughout the 1970s women were unable to sign credit agreements without their husband or father signing on their behalf or signing as guarantor (irrespective of who earned more). Even today many women find that upon adding their male partner to their mortgage, insurance or utilities he becomes the "account holder" and these companies stop dealing with her. Without the ability to accumulate, retain, disperse and inherit property and wealth women do not stand a chance at achieving equality.
@freecreak408 3 жыл бұрын
Weird, because in spain my sister was never cat called, and if she was some spanish men would defend her. In America on the other hand was a way different story, they cat call you almost all the time at night in a big city.
@inesbc2001 3 жыл бұрын
I actually think I might be the opposite in Spain, I think in Spain it's more common in towns and small cities and in crowded neighborhoods in big cities, while in other countries it's more common in big cities. It does happen in big cities in Spain too, but I'd say men there tend to mind their own business more
@hellothere4599 Жыл бұрын
@@inesbc2001 Spain has some of the lowest violence against women and secual assults in the entire world, its exadurated and also the country now has sexist laws against men. Women also abuse men they just dont get punished for it because if the man says anything they will arrest him.
@lise-lotteuusitalo4762 Жыл бұрын
Hi, great video, really interesting! I am from Finland originally and live in the Canaries now. I can definitely see, they pay a lot more attention to gender violence etc here in the Canaries than in Finland. Also I can see this is a lot more accepting environment to different people. The equality between all the genders and people being able to be themselves is amazing!!
@juansolis9307 4 жыл бұрын
You didn't mention that Spain's the world's 5th best country to born women...
@arkaitzetxeandia7542 4 жыл бұрын
@patrickhunsaker4678 4 жыл бұрын
Hello Juan
@JonasPrudas 4 жыл бұрын
Women do not fare worse than men in most of the world. They commit suicide 10 times less than men (the most importante indicator of happiness), they live 5 to 7 years more than men, they experiece homelessness a lot less than men and they are less likely to be assaulted or killed than men. The concept of the female victim is just plain BS.
@chacmool2581 3 жыл бұрын
Qué, qué?
@renacehispania8615 3 жыл бұрын
@@JonasPrudas Now we have to worry about feminazism
@SamLozano 3 жыл бұрын
I have met men in Valencia that told me their girlfriend hits them and they called the cops on him and he spent the night in jail! A man calling the cops to report domestic violence and they will straight laugh at him.
@JonasPrudas 3 жыл бұрын
It is true. That same happens with women doing sexual harassment.
@guaita2 Жыл бұрын
Recently a woman stabbed her partner, the man called the police and he was taken into custody.
@heide-raquelfuss5580 3 ай бұрын
When i was in Spain 10 years ago, i figured out, no man was mollesting me or talking vulgar, sexistic, commenting sexual stuff. But in Belgium where i live, i had plenty of men harrasing me, talking vulgar, sexually tinted words... Disgusting. It was a relief in Spain. I was in Valladolid visiting my mother.
@robertm8221 4 жыл бұрын
I like Yolis accent, you guys are a good looking couple....
@spainrevealed 4 жыл бұрын
Why thank you
@nygardenguru 4 жыл бұрын
It’s nice she makes a great effort to speak English not her native language
@JonasPrudas 3 жыл бұрын
Oh gosh! That is harassment to couples!
@RickySpanish- 4 жыл бұрын
The amount of soy and emasculation radiating from this video is down right sickening.
@markpunla2191 3 жыл бұрын
@aitorizculapeitia7122 4 жыл бұрын
Aquí al menos la mujer conserva su apellido cuando se casa. No adquiere el del marido como sí ocurre en el mundo anglosajón./ In latin culture women keep their lastname when they get married. They don't take the husband's lastname like anglo-saxon women do. I think that's another kind on "machismo".
@thesapphirem5469 4 жыл бұрын
eso no es ninguna ventaja ni aporta nada a la mujer.
@laclase1854 3 жыл бұрын
@@thesapphirem5469 Dar por hecho que el apellido del marido es el que se debe conservar no es muy igualitario. Ahora al menos se puede decidir lo que uno quiera según sus creencias. Si tú prefieres mantener uno pues genial, de eso se trata, de poder elegir.
@kerder8660 Жыл бұрын
actually there is a need for some important correction to the i believe non intentionally made partial error statement (i know its today's trend to blame catholic church for all the wrong things at this same time ignoring all of the civilization move forward thx to that religion). One third of Spain is Andalucia province at some point in history more than a half of that country was Muslim which with time was concentrated in that province no women rights ever existed (thats barely changing to this day) in that religion nor r much better in Jewish religion & non existence in Gypsy-Roma so underlying catholic church which is much more progressive is just false & unfair.
@mariatenor4499 4 жыл бұрын
I hate catcalling, men start catcalling when the girls are still very young and it's really frightening. They can be very rude and obscene too.
@markpunla2191 3 жыл бұрын
That's okay.
@youtubebel3araby120 Жыл бұрын
dude Yoly sounds like a freaking nightmare to be around! you mentioned you were helping tidy up the house for god's sake. How is that sexism?!
@NatalieBrewer04 4 жыл бұрын
Red looks so good on Yolly 🥰 love you guys so much!
@eded9157 4 жыл бұрын
Ojalá a mi me llamarán guapo por la calle.
@saralampret9694 4 жыл бұрын
@guijilope 4 жыл бұрын
pero si ya te lo dicen a diaro cabron, "Mira, GUAPO te voy a decir una cosa..." (Esa frase anuncia QUE TE VAN A DAR DE OSTIAS, SI O SI 100% garantizado, pero al menos te dicen guapo) la gitana del mercadillo: "Guapo, moreno, rey, hrmoso, lo que sea.... SAPATILLA' 2 EURO" "A ver que te diga... "Bonito"" (no hay ostia pero indica QUE ESTAS TOCANDO MUCHO la moal) ¡Coño! ¿soy el unico que se ha dado cuenta que cuando piropean a un hombre es que le van a sangran hasta los ojos de la "Somanta ostias"? ¡Casi prefiero que me llamen "Hijo pu...."! ¡¡Chaoo!! ;-)
@enekoeneko69 4 жыл бұрын
@@guijilope, pues no te voy a decir que no.
@laclase1854 3 жыл бұрын
Ojalá fueras mujer y vivieras eso más a menudo, no es tan agradable como parece que te suena. Los hombres no reciben la misma violencia, situaciones incómodas, tocamientos sin permiso etc del sexo opuesto o sea que puedo llegar a entender que tengas ''envidia'' pero no creo que lo disfrutaras. Es bastante tenso, y a veces te pones en modo ''alerta'' por tonterías sin querer, ya es psicológico.
@leticiahernandez-torres8546 4 жыл бұрын
I traveled to Barcelona alone last year and felt completely safe!
@cinqo7 3 жыл бұрын
Que estupidez. Entonces, si la cerveza con alcohol se le hubiese puesto a la mujer, dirías que es una ofensa porque se está asumiendo que la mujer es una alcoholica. En caso todo los sitios preguntan pero si no es por tema de rapidez.
@SACHINLAWANDE1977 4 жыл бұрын
Sticky topic ... nicely handled. Good to know this information about Spain. Thanx so much for thinking about this.
@Bethechange 4 жыл бұрын
I lived in latin america 5-6 months (I am from Germany) and get catcalled ever 5 to 10 minutes on the streets. Also lived in Spain. The machismo in latin america is way bigger than in spain from my experiences.
@squiremuldoon5462 4 жыл бұрын
Travelheart Latin America has a LOT of countries in it... its like saying “I’ve lived in Asia “.
@topspin213 3 жыл бұрын
The machismo in Spain is lower than anywhere else in the world. The girl who made this video is a radical feminist, don't let her fool you.
@laclase1854 3 жыл бұрын
@@topspin213 don't make me laugh. Because machismo is lower in Spain it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Spanish people are trying to have a better society, we don't care what's going on outside, that's not going to stop us from saying what we think that shouldn't be happening. It's like saying ''that country is suffering more than us so... we shouldn't complain''. No.
@hellothere4599 Жыл бұрын
@@laclase1854 Its just an exadurated term to bash men and give more women special treatment like they allready have , the real sexism in spain is against men and as a foreigner im shocked the amount of hate against men and the amount of angry femenist women that have been brainwashed by these lies.
@AlchemicalAlchemy 4 жыл бұрын
I walk at night at 3 am alone long distances in Spain safest place in the world
@flourflower3499 3 жыл бұрын
I beg you please not to do this. Assault or disappearances can happen to anyone
@laclase1854 3 жыл бұрын
Probably if you compare it with other countries but we still have rapes and violent events happening to women when walking alone or being drunk, so even if it feels safe just don't assume that's not going to happen.
@hellothere4599 Жыл бұрын
Still safer to be a women than a man.
@heyyyitshewan4816 2 жыл бұрын
I love your guys' channel! I am living in Spain now and watching your videos helps me have more context to the situations I encounter in real life :)
@kK-ox7rk 4 жыл бұрын
Guys, vox are saying that violence does not have gender. They are saying that women and MEN experience violence. So yes James we should focus on women but also on men
@tximeleta35 4 жыл бұрын
Please. We are not fools.
@kK-ox7rk 4 жыл бұрын
Tximeleta hahaha you clearly are....look it up and not in El Pais hahah
@tximeleta35 4 жыл бұрын
@@kK-ox7rk No necesito periódicos para saber lo que pasa. Soy una mujer. Lo viví cada día.
@kK-ox7rk 4 жыл бұрын
Tximeleta que viviste? Violencia machista? Jajaj y porque te pegaba tu marido significa que la violencia hacia los hombres no existe??
@tximeleta35 4 жыл бұрын
@@kK-ox7rk Ten un poco respeto, por favor.
@lorileo4319 4 жыл бұрын
The thinking that opening the door for a women is sexist is just dumb. I'm a woman and I open the door for other women too. It is just a polite gesture. I think women are too offended by everything! Being kind should be looked at as a fault!
@kpopisawesome123 4 жыл бұрын
I just moved to Madrid like a month ago from the U.S. but I use the metro everyday and I definitely noticed the absence of man spreading here! I really enjoyed hearing y’alls perspective on hard topics!
@Jcis-oe1oo 4 жыл бұрын
Anastasia Lee how did you move, im trying to move to spain from usa as well. Is it easy or hard to switch from usa to spain
@eduprado8155 4 жыл бұрын
I think many spaniards suffer from self-hate so they have a very bad concept of their compatriots (but surprisely not of themserves). They have a distorted point of view but it's important to mention that spanish mass media contribute decisively
@kpopisawesome123 4 жыл бұрын
@@Jcis-oe1oo It's not hard and the transition from the US to Spain has been really easy for me.
@Jcis-oe1oo 4 жыл бұрын
Can i crash at your place?
@vouvray59 3 жыл бұрын
Every day. Two words.
@dbpike 4 жыл бұрын
Awesome video this week and a subject that clearly needs to be discussed openly if we are ever to realize change.
@welshtoro3256 4 жыл бұрын
I agree Bruce. It's hard for us to have that conversation on this channel (no fault of James and Yoly) because there is a section of nationalist opinion that cannot tolerate any perceived criticism of Spain or other countries for that matter. People want to hear foreigners say nothing but good things about their country, regardless of which country is discussed. Constructive criticism is shut down because you are a foreigner. Many people think Spain is perfect.
@laclase1854 3 жыл бұрын
@@welshtoro3256 There is still a toxic ''masculinity'' and ''feminity'' I thik from the times where the country become a dictatorship when people were censured and women lost a lot of their rights. Having ''shame'' and feeling guilty about everything was a common thing, even worst in small towns where people felt entitled to point out others. That's why I think there is still a lot of people (men and women) who still give you an opinion about your body shape or make fun of it. And if you don't wear make-up or ''femenine'' clothes they still think you (as a women) are being ugly or trying to compete with men. And the same for men who take care of their kids or don't whatch football/ don't drink alcohol.. etc. But young generations are different (almost all of them..).
@journofay 3 жыл бұрын
How interesting. When I think of Spain I have never thought of the men being macho.
@JonasPrudas 3 жыл бұрын
In the past it was. However the feminist world uses the TV and the media in general in order to manipulate the people. "A Spanish man is a creepy macho". It must be even if he is not LOL. If he is not, the media must brainwash the people in order to believe in that. This is the problem with modern feminism.
@SamLozano 3 жыл бұрын
Thats because 95 percent or more are not. I have not met 1 single guy under 35 who is machista.
@markpunla2191 3 жыл бұрын
Men have become weak.
@JonasPrudas 3 жыл бұрын
@@markpunla2191 I do not care if men are physically or emotionally weak or strong. This is meaningless. An apparently weak man deserves my respect. What Iam against in modern feminism is the repression of men: sexual repression as well as repression of speech. Modern feminism is fascism. This is what I care about.
@markyuto6820 2 жыл бұрын
@@JonasPrudas Weak men is not good.
@rockygee7939 4 жыл бұрын
Hello, Do you guys have a Vegan tour and/or will you consider it? And any problems with LGBT persons joining your tours? Thanks.
@momeagle36 4 жыл бұрын
Yoly don'tt be afraid to be in front of the camera we love to hear your perspective on Spain and you have so much valuable knowledge. We are looking forward to our trip to Spain next June and all this information make me even more excited.
@ArrozMisto 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, being a gentleman is being a "micro-machista"... right. So if a woman opens a door for me is it micro-misandry? This is politically correctness gone mad.
@spainrevealed 4 жыл бұрын
I think you missed the point.
@mistreated 4 жыл бұрын
Wow. Thanks J y Y for a very insightful and thoughtful video. We alway appreciate your viewpoints. Great work.
@patrickhunsaker4678 4 жыл бұрын
Hello there
@ocgditto 4 жыл бұрын
I've been living in Spain for 10 years and I have had some bad experiences. I found that the men who stared at my body in a creepy way, or who called me guapa or made other remarks, were clearly lacking in manners overall. I guessed that they were raised that it is okay to spit in the street, take a seat on the metro when there would be a person who clearly needed it, not let you exit the metro/train before basically walking over you ect. In my neighbourhood I can recognise them and it these type behaviours are usually from the same guys (and women). I generally feel safe here. It is a great improvement from my home country, South Africa.
@inesbc2001 3 жыл бұрын
You have explained perfectly!! I lived in Spain until I was 23 and that was exactly my experience, as I believe is also many other women's. The "guapa" (beautiful) calling is the worst in my opinion, it never feels respecful and we women just want to get on with our day! It is different when someone you know respects you says you're beautiful, but those men don't get that.
@Daniel-nt5gh 2 жыл бұрын
It is illegal to catcall. If someone does it and makes you feel really bad you have to call the police. Most of the people catcalling are low culture background, the most uneducated and short minded people, and many amongst that low profile people that do catcall are immigrants that did't have the mental and cultural capacity to adjust to the Spanish culture yet. It has always seen catcalling as uneducated and low quality people, we are much more on the shy and respectful side of relations. They are so spot on about Catholic Church and the fascist dictatorship, yes those times were for women as nearly as bad the Taliban are for women rights today, but since the democracy we have made a giant leap, being one of the best countries at the world about women protection and rights despite of the Church and Right wing neanthertal voters. So if you are a women beware of dating Vox voters, most abusers are lined up with it's discuss against women. About domestic violence those stats shown are not accurate, in fact we are the country to follow, and the rest can only dream with being so proactive and safe, specially Nordic European countries. We are one of the two only countries that have a specific law to fight violence against women, that is why we talk so much about it because we do care and worry and do not hide it in order to fight it and we have been making really good results, although in this matter the only perfect number is 0 women suffering violence, same as men and no binarian people.
@novalover5033 Жыл бұрын
All 3 of you bitches will die alone. Illegal to cat call ? I felt unsafe ? Gtfoh
@projectmidlife 4 жыл бұрын
Yoly, maybe you could make a video about flamenco, not necessarily in general about history and such, cause that video would be many hours long :D but more from your perspective, which traditional singers/musicians/songs you like, what do you think about modern artists like Rosalía or La Shica, and maybe you could give some recommendations of films, either like Vengo or Los Tarantos where there's a general story and flamenco is just a part of it, or other more on docu side like that 50s Flamenco or later Saura's Flamenco.
@joethorn5015 2 жыл бұрын
Have you heard of Isabel La Catolica and Uraca, not exactly weak women, and they go way back in Spanish history.
@lauramartin-bk9nr Жыл бұрын
And Maria Pita, Agustina de Aragón, Manuela Malasaña, Rafaela Herrera, etc Also Beatriz Galindo, writers like Maria de Zayas, Ana Caro, Fernán Caballero, Carolina Coronado, Pardo Bazán, etc.
@ivandaniel08 4 жыл бұрын
I leave in Sweden for 20 years. This society here is much more machista. It is more subtitle, but harder and spread over the whole society.
@nosirve9458 4 жыл бұрын
Corto maltes!
@ArturBaidi 4 жыл бұрын
Sweden is very matriarchal.
@mangstadt1 4 жыл бұрын
In the town where I live, in the south of Madrid, Vox was the most voted party in the last general election (10/11/19). My diagnosis is the following: La gente es muy bruta, y además está hasta los cojones. I think the number of foreigners in my town is fairly low in comparison to neighbouring towns. There are very few people from Morocco, there are some Latin Americans and Eastern Europeans, I have a Nigerian friend (he has Spanish citizenship but his wife and children do not), and I don't know of anyone else from the US other than myself. I have experienced people getting uptight if I speak to my Nigerian friend in English. People tend to be nosy, so we have to try and stick to Spanish.
@terrapinalive8686 4 жыл бұрын
Michel,two things: La gente aqui es muy bruta,you write,and I say Speak for yourself Second: it is bad manners to soeak in a foreign language infront of people who speak their own language in their own country... That has nothing to do with being nosy,as you say
@mangstadt1 4 жыл бұрын
@@terrapinalive8686 Ok. La gente en mi pueblo es muy bruta. Hope that sounds better. I often say that el español medio es muy bruto, but I always add that el yanquilandés medio es todavía más borrego. 63 million votes for Trump in the last general election. I can understand that people don't like Hillary Clinton, but to vote for Trump is outrageous. I was ahsmaed of Little George, but this Donald is pretty bad too. At least he hasn't got us into any new wars. It's expensive to police the world. The Treasury has to issue debt for the Chinese to buy it and that way we can fund our wars. It really doesn't make much sense. I am perfectly aware that it's rude to speak in a foreign language when among locals. My stepmother often speaks to me in English and I answer her in Spanish. She replies in English and I answer again in Spanish, and then she gets the hint. With my Nigerian friend he usually greets me in English, I answer in English and then we switch to Spanish, but in the meantime we ruffle a few feathers just for the fun of it. I often comment that it would be interesting to live in a place where they spoke Basque or Catalan, because then I could speak English and if anyone complained I'd say, Vosotros habláis en euskera (or catalán/valenciano) y yo no soy cotilla :))
@mangstadt1 4 жыл бұрын
We also have a couple of "chinos", convenience stores that always come in handy. Run by Chinese, of course, although one of them also has Spanish citizenhip.
@IndigobluBeauty 4 жыл бұрын
Great and informative vid! I found your channel by doing one of your tapas tours while in Spain last month! I went out by myself in the daytime and at night in each city I visited: Barcelona, Seville and Madrid. I felt safest in Seville then Madrid then Barcelona but I had no problems in any of the cities and had a wonderful time in Spain! I’m from the States
@arianam9977 4 жыл бұрын
I am from Seville and I've never ever had any problem here. Seville seems really safe to me, so it makes me happy to see that another woman had the same experience as me :) Sometimes people just say that the south of the country is more sexist and less safe than the rest of the country for no reason, when that's not true at all. I went to Madrid and even though I still felt very safe there, I found some "weird/scary" men which I had never seen in my city.
@southerncross86 3 жыл бұрын
I do not think a kiwi and a Spanish dude are too different, what would then be if considered with anr arab? They have a different culture
@ティモシーリザネ 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video, Yoly and James! It’s great that you’re tackling a sensitive topic objectively. Some of the people on this comment section rightly pointed out that this channel should only be about Spain and guide prospective visitors about the specifics of Spanish culture (e.g. cuisine and traditions), and it really does revolve around Spain. This, of course, also means that issues that may pique would-be visitors’ curiosity or even concern them are included. Considering that 40% of your viewers are women, it’s only logical to address their worries about sexism in Spain. Doing so doesn’t mean that Spain’s a “bad country” or they won’t have a great time; it’s always good to be fair and objective. In the end, every single country on earth, rich or poor, experiences social and political problems. So kudos to you two! You’re doing a great job!
@spainrevealed 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Vlad :)
@vascoespañol 4 жыл бұрын
Now let's talk about the macho culture of podemos, whose leader Pablo Iglesias fantasized about torturing a woman: Marilo Montero.
@davidchrisp3418 4 жыл бұрын
I have it the other way around in Madrid I get given the none alcoholic because they assume I'm driving.
@glenncamp733 2 жыл бұрын
Yoly & James, this is very well done. As one who lived in Spain in the 70's, I recall a conversation in my limited Spanish regarding women's rights, on a train, with a young woman and a 65 year-old woman with me and two other men. The men were in their 30's as was I. It was very interesting hearing the men trying to understand the reasoning that I had and these women had. Everything was very polite, but this was a year before Franco's death and I always think back to those days and other conversations back then. It was truly the tilting point of many things in Spain. I was there from '74-'77, but have been back many times since. I love your vlogs and your attitudes about Spain.
@mmspost7921 4 жыл бұрын
You guys are such sweethearts! Also, a lot of victims are afraid for their lives and also afraid of getting seriously injured because they might be threatened by strangling or a knife. Also a lot of victims actually know their attackers and are betrayed by them in a moment of real weakness such as being drunk. Most rapes of young women happen while they are intoxicated, such as university partying circumstances.
@shannonclancy2759 4 жыл бұрын
I think this also has to do with where in Spain you are. Here in Cantabria, I have been catcalled dozens of times. This was such a foreign concept for me! Many other factors play into it- also the fact that I am incredibly “gringa” looking 🤣 As a young adult, I have found much more “machismo” here than in the US. Para gustos, los colores... it’s not stopping me from loving this country!
@zuzucha5881 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I would definitely say there is a big difference between the rural and more urban areas. In general it is very safe,but catcalling is very very common in certain areas. There is still room for improvement.
@inesbc2001 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experience! I'm a Spaniard, never lived in the US but I do think that catcalling is a problem in Spain, and something has to be done about it. There are better and worse areas but it really angers me when Spaniards themselves deny the issue.
@gurutzlete2126 4 жыл бұрын
Primer!! Creo q hoy en dia estamos en niveles parecidos a europa, en lo bueno y en lo malo. El machismo no es exclusivo de aqui
@rosuflorian9861 4 жыл бұрын
Que machismo chico....españa esta llena de hombres feminizados ...alli mandan las mujeres y los hombres soys ciudadanos de segunda....
@alieditorial 4 жыл бұрын
Estos guiris... En Inglaterra mueren casi el triple de mujeres asesinadas y hay casi el triple de violaciones. Cuando vienen por aquí solo saben emborracharse y tirarse por los balcones. Los delitos sexuales por habitante los ingleses casi nos doblan. Bélgica, Francia e Italia nos superan también en número y proporción de delitos sexuales. Habláis de machismo porque en España hablamos sobre ello. Al final, pasará como con la "fiebre española" que era española porque se hablaba de ella y en Inglaterra y resto de europa había censura. Hablar un poco de racismo y genocidios que de eso, ingleses americanos teneis grandes conocimientos muchos más que aquí. Hablar que también Inglaterra tiene el mayor índice de impotencia de Europa.
@TheKikogomez 4 жыл бұрын
@@alieditorial toda la razon del mundo mejor dicho imposible
@raul46170 4 жыл бұрын
@@alieditorial Cierto. Es otro tópico. Hay Chavs, macarras, drogadictos, machismo y mal educados en todos los países de Europa, incluso en paises del norre más que en España.
@xeray6032 3 ай бұрын
Isn't all this focus on "micro" a lack of people having something better to do? Not yourselves, the whole global "over control" of other people's behaviour. A lot of these issues were very real, very forceful, demeaning ... 100 years ago, and in the '60s. I was one of the first women to work on military aircraft in the early 1970s post WWII. We didn't even think of that as a big deal. I did become annoyed when there was a concerted effort by the males in the hangars to come over and offer to carry our toolboxes the first day. The others thought it "nice". I came from parents who didn't "teach" us to think that was polite. I told the guy who chose to carry my toolbox that if I couldn't even carry the tools how could I do the job? The other girls took their boxes back and the guys left. It became obvious at that moment it was Round 1 to the girls. Those days should be over. Enjoy what we changed. Get over it. Spanish men have changed a lot, and Spanish women have ALWAYS kept their mother's surname. THAT is cool.
@TheJenniferKK 4 жыл бұрын
You're incorporating folkloric dances into debates about machismo? Heterosexuality is not machismo. The average woman prefers to dance, the average man prefers to play the guitar. "We need to change that"??! Wtf. Let them do what they want! Differences between men and women are ok. Heterosexuality is and always has been the statistical norm. Art (including music) reflects that, all over the world. Not just in Spain. Jeez, talk about looking for problems.
@tximeleta35 4 жыл бұрын
Play guitar and dance? You live in sésamo street?
@SamLozano 3 жыл бұрын
After approaching 500+ girls I have come to this conclusion. Approach a girl from valencia with a smile and say hi. She will most likely give you a dirty look and say what do you want lol. Approach a foreign girl the same way and she will most likely smile and give you her number. The machista thing is so exaggerated its crazy. A perfect example is when I went on a date with a Spanish girl and she got offended when I offered to pay for the dinner. They believe a traditional man is the provider and goes to hunt for food and woman staying with kids is machista. Far from reality but they endoctrine from when they are young to make them believe it is something bad. FACTS
@SerginhoSM9151 3 жыл бұрын
Spanish girls still wanna that men pay for dates. They are "machistas" when it benefits them. Spain is one of the worst countries to be a man.
@SamLozano 3 жыл бұрын
Most women in Spain do not want a man to pay. I do agree it's the worst country I have been to when it comes to dating or meeting women. Tipical response from a girl in Valencia.. Que quieres hahaha
@bkm2797 4 жыл бұрын
Really interesting conversation, and I certainly hope we as a society continue to move forward with respect for the qualities of both sexes. Nice to know single women can travel to Spain safely, because there are many places in this world that can be flat out dangerous. I really enjoy watching the two of you on tour, because you get a male and female perspective on food & culture. So Thank you James and Yoli for all you do, and I look forward to your next video.
@lauramartin-bk9nr Жыл бұрын
FALSE: Spain has the most advanced laws for women historically, except fot the early Franco years. The view exposed in this video false, and even more so in the North of Spain, which has always been quite matriarchal. Women in Spain had it much better than in Anglo Saxon nations, France and Italy. A Henry VIII is inconceivable in Spain`s history. Spanish nobel women inherited property, unlike in England. Women keep their LAST NAMES when they marry and pass them on to their sons and daughters, During the Franco years hundreds of thousand women joined the work force just like in the rest of the West, since the 1950s.
@stephenmckinnon296 4 жыл бұрын
Go Yoly! More like this please!
@mariafernandaochoa3741 2 ай бұрын
Well there’s also this -guapo, guapa in Spain where the first time I heard a waiter call my partner “guapo” or me “guapa” I was like - they are flirting. Soon realize it’s super common and just cultural
@jonny_leach 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for doing this. My fiancée and I are thinking of emigrating in the future with our daughter and you have answered a lot of questions we had. Your channel is excellent and we enjoy the videos. Te Queremos!
@spainrevealed 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you - I'm glad you enjoyed the video!
@sammiesmith6690 4 жыл бұрын
Insightful video.
@jonayz8655 6 ай бұрын
A Spaniard repeating the stereotypes that Anglos like to hear....we are a backwards country, dictatorship evil, catholicism even worse...etc. i wonder why always people who never lievd franco's years always speak badly about that period. My grandparents and parents and all the people I know of their age remember those times as the best in their lifetimes. My mon was born in the 40s she worked her ass out to sustain me and my brothers, and she handled all the documents and issues of the family since at that time my father was in Venezuela as an emigrant. My mother solved all the red type and legal or financial issues of the family. She inherited the lands of her parents and did all sorts of legal stuff. My grandfather worked very hard as well and he was expected to handle his full salary to my grandmother. If he wouldn't have done that he would have been badly regarded in the whole village as someone potentially unreliable (either spending on alcohol, women or stuff like that). You talk about micromachisms, as a man, the micromachism I hate the most is when the waiter handles the bill to me instead of to my wife. Feminists always say "there's still more to fight for" but they never say when will they consider it to be enough, I assume it will never be enough.
@kK-ox7rk 4 жыл бұрын
Please explain... where the wage gap is? Wage gap does not exist, PERIOD
@spainrevealed 4 жыл бұрын
@BagmanJohnJo 4 жыл бұрын
@@spainrevealed Damn I can increase my workforce by hiring more women for less money than men. Why would I waste my time hiring men?! 🤣 Love your videos guys, but mainly because they steer away from politics (Something we all need a break from right now).
@DaniManzano12 4 жыл бұрын
@@BagmanJohnJo hahhaa I'm going to fund a company with just women working on it too lol
@kK-ox7rk 4 жыл бұрын
Hahah El Pais is not the best newspaper to get your news me
@kK-ox7rk 4 жыл бұрын
Oso Polar hahah
@lauramartin-bk9nr Жыл бұрын
Spain`s history is full of woman military heroines and warriors: Maria Pita, Agustina de Aragón, Manuela Malasaña, Rafaela Herrera, etc. In Spain`s Golden age there were many woman writers. And there were actresses. In England men dressed up as women on stage. Women in Spain keep their last names when married and pass on their last names to their sons and daughters. North Spain has always been a matriarchy compared to most Western Europe, and to say nothing of Esatern europe and even more machista Nort Africa.
@MajorKlanga 4 жыл бұрын
In the 90s, my novia's mother was flabbergasted when I washed up after a meal; she'd never seen a man wash up. I also noticed it's common for people to call each other guapa/guapo but it didn't seem as loaded as it would in England if you called someone (particularly a stranger) gorgeous. One other point that you perhaps glossed over is that a significant proportion of the population are gypsies and they have their own level of machismo.
@sandrameza1644 10 ай бұрын
I think the Virgin Mary played a leadership role, calling Jesus to do the first miracle at the wedding at Cana, also she was called to have a baby out of wedlock and her faith was stronger than culture or her religion as she was Jewish. So as a catholic, I have to suggest that she is not submissive to man, only to God she submits to His will, as her pure heart was already open to God, then directed by the Angel. As a feminist woman I find strength in my Catholic roots.
@Cannlos 4 жыл бұрын
Oh por Dios, aquí también no...
@lauramartin-bk9nr Жыл бұрын
Historically, the North and south of Spain have been very different in this regard, the North being more progressive towards women; women had always power and respect as equals to men. .
@suzansim8002 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for answering these questions that I myself has been curious about living in Barcelona, Spain. As a young Asian female who doesn't look quite like a local "Chinese" female, I get stared a lot by older males and get catcalled more often than I'm used to. I'm sure it's not just the female factor that can be attributed for my experience, but hearing Yoly's experience helped me to put some perspective in understanding all this.
@Cervando 4 жыл бұрын
Older males are far more likely to be sexist as they were brought up that way. Luckily the younger generation is far less so.
@iamarkie 4 жыл бұрын
The Asian factor here is important because there is this (general?) idea that Asian women are meant to please males, there is also a common joke about it (final feliz 😒). There's a racial factor. I'm saying it as an Asian who happens to be also an Spaniard living all their life in Barcelona. ¡Un saludo!
@patrickhunsaker4678 4 жыл бұрын
Hello there
@sididddd4551 Жыл бұрын
Younger generation scared of ending up in court for gender violence, due to cat calling. Older men are ignorant to the serious crime.
@twilightofthezone Жыл бұрын
It might bring you some comfort (or not) to know that Hispanic/Spanish/Latin American women are exotified, sexualized and fetishized just as much as Asian women (and it's probably worse for Hispanic women because no one really talks about it). Different stereotypes, yet just as equally pervasive. However, I don't think that means you should fear for your safety or anything. From what I've experienced, if you take precautions and you're smart, anywhere you go in the world can be a pretty great experience.
@lauramartin-bk9nr Жыл бұрын
Spaniard men under 70y don`t cat call. That is practiced by immigrants from North Africa and Latin America. Sorry if this is not politically correct.
@mrn13 4 жыл бұрын
So being polite is labelled "micro machismo"? That is a very very far left way of thinking...Question: what does this add to your channel?
@tximeleta35 4 жыл бұрын
If you make the same " polite " action with a man, is politeness, if you only do It with women it is micromachism. Easy
@SikanderG Жыл бұрын
How do the Spanish refer to masculinity in a way that doesn't imply it's sexist?
@foyorama 4 жыл бұрын
So isn´t Unidas Podemos an extreme left party?
@espaciomultiaventura1230 4 жыл бұрын
Of course, it is a marxist party!
@annekke1974 4 жыл бұрын
They don't discuss that, of course 🤣🤣🤣
@jblondon1327 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, they are the extreme left. However, they will be called by the media "podemos" or "populist" or even worse.."progressive".
@kristinamarie5910 3 жыл бұрын
You two are simply adorable together! Yoly really makes the shine! Very informative and entertaining video. I now want more. ;)
@joethorn5015 2 жыл бұрын
Instead of banning man spreading, why don't we handle things equitably and allow woman spreading?
@amymasciola8687 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks Yoli and James for this thoughtful and informative video. As a new resident of Andalucia, I really appreciate your perspectives on Spanish culture. It was brave of you to tackle this subject considering how many trolls are out there. Remember, non-haters are less likely to comment. We’re often the silent (civilized) majority (I hope).
@itsecman 4 ай бұрын
Manspreading is an interesting issue. A lot of younger women do exactly the same thing without any comment, plus a man needs to spread a little for anatomical reasons.
@MrSmith1O1 4 жыл бұрын
I think that it wasn't a good idea to touch this topic... maybe.
@kK-ox7rk 4 жыл бұрын
Hahah such a fucking biased video. Shit liberal, snowflake video
@royking7298 4 жыл бұрын
BRAVO!!!!! Very good topic. Thanks!
@kK-ox7rk 4 жыл бұрын
Viva España
@jblondon1327 4 жыл бұрын
@periquete6557 4 жыл бұрын
@@jblondon1327 Vlx partido marginal
@lauramartin-bk9nr Жыл бұрын
Flamenco is an art that is dominated by Gypsies, a minority. Flamenco is popular among gypsies and in Andalucia only.
@artemis9397 4 жыл бұрын
You are great guys !!! We want more Yoly !!!
@heetbrink 4 жыл бұрын
I agree: More Yoly.
@bbbf09 4 жыл бұрын
Who knew Olivia Coleman was Spanish and going uner name Yolanda?
@JJorgullohispano 4 жыл бұрын
jajaja sorry im talking binary haha so funny, estais a la moda
@Emma-li8cy Жыл бұрын
Great chanel binge watching now haha😊going to Benalmadena in October
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