Japanese Immersion Learning - 1 Year Update!

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スアッド su

スアッド su

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@Words-of-encouragement.-. 9 ай бұрын
Please come back! Even if, for any reason, you’re not still learning, I’m sure I speak for most of us when I say an update would be amazing. We never got to hear you speak, so if you’re at the point of doing output, we would certainly love to hear it! This video was extremely well done, you put together a lot of very useful resources, and for someone who’s only one week into their Japanese learning journey, this video has been a tremendous help. I hope everything is ok. Please come back if you can. If you’re not still learning, you still have serious potential as a KZbinr.
@causingdesert5409 Жыл бұрын
I highly recommends KZbinr named Tokini Andy for grammar! He’s covered Genki 1 and 2 and quarter 1 and 2. So basically N5-N2 levels of grammar. He does live streams for the grammar but he has made cut down versions to make it more convenient. I’m also learning Japanese but I’m only a few months into it.
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
hello hello!! i've actually checked out some of his n5 grammar videos a few months back - definitely a great resource! (i should probably go back and check out his n3-n2 grammar stuff now that you mention it lol) and yay, let's goooo!!! hopefully you've been having fun learning japanese, i always love to know how the experience has been for fellow learners. you got this! 💪
@causingdesert5409 Жыл бұрын
@@suaddosu ありがとうございます!日本語は楽しいです。Japanese is also difficult, but so is English. So I might as well keep pushing. It’ll be worth it when I can enjoy reading manga and talk to people in Japanese.
@JouzuJuls Жыл бұрын
Hey hey, I just wanna drop into this conversation and say that Genki is a horrible resource for learning Japanese grammar (and Japanese in general). All the mistakes of Genki and the fundamental mistakes of Tae Kim have been exposed by the late Cure Dolly sensei. If you've ever found yourself questioning は vs が, you have already experienced first hand what being a victim of "Eihongo Grammar" feels like. Learning proper Japanese structure guarantees that は vs が doesn't even come up as a question as it'll be painfully obvious what the differences are.
@causingdesert5409 Жыл бұрын
@@JouzuJulshello! Thanks for your input. The 3rd editions of Genki are miles better than the 1st and 2nd editions. Tokini Andy actually has videos on some grammar like you said は vs が, because he understands that Genki makes mistakes. What do you recommend as a resource to learn Japanese grammar? Thank you in advance!
@JouzuJuls Жыл бұрын
@@causingdesert5409 Yea, Tokini Andy's video on は vs が is because he realized all the flaws. He actually cites the exact sources that I and my teacher (Cure Dolly) uses, Dr.Jay Rubin. . Unfortunately Tokini Andy's video explains WHAT は vs が does without explaining WHY it does it. This is the linchpin to understanding true Japanese structure that MUST be understood to develop an easy and intrinsic understanding of Japanese. . The sources I recommend would be either my teacher, the late Cure Dolly Sensei. Dr.Jay Rubin's book, "Making Sense of Japanese" (recommended only if you are at a high level), or myself (Since I've remade some of Cure Dolly's videos). . It's really awesome to see people like Tokini Andy realizing the truth of the Øが, glad that real Japanese structure is spreading!
@bellam1969 Ай бұрын
For some reason, it makes me happy when I see another girl learning Japanese lol :) This is so motivating!
@myon9431 Жыл бұрын
You are really well-spoken! You have a very 'clear' and understandable voice, it's lovely. You would be a good voice actor!
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
what a lovely comment, thank you!
@zoeynorman Жыл бұрын
I agree!
@Borskey 8 ай бұрын
I'd be interested in seeing a 2 year update. I've just recently started my own attempt at learning Japanese via immersion and anki -- I find these videos very motivating.
@PsychonicJoe Жыл бұрын
俺も勉強し始めてから2年間ぐらいで今までアニメやドラマはよく理解できない、でもスアッドさんと違って暗記は4ヶ月ぐらいだけやっててimmersionも少なくなっちゃった。スアッドさんの言う通りなにかの動画や本を完璧に読むとユーフォリアになる、やっぱそれが一番好きなところだな。 俺の場合はアニメより本とゲームのほうが勉強してて聴解力より読解力のほうがマシかも。 この旅に一緒に頑張ろう!
@trueblueclue Жыл бұрын
Not learning Japanese atm (German) but it's cool listening to how somebody has been doing using immersion.
@dawt2098 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this! Videos like that motivate me to continue the journey of learning japanese. Im nowhere near your level but I hope I can be at a similiar level in 1 year especially because you are not sounding like you try-harded 5h+ a day or something, so that shows that only thing I need is to stay consistent and it may actually not be such a daunting task (I'm still a beginner so more things I learn about japanese the more I am intimidated by its complexity in things I would never expect like for ex. number of counters for some absurdly small groups of specific things or shapes)
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
hey!! thank so much for watching and sharing - i really do hope my channel can shed even a bit of light on the realities of acquiring japanese via immersion learning. also i definitely resonate with what you said about feeling a bit intimidated with the complexities and subtleties of the language - i experienced that very early on and at times even felt a bit discouraged. but i realized changing perspective really helped with overcoming that mindset. in a way i think the beauty of japanese is seeing how those subtle difference in nuance and usage plays a role in the structure of the language the more familiar you become with it. it's really fascinating honestly, but hard to say the least haha. consistency is definitely key, i'm by no means the best immersion learner out there and have good days and bad days of learning. but just doing SOMETHING each day will surely show results. learning japanese doesn't have to be a gruesome task that i need to work up to do - it can be as simple as turning on a show i enjoy and watch it with japanese subtitles while learning just a couple words per day. i really wish you the best in your studies and hopefully you can update me as you go! you got this!! :)
@JouzuJuls Жыл бұрын
Ayy whaddup yo! Nice to see more people documenting their progress learning Japanese! Just a quick suggestion on grammar; since you're a year in and mentioned Tae Kim, I think you'd benefit greatly from understanding real Japanese structure instead of the flawed "Eihongo Grammar" that textbooks and Tae Kim teaches. Not trying to shill myself so I'll recommend my teacher, Cure Dolly sensei, who has many videos exposing all the flaws of textbooks and Tae Kim while teaching a more useful model of Japanese grammar called "Japanese Structure". PS. I've remade Cure Dolly's videos in case Cure Dolly gives you the creeps a bit.
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
oh hey! thanks for your input and advice for grammar study! i’ve actually started circling back to cure dolly’s videos after finishing the grammar deck i mentioned. and yeah i’ve heard about some of the issues tae kim’s guide had in that regard after seeing cure dolly’s video on it awhile back. also i’ve checked out some of your videos before - they’re super awesome and love your editing style haha. keep up with the great work!!! :)
@MotivationFrame Жыл бұрын
Hey, where can I find the remake of cure dolly's videos that you've mentioned?
@The1wh0KiLLsU Жыл бұрын
I've been on and off with self teaching Japanese(I really need to jump back 😅) but one thing I've heard is that videos involving kids can be great for learning. They are developing their vocabulary and can potentially help with your overall listening and comprehension.
@PinkVitamin Жыл бұрын
Hey Su! I like your videos, I started learning myself and hope for a 2 year video from you soon! 😊
@Chisumasu Жыл бұрын
I have been studying for maybe a year and a half now and was trying to see how others immersion experience is. definitely need to update my anime list now
@cherrubii Жыл бұрын
yay i'm glad i found your channel because i'm at a similar stage in learning and i also like youtube videos for my immersion content, you gave me some good suggestions for new channels to watch so thank you :) good luck with your studies!!
@galit5912 Жыл бұрын
I love your editing sm! I hope you see more and more success
@higuchivstheworld 10 ай бұрын
I love your video and hope your learning journey becomes successful.
@Crusty_the_goblin Жыл бұрын
@0_Danilo Жыл бұрын
I just made 1 year this month, I did some anki and I do watch some grammar videos, but the bulk of what I'm doing is just watching A TON of anime/media. I like where I'm at, but I'm not at your level. I would understand about 30% of a simple slice of life. Good work!
@mr_mr 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for the video. This is super helpful. I would love to see you walk through your process for sentence mining.
@paulwalther5237 Жыл бұрын
Your Japanese journey is going so much faster than mine did 😂😂. I'm not jealous. I'm working on Korean now and my Korean journey is going even slower than Japanese did. Like you I struggle with properly studying grammar consistently. What saved my Japanese was my local community college had a really good Japanese teacher and I could take the class after work. No such luck for Korean. Just today I decided to stop all vocabulary SRS and only do grammar Anki decks / textbooks for a while and see if this helps. I don't pickup grammar through osmosis like some people do. And regarding outputting early. I think Matt's thinking on outputting early probably started out being that you don't have to do it but then somehow ballooned into this weird thing where you not only don't have to do it but it's actually bad. I don't think anyone else outside the MIA/Refold community champions this idea. You'll find many people who will swear up and down that outputting early and often is more helpful than anything else they do - they wouldn't say this if it weren't true. People who develop bad habits and never fix them are people that stop trying to learn I think. They reach a level that's "good enough" and then just coast. Instead of reading books or KZbin videos on grammar/pronunciation etc and actively listening to natives to make sure they're mirroring them, they just rely on feedback from whom they're talking to. If nobody tells them it's wrong then that's good enough. But if you're actively trying to improve you'll figure out your mistakes and fix them as you go no problem.
@arex20 Жыл бұрын
Your video is so inspiring! I've been learning Japanese for a few years now and your progress gives me a lot of hope that I can achieve fluency in the future. I've been using phone apps like lingodeer and wanikani for learning kanji and vocab (definitely not duolingo 🙂). I'd say I am at N4-ish level right now. Also I have an online tutor that gives me an opportunity to speak which is really important. After just a few months I can actually speak about my day. However understanding content is still hard so the immersion method could be useful for that.
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
aww i'm so glad to hear that!! i'm definitely still on my own journey for striving towards fluency but i'm honestly happy to hear sharing my own experiences can encourage others to keep going on their own path! hopefully we can both continue to get to our end goals, wishing you all the best!!
@Tedisdeaad Жыл бұрын
I use Migaku too, great tool. Although I still prefer yomichan for word lookups. I also struggle with mining and almost everything except desire to continue. For grammar I think the DoJG (Dictionary of Japanese Grammar) is a super good resource. I've found mining the example sentences in there to be very beneficial after reading through the grammar point.
@Surgehero5136 Жыл бұрын
It sounds like your journey so far in learning Japanese is going well. You have a pretty good structure, unlike me lol, I usually learn by using children’s songs as one of my methods but it’s a bit unstructured because I don’t have a strong enough grammar knowledge just yet
@Jadriandnd Жыл бұрын
Love the anime lofi in the background 😂
@bwerrty Жыл бұрын
its very motivating that you can understand that much with just 2000 words
@kouhaiii3182 Жыл бұрын
25:28 my take on this, is that you'll never get it perfect the first time. broken nihongo is fine, don't sweat it. me and my friends have a blast when we mix in a bit of japanese in our conversations, and also surprise ourselves with how we're getting better at it everytime :)
@kar01870 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing! I found your progress through the updates motivating.
@hnt.3r Жыл бұрын
nice video, ive been following along with the updates. Im doing immersion learning as well and its going well. I also found a Japanese tutor to practice output with also its so true about the highs and lows, somedays i feel really good and I can understand a lot then the next day i cant understand much at all and feel demotivated, but we persist through it🙌
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
hey!! oh that's awesome, is it an in person practice session with a tutor or are you using something like italki? (if it's the latter i would love to hear more about how that's been for you!) and aaa it's reassuring to hear there's others who can relate with having good and bad immersion days, definitely just have to keep it pushing 💪 best of luck with your immersion!!
@hnt.3r Жыл бұрын
@@suaddosu i was lucky enough to find someone 10 mins walk away from my house! its been very good so far. We have very basic conversations and when i dont know a word or dont know how to form a sentence he explains how to. I think its really good to help your brain think in japanese. I have also been putting the new words i learn from it in the immersion deck. i am having a good immersion day today, i just understood around 70-80% of a shirokuma cafe episode💪 very reassuring indeed, がんばって~ ! also, チェンソーマンは何と思いますか?
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
​@@hnt.3r sorry for the late reply but that sound great!! hopefully you can continue doing so as you further your knowledge! チェンソーマンめっちゃ面白いです! i've been really enjoying the anime adaption so far!!😄
@hnt.3r Жыл бұрын
@@suaddosu the anime is really living up to the manga! I’m reading the new chapters at the moment as well, they are so good. Can you help me with something? I have been using this channel a lot for immersion kzbin.info/www/bejne/d4rNaGejmZ2njc0 , it’s above my level but I find it the most fun to watch. Is it still useful?
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
@@hnt.3r aaa i've really been enjoying reading part two as well!!! things are really started to heat up in the recent few chapters lol as for your question, honestly if its something you find yourself enjoying a lot and can keep using to make your immersion consistent i would say go for it. tbh when i first started a lot of the videos i watched were way above my comprehension level (esp the gaming content i mainly would watch.) although i would say it's good to mix it more comprehensible content whenever you can just to kinda balance it. if you need some reassuring, check out this bit of an interview: kzbin.info/www/bejne/Z2fNiKd5ZblombM (15:45 timestamp) - but again, watch whatever you enjoy and can actually stick with, you'll see improvement slowly but surely!
@skyhighmaximilian Жыл бұрын
Great video. Good job on your progress. I hope you continue to study the language and reach your goals
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
thank you!!!!
@Wireless-Darwin Жыл бұрын
That's one of the best thumbnails I've ever seen.
@Ieafff Жыл бұрын
Dang proud of you. I’ve unfortunately fallen off due to college but hopefully I’ll be where you are one day.
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
ahh long time no see! college is tough and definitely can get super busy, japanese isn't going anywhere so prioritize what you need to for sure! i'd love to hear how things do for you whenever you do decide to get back into it - wishing you all the best!!
@Ieafff Жыл бұрын
@@suaddosu thanks I’m also interested to see how fast I can pick it up again after a long break. I went 7 months or so straight of 3 hours of immersion a day plus Anki. I am an interesting case study lol. I wish you the best in the future and on your path to fluency :)
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
@@Ieafff whoaa that's amazing 😮 i'm even more curious to see how you'd progress lol - you definitely put in a lot of time and effort already! thank you so much :) good luck again with college/classes!!
@electricant55 Жыл бұрын
You can use OCR like manga-ocr to look up hardsub words too
@bierzuip7169 17 күн бұрын
nice, thats pretty good progress! i started learning about a month ago. also nice chainsawman pfp :)
@bierzuip7169 17 күн бұрын
also do you have a link to that grammar deck?
@jsigns5899 7 ай бұрын
excellent resources you shared here! good studies to you
@dethswurl117 Жыл бұрын
Saiki is my main show for immersion and mining cus I feel like I can rewatch the same episode like 20 times and still love it I'll have to check out spy family since my partner said rly good things ab that one too Hope ur immersion journey is still fruitful, best of luck :)
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
i absolutely love saiki k (truly a timeless classic lol). spy x family is such a wholesome show - would also definitely suggest checking out the manga if you're into that! and thank you!! hope your immersion is going great as well ☺
@godalbino90 Жыл бұрын
hi su amazing video, when you were starting out did u do intensive or free flow immersion and how did u feel about getting spoiled from shows you havent seen in english that you watch and dont understand much in
@DonAnimegaOriginal Жыл бұрын
Hey, I’m wondering if you’re continuing your immersion journey, and if we have a 2 year update to look forward to!
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
hey! so sorry for the late message, but to answer your question: yes i am!! hoping to get that out soon :)
@IN-pr3lw Жыл бұрын
@unityflexo 9 ай бұрын
Why you stopped uploading 😢
@rai_iny1369 Жыл бұрын
is there a video that shows your anki set up?
@jyobin-kun Жыл бұрын
I am curious on whether you had other hobbies/skills you were actively practicing other than learning Japanese. As is the case with me, I've got a LOT of interests and things I want to get better at, and my japanese time is always in contest with time slots for my other interest, even though I really want to learn ~1000 words by the end of the year. Any suggestions on how I could move forward? 😞
@Markus.D.K Жыл бұрын
I´m struggeling with the same issue, 2 other main hobbies besides Japanese. The truth is, you have to make sacrifices. I focus on one for a couple of weeks while maintaining the others. When I´m happy with the progress and think I can take it a bit easy, I´ll switch. With 10 new words per day it will take you about 20 minutes to mine them and make anki cards, or even less if you use Migaku. It shouldn´t be a big deal.
@jyobin-kun Жыл бұрын
​@@Markus.D.K Wow. Thanks! This makes sense. So, I focus on (say) 'Learning how to Learn' for the next few weeks while maintaining my Japanese Immersion timetable + anki deck, and then switch( after the few weeks have been up) to investing more time and effort in finding and discovering new/interesting JP shows, books, tips, etc just to get myself "motivated" again. AND then switch to another hobby while actively maintaining the other "habits" until the next time?
@chimagamer4157 Жыл бұрын
do the core 2k/6k anki deck, after 6 months going from nothing 2k known words is very possible (10-20 new words a day), if you say you already know them just suspend or delete them. i would recommend changing the card, so it is recognition instead of production, because the perfecting happens when you immerse yourself in japanese and use it with others. that way you should easily achieve your goal with ~30min a day of studying, more if you feel like it and immerse. you can also ignore the kanji parts if you don't plan on going into reading that much right away, that is what i initially did. that is what i did, and it worked reasonably well, although i feel i have become way better the next 6 months after doing that. now 1½ years later, i would do it again in any other language i would want to learn, although i would like if life would not get so much in the way of me doing this stuff.
@mathiaslovnes2667 6 ай бұрын
Didn't know you could change the anki wallpaper... do you have a link for yours? It was rly rly nice
@dennisdawkins3732 Жыл бұрын
Before going to migaku how did you get like the audio from the video that you mined from onto the sentence card that you made? I’m using a MacBook and I’m still trying to find a way bc I can’t use share x and i really would not like to pay for migaku
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
hi! i used to have to manually record and add the audio onto my cards using the free trial ver of the "Piezo" software - it definitely was a tedious workflow so i just opted into getting migaku. but if you want to save your money that was the only option i was able to get working on my macbook
@dennisdawkins3732 Жыл бұрын
@@suaddosu thank you so much, after looking through a video on it, I think it’s great for me at this current time and will definitely change my anki cards bc I was just only pulling vocab Audio with yomichan but thanks. And even thought it may be tedious I’m fine with it
@mathiaslovnes2667 6 ай бұрын
What podcasts do you recommend? I know 3.7k words for reference How did you deal with having to look up so much in the beginning? Like I said, I know 3.7k words and I'm rewatching one piece because I remember the plot really well and figured the language wouldn't be too hard but I still find myself in a daze looking up sooo many words and I feel like its just going in one ear and out the other...
@YonaSoundcloud Жыл бұрын
Is this method any good for reading, or just for listening/talking. I got back into learning japanese recently and want to take it a bit more seriously.
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
hey! yes it is - in fact i think most people in the jp immersion community tend to focus more on reading. you often will find your learning going by a quicker pace taking the reading route (although that might mean your listening will be behind so it’s important to have some type of balance.) in my case, at the time i made the video i was to focusing heavily on my listening skills so my reading isn’t as good in comparison. i’m now kinda playing catch up on reading by just reading more (articles, manga, games, using sns, etc.) there’s thankfully things like pop up dictionaries or texthookers that will help you a lot for word look up + will save you some time. lmk if you have any questions in regards to that!
@YonaSoundcloud Жыл бұрын
@@suaddosu Haha, I've been on and off learning Japanese for about a decade, and finding the motivation to continue learning is difficult when it feels like you barely see any improvement as you progress, but I'd say I sort of eeked myself to about N5 level over the last 10 years and I have a friend who is doing Duolingo who keeps coming to me asking me for help on some question he's got on the app. I downloaded the app because I thought why not it'll be a bit of fun, and it's improved significantly since back when everyone used to take the piss out of it, it's actually not bad for supplementary learning now. Anyway, I've always wanted to do Tae Kim's grammar guide but reading through it seems so boring and I don't know if I can drag myself to do it, currently I'm going through the JP1K on Anki, and flashcards seem to keep me entertained enough to grind it out. I really feel like I'm learning at a much faster pace than I used to, despite being in my late 20s compared to back when I was a teenager. I blame those Rosetta Stone adverts for making people think adults can't learn a language like kids can! How do the pop up dictionaries work, are they easy to use, are they browser extensions or?
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
@@YonaSoundcloud ahh so sorry for the delayed response! im glad to hear you're finding more improvement now, hopefully you'll continue find more success with your learning! i had some issues going through the tae kim grammar guide myself and found using the JLAB anki deck to help with getting started on my grammar knowledge (i would also recommend japanese ammo with misa and/or cure dolly as alternatives as well.) as for the popup dictionaries, you can use the google extension yomichan (it's free and you can connect it to anki for sentence mining down the line.) here's a tutorial for setting it up: learnjapanese.moe/yomichan/ another dictionary option is migaku however it is not a free service (~5 USD a month) it also works for sentence mining/articles but can be a bit limited at times on the sites you can use for videos. i personally have been using migaku just due to the ease in sentence card creation via netflix but i implore you to do research of your own before opting in. hopefully this helps! :)
@ASTU--D--ILLO 11 ай бұрын
こんにちは!Thank you for a very wonderful video! I'm a Japanese studying English. I have one question! When you watch Japanese anime and videos, do you watch them with Japanese subtitles? When I watch English videos, I can't understand without Japanese subtitles.
@Siinory Жыл бұрын
I've started to learn japanese through duolingo, I just got Anki for the cards. I wonder which cards are you using, mostly the one that provides the hiragana way to pronounce the kanji?
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
hi!! so with anki there's options to use premade decks to study: in that case, it's up to the original creator of the deck to include the hiragana readings for the kanji - although i think most free existing anki decks do have them. another option is to make your anki cards yourself which is what im currently doing with sentence mining. with sentence mining you could use free extensions like yomichan and format your cards to include the reading. i'm currently using a paid service called migaku that automatically includes the readings onto my cards. lmk if you need any further clarification, i realize anki + making cards can be very confusing at first!
@Siinory Жыл бұрын
@@suaddosu ありがとうございます!It's very clear!
@shostetler Жыл бұрын
What are the links to the KZbin channels you recommend for immersion? I can't copy and paste the Japanese names and for the life of me can't figure out how to search for them.
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
hi, no worries! here's the links to the channels mentioned in the description: 肉チョモランマ - kzbin.info/door/fleuaM45FPQOfVK8XSheDA 花江夏樹 - www.youtube.com/@hanae0626 bintroll - www.youtube.com/@bintroll リモーネ先生 - www.youtube.com/@limone_teacher ポッキー www.youtube.com/@pockysweets Gero Channel - www.youtube.com/@gerochannel jirai channel - www.youtube.com/@jiraichannel 川端美由 - www.youtube.com/@kawabatamiyu 丸山礼チャンネル -www.youtube.com/@rei_maruyama クロ【考察美容師】 - www.youtube.com/@96official
@shostetler Жыл бұрын
@@suaddosu Thankyou!
@NicoBlog45 Жыл бұрын
Helloo are u still in japan?
@reececlifford6890 Жыл бұрын
do you use any tools for dictionary lookups for playing persona?
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
i downloaded the game2text software and use the ocr function to grab text from the game and since game2text works as a browser window you can use yomichan (or migaku if you have it) and make your cards there. there's also a built in card maker but you might need to manually add stuff to your cards - i typically don't get any of the in-game audio when i make cards through this method though, just a heads up!
@reececlifford6890 Жыл бұрын
@@suaddosu thank you so much! i have been trying the game2text software but it makes my laptop pretty slow unfortunately. migaku has been absolutely incredible for me. keep up the great work ur doing great man
@TechWandererYT Жыл бұрын
Hey su 👋 just found your channel and would love to hear where you're now, over 1.5 years in. are you still learning? I've just started a month ago and haven't done much immersion, so this was very helpful. Thanks!
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
hey! so sorry for the late response but i am! i opted out of making an 18 month update due to life being very busy but i am still learning haha. also i'm so glad you found the video helpful!! i know it's been a few weeks since you commented so hopefully you've been able to immerse some more (i'd love to hear how the early process of immersion has been for you) :)
@TechWandererYT Жыл бұрын
@@suaddosu actually I gave up recently 😂 hoping to jump back again though as I go back in November 🫶🏻
@olivermunkholm1 3 күн бұрын
if anyone is in to game speedrunning i would like to recommend a channel called 'RTA in Japan'
@Gloriku-p Жыл бұрын
whats that sentence mining card game?
@reececlifford6890 Жыл бұрын
hey, i was wondering how you managed to get persona 3 fez on pc? and when do you recommend i start sentence mining as a beginner?
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
hey!! i downloaded a ps2 emulator (PCSX2 specifically) here's the tutorial i followed: - kzbin.info/www/bejne/gZ_bmHWNer6hZ5o and to get the game in japanese, you can download it here: - archive.org/download/ps2japanredump3 as for sentence mining, you can honestly start as early as you want (i know there's people who start mining once they learned a couple hundred words.) i would personally recommend waiting until you're at least 85% through or after completing a core vocab deck just cause that will make things a lot smoother
@reececlifford6890 Жыл бұрын
@@suaddosu thank you !! keep up the hard work, your progress is amazing :)
@samantha_owo 7 ай бұрын
i reccomend asb player, it creates soft subs for youtube and has been very usefull for me!
@Ruukasu_77 10 ай бұрын
I started learning Japanese since a week i saw so many tipps and recommendations for books like genki or Minna No nihongo. But i’m not sure what book i should use bc there are to many and i don’t want to waste money. And how do i start (after learning Hiragana and Katakana) learning vocabs? Is there a book whit Japanese vocabs and the translation for our mother language? (mine would be german). I’m using Duolingo aswell, hiragana and katakana I’m learning by my self i’m writing them and learning to say them correctly. The hard part would be kanji i don’t have a pc so i can’t use anki sadly (but i do have on my android tablet the android anki version) but idk if this is good enough. So yeah u got any Tipps for me? especially for learning vocabs and the translation in the mother language. Thanks for the help. ^^ 🙏
@hmstransit909 Жыл бұрын
A question. What language would you learn after you're confident enough in your Japanese skill?
@paulwalther5237 Жыл бұрын
If she is rational and sane she will stop at Japanese.
@Words-of-encouragement.-. 9 ай бұрын
@@paulwalther5237 Why does that make someone "rational and sane"?
@paulwalther5237 9 ай бұрын
@@Words-of-encouragement.-. language learning is crazy hard, time consuming, and results are really slow. Especially languages like Japanese. So if you’re smart you will find another hobby. Of course I don’t take my own advice 😂
@Words-of-encouragement.-. 9 ай бұрын
@@paulwalther5237 😂 Ok I completely understand. I definitely don't count as rational and sane. Japanese is number 5 for me, and although I'm only about a week in, I am well aware that this will be the hardest one for me by far...but it's also the one I'm most excited about!
@curtain1810 8 ай бұрын
You have a really nice voice! You should be a voice actor
@kosprooltip7125 Жыл бұрын
a minor mistake in the description, you put output as listening
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
thanks for catching that! just fixed it :)
@mr_mr 10 ай бұрын
How's your progress now?
@lamMeTV 4 ай бұрын
That is a rad Anki background
@timetraveler9105 Жыл бұрын
hi su
@JannesDragon 4 ай бұрын
Any updates?
@FiZc 3 ай бұрын
No updates in 2 years is sort of an update. She probably quit.
@JannesDragon 3 ай бұрын
@@FiZc That would be say, I hope she will just release a 4 year uodate next year haha
@suaddosu Ай бұрын
@@FiZc didn't quit lol - just been a bit lazy to properly edit a full video
@JannesDragon Ай бұрын
@@suaddosu I'm glad!!
@JonStallworth Жыл бұрын
i keep losing my place because i have to leave mid vid to do stuff but did she speak in japanese in this vid? if so pls put the timestamp
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
hey! i actually didn’t speak japanese at all in this video - 16:45 is the timestamp where i talk about it. with the method i’m following it’s getting to a high level of input comprehension before i focus on outputting in the language. hopefully once i’m ready i’ll post a video with my japanese speaking but currently i’m still not at the place i wanna be yet for that
@JonStallworth Жыл бұрын
@@suaddosu ah okay thank you. every video that I’ve seen talking about Japanese, everyone’s talking about how they just consistently immerse, and the input, and the output just happens. so I think I’m just going to start doing that too. I have issues forming sentences in Japanese, it feels like there’s so many words that mean the same thing but it’s all contextual-based. Did you have issues with this too?
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
@@JonStallworth i have done very minimal outputting so far so i unfortunately can't really speak too much on that in my personal experience. however the general idea is that with copious amount of input and hearing words you've learned + acquire, you'll generally get an intuition on when it's appropriate / sounds natural to use - especially since you'll be getting tons of exposure of natives using it in context. also from hearing other immersion learners share their experience, you'll still have to put in active effort at first (which makes sense seeing it's an area you haven't practiced at all) but the goal is when you're at the output stage is to do shadowing + speak with natives to close that gap while hopefully sounding more natural.
@JonStallworth Жыл бұрын
@@suaddosu thanks mane:) i appreciate the chats
@JonStallworth 2 ай бұрын
@@suaddosudawg it’s been a year and i’ve been slipping so much LOL, i see you haven’t posted since then. are it’s hard for me to be consistent for uploading for sure, is that how you’re feeling? or are you waiting for the 2 year update
@pineapple9464 Жыл бұрын
Just wondering, how often and what length of time do you study each day?
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
hey! i have been doing vocabulary review everyday since i've first started (at the beginning i was learning around 10-15 new words per day via a core vocab deck. with sentence mining i typically would review ~13 new words if i've been consistent with my mining (which i haven't lol) BUT! i have been consistent now with learning grammar daily as well for a little over a month and a half now so i review about 30-50 grammar cards from the JLAB grammar deck. for actual immersion i try doing a minimum of 2hrs of active/"passive" (passive to me isn't really passive cuz i just consider that listening to podcasts while doing mindless activities.) for the first 3-4 months of my journey i used to clock several hours per day because i had a lot of free time, but i had to reduce that because of work/other life responsibilities! let me know if you want any clarifications i know i wrote a lot lol
@pineapple9464 Жыл бұрын
@@suaddosu Thank you for taking the time to comment!
@kogre91 Жыл бұрын
Hey there, does anyone know, where the scenes from 18 mins til the end are from?
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
hi! the first new clips are from "your name/君の名は" and the rest is from "weathering with you/天気の子"
@kogre91 Жыл бұрын
@@suaddosu Thank you so much for the fast reply. I've seen "Your name" but haven't heard of "weathering with you". Will check it out! By the way thanks for the great videos and honest insights into your learning experiences. I'm learning Japanese since multiple years and your probably already ahead of me. I definitely don't immerse enough and spent way too much time on Kanji learning. So good to see that it works out for you with out learning Kanji isolated.
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
@@kogre91 aaa thanks! learning isolated kanji definitely seems like a gruesome task (it was also another reason why i went to seek alternative methods to learn japanese in the first place lol). immersing and learning kanji readings via words has certainly been the most enjoyable path i could've taken i think. i'm sure you're at a great place to jump into immersing more with so much kanji knowledge though! :)
@kogre91 Жыл бұрын
@@suaddosu yeah, I think remembering new words is easier, when you know the kanji, but I really would doubt it was worth the time. Although I like how from knowing the meanings of a kanji you can derive the actual definition of the word (especially, if it's made out of multiple kanji). Will you post further updates in the future?
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
@@kogre91 i think maybe i'll post another update at 18 months into learning - i definitely will continue to keep updating as time goes on!!
@Cunningstunts23 Жыл бұрын
With immersion, are you supposed to avoid using English subtitles?
@something_inside_me Жыл бұрын
@K.Martin97 Жыл бұрын
Have you ever considered going to a language school?
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
i've briefly considered it when i first started learning japanese (however due financial stuff and future plans/goals i knew it wasn't going to be something i could actually do at the time.) i think looking at it now, i don't think it would enroll in a language school - ofc it would be nice to live in the country but i think it would rather continue self learning via immersion and find other opportunities to visit the country without such a large class time commitment
@kourtneyjohnson1557 Жыл бұрын
Do you mind dropping those youtube channels in the comments?
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
hi ofc, here you go: 肉チョモランマ - kzbin.info/door/fleuaM45FPQOfVK8XSheDA 花江夏樹 - www.youtube.com/@hanae0626 bintroll - www.youtube.com/@bintroll リモーネ先生 - www.youtube.com/@limone_teacher ポッキー www.youtube.com/@pockysweets Gero Channel - www.youtube.com/@gerochannel jirai channel - www.youtube.com/@jiraichannel 川端美由 - www.youtube.com/@kawabatamiyu 丸山礼チャンネル -www.youtube.com/@rei_maruyama クロ【考察美容師】 - www.youtube.com/@96official
@kourtneyjohnson1557 Жыл бұрын
@@suaddosu ありがとうございました!
@pineapple9464 Жыл бұрын
Do you study kanji?
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
if you mean doing individual kanji study then no. rather than learning the readings for each of the thousands of kanji characters, i try learning just words (with it's kanji) so i learn the correct reading with it's meaning and context. i also never did anything like rtk (remembering the kanji) or rrtk (aka lazy rtk), i just allowed myself to start getting used to recognizing kanji characters originally by using a core vocabulary deck (in my case the JP1K deck.) hopefully that all makes sense to you!
@pineapple9464 Жыл бұрын
@@suaddosu Fair enough, thank you for answering! :)
@yeontanseyebrows5588 Жыл бұрын
How do you make your cards? They look really nice. I’m really shit at making cards, like they straight up either don’t work and the ones I get to work really suck🥲 ALSO PERSONA 3 YOURE SO BASED FOR THAT. I also recently got P5R from steam so I can replay it in Japanese
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
hi!! here's my mining template (via migaku): pastebin.com/Dakrzik8 it's a vocab card but you can adjust the cards to make it sentence in the front if you would like. i also included some important notes within the pastebin so please make sure to read that beforehand. i've recently taken a bit of a break from persona 3 to start playing persona 4 golden since the resolution is higher (also got mine off steam, although it loves to crash mid game) i've been really enjoying both games for far!! can't wait to eventually play P5 in the future :)
@yeontanseyebrows5588 Жыл бұрын
@@suaddosu okay so I've been trying to get the template to work a couple times, and I always encounter the "Front template has a problem: Found '⁨{{#Target word}}⁩', but there is no field called '⁨Target word⁩' More information" I've had the same problem with other templates too. I went ahead and downloaded and older version of Anki because I know that can affect how it works, but that didn't end. I've once again been fighting this problem for 3 hours and nothing seems to work so I figured I'd ask you if you know how to fix this since the template seems to work for you. Did you encounter this problem/know how to fix it? :') I'm getting a little desparate since I've literally been battling this problem for months now and it's the sole reason I haven't been able to create any sentence mining decks of my own
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
@@yeontanseyebrows5588 hey again! so the reason you are encountering that error is because the names of your anki fields haven't been set to match the names i have set on my card. you can update them by going to Tools > Manage Note Types > *select the Note Type you already put the code in or select "Add" button and choose a basic note type > Fields Make sure to have the following fields and save: 1: Sentence 2: Target Word 3: Definitions 4: Sentence Audio 5: Screenshot 6: Audio and if you're using something like Migaku or Yomichan to mine you will also need to make sure the fields are matching on the settings online - lmk if you need any help with this as well. you will have to update the fields (or update the card layout) if you want to use a different card layout that has different field names - that explains why you had a bug each time. hopefully that resolved your issue!
@yeontanseyebrows5588 Жыл бұрын
@@suaddosu oh my god thank you so much! I finally got it work :’D I had no idea the field names were set in a different place. You’re a lifesaver ^^
@suaddosu Жыл бұрын
@@yeontanseyebrows5588 no problem!! i'm glad it fixed the issue :)
@CaptainWumbo Жыл бұрын
if you like games I recommend game gengo. you'll learn more from one of his videos than you would from a month of flash cards
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