I sure wouldn't object to a third interview on this amazing theological achievement.
@peterandjoycevanbreemen6006 ай бұрын
Hurray! I have been waiting for Part II to come out. I am the second one to "Like" this. Do I get an Onscript T-shirt? Thank you thank you - for the insights into the message of God.
@OnScriptPodcast6 ай бұрын
Perhaps an OnScript doilie
@andrewdalton59885 ай бұрын
Great job, Jason, as always! I’d like to address the alleged conflict with Gal 4:6 (36:53). The “hoti” in Gal 4:6 need not be construed causally (Because you are sons…). It is better to read it as a gnoseological hoti instead. Thus, following the doctoral thesis of Silverio Zedda, one Italian Bible reads: “E che voi siete figli lo prova il fatto che Dio mandò nei nostri cuori lo Spirito del suo Figlio, il quale grida: «Abbà! Padre!»” (CEI). My translation: “And that you are children is proved by the fact that God sent into our hearts the Spirit of his Son, who cries out, 'Abba! Father!'” In other words, act (what we do) follows being (who we are). We are sons of God. And our divine sonship is clearly known because we cry out by the Spirit to our Father. That this is Paul’s understanding is clear from the more elaborated version given in Rom 8:15f. The gnoseological hoti is hardly unprecedented. For example, we readily say things like: “It has been raining for [hoti] the windows are wet;” or “It must be late for my eyes are red.” By this we mean, “We know that it has been raining because the evidence is plainly seen,” and “it is surely late because my red eyes indicate as much.” Luke 7:47 provides yet another example of the gnoseological hoti. The woman’s love is not the cause of the remission of her sins. Such a teaching would contradict the preceding parable: love for the money lender comes as the consequence of his having cancelled the debt. Obviously, the debtor’s love for the money lender did not cause the cancellation of his debt. Accordingly, v. 47 means, “It is clear that her sins are forgiven - her great love is proof of it.”