Show a single instance in whole Indian history where Nayaka women had more than one husband. Only instance in the Indian epics is from Mahabharata where queen Druapadi had five husbands. Even Draupadi didn't live with all the husbands at once. She spent one year with each brother. This was done so that there will be no confusion for the father's identity of the children. Polyandry was practiced among tribals living in jungles of India including Himachala of extreme north and Kerala. Ezhavas is a community of " low caste untouchables" having Sinhalese origin in Kerala. They too practiced polyandry. But Nayakas/Nayakkars never did. In Sri Lanka, polyandry, where a woman has more than one husband, was legally practiced only in the kingdom of Kandy. Polyandry (especially fraternal polyandry) is also common among Buddhists in Bhutan, Ladakh.