Jeff Foster Talking about Relationships

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Richard Miller

Richard Miller

16 жыл бұрын

See the full one hour show at"

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@Uberlaser 11 жыл бұрын
Excellent video - Re-affirms something I have been considering for a long time. Since there is only 'Now', that's all anyone can have. There are no relationships - Any idea of 'Relationship' is a purely an idea with a basis in ego and time.
@campora1981 10 жыл бұрын
I'm learning how to redefine having aloneness and being alone alongside my loving's really confusing but worth it!
@nondualwisdom7913 8 жыл бұрын
Enlightenment looks very natural but unordinary at the same time.
@efsaturn 15 жыл бұрын
I love this video. I love how he hold holds "relationship" up as a bubble in the air. He can not hold her. She is free to walk away. He is free to walk away.
@radicalhonesty3628 2 жыл бұрын
I watch this video and I simultaneously pray for: - a tribe of real friends - a way out of poverty and into wealth - a way to thrive off my talents and passions - true love, twin-flame love - the reversal of being diabetic, to shed my excess weight, to move into perfect health - the dissolving of suicidal depression, and the entering of heaven in me
@EdgarLiefde Жыл бұрын
Good luck 🙏🏻
@TheSolsonia2003 12 жыл бұрын
This is the ultimate TRUTH...THANK YOU!!!
@linhngo6544 2 жыл бұрын
So lovely
@xPhreaky 11 жыл бұрын
beautiful message
@kerouac818 13 жыл бұрын
Jeff, might be interesting to sit down with your 2 year old and explain to him that mommy and daddy are free beings who might go our own free way tomorrow. We are only here together as long as we enjoy hanging out together. Best of luck little fellow.
@JeremiahKlarman 3 жыл бұрын
I love that idea.
@adelabeiram5153 9 жыл бұрын
Could you please tslk about violence and anger in ralationships?how to protect ourselves from that? Thank you, your talks really help me to live more content !
@gainsbourg66 13 жыл бұрын
@TheDesertFox - Actually I have briefly experienced derealization/depersonalzation (as part of a drug experience) and it had a profound effect on me. Since that time I've always known that reality may not be what it appears to be. Concepts such as space, matter and separation may be illusions. I found that experience to be lonely and terrifying. Afterwards, as I looked at my children I none of them are real - even I am not real! I longed for the old illusion of reality to return.
@kaifinn 14 жыл бұрын
oure personality is also a illusion of thought. relationships can only be 'real" through that personality. once you see that you (as a person) does not exist, then there can't be a relationsship. it is a bubble of thoughts wich exists only in youre mind. in reality there is just this.
@Robasis 15 жыл бұрын
One experience will not give you a permanent experience of beyond, nor will the insight that you are not or the drive that releases you from depression yet binds you to being free yet bound to conceptual Advaitic truths.
@hfump9 15 жыл бұрын
This is too simple, he can walk away, she can walk away. He can blow her brains out, she can blow his brains out, also true. Freedom in the absoloute without compassion of the conditioned relative is the abode of the super ego.
@Kazinggg 13 жыл бұрын
what about the (sometimes even measurable) energy between people? I get his point, absolutely, but I think I could relate better to it if we would call the "nothing" "everything" cause that is what it is at the same time.. one might want to take a look at the quantum level of relationships and communication to get a deeper understanding of this. ("Quantum Communication" and "Conversations with God" are a movie and book that should be seen and read by every seeking seeker out there, in my eyes ;)
@gainsbourg66 13 жыл бұрын
@efsaturn - What about if you have children - do you still feel you are free to walk away because a relationship just a "bubble in the air?" Of of course, I forgot children don't really exist so just do what you want shall be the whole of the law now.
@ikkyu15 14 жыл бұрын
@gainsbourg66 Isn't the truth of any relationship that either party could walk away at any time? Whether it's "okay" or not is another matter entirely.
@IncarceratedScars 13 жыл бұрын
I don't like his view of love, but that's my opinion.. but i mean i do like what he's saying
@laughhearty 13 жыл бұрын
@kerouac818 actually, that would be a lot more understanding than the average contentious divorce. And the two would retain mutual respect for each other and continue to care for the child. Just like any couple that splits. Or at least the ones who follow through on their responsibility to the child. Reality = relationships do not always last, relationships change. Better to be real about it, than delusional.
@gainsbourg66 14 жыл бұрын
So what if you have a child...okay if you just "freely" walk away from her then?...or if she walks away from the child?
@prinzdubs 13 жыл бұрын
@gainsbourg66 neither dualism nor nondualism is more valid than the other. a baby doesnt distinguish between what it does and what happens to it (nondual). it then learns to associate with its tool (the body) and takes the body to be 'me'. now it sees itself as separate and independent of its environment (dual). the 'i am the body' idea can be exposed as just thought and when perceiving directly, without the filters thought provides, we're back at perceiving like the baby (nondual).
@TobiasLars 15 жыл бұрын
so, in 'non duality' - wouldn't we be fine with them 'there' in the morning or them 'not there' as well... Where could they go? if we're all 'One' - how could they 'walk away'? - where is there to 'walk to'? Sitting in the Center of All - no good bye's exist there.
@prinzdubs 13 жыл бұрын
@gainsbourg66 can def relate to the children issue as father of 2. But if one no longer moves as a person but is a participant in the cosmic flow, how can this go wrong (or be expected to adhere to current societal norms all the time)? many teachers do not live with or see their kids often at all, the Buddah himself left his wife and kids. some tools are better suited for some jobs than others. many have been affected by Gautama the Buddah, would Gautama, great father, have similar effect?
@ikkyu15 14 жыл бұрын
@gainsbourg66 It's not as though people experiencing "Personalisation" have any issue with morals, is it? And I've yet to hear of Mooji robbing a liquor store, or Tony Parsons being a serial killer, or Eckhart Tolle being a child molester... The lack of a sense of self doesn't mean that "anything goes," in fact since there's no self doing battle with itself it seems to me that there would be an even more strict adherence to so-called morals.
@mikeyo1234 11 жыл бұрын
What is worse is when people get married. A lot of married people end up not getting on. They then stay together because of a marriage contract. They both suffer and the children, if they have any, suffer huge amounts due to the fighting. Children prefer it when a destructive marriage that their parents have, ends. People should be in a relationship because they WANT to be. Not because of some outdated religious / legal contract! You can't know true love if you think like you!
@sunyata150 13 жыл бұрын
@gainsbourg66 Why do you feel this? Look within yourself and ask why you have a negative thought in relation to nondualism. Could it be a personal bias, such as a desire to experience it and subsequent unhappiness that one isn't, and therefore a desire to "tear it down." And most enlightened people will say the mystical and/or supernatural type explanation is empty in itself.
@GiacomoJimmi 12 жыл бұрын
@kerouac818 People do that anyway. Most of the time, they don’t bother to explain to the 2 year old.
@GiacomoJimmi 12 жыл бұрын
@GiacomoJimmi Like my mother says-who has been married for 36 years, by the way-marriage is just a piece of paper.
@meghan42 15 жыл бұрын
@prinzdubs 13 жыл бұрын
@gainsbourg66 ..... not to say u must leave ur kids. freedom can express in all forms. Papaji, Mooji's guru, was a family man who was an engineer and ran an engineering company--complex stuff that seems like it needs a person to be running the show. simply not the case tho. that's just how it played out. he seemed like a very busy man but if u asked him he'd say 'nothing ever happened and I've never done a thing' ;) he knew he wasnt the person, regardless of actions apparently taken.
@mrcuteblackie 15 жыл бұрын
I mean we have evolved, we should keep evolving rather than going back. By the way non-dulity is a concept. If you wanna be free, throw all concepts and philosophies. ( listen to John Sherman)
@excusesbegone 7 жыл бұрын
we've made it all so COMPLICATED 040517
@Luxmjya 14 жыл бұрын
I disagree. Not specifically with the possession thing. But with the fact that there is no relationship. There is always ONLY that. Not in the conventional sense that is based on prior separation, but one based on prior unity. It's true, nothing happens simply by an appearance, but relationship is always already the case. The mutual surrender in it is the realization of unity. Talk is cheap. Know someone via heart recognition.
@prinzdubs 13 жыл бұрын
@gainsbourg66 morals are learned and vary from society to society so obv the cosmic flow of the universe will not always adhere to ur morals. advaita has nothing to do with morals bc it has nothing to do with actions at all. advaita teachers want you to realize for urself that u are not the doer of actions nor the thinker of thought. right action will spring forth from this realization spontaneously. but why argue belief vs belief? go beyond belief and experience urself directly--no words.
@gainsbourg66 13 жыл бұрын
@prinzdubs -the whole notion of non duality has arisen over millenia from people affected by depersonalisation "disorder" - they can't come to any other conclusion because it's what they actually experience. Depersonalised people can still have morals (or say hunger or sex drive) but because there is no sense of self they say these things "are happening to no one". Consequently their world is full of contradictions and absurdities - so they assume that morals, like anything dual, must be absurd
@prinzdubs 13 жыл бұрын
@gainsbourg66 ur last sentence cant be further from the truth. cant u see that 'DP' 'disorder' are labels applied by ppl in the position of assuming there is one right way to view things (the way they experience it) and other ways are wrong or the result of some malfunction. psychologists also display this by not seeing the way a baby perceives the world (the oceanic experience) to be as valid as the way an adult sees it (through the filter of a seperate personal 'i'). enlightened=like a baby
@goldraytwinflames 15 жыл бұрын
ok we are lost? sounds like this is intellectual channelling? Left brain is functioning on this channel and he is quite correct he is definitely channeling NON-DUALITY...
@subbannar7319 4 жыл бұрын
Probably that is the reason the enlightened don't get married
@TheRecyclable 9 жыл бұрын
question , is this true ? i spend 5 years to be with one girl and i wasted my time , and i did every thing , so the question is so : my entire life i've been told that you can't understand women and i was like kidding me !? they're the simplest things ever and then i figured out what's goin on ! women , . . . are a pure example of conflict . . . . AS they're afraid of nice guys , as they think nice guys are being nice to get laid !?!! cuz they don't wanna be called or labeled '' slut '' , but women want sex as much as we do or even more cuz they can be satisfied more biologically , and the point is they just need to be convinced INDIRECTLY ! they keep playing with you to lead you but they want you AS A MAN to lead them ! and the conflict is as women decide sexwise about relations , even if you are a nice guy to be a friend , they piss you off , cuz that's not the way you can get laid (as they want to be F@%&ed) and they think about their own goodz '' sextual satisfaction '' . And that's so bizarre !
@mrcuteblackie 15 жыл бұрын
throw away all concepts on non-duality, oneness, God, Atheism, and abide in YOU. You will find the truth only in this way. Let the truth reveal itself as anything whatsoever. Only then can you be free.
@mrcuteblackie 15 жыл бұрын
there is no way in whichy you are not bounded, if you have these advaita concepts. By the way, why nonduality? We come from non-duality, and we are evolving as separate selves. Why should we go BACK to primitive times? Maybe life is meant that we become separate beings.
@dr.ashleyfrank8045 6 жыл бұрын
Jeff Foster doesn't really know what he's talking about, in fact he contradicts himself at different points of this video. We cannot walk away because we have never been separate. Yes, we do not need relationship to complete us, we are already whole. But (at the level of form) if chose to we work on a relationship with another a powerful force is created (alchemy if you like) because an integration between the form and the formless is created and that is when spiritual partnership is made manifest. My suggestion to anyone watching this video is to get yourself more schooled either in Vedanta teaching or Buddhist teaching from a spiritual master from the East who has already attained the level of oneness. [Ashley Frank, PhD - Initiated yogi since 2011).
@matthewnguyen7500 5 жыл бұрын
Marriage create are tragedy for woman and children.
@VV998877 12 жыл бұрын
Who is this guy? He´s smart, and he´s not! :)
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