Jeff's throat cancer battle - Episode 1

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The OTHER Jeff Johnson

The OTHER Jeff Johnson

6 жыл бұрын

Note: It turned out that much of the information in this video was inaccurate. My ENT grossly UNDERestimated the size and severity of my tumor. For a more accurate update, watch the second video here: • Oops ... remember last...
This is the first in a series of videos about my journey with throat cancer. On March 29, 2018, I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma at the base of my tongue. In this video, I discuss the symptoms that led to my diagnosis and what will happen next as we plan my treatment. Thanks for watching!
= = =
Jeff Johnson is a broadcaster, journalist and itinerant humorist who shares his story and the lessons he’s learned as a physically disabled, Autistic cancer survivor.
Visit Jeff's blog or let him know if you'd be interested in having him speak to your group or organization at:

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@austi625 2 жыл бұрын
I had the same cancer but mine was in my lymph nodes and I was in stage 2 throat and tongue cancer in 2016 I had 37 radiation treatments with chemo and now I'm cancer free 6yrs but I have lost my sense of smell, taste and saliva its hard to maintain my weight but I'm alive by the Grace of God!!!
@thentheresjeff 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your comment. I’m sorry you went through the hell of throat cancer treatment but glad you’re still with us. It’s very confusing to me how widely varied the damage to taste buds is from this treatment. Some people get their sense of taste back fully, others not at all, and many - like me - somewhere in between. It just doesn’t make any sense (no pun intended). Did you have a feeding tube? I would have died without mine. I used it for eight months and had it for nine. I survived on Boost Very High Calorie protein shakes for most of that eight months. I still drink a Boost High Calorie (250 calorie) shake for breakfast every day to help maintain my weight. No matter how much I eat, I never gain more than three or four pounds. I guess that’s something good to come out of this, huh? Please feel free to come back and share updates or answer others’ questions that you see on my videos. Your experience is valuable and can help others cope with this nightmare.
@cyndeewenzel6439 Жыл бұрын
Good for you, I'm adding you to my prayer list. And praying for you.
@biljanamarfi4504 6 ай бұрын
​@@thentheresjeffpozdrav imam pitanje moj decko boluje od iste bolesti ali trenutno je u remisiji prosao zracenje kemo terapija ali doktor je rekao 80 posto je izljeceno sto znaci metastaze su jos tu kako dalje
@thentheresjeff 6 ай бұрын
@biljanamarfi4504 - Hello. I’m sorry to hear that your boyfriend has this cancer, but glad that he has completed treatment. I’m going to respond to your comment in English and paste the Google Translate app’s translation below. The app has identified your question as being written in Croatian. If that is incorrect, I apologize. I can’t give you any kind of specific medical advice for two reasons: One, I’m not a qualified medical professional. Two, even if I WAS qualified to offer any advice, I would need to review all of your boyfriend’s records, scans, etc., to even begin to formulate an opinion. Generally, I will say that sometimes medical professionals use jargon with patients that they normally use with each other. They forget that we don’t understand what they are saying, much less what they mean. I would ask for clarification about the “80 percent” figure. Do they mean that they physically destroyed 80% of the tumor and 20% remains? Or, that there’s an 80% chance that they got all of the tumor and a 20% chance they didn’t. Or that they got 80% of the affected lymph nodes but missed 20%. That’s the first thing you need to clarify before making any decisions. Your boyfriend should also have been given a “staging” for his cancer, something like T4 N2 M0 (my initial staging). That means a Tumor (T) that is stage 4, number of lymph nodes (N) involved 2, and metastases (M) 0. This information, combined with a clarification about the 80% figure, should help you forumlate questions to ask his physicians, such as: - Does he need to pursue any additional treatment right now? - How frequently should he have follow-up scans to monitor the results of his treatment? - Should he change anything about his diet, physical activity, etc., to help reduce the chance of a recurrence? I hope that will help you get a conversation started with his doctors. Please know that I’m praying for you both! Google Translation into Croation: Google prijevod na hrvatski: Zdravo. Žao mi je što čujem da vaš dečko ima ovaj rak, ali drago mi je da je završio liječenje. Odgovorit ću na vaš komentar na engleskom i u nastavku zalijepiti prijevod aplikacije Google prevoditelj. Aplikacija je prepoznala da je vaše pitanje napisano na hrvatskom jeziku. Ako je to netočno, ispričavam se. Ne mogu vam dati nikakav konkretan medicinski savjet iz dva razloga: Prvi, nisam kvalificirani medicinski stručnjak. Drugo, čak i da sam bila kvalificirana ponuditi bilo kakav savjet, morala bih pregledati sve dosjee vašeg dečka, skeniranja itd., kako bih uopće počela formulirati mišljenje. Općenito, reći ću da ponekad medicinski djelatnici s pacijentima koriste žargon koji inače koriste jedni s drugima. Zaboravljaju da mi ne razumijemo što govore, a još manje što misle. Zamolio bih za pojašnjenje brojke "80 posto". Hoće li reći da su fizički uništili 80% tumora, a 20% ostataka? Ili, da postoji 80% šanse da su dobili cijeli tumor i 20% šanse da nisu. Ili da su dobili 80% zahvaćenih limfnih čvorova, ali su propustili 20%. To je prva stvar koju morate razjasniti prije donošenja bilo kakve odluke. Vašem je dečku također trebalo dati "stadij" za njegov rak, nešto poput T4 N2 M0 (moj početni stadij). To znači tumor (T) koji je u stadiju 4, broj zahvaćenih limfnih čvorova (N) 2, a metastaze (M) 0. Ove informacije, u kombinaciji s pojašnjenjem brojke od 80%, trebale bi vam pomoći da na forumu postavite pitanja liječnici, kao što su: - Treba li sada podvrgnuti nekom dodatnom liječenju? - Koliko često treba ići na kontrolne pretrage kako bi pratio rezultate svog liječenja? - Treba li nešto promijeniti u svojoj prehrani, tjelesnoj aktivnosti itd. kako bi se smanjila mogućnost ponovnog oboljenja? Nadam se da će vam to pomoći da započnete razgovor s njegovim liječnicima. Molim vas znajte da se molim za vas oboje!
@biljanamarfi4504 6 ай бұрын
​@@thentheresjeffda hvala na odgovor diagnoza je je bila T4aN2cMO to je bio tek pocetak obavili smo zracenje i cisplatin kemo nakon toga isli smo na kontrolu prije tjedan dana doktor je zadovoljan na smanjivanje tumora 80 posto ali danas ujutro imamo ponovnu biopsiju
@user-dp8kk6lv9k 10 ай бұрын
Thanks a lot for sharing! I've just finished my course of radiotherapy (30) and two chemos. Feel very weak and a bit depressed,which appeared recently. Also had to stay in hospital for a week because of a huge burn on my neck. And still I had to finish with last five sessions. And now my condition is getting worse. That's why I'm depressed. Yesterday I came across another channel where I got some inspiration and today your channel . It's important for me. Thank you!
@thentheresjeff 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for commenting. I pray that burn is getting better. If you're not allergic to it, there's a presecription (I believe) called Silvadine that is supposed to be wonderful for burns. Otherwise, there's an OTC ointment called Egyptian Magic that worked incredibly well for me. I found it on Amazon. I'm five years out and living a relatively normal life, considering everything they have to do to you to save you from this cancer. One day at a time. You've got this!
@user-dp8kk6lv9k 9 ай бұрын
@@thentheresjeff thank you very much. All my wound have healed by now. Wonderful nurses at the hospital looked after my burn. And I learned what to do at home. I'm getting better and I wish everyone in this wonderful community to progress on our hard jorney. Life is full of wonders and blessing. Let us be able to see that.
@kimoandrews5802 Жыл бұрын
When I got my diagnosis, I watched your series of videos and they scared the absolute doo doo out of me. And for good reason, the treatment of chemo and radiation is friggin hell. I had all of the maladies that you had from treatment, the choking, feeding tube, rash, etc. Now the good news... I am a year and half out of treatment and I am better now than before the treatment started. I am fully recovered. The cancer was running me down and I didn't even know it. My body is happy to be cancer free. Thanks for doing this public service Jeff.
@cyndeewenzel6439 Жыл бұрын
Glad you are recovered! Say do you know any updates on Jeff? Thanks.
@kimoandrews5802 Жыл бұрын
@@cyndeewenzel6439 the last I saw from him he was still cancer free, but he was still experiencing annoying dry mouth, loss of taste, etc…. On the outcome spectrum, he had a great outcome but with some lingering effects of radiation.
@thentheresjeff Жыл бұрын
Hey, Cyndee (and Kimo) - I’m almost five years out and still kicking. The dry mouth and taste issues are still here, along with some heart and lung issues from the radiation, which are relatively minor compared to dying from cancer. (As you can see, I still my my sarcastic sense of “humor.”) All in all, I’d say I’m living a relatively normal life, especially considering what they did to me to kill FRED. Thanks for asking!
@kimoandrews5802 Жыл бұрын
@@thentheresjeff So good to hear from you!!!!! Thanks for making these videos. I feel lucky because the lingering issues like dry mouth and loss of taste (or everything tasting bad) completely went away.
@irfansheikh2846 11 ай бұрын
Very good video. You are a very positive man, good luck
@hardknocknewshkn639 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Jeff , I too married 32 yrs and exact cancer with tongue and lump in neck and I too had minor difficulties eating !
@mommystips9998 11 ай бұрын
How r u now
@virtuoussoulhealer3644 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@michelesoares6016 5 жыл бұрын
My mother has throat cancer stage 3. She also has a tracheostomy and is receiving radiation and chemo. Hope for the best for everyone experiencing any type of cancer.
@thentheresjeff 3 жыл бұрын
Michele - I'm just seeing a bunch of comments on my channel, so I apologize for the delay in responding. Praying for you and your family!
@michelesoares6016 3 жыл бұрын
@@thentheresjeff Thank you im happy to report she is doing well. My father now has prostate cancer on after another.bgod bless us all.
@wilbertogil3257 Жыл бұрын
Thanks bro God gonna see you thru to victory God bless you always.
@thentheresjeff Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@A-Grammie-On-the-ROCK 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this detailed , well put -together video . Many people have been healed ...medically or with prayer. Check the latter out on youtube videos by people who have been completely healed of stage 4 cancer in various areas of their bodies . All the best to your healing !
@thentheresjeff 9 ай бұрын
People frequently ask me if I believe in “the power of prayer.” You might be surprised, as they often are, by my answer … No. I believe in the power of the God of the Bible to ANSWER prayer, if and when HE chooses to do so. “But, that’s the same thing,” or “oh, silly, you know what I’m talking about.” Again, no. Much of western Christianity has adopted a “Santa Clause” mentality toward God. They keep him on a mental shelf, like we keep Santa tucked away until after Thanksgiving, until we want something from him. Then we pull him out, dust him off, and say some high-sounding platitudes that are supposed to obligate him to give us what we want. (The equivalent of trying to write our names in on the “Nice List.”) Healing, as described in the Bible was ALWAYS done to demonstrate God’s authority and power. Whether it was Jesus or one of his Apostles, when they healed or cast out demons, it was the equivalent of a modern-day law enforcement officer presenting their credentials and badge to confirm their identity and authority to act - in the case of the officer, on behalf of the government, and - in the case of Jesus and his Apostles - on behalf of the Father. I’m not trying to pick a fight with you, ascribe ill will to your comment, or even just be a jerk. But I want to be very clear that God is under no obligation to heal ANYONE in response to the prayers of ANYONE. We do not DESERVE to be healed. We have all sinned (rebelled against God) and we all deserve whatever bad consequences happen to us as a result - including the disease and other imperfections that entered the world as the result of Adam and Eve’s original sin. I absolutely DO believe that God could have just THOUGHT “be healed” and my cancer would have instantly been gone. I absolutely DO believe that he has the power, the authority, and the right to do that for anyone he pleases, anytime he pleases. But I also know how much the adversity God has allowed me to suffer in my life has caused me to grow. When I broke my back at age 24, my faith was weak and my relationship with God was shallow. I responded with anger and bitterness. I spent two YEARS mad at God and blaming him for what he “did to me.” Then, over time, I realized that I had not been following God’s direction for my life and that - while seemingly brutal - God allowed me to break my back to protect me from where I was heading IF I HAD STAYED HEALTHY. I was on my way to either getting killed in my work as a law enforcement officer, or spending the rest of my life in prison as a result of my inability to control my anger toward injustice. He KNEW those things. I had not yet come to understand them. So, I believe he LET ME break my back, and chose NOT to heal me, to protect me … from myself. Conversely, when I was diagnosed with cancer and, two years later, with Autism, I was in a VERY good place in my faith and my relationship with God. I had watched him do miraculous things in my life and the lives of the people I love over and over and over again. I had watched him grow our daughter’s faith into something that I was and still am, honestly, just a little bit jealous of (in a good way). So, when I heard, “It’s cancer,” I didn’t blame God. I didn’t get angry or bitter. I didn’t ask, “Why me?” (Because I know I’m not any less “deserving” of cancer than anyone else.) My first two thoughts were: 1. What am I supposed to learn from this? 2. Who am I supposed to help while I’m going through this? Again, God COULD HAVE healed my cancer. He could have let the diagnosis be confirmed, let everyone worry about me and pray for me, and then miraculously healed me. (Poof) … “Look, I made the bad thing disappear. Ain’t that cool?!” And that would have been it. It would have been over, forgotten in a few days, weeks, or - at the most - months. People who already believe in God’s power to heal would have had their faith affirmed and I would feel incredibly blessed. Period. But, God … He knew that I’d be typing these words more than five years after finishing my treatment. He knew all of the speaking opportunities I would receive as a result of the hellish ordeal that I went through. He knew how much power the details of my treatment almost killing me - more than once - would give me story in the hearts and minds of those who hear it. HE KNEW that healing me instantly would bring him a lot less glory than would HIS using the talents and skills HE gave the doctors who HE orchestrated to be part of my team to use the modern medicines that HE allowed to be discovered to heal me OVER TIME. Were there people praying for God to miraculously and instantly heal me from my cancer? Absolutely. Did God hear their prayers? Absolutely. Did he ignore their prayers? Not in the least. Did he answer their prayers? Yep … just not the way they wanted. HE knew what was best, for them and for me. And I thank God that he chose to answer their prayers in HIS wisdom, not in ours. Thanks for your comment. Again, I am NOT trying to criticize or pick a fight with you. It’s just that when you wrote, “Many people have been healed … medically OR with prayer,” my immediate thought was, “It’s not ‘or’ … they are not mutually exclusive.” Blessings to you and those you love!
@Cyndy101 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Jeff or should I say, the other Jeff? 😄😁 I love that you used the name thing to your benefit. Too funny! I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I am also a person of faith and I already said a prayer for you and your family. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. I am certain that you will come through this with flying colors. I came upon your video when I was scrolling for news updates and I thought you looked like a news reporter. I got a news update alright but unfortunately I didn't know you. So I decided to subscribe and I am your first subscriber. I find that hard to believe but I'll wear the badge proudly and be a cheerleader when you need one. I think we all need a cheering squad at least once in our lives. 😊 So with that all said, I'm going to stick around to make sure you knock the living crap out of these cells that won't stop growing! 😉 Stay well Other Jeff! 😊
@thentheresjeff 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Cyndy! Feel free to call me Jeff, TOJJ, or "Hey, you!" :-)
@Cyndy101 6 жыл бұрын
TOJJ - The OTHER JEFF JOHNSON How are you feeling Jeff?
@thentheresjeff 6 жыл бұрын
Cyndy / Good. Thank you!
@thentheresjeff 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, Cyndy! I was just reading through some old comments and wanted to update you. I’m now almost four years out of treatment and still cancer free. I have some pretty serious side effects, but nothing that is keeping me from living and enjoying my life. Thanks, again, so much for your prayers. Be well!
@davidc1055 Жыл бұрын
Hello Jeff, I must admit you are in for one hell of a ride to hell and back, I’m Dave from the uk and 53 too 1969. I am two months over treatment and I may be selfish to people around me but if I had the choice of treatment again I’d refuse. I feel as though they have made a total mess of my throat and body, I lost lots of weight and have never been in so much pain in my life. Sure it’s worth it in the end and I’m not trying to put anybody off but I didn’t think in this day and age the hospital would leave you like this. Good luck Jeff and hope all goes well.
@thentheresjeff Жыл бұрын
Thanks, Dave. I actually finished treatment 4.5 years ago. I've been NED (No Evidence of Disease) since three months after treatment. At my last evaluation in November of this year, I was told they got it all and I don't need to continue annual CT scans. They won't officially say "cured" for another six months. I do have some serious side effects and after effects, moreso from the treatment than from the disease. I've had to get used to my "new normal." (My new least favorite phrase in the English language, by the way.) It's not great, but it could be a LOT worse. Praying for your recovery and healing!
@donnakarenedwards2199 Жыл бұрын
Hello Dave, my name is Karen. I was diagnosed in April of 2022 on my tongue. I was told that it too was very treatable and in early stage. Doctors didn't take it seriously ND took their time with getting me in to see them. Long story short part of my tongue was removed and by that time it had spread to my lymph nodes. They had to be removed as well. That was 2 months ago. I am having the same feeling about any more treatments. I said if I had to do the tongue surgery again I had rather be dead first. Radiation will put me back again. I only weigh 105 pds right now. I don't think my body could handle it. I wish I could talk to you.
@donnakarenedwards2199 Жыл бұрын
I meant to direct my response to David
@janewhapples9214 3 жыл бұрын
Prayed haveing problems with my throat been told tonsilitis but not been looked at so worrying now from united kingdom
@blacksunaccounts 5 жыл бұрын
I have a constant feeling needing to clear my throat. Was this a symptom you had? Been to a Dr a few times and still don't know why. I can't even sleep right now it's so irritating. I'm starting to get scared. Getting insurance again at the end of the month.
@hardknocknewshkn639 5 жыл бұрын
blacksunaccounts yes I too was constantly clearing my throat and I too had exact cancer as Jeff
@hardknocknewshkn639 5 жыл бұрын
Pulling the Strings ya bud I am 7 weeks post 39 radiation treatments and doing pretty good 2 exams between 6 - 7 week mark both Drs concur no cancer seen and lump is dissolving finally , and my routine gave me great results hope all is well with you ?
@steveprendiz 5 жыл бұрын
@Pulling the Strings Hello. Have you gone to the doctor?
@steveprendiz 5 жыл бұрын
@Pulling the Strings Don't say that. That is not true. You have to reach deep inside of yourself and look for a reason to keep going. Seek Jesus Christ. I know faith is hard, believe me, sometimes i question God as well but you have to try. Remember, no body lives forever on earth anyway, sooner or later, we ALL have to go, but what really matters is the afterlife. Dont give up though. Suicide is not the way. Please, find a way to get through each day. Dont let the desease beat you without a fight. Try to go to a church, and reach out to somebody. I will pray for you tonight. You have my word.
@kevincastillo4734 5 жыл бұрын
@Pulling the Strings move to a state and live in your car that offers free medical or look up free help for cancer
@mommystips9998 10 ай бұрын
Your cancer is hpv positive or negative?
@thentheresjeff 10 ай бұрын
It was HPV 16 positive.
@silvergold5401 5 жыл бұрын
Please sir I want to ask you questions
@thentheresjeff 5 жыл бұрын
Silver Gold There's a lot of information in the other videos, but ask-away!
@simsim5095 5 жыл бұрын
Samething happened to me..just had surgery...they gave me a breathing tube now I have an annoying bump in back of my tongue area 2 mts. now... ENT says sinusallergies... but never usually this time of year for me....going for a 2nd opinion...
@thentheresjeff 5 жыл бұрын
Sorry that I just saw this. Hope you're getting that second opinion. Praying it's not cancer!
@simsim5095 5 жыл бұрын
@@thentheresjeff went last month but hearing same thing thou bump still there & no biopsy ordered yet...claimng area not easy to biopsy & would be too bloody...
@thentheresjeff 5 жыл бұрын
Sim Simsim Can they do a PET scan? It would show hyperactivity in that area if there are cancerous cells. Praying it's something simple.
@simsim5095 5 жыл бұрын
@@thentheresjeff Thank you.. I will seek out one from my Dr..
@mommystips9998 Жыл бұрын
How much year you getting treatment??
@thentheresjeff Жыл бұрын
My treatment was in March through June of 2018. Recovery was between 12 to 18 months. I’m five years post treatment now and they just told me last month that I am “cured, the chances of your cancer ever returning are a fraction of a percent.”
@mommystips9998 Жыл бұрын
@@thentheresjeff what after 5 yrs only they told cured?? Why this much yearz
@thentheresjeff Жыл бұрын
The specific cancer that I had - Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma - has a very high recurrence rate. That’s probably because, in my case and in many cases, it was caused by a virus - the Human Pappiloma Virus, or HPV - not by poor behavior choices like smoking or heavy drinking. Since it’s more likely to come back, they’re VERY hesitant to say anything positive for the first two years after treatment. So, they would say things like, “everything looks good right now,” or “these a very positive results.” After two years, they were more positive. They would say things like, “we can’t be sure at this point, but it’s highly unlikely that it will return.” After my five year follow-up exam, they said, “You are cured. The chances of your cancer ever returning are a fraction of a percent.” They don’t want to give you false hope, and they can never say “never” about the cancer returning because anything is possible with our human bodies. But hearing the words, “You are cured,” and knowig the chances of my cancer ever returning are so low they can’t put a number on it? That was definitely worth the wait!
@jamestaylor8577 5 жыл бұрын
Did they say it was due to HPV 16?
@thentheresjeff 5 жыл бұрын
James Taylor - Yes. They said I'd probably been carrying the virus dormant for 20 to 30 years.
@MarksyS387 5 жыл бұрын
@@thentheresjeff Wow, sorry to hear. Thanks for sharing your story. Do you think it's possible to detect this earlier?
@MommaBearsCorner 5 жыл бұрын
going through simular, only treating it naturally. Hope you detox and go on raw foods because it makes a difference and doctors are NOT trained at all in nutrition. they kill body killing the cancer. and it still has high risk of return. those doing the detox and raw foods have success.
@beltoftruth56 Жыл бұрын
How's it going now , prayers it did well for you
@MommaBearsCorner Жыл бұрын
@@beltoftruth56 its almost gone. just have a 3,2cm let! I was 1 pt of terminal. The oncologist (srill have one) says he just going to get popcorn and watch me now. LOL that's nothing at all compared to what i had facing me. look into Gerson cancer institute with doc Victor... I did 1/2 that and no other food but salad and cooked soup and veggies, fish, with vitamins with throat cancers (several) during this but before we knew this was the main cancer... (was 2ndary cancer) and it was gone in 4 months... never came back even with all this main pelvis/colon cancer. all but no energy still... just a little more and it will be gone And then i will keep on it 6 months to ensure if does not return. Hope you doing bretter! prayers to you too.
@mommystips9998 Жыл бұрын
Your tongue is rwmoved did you experience mouth sore??
@thentheresjeff Жыл бұрын
No,I did not have any surgery related to my cancer. Just radiation, chemo and immunotherapy.
@Babylon2060 8 ай бұрын
I have right side ear ,neck, and larynx pain. Swollen right side neck lemph node and a swollen lymph node on the right collar bone. 😢 I smoke cigarettes and drink one or two shots of alcholol on Fridays and Saturdays.
@thentheresjeff 8 ай бұрын
I'm sorry you're in pain. I'm obviously going to encourage you to stop smoking. Drinking in moderation is likely not an issue. I'd also suggest you see an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor to be evaluated. Your pain could be the result of something as simple as dehydration caused by smoking. Unfortunately, it could be something more serious. Please get checked out. 🙏🏻
@maninboulder Жыл бұрын
Is your cancer HPV related?
@thentheresjeff Жыл бұрын
Yes, it was HPV-16 +. They estimated, based on the size and growth rate of the tumor and numerous other health factors that I acquired the virus 25+ years before my tumor was discovered. That virus is a monster. I'm so glad there's a vaccine available for it now. It won't help me, but it can keep others from going through the hell of radiation to the head and neck.
@sensimania 11 ай бұрын
​@@thentheresjeff What other health factors did they take into consideration?
@srini0810 9 ай бұрын
Did you lose your hair??
@thentheresjeff 9 ай бұрын
I lost almost all of my facial hair, which came off in my hand one day as I scratched my chin. I lost some head hair due to chemo, but more along my neck and the base of the back of my head (upper neck / lower skull) due to the radiation. The hair grew back on my head and parts of my face. I have almost no hair on my neck, except where they turned the radiation beam off to protect my vocal chords. If I don't shave it, my Adam's Apple basically has a "soul patch." LOL!
@silvergold5401 5 жыл бұрын
Sir please talk to me
@thentheresjeff 5 жыл бұрын
Silver Gold All your questions here. I'll answer the ones I can, as I can.
@trevesyt600 5 жыл бұрын
Silver Gold hi are you still alive
@maddgun 2 жыл бұрын
Look young for your age
@thentheresjeff Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@mommystips9998 11 ай бұрын
How much you paid for your tretment. Coz insurance didnt cover all things right.. just asked pls dont mistake me
@thentheresjeff 11 ай бұрын
Insurance paid for more than $2.5 million worth of chemo, radiation, immunotherapy, ER visits, feeding tube, and, and, and. I'm very blessed to have had remarkably good health insurance. The part that wasn't covered was several thousand dollars. It wiped out our emergency savings ... but that's why we had emergency savings. Again, we were and are very blessed.
@mommystips9998 11 ай бұрын
​​@@thentheresjeffne of my relative friend plan to go md anderson but her husband only earning... any chances social workers or fund will arrange in md anderson... coz her husband also very good insurance but not paying that much dollars in her hand... Already we called detail asking about insurance... any chances of social funding...
@thentheresjeff 11 ай бұрын
You would have to contact MD Anderson and ask them those questions. I have know knowledge of or information about those kinds of services. I'm sorry. You might also search their website MD for the answers you're seeking.
@mommystips9998 11 ай бұрын
​@@thentheresjeffok thank you
@user-vi5to5wp2l Жыл бұрын
I have not got no treatment from no Drs ok I am in a lot of pain from cancer ok I been crying all day long today ok I wish I can get ok morphine for pain it is so severe pain I feel like I want to scream it is so so painful ok I am hateing haveing this ugly disease cancer jeff I do need chemo therapy I am in so much pain now and Been so so sick ok and I use to get chemo therapy from Kaiser Permanente hospital ok when I was very very sick ok or in so much pain ok I am so so sick now and I'm so much pain now ok
@thentheresjeff Жыл бұрын
I’m so sorry that you’re in such pain. I would strongly encourage you to go to the nearest “stand-alone” emergency room and take your medical records (electronically or on paper) with you. They are much more “patient centered” than many larger hospital emergency rooms, which are often overrun with drug addicts faking injuries and illnesses to get pain medications. Once you document to them that you are a cancer patient, that should get you past those “shields” and get someone to listen. I’m praying for your quick and sustained pain relief.
@execrated-bythem1583 4 жыл бұрын
Lack of fruits and vegetables, eating meat, dairy,eggs are all big cause of throat cancer.
@thentheresjeff 3 жыл бұрын
Actually, throat cancer is caused primarily by use of tobacco products, abuse of alcohol or, in my case, the Human Papilloma Virus, a.k.a. HPV. I'm certain that a better diet is healthy but, if you're genetically predisposed to this cancer and are exposed to HPV-16, your diet won't protect you. Please don't post medical advice on my channel. Medical and osteopathic physicians are the people who saved my life. I'll get and share medical advice from them ... and no one else. Thank you!
@kimoandrews5802 Жыл бұрын
Me and Jeff got our cancer as a result of eating a different kind of meat.
@mariamercer472 11 ай бұрын
Why do you post this???
@thentheresjeff 11 ай бұрын
Maria - I posted the videos (there are several) about my throat cancer battle for two reasons: 1. I wanted to be able to do ONE update each time there was news, as opposed to repeat the update over and over, again, for friends and family who live all over the US. 2. After I got my diagnosis, I watched every video about “throat cancer” “head and neck cancer” “squamous cell carcinoma” and every other related search term I could think of. There were many, many videos. Most of them were made by medical professionals and were only marginally helpful. Many others were made by survivors who, whether going through treatment or finished with it, had one of two outlooks” “Everything’s fine here. Nothing to see folks. Move along,” or “I wish I was dead. I with I’d never started treatment. Life is horrible.” Neither of those mirrored my experience. Some of treatment was a living hell. Some of it was a very positive growth experience for me. All of it was necessary and, in hindsight and perspective, worth it. So, I made the videos for me, because I knew it would be difficult, if only physically, to tell my story over and over again. And I made them for anyone who is going through throat cancer, or has a loved one who is, so they would have another perspective on what to possibly expect. I also made the later videos for a third reason: I want to steer people who have been diagnosed with head and neck cancer AWAY from getting a treatment plan designed by their local, community cancer center. Oncologists at those facilities will see about a dozen cases of head and neck cancer IN THEIR ENTIRE CAREERS. They have little to no experience with it. And, if they treat it “by the book” as the “standard” treatment protocols prescribe, the patient is likely to suffer needlessly. Specialty cancer centers like MD Anderson - that have an entire clinic, taking up two FLOORS of their hospital, dedicated to head and neck cancer - see about 100 cases A WEEK. They know every variation, every little “trick,” and every way to modify the standard protocols to get the best results for each, individual patient. I’d prefer that every head and neck cancer patient be treated by a specialty center. But, at the very least, they need to have their treatment plan designed by one and have THAT oncologist verify that it is being carried out properly if they’re going to be treated in their home town. P.S. I’m not very good at giving short answers to questions.
1.5 years after treatment for throat cancer
The OTHER Jeff Johnson
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