Jehovah's Witnesses New Light on F&DS.

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Brad Zook

Brad Zook

11 жыл бұрын

Video from the 2012 Annual Meeting where the new light regarding the identity of the faithful and discreet slave was announced.

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@BradZook 11 жыл бұрын
I actually like the individual JW people. My only goal is to expose the Organization that is not being truthful with them. For example, if I knew of a crooked business that was taking advantage of innocent people, I'd warn as many people as possible to avoid that business...for their own protection. Peace.
@BradZook 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks Marc & Cora! All we can do is expose the truth, (in every sense of the word), pray for those still in, and attempt to be a soft net to catch those the WT spits out once they've used them up. Blessings to you. ~ Brad
@geetarnut 11 жыл бұрын
I have been at the Stanley Theater,,, it's THE MOST SPECTACULAR THEATER FROM THE 1920'S & 30'S! I was there when the witnesses were given the rights to use it, and know several of the brothers and sisters that worked on the VERY LENGTHY RESTORATION of the building! It's simply stunning and the most remarkable of the period!
@hexicdragon3094 10 жыл бұрын
New Light = change in beliefs because their previous teachings are beginning to be proven wrong, so they change it before their members figure it out.
@BradZook 10 жыл бұрын
Either that or Jehovah intentionally lies to them... but since he's a God who can not lie; what you said.
@humbleguy6361 10 жыл бұрын
Even Jesus' followers had wrong view of who be at his side in heaven. Needed to be corrected about humility Christian should have.
@BradZook 10 жыл бұрын
humbleguy Were Jesus' followers going around TEACHING who would be sitting at his side? Did they say, in essence, "Believe what we tell you about who will be at Jesus' side or Jehovah will kill you?" That is the tremendous claim of the GB is it not? With tremendous claims comes the burden of tremendous evidence. What evidence do they have? Miracles? Infallibility? Inspired writings? Isn't it true they in fact have no evidence whatsoever?
@humbleguy6361 10 жыл бұрын
Brad Zook They don't talk to people to win arguments, but are looking for people who want answers. The GB never will say who will be destroyed. They only stick to Jehovah's holy writings. Jesus was given power to judge people by his Father. The Israelites argued with Moses' about his claim to represent Jehovah. Moses though didn't respond but let Jehovah show himself how he felt about their murmuring in the wilderness. Same today they don't say who or who won't be there. Scripture says "might'. They simply show you what Jehovah requires to be acceptable to him. They're aware Jesus' decides. If neighbors house on fire, do you let it burn or do you warn them?
@MegaEdouble1 10 жыл бұрын
humbleguy Are you serious about this quote "The GB never will say who will be destroyed." They have been saying that everyone, except JW's will be destroyed. Not just that, but the CHURCH would be the first to be destroyed. This is very well documented in WT pubs. Just a couple months ago, I had a JW at my door tell me the exact same thing,
@BradZook 11 жыл бұрын
Wow. Thanks for the insight. So much suffering for so many people for absolutely no reason.
@rpbandz3533 8 жыл бұрын
New light is the biggest joke ever...I wonder why Jesus never revealed any new light?? Oh yea, all of the light he revealed was true for eternity and never needed to be twisted or changed
@freespirit3891 5 жыл бұрын
@jwpublisher1 10 жыл бұрын
Great video! Keep up the good work!
@BradZook 10 жыл бұрын
@ivorystroker 8 жыл бұрын
Whenever JW's come to my door I always share personal testimony about praying for others healing experiences. One in particular is a few years back a buddy and I were in Sicily and prayed for a little lady and it went like this..our interpreter shared with us later that night...(She asked for prayer in italian ..which I do not speak or understand I prayed as apostle Paul said "with my understanding and in the Spirit"..she came to us after the prayer service and stated she heard me speaking in perfect Sicylian italian that I cursed the depression off her in the name of Jesus and also told her to throw away her meds her dr. had prescribed.She went on to tell our interpreter that nobody knew she had been diagnosed with "manic depression" or had been given meds. THE POINT TO THIS STORY IS : Whenever I ask JW's how this could happen they always have the same scripted response which is ..."that must have been the devil disguised as an angel of light".. WHAT ?.. JW's believe praying in the Spirit is of the DEVIL ? Wow ...these JW's really need some bible study in the worst way ...and why do they blaspheme the Holy Spirit this way ? ...Because they need prayer and need to know the REAL JESUS of the bible ..let's pray for JW's
@anniest.thomas64 10 жыл бұрын
This scripture keeps coming to mind when I think of Brad Zook: The good man out of his good treasure sends out good things, whereas the wicked man out of his wicked treasure sends out wicked things. 36 I tell YOU that every unprofitable saying that men speak, they will render an account concerning it on Judgment Day; 37 for by your words you will be declared righteous, and by your words you will be condemned
@BradZook 11 жыл бұрын
Amen! I'm not usually a fan of the Message version but... "If what the prophet spoke in God’s name doesn’t happen, then obviously God wasn’t behind it; the prophet made it up. Forget about him."
@MegaEdouble1 11 жыл бұрын
Brad & Parker, a really good book to read (if you haven't already) is a book called "Crisis of Conscience", written by Ray Franz, who is the nephew of Fred Franz. He spent 50 yrs as a JW and 9 of those 50 yrs he was on the Governing Body. This book has some powerful info about the inner workings of the Governing Body.
@sean2val 9 жыл бұрын
disturbing it looks like a north korean propaganda video
@MarcCora 11 жыл бұрын
Decades of teaching this Doctrine turned over in one day of announcements. Now something totally different. Their new "idea". "We love this idea" Thank you for sharing brother. You are right, what is the difference between these "men" and that of the Pope? Nothing! A tired religion running out of ideas and as time goes by will run out of members. That is why they are investing so heavily in Hedgefunds. Comercial markets of the world. Fantastic video brother! Keep them coming! CL Marc and Cora
@BradZook 11 жыл бұрын
Yes, the Witnesses are indeed "Captives of a Concept". As you know, Ray Franz first said this phrase. Most current JWs have no idea Ray Franz was a JW for 60 years and a member of the Governing Body. Sad, most will never read his book "Crisis of Conscience". That one book would answer almost ALL their questions about the Society, and do it in a gentle, loving manner.
@kevinchamberlain7928 11 жыл бұрын
You have a fine outlook Chad. Thanks.
@juannaeta 11 жыл бұрын
And just as a remider l am definately keep you in my prayers.And l know even though it sound rare l dont have religion but l respect strongly all leaders in each religion that they are triying so hard to teach others in a very peacefull and lovely way.
@OriginalJoseyWales 11 жыл бұрын
Soooo good to be free. Free at last, free at at last; thank God almighty we are free at last.
@seekjah6691 9 жыл бұрын
Praise Jehovah.
@_Shakur 8 жыл бұрын
Brother, brother, brother, awesome video
@BradZook 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks Lewis!
@BradZook 10 жыл бұрын
So true brother! I try to never miss a day.
@patriciakirschling4939 9 жыл бұрын
And if anyone took the time to "dig for hidden treasure" in the pages of the Bible WITH Jehovah's witnesses like I did, you would see that their teachings ARE correct!! I have attended baptist bible college and I didn't know a thing about the bible until I had a three year study with the witnesses!!!
@BradZook 8 жыл бұрын
+Patricia Kirschling JWs don't study the Bible with potential indoctrinees, they study "What Does the Bible Really Teach?" This book is NOT the Bible. Christians study the Bible, JWs study JW magazines.
@jamesandchante 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks for telling me about the website. I'll have to check it out. :)
@BradZook 11 жыл бұрын
If the UN is the scarlet beast why did the WT fill out paperwork & become associated with the UN for nearly 10 years? Google: Guardian newspaper watchtower united nations The WT criticizes other religions as committing "spiritual fornication" with the UN, then proceeds to do the exact same thing. Haven't you noticed that hypocrisy runs rampant throughout the Society?
@TroddinSod 10 жыл бұрын
It's unbelievable that *no one* in that crowd realizes in Matthew 24:40-40, Jesus is speaking *parabolically in a general sense*, that in the day of His return, there will be those who are faithful and watching and those who will not. As in two working at the mill or in the field, one will be taken one will be not. There will be those who are wise and faithful stewards of all that God has given them, and apply themselves to minister with the gifts God has given them in expectation of the Lord's return. Then there will be those who are not mindful of the Lord's return, and will be a poor steward of the gifts God has given them and prove themselves to be unbelieving reprobates. Jesus is speaking *generally*, not about one specific individual who will be a wise servant and steward of the people of His Kingdom. If that were true, why aren't the JW's Governing Body working on finding out who are the two working in the fields in v.40, or, who the two women at the mill are to be in v.41? I can't believe it. It's such an obvious and complete perversion of the text, and none of them can see it????? If they think the Faithful Steward of his master's house is a real and specific person in the future, then the two working in the fields and the two women at the mill are real and specific people. It's so clear *the passage is parabolic* in that Jesus begins the context of the passage by saying; " *Just as in* the days of Noah" v.37. So, Jesus is using the Noadic flood as *a parabolic picture* of what would be happening when the Lord returns. To think that Jesus is making a prophecy about a specific individual governing His Church from this passage is utterly ridiculous and downright absurd. It's *buffoonery!!!* It just goes to show how *easily* deceived depraved humanity can be. And this idea about "domestics"???? What?????? The steward of the Lord's house in Matthew 24:44-47 is simply *a parabolic picture* of all of God's Elect being *diligent and faithful* about doing the LORD's service, as was Noah, in the day when God poured out His Wrath on the rest of the world who were not walking in faith and instead were self seeking with the world. The members of the household *don't represent any real group* of people at all. They represent that which God has gifted you to do, a ministry, service or help, or simply the service of your talents for the sake of edifying the Church. It's simply about *being a faithful steward* with what God has given you *while you wait* for His return. The entire idea is echoed by Paul in 1 Thessalonians chapters 4&5, and it's the theme of the whole book of 2 Thessalonians. 2 Peter 3 is also about the same thing. The scoffers and mockers will be destroyed to fire and perdition, and the *Beloved*, whom God will not allow to perish and lead to repentance and would be watching at His Coming. I'm beside myself that so many people can be *duped by a completely distorted twist* of a Biblical passage and it's meaning. I'm *FLABERGASTED*!!!
@BradZook 10 жыл бұрын
Great analysis. Even more amazing, the WT has CALLED Matt 24;44 a parable. This quote is packed with irony... “The objectors may argue that not all of Christ's anointed disciples have a share in preparing the spiritual food, so that perhaps the "slave" pictures only the leading ones, and the "domestics" those they serve in the congregation. There is no point in trying to force an interpretation of the PARABLE. Self-deception is of no benefit and is spiritually damaging. Therefore, we must look to the Scriptures for an understanding.” Watchtower 1981 Mar 1 pp.24-26
@TroddinSod 10 жыл бұрын
Brad Zook Holy Conundrum Batman! They call it a "parable" as well, yet still try to force a literal interpretation of it's details as if it's a specific prophecy of a future individual and 'caste system' in which all members must find their dutiful place. It's a *HORROR*. It's like the whole organization is made up of 'Stepford Wives'! I'm beginning to think the whole organization is a C.I.A. MK Ultra program and experiment on mass mind control. How so many people could entertain such nonsense is entirely beyond me! They also remind of the people in Orwell's '1984'. "War is Peace", "2 + 2 = 5", double speak, etc.
@freespirit3891 5 жыл бұрын
@@TroddinSod you got it. Blowing their own 🎺 👍 no wonder their doctrines are so confusing
@BradZook 11 жыл бұрын
I'm quite certain they do have supernatural backing. The backer probably looks like an angel of light. Someday I'm going to make a parody using "Listen, Obey, & Be Broke" with your permission. LOL
@jondugan6512 11 жыл бұрын
Very well done. It's interesting the mental and verbal gymnastics religious leaders will go to in order to maintain control ( while skirting away from responsibility ) Here in Japan the number of witnesses has continued to decrease for 13 years. In 2000 there were over 220,000. Today there are only 217,000. More leave than join every year.
@cristinaagramonte482 10 жыл бұрын
The Truth stands up to scrutiny. Do not be afraid to examine your faith, as the Scriptures advise.
@nerdygamerguy8378 8 жыл бұрын
They all seemed to be more intrigued by the kids singing instead of everything else.
@grantproctor7111 11 жыл бұрын
Best move Bill. Praise Jah.
@MegaEdouble1 11 жыл бұрын
You hit the nail right on the head brother!!. Also, to follow up with your comment, Heb 2:5 states that the world that is to come will no be in subjection to an angel.
@tommotian 10 жыл бұрын
David, the sore point [1] The sore point is because people feel that JW's very open in expressing how they view other churches. The Watchtower of 4-15-08 pg 6 pp 17 says, "another example of valueless words is found amongst the religious leaders of christendom'" (few sentences later:) "most of their utterances are not based on the Bible, and what they say is basically worthless."
@bretherenlee1404 9 жыл бұрын
matthew 24:36"Butof that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.
@MegaEdouble1 10 жыл бұрын
Does anyone know if Guy Pierce was replaced on the GB since he recently passed away?
@SonofThunder 8 жыл бұрын
brilliant job
@juannaeta 11 жыл бұрын
To be like i l want them to be nor to behave because lf l will do it one day l will started with myself l respect the effort that a lot of people are making a time to teach other a lesson in a pacific, lovely way it doesnt matter if they are wrong or not l appreciate a lot for all the ones they have a good intention and l think you also have that that is way l will always praying for people like you, because you deserved the best like everybody else.
@kevinchamberlain7928 11 жыл бұрын
Yes Chad, and to the very best of my abilities.
@Wyowanderer 11 жыл бұрын
Great job.
@andrewshanks1921 11 жыл бұрын
"Yes, the end of this system is so very near!" and "Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world's end"
@Stevierschannel 10 жыл бұрын
They would do well to read Matthew Chapter 24 in it's entirety. Verses 4-5: And Jesus answered and said unto them, "Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many."
@BradZook 10 жыл бұрын
X -Rez Psalm 106;14 But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert. By the way, NO ONE in mainstream Christianity believes the Father is the Son. The WT is lying to you when they tell you this. Peace.
@lcarder1990 10 жыл бұрын
Brad Zook Sorry, I had to say something. Ps. 106:14 is talking about the Israelites after they entered the promised land and began to forget all that Jehovah had done for them and began practicing their own selfish desires. By disobeying him, they were testing his patience to see how much they could get away with.Like rebellious children. It's not the same application as when Satan approached Christ testing is loyalty to his Father. As for your comment "NO ONE in mainstream Christianity believes the Father is the Son. The WT is lying to you when they tell you this." From personal experience and history, I know for a fact that individuals in 'mainstream Christianity' as you refer to it, have all sorts of inconsistent explainations and beliefs that ultimately say that Jehovah and Christ are part of a Trinity. That is not a WT teaching. It is a church dogma that is misunderstood by their own people. I could never get 3 'mainstream Christians' to use the Bible to support their understanding of it. If you don't believe that the Father is the Son. Then you are the one who is understanding something different. I know, because I've talked to enough people in 'mainstream Christianity' who say that Father is God, Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and all together the three individuals make up one individual God. It's confusing. I've never heard the WT say anything that I didn't actually see and hear myself in the mainstream. The WT doesn't spend precious resources tearing apart the confusing dogmas of Christendoms church culture. Because they spend precious resources giving education about God's Kingdom and Christ Jesus' Rule that will soon replace the corrupt system currently under Satan.
@BradZook 10 жыл бұрын
L Carder Hello L Carder, You wrote: "I've talked to enough people in 'mainstream Christianity' who say that Father is God, Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God" Yes, that is the orthodox doctrine of the trinity. However, "The Father is the Son" is NOT the orthodox doctrine of the trinity. Only the Oneness Pentecostals believe in that impossibility. Here's a witnessing tip: Don't try to convince a Christian that the Father is not the Son, he already agrees with you, as I do on that point. The WT presents it's followers with a convoluted and impossible doctrine of modalism, and then shoots it down. It's the logical fallacy called "Strawman Argument". Again, NO ONE in mainstream, orthodox Christianity believes the Father is the Son. If the JWs are going to preach against the trinity, please have a basic understanding of the doctrine first. Peace to you.
@lcarder1990 10 жыл бұрын
You can't speak for what other people believe or how they understand if you haven't had a conversation with them personally. You haven't spoken to my Catholic aunt, or my Christian/Mormon grandmother or the JW's who have come from other religions because of the confusion they were experiencing in those religions. I have. The Bible gives clarity to the misleading of faulty humans. The Bible is not convoluted. 2 Tim 3:16. People who are now Jehovah's Witnesses learn to read the Bible to find understanding for themselves. After many years of being inactive, I returned BECAUSE I started reading the Bible again. I couldn't get any satisfaction when I attempted to find another way to serve the God of the Bible. Church culture didn't like the questions I was asking and they didn't open the Bible to teach me. They spoke from their personal thinking. I've never been one to have my ears tickled by people. I know the difference, I've been around awhile.
@lcarder1990 10 жыл бұрын
I think you're talking about Rev. ch 12? Where is speaks of Christs (Michael) with angels, kicking Satan (the great dragon) out of the heavenly places and hurling him to earth? Yes, Christ is now in power of the Kingdom that Jehovah has given him authority of. He has rid the heavens of it's rebels and will soon rid the earth of the national governments that are currently in power under Satan's inspiration/direction. Yes, soon they will be crushed.
@dianestone6076 7 жыл бұрын
dont be swayed..we will support the kindom and the brothers!!
@billy0523 11 жыл бұрын
Whenever I go out in the ministry meeting various people from various nation (because I'm in a foreign language congregation), my mind is wide open for better claims. I thank Jehovah for the privilege. But the more I share the good news with those people, the more I am convinced that it is the better news(Isaiah 52:7) And that to me as an imperfect human is the truth. I left the conversation with the people here because they criticize but never provide anything better for the people as usual
@Kman. 7 жыл бұрын
A perfect example of the blind leading the blind.
@observerlink4124 11 жыл бұрын
Frank, to answer your question I think you're going to love this one! In 2010 they got (ZING!!) "New Light" and changed (again) the interpretation of THE GENERATION from that of being the members of the Anointed Remnant Class on Earth who were aware of the world events in 1914 to now being members of the Anointed Remnant Class on Earth NOW whose lives happened to OVERLAP with members of the Anointed Remnant Class on Earth who were aware of the world events in 1914! That's understandable, right?
@MegaEdouble1 11 жыл бұрын
Brad, nicely put!! JW's greatest enemy is not Christians, but its own history and publications.
@BradZook 11 жыл бұрын
"A prophesy with TWO possible outcomes". Good one. I never thought about that. Or how about a prophesy that begins with a question that remains unanswered & undefined. Or how about an alleged fullfiller of a prophesy that contradicts the prophesy on a regular basis. "Spiritual food at the proper time" my...
@billy0523 11 жыл бұрын
who would deny Jehovah is the best
@TheJpgr1958 11 жыл бұрын
"JW's greatest enemy is not Christians, but its own history and publications."Very well put. I always ask JWS how Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the prophets of old are doing, living in their house in San Diego, California called Beth-Sarim, which the Watchtower purchased for them back in 1925. I show them their own publications in which the Watchtower stated WITHOUT QUESTION OR DOUBT that these individuals were going to return to earth and live with us. They didn't. "When I get home"
@tomaspianist 10 жыл бұрын
Can someone explain to me in a simple way how this is a change of anything? I don't understand much of it, thanks
@MegaEdouble1 10 жыл бұрын
Originally, the Body of Christ was the F&DS, then after Russell died, he became the F&DS, 10 yrs after his death, they went back to the original belief of the Body of Christ. Then changed it again to say the 144,000 Annointed was the F&DS... Then in the summer of this year, the Governing Body themselves are now the F&DS... these 8 men who run the whole show. The meeting in this video took place a year ago to "plant the seed" that a change was coming. The REAL purpose is power. If you can tell people that God communicates his will through you and you only... if you can tell people that without you, it's impossible to understand the Bible, receive salvation or eternal life.. and they believe you... THAT's POWER. The question is, if you need THEM for all these things, where does Jesus come in at? I hope this helps
@tomaspianist 10 жыл бұрын
MegaEdouble1 Thank you so much for you informative explanation, and yes I agree, this is really horrible. Thanks again!!
@BradZook 11 жыл бұрын
Hi Alex, The witnesses are not bad. I love Jehovah's Witnesses. I'm trying to help them see they are being deceived by a proven "false prophet". (Deut.18;22). What I have to offer is the gospel of Jesus Christ (Acts 4;12), the wisdom I received from the Holy Spirit (Jn 16;13), & the guidance of God's word ALONE without the spin of UNinspired men. And yes, I am truly happy. My faith in Christ brings me peace, joy, & happiness daily. The WT offers you legalism & a mountain of rules, fear & guilt.
@JoepublisherNY 11 жыл бұрын
(continued) Also, I couldn't in all good conscience continue to go to people's doors with "the Truth", knowing that we don't have "the Truth".
@unstopableravens 11 жыл бұрын
for an org that prides itself on unity, 4 months and still all the jws dont know this change
@Danmera 11 жыл бұрын
You hear that a lot after conventions, special talks, etc. 'wasn't that a fine spiritual meal"...what did he talk about...."he was a wonderful speaker"....what did he talk about...."he was a wonderful speaker, does not compute does not compute"
@shanetipton4829 2 жыл бұрын
A all knowing God would never let his chosen people fumble in the darkness. New light is because they have never had the holy spirit.
@MegaEdouble1 11 жыл бұрын
Back to the original topic at hand, the F&DS!! Originally, the F&DS was the Christian Congregation (CC), then it was CT Russell himself, then it went back to the CC, then it was the 144,000 "Anointed Class", now it's the Governing Body of JW's. This announcement probably hasn't made its was down through the ranks yet, but it will over the next several months. What this means is their literature that's already out there that says the "Anointed" is the F&DS is null and void
@alexwebber5645 11 жыл бұрын
Like I said, the one question you cannot answer is, if the witnesses are so bad, what do you have to offer? What wisdom? What guidance? The wisdom of man? because the world alienated from god is so happy (Sarcasm)
@anniest.thomas64 10 жыл бұрын
Don't worry Ashley, this man is a walking self-fulfilling prophecy! Remember: Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways,when they carry out their wicked schemes. The great apostasy has to come, along with the ridiculers with their ridicule. Keep it coming Brad you are not as original as you think. there is a long history of people like you.
@1973darin 11 жыл бұрын
that was a great watch Brad ! left home at 15, banished from my family with no education ( I was supposed to be a reg. pioneer ) they would not talk to me for 10 years, till I became one of them. ( only for a year, I wanted to know my mum and dad ) .. look at them now, It's a joke, what a waste of life......." THE FALSE " it should be called
@tommotian 10 жыл бұрын
So what do you say about it, the 'David, the sore point' 1 + 2?
@lovelyjvjoan 8 жыл бұрын
I am from Lapulapu City, Cebu, Philippines. I was born in a family that are Jehovah's Witnesses. I am also a Witness. My husband retired early from military service in 2013 to join me in my faith. My two sons and my husband got baptized in 2014. It is our goal to serve the One True God as Jehovah's Witnesses. I took up PSS last October 19-24, 2015. Last December, i came out into open about some of my queries. I am too afraid to ask because i know it is risky. My questions are as follows: 1.) Why can't we follow closely the examples set by our Lord Jesus Christ and his apostles in addressing to our Heavenly Father? In fact, Jeremiah 3:19 NWT says: "I also thought that you would call me, ‘My Father!’ ". They never address the Almighty God in such a way that we, Jehovah's Witnesses, frequently do. One of my Bible Studies who attended the meeting for the first time commented: "I like the prayer but i just wonder why in your publications, casual conversations, and here in the Kingdom Hall, you often used to address our Heavenly Father simply as "Jehovah" alone." He was stumbled and refused to continue his study. 2.) Are we not responsible for others who showed interest in the Bible but got stumbled because of our tradition in addressing the Almighty? Yes, i was convinced that being Jehovah God's friends, we are authorized to call Him that way as the prophets did, who existed before Christ, BUT I am afraid of what the Bible said at 1 Cor. 8:9, 11, 12 NWT: "But keep watching that your right to choose (authority) does not somehow become a stumbling block to those who are weak.11 So by your knowledge the man who is weak is being ruined, your brother for whose sake Christ died. 12 When you sin against your brothers in this way and wound their weak conscience, you are sinning against Christ. 3.)How does the organization apply the words of our Lord at Acts 1:7 when our Lord instructed to his apostles: “It does not belong to you to know the times or seasons that the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction" and yet there were time prophesies made by our organization like for example about 1914, 1925, and 1975? When those time prophesies failed, who, then, were accountable to the Almighty, or should we say to the Christ, for those who got stumbled and left this organization? I am afraid to say that they were those whom we know and called as "faithful and discreet slaves" who fed them and who are now feeding us "new light". I was shocked upon realizing these things that i cannot control my tears in my supplications for forgiveness for all my negative thoughts about them because we deeply respect and commend them for everything they’ve done for us. 4.) In our book entitled God's Kingdom Rules (kr-CV) pp:102 i saw the pictures of the last Christmas celebration in 1926 and the Cross and Crown which was used until 1931. So, my question is: What was the basis of claiming in 1919, that this organization became the God's Spirit-directed organization? 5.) If the light is getting brighter and brighter, a.) can you explain what does our 2012 calendar mean when it said "the gathering of the humans with earthly hope began after Christ came into Kingdom power in 1914"? b.) can you explain what the Watchtower Study Edition, March 15, 2015, foretold? Learn From the Illustration of the Talents Par 11.) Jesus said: “After a long time, the master of those slaves came and settled accounts with them.” (Matthew 25:19) The Master, Jesus, will do this toward the end of the great tribulation. Par. 13.) Just before the great tribulation, God will give his final approval to the hardworking anointed ones who are still on earth at that time. This is their final sealing. (Revelation 7:1-3) Question: If final sealing has been done before the great tribulation, how come that there’s still ‘settling of accounts’ toward the end of the great tribulation? I do believe that the True God is not of confusion. According to Insights of the Holy Scriptures, ANTICHRIST means "denial of any or all of the Scriptural teachings concerning Christ". When i asked some of the elders in our congregation about these things, they told me that if i wont stop questioning the organization which means questioning our God, which is bad, then i will be disfellowshipped. I can see now that the structure is just the same as those of the Pharisees cited at John 16:2,3 NWT Men will expel you from the synagogue. In fact, the hour is coming when everyone who kills you will think he has offered a sacred service to God. But they will do these things because they have not come to know either the Father or me. I cannot anymore see God's love in this organization nor the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ guiding this organization. Me and my family are so sad because we are now afraid that we will lose all our friends and relatives who are Jehovah's Witnesses (my uncle is an Assembly Overseer but cannot also answer our questions). We do not have outsider friends aside from our Bible Studies because we kept ourselves busy in group witnessing, cart witnessing, handling Bible Studies, family worship, attending midweek and week-end meetings, and personal Bible study. I feel pity for my family and feel responsible for the situation. I feel like i am spiritually hungry while the organization keeps on claiming that we are in a spiritual paradise. I seek for more spiritual food but then they would like to disfellowship me (for apostacy?) and perhaps all of us in the family which includes my husband and two sons. We are supplicating that the Holy Spirit of our Heavenly Father thru our Lord Jesus Christ will guide us towards His true congregation.
@4brothers623 10 жыл бұрын
why aer you loading up our videos .
@BradZook 10 жыл бұрын
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@jamesandchante 11 жыл бұрын
I agree with you.
@BradZook 11 жыл бұрын
Hi Mylo, One could go back to virtually any point in history & find world conditions that indicate "The End" is here. The WT has been saying "any day now" for 135 years. The only thing the WT offers people is an endless list of rules to be obeyed in hopes of pleasing their unpleasable God. I wonder my friend, does Islam offer something similar? Jesus offers "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest for your souls." "For my yoke is easy & my burden is light." :)
@annaailly249 11 жыл бұрын
i love jehovah witness jehova save me and my family and i want to be good friends with jehovah and i want to be jehovah witness
@JoepublisherNY 11 жыл бұрын
And, that is why so many of us have left... because we realized that we were really "sticking" to "men" - imperfect men who have created a religion based on decades of errors and mis-intepretaton of scripture. That's a far cry from truly having "the truth"! I think every JW who searches their hearts KNOWS that something is amuck with their religion, but most stay in because of the relationships they have formed with many people over the decades.. that's not good enough for those who have left.
@MegaEdouble1 11 жыл бұрын
Dave, no overkill but 1874 was a big reason Russell started the WT. Prior to the WT, he was part of a 2nd Advent Church (Herald of the Morning was their paper), which taught Jesus would return VISIBLY in 1874. B.W. Keith, a paper contributor read the Emphatic Diaglott, which says "presence" instead of "coming" at Mt 24:3 making Jesus' return INVISIBLE. They taught for 50yrs he returned in 1874. During the 30's they went back and forth between 1874 & 1914. In the early 40's they stayed with 1914
@kevinchamberlain7928 11 жыл бұрын
Those "taking the lead" are also taking happiness.
@JoepublisherNY 11 жыл бұрын
I find it VERY odd that this mammoth change was made at an "Annual Meeting" as opposed to a Watchtower study, convention part, etc. I believe it was done in this manner to leak out to the rank-and-file a major change, so that they could have time to assimilate it by the time it hits the printed page or that future convention talk. In this manner, it can be said to the unsuspecting and surprised JW, "Oh, where have you been, this change occured a long time ago, even months! [LOL]"
@billy0523 11 жыл бұрын
I Hope for the best for you all! Thanks~ but I'll stick with Jehovah for now until I find something better :)
@Danmera 11 жыл бұрын
I love how it took all the governing body members to remind everyone they are the slave. Why are we the slave? Because we say so of course. That's exactly the sound my head made when I first heard that "we love this idea"...say what?! Interesting bit about one in 1919 and one is "yet to come" Hmm, wonder what that is about? What kind of craziness is coming next?
@c_rhynehardt 10 жыл бұрын
James 1:17 Every good and true thing is given to us from heaven, coming from the Father of lights, with whom there is no change or any shade made by turning.
@observerlink4124 11 жыл бұрын
I know that I'm knit-picking here, but that podium - that design, I swear, I have only ever seen that in the context of the JWs - the Kingdom Halls. I have been to numerous public lectures in my life, and I have only ever seen that type of podium at a Kingdom Hall, Assembly Hall or public arena where a District Assembly was taking place. I am starting to think that the JWs must have a patent on that design! Just on seeing it I have the immediate desire to go to sleep! A cure for insomnia maybe?
@BradZook 11 жыл бұрын
Hi Ruth. You're really good with the name-calling. Where did you learn this? Oh, you must have just returned from this summer's DC. And as far as having my say on my own time, please note the name on this channel. Did you know the WT has prophesied the end of the world 7 times? Doesn't that make them the world's #1 false prophet? Didn't Jesus command us to avoid false prophets? If the WT wasn't who they claim to be, would you want to know about it? Read the book "Crisis of Conscience". Peace.
@kevinchamberlain7928 11 жыл бұрын
Hi Chad, its true that the F&DS is now the eight men of the governing body. One of them is not (by his own admission) of the anointed class. Do you know how this works please?
@michaelawolade3366 7 жыл бұрын
they won't allow you to read the whole chapter. They know they would be stuck.
@JoepublisherNY 11 жыл бұрын
That's a real good point BECAUSE that's exactly what I thought when I heard him say, "We love this idea." Say what? I thought the Holy Spirit guided them to new light, not men!
@BradZook 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the reply Toolman. Yes, so true. One must know the Truth to be free. Jesus says, "...I am the Truth.." (Jn 14;6) and like it says in Jn 17;3, I know Jesus so, I know THE Truth! And the Truth gives me pure joy & assurance on a daily basis. Now, back to my original question. Did Jehovah lead the Organization falsely for 93 years or does holy spirit actually have nothing to do with the Organization? Which do you think it is? Thanks.
@andrewshanks1921 11 жыл бұрын
Really sorry, another mistake! "Yes, the end of this system is so very near!" and Reports are heard..." etc came form an article called:- "HOW ARE YOU USING YOUR LIFE?" in "Kingdom Ministry", May 1974, page 3.
@BradZook 11 жыл бұрын
Wow Parker, my best to you in your efforts to free your family. It's so frustrating as JWs flat refuse to acknowledge what is clearly in front of them. "They only joined the UN for the library." "They said it's 'probable' Arm. would occur in '75." The WT has all manner of excuses for itself, yet would they allow for the same excuses from any other religion? No way! RE: "Hypocrisy". Hang in there!
@caroldanvers265 2 жыл бұрын
Did David Splane say the Great Crowd and the Anointed ones are "the domestics"? When I heard this talk long ago, I was confused and flipped out. This is some bullshit. I remembered turning to a friend and mentioned to her, what the hell was that? Did they just change the teaching again? I was really upset after the meeting.
@BradZook 11 жыл бұрын
Oh my Darin. I can't believe at this point I could still be surprised by the stories of people whose life has been damaged by this group. Your family probably would have been normal, decent people had they not got effected by this..."thing". The WT takes otherwise normal people & turns them into people who do hateful things in the name of a God of love.
@BradZook 11 жыл бұрын
They are even told what emotions they FEEL? "We love this teaching." Translated: "Don't even think about questioning it because the proper thing to do is love it." Splane & Morris really make my flesh crawl. The others appear to be quite clueless but those two seem to have genuine malevolence.
@chadlee397 11 жыл бұрын
Luke 17:10, "So YOU, also, when YOU have done all the things assigned to YOU, say, ‘We are good-for-nothing slaves. What we have done is what we ought to have done."
@MegaEdouble1 11 жыл бұрын
Show us a WT publication where they actually talk about it. I'm curious to read what they say.
@observerlink4124 11 жыл бұрын
My goodness! So all of these guys (except for the little kids singing of course) will be Christ's bothers and sitting in judgment from the heavens! Oh my, this makes me feel just so good and secure! I think that MY favorite part was the kids singing as well. It certainly had substantially more weight that anything these Governing Body geezers said.
@tsa0706 11 жыл бұрын
What scriptures are supporting this idea. When will this doctrine be published ? Who communicated this idea to the GB ?
@andrewshanks1921 11 жыл бұрын
Did anyone answer this? You can get past Watchtower and Awake mags on disc: Try August 15 1968: Article Entitled "Why are you looking forward to 1975?" on page 499 (of annual collection). Includes comments: "Are we to assume from this study that the battle of Armageddon will be all over by the autumn of 1975, and the long-looked-for thousand-year reign of Christ will begin then?" Further in same article:- "It may involve only a difference of weeks or months, not years." In same article:-
@JoepublisherNY 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your expression Bill. For me, I didn't find this logic satisfying in my case. I became a JW because I was convinced that they have "the Truth". Now I'm convinced that they don't have "the Truth". So, why would I stay, even if I didn't find something better [yet]? Your logic sounds like this to me. My doctor didn't turn out to be as good as I thought, or was lead to believe. However, since I haven't found a better doctor [yet], I'm going to stay with that doctor. Say what?!?!
@kevinchamberlain7928 11 жыл бұрын
I don't really want a "life hater" but when I need one I'll look you up. What are they any how?
@squirrly001 11 жыл бұрын
The only difference is the Watchtower has 8 "popes" instead of 1
@BradZook 11 жыл бұрын
I am shocked at the way the GB talks down to their followers, "Will we hear any clarification of scripture?!...." I teach 11 year olds & I show greater respect for their intelligence than the GB does for these adults. This can also be found in the fact that the WT magazine is written at a 5th grade reading level. The GB clearly does not want the Witnesses to THINK.
@MegaEdouble1 11 жыл бұрын
Mr Intili, Dan 10:13 says Michael is "one of the chief angels". Just because he is the only archangel listed by name in the bible, doesn't mean he's the only archangel. By the way, what does Heb 1:5 & 2:5 mean? If you need a WT publication to help you understand, please feel free, but just read the bible.
@savedbygrace1972 11 жыл бұрын
As an exit counsellor, I have seen more psychological damage done by this organisation than any other established group!
@andrewshanks1921 11 жыл бұрын
In the Watchtower of August 15, 1968, this most extraordinary comment was made:- "One thing is absolutely certain, Bible chronology reinforced with fulfilled Bible prophecy shows that six thousand years of man's existence will soon be up, yes, within this generation! (Matt 24:34) This is therefore no time to be indifferent and complacent. This is not the time to be toying with the words of Jesus that "concerning that day and hour NOBODY knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son..
@MegaEdouble1 11 жыл бұрын
Also, not to get off of topic, but isn't this video about the WT's "New Light" regarding the "faithful and Wise Servant"
@JoepublisherNY 11 жыл бұрын
"We love this idea"... yup, that phrase jumped out at me too! btw: I didn't realize that other GB members also discussed this change. I guess they had to show they were all in agreement and you know what the WTS teaches about repetition! LOL (If we say it enough, people will accept it without questioning the change!) I find this change outrageous self-serving! Wonder how long before the WTS legal department comes after your you-tube video? I hope many JWs see it before it gets yanked.
@BradZook 11 жыл бұрын
So true Gary. The WT is another false group started in the 1800's in eastern America. They teach God has chosen their group's leaders, they teach you must belong to their group to be saved, they have extra literature in addition to the Bible, they demand works, & they practice the very un-Christian shunning of family. All marks of a "high-control" false religion. Oh, and their group's past leaders were visited personally by Jesus!!
@MegaEdouble1 11 жыл бұрын
Mr Intilli, please give us the "REAL" interpretations of Heb 1:5 & Heb 2:5?
@BradZook 11 жыл бұрын
God IS the best. Did you know the first time anyone ever uttered the word "jehovah" wasn't until the year 1270 when a Catholic scribe made it up?
@BradZook 10 жыл бұрын
I love wisdom so clearly I'm not the fool of which you speak. I've never been a JW, so help me understand...if Jehovah is leading the organization, why did he tell them for nearly 100 years that the 144,000 is the F&DS? What could be gained from Jehovah lying to his chosen for nearly a century? It makes no sense to me. The Bible is true BECAUSE it doesn't change. How can "Truth" change? Either Jehovah lied to the GB, or they are lying about hearing from Him. Which do you think it is?
@BradZook 11 жыл бұрын
"Interestingly the expression archangel is never found in the plural in the scriptures, thus implying that there is only one." Oops! Daniel 10;13 "...and, look! Mi′cha‧el, one of the foremost princes, came to help me..." Doesn't that indicate Michael is "one of" many? That doesn't seem to sound like our Lord.
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