Jensen talks about Dean and Castiel' friendship in season 9 Jibcon 2014

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@fightthefairy 10 жыл бұрын
Wow, I've seen people getting all out of their prams about this... REALLY??? You're getting angry because Jensen has stated that he and Misha don't play their characters as gay and secretly in love?? There are some insane fans out there, and I think personally that he finds it insulting that they care more about his character becoming gay, which is nothing to do with the plot, and getting it on with the angel, than they do about Dean's ACTUAL storyline and things he is going through. I don't blame him either. Well said Jensen!!!
@xkwissy 10 жыл бұрын
@LadyBugger24 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for saying this.
@sandycub0903 10 жыл бұрын
I thought Jensen was very well spoken in this video. He was respectful. He never said there was anything wrong with people shipping Dean/Cas in fandom. He finally spoke up clearly but respectfully saying that Dean and Cas are friends, are kindred spirits but are not secretly in love with each other. He even went on to state that as actors he and Misha do not play it that way. I know Misha has stated differently - both outright and by alluding to it - but Misha loves to rile people up and have fun with it. That doesn't mean that when it comes down to his job of acting the role of Castiel that he plays the role as if he and Dean had a secret love affair going. Once again, well said Jensen! True professional and gentleman.
@fandomix3572 10 жыл бұрын
I think some just ship them as bff's... I ship em as bff's not like as an otp....
@fightthefairy 10 жыл бұрын
I like Misha, but it's time for him to stop messing about with the whole Destiel thing now. Clearly there are a lot of crazy shippers who cannot see the humour in it and take it all seriously. That makes awkward situations for Jensen.
@MelissaSz89 10 жыл бұрын
I’m a destiel shipper, but I can’t see anything wrong with what he says here. I think it’s kinda beautiful how he talks about Cas finding identity with Dean and it’s clear that their friendship is very important to them - and to Jensen and Misha. While I would love to see destiel happen on screen, maybe it’s better this way (though Cas needs more screen time, especially with Dean). How often do we see special relationships - and characters - be destroyed on some show we love to watch, when the show runners finally decide to make the relationship romantic. It happens all the time. I would hate to see that happen to Dean/Cas. So while it’s fun to imagine, and I do think with enough sensitivity and care it could be done well, it could also end up changing their characters and their relationship into something else, something we may not even like. So in that regard, I’d rather have Dean/Cas sharing a profound bond of friendship and brotherly love. I truly don’t appreciate someone giving Jensen crap about this. Jensen knows Dean like no other, he’s played the guy for nine years, and I trust his judgement on his character and what he wants for Dean to happen in the future.
@ADDButterfly 9 жыл бұрын
I'm a destiel shipper, and I agree with you too. But to me it's rude how the audience cheers/laughes, and I hear one person say 'thank you'. It seems like they just want to throw it in our faces that 'Ohhh the actors even think that ship is stupid so get it out of the show.' So to me that kind of hurts how some people can be about that. I do not judge any ship. Hell I have a fleet of my own, Wincest included! But it is insane how Non shippers and Wincest shippers can be about Destiel.
@snaazir6099 3 жыл бұрын
He and Misha do play that. It's ridiculous that he would even open his mouth and say this. Where does he think Destiel comes from? This is one of those "gaslighting" moments that fans keep talking about. Apparently, they don't watch the show.
@KunoBaka0908 10 жыл бұрын
I ship Destiel but I agreed with Jensen here. Dean and Cas' relationship is nothing more beyond friendship. Some fans are putting his words too hard.
@mcgilj1 10 жыл бұрын
I would disagree about it "not being beyond friendship". But is it a romantic relationship? No. It's not. But its definitely more than friends. Cas is almost like the.. little brother, even though he may be older and wiser. he's the guy that Sam (and mostly Dean) have taken on. Kevin might have slowly gotten into that circle s well. But of course being friends, or even extended family, with the Winchesters has a horrible cost.
@chriscross8366 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you Jensen. Destiel is an insult to both actors since - as Jensen says - they don't play it *that* way. Shippers are seeing stuff that's not even there. Destiel is fine in fanfics and fantasies but it's not there on the TV screen. Thank you Jensen. Hope there's no backlash from the crazies.
@ltbrooks 10 жыл бұрын
There is a disconnect between what the says and the way he plays it, though. It IS there in the way Dean watches Cas and in the way Metratron highlighted the bond between them at the end of 9.
@naimasophie 10 жыл бұрын
ltbrooks well according to your reasoning , Dean must also be in love with his brother too. Metatron highlighted the way CAS feels about dean , not the bond ! for all i know Dean kicked Cas out of the bunker when he was human and helpless.
@ltbrooks 10 жыл бұрын
naimasophie Yes and he hated kicking Cas out, that much was painfully obvious, but he didn't have a choice. Jensen has also confirmed multiple times at the panel that's going on right now how close Dean and Cas are. (And no, Dean is not in love with his brother. SPN will never go the incest route. Ever.)
@naimasophie 10 жыл бұрын
ltbrooks i was joking about dean&sam , dean looks at sam with 100000x times more love than Cas and it doesnt mean it's romantic right ?. Misha also said that Sam and Cas are very close , the whole damn show is based on family seriously what's your point ? jensen hates destiel , that's it , move on with your life.
@naimasophie 10 жыл бұрын
ltbrooks + dean still kicked cas out and didnt bother helping him out , "cas has always been a tool to the boys" jensen ackles , go look it up
@RefugeeKLicious 10 жыл бұрын
gotta love Jensen Ackles. also that girl in the vid that said "Thank you" cracked me up.
@lizmoss 8 жыл бұрын
i feel bad for jensen. he's tired of everyone forcing destiel on him.
@brendacuevas4245 8 жыл бұрын
Agreed :((
@makennag7450 7 жыл бұрын
elisabeth moss i know how he feels. It's. All. I. See. And I'm sick of it, like can't I just be apart of this fandom without seeing SO MUCH damn destiel😩😒
@user-go8tu4yf2t 6 жыл бұрын
yes :((
@meganphuapanleqi 8 жыл бұрын
I ship Destiel. I do. But i would never force the characters or the actors into a relationship in the show or not. I mean ofcourse i would fangirl alittle everytime there is a destiel moment but i never over done it. I enjoy the fanart and i love this fandom (we have a gif for everything oml) Jensen looked alittle uncomfortable, yes. But i don't think he's homophobic or has any serious issues about it. Misha's pretty okay with it aswell. Jensen sometimes flirts with Misha on stage as such. So this really doesn't have to be a big deal. I just think maybe before we ask questions we should always think alittle more. Jensen proberly searched it destiel up and found it alitte strange because wow it can be graphic and the fact that it's about him too. It's really not much of a big deal x
@JustAnAwesomeDemon 9 жыл бұрын
Jensen is the king of Anti-DESTIEL and I love him for that. THANK YOU
@AuroraWhispersss 10 жыл бұрын
I ship Destiel for fun! I know they will never get together in the show and I respect Jensen for revealing how he feels about the whole thing and setting it all straight for those that don't understand that Dean and Cas are not in love with each other in that way and that they will never be together romantically and that it is not how Jensen and Misha play there characters!
@Ring_My_Bell 9 жыл бұрын
I ship it too more than most but if it actually happened I think it would just be to awkward
@Brookeva 9 жыл бұрын
im a destiel shipper but i find nothing "Wrong" with what jensen is saying here! this is his opinion on dean and cas' relationship and hes entitled to that opinion. hell, i agree with a lot of what hes saying here! and haters plz, just give the guy a break! Jensen is OBVIOUSLY uncomfortable with questions concerning Destiel, and he probably dosent share your views on the matter, so when he dosent say what you want him to say FOR THE LOVE OF CHUCK DONT GET PISSED OFF!!!
@lisadubiel2610 8 жыл бұрын
+Piper Mclean Well said. Thank you. By the the "for the love of chuck".
@emacosta630 8 жыл бұрын
exactly, I feel the same way.
@frankiehays3638 8 жыл бұрын
+Demonhuntingyoungblood right but its not really just an opinion. its a fact that him and misha dont play the roles that way, as he said, therefore whatever any destiel fan see's in the scenes between them is literally just their imagination
@paulariosfr 10 жыл бұрын
As destiel shipper and i'm not mad or sad i'm happy that he decided to put some things clear, destiel is funny and cute yeah but in fanfics and stuff, not in the series, besides destiel as a romantic relationship has nothing to do with the plot of spn. I love you Jensen.x
@Carolina57685 10 жыл бұрын
the fandom needs to respect Jensen's opinion,like come on guys
@billieswagganutti 2 жыл бұрын
Respect hating on a ship?
@Carolina57685 2 жыл бұрын
@@billieswagganutti you actually decided to reply to a 7 year old comment wow
@jaclynhorrod2894 10 жыл бұрын
Good for Jensen - he's very serious I think some fans need to stop throwing their own fantasies at the guys!
@notforone 10 жыл бұрын
By the way, I love him for being so honest. He must know this would cause some alarms, he knows how hard shippers go sometimes, but he stands honest in his character and in front of his fans. He said how he feels like it infront of fans who he knows may be offended by his words... this maybe shouldn't be as impressive as it is to me, but still.. stand up guy.
@gracey6666 10 жыл бұрын
So glad Jensen said this :)
@rebeckae6931 10 жыл бұрын
For all the fans gettin upset about what he said: Me and many other fans think he said this because a lot of fans talk about them having a secret relationship they just don't show yet but Jensen says literally that he doesn't play it like that. That doesn't mean there isn't gonna come a relationship or something else. He just says that they don't play it like there is something going on that we just don't see.
@chol1516 10 жыл бұрын
He didn't say "secret relationship" he said "nothing secret between them". He also makes sure to tell the audience they feel nothing more than kindred spirits for one another. He clearly meant no romantic feelings by "secret". I think it's pretty clear what he means, and the only people who try to make it into something else are the ones who desperately want to believe in Destiel (which is fine, do what you want, but you're setting yourself up for some pretty nasty surprises in the future if you ignore this). I get trying to twist it to make it something bearable, but if you lie and tell yourself "No no, he couldn't have meant this, he must have meant THIS!" you're queerbaiting /yourself/ by taking someone saying "D/C thing is out of proportion, I'm glad they don't have that many scenes together, me and Misha don't play it like that" and morphin it into what you wan.t
@rebeckae6931 10 жыл бұрын
I ship Destiel but that doesn't mean I think they are really going to get together or something. I just heard that many fans (who clearly see too much in Destiel) talk about Dean and Cas"f*cking" secretly and that the actors heard that too, so I thought this could be what Jensen meant. I agree with you that some people try to twist it too much. Anyway, I wasn't so sure about all this so thanks for clearing up what he meant. :)
@chol1516 10 жыл бұрын
Becca Esau I think saying "Jensen thinks it's fucking fvcking, that's why he's upset about it!" it's defense mechanism that's a poor attempt at accusing Jensen of being ignorant/not knowing what he's saying so people can continue to think their ship will become canon some day. It's totally ok!
@cholargeTV 10 жыл бұрын
Karma Houdini Allow me to translate: "Rabid hater" means "Tells me the truth and I don't like that" "I have eyes" means "I see what I want to see and ignore everything else" "Hell, my family sees it" means "I take these isolated incidents as proof of something, which is probably why I'm at where I currently am" Hey Becca, remember when you said "I agree with you that some people try to twist it too much."? This is one of those people who twist it way too much.
@naimasophie 10 жыл бұрын
"That doesn't mean there isn't gonna come a relationship " go see a psychiatrist please , comments like this worries me , what do you need more ? Jensen coming into your house and throwing your computer yelling "im a decent actor please respect my job" ? yall destiel shippers creeps seriously
@CampingforCool41 10 жыл бұрын
I find it interesting that with all the quotes of this on tumblr, somehow they never say that Misha was also relieved that there wasn't a lot of Dean and Cas.
@hawaiiangirlz 10 жыл бұрын
Because Misha later turned around and undermined Jensen's comments during his own panel. Which I find quite disrespectful to the entire cast and spn team, who has very clearly expressed repeatedly that they are not on board with the idea at all. I don't know why he keeps insisting on creating so much difficulty for the supernatural team by continually obfuscating their all agreed upon crystal-clear stand and message regarding this issue. And the worst thing is that everyone else (who is innocent), from the showrunner to the leads to the writers, always get blamed by these extreme fans for 'leading them on' when the instigator is none other than Misha himself. Overall, I really kinda like the guy. But I am continually disappointed in his actions regarding the entire destiel matter. It is one thing to empathize with fans, but another to lead them on (or to use their fav. mis-used term regarding the show: 'queerbait') while simultaneously bring about such grief to the rest of spn's fans, cast and team itself.
@CampingforCool41 10 жыл бұрын
hawaiiangirlz Yeah, I think Misha is a good guy, but I don't know what his deal is with Destiel if he knows that it's not going to happen or doesn't even like playing it up in the show.
@ltbrooks 10 жыл бұрын
hawaiiangirlz Misha was not being disrespectful or undermining Jensen, though - he was clarifying HIS opinion when Jensen had incorrectly spoken for him earlier. I really appreciate that. He said that the scenes with Dean and Cas were some of his favorite on the show. There is no harm in doing that, and in fact, I would have done the same thing if people were putting the wrong words in my mouth. Misha isn't instigating anything, but he has just as much right to share his opinion on the matter as Jensen does. Misha is a kind, good person who actually has called the show out on queerbaiting and treatment of women in the past. There is a difference between talking about Destiel and showing support (as Misha does) and actually queerbaiting, which is what the writers and showrunners do (by constantly having gay subtext and then telling us that we're making things up - I mean, if even my straight male coworker has picked up on it, it's there).
@hawaiiangirlz 10 жыл бұрын
@ltbrooks Point taken. If Misha had every intent of playing it that way then he is right in that correction. But not when he said that Jensen is joking and does not mean it when its quite apparent he does. Even the asker herself thought he wasn't joking. You know, when it comes down to it, I still think Misha could have always just once say 'hey Destiel is cool and I support it but unfortunately that's not the direction the show is gonna take but keep shipping them in fandom' so his fans would get the message clearly since the reactions I've seen are always 'why won't they be clear with us and just say its not gonna be canon' or 'ignore what everyone says cause Misha said this and that so there is still hope!' when Misha doesn't have any 'power' in the show's direction and everyone else have been saying its never gonna happen? I'm just saying he sure could make things a lot clearer for his fans imo. Especially now. And the subtext thing is iffy since there are twice as many people who dont see it. I've tried but I still couldn't. Sure there are the ocassional tongue in cheek lines but I've seen that applied to others too like Sam and Dean etc. And pretty much take it as humor since the lines doesn't fall in line with how they actually play their characters. And as for the closest instance I've seen of the show 'queer baiting' would be the 'humanity' line which incidentally could go both ways since I've always saw it as Jensen said: strong friendship. So I guess at the end of the day, the fairest way would be to say that certain aspects of the show is up to individual interpretations. But if the cast (well except Misha) has come out and say 'but THIS is the intepretation we are officially going with, they are kindred spirits' then fans shouldnt still say they are queer baiting. Fans other interpretations are still valid, but would in this case go under fanon like how its always been with shows before supernatural.
@ltbrooks 10 жыл бұрын
hawaiiangirlz I think it's interesting, too, when Misha is told to play a scene (as he did in.. ah.. ep 7? I don't remember) as a "jilted lover". I mean, I think they're giving mixed messages to the cast as well as the audience. Regardless, I think Misha had the best intentions in correcting Jensen's statement and didn't want to hurt fans further. He's a thoughtful, kind person (or has been whenever I've met him) and I do appreciate that he recognizes the chemistry like a lot of us do. I just appreciate Misha's candor and willingness to discuss fandom things and entertain multiple viewpoints. I don't know re: subtext, though - I've had people who are either casual watchers or not at all involved in the fandom, mostly straight dudes, tell me that they see the relationship. I don't think most of it is queerbaiting - I feel like they're are telling a story with strong but subtle subtext and I'm not expecting SPN to turn into a rom-com, but I do see a deep bond that.. isn't quite familial or friendly between them. Others don't, and that's fine, but I personally think it's gotten pretty undeniable in recent seasons. I think there's a definite disconnect in what the showrunners and Jensen are saying and the story that's actually being told, but like I said.. open to interpretation as long as people aren't hostile or mean about it. (Thank you, btw, for having a civil conversation - that's a rare thing to find in this fandom, sadly).
@lizmoss 8 жыл бұрын
1:08 you could say that he's an outCAS i'll leave now
@blueskybelyr 10 жыл бұрын
Thank god he finally addressed this - Destiel shippers piss me off. Why can't fans simply respect the characters, and the actors at that? Must fangirls give all fans a bad name by forcing this 'gay' connotation to Dean and Castiel's friendship? It's embarrassing.
@autumnaltumn 9 жыл бұрын
It makes me happy that Jensen only got cheers and stuff here. Imagine if he got boo'd, for saying what he knew about his and Misha's characters. I would've cried for the poor guy :/ I think there's a lot of truth to what he says even though I ship destiel and I'm glad people back him up on it.
@angelwithnightmares 10 жыл бұрын
Can people just calm down about this? I'm a hardcore Destielshipper, and as we all know - the actors and writers loves to play games with us fans. Misha can be a Destielshipper on the outside, but maybe he isn't on the inside. Maybe he's just saying it to please the fans? Because we all know how much Misha loves his fans. And Jensen maybe just teases us as well? He might be against it on the outside, but maybe loves the idea on the inside? We can't read their minds, and we can't see the future. So just take everything everyone says with a grain of salt and be happy. I don't think we have to fight about this. I want us Supernaturalfans to be a big, happy family who supports each other. You ship Wincest? Awesome. You ship Megstiel? Great. You ship Destiel? Lovely. You don't ship anything? Fantastic. I'm getting upset when I see all the hate everywhere. I don't like all the hate Jensen gets for this, and I'm not thrilled about all the hate towards Misha either for "not leaving Jensen alone". We love Supernatural in different kind of ways, and that's why this fandom is so awesome. It's huge, and it's probably the most popular one - like ever. So please, just get along and don't hate. Thank you
@aurosianguyen6665 10 жыл бұрын
I don't think Jensen is against Destiel shippers I think he doesn't interpret it like that such as the fans do and he's just acting from what's on the script.I do think it was a little rude of them to clap as loud as they did. I love the idea of Destiel but knowing this show I don't really care about romantic subplots on SPN, though I did for Lisa and Dean but it was so long ago. At this point I'm more interested in how they are going to wrap it up and end everyone's arc. If you ship Destiel than ship it because I love Destiel and all the fanart that goes with it. Just don't attack anyone for who they ship because as far as I know it's not hurting anyone.
@notforone 10 жыл бұрын
Has anyone ever given a thought how he might be protective of Dean/Cas relationship as it is right now, along with protective of Dean, because it's special relationship to him, better than any romance implications? He has always said how they have a kindred relationship, a special friendship; if its so special, it must be close to Dean's heart. He views Cas as a bro. Therefore he must love him as much as he does Sam. Hence the relationship being so special to Jensen, and him protecting it to be just like it is.
@megamozaik 10 жыл бұрын
Bless Jensen and his great words. Couldn't have said it better myself and I think he handled this well .
@Yellowbulma 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you Jensen for saying it!! Now I'm just dreading all the hate he's going to get for being honest. =/
@sarahqq8423 9 жыл бұрын
Why does everyone think being gay would be an insult? They all say they're not homophobic,but all I can see is them getting "uncomfortable" the minute someone mentions "GAY". Either Jensen is really insecure of his sexuality, or he is really against being gay. We never see Misha get so scared to talk about Destiel. For gods sake it's just talking.. if you can do gay jokes on the set, what's the big deal if you talk about a major plot line in the show..Geez
@BlueBirdsFIy 9 жыл бұрын
+Sarah Qq THIS! How the fuck can he jokingly make a dick sucking motion and then get angry and uncomfortable when someone mentions the bond between his fucking CHARACTER and another character? We are not at the conventions going "hey jensen so i heard you take dick up the ass". It's just ridiculous that as an actor you can't at least answer those types of questions respectfully.
@novacapiii8025 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@frankiehays3638 8 жыл бұрын
+Sarah Qq because maybe, just maybe he doesnt like people telling him that his character is something it isnt. maybe misha is ok talking about it, but not everyone is, if i was constantly told that i was guy with a friend then yes i would be pisse of, jensen just simply does not want to talk about a delusional romance that he in no way takes part in. dont call him homophobic because he doesnt want to talk about him or his character being gay
@gormluaith 8 жыл бұрын
This show is about friendship and family. Why do people have a need to see passion and love everywhere? I think that it's really sad that people doesn't care about friendship and family and need romantic love everywhere.
@emmalee4452 8 жыл бұрын
Nah, I'm a Destiel shipper and I barely started Supernatural a week ago, and I'm almost done Season Four. So yes, I love the show. I can't leave it without a hoarse throat from laughing too hard--but even though Jensen feels uncomfortable with pretending to be homosexual, I think he's more uncomfortable about the PDA that Cas learned from the Pizza Man. If Dean has sex with random girls he liked for a week, then why not Cas, right? But although I see a lot more to the show than some slash pairing, it wouldn't kill the writers to just throw us a bone or two. No PDA; just cute and fluffy dialogue.
@NicoPaulino 10 жыл бұрын
I think Dean and Cas love each other, but as brothers. That's why Dean said that he needed him.
@LynseeS 9 жыл бұрын
Jensen explained this beautifully. Really, that's how I've always seen Dean and Cas' relationships
@naomistarchild281 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting this video.
@THEKATlNATOR 10 жыл бұрын
I'm glad he finally said it. He deserves to have his peace and not be called secretly gay from people who don't even know him.
@makennag7450 7 жыл бұрын
2:32 lady: "thANK yOU" this woman is me
@dacasanjalica1540 10 жыл бұрын
OMG I adore this man !!!!
@NeroXlll 10 жыл бұрын
You guys do realize that more than half the time Misha is joking about Destiel right? LOL I mean I don't understand why you guys are getting so upset about something that they don't support and it's clearly OBVIOUS that Dean sees Cas as more than just a friend, but he DOESN'T see him as a lover. Dean has even stated that he sees Cas as a brother, so those that are getting butt hurt over a statement that Jensen made, you guys need to seriously get lost. Leave the Supernatural fandom for all we care, you guys just aren't real fans.
@nina13tink 10 жыл бұрын
I honestly don't see what's wrong with what jensen says here. I ship destiel but I also ship wincest and am entirely aware that neither will ever happen on the actual show. I don't even want it to. The show just isn't about that and I think the real story lines and relationships that the characters have with each other are much deeper and complicated then they would be if they were merely romantic relationships. It's honestly embarrassing to many shippers when fans talk to the actors about destiel and wincest as if its canon and send them fanart on twitter and stuff like that. It's pretty damn obvious that it makes Jensen really uncomfortable when people talk to him about it. It's totally fine to ship whatever you want but its not cool to push it on the actors.
@sandycub0903 10 жыл бұрын
Yes to this. I would imagine that the actors, who devote so much of their time and energy to these characters and this show, would like to talk about what is happening on the show and not on what is happening in fandom. I am a wincest shipper and a fan of the Dean and Cas friendship. However I support everyone's right to ship whatever they want. I personally would like to see more Sam and Cas interaction. They have a lot in common and there could be so much potential there for another strong friendship and alliance. That is what the show is about. These two brothers and the strong alliances that they have formed (Bobby, Cas, Kevin) and the enemies they fight (Crowley, Leviathan, Abbadon). The struggles and challenges they face while doing this is what the show is about. It's not about romance. Both Jared and Jensen have come right out and said that any romantic relationship the boys might have is doomed to fail because their life is on the road together fighting whatever the current big bad is. Cas is a great support to that relationship and that fight and Crowley the perfect antagonist to all three of them. I'm sure Jensen would have preferred to have gotten questions about this season or the coming season 10, how he felt as an actor about what is character has gone through, etc. rather than take time with more ship questions.
@kelsorini 9 жыл бұрын
I think people immediately believe that two people (or characters) are in love with each other just because they have a more special relationship with each other than the other characters, which is sad to think about. I honestly believe that the characters Cas and Dean have more of a understanding for one another and a brotherly bond than they do a sexual or romantic one. I just feel bad for the actors who may feel uncomfortable getting all of these types of questions that are not about the storyline or going online with their kids and seeing a drawing of them sucking face with another actor. Also, where are all the guys? There is only teenage girls watching this show. But for now, all I got to say is, watch the show because you like the show, or like the characters or the actors or whatever, not because you like the fanfictions.
@hawaiiangirlz 10 жыл бұрын
Oh thank god someone finally put a lid on this whole stupid destiel nonsense. I honestly liked Cas back in the earlier seasons where he was this really solid character instead of the weak fan service-y character he has since become. Give the angel back his dignity I say. Hell, just give ALL the angels back their spines and bad assery ala uriel, Gabriel, Balthazar etc. while they're at it to save us from the recent angels dialtone-like personalities. Plus last I checked, the show is and always has been about 2 brothers against a world of odds, and not a romance drama. So you go, Jensen. Thank you for not discounting the show into some cheap, vapid fan servicey/ship nonsense. Srsly, If we wanted such things, we would be watching teen wolf or TVD whatever, not SPN.
@1993majinvegeta 10 жыл бұрын
To be honest, as a Destiel shipper I am glad Jensen has come clean on his opinion. I never minded that, although I admit I was pissed off that he said it just 5 days after the hiatus. Now, you should know that Jen's opinion matters little if Carver decides he wants to push it there. If the show runner wants to make them canon, trust me, he *will* make them canon, even if Jensen does not want to. So, the ultimate decision does not fall to him. As the show being about 2 brothers, yeah honey, not to burst your bubble, but you owed it solely to Misha and Cas that this show is still alive and kicking. Last time the show was about two brothers, it almost got cancelled, hit an all time low on ratings, and was blatantly boring. The show you are describing was Seasons 1 - 3. And do not think that Destiel would make this show a cheap romance crap like TVD. I've read fanfics that completely nullified Season 7 and made it look like an actual, plottable and downright wonderful story, and a fic that took S5 and made it so awesome, I still get chills thinking about it. Do not degrade Destiel when you know jack shit about it.
@cholargeTV 10 жыл бұрын
1993majinvegeta Actually, according to Misha Collins on Larry King Live, the show is about two brothers. "The show is about two brothers" =/= "The show is ONLY about two brothers". Sam and Dean are the main characters, which is why they never have to be upped to regular status from season to season. Your great fic means nothing, really. I've read epic Wincest and Wincestiel fics, that doesn't validate them in any way.
@sandycub0903 10 жыл бұрын
I agree with how you characterized Cas. Liked him a lot better when he was his own person (angel?) and stood on his own in relation to both Sam and Dean. Yes he had a more 'profound bond' with Dean as God commanded he raise Dean from hell. But he has also put his life on the line for Sam and would do so again. These brothers mean the world to him. If it had been Sam who had been killed by Metatron do we think he wouldn't have also looked just as sad. I don't like the way they have written Cas lately and would love to see him be more like he was in the beginning, only without some of his "dickish" tendencies i.e. calling Sam an abomination, not thinking for himself but blindly following orders.
@hawaiiangirlz 10 жыл бұрын
1993majinvegeta IF the showrunner wants to make it canon, then fine by me. I can then decide to watch something else instead. But what I got so far from random interviews, the CW Upfront 2014 SPN tribute and the cast themselves is that the show IS still centered around two brothers first and foremost. From the bits and pieces I've read so far on the net, the only one who pushed the whole dean/cas romance thing seemed to be Misha himself and if in your opinion, Jensen, who is one of the 2 main leads in the show doesn't get a say in anything then I don't see why a non-lead like Misha would either. And which part of I LIKED Cas in earlier seasons did you not get? I think he was a great supporting character to the brothers back then just like how Crowley seems to be another interesting dynamic to the bros now. I've also loved how Cas used to be this strong link between heaven and humanity/earth, where he helped reconcile the vastly different views of how both heaven and earth operates. Fanfics don't mean jack because I've read many opinion posts on the many different directions SPN could take too that had nothing to do with ships and they were all also, to quote you, "an actual, plottable and downright wonderful story". Maybe Destiel does have it own brilliance. But it still does not belong on this show since like many of the SPN staff/cast have mentioned, it is not what the show is about. Have a spinoff instead. I think what I cannot seem to understand is how part of the Destiel fandom are always saying stuff like 'if the show wants to go in that direction (destiel) then you should all accept that' but whenever its so blatantly pointed out many times by the SPN people themselves that it is NOT the case, suddenly that logic is moot. Can't they just go watch something else so that the rest of the SPN fans can watch the actual show they are promised to in peace. One that goes beyond ships, which imo should always stay in fanfics/fandom like its supposed to.
@sandycub0903 10 жыл бұрын
hawaiiangirlz Very well said hawaiiangirlz!
@reganasasha9331 9 жыл бұрын
I don't understand why some people hate the whole Destiel thing, because they think they are gay just because Cas is wearing a male human vessel. Isn't being an angel makes Cas doesn't have any gender? Because Cas is a celestial being and all. I don't understand why some people are upset.
@MaddieBullock 7 жыл бұрын
I know this will never happen but people really need to stop and realize that Dean and Cas are just two best friends that would die for each other. A lot of the deal(I think) is that Cas is so socially awkward he doesn't know how to interact with people a lot of the time then you have Dean who has always made dirty jokes/comments and references that's not going to stop. Their bond is special/important because Cas is Dean's guardian angel, honestly when Mary use to tell the boys that angels were watching over them now years later it's like Cas has become Dean's guardian. If they force anything between Cas and Dean I truly think Supernatural will end. Now I am by no means hating on anyone but this is my honest opinion(and I've seen other people say it in comments) is that this show is centered around family/friends and brotherhood, and I wouldn't change that for anything!
@makennag7450 7 жыл бұрын
Maddie Bullock u are m'y hero. Couldn't have said it better myself
@MaddieBullock 7 жыл бұрын
Chicken McWrap aww thanks! I see their relationship but it is not like THAT! AT ALL! This is all my opinion but I see nothing sexual about them and their relationship.
@juliaa.5425 10 жыл бұрын
After looking through all the arguing in the comments, I think a lot of people are missing one very important point: there is more than one type of love. One thing I have always liked most about Dean is the intensity of his love; he doesn't love a lot of people, so the ones he does love he loves wholly and intensely. This has always been made clear to us, right from the very first episode, the very first scene even. Fact: Dean loves Sam. He's been protecting him his entire life, and as we all know Dean is willing to sacrifice anything for his little brother. That doesn't mean they're in love, even if Wincest shippers would like to see it that way. Fact: Dean loves Cas. They've been through quite a bit of crap together, and Cas is probably one of the few people Dean would trust with both his life and soul. That doesn't mean they're in love, even if Destiel shippers would like to see it that way. I don't think Destiel will become canon, because it's not about them being or not being gay; remember, Castiel doesn't even have a gender. The body he walks around in isn't his (and I still do wonder about the fate of poor Jimmy Novak after all this time). But because, and the writers have said this, the heart of the show is about Sam and Dean, brothers through it all, and it will always be about Sam and Dean. The main flaw of Destiel is that it takes Sam out of the main focus, which is something the show intrinsically cannot do. People will ship what they want to ship, and there's nothing you can do to stop them. But we just all need to remember what the show is really about, which is what I think Jensen meant when he said the whole Dean and Cas thing got blown out of proportion.
@naruto2350933 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you Jensen for finally stating your opinion. The rabid Destiel fans are making him feel awkward. Get over your ship not being canon. Don't send hate to both Jensen AND Jared for stating their opinion. Just leave J2 alone. If it's not in the script then it's not canon. Also I highly doubt that Destiel would be a healthy ship. Honestly with the way Dean treats Cas ("Nobody cares if you're broken Cas") and the fact that people romanticised Cas beating up Dean. Jensen is NOT homophobic. You guys DO realize he jokes around with Wincest with Jared right? That he even bought Jared a Wincest phone cover right? That honestly Wincest is platonically canon seeing as the brothers are so codependent on one another. Everyone just calm down. It's a bloody fictional ship. Don't be a hypocrite and insult somebody who doesn't ship Destiel and say that you don't do that stuff. Just let people ship what they want. Also stop hating on the actors.
@violue 10 жыл бұрын
I think what bums me out about this is all the people cheering lol. It's giving me this weird outnumbered feeling that isn't fun.
@nzushie 10 жыл бұрын
It pisses me off but it honestly doesn't surprise me, worst things have happened in relation to cas and destiel at jibcon. I think this particular convention isn't too destiel friendly. Asylum conventions seem a lot more open to destiel than jibcon is. Also Italy is one of the most homophobic countries in Europe, not saying this is why people cheered at Jensen's statement but it could very well be a contributing factor.
@li528ify 10 жыл бұрын
***** oh please! "homophobic"??? People cheering because they "respect" Jensen's opinion, and respect the show. Italy - Homophobic??? Are you stupid? No because they don't ship destiel, they are homophobic bitch! And yea that's why Jensen was called homophobic too, so disappointed you call yourselves "fans".
@nzushie 10 жыл бұрын
no actually it's a fact Italy is one of the most homophobic European countries, google it if you don't believe me. I'm not even saying that's the reason why I just stated it could be a factor. So cheering not agreeing with Jensen's opinion is respecting the show?? Really?? Wow hahaha.
@li528ify 10 жыл бұрын
Oh really?? Haha if you don't know the show is about two brothers, not about destiel, and who cares if Italy is or not homophobic, if Jensen don't ship destiel, that doesn't mean he is homophobic, and the same whit the rest, please don't put the homophobic thing here stupid!
@nzushie 10 жыл бұрын
Can you not call me stupid. You know nothing about me or about my intellect so by saying that you are the one who in fact sounds incredibly unintelligent. Err as a member and supporter of LGBTQ rights I care. I didn't say Jensen was homophobic. JIB con has a reputation of homophobic comments in the past so I was simply suggesting that this could be a reason to as to why people cheered, I wasn't saying it defiantly was. I think the show has long since evolved since the '2 brothers situation'.
@TabithaAmyRose 10 жыл бұрын
I ship 'Destiel' but I've only ever done it as like a fandom thing. I didn't know people actually thought it would happen one day in the actual show so I don't understand why people are shocked about this. Destiel becoming canon was literally like 1 in a million if that. Do I think the writers of SPN played Destiel shippers in this season with the relationship? A little. A little. But at the same time, I think they did it for the benefit of Destiel shippers, they didn't want to take it the whole way, therefore they gave them SOMETHING to tide them over. And that's the most hardcore Destiel shippers will ever get.
@elicola123100 8 жыл бұрын
@lilyjayye2336 7 жыл бұрын
Please don't call us that. We're actually very respectful most of the time.
@alena21 10 жыл бұрын
i'm glad that he shut down destiel. thank you so much for being honest, jensen.
@cholargeTV 10 жыл бұрын
Karma Houdini Jim Michaels has never said that, and he has no creative hold on the show anyway. Misha has contradicted himself multiple times in the past (That "lip service" line, saying he and Jensen play to it, then saying he Jensen don't, and all the pussyfooting around when asked about it-how many times has he deflected every comment with "I'm a champion of LGBT rights?" He didn't even deny the things Jensen said, just that he didn't think Jensen was really happy they didn't have scenes together). How about Chad Kennedy saying he never heard of Destiel and "That's not out intention for these characters"? You know, before Destiel shippers ran him off twitter? What about Guy Norman Bee saying it never existed and it was ridiculous that people were upset being told that? What about Russ Hamilton saying "That's what fanfiction is for, guys"? What about Jensen quoting Ben Edlund saying Dean is straight? What about Eric Kripke saying at SDCC13 that he created Sam and Dean as heterosexuals? You can ignore all the evidence to the contrary, cling onto Misha who contradicts himself a lot (and also says things about Wincest because he does these things for fun and to cheer people up, not to be serious), and pretend that everyone else's statements are wrong except the ones that you believe, but that's not gonna change reality. You can't claim to be queerbaited then ignore it when people tell you the truth if it's not what you want to hear-you're just queerbaiting yourself then. As for romantic subtext-what brothers say "There ain't no me if there ain't no you" to each other? What brothers sacrifice their souls for one another? What brothers are described as "erotically" codependent? What brothers are soulmates? Eric Kripke also admitted at SDCC13 that he created intentional homoerotic subtext between Sam and Dean. You know what that means? Absolutely nothing. If platonic BROTHERS on this show are treated the same way (well, more intensely) than Dean and Cas that should tell you that that's just how the show operates, it doesn't make D/C special.
@cholargeTV 10 жыл бұрын
Karma Houdini "but Wincest is a viable possibility that's being treated as platonic?" You know you're dealing with a Destiel tinhat when they have to twist your words to make sense. My point was legit that Wincest gets the same treatment (if not more) than Destiel and it's still platonic, so believing Destiel to be otherwise is ridiculous. I named statements by other-actually more, and more important-PTB that you also dutifully ignored because they say things you don't want to hear. You don't even have rebuttals for those, the denial is running deep within you, my friend. You also know you're dealing with a Destiel shipper when you point out the truth and they block you so they don't have to hear it. That's what you're doing with Jensen too, right? I mean, you can't block him of course, so just say he's lying and continue to plug your ears and chant "la la la". I feel bad for you guys, I do, but you're also entitled jerks a lot of the time, so it's a very small amount of pity.
@ltbrooks 10 жыл бұрын
One actor's opinions does not change the way I choose to enjoy the show.
@ltbrooks 10 жыл бұрын
Karma Houdini I agree. And I don't need permission to ship things - I mean, FFS, all fandoms have ships and you don't see them getting bullied for it. I think he should avoid answering those questions in the future to avoid wank and hurting people (besides, the question wasn't even about shipping - he should have left it at his original answer and not gone on to poke the bear.)
@lacountess 10 жыл бұрын
He spoke his mind for sure, he also made the worse PR move for the show. He is free to speak his opinion, just like his customers (i.e. the fans) are free to stop buying his product. And trust me when I say a lot are discussing just that.
@ErinFlatFingers 8 жыл бұрын
As much as I would love Destiel to become canon, and as much as I love queer representation on television, I think I've finally made my peace with the fact that it might not happen. Everyone has their own interpretation as to what the relationship between Cas and Dean is, and this is Jensen's. And it's not up to Supernatural to be a show with a leading gay couple either (as amazing as that would be for LGBTQ+ representation, I mean could you imagine one of the most popular gay ships becoming canon?? That would be incredible). I also like how Jensen handled this. I've seen other clips of him being very dismissive of questions like these, which made him come off as a bit disrespectful (I don't think that was his intention, he seems like a nice enough guy, he just didn't know how to handle a question like this). But in this he was a lot more considerate in this video. He didn't avoid the question due to his discomfort, like I've seen him do in other videos, he instead explained WHY he didn't ship Destiel, and explained the kind of relationship he believes Cas and Dean have. I think he's understanding how to better answer questions like these. I don't know, I guess I've gained back some respect for him.
@MrsRoxelanne 10 жыл бұрын
My little Destiel heart hurts :(
@BlueBirdsFIy 9 жыл бұрын
+Jordy Shore the fact people are thumbing up this comment shows that those who are against destiel are worse than those who do lol
@HelloyouTheSmiley 8 жыл бұрын
+MrsRoxelanne its ok misha ships it :3
@dannyherondale2215 8 жыл бұрын
What? No, just because one person says an awful thing doesn't mean that everyone who doesn't ship is like that! It's idiotic
@lilyjayye2336 7 жыл бұрын
Okay, you don't have to be a dick about it. Just leave it alone if you don't like it
@taraisupinthestars5991 10 жыл бұрын
I ship Destiel but not in a sexual way. I think if their relationship was sexual it would ruin the depth of it. Destiel is about them being soul brothers - not soul mates.
@erinmyhran2416 9 жыл бұрын
You're amazing, Jensen Ackles, I applaud you! Well said!
@honeykiller66 7 жыл бұрын
Bless him. SPN isn's about romance. I mean, they killed off every love interest who crossed SamnDeans path since the first episode. Ship what you want (it's fine, it's natural, it's due to different interpretation) but don't force other people into your ship. Don't blame them bc they have their own opinion. Until now there is no ship in sight and if you wanna change that read/write fanfiction. Again, Bless Jensen.
@bbhsarah 9 жыл бұрын
I love destiel, but I completely understand and respect Jensen's view of it. It is definitely not something the fans should focus on when the show is so great as it is. However season 9 and 10 were in my opinion missing Cas FAR too much, we barely saw him in season 10, went for chunks of like 5 weeks at a time with no Cas :( but yeah, I love you Jensen
@kylejoe5477 8 жыл бұрын
I really like Jensen Ackles (he s awesome!) and I'm not a fan of cas and dean having a homosexual relatioship (not homophobic, just in this case I do not want it). Still, I think Jensen should be more open to the idea. There are sooo many fans out there wantng this. He should respect that. After all, the fans are the reason why the show still exists. Hell, there are some people who only stick around because they believe it will happen. And if the creators (and Jensen) do not believe in it, why put such ambiguous scenes there? I mean, I am straight and I see that some of these scenes are too much to be considered just friendship.
@codythompson9973 7 жыл бұрын
How would you ever be scared of gay people by not wanting to see Cas and Dean together. Whether you're gay or not, them being gay would make no sense. Dean is a player in the show, and loves women while Castiel is an angel. It would make no sense if they started fucking each other.
@elizabetholivares3275 7 жыл бұрын
Kyle Joe Kyle Joe Fair warning, this is long, and ultimately my opinion, so you don't have to listen to it, and I'm not at all saying this to offend or attack you, just to put in my two cents. I understand that Jensen should he supportive of his fans, and I agree, but there's only so much one person can take, you know? He shouldn't be bullied into stepping outside of his comfort zone SO frequently. The destiel thing follows him around everywhere, much more than what we as fans see I imagine. if anyone is disrespectful here it's the fandom itself. I love the fandom, don't get me wrong, I mean I'm part of it, but we should be more understanding of him. he works hard at making content for us every day, he travels all over the place just for us to connect with him more, he's essentially devoted his life to this fandom, the least we could do is understand and respect that Jensen has said all he's needed to say on the topic. he's just like us, we wouldn't want people trying to force something on us that we're not particularly fond of. He's said his piece and we should have stopped with it once we'd first noticed the discomfort. As for the ambiguity of the scenes, I don't think that's their intention. i think it's played that way to emphasize the fact that cas and dean have never really had a very healthy relationship with a lot of people in their lives, and this is about as close as they've come to one. it's all new...and overwhelming...and hard to deal with. cas and dean are also very passionate people, the kind that devote themselves entirely to a cause...even though they tend to bottle up their feelings or mask them. This relationship is just....complicated. I think it's familial and's just a platonic that we, as people who know how to properly express our emotions, and who have had prolonged, healthy, frames of reference, may the end though, that's just my opinion on this whole fiasco and you have absolutely no reason to value my opinion over yours, this isn't going to change anything. so feel free to ignore this if you want and go about your day. :)
@Sirithegreat 8 жыл бұрын
Jensen is so cute when he is uncomfortable....!
@humansarenope5660 8 жыл бұрын
@haleyrichards6627 8 жыл бұрын
@dandelionmae3378 8 жыл бұрын
what the fuck is wrong with you??
@yissychan 9 жыл бұрын
I love you Jensen. Thank you for your honest opinion! I agree with you 100% - if the show became about "Destiel" it would just ruin everything. There's a reason why the boys never stay with women. It's because romantic relationships get in the way. It's about Sam and Dean. Castiel is an important character, but it's not about Dean and Cas, it's Sam and Dean! Thanks, Jensen, for clearing all this nonsense up. I give you my 100% respect! In fact, if it's even possible, my respect for you got even higher (IDK if that's possible though, heh)
@blowsmymind13 10 жыл бұрын
He gave a well tought and articulate answer. Calling him homophobic just 'cause he constructed Dean's character as being straight, and as such he does not see a romantic aspect to his friendship with Cas is absurd. I'm bi and this reminds me of when I would be dating a girl, and my dad would make coments about how in love my best (male) friend and I were, how perfect we were for each other and how I was just in denial but everyone could see. That was not my reality, the same can be said about Dean. Friendship exists people, sometimes you fall in love with your best friend, but most of the time is just that, friendship, beautiful and perfect as it is. So what if Destiel is not canon, most ships aren't... keep on loving your OTP, keep on writting, vidding, blogging, wathever floats your boat, but don't spew hate, and do not be so quick to call something homophobic, it takes away its meaning, it trivialises it.
@7HPLove 10 жыл бұрын
First of all, Jensen said that there is no "secret" relationship between the two. Meaning that there is no behind-the-scenes anything. He said him and Misha don't play their characters like there is. What you see on screen, is how they are playing their characters. Everyone needs to quit getting all hyped up over this and sending hate to/about Jensen. He said nothing bad about Dean/Cas just that their relationship is more like a "kindred spirit". He was respectful in saying what he did. I am a huge Destiel shipper, but there comes a time when you need to stop asking the questions about their relationship and just watch and see what happens. Their responses will only hurt you in the long run. Jensen doesn't run the show, but he is entitled to his own opinion. He knows Dean better than anyone and if he feels Dean and Cas are just friends until the writers explicitly write into the storyline that they are more than that, then so be it.
@calibrationneeded 6 жыл бұрын
the key word here is 'i don't think' there's anything secret in their relationship.
@MsKittyCalico123 5 жыл бұрын
Alex Colins not the key work is WE DONT PLAY IT LIKE THAT y’all are so delusional
@lunamsol695 10 жыл бұрын
Some fans are being so childish and disrespectful to Jensen. Its embarrassing. These actors are so kind and handle the nonsense thrown at them with such grace. Its good that Jensen can be honest. These actors are people and have opinions. They are not dolls or puppets for you to act out your fanfiction with. Learn some RESPECT.
@neekomancer 10 жыл бұрын
I don't ship destiel myself, but i can definitely see why shippers would be upset. I mean, whenever a fan asks the spn family if dean and cas's relationship could become romantic the answer is always "You'll have to wait and see!" They don't get a straight answer. I feel like they're given false hope and a false incentive to keep watching the show (if destiel is their only reason for watching). Not to mention that the all the subtext doesn't exactly help the situation either. Then when stuff like this happens and the shippers get upset, the fandom treats them like shit. I'm sorry for the way the fandom treats you guys. :(
@kurooscoffee 10 жыл бұрын
All I see is his "Misha face"
@alena21 10 жыл бұрын
ugh cockles tinhatters are the worst ewww
@kurooscoffee 10 жыл бұрын
alena21 we are. special place in hell is waiting for us xoxo
@alena21 10 жыл бұрын
no, don't pride yourself. not even hell wants you. hell has no place for tinhatters like you :))))
@kurooscoffee 10 жыл бұрын
says a J2&Wincest shipper. ;)
@alena21 10 жыл бұрын
at least i don't think that jensen is cheating on his wife to fuck misha or at least i don't ship a ship that is rape (poor jimmy, destiel shippers like to pretend he never existed so that they don't have to acknowledge the fact that destiel is non-con)
@littledemontingy 9 жыл бұрын
The show has said it flat out, everyone has their version of Supernatural. People who ship destiel or even bi Dean without Cas involvement, some are in it for it being hot, sure, but there's a lot more fans of it that see it that way because THEY are lgbtq and they see themselves in Dean. There's nothing wrong with that and I don't understand why the people who don't see it that way have to give those who do so much crap. To each their own. We should respect each others interpretations the same way we want our own respected, because sometimes it means something a little more personal to someone than what you know.
@notsonormallady2607 8 жыл бұрын
+littledemontingy Well said, and I agree
@frankiehays3638 8 жыл бұрын
+littledemontingy yes but heres the thing, you can ship destiel all you want, its what you would LIKE to happen and thats totally fine, but then are the people who actually say its real, when it clearly isnt, theres the difference between fantasy and reality
@littledemontingy 8 жыл бұрын
+Frankie Hays There are people who enjoy breaking down a show to the point where background music, the lighting and even the style of wallpaper has meaning, and in a way it does because there is a creative mind and motivation behind all of those decisions. Just because you don't see the show a particular way and think its obvious that it should be seen that way, doesn't mean its the "right" way. Lots of shows and books have characters with gay subtext that some people see and others don't and because even to this day having a queer character openly in canon comes with people thinking it somehow weakens or changes the character, writers are strongly discouraged or even not aloud to have that. They can only reveal much later after the stories ended that the character was actually intended to be queer(Just to clarify, I only use the term queer to describe others because I am comfortable using it in reference to myself and I don't mean it in a derogatory way) as was the case with Dumbledore from Harry Potter and Lexington from Gargoyles. This creates an entire subculture devoted to finding those little hints that really are there a lot of the time. Don't be so quick to dismiss the possibility of queer characters. I recommend reading some of the meta papers people have written about Dean being bisexual, it holds more water than you might think. I understand if it isn't your thing, just don't talk like people who see this as a possibility are delusional or nothing but wishful thinkers before understanding their perspective. P.S. Supernatural was originally inspired by a book wherein Deans namesake was in fact bisexual.
@frankiehays3638 8 жыл бұрын
+littledemontingy right but jensen has said they dont play it that way, therefore whatever you or any other fan is ''breaking down'' is literally just your imagination. if they dont play their characters as having a romantic love for eachother then guess what? they dont have a romantic love for eachthother. there is no debate about it when the actor himself says it is not real
@littledemontingy 8 жыл бұрын
+Frankie Hays Ok, so here is why you are wrong(if your going to be rude, than I assume you dont mind me being a bit blunt in return). ACTORS are not the final word on a characters canon. There are writers, directors and set/music people who also contribute to the bigger picture of a character. Its not on one person to decide what is and isnt true about a character. In fact, the actors have very little actual say in most cases. There have been a lot of creative minds putting their own input into the story and the characters development, each contributing things that are no more and no less canon than the people before them. To say that this unspecified element to a character comes down to the word of one guy who, while massively influential to the characters manarisms and on screen chemestry, never actually did any of the writing for the script is the one and only word that ends all debates, just because his opinion matches yours, is narrow viewed and insulting to everyone else who works on the show.And by the way, plenty of the actors playing characters who were written as lgbtq were not in on that element of the character, not all, but many. So if you think that any character who isnt blatently stated to be queer is automaticly straight, thats literally in your imagination. Do I think it will ever be canonicly stated that Dean is bisexual? No, probably not, but I do believe there are people involved in making this show who are knowingly creating that subtext. I dont care if you agree on that or not, again, I'm just asking that you dont tell people that they're delusional for having an opinion on the show you dont consider true. Notice that I'm not trying to make you ship anything or even agree with my interpretation, I'm just trying to get you to see that its not as simple as "Deans straight, Jensen said so and everything else is meaningless".
@rattraining9491 7 жыл бұрын
Ok but i love this
@sarahlambent 10 жыл бұрын
The crowd in the back is absolutely feebleminded.
@sarahlambent 10 жыл бұрын
***** No, because it is impolite when an actor talks at convention for the crowd to scream "Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" like a cow with аccent that I really don't wish to comment while Jensen Ackles didn't even finish to speak. If you are intelligent and you respect the actor's opinion clapping is enought. Maybe you're personally offended by my comment? Is it that you're the person that shouted Thank yooooooooooooooo like a fat italian cow? Sorry if you are this idiot. :)
@sarahlambent 10 жыл бұрын
***** No, I said shouting, not clapping. About the Destiel thing I also think destiel shippers at cons asking for it over and over again and being pushy may be annoying for the cast and extremely disturbing. But I also feel what they do they think it's normal because they feel somehow mislead by the show. To be honest I don't understand the whole "this kind of questions make Jensen uncomfortable" drama. I respect him as an actor and like his work. But I think he must understand that no one is doupting that he is man enough. He should have come clear from the start stating there is no such thing as Destiel and people are crazy for shipping it instead of creating tension and shying the theme like a child. If you're a man honey, you have nothing to be afraid of say what you think. Also for the writers not to loose fans they continue the charade of the infamous "wait and see if it can happen" and Destiel fans feel even more decieved and betrayed. I think all cast members including Misha and Jensen along the producers and the writers must sit on the table and say once and for all what they think about the problem. Because Jensen says one thing and then Misha says other (even if he appears to be joking he is always in that state of homourous mood). I like Jensen. He's sexy, he's fun and adorable. I don't blame him for anything. He's a good fellow. I watched him later in that con to make a romantic scene with Misha and I am sure he did it for the fans. Don't think he is homophobe. But he needs to grow up a little bit and act like a man. When you're a man you don't make your voice sound more masculine but you face the problems. There is nothing shameful and uncomfortable about the Destiel questions to ban them.
@joaquimnetto4420 10 жыл бұрын
There is no Destiel! I keep fighting at instagram pages with those stupid pricks about how pyscho they are, and i have never thought about what Jensen and Misha think about it, and man, im glad he hates that! It just makes me like him as an actor and person even more! Jensen, you are awesome!
@SuperUsername147 10 жыл бұрын
If you don't ship destiel then fine, but at least show us "stupid psycho pricks" who do ship it some respect instead of bashing us for something you don't understand.
@jordyshore258 9 жыл бұрын
You are bunch of fucking idiots!
@thebeautyisLP 10 жыл бұрын
I seriously just wanna know what Jensen smells like. He probably smells awesome.
@faithslamelife5109 9 жыл бұрын
I ship the fuck out of destiel but if they dont play it like that they dont play it like that! The fandom needs to take a chill pill. We need to stop bashing on each other for our opinions. Obviously jensen is upset and we need to respect his feelings. But we also need to respect each other, so please no more name calling we aren't grade schoolers.
@evanescence408 10 жыл бұрын
I don't see why people have to hate and get so angry about this omgoodness. I ship Destiel myself but I see nothing wrong with what Jensen said here. He said they don't play the role as if they are secretly in love with each other. okay that's fine. Dean and Cas still obviously have an amazing friendship, they save each others lives, they care for each other and they love each other. I don't care if they are secretly gay for each other or not I like the relationship they have now whether there's more to it or not. and when we want more to it this is why we have fan fiction. and I don't get why people have to hate people who ship Destiel hardcore or not. If we want to see that there is more there then what's the big deal? who are we hurting? We like to fangirl over them, write fan fiction and make art it makes us happy. what's wrong with that? as long as we don't get angry and scream that Destiel is real and force it upon the actors there is nothing wrong with it. calm down people. and enjoy the show however you want. whether that be fangirling over Destiel or not.
@Tilda1033 10 жыл бұрын
The sad thing is that the show was supposed to make Dean and Cas get involved in a romantic relationship, CW was all for it, the writers too but Jensen himself was the one who said no. You can read about this in articles.
@sandycub0903 10 жыл бұрын
Would love it if you could point me in the direct of actual articles that I could read or interviews that I could read/listen that state that the people in charge of the show and at the CW wanted Dean and Cas in a romantic relationship and it didn't happen because Jensen Ackles said no. I follow this show and news about this show enthusiastically and have since before the pilot aired and have not seen actual evidence of this. Would be very interested in reading it.
@satu2302 10 жыл бұрын
Articles? You mean this: - That is not an article, that is one fan obviously making stuff up without any actual sources given. I don't for one second believe the show has ever had any intention of making Destiel happen. Supernatural just isn't that kind of show.
@Renagade2332 10 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry. I could have sworn this show was about brothers.
@martina-dd6vb 8 жыл бұрын
i love how some destiel shippers completely ignore what the writers and jensen say lol. the writers tweeted many times that destiel doesn't exist. eric kripke confirmed that dean is straight. jensen basically he doesn't think dean is bi. and yet destiel shippers are like "no theyre all lying, we are right, doesnt matter that the creator of dean winchester says dean is straight, we are right and hes not." lmao
@albionaselimi3425 8 жыл бұрын
It's all Mishas fault really .he ships it too
@martina-dd6vb 8 жыл бұрын
+I'mLuvin It yeah that's true. I think he's kinda having fun with it. I don't think he realizes that the shippers take seriously everything he says even if he's obviously just messing around. He should stop saying things like "we all know cas and dean are having sex" like wtf? He very well knows it isnt true. so either he wants attention from destiel shippers or he doesnt even realize that people take it seriously. I feel bad for Jensen because he obviously doesn't feel comfortable about this whole shipping thing and because of Misha, the shippers wont leave him alone.
@lovedrreid1 8 жыл бұрын
Shipping two characters doesn't necessarily mean you think they are gay in canon. That's why we have this thing called fanfiction.
@anavictoria3499 8 жыл бұрын
+Mikayla Heiden no, ofc not but some people can't see the difference between a fanfic and canon. Some people genuinely believe Jensen and Misha are in a relationship.
@martina-dd6vb 8 жыл бұрын
+Mikayla Heiden I know that myself. But unfortunately some people seriously believe that Dean and Cas are in a relationship (lol) and they are rude to people who don't ship them. They even send threat messages and tweets to the writers and directors like what the hell? that's not normal
@clearbluesea2 8 жыл бұрын
There is nothing secret to the relationship that Dean and Cas have on screen. It is love. As Jensen put it, they have a "kindred spirit." The fact is, how people see that love is different based on one's openness to gender/sexuality. IMO if Cas was a woman and the script was read exactly the same less people would be questioning whether there was romantic tension and most people would automatically expect there to be sexual tension because of the male/female dynamic. But, Cas is a man and therefore we are pre-set to see the relationship as brotherly. This may very well be what Jensen intended and the writers intended, but it does NOT mean that an audience that is more open to male/male relationships might not interpret the cues differently. I see Destiel and my best friend does not. We have watched the same show since its beginning in Season 1, but we see different things. I'm not going to force my opinion on others. I get that others don't see Destiel, but as someone who does see it as a very real interpretation of the show it is frustrating to know that my interpretation of my all-time favorite show will never get validation.
@gormluaith 8 жыл бұрын
Friendship is a kind of love. I don't know why people need to make everything into couple love.
@heavengoebel3738 8 жыл бұрын
I like Destiel i really do... But i feel like its never going to happen and that makes me sad. I just hate how if everyone in the cast and producers constsntly deny it then why keep making scenes that hint at it (you can at least admit they do hint at it in the show a liitle bit even if you dont think destiel is real) I just wish they wouldnt constantly hint if its not gonna happen its just unfairly teasing all the people who want it to happen... :(
@gormluaith 8 жыл бұрын
One thing is a joke, another is the fact.
@makennag7450 7 жыл бұрын
Heaven Goebel THEY DO hint a lot that it won't happen, Dean has said Cas is his BROTHER his BEST FRIEND
@elizabetholivares3275 7 жыл бұрын
in the end it all comes down to misinterpretation. the writers never actually mean to hint destiel, they're just trying to showcase this familial bond between two people...what they view as a strong, complicated, but ultimately platonic sort of relationship, fans tend to interpret as a romance. I myself don't have anything against destiel shippers for doing that...because everyone is free to their own interpretation, but the content was never MEANT to be perceived that way.
@MsKittyCalico123 5 жыл бұрын
They don’t hunt at it y’all are just delusional to the facts for god sakes and choose to see what you want to see rather than what’s actually happening
@brissallie 10 жыл бұрын
I'm a destiel shipper and I confess I can be a hard one sometimes, but also I understand this is Jensen opinion, and doesn't mean he hates destiel or some people have said "he's homophobic". Please, I think he simply don't see Dean having a romance with Castiel. And please can everybody try to be respectful, by one side non-destiel shippers are saying 'you said it jensen', and by other side destiel shippers are sending dislike comments to jensen; I'm sorry but for me none side is being better than the other one.
@waterbottle7081 10 жыл бұрын
all i want is for the writers to respect the destiel fans and simply say ' we know a lot of people are hoping that cas and deans relationship will develop into something romantic and sexual . however , we do not intend to explore their relationship in this way . '
@Hermione2286 10 жыл бұрын
I did't realise his voice wasn't deep.
@DaruhtheeOfOz 10 жыл бұрын
apparently on mobile i cannot use punctuation appologies
@curlylocks47 8 жыл бұрын
I see the Destiel angle, I don't really ship it, it always seems one degree off, but I completely get the subtext. But I've read the fanfiction and the RPF and quite frankly reading that much detail about me would freak me the fuck out no matter who the other person may be. Maybe Jensen's homophobic or insecure or closeted, but I think it's also fair to say he may have just seen fanart or read fanfiction that creeped him the hell out because there is a ton of graphic stuff out there and I can't imagine being all that comfortable if it were me or my body as inspiration. Fandoms awesome, I love it, but I can see how parts of it might be uncomfortable and intrusive when it's you as the inspiration.
@luthienherondale85 8 жыл бұрын
+Sam Marie Or maybe he just don't like the ship XDD
@frankiehays3638 8 жыл бұрын
+Sam Marie or maybe he doesnt like the fact that everyones saying that his character is gay with castiel when it clearly isnt
@HarryPotterNut101 10 жыл бұрын
I'm a fan of Destiel but honestly how many people would end up being disappointed if they did become canon? people are sooo invested in that ship that it would be just too difficult to do it justice I think, also lets be real here Jensen knows his character better than anyone, he's played him for 9 years. There is nothing wrong with saying that two same sex characters wont become a couple, everyone automatically calls the actors homophobic if they don't support the same sex ships of their characters which is absurd, just because they dont feel like that is the path for their characters doesn't mean they are homophobic, We all still have wonderful scenes with the pair, and thats the beauty of TV shows, is we can interpret it how we want, even if it doesnt become canon if you want to go on thinking they were secretly in love then go for it. At the end of the day its all how you take it. Jensen was honest and polite and tried to make it light-hearted don't hate on him for sharing his opinion
@sarahlambent 10 жыл бұрын
Nothing new. What I personally don't get why are we Destiel fans so hypocritical within our own ranks? We ship them but in front of Jensen when he says there is nothing secret going on between them some girl in the back says "Thank you!" (maybe she was a destiel hater don't know) which is actually really stupid whether or not she ships them. We fans must respect each other. Also we Destiel shippers should not feel ashamed of anything. Oh, the big taboo. Grow up people! Whatever is going on between Dean and Cas is beautiful. It doesn't matter if it is romance or friendship. With all due respect to Jensen it is my personal opinion that he could have handled the question better. It is obvious that he freaks out at the idea of Destiel becoming real on screen. Maybe it's because the way he is but it would be much more natural if he was just a little bit more comfortable. No one is doubting that he is str8 he has wife and he is a father. This is my personal opinion. There are different people. One more thing the show is on the highest ratings now but I think the producers shouldn't just drop the idea of Destiel like that because in the future after some years if God forbid the ratings fall Destiel could save the show and push it back in the top ratings.
@megamozaik 10 жыл бұрын
Destiel shippers can ship Destiel while still being sensible and relising it's not gonna happen in the show. Jensen handled this question very well, so I don't know what video you just watched. He said he thinks the whole Dean and cas thing has gotten a little out of proportion, and it has because some shippers don't know when is when (harassing the writers on Twitter, sending hate to people who don't ship it, ect.). The writers can't "drop" the idea of Destiel because I don't think it was ever seriously considered in the first place. There's (probably) one season left, the ratings are fine, and I don't think it needs the help of any ship (Sastiel, Destiel, Wincest, nothing because the fans are already watching the show).
@dylansearle6063 10 жыл бұрын
What is he talking about in the beginning? When he says "Some of you know what I'm talking about" Do him and Misha Collins not like each other?
@jomoody798 10 жыл бұрын
this hurts... I don't hate him, I adore Jensen, but this hurts anyway... T.T
@tojin 8 жыл бұрын
What did he say around the end of the talk after 'I don't think there's a secret to the relationship, although a lot of people...????'
@Brimoe18 8 жыл бұрын
A lot of people wish their was. But Misha and him don't play to that
@beckylozano7921 10 жыл бұрын
He is literally breaking all our Destiel shipping hearts over here lol :( be a little more gentle about it or joke around like Misha does at least !
@lillith8013 8 жыл бұрын
You can see how awkward and uncomfortable he is :(
@castantb6632 7 жыл бұрын
i feel bad for him,BUT, I do not even ship destiel, I ship wincest (yes, yes, shame on me bla, blah) BUT, I do not know why he is so uncomfortable with the destiel thing, particularly if I do not feel anything for my co star or even we are friends and I know that our characters are not in love or anything, then I do not care and that is all, or is it the destiel shipper are annoying?
@Cat-eu2rc 10 жыл бұрын
To clarify for those confused, Queerbaiting is the process of courting gay viewers/those interested in gay storylines without ever delivering anything of substance. There have been moments where Supernatural has jokingly inserted things deliberately for the sake of shippers, specifically Destiel shippers ("Cas, get out of my ass." "... angel in the firty trenchcoat who's in love with you.") as well as one cancelled scene which showed Cas's 'heaven' as being filled with nude Deans. That's queerbaiting. It's not the focus of the show, the show is never going to deliver a gay storyline between two of its major protagonists and likely never intended to. Thus, for many fans, it doesn't matter. However, the show /does/ engage in queerbaiting from time to time - it wants those ratings, after all - and that's pretty sad. I wonder how long it'll be before one of these cult supernatural shows actually does deliver. Ah well.
@DaruhtheeOfOz 10 жыл бұрын
i'm embarrased for our fandom that this was even blown out of proportion. it makes us ALL look really REALLY dumb... like do what you do in your own time, quit bringing up your ships to the actors/esses. i personally am glad they don't outright say "YEP WE'RE 2 GAY DUDES" because it feels like it takes away from the imagination the fans have (some fanfics have blown me away). just stay passionate about the show, and for Christ's sakes, respect the people on the show, they're doing it for us.
@frankiehays3638 8 жыл бұрын
right dont care if this starts an argument, jensen said him and misha dont play their characters that way, that is a fact, so there you go, no destiel
@lovedrreid1 8 жыл бұрын
Shipping two characters doesn't mean you believe they are actually gay in the show. Maybe read a fandom dictionary.
@lilyjayye2336 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah, shipping is wanting two or more people in a relationship together. "Relationship" meaning anything from romantic to sexual to brotherly or sisterly to maternal and so much more.
@andrewbarchenger2010 8 жыл бұрын
I've just been on a binge fest although I have watched the show live since the pilot first aired. I don't see Destiel or baiting at all. What I DO see is society putting pressure on men to be hyper masculine and never cry unless they want to be seen as being weak and/or gay. The show makes countless gay jokes which just proves my point. Jensen is uncomfortable and that's okay. We don't know him or any of the actors or writers personally. We don't know what they've experienced in life. It would be nice if people would respect him and his personal space at cons. Understandably, the "question" has now been allegedly banned but he's being trashed over it. smh
@melifarias8930 3 жыл бұрын
Watching this in 2020... I have some news for you 😳
@adorabledinosaur330 9 жыл бұрын
Aww.. I'm kinda sad that he doesn't support Destiel. I really wanted it to happen. Maybe there could be an episode where its like one-sided Destiel? I think that'd be pretty cool and kinda cute. Idk. Just my opinion.
@martina-dd6vb 8 жыл бұрын
This show is about Sam and Dean. Nothing like a "destiel episode" will ever exist.
@adorabledinosaur330 8 жыл бұрын
Well yeah, but the destiel would be a side thing
@martina-dd6vb 8 жыл бұрын
I think it would completely ruin the show. Supernatural has never been romantic, it's always been about family. I like Dean and Castiel's friendship (just like Cas and Sam's) and I totally like the idea of Cas being like a brother to the boys. I mean, it's so painfully obvious that Dean is straight that I don't even know how people can ship Destiel. And I'm not trying to be rude so I'm sorry if it sounds like it, I'm just trying to express my opinion.
@sarahzentexas 10 жыл бұрын
Oh y'all, he is so aggressively chewing that gum as he pauses, LOOK AT THAT, you can FEEL his frustration. :( WHAT ELSE CAN HE SAY?? I mean at some point, the writers are gonna have to stop with shit like making Dean's picture everywhere in Metatron's version of Cas's heaven in the finale. I MEAN PLEASE. Why did they even tell us??? (see jared's panel) THESE GUYS FASCINATE ME.
@phoebel3751 10 жыл бұрын
I still don't get why people get upset and argue with each other. It's kinda funny. No matter what you ship or not ship, it's just your own choice. The characters are even not real and sometimes producers or directors will just say something nice to cheer up fans. Don't take those too seriously. Besides, there nothing wrong about what Jensen said. Between Dean and Cas they r more like family, you want to protect and even give your soul.
@AlissaHoang 10 жыл бұрын
People are getting way too obnoxious over this topic. I personally am a Destiel shipper, but I don't think it's right that some of the fans push this topic onto the actors. The actors aren't responsible for our ships, and they are entitled to their own opinions as so we. I also don't think Jensen is homophobic or against gays, he just sees Dean and Cas' relationship a different way. It seems like some of the writers are with Destiel while some aren't; which is why they add that sort of bromance without going too far. And it isn't queerbaiting, it's leaving it open for the audience's own interpretation. People need to understand that. So basically, all the Destiel shippers that are getting butthurt over this need to stop, and everyone else needs to stop bashing on them just for having hurt feelings. Yeah, it is a controversial topic, but enough is *enough* .
@isabelleingleman5562 9 жыл бұрын
Noooo Jensen! DESTIEL 5EVA!!!
@abigail5728 7 жыл бұрын
I think it's fine that Jensen doesn't think of Dean and Cas that way. As long as he doesn't flat out call all Destiel shippers 'crazy', 'stupid' or say that they 'are ruining the show' then that's fine. And I know that Destiel probably won't be proven truly canon on the show. That's fine as well. I'm happy with just having the "fan baiting" as they say. I know that (to some people *Chris Cross in the comment section*), Destiel is just made up by fans too blinded by their need for everyone and everything to be gay to see that there is no sexual tension between Dean and Cas. And I'd have to disagree. And even if it's just used to "tickle our fancy", You have to admit... With all of the "hints", they drop on the show and all the chemistry that Dean and Cas have... If Supernatural wasn't just a show and it was irl, there is not a single doubt in my mind that they would be canon. Without the actors, writers, directors and fans (who are uncomfortable with Destiel), it would happen. Untouched by the influence of other people. Just... Real. I know that it's impossible for someone to do what Dean and Cas have and NOT like each other in real life. Now, I've read some of the comments on here and I just have to say, I care about the show and everyone on it equally. I also want to say that, TwisteBarbie, I believe Misha isn't just, "Messing around with Destiel". He's said he ships it and he's said that "Even though no one talks about it, everyone knows what Dean and Cas' relationship is like. The writers know what they're doing." He ships it and if it wasn't just a show, it would be canon. I probably missed some stuff and I'd be happy to argue about anything you want to. I think I've got enough facts to prove my point. I know you guys posted your comments like two years ago but whatever.
@wickidfreak101 10 жыл бұрын
Ok. Yes it has been said that Dean is straight. But have you forgotten that he is only having to say this because Cas' vessel is a guy. If his vessel was a girl, they would have hooked up in season 4
@littlemothbigwings6765 7 жыл бұрын
I love Jensen and I respect him, everyone has an opinion, it's okay he does not like Destiel. But I do not understand why there are so many fans who hate the fans of Destiel !! Are we actually putting an end to some actor's career? Even Misha is kidding with this!!! I know that Destiel it's impossible, but I can't see where is the problem in shipp Destiel!
@MsKittyCalico123 5 жыл бұрын
Little Moth Big Wings destiel fans are known for being ass holes that’s why people don’t like them they are flat out bullies
@clairef302 8 жыл бұрын
Wow. A lot of you guys really need to grow up. Whether or not you ship Destiel, it's important to respect people who do or don't. If you do? Great. If you don't? Also great. Just don't go telling people what to think. And I'm not just talking to fellow Destiel shippers. I'm talking to everyone here.
@frankiehays3638 8 жыл бұрын
+Claire Winchester right but heres the thing. shippers are fine, but then there are the ones that not only force their on others but also say that it is actually real. jensen said that they dont play it that way therefore they dont.
@clairef302 8 жыл бұрын
+Frankie Hays you have a point, nobody should ever force their beliefs about it onto anybody. So, and this is coming from a non-destiel shipper, they have the right to believe that it's real as long as they don't force it onto more people.
@kalaberga 8 жыл бұрын
As Misha himself once tweeted:"You're not crazy":we're not crazy,we (the fans) didn't create Destiel,it was the writers and the Actors who decided to play their characters like that through the years. There's an undeniable bond/chemistry between Dean&Cas,and also the sexual tension in some scenes was SO SO strong. We did not create all of this,it was them and it's SO annoying when people like Jensen who's the 50% of Destiel denies all of this:what show has he been watching?
@frankiehays3638 8 жыл бұрын
+KalaC you do know he just does that to rally people up? why do you believe him but not jensen? jensen said they dont play it that way. so no destiel. fact.
@gormluaith 8 жыл бұрын
One thing is a joke, another thing is the real facts. And the fact that you people doesn"t care about friendship or love and always need to put passion love couple everywhere, doesn't make it a fact.
@stacymacdonahue2621 7 жыл бұрын
I'm late to the show. I've recently binged all the seasons. Huge Destiel fan. I canNOT see them any other way ... However, they're not canon as a couple. They love and care for one another. Their bond is real... Again, not canon romantically. At least, not yet. Probably not going to happen....The writers need to be aware of the material they give the actors, and the actors need to consider how their portrayals may be interpreted. Fans need to respect the actors and stop asking fanfic questions - Address the actual work they offer. And above all, the fans need to stop fighting with one another. The characters are not real. They are written for entertainment purposes only.
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